  • Baldwin
  • Baldwin
  • Baldwin
  • Baldwin
  • He is a middle-aged, bald man who is wearing an eye scope over his left eye. Baldwin wears the standard Technoid scientist uniform.
  • Baldwin ist ebenso wie Victor Hugenay ein berühmter Kunstdieb, jedoch sind die beiden erbitterte Feinde. Im Fall Das Erbe des Meisterdiebs bedroht er Justus, Peter und Bob aufs Übelste ... Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Männliche Charaktere Kategorie:Verbrecher Kategorie:Kunstdieb
  • Baldwin is The Bald Guy of the group.
  • Werwölfe, Frankreich
  • Baldwin (full name unrevealed) was a member of Little Face Finny's gang. He had a shaved head. Baldwin had been involved with the jewel heist that went awry and resulted in driver Micky Stanley crashing a city bus.
  • Baldwin was a nurse who served on the USS Enterprise-D in the 24th century. In 2370, Baldwin was on duty in sickbay when Lieutenant Reginald Barclay and Commander William T. Riker were being treated. Baldwin worked on a hemotoxin series on Ensign Brooks. (TNG-R: "Genesis" ) This character was mentioned in dialog from off-screen but appeared as one of the nurses in the scene.
  • Baldwin, also known as homo sapiens ubersapiens, a rare sub-species of homo sapiens sapiens of which absolutely nothing is wrong with. Not to be confused with Ubermensch. Ex. "What's wrong with being a Baldwin? NOTHING! LOLOROFLLZOMGO!11!!" Unlike most things haveing to with genetics and stuff, becoming a Baldwin by marriage or adoption is sufficient for inclusion into homo sapiens ubersapiens.
  • Agent Baldwin was a member of the Department of Homeland Security of the United States of America. During an investigation into the unauthorized accessing and uploading of a backdoor program onto the computers of a military industrial complex, he questioned and later arrested SRF contractor Charles Fischer as a terrorist.
  • This character is the main tank for the guild Hand of Justice. He also maintains an alternate retribution build and gear.
  • Baldwin är en kvinnlig Tau'ri. Under 2009 satt hon och hennes manliga kollega Hamilton i samma rum som lång räckvidd kommunikationsenhet och väntade på Överste Young och Camile Wray. Hon bytte plats med Camile så hon tog tillfällig över Wrays kropp ombord på Destiny. (SGU: "Earth") kategori:Homeworld Command personal Kategori:Flygare Kategori: En-gång Universe karaktär Kategori: Tau'ri
  • „Aber, aber! Was meinst du denn mit „selbst hier draußen“, junger Mann? Nur weil wir nicht hausen müssen wie die Sardinen in der Konserve, sind wir noch lange keine Hinterwäldler!“– Hora thumb|BaldwinBaldwin ist ein fiktives Viertel von London, in dem sich in Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft die Midland Road befindet.
  • Baldwin returned alone, where he was killed by the anti-matter creature, but not before activating a distress call that reached the Fourth Doctor. (TV: Planet of Evil)
  • Baldwin är en manlig människa från Dunwyn. Han arbetar för en rik dam som hennes kusk. En dag när han skulle köra damen hem så tog han fel väg vid en korsning. De blev rånade av två tjuvar som stal damens halsband. Men Den röde hämmaren stoppade tjuvarna och överlämnade halsbandet till damen och Baldwin körde vidare på vägen. (GB: "The Crimson Avenger Strikes Again") kategori:Människakategori:En-gång GB karaktär
  • Baldwin was a technician working for Interplanetary Expeditions. In 2261, Baldwin, a junior member of the IPX, was a member of an IPX team lead by Dr. Elizabeth Trent that circumvented Earthgov's embargo of Babylon 5 to study the Thirdspace artifact. Balwin operated Forklift Two during the construction of a light grid and scanner array to aid in the study of the device, under the supervision of shift leader Kuehler.
  • Baldwin was a Human male who operated out of Nym's Base during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
  • Admiral Baldwin was a Starfleet officer who notified Jean-Luc Picard of the Diagoran fever epidemic which hit Oriens Alpha IV. He also warned Picard about the high amount of Romulan activity along the Neutral Zone. Worried that the USS Enterprise-D did not arrive in time, Baldwin hailed the ship, and Picard told him about the contact with the derelict Eunacian ship and their mentioning the Ifd, which Baldwin said he would investigate.
  • Brown
Row 4 info
  • Darkness
Row 1 info
  • 1941-07-22
  • 2370
  • Baldwin
Row 4 title
  • Can Be Found:
Row 2 info
  • Dunwyn
  • *USA:s Flygvapen *Homeworld Command
Row 1 title
  • First Appearance:
  • Baldwin
Row 2 title
  • Known Associates:
  • Hand of Justice
  • Kvinna
  • Man
Row 3 info
Row 3 title
  • Created By:
Box Title
  • Baldwin
location country
  • Insane Squirrels
  • 29
  • Active
  • None
  • Brown
  • Baldwin
  • Criminal
  • fed
  • Admiral Baldwin in Future's Past.
Hair Color
  • blond
  • Don't Guess That Number
location city
  • Castle Hill, New South Wales
Character Name
  • Baldwin
  • None
  • 1928
  • Protection
  • E.M. Baldwin
  • Paladin
  • Baldwin
  • Hamilton
  • Mining
  • Jewelcrafting
Home Planet
  • Mother, Father
  • Planet of Evil
  • Blinding people, Sports,
  • Light tan
  • 13
Eye Color
  • brown
wikipage disambiguates
  • He is a middle-aged, bald man who is wearing an eye scope over his left eye. Baldwin wears the standard Technoid scientist uniform.
  • Baldwin ist ebenso wie Victor Hugenay ein berühmter Kunstdieb, jedoch sind die beiden erbitterte Feinde. Im Fall Das Erbe des Meisterdiebs bedroht er Justus, Peter und Bob aufs Übelste ... Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Männliche Charaktere Kategorie:Verbrecher Kategorie:Kunstdieb
  • Baldwin is The Bald Guy of the group.
  • Werwölfe, Frankreich
  • Baldwin (full name unrevealed) was a member of Little Face Finny's gang. He had a shaved head. Baldwin had been involved with the jewel heist that went awry and resulted in driver Micky Stanley crashing a city bus.
  • Baldwin was a nurse who served on the USS Enterprise-D in the 24th century. In 2370, Baldwin was on duty in sickbay when Lieutenant Reginald Barclay and Commander William T. Riker were being treated. Baldwin worked on a hemotoxin series on Ensign Brooks. (TNG-R: "Genesis" ) This character was mentioned in dialog from off-screen but appeared as one of the nurses in the scene.
  • Baldwin, also known as homo sapiens ubersapiens, a rare sub-species of homo sapiens sapiens of which absolutely nothing is wrong with. Not to be confused with Ubermensch. Ex. "What's wrong with being a Baldwin? NOTHING! LOLOROFLLZOMGO!11!!" Unlike most things haveing to with genetics and stuff, becoming a Baldwin by marriage or adoption is sufficient for inclusion into homo sapiens ubersapiens.
  • Agent Baldwin was a member of the Department of Homeland Security of the United States of America. During an investigation into the unauthorized accessing and uploading of a backdoor program onto the computers of a military industrial complex, he questioned and later arrested SRF contractor Charles Fischer as a terrorist.
  • This character is the main tank for the guild Hand of Justice. He also maintains an alternate retribution build and gear.
  • Baldwin är en kvinnlig Tau'ri. Under 2009 satt hon och hennes manliga kollega Hamilton i samma rum som lång räckvidd kommunikationsenhet och väntade på Överste Young och Camile Wray. Hon bytte plats med Camile så hon tog tillfällig över Wrays kropp ombord på Destiny. (SGU: "Earth") kategori:Homeworld Command personal Kategori:Flygare Kategori: En-gång Universe karaktär Kategori: Tau'ri
  • „Aber, aber! Was meinst du denn mit „selbst hier draußen“, junger Mann? Nur weil wir nicht hausen müssen wie die Sardinen in der Konserve, sind wir noch lange keine Hinterwäldler!“– Hora thumb|BaldwinBaldwin ist ein fiktives Viertel von London, in dem sich in Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft die Midland Road befindet.
  • Baldwin returned alone, where he was killed by the anti-matter creature, but not before activating a distress call that reached the Fourth Doctor. (TV: Planet of Evil)
  • Baldwin är en manlig människa från Dunwyn. Han arbetar för en rik dam som hennes kusk. En dag när han skulle köra damen hem så tog han fel väg vid en korsning. De blev rånade av två tjuvar som stal damens halsband. Men Den röde hämmaren stoppade tjuvarna och överlämnade halsbandet till damen och Baldwin körde vidare på vägen. (GB: "The Crimson Avenger Strikes Again") kategori:Människakategori:En-gång GB karaktär
  • Baldwin was a technician working for Interplanetary Expeditions. In 2261, Baldwin, a junior member of the IPX, was a member of an IPX team lead by Dr. Elizabeth Trent that circumvented Earthgov's embargo of Babylon 5 to study the Thirdspace artifact. Balwin operated Forklift Two during the construction of a light grid and scanner array to aid in the study of the device, under the supervision of shift leader Kuehler.
  • Baldwin was a Human male who operated out of Nym's Base during the time of the Galactic Civil War.
  • Admiral Baldwin was a Starfleet officer who notified Jean-Luc Picard of the Diagoran fever epidemic which hit Oriens Alpha IV. He also warned Picard about the high amount of Romulan activity along the Neutral Zone. Worried that the USS Enterprise-D did not arrive in time, Baldwin hailed the ship, and Picard told him about the contact with the derelict Eunacian ship and their mentioning the Ifd, which Baldwin said he would investigate. It was not long after delivery of the medical supplies when Baldwin again contacted the Enterprise, this time about a distress call from the mining moon of Oriens Gamma IIIB. (TNG video games: Future's Past, Echoes From the Past)
is Enemies of
is Friends of
is wikipage disambiguates of