  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas was a member of the Kitchen Irish who was shot and killed by the Punisher alongside several other mobsters.
  • After the initial shock of Claire's pregnancy, Thomas became enthusiastic about having the child with her. However, he later left Claire several months into her pregnancy after an argument with her. He said that he had thought she was on the pill and insinuated that she got pregnant intentionally. ("Raised by Another")
  • Name: Thomas Color: Blue Number: 1 Occupation: Branch Line Engine
  • The security guard at the Armory in the London Council HQ. He refuses to allow Deckard to have access to the Flamethrowers until he has the code. Upon getting the code, he steps aside. He also received a broadcast saying to not hand the Flamethrowers out freely, that some complain that they spray too far and some that they don't spray far enough.
  • Thomas (ヨーデル, Yo-deru en japonais, Yodel en anglais) est un gorille apparaissant uniquement dans Animal Crossing en Europe. Il est aussi apparu dans Animal Forest, Dōbutsu no Mori + et dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+ qui sont trois jeux sortis seulement au Japon.
  • thomas is an tank engine This page is a candidate for deletion. If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talk:Candidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {{<a href="/mediawiki/Template:Delete" title="Template:Delete">delete</a>}} tag. Remember to check what links here and the page history before deleting.
  • Thomas i Claire mieszkali razem w niewielkim mieszkaniu/studio. Thomas malował obrazy, które próbował sprzedawać. Być może także pracował lub się uczył. Wiadomo jest, że para utrzymywała się z pracy Claire w barze rybnym, w którym zarabiała 5 dolarów na godzinę („Raised by Another”). Mimo niewielkich zarobków Thomas miał zawsze zapas piwa w lodówce. Gdy Claire zaszła w ciążę, przekonał ją, że chce mieć dziecko lecz niedługo potem zmienił zdanie i porzucił ją. Dalsze jego losy są nieznane.
  • Thomas är en manlig Människa från Jorden. Han är pappa till Jennifer och make till Kirlia. Han träffade Kirlia på Jorden som arbetade en förskola lärare och efter ett tag började dem lära känna varandra. Och dem började dejta och efter ett tag så gifte dem sig och fick en dotter som dem döpte till Jennifer som blev den första födda Människa/Jonjan hybriden på Jorden. Han arbetar som en lärare på högstadiet.Kategori:Människa
  • Thomas is labeled as The Goofy Tall Guy in Total Drama Tokyo.
  • Private Thomas was a member of Lieutenant Mike Powell's Ranger squadron, and member of the 1st Ranger Battalion.
  • Thomas kan referere til flere artikler: Kategori:Flerbetydningssider * Thomas Hildring - Nevø av Harald Hildring (2000–2001) * Thomas' leilighet - Leiligheten hans. * Thomas Lauters - Økokrimarbeider (2003) * Thomas Tømmare - Torpedo (2001)
  • right left|100px Rencontre: Ferme des Novices Faction: Les mages du Monastère Métier: Novice Quête: Aider Thomas dans les champs Récompenses de combat et/ou de vol à la tire: * XP+50 * 1xbâton de novice, 1xpotion de mana mineure et 1xeau * Après la quête Aider Thomas dans les champs: 10xmaïs
  • S[ANCTUS] THOMAS D[E] AQVI[NO] San Tommaso d'Aquino di profilo sinistro a mezzo busto, davanti ad un libro aperto, con la penna nella mano destra e con lo sguardo rivolto al cielo.
  • ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ T E A M ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ BOX ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He is engine number 1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor with all the other engines. His best friend is a green saddle tank engine named Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He appears in every episode.
  • Thomas was one of two demons who attempted to free Lucifer from captivity.
  • Hallo, ihr könnt mich einfach Thomas..ich hab nicht wirklich einen Spitznamen. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt. Meine Hobbies sind zum Beispiel Zeichnen und Basketball. Mein Lieblingsfilm ist High School Musical...weil ich es liebe, zu singen. Ich hab 2 Geschwister. Zwei kleine Brüder, einer ist 4 Jahre alt und der zweite 7 Jahre alt. Meine Lieblingsmusiker sind Blumentopf. Mein Lieblingssportler ist Michael Schumacher, obwohl er nicht mehr aktiv ist, find ich ihn einfach toll. Ich hab auch ein Lieblingstier..ein Affe! Ich find Affen einfach lustig. Mein aufregenstes Erlebnis in den Sommerferien war, als ich ins Schwimmbad ging. Es war super.
  • )]]
  • Thomas was Claires vriend, en vader van Aaron. Hij woont in Australië, en is een fan van de Brisbane Broncos ("Glory Years" 1992-2000 poster). Hij is een kunstenaar. Een van zijn schilderijen verschijnt in Charles Widmores kantoor ("Flashes Before Your Eyes"). Na de eerste schok van de zwangerschap wordt hij heel enthousiast over het kind van hem en Claire. Maar, na een paar maanden verlaat hij Claire na een ruzie. Hij zegt dat hij dacht dat ze aan de pil was en insinueerde dat ze probeerde om zwanger te worden.
  • Thomas is the Coven Leader of one of the few remaining Vampire Covens in existence. They are no longer as wealthy and as powerful as they used to be and are not optimistic about a resurgence. He was the lover of the Vampire Elder Amelia and had a son with her named David.
  • THOMAS is will be permanently retired by the end of 2014 and replaced by
  • Thomas ist ein männlicher 08/15-Vorname. Variationen: Tom, Thom, Tomi, Tommi, Tommy, Thomy, Samo, Mota, Tomsen, Thompson.
  • Thomas is a student appearing in Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors.
  • He came to Sodor in 1915, as a station pilot at Vicarstown until 1924-5, at which time he was transferred to Wellsworth following an incident with some trucks. Later that year, after rescuing James from his crash, he was given charge of the Ffarquhar branch line and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. In the Railway Series, additionally he has a special express coach.
  • Thomas is a tank engine. He lives on the island of Sodor. Thomas has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas is cheeky and fussy. He is best friends with Percy.
  • Thomas can be described as a cheeky, fussy little engine. He often gets into scrapes, usually by being over-eager to do things best left to bigger and more sensible engines. But clouds never last long in Thomas' life, and he's soon bustling about again, playing his part in the yard and on his very own branch line, of which he is extremely proud.
  • Captain Thomas is a Kiowa scout pilot. In 2007 during the Korean conflict, he scouted a bridge where General Paik's troops were planting explosives. His craft was shot down by a SAM, and he crashed. Although his copilot did not survive, Thomas was captured. He was subsequently rescued by Captain Scott Mitchell's Ghost Recon team. Their extraction was rerouted to avoid Korean reinforcements, so he and Mitchell had to fight back before their helicopter arrived. Thomas' intelligence was vital to ending the conflict.
  • Thomas is a male bear cub, and friend of Tracy, Joey, Fifi, Tippy, Mimmy and Hello Kitty. He likes trains and swings. Thomas has brown fur with a white muzzle, a red nose, red linings in his ears, and red cheeks. He is barefoot. Thomas wears green pants, a blue shirt (sometimes with yellow sleeves), and a red kerchief around his neck. He likes strawberry shortcake, but doesn't like bell peppers or onions.
  • Thomas the Tank Engine is the most famous engine who is painted blue with red lining. He is a cheeky little engine and tries very hard to be very useful. Thomas is easily identified by his No. 1 and bright blue color. He is the very first train most children start with when collecting Thomas & Friends engines and trains. Thomas is a member of the Steam Team, which includes Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby and Emily.
  • Thomas is a tank engine. He is engine #1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor. He has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas is cheeky and fussy. He is best friends with Percy.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky and fussy engine.
  • Thomas is a character in the Game Boy Advance game, Mother 3. He is the owner of the Thomas Bazaar in Tazmily Village. In Chapter 1 of the game, when a fire breaks out in Sunshine Forest, Thomas comes rushing off to Flint's house, saying that "reckless, nice guys like him are useful in situations like these". In his haste, he accidentally breaks off the doorknob to the house. From that point, he joins Flint's party, though he doesn't aid him much. He leaves the party after he and Flint find Lighter in the burning Sunshine Forest.
  • Thomas is an inventor in G's family. Like G, he cloned himself to make Mista T.
  • Thomas is a wandering level 1 quest giver located at the Cathedral of Light in Cathedral Square, in the human city of Stormwind. See List of Stormwind NPCs.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Thomas is a character from Custom Robo (GameCube). He is first seen fighting with Anthony when Mary asked to go on a date with both of them. After being beaten by Harry and the Hero, the two boys become great friends with each other. His primary robo is Splendor, but he used Criminal once during the Noodle Bowl.
  • Thomas was the brother of Carter, a member of King Richard's personal guard in the Crusades, killed in the Holy Land during events prior to the series, and the reason a misled Carter swore revenge on Robin Hood. He receives brief mention in the episode "Get Carter!".
  • Thomas ist Musiker. Er war mit Sue Birnbaum in einer festen Beziehung. In Folge 445 geht mit seiner Managerin Beatrice für ein halbes Jahr nach Paris, um dort eine Musikkarriere zu starten. Zusehen war er zwischen Folge 440 und 445. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Christopher Kohn.
  • Constable Thomas was a police officer on Noroa who served as a duty incident controller.
  • Thomas was a convict residing in Persephone, where his sole audio diary can be found. Thomas was charged with speaking against Andrew Ryan and his policies, and as a result, was sentenced to the Persephone, where he completely lost hope. What is presumably his corpse can be found lying on a table in the cafeteria next to his audio diary.
  • Thomas ist ein ruhiger und schüchterner Junge, der sich, nachdem seine Mutter von Grasland-Banditen getötet wurde, auf den Weg Richtung Zexen machte, um seinen Vater das erste Mal zu besuchen. Dieser ist der Kopf der Zexen-Handelsgilde und Mitglied im Zexen-Rat. Er machte Thomas zu dem Eigentümer des Schlsoses Budehuc, um Thomas loszuwerden. Unter Thomas Anführung wurde das Budehuc-Schloss zu einem Zentrum für freien Handel und untergrub alle Versuche von Zexen, diesen Handel zu beenden. Während des Krieges diente dieses Schloss außerdem als Unterkunft der Feuer-Bringer-Gruppe. Nach dem Krieg blieb er Besitzer des Schlosses.
  • Thomas - uczestnik konkursów internetowych.
  • Thomas is a cheeky tank engine.
  • Thomas is a kid he is Voiced by Axel Ostlund
  • Thomas is a royal servant to the Kinniku Family.
  • Thomas is a tank engine.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine.
  • Thomas was a Seaman in the United States Navy.
  • Thomas was a tank driver in World in Conflict
  • Thomas was a terran who lived in "The Gutter".
  • Thomas was the husband of Sarah Williams.
  • After crash Thomas speak with Elenora. (New story Part 1) Next Day Thomas speak with Allie about people who disappeared and Thomas say that believe Derek but Allie say that she don't believe. (New story Part 2) Thomas hears how Caroline say that on the Island are other people. (After Him)
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas The Tank Engine Tales. He is engine number 1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor with all the other engines. His best friend is a small, green saddle tank engine named Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He has starred in his own film, The Thomas Movie. Thomas is voiced by Ben Small in the UK, and Martin Sherman in the US.
  • The last surviving Star Maker or "Thomas" as he was affectionately named by a sympathetic soldier, was an immensely powerful but lonely creature that was sent across the Universe to evade the destruction of his home planet and the extinction of his own people. He landed on Earth and was captured by US soldiers and scientists who wanted to dissect the alien and study its ability to harness such power
  • Thomas was a bandit wizard whose corpse can be found in Bleak Falls Barrow. He carries the Note to Thomas. He was attempting to kill a troll in order to prove himself to his fellow bandits, but evidently slipped and fell to his death within the caves. He wears a set of fur armor and depends on his magical abilities rather than physical weapons.
  • Thomas has been playing RuneScape from late 2004 - early 2005, He Currently has 25/26 maxed skills. He is also a twitch livestreamer that tends to stream PvM
  • Thomas is an evil virus who gets attacked frequently, he runs on batteries instead of oil and is very strong. STRENGHT: mighty DIET: oil ENIMIES: no WEAKNESS: cyberfish
  • Thomas es el líder de una de las pocas Covens Vampiras existentes. Ya no son tan ricos y tan poderoso como lo que solía ser y no son optimistas acerca de un resurgimiento. Su hijo es David. Él es interpretado por Charles Dance.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel.
  • Thomas can be described as a cheeky, fussy little engine. He often gets into scrapes, usually by being over-eager to do things best left to bigger and more sensible engines. But clouds never last long in Thomas' life and he's soon bustling about again, playing his part in the yard and on his very own branch line, of which he is extremely proud.
  • Thomas är en manlig Tau'ri och är medlem av USA:s Flygvapen. Han var medlem av Jonathan J. O'Neills trupp när han var en Kapten under ledning av Överste John Michaels. På ett uppdrag att Östtyskland under 1982 för att extrahera en ryska spionen var Michaels dödades. Det var detta uppdrag att Keeper gjorde O'Neill återuppleva när han var fast i virtuell verklighet pod och Teal'c tog rollen som Thomas. (SG1: "The Gamekeeper") kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär kategori:Amerikaner kategori:USA:s Flygvapen personal
  • Thomas es un personaje de la serie de televisión Mortal Kombat: La Conquista interpretado por Alexander Walters.
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Thomas – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • Thomas, (real name Nikolai), was a recurring character in Regular Show. He made his debut in the Season 4 premiere "Exit 9B".
  • He was a child that Guts saved and used as a bait to fight against Rosine's elves.
  • Thomas is a tank engine who lives on the Island of Sodor. He first worked as a station pilot, taking the task of moving coaches and trucks around the yards. He longed to go beyond the station and see the world, and when he proved himself Really Useful, Sir Topham Hatt gave him his very own branch line.
  • Thomas or Tom as he is called mostly is Zander's longest friend he first met him a 2 years of age. Born in Fortree City later at 2 years old he moved to Showtime City (Then Town) and met Zander. Battle record Wins: 278 Losses: 63
  • Thomas is a minor character in Rule of Rose. He is obsessed with toys and trains and is often seen playing with them. Thomas was murdered by Gregory M. Wilson during the orphanage massacre.
  • Thomas, at the time of the second war of heroes, is a young but adept magic user. He is the son of Walter and is one of General Kendal's key commanders. When his father gets sent out on a mission by the Patriarch, Walter puts Thomas in the care of his friend Kendal. He is a very inqusitive individual, and his faith is unyielding. He shows a lot of concern for his father, but is niave to the events going on around him.
  • Thomas is the heart-throb member of boy-band Varsity Fanclub. ("The Boyband Superfan Interrogation")
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas The Tank Engine Tales. He is engine number 1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor with all the other engines. His best friend is a green saddle tank engine named Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is voiced by Ben Small in the UK, and Martin Sherman in the US.
  • Thomas ist ein Charakter aus Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms. Er lebt in Misthallery und ist ein guter Freund von Dr. Clark Triton und Brenda Triton.
  • Thomas was an artist living in Australia and was previously dating Claire Littleton, the two had conceived a child together. Thomas was in love with Claire and had suggested that they proceed with having a child and begin a family together. When responsibility began to weigh down on him, he broke up with Claire as he did not want to face fatherhood.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine. He is a cheeky little engine who often gets into scrapes, usually by being over-eager to do things best left to bigger and more sensible engines. But clouds never last long in Thomas' world and soon he's bustling about again, playing his part in the yard and on his very own branch line. Thomas works hard and he always strives to be a Really Useful Engine.
  • Thomas was a Rogue Telepath associated with Byron's telepaths on Babylon 5.
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine. He is engine #1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor. He has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas is cheeky and fussy. He is best friends with Percy.
  • Thomas wears a red T-shirt, white shorts, and brown sneakers. Other than that, he looks like Jackson. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • This man is a security guard working for MNU. He´s a good friend of Wikus van de Merwe and one of his companions in the massive alien eviction notifications operation. He´s lightly injured by Paul.
  • Thomas is the Tenkai Star of Suikoden III. Despite being under that star, he is not regarded as the main hero of the game like the other preceding and succeeding Tenkai Stars, who are the main heroes of their respective games. Thomas, however, does the gathering of the 108 Stars of Destiny during the game's course inside his castle.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky and fussy engine. Thomas is the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales.
  • Thomas (トムス Tomusu, fan translated as Tom) is a playable character from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. He is a hunter from the village of Lot and a close friend of Barts. He was supposedly drafted into Codha's army as an archer. In the ending, it is revealed that Thomas has seven younger siblings, all of whom he works to provide food for.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky, fussy little engine.
  • Thomas is a supporting character in The Secret Life of the American Teenager, introduced in Season 1.
  • Thomas or Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, is a children's show based on the Railway Series by RW Audry. Characters may vary. * Thomas/Jb Puppets * Thomas/Scraps Tv * Thomas/The White Cat Movie * Thomas/Engie Benjy * Thomas/Cars
  • Thomas (Nikolai) era un personaje principal que hizo su debut en el episodio "Salida 9B" y es el trabajador del parque mas reciente de la serie Un Show Más. Él trabaja como pasante para el parque. Su voz es hecha (en EE.UU) por Roger Craig Smith, y en Latinoamérica es hecha por Luis Leonardo Suárez.
  • The story tells of the midshipmouse Thomas Triton's adventures when he was young. He and his friend Woodget Pipple become embroiled in the hideous schemes of the Scale, the followers of the evil serpent god Sarpedon.
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas The Tank Engine Tales. He is engine number 1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor with all the other engines. His best friend is a saddle tank engine named Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas was also the main star of Thomas The Tank Engine Tales: The Movie. He is voice by Ben Small in the UK, and Martin Sherman in the US.
  • Thomas (トーマス Tōmasu) est un personnage d'Oracle of Ages. left|Thomas, avec la moustacheIl habite une salle au sous-sol de la maison moyenne, à la cité Symétrie. Il souhaite devenir plus fort, pour impressionner les filles, mais il ne sait pas comment s'y prendre. Lors de la quête des échanges, Link peut lui remettre un haltère left|Thomas qui s'entraîne à soulever ses haltèresqu'il a reçu de la part de Mme Yan, en échange de sa fausse moustache. Thomas pourra alors s'entraîner à soulever cet haltère, en plus de celui qu'il a déjà, pour devenir plus costaud.
  • You can find Thomas in HKO in West Stars Plain, north-west of Paris. You will have to walk quite a bit to meet him. He has stuff for you to do and might even offer you a special house, if you are willing to make some boots for him. But it depends on something like chance it seems - not everyone will get a house from him... Thomas is good friends with Hello Kitty. He is known as a rather hasty little bear, but he also often makes everyone laugh with his jokes.
  • A candlemaker in Miiska. At the town meeting he flinches in discomfort when Magiere mentions vampires.
  • Thomas is a guard at Tri-County Hospital on the prison floor.
  • Thomas era el novio de Claire, y padre de Aaron. Vive en Australia, y es seguidor de los Brisbane Broncos ("Glory Years" 1992-2000 poster). Es pintor. Una de sus pinturas aparece en la oficina de Charles Widmore. Después del shock inicial por el embarazo de Claire, se entusiasma de tener un bebé con ella. Sin embargo, unos meses después deja a Claire tras discutir con ella. Él dice que pensaba que ella tomaba la píldora e insinúa que ella quería quedar embarazada.
  • Thomas est le leader de l'une des rares assemblées existantes. Ils ne sont plus aussi riches et aussi puissants qu'ils l'étaient et ne sont pas optimistes quant à une résurgence. Son fils est David.
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine. He is engine #1. Thomas lives on the Island of Sodor. He has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas is cheeky and fussy. He is best friends with Percy.
  • Captain Thomas (トーマス Tommasu?) is regarded as the hero of the seven seas, where all his adventures are told throughout the Gagharv Trilogy.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel.
  • "Thomas", assumed to be a codename, is the name given to a lead character listed in the casting breakdowns for Star Wars Episode VII. He is described as being someone, between the ages of nineteen and twenty-three, who is unsure of himself but has an appreciation for life's absurdities. It is likely, however, that the details are not entirely accurate to whoever the film character ends up being, but rather meant to embody the spirit of the character. Open casting auditions for the character were held in the fall of 2013, in both the United States and United Kingdom.
  • Thomas is a fictional character who appeared in the Hogan's Heroes episode, War Takes a Holiday and was played by William Christopher. He apparently took over the role of fifth member of the group from Carter, who was absent from the episode for unknown reasons.
  • Thomas was an old friend of Elliot Sinclair. He was next to him in his final moments, as he wispered his last words in his ears.
  • Thomas was the man who sacrificed his life to the ravenous vampyres in Morytania so that the young Reinhard Despaard could escape alive after his father was slain.
  • Thomas is a boy who suffers from Tourette's Syndrome, appearing in the episode "Le Petit Tourette". He has not appeared in any other episodes, and presumably attends a different class or different school to the rest of the South Park kids. He was voiced by Matt Stone.
  • He was paged to report to the combat information center over the ship's intercom shortly after the ship encountered the USS Enterprise-C near a temporal rift in 2366. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise" ) This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He is best friends with Percy, and lives on the island of Sodor. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky and fussy little engine. Thomas is voiced by Edward Glen.
  • Hello and welcome to my butthole page! My name is Thomas, also known as Boomkoheadsh. I have been playing Deviouspk for a VERY VERY VERY long time now, about 23 years. I started playing, and never quit because I got myself hooked, sometimes this happens with games and sometimes with gurlz. Then, my gurlz got taken away and I decided to stick to Deviouspk. 6-7 months after that, I got promoted to swagmeister In-game. Hit me up boiz and gurlz if you want a gud tym~!!
  • El nombre Thomas pertenece a los siguientes personajes: * Thomas Crapper: Reportero del Liberty Tree de GTA III. * Thomas Jones: Reportero del Liberty Tree de GTA III. * Thomas Shaw: Reportero del Liberty Tree de GTA III. * Thomas Stewart: Reportero del Liberty Tree de GTA III. * Thomas Vercetti: Protagonista de Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. * Thomas "Tom" Goldberg: Abogado de Grand Theft Auto IV. * Thomas Stubbs III: Politíco de Liberty City, que aparece en GTA IV: TLAD.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky and fussy engine. Thomas is voiced by Edward Glen.
  • Thomas is a cheeky tank engine originating from the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway.
  • Thomas is a minor character in Professor Layton and the Last Specter.
  • Thomas is the #1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel.
  • Thomas, or Tom for short, was a student at Central High School who was involved with a drag race that nearly got his opponent and two other girls killed.
  • Thomas was an elderly worker employed at a waste disposal center next to the Raccoon City Police Department. Thomas was described as being caring and kind to his fellow employees. He was also a professional chess player, loving the game so much, he fashioned his keys into chess pieces, and took to playing matches against his co-workers.
  • Volk Menschen Volk Art Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Allianz Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Sturmwind Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Thomas ist in der Kathedrale des Lichts von Sturmwind zu finden.
  • Thomas made his first appearance on 18 September 2015. He is portrayed by an unknown actor.
  • Thomas is the brother and sidekick of David . He is your average siekick and gamer, but he really isn't into anime and manga like his brother. Just like hm and his brother were born in a small city named Smartsville then moved to a city named Middletown. Him and his brother has a strong frienship since birth and lots in common. They discovered they had powers when they were age 11 they found out they had powers 5 years after their father's death. Thomas also has an enemy named Roger Power who is the brother of Max Power.
  • Thomas era o namorado de Claire e pai biológico de Aaron. Ele vive na Austrália e é fã dos Brisbane Broncos. Ele é pintor. Uma de suas pinturas, estava no escritório de Charles Widmore. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes") Depois do choque inicial da gravidez, ele ficou entusiasmado sobre ter um f ilho com Claire. Porém, ele deixou Claire meses depois de ela estar grávida durante uma briga com ela. Ele disse que ela devia ter tomado anticoncepcionas e engravidou intencionalmente. ("Raised by Another")
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky, fussy little engine. Thomas is voiced by Edward Glen.
  • Thomas è l'ex-ragazzo di Claire e padre di Aaron. Vive in Australia ed è un fan dei Brisbane Broncos ("Glory Years" 1992-2000 poster). È un pittore. Uno dei suoi disegni appare nell'ufficio di Charles Widmore. ("Déjà vu") Dopo lo shock iniziale della gravidanza, diviene molto entusiasta di avere un bambino con Claire. Tuttavia in seguito lascia Claire mentre è ancora incinta dopo un litigio. Dice che ha pensato che stesse prendendo la pillola anticoncezionale e insinua che è voluta rimanere incinta.
  • Name(s): Thomas First Mafia Game: (Era 7) Disney Movie Mafia On MafiaManiac: Yes Favorite Games: ?? * Prefers playing as * Favourite part of Mafia: ?? * Known flaws: ?? * Member of ??
  • Thomas is a kind of Milk, created by combining Dairy Milk, Soy Milk, Rice Milk, and Water.
  • Thomas was a cyborg commander of Desperado Enforcement LLC. His cyborg serial number was 573 52207 2617.
  • Thomas was built in 1913. He is one of 11 E2 Tank Engines to be built, but must be one of the last 6 since he has extended tanks. He was acquired by the North Western Railway in 1915 to help construction of the North Western Railway along with Edward. Modifications to Thomas were made at the Skarloey Railway's Terminus, Crovan's Gate. His dip at the back of the footplate was removed but the front dip remained. He also gained a splasher at the front of his tank, and was also given a wider cab. His safety valve was modded and whistle moved back up to his cab roof. After he built the North Western Railway, he became the Station pilot for Tidmouth.
  • Luego de dar unas alocadas descripciones e información de los hechos sucedidos fue declarado culpable y condenado a cadena perpetua...algo que más tarde se retiraría de su sentencia puesto que se le diagnosticó una enfermedad mental (Esquizofrenia para ser más claros), por lo que se le envió a un manicomio para ser tratado. Sobre su historia.
  • Thomas (Nikolai) era un personaje principal que hizo su debut en el episodio "Salida 9B" y es el trabajador del parque mas reciente de la serie Un Show Más. Él trabaja como pasante para el parque. Su voz es hecha (en EE.UU) por Roger Craig Smith, y en Latinoamérica es hecha por Luis Leonardo Suárez. El Comienza oficialmente su internado, debido a lo sucedido en "Salida 9B". Sin embargo, a él no le habían lavado de cerebro. A pesar de que en el comienzo del episodio afirmó que sólo estaba trabajando ahí por "Créditos Universitarios", después de que el portal se conecta con la Salida 9B, esta es destruida, es decir que decide seguir trabajando en el Parque. Aparecía muy poco en la serie, a principios de la Cuarta Temporada y generalmente sólo hacía cameos. Pero a partir de la Quinta Temporad
  • Thomas ist der Bürgermeister von Mineralstadt (Stadt aus FoMT und MFoMT). In "Harvest Moon DS" kommt er am 02. Tag vorbei und erklärt, dass er von nun an täglich die Versandbox ausleeren wird, da der Mann, der das vorher getan hat, vor Kurzem weggezogen ist. An Feiertagen will er das jedoch nicht tun. Kurz darauf wird er vom Spieler angegriffen, Thomas ist darauf aber vorbereitet und weicht allen Angriffen aus. Was er nicht eingeplant hat, ist der Hund des Protagonisten, der sich gleich auf ihn stürzt. Natürlich hilft der Spieler Thomas, den Hund loszuwerden.
  • Als Thomas auf der Lichtung erwacht, kann er sich an nichts mehr erinnern - nur seinen Vornamen weiß er noch. Die anderen Lichter erklären ihm, wo er sich befindet und dass sie sein Schicksal teilen. Der erste, mit dem sich Thomas wirklich anfreundet, ist der Schwapper Chuck, das jüngste Mitglied der Gruppe. Er spürt schnell, dass er Läufer werden will, ohne zu wissen wieso. Als er bei einem Rundgang an den Gärten vorbeikommt, stellt er fest, dass er den Geruch von „Erde und Grünzeug“ liebt.
  • By speaking with Thomas in tomato form, you can learn about the Prancing Seahorse and its Forbidden Archive. You may also inquire about Ursula, the person responsible for his vegetative state. Mindreading him for 15000 exp reveals: "I hope no one knows I'm a super tomato or they might get it into their heads to eat me!" Agreeing to help him: Eating him: * You receive two stat points. * You'll need to find the three hidden notes to remove the magical barrier from the Forbidden Archives. * If you eat all three of the humans-turned-vegetables, you fail the Seahorse Salad quest.
  • Thomas es el alcalde de Ciudad Mineral.En Harvest moon DS, El se vuelve cartero ya que perdio una batalla de Piedra, Papel y Tijeras. El solo llega en dias festivos y cuando va a recoger todo lo que pones en la caja de envios. Es un poco gruños y grosero. Eso se demostro cuando insulta tu granja al principio,presumiento sobre la granja en Mineral Town. Eventos
  • Made his appearence in ("Concordia"). He is architect who designed Concordia's structure, and is the Chief Engineer. When Marcus was shot by The Fifth Column, he was willing to be Anna's right-hand man, and would assist Anna. In ("Siege") he goes to Kyle Hobbes to give him a device which automatically makes any explosive device within a hundred yards detonate. He later told Anna of Marcus's status and tought Tyler Evans how to fly one of the Visitor Shuttles. ("Birth Pangs")
  • Full name Class Nationality First appearanceSun in Glory (anthology) Master Thomas was one of the greatest battle mages in Urtho's armies during the Mage Wars. In the last days of the war, Thomas, tired of the fighting, asked Urtho to allow him to retire. With the evacuations from around Urtho's Tower begun, Urtho desperately needed skilled leaders to accompany the groups of civilians heading out to distant, unknown lands. He assigned Thomas to one of these groups.
  • Nicht erwähnt wird Prof. Dr. Sir Thomas Ford's tragische Romanze mit Frauke Ludowig, während beide mehrere Schwangerschaftsabbrüche an schwarzen Sklaven durchführten. Das Tragische an der Geschichte war, dass beide nicht wussten, dass der andere in sie verliebt ist, weshalb es eigentlich auch keine Romanze war, sondern nur gegenseitige unbewusste Liebe. Tja. Aus der Beziehung mit Monica Bellucci gingen jedoch zahlreiche Schlaf- und Güterwaggons hervor, die jedoch alle an Kohlsucht starben. Tragisch. Wie auch immer, er lebte mehr oder weniger glücklich mit ihr, bis zum Tag seiner Verschrottung.
  • Thomas était le petit ami de Claire et le père de Aaron. Il vit en Australie. C'est un fan de Brisbane Broncos (Glory Years poster 1992-2000). C'est un artiste peintre. L'une de ses peintures apparaît d'ailleurs dans le bureau de Charles Widmore. (Impression de déjà vu). D'après Richard Malkin, Thomas n'est censé jouer aucun rôle dans la vie d'Aaron. Cela est bien le cas, du moins pour le moment. (La Force du destin)
  • Thomas is a tank engine created by the Reverend W. Awdry in the Railway Series books. His debut appearance was in "Thomas the Tank Engine", published in 1947. He is considered to be the most widely-known fictional locomotive in the world. His closest friends are his coaches Annie and Clarabel. He is also good friends with Percy, (despite a lot of arguments), Toby, Duck, his old friend and mentor Edward.
  • Thomas was an Apostle of Jesus Christ. He is usually paired with Bartholomew, Thaddeus, and Philip as he is believed to have preached the gospel with them in Armenia, India, Mesopotamia, and Persia. He is also called Didymus. When Lazarus died, Jesus was about to go to him. When He told His disciples about Lazarus' death and said He was going to wake him up, Thomas told the disciples that they should go and die with Him.
  • Thomas ist Claires Ex-Freund und der Vater von Aaron. Er lebt in Australien und ist Maler. Thomas ist Fan der Brisbane Broncos (["Glory Years" 1992-2000 poster]). Eines seiner Gemälde ist in Charles Widmores Büro zu erkennen. („“) Nach dem anfänglichen Schock über Claires Schwangerschaft, versichert er Claire, dass die beiden das Baby bekommen können und meint, dass das vielleicht das beste sei, das ihnen passiert wäre. Etwa sieben Monate später wirft er Claire während eines Streits vor, absichtlich schwanger geworden zu sein, und verlässt sie.
  • Thomas(トマス)is a character in Mother 3. He is the father of Nichol and Richie, and husband to Lisa. He is also the local Tazmily Village fireman and proprietor of Thomas's Bazaar. In the opening sequences of the game, Thomas convenes at Flint's house during a forest fire caused by the Pigmask Army, their earliest known exploit of the Nowhere Islands, after which Thomas temporarily joins Flint until the two discover Lighter incapacitated in the burning forest.
  • 1
  • 3
  • 50
  • Above
  • 12
  • Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors
  • *Freedom fighters team *Silver eran
  • *Locust War
  • none
  • Navy Blue
Portrayed By
  • 3
  • 8
  • 14
  • 22
  • 40
  • 50
  • 60
  • 75
  • 90
  • 105
  • 155
  • 168
  • 177
  • 184
  • 194
  • 200
  • è il padre di Aaron Littleton ed è l'ex-ragazzo di Claire
  • Master Garb
  • Claires vriend, Aarons vader
  • Gold Emblem
  • Evasion Ring
  • Gold Emblem / Wind Magic Ring
  • Mâle
  • "Raised by Another"
  • Australia
  • "Welcome to the Hellmouth"
  • Thomas
  • Onbekend
  • Mężczyzna
  • Thomas.jpg
  • Bien
  • Cabra humanoide
Row 4 info
  • Thomas and Gordon
  • Edward Glen
  • Edward Glenn
  • Branch Line Engine
  • LB&SCR E2 class
  • Artysta
  • Brussel
  • Fingerless gloves
  • Luis Leonardo Suárez
  • Estados Unidos: Roger Craig Smith
  • Latinoamérica: Luis Leonardo Suárez
  • DP167
TV Series
  • Daredevil
  • *Bang
  • タクミ Takumi
New Header
  • Thomas Duffy (Earth-616)
  • Marvel Staff
  • Thomas Logan; Thomas Logan from Origin Vol 1 1 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Ryan; Thomas Ryan from Thor Vol 2 6 0001.jpg
  • Thomas RaymondToro; Thomas Raymond from All-New Invaders Vol 1 14 001.jpg
  • Thomas Kaidkin; Thomas Kaidkin Marvel Adventures Spider-Man Vol 2 12.jpg
  • Daniel Thomas RandIron Fist; Iron Fist The Living Weapon Vol 1 10 Textless.jpg
  • Thomas Williams; Thomas Williams What The--! Vol 1 12.jpg
  • Thomas Stuart(Stiletto); Thomas Stuart from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Vol 1 11.jpg
  • Thomas Zircon; Thomas Zircon Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four Vol 1 35.jpg
  • Thomas Lightner(Mysterium); Thomas Lightner Mysterium from Squadron Supreme New World Order Vol 1 1.jpg
  • Benjamin Thomas Jones(Nth Man); Benjamin Thomas Jones 001.png
  • Samuel Thomas WilsonFalcon; All-New Captain America Vol 1 1 Textless.jpg
  • T.T. Thomas; T.T. Thomas from Marvels Comics Group Spider-Man Vol 1 1.jpg
  • Tom Corsi; Thomas Corsi from X-Men Earth's Mutant Heroes Vol 1 1 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Herald; Thomas Herald from Captain America Sam Wilson Vol 1 10 001.jpg
  • Thomas Bannion(Chain Lightning); Thomas Bannion from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 355 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Smythe(Suicide); Thomas Smythe from New Avengers Vol 1 16 001.jpg
  • Thomas Sorenson(Mathemanic); Thomas Sorenson from Avengers The Initiative Vol 1 26 0001.png
  • Phineas Thomas Horton; Phineas_Horton__from_Marvel_Mystery_Handbook_70th_Anniversary_Special_Vol_1_1_0001.png
  • Dai Thomas; Dai Thomas 01 from Captain Britain Vol 2 14 0001.jpg
  • Thomas SamuelsLectronn; Thomas Samuels from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update Vol 1 3 001.jpg
  • Brandon Thomas;
  • Dann Thomas; Dann Thomas.jpg
  • Thomas Casino; Thomas Casino from Punisher Vol 5 14 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Talltrees; Thomas Talltrees from Avengers Vol 1 80 001.png
  • Everett ThomasSynch; Everett Thomas 002.jpg
  • Lloyd Thomas(Captain Prydain); Lloyd Thomas from New Excalibur Vol 1 18 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Adkins; Thomas Adkins from Iron Man Vol 3 51 0001.jpg
  • Gareth Thomas(Red Dragon); Dragonred.png
  • Gordon ThomasTypeface; Typeface.jpg
  • Huw Thomas;
  • Jake Thomas;
  • Jean Thomas; Jean Thomas.png
  • Joel Thomas;
  • John Rhett Thomas;
  • John Thomas; John Thomas .png
  • Josey Thomas; Josey Thomas .jpg
  • Jules St. Thomas; Jules St Thomas 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Sites; C. Thomas Sites from Sgt Fury and his Howling Commandos Vol 1 110 0001.jpg
  • Martin Thomas;
  • Michael Thomas;
  • Nadine Thomas;
  • Roy Thomas; Roy Thomas.jpg
  • Thomas Arn(Chaka); Thomas Arn .jpg
  • Thomas Barichella;
  • Thomas Barrow; Thomas barrow.jpg
  • Thomas Boyd(Psi-Stalker); Thomas Boyd.jpg
  • Thomas Bradley; Thomas Bradley .jpg
  • Thomas Brennan;
  • Thomas Cook; No Image Male.jpg
  • Thomas Davidson; Thomas Davidson .jpg
  • Thomas Derenick;
  • Thomas Dozier; Dozier.JPG
  • Thomas Edison; No Image Male.jpg
  • Thomas Eliot;Thomas Eliot .png
  • Thomas EwingFirefly; Thomas Ewing 616.png
  • Thomas Fink(Hardtime); Thomas Fink .jpg
  • Thomas FireheartPuma; Thomas Fireheart .png
  • Thomas Flannery; Thomas Flannery 001.jpg
  • Thomas Florimonte;
  • Thomas Fogg(Fogg); Thomas Fogg 0002.jpg
  • Thomas Foster(Goliath); Thomas Foster .jpg
  • Thomas Gloucester; Thomas Gloucester .png
  • Thomas Guthrie; Thomas Zebulon Guthrie .jpg
  • Thomas HallowayAngel; Thomas Halloway .png
  • Thomas Haney; Thomas Haney .png
  • Thomas Harper; Thomas Harper .jpg
  • Thomas Heimann; Thomas Heimann AAFES Vol 1 15.jpg
  • Thomas Hunter(Wrath); Thomas Hunter 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Jefferson; Thomas Jefferson .jpg
  • Thomas Kidd;
  • Thomas Labourot;
  • Thomas Lennox; Tom Lennox 01.jpg
  • Thomas Lindmer(Old One); Thomas Lindmer 6.jpg
  • Thomas Magnus; Thomas Magnus .jpg
  • Thomas Marles; Thomas Marles .png
  • Thomas Mason;
  • Thomas Maximoff; Thomas Maximoff .jpg
  • Thomas More; Tom More .png
  • Thomas Nash; Thomas Nash 001.png
  • Thomas Richards; Thomas Richards 001.jpg
  • Thomas Savage(Black Tom Savage); No Image Male.jpg
  • Thomas ShepherdSpeed; Thomas Shepherd .jpg
  • Thomas Virkaitis;
  • Thomas Wilkins(Endotherm); Thomas Wilkins 002.jpg
  • Thomas Wilson; Mr. Wilson .png
  • Thomas Wynn; Thomas Wynn .png
  • W. Morgan Thomas; Bob Powell.jpg
  • Willard Thomas(The Hood); Willard Thomas 001.jpg
  • Thomas Gill; Tom Gill from Alter Ego Vol 1 142 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Tuggs; Thomas Tuggs from Punisher Vol 9 2 0001.png
  • Thomas WilliamsMant; Thomas Williams from X-Force Vol 1 129.png
  • Jay Thomas(Spider-Man); Jay T. Thomas from Marvels Comics Group Spider-Man Vol 1 1.jpg
  • Thomas Thunderhead(Red Wolf); Thomas thunderhead1.jpg
  • Thomas Jenks; Thomas Jenks Ultimates Annual Vol 1 2.jpg
  • Thomas Sawyer; Tom Sawyer from Deadpool Killustrated Vol 1 2 001.png
  • Thomas Aramaki; Thomas Aramaki from Iron Man Hypervelocity Vol 1 5 001.png
  • Thomas Bowman; Thomas Bowman from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 239 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Ward; Thomas Ward from Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 9.png
  • Don Thomas(Blue Streak); Don Thomas from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 16 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Hanson; Thomas Hanson from Fantastic Four Vol 1 285 001.png
  • Thomas Agar; Thomas Agar from Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 87 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Burke; Thomas Burke from Amazing Adventures Vol 1 6 001.png
  • Thomas GideonGlorian; Thomas Gideon appears before the Hulk from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 190.jpg
  • Thomas Hepburn; Thomas Hepburn from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 638 001.png
  • Thomas Rivera; Thomas Rivera from Avengers Annual Vol 1 20 001.png
  • Thomas JonesAlchemy;Thomas Jones from X-Men Legacy Vol 2 13 0001.png
  • Thomas MoreauZealot; Thomas Moreau from Magneto Rex Vol 1 1.png
  • Thomas CassidyBlack Tom Cassidy; Thomas Cassidy .jpg
  • Thomas Smallwood; Thomas Smallwood - Alpha Flight Vol 1 2.jpg
  • Thomas Morgan; Thomas Morgan Ultimate Comics Ultimates Vol 1 5.jpg
  • Thomas Lovejoy(Tommy Lightning); Tommy-lightning.jpg
  • Thomas Greaves(Cleft); Thomas Greaves - Alpha Flight Vol 1 122.jpg
  • Thomas Roberts(Long Tom); Thomas J. Roberts Doc Savage Vol 1 3.jpg
  • Thomas Lawson; Thomas Lawson from Marvel Preview Vol 1 3 0001.jpg
  • Thomas Pyke(Badhand); Thomas Pyke from Motormouth Vol 1 6 001.png
  • Thomas ThompsonTom Thumb; Thomas Thompson from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 20 001.jpg
  • 6.400000
Première Apparition
  • Männlich
  • männlich
  • Rubio
  • Thomas
  • 188
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
Row 1 info
  • Male
  • Blue
  • Thomas the Tank Engine
  • Bleus
  • Sconosciuta
  • -
Debut Manga
  • schilder
  • 1.78
  • Artist
  • Vampiro
  • Thomas
  • Nothing.
  • Nothing.
  • -
  • Civilia kläder
  • 6
  • Vivant
  • Brun
Row 4 title
  • Voice Actor
  • Based on
  • Occupation
  • First Appearance
  • Knife 10 Gold
  • Advanced Fishing Rod 250 Gold
  • Bag 20 Gold
  • Great Fishing Rod 500 Gold
  • Haubergeon 800 Gold
  • Leather Gauntlets 100 Gold
  • Leather Headgear 50 Gold
  • Leather Shoes 300 Gold
  • Open Face Burgonet 1000 Gold
  • Primitive Fishing Rod 100 Gold
  • Short Sword 500 Gold
  • Studded Leggings 500 Gold
  • Wooden Buckler 100 Gold
  • 29
  • -
  • Aaron Littleton - syn
  • 129.231000
  • Single
  • No voiced dialogue
  • *Jonjaner *Människa
  • Trabajador de Parque
  • Inconnu
  • Marrón claro
Row 2 info
  • 1
  • Blue
  • None
  • Marrón claro
  • 0
Row 1 title
  • Color
  • Gender
  • Name
  • 23
  • Desconocida
  • Desconocido
  • Musiker
  • Schlossbesitzer
  • Azul
  • 6
  • 242
Row 5 info
  • Ben Small Martin Sherman
  • 10
  • Masculino
  • Spellbook 150 gp
  • Inkwell 8 gp
  • Scroll 5 gp
  • Spellbook 150 gp
  • Black Book 15 gp
  • Brown Book 15 gp
  • Document 12 gp
  • Grey Small Book 15 gp
  • Parchment 8 gp
  • Black Book 15 gp
  • Brown Book 15 gp
  • Document 12 gp
  • Grey Small Book 15 gp
  • Inkwell 8 gp
  • Parchment 8 gp
  • Scroll 5 gp
  • Valentine's Card 30 gp
  • Valentine's Card 30 gp
Row 2 title
  • Color
  • Number
  • 4
  • To be announced
  • Brun
  • 1
Manga Debut
  • Chapter 98 - Conviction Arc
  • Aaron Littleton - Sohn
  • *Kirlia *Jennifer
  • Conqueror
  • Broadsword
  • Vambrace
  • Iron Helmet
  • File:BowgunTRS.gifBowgun
  • Fire Blade
  • Banded Mail
  • Boiled Leather
  • Falcon Eye
  • Half Pike
  • Night Shiv
  • Stealth Apparel
  • Steelarang
Only appearance
  • 460
Terre Natale
  • None
  • 7
  • 20
Row 5 title
  • Performer
  • Desconocido
  • 188
  • Man
Row 3 info
  • Male
  • Branch Line Engine
  • Sometimes described as a cheeky and fussy engine, Thomas proudly travels his very own branch line with his faithful coaches Annie and Clarabel.
  • 18
  • Blonds
  • 168
Row 3 title
  • Gender
  • Bio
  • Occupation
  • 1
  • 124.960000
  • Thomas
Robo of choice
  • Primary: Splendor
  • Secondary: Criminal
Commander License
  • N/A
Game Series
  • 2015-11-02
  • Demons
  • Armors
  • Bows
  • Clothes
  • Daggers
  • Guns
  • Projectiles
  • Spears
  • Swords
  • Gauntlets
  • Vests
  • Helmets
  • Humanoid
Box Title
  • Thomas the Tank Engine
  • Thomas
Latest Appearance
  • Thomas
  • 5544
  • 5546
  • 5554
  • 65766
  • LS
  • K3354 Complete Thomas Collection
  • Mentioned in "The Gamekeeper"
  • Blade
  • Guard
  • Merchant
  • Student
  • Shopkeeper
  • Shopkeeper
  • Shopkeeper
  • Sailor, Adventurer
  • Thomas
Birth Date
  • 1995
  • Blue
  • brown
  • Thomas
  • ca. 16
  • Thomas
  • After Him
  • David
  • 9
  • 15
  • 17
  • 23
  • 26
  • Child
  • unbekannt
  • Desconhecida
  • Pintor
Voiced by
  • ???
  • 20
  • Sword
  • Master's Sword
  • Old Sword
  • Well-Kept Sword
  • AB
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Unknown
  • Levend
  • Muerto
  • Unborn
  • Żyje
  • Inventing
  • Lebend
  • Vivo
  • am Leben
  • Vivo
  • Possible twin
  • 1
  • Thomas_Artwork.jpg
  • Thomas_Artwork_Compare.jpg
  • "Le Petit Tourette"
  • Brown fur; White muzzle; Red nose; Red ear linings; Red cheeks; Barefoot; Green pants; Blue shirt ; Red kerchief around neck
First Appearance
  • Líder de Coven
  • Brussel MIVB.JPG
  • Interceptors
  • 461
  • Minor Character
  • none
  • Wooden Shoes
  • Medicine D x6
  • Sydney, Australia
  • None
  • Blonde
  • Blond
  • Brown
  • brown
  • Navy Blue
  • Thomas
  • Tom
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • "Thomas"
  • Master Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Thomas
  • Character
  • gem
  • g m
  • 60
  • 100
  • 250
  • Home Schooled
  • 25
  • Tōma
  • Tomasu
  • Tommasu
  • Thomas
  • Unknown Alive In New House
  • Thomas
  • An Interceptor whose indigen-busting missions are proving too tall an order.
  • New story
  • Resident Evil 2
  • Sun in Glory
  • New story Part 1
  • Male
Hair Color
  • Blonde
  • Brown
  • Sinnoh
  • 3
  • Były chłopak Claire, ojciec Aarona.
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Paresseux
behavioral alignment
  • Good
  • If Image width < 250px:
ultima aparicion
  • 1
  • Robin Jarvis
  • Robin Jarvis
  • Leonid Gore
  • Wind Hat / Flame Casque
  • Old Tunic
Character Name
  • Thomas
  • Prince Thomas
  • Thomas
  • 3
  • black
  • 200
  • Décédé
  • California
  • 200
  • 250
  • 300
  • Claire's ex-boyfriend, Aaron's father
  • Claires Ex-Freund, Aarons Vater
  • Namorado de Claire, pai de Aaron
  • Novio de Claire
  • Padre de Aaron
Appears In
  • Mother 3
  • 189
  • Tom
  • -
  • Tommy
  • Frischling
  • Neuling
  • Proband A-2
  • Stephen
  • Thomas - Nicolas
  • Thomas, Ziggy Stardust, Mr. Carpenter
  • 20
  • 6
Voice Actor
  • None
  • トーマ
  • Desconocido
  • 2.300000
  • 160.0
  • 11
  • T
  • Squire
  • Thomas
  • Coven Leader
  • Thomas
  • Altar Boy
  • Teaching the Student Teacher!
  • The Mischievous Prince
  • Thomas
  • Thomas lijn55.jpg
  • show
  • 2015
  • Thomas.jpg‎
  • Tomas
  • left
  • right
  • 15
  • Unknown
  • see [[#Awards
death date
  • 2018
  • Guadalajara, Mexico
Image size
  • 250
  • 15
  • #efefef
Real Name
  • Thomas
  • Father Lowma, unnamed mother
  • Thomas
  • Fanart
  • Gallery
  • Thomas
  • -
  • See Vampire
  • 1994
  • --04-20
  • Thomas
  • Thomas the Train Thomas the Tank Engine
  • September 1998
  • Tri-County Hospital
  • Thomas
  • 2005
  • Russia
  • Unknown
  • The Park
  • Sanrio_Characters_Thomas_Image001.png
  • Thomas
  • * Clark Triton * Brenda Triton * Luke Triton
  • Map 7: Liberation of the Capital
  • Deals in Books and Documents.
  • Deals in Books and Documents.
  • Deals in Books and Documents.
  • Part of Richard's Hammer Quest
Last Appearance
  • "Making Up Is Hard To Do"
  • No voiced dialogue
  • Peintre
  • Maler
  • Visitor Chief Engineer, Former acting Visitor Second-in-Command
  • Aspiring painter
  • Pintor
  • Un Show Más
  • 250
  • Personaje_Secundario_-_Thomas.png
  • Student
  • Common
  • Good
  • Great
  • Flawless
  • Muerto
  • Vivo
  • Soltero
  • Gray
  • Tan
  • Commander
  • Soldier
  • Student/resident at Rose Garden Orphanage
  • Window Cleaner
  • Russian Spy
  • *Disciple of Jesus Christ *Apostle of Jesus Christ
  • Disposal centre employee
  • Navy Official
  • Park Intern
  • Travel agency manager
  • 4982
  • Ovoidale
  • Dogs, smoking, wine, urinals
Home Planet
  • David
  • Amelia
  • unknown
  • Jim
  • Unnamed Uncle
  • Aaron Littleton - Filho
  • Aaron Littleton - Son
  • Parents, Sister
  • Carolynn
  • Claire Littleton - Ex-girlfriend
  • 30
  • Stormwind
  • Edron
Introduced by
  • Thomas Wagner
  • a member of the Survey Corps
  • 4
  • Skateboarding, water polo, doing the Bartman
  • Leader de son Assemblée
  • Een BN PCC tram op lijn 55
  • Thomas
  • the 104th Training Corps member
  • 15
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Sydney, Australien
  • Sydney, Austrália
  • Unknown
  • Daytime
Eye Color
  • Blue
Image File
  • File:Thomas.png
  • à compléter
  • Good
  • Depends on your choice as Kendal
  • Knight/Captain
  • • Castle Master
  • Images of Theresa Shephard
  • Keir O'Donnell como Thomas.
  • GA: 13
  • Scott Lawrence
  • トーマス
  • "And then, I thought... Why do people have to hate each other simply because of where they born? Isn't there some way for us all to just get along?"
  • Nikolai
  • #
  • 1995
  • 750017457
  • -
  • 3
  • Unknown
  • Paintings by Thomas
  • A comparison between Thomas' paintings and the mural
  • Comparison of the painting from Thomas' studio. (Left: ) (Right:)
  • Culthan
  • East Gate
  • Club Penguin Island
  • Bersia
  • Edron, Ivory Towers
  • Cathedral of Light, Stormwind
  • Edron, Ivory Towers
  • Edron, Ivory Towers three floors up in the western tower
  • 50
  • 100
wikipage disambiguates
  • Trasversale
  • Player
  • Aspirante pittore
  • 3.100000
  • Bronzo
  • Claire
  • Keir O'Donnell
  • 26
  • -
  • Tommy
  • Sconosciuto
  • 248
  • Inconnu
  • Kim Hasper
Primera Aparicion
  • XVIII secolo
  • -
  • Petit ami de Claire
  • Père de Aaron
  • 188
  • Underworld: Awakening
  • Sydney, Australië
  • Sammie
  • y
  • Thomas was a member of the Kitchen Irish who was shot and killed by the Punisher alongside several other mobsters.
  • Thomas was built in 1913. He is one of 11 E2 Tank Engines to be built, but must be one of the last 6 since he has extended tanks. He was acquired by the North Western Railway in 1915 to help construction of the North Western Railway along with Edward. Modifications to Thomas were made at the Skarloey Railway's Terminus, Crovan's Gate. His dip at the back of the footplate was removed but the front dip remained. He also gained a splasher at the front of his tank, and was also given a wider cab. His safety valve was modded and whistle moved back up to his cab roof. After he built the North Western Railway, he became the Station pilot for Tidmouth. After Thomas acted cheeky to Gordon one day in 1922, Gordon decided to pay him out by pulling him away before he had been uncoupled from his coaches. Thomas was pulled across Sodor at high speed and afterwards resolved to never tease Gordon again, but this brief excursion beyond his boundaries seemed to give him a desire to see more of the world and be part of it. In 1923, Thomas was given charge of Henry's morning train after he fell ill, but forgot to be coupled and only stopped when a signalman told him that he had no train. Thomas' real first chance at pulling a train came when Edward offered to shunt coaches while Thomas took a goods train for him to Wellsworth, but the trucks got up to their tricks and pushed him down Gordon's Hill; Thomas narrowly avoided a collision with the buffers. After this incident, Thomas was permanently transferred to Wellsworth to learn the ways of the goods yards. After James came rushing through one day and crashed into a field, Thomas came to his aid and The Fat Controller, satisfied with Thomas' work, gave him charge of a branchline. In 1931, Thomas had his famous race with Bertie on his newline, as well as getting stuck in the snow; leaving his guard behind; and getting fish inside his water tanks. Thomas was asked by the Fat Controller to run the mainline with Edward while the big engines went on strike. Henry finally got his revenge on Thomas by beating him to the junction, with the help of his new Welsh coal. Thomas was not cross, but instead impressed by Henry's newfound power. In 1950, Thomas had a brush with the law after he was booked for traveling from Anopha Quarry without cowcatchers or sideplates. The matter was resolved when Toby came to Sodor to help on the branchline. In 1952, Thomas teased Gordon relentlessly about his incident with the ditch. He later went to an abandoned lead mine for some trucks and foolishly ignored a danger sign, causing him to fall into a mine tunnel. Gordon pulled him out, and the 2 formed an alliance. Thomas later asked the Fat Controller if Gordon could be forgiven, and was chosen to shunt coaches for the other engines. He was personally thanked by Queen Elizabeth II. As Thomas was busy in 1956, he asked Percy to take the children home from Sunday School. In 1957, Thomas warned Percy not to stray past the board at the harbour, citing his experience falling down the mine as a warning. Thomas later attended a meeting with the other engines, learning he and the others were going to England. While teaching his temporary replacement, Toby, how to run his branchline, he boasted about his famous race and crashed into some buffers, denting his front end badly. He was repaired in time, and breathlessly arrived at Knapford just before the others left for England. It is revealed Thomas takes a special coach from the express every afternoon for passengers traveling on his branchline in 1959. In 1960, Thomas had a collision with the Ffarquhar stationmaster's house and was sent to be repaired and rebuilt. One of the major differences in Thomas' body upon his return was his valence, which was now flat, like James and Edward, instead of curving down, as it previously did. This build gave him larger tanks, a deeper coal bunker, and a straight footplate as opposed to his sloped one. Thomas was withdrawn in September 1962. In 1962, Thomas befriended Stepney during his visit to Sodor. Stepney worked on his branch-line during his stay. In 1970, Thomas teased Percy about his ghost train, but was later spooked when Percy, covered in lime, attempted to gain entry into the Ffarquhar Sheds. In 1983, Thomas helps the police when he sees the thieves, who stole some valuables from the Stationmaster. Also, after being cheeky to Gordon, Thomas was given the task of pulling the Express along with Duck and Percy while Gordon and Henry were ill. In 1985, Thomas and Percy began a quarrel after Thomas became covered in coal dust, which became more serious as time went on. Finally, Thomas apologized after Percy helped him after he punctured his water tank and the 2 became friends again. In 1988, Thomas was sent to Edward's branchline whilst the bridges on his own line were under repair. In 1990, Thomas was invited to a railway show in York. The trip was shaky, with Thomas colliding with a crossing gate and later being booked for parking after the lorry he was traveling on parked illegally. Matters were compounded after Thomas frightened a small child while stopping for a bag carelessly thrown onto the line, but Thomas made up for his misdemeanors by saving Green Arrow from a dip in a river, and was rewarded by being made an honorary member of the National Railway Museum and was given a commemorative plaque. For some reason, Thomas does not bear this plaque anywhere visible on his body. Thomas arrives home from York in the last story, and is greeted with a celebration. In 1993, Thomas befriends Wilbert upon his arriving on the branchline. In 1995, Thomas derails after running over track weakened by rabbit burrows. In 1998, Thomas spotted an old coach called Victoria who was run down and unused, and suggested that she be mended to help Toby. After an overhaul at the Works, she became part of "Toby's Vintage Train".
  • After the initial shock of Claire's pregnancy, Thomas became enthusiastic about having the child with her. However, he later left Claire several months into her pregnancy after an argument with her. He said that he had thought she was on the pill and insinuated that she got pregnant intentionally. ("Raised by Another")
  • Name: Thomas Color: Blue Number: 1 Occupation: Branch Line Engine
  • The security guard at the Armory in the London Council HQ. He refuses to allow Deckard to have access to the Flamethrowers until he has the code. Upon getting the code, he steps aside. He also received a broadcast saying to not hand the Flamethrowers out freely, that some complain that they spray too far and some that they don't spray far enough.
  • Thomas (ヨーデル, Yo-deru en japonais, Yodel en anglais) est un gorille apparaissant uniquement dans Animal Crossing en Europe. Il est aussi apparu dans Animal Forest, Dōbutsu no Mori + et dans Dōbutsu no Mori e+ qui sont trois jeux sortis seulement au Japon.
  • thomas is an tank engine This page is a candidate for deletion. If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talk:Candidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {{<a href="/mediawiki/Template:Delete" title="Template:Delete">delete</a>}} tag. Remember to check what links here and the page history before deleting.
  • Thomas i Claire mieszkali razem w niewielkim mieszkaniu/studio. Thomas malował obrazy, które próbował sprzedawać. Być może także pracował lub się uczył. Wiadomo jest, że para utrzymywała się z pracy Claire w barze rybnym, w którym zarabiała 5 dolarów na godzinę („Raised by Another”). Mimo niewielkich zarobków Thomas miał zawsze zapas piwa w lodówce. Gdy Claire zaszła w ciążę, przekonał ją, że chce mieć dziecko lecz niedługo potem zmienił zdanie i porzucił ją. Dalsze jego losy są nieznane.
  • Thomas ist der Bürgermeister von Mineralstadt (Stadt aus FoMT und MFoMT). In "Harvest Moon DS" kommt er am 02. Tag vorbei und erklärt, dass er von nun an täglich die Versandbox ausleeren wird, da der Mann, der das vorher getan hat, vor Kurzem weggezogen ist. An Feiertagen will er das jedoch nicht tun. Kurz darauf wird er vom Spieler angegriffen, Thomas ist darauf aber vorbereitet und weicht allen Angriffen aus. Was er nicht eingeplant hat, ist der Hund des Protagonisten, der sich gleich auf ihn stürzt. Natürlich hilft der Spieler Thomas, den Hund loszuwerden. Ansonsten gibt es noch die "Winterbitte", bei der Thomas einen Gegenstand verlangt. Bringt man ihm diesen, bekommt man ein Geschenk von ihm, sowie einen Erntewichtel, der sich auch gleich mit Thomas anlegt. Der Streit wird allerdings geklärt und alles ist wieder gut. Thomas kommt jeden Tag (außer eben an Feiertagen) um 04:30 pm auf die Farm, und verschwindet um 05:10 pm wieder.
  • Thomas är en manlig Människa från Jorden. Han är pappa till Jennifer och make till Kirlia. Han träffade Kirlia på Jorden som arbetade en förskola lärare och efter ett tag började dem lära känna varandra. Och dem började dejta och efter ett tag så gifte dem sig och fick en dotter som dem döpte till Jennifer som blev den första födda Människa/Jonjan hybriden på Jorden. Han arbetar som en lärare på högstadiet.Kategori:Människa
  • Thomas is labeled as The Goofy Tall Guy in Total Drama Tokyo.
  • Thomas(トマス)is a character in Mother 3. He is the father of Nichol and Richie, and husband to Lisa. He is also the local Tazmily Village fireman and proprietor of Thomas's Bazaar. In the opening sequences of the game, Thomas convenes at Flint's house during a forest fire caused by the Pigmask Army, their earliest known exploit of the Nowhere Islands, after which Thomas temporarily joins Flint until the two discover Lighter incapacitated in the burning forest. Thomas' predecessor, in terms of combat, is said to be Pokey Minch from EarthBound. This is because Pokey Minch makes no attempt to help Ness, but instead, performs useless actions as Thomas does on the duration of the battle.
  • Thomas ist Claires Ex-Freund und der Vater von Aaron. Er lebt in Australien und ist Maler. Thomas ist Fan der Brisbane Broncos (["Glory Years" 1992-2000 poster]). Eines seiner Gemälde ist in Charles Widmores Büro zu erkennen. („“) Nach dem anfänglichen Schock über Claires Schwangerschaft, versichert er Claire, dass die beiden das Baby bekommen können und meint, dass das vielleicht das beste sei, das ihnen passiert wäre. Etwa sieben Monate später wirft er Claire während eines Streits vor, absichtlich schwanger geworden zu sein, und verlässt sie. Claire Littleton Dargestellt von Emilie de Ravin
  • Private Thomas was a member of Lieutenant Mike Powell's Ranger squadron, and member of the 1st Ranger Battalion.
  • Als Thomas auf der Lichtung erwacht, kann er sich an nichts mehr erinnern - nur seinen Vornamen weiß er noch. Die anderen Lichter erklären ihm, wo er sich befindet und dass sie sein Schicksal teilen. Der erste, mit dem sich Thomas wirklich anfreundet, ist der Schwapper Chuck, das jüngste Mitglied der Gruppe. Er spürt schnell, dass er Läufer werden will, ohne zu wissen wieso. Als er bei einem Rundgang an den Gärten vorbeikommt, stellt er fest, dass er den Geruch von „Erde und Grünzeug“ liebt. Als Teresa zu der Gruppe stößt, hat Thomas sofort das Gefühl, sie zu kennen, hält das jedoch zunächst vor der Gruppe geheim. Wie er später erschreckt feststellt, besitzt Teresa die Fähigkeit, mit ihm über eine Art Telepathie zu kommunizieren. Newt ist der einzige, der dies aufgrund Thomas' erschreckten Verhaltens mitbekommt. An dem Abend, an dem es Minho und Alby nicht rechtzeitig aus dem Labyrinth schaffen und sich die Mauern schon schließen, möchte Thomas zu ihnen rennen und ihnen helfen, doch die anderen Lichter sagen ihm, dass es zu spät sei. Minho zieht Alby hinter sich her, weil dieser von einem Griewer gestochen und ohnmächtig geworden war. Im letzten Moment wagt Thomas die Schritte ins Labyrinth und die Wände schließen sich hinter ihm. Minho ist wütend, dass Thomas nicht auf der Lichtung geblieben war, weil er nun sein eigenes Leben geopfert hätte. Schließlich rennt Minho weg und lässt Thomas und Alby alleine zurück. Thomas hört die Geräusche eines Griewers. Doch er möchte Alby nicht einfach so zurücklassen und beschließt, ihn an den Efeulianen an der Mauer hochzuziehen.
  • Thomas kan referere til flere artikler: Kategori:Flerbetydningssider * Thomas Hildring - Nevø av Harald Hildring (2000–2001) * Thomas' leilighet - Leiligheten hans. * Thomas Lauters - Økokrimarbeider (2003) * Thomas Tømmare - Torpedo (2001)
  • right left|100px Rencontre: Ferme des Novices Faction: Les mages du Monastère Métier: Novice Quête: Aider Thomas dans les champs Récompenses de combat et/ou de vol à la tire: * XP+50 * 1xbâton de novice, 1xpotion de mana mineure et 1xeau * Après la quête Aider Thomas dans les champs: 10xmaïs
  • S[ANCTUS] THOMAS D[E] AQVI[NO] San Tommaso d'Aquino di profilo sinistro a mezzo busto, davanti ad un libro aperto, con la penna nella mano destra e con lo sguardo rivolto al cielo.
  • ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ T E A M ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ BOX ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰ ⊱▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⊰
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He is engine number 1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor with all the other engines. His best friend is a green saddle tank engine named Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He appears in every episode.
  • Thomas was one of two demons who attempted to free Lucifer from captivity.
  • Hallo, ihr könnt mich einfach Thomas..ich hab nicht wirklich einen Spitznamen. Ich bin 14 Jahre alt. Meine Hobbies sind zum Beispiel Zeichnen und Basketball. Mein Lieblingsfilm ist High School Musical...weil ich es liebe, zu singen. Ich hab 2 Geschwister. Zwei kleine Brüder, einer ist 4 Jahre alt und der zweite 7 Jahre alt. Meine Lieblingsmusiker sind Blumentopf. Mein Lieblingssportler ist Michael Schumacher, obwohl er nicht mehr aktiv ist, find ich ihn einfach toll. Ich hab auch ein Lieblingstier..ein Affe! Ich find Affen einfach lustig. Mein aufregenstes Erlebnis in den Sommerferien war, als ich ins Schwimmbad ging. Es war super.
  • )]]
  • Thomas was Claires vriend, en vader van Aaron. Hij woont in Australië, en is een fan van de Brisbane Broncos ("Glory Years" 1992-2000 poster). Hij is een kunstenaar. Een van zijn schilderijen verschijnt in Charles Widmores kantoor ("Flashes Before Your Eyes"). Na de eerste schok van de zwangerschap wordt hij heel enthousiast over het kind van hem en Claire. Maar, na een paar maanden verlaat hij Claire na een ruzie. Hij zegt dat hij dacht dat ze aan de pil was en insinueerde dat ze probeerde om zwanger te worden.
  • Thomas is the Coven Leader of one of the few remaining Vampire Covens in existence. They are no longer as wealthy and as powerful as they used to be and are not optimistic about a resurgence. He was the lover of the Vampire Elder Amelia and had a son with her named David.
  • THOMAS is will be permanently retired by the end of 2014 and replaced by
  • Thomas ist ein männlicher 08/15-Vorname. Variationen: Tom, Thom, Tomi, Tommi, Tommy, Thomy, Samo, Mota, Tomsen, Thompson.
  • Thomas is a student appearing in Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors.
  • He came to Sodor in 1915, as a station pilot at Vicarstown until 1924-5, at which time he was transferred to Wellsworth following an incident with some trucks. Later that year, after rescuing James from his crash, he was given charge of the Ffarquhar branch line and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. In the Railway Series, additionally he has a special express coach.
  • Thomas is a tank engine. He lives on the island of Sodor. Thomas has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas is cheeky and fussy. He is best friends with Percy.
  • Thomas can be described as a cheeky, fussy little engine. He often gets into scrapes, usually by being over-eager to do things best left to bigger and more sensible engines. But clouds never last long in Thomas' life, and he's soon bustling about again, playing his part in the yard and on his very own branch line, of which he is extremely proud.
  • Captain Thomas is a Kiowa scout pilot. In 2007 during the Korean conflict, he scouted a bridge where General Paik's troops were planting explosives. His craft was shot down by a SAM, and he crashed. Although his copilot did not survive, Thomas was captured. He was subsequently rescued by Captain Scott Mitchell's Ghost Recon team. Their extraction was rerouted to avoid Korean reinforcements, so he and Mitchell had to fight back before their helicopter arrived. Thomas' intelligence was vital to ending the conflict.
  • Thomas is a male bear cub, and friend of Tracy, Joey, Fifi, Tippy, Mimmy and Hello Kitty. He likes trains and swings. Thomas has brown fur with a white muzzle, a red nose, red linings in his ears, and red cheeks. He is barefoot. Thomas wears green pants, a blue shirt (sometimes with yellow sleeves), and a red kerchief around his neck. He likes strawberry shortcake, but doesn't like bell peppers or onions.
  • Thomas the Tank Engine is the most famous engine who is painted blue with red lining. He is a cheeky little engine and tries very hard to be very useful. Thomas is easily identified by his No. 1 and bright blue color. He is the very first train most children start with when collecting Thomas & Friends engines and trains. Thomas is a member of the Steam Team, which includes Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby and Emily.
  • Thomas is a tank engine. He is engine #1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor. He has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas is cheeky and fussy. He is best friends with Percy.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky and fussy engine.
  • Thomas is a character in the Game Boy Advance game, Mother 3. He is the owner of the Thomas Bazaar in Tazmily Village. In Chapter 1 of the game, when a fire breaks out in Sunshine Forest, Thomas comes rushing off to Flint's house, saying that "reckless, nice guys like him are useful in situations like these". In his haste, he accidentally breaks off the doorknob to the house. From that point, he joins Flint's party, though he doesn't aid him much. He leaves the party after he and Flint find Lighter in the burning Sunshine Forest.
  • By speaking with Thomas in tomato form, you can learn about the Prancing Seahorse and its Forbidden Archive. You may also inquire about Ursula, the person responsible for his vegetative state. Mindreading him for 15000 exp reveals: "I hope no one knows I'm a super tomato or they might get it into their heads to eat me!" Agreeing to help him: * You obtain the password to Thomas's room at the Prancing Seahorse. This allows you to pull one of three levers needed to remove the magical barrier from the Forbidden Archives, and open the chest in his room (containing random loot). * When turned human again, you'll receive minor quest rewards for the "Thomas the Tomato" sub-quest of Seahorse Salad and he'll give you a Skill Book. Eating him: * You receive two stat points. * You'll need to find the three hidden notes to remove the magical barrier from the Forbidden Archives. * If you eat all three of the humans-turned-vegetables, you fail the Seahorse Salad quest.
  • Thomas is an inventor in G's family. Like G, he cloned himself to make Mista T.
  • Made his appearence in ("Concordia"). He is architect who designed Concordia's structure, and is the Chief Engineer. When Marcus was shot by The Fifth Column, he was willing to be Anna's right-hand man, and would assist Anna. In ("Siege") he goes to Kyle Hobbes to give him a device which automatically makes any explosive device within a hundred yards detonate. He later told Anna of Marcus's status and tought Tyler Evans how to fly one of the Visitor Shuttles. ("Birth Pangs") He then questioned how Anna would deal with a child that wasn't hers, she said that all Ryan's daughter knows is that she was in pain and Anna healed her. He also accompined Anna to see the deal with the live aboards and even told Anna of their plan with Concordia. ("Uneasy Lies the Head") He acompined Anna to earth for her announcement and told Anna that the Blue Energy Reactor was complete. ("Devil in a Blue Dress") He warned Anna not to go down to Earth but failed. He was then ordered to deploy Anna's best tracker, Visitor Tracker (Mother's Day) , and witnessed the death of Diana.("Mother's Day")
  • Thomas is a wandering level 1 quest giver located at the Cathedral of Light in Cathedral Square, in the human city of Stormwind. See List of Stormwind NPCs.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Thomas is a character from Custom Robo (GameCube). He is first seen fighting with Anthony when Mary asked to go on a date with both of them. After being beaten by Harry and the Hero, the two boys become great friends with each other. His primary robo is Splendor, but he used Criminal once during the Noodle Bowl.
  • Thomas was the brother of Carter, a member of King Richard's personal guard in the Crusades, killed in the Holy Land during events prior to the series, and the reason a misled Carter swore revenge on Robin Hood. He receives brief mention in the episode "Get Carter!".
  • Thomas ist Musiker. Er war mit Sue Birnbaum in einer festen Beziehung. In Folge 445 geht mit seiner Managerin Beatrice für ein halbes Jahr nach Paris, um dort eine Musikkarriere zu starten. Zusehen war er zwischen Folge 440 und 445. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Christopher Kohn.
  • Constable Thomas was a police officer on Noroa who served as a duty incident controller.
  • Thomas was a convict residing in Persephone, where his sole audio diary can be found. Thomas was charged with speaking against Andrew Ryan and his policies, and as a result, was sentenced to the Persephone, where he completely lost hope. What is presumably his corpse can be found lying on a table in the cafeteria next to his audio diary.
  • Thomas ist ein ruhiger und schüchterner Junge, der sich, nachdem seine Mutter von Grasland-Banditen getötet wurde, auf den Weg Richtung Zexen machte, um seinen Vater das erste Mal zu besuchen. Dieser ist der Kopf der Zexen-Handelsgilde und Mitglied im Zexen-Rat. Er machte Thomas zu dem Eigentümer des Schlsoses Budehuc, um Thomas loszuwerden. Unter Thomas Anführung wurde das Budehuc-Schloss zu einem Zentrum für freien Handel und untergrub alle Versuche von Zexen, diesen Handel zu beenden. Während des Krieges diente dieses Schloss außerdem als Unterkunft der Feuer-Bringer-Gruppe. Nach dem Krieg blieb er Besitzer des Schlosses.
  • Thomas - uczestnik konkursów internetowych.
  • Thomas is a cheeky tank engine.
  • Thomas is a kid he is Voiced by Axel Ostlund
  • Thomas is a royal servant to the Kinniku Family.
  • Thomas is a tank engine.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine.
  • Thomas was a Seaman in the United States Navy.
  • Thomas was a tank driver in World in Conflict
  • Thomas was a terran who lived in "The Gutter".
  • Thomas was the husband of Sarah Williams.
  • After crash Thomas speak with Elenora. (New story Part 1) Next Day Thomas speak with Allie about people who disappeared and Thomas say that believe Derek but Allie say that she don't believe. (New story Part 2) Thomas hears how Caroline say that on the Island are other people. (After Him)
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas The Tank Engine Tales. He is engine number 1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor with all the other engines. His best friend is a small, green saddle tank engine named Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He has starred in his own film, The Thomas Movie. Thomas is voiced by Ben Small in the UK, and Martin Sherman in the US.
  • The last surviving Star Maker or "Thomas" as he was affectionately named by a sympathetic soldier, was an immensely powerful but lonely creature that was sent across the Universe to evade the destruction of his home planet and the extinction of his own people. He landed on Earth and was captured by US soldiers and scientists who wanted to dissect the alien and study its ability to harness such power
  • Thomas (Nikolai) era un personaje principal que hizo su debut en el episodio "Salida 9B" y es el trabajador del parque mas reciente de la serie Un Show Más. Él trabaja como pasante para el parque. Su voz es hecha (en EE.UU) por Roger Craig Smith, y en Latinoamérica es hecha por Luis Leonardo Suárez. El Comienza oficialmente su internado, debido a lo sucedido en "Salida 9B". Sin embargo, a él no le habían lavado de cerebro. A pesar de que en el comienzo del episodio afirmó que sólo estaba trabajando ahí por "Créditos Universitarios", después de que el portal se conecta con la Salida 9B, esta es destruida, es decir que decide seguir trabajando en el Parque. Aparecía muy poco en la serie, a principios de la Cuarta Temporada y generalmente sólo hacía cameos. Pero a partir de la Quinta Temporada, está empezando a aparecer más tiempo.
  • Thomas was a bandit wizard whose corpse can be found in Bleak Falls Barrow. He carries the Note to Thomas. He was attempting to kill a troll in order to prove himself to his fellow bandits, but evidently slipped and fell to his death within the caves. He wears a set of fur armor and depends on his magical abilities rather than physical weapons.
  • Thomas has been playing RuneScape from late 2004 - early 2005, He Currently has 25/26 maxed skills. He is also a twitch livestreamer that tends to stream PvM
  • Thomas is an evil virus who gets attacked frequently, he runs on batteries instead of oil and is very strong. STRENGHT: mighty DIET: oil ENIMIES: no WEAKNESS: cyberfish
  • Thomas es el líder de una de las pocas Covens Vampiras existentes. Ya no son tan ricos y tan poderoso como lo que solía ser y no son optimistas acerca de un resurgimiento. Su hijo es David. Él es interpretado por Charles Dance.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel.
  • Thomas can be described as a cheeky, fussy little engine. He often gets into scrapes, usually by being over-eager to do things best left to bigger and more sensible engines. But clouds never last long in Thomas' life and he's soon bustling about again, playing his part in the yard and on his very own branch line, of which he is extremely proud.
  • Thomas är en manlig Tau'ri och är medlem av USA:s Flygvapen. Han var medlem av Jonathan J. O'Neills trupp när han var en Kapten under ledning av Överste John Michaels. På ett uppdrag att Östtyskland under 1982 för att extrahera en ryska spionen var Michaels dödades. Det var detta uppdrag att Keeper gjorde O'Neill återuppleva när han var fast i virtuell verklighet pod och Teal'c tog rollen som Thomas. (SG1: "The Gamekeeper") kategori:Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär kategori:Amerikaner kategori:USA:s Flygvapen personal
  • Thomas es un personaje de la serie de televisión Mortal Kombat: La Conquista interpretado por Alexander Walters.
  • Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategorii Thomas – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • Thomas, (real name Nikolai), was a recurring character in Regular Show. He made his debut in the Season 4 premiere "Exit 9B".
  • Thomas es el alcalde de Ciudad Mineral.En Harvest moon DS, El se vuelve cartero ya que perdio una batalla de Piedra, Papel y Tijeras. El solo llega en dias festivos y cuando va a recoger todo lo que pones en la caja de envios. Es un poco gruños y grosero. Eso se demostro cuando insulta tu granja al principio,presumiento sobre la granja en Mineral Town. Eventos * En 02 de Invierno, habra un evento con Thomas,donde debemos conseguirle un objeto especial para el,ya que hizo una apuesta con otro alcalde,y la granja de Mineral Town se nego a ayudarlo.Si le das lo que quiere,la primera vez,te dara una unidad de Madera dorada,y ademas aparecera un lider de los Duendes de la cosecha.
  • He was a child that Guts saved and used as a bait to fight against Rosine's elves.
  • Thomas is a tank engine who lives on the Island of Sodor. He first worked as a station pilot, taking the task of moving coaches and trucks around the yards. He longed to go beyond the station and see the world, and when he proved himself Really Useful, Sir Topham Hatt gave him his very own branch line.
  • Thomas or Tom as he is called mostly is Zander's longest friend he first met him a 2 years of age. Born in Fortree City later at 2 years old he moved to Showtime City (Then Town) and met Zander. Battle record Wins: 278 Losses: 63
  • Thomas is a minor character in Rule of Rose. He is obsessed with toys and trains and is often seen playing with them. Thomas was murdered by Gregory M. Wilson during the orphanage massacre.
  • Thomas, at the time of the second war of heroes, is a young but adept magic user. He is the son of Walter and is one of General Kendal's key commanders. When his father gets sent out on a mission by the Patriarch, Walter puts Thomas in the care of his friend Kendal. He is a very inqusitive individual, and his faith is unyielding. He shows a lot of concern for his father, but is niave to the events going on around him.
  • Thomas is the heart-throb member of boy-band Varsity Fanclub. ("The Boyband Superfan Interrogation")
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas The Tank Engine Tales. He is engine number 1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor with all the other engines. His best friend is a green saddle tank engine named Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is voiced by Ben Small in the UK, and Martin Sherman in the US.
  • Thomas ist ein Charakter aus Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms. Er lebt in Misthallery und ist ein guter Freund von Dr. Clark Triton und Brenda Triton.
  • Thomas was an artist living in Australia and was previously dating Claire Littleton, the two had conceived a child together. Thomas was in love with Claire and had suggested that they proceed with having a child and begin a family together. When responsibility began to weigh down on him, he broke up with Claire as he did not want to face fatherhood.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine. He is a cheeky little engine who often gets into scrapes, usually by being over-eager to do things best left to bigger and more sensible engines. But clouds never last long in Thomas' world and soon he's bustling about again, playing his part in the yard and on his very own branch line. Thomas works hard and he always strives to be a Really Useful Engine.
  • Thomas was a Rogue Telepath associated with Byron's telepaths on Babylon 5.
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine. He is engine #1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor. He has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas is cheeky and fussy. He is best friends with Percy.
  • Thomas wears a red T-shirt, white shorts, and brown sneakers. Other than that, he looks like Jackson. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • This man is a security guard working for MNU. He´s a good friend of Wikus van de Merwe and one of his companions in the massive alien eviction notifications operation. He´s lightly injured by Paul.
  • Thomas is the Tenkai Star of Suikoden III. Despite being under that star, he is not regarded as the main hero of the game like the other preceding and succeeding Tenkai Stars, who are the main heroes of their respective games. Thomas, however, does the gathering of the 108 Stars of Destiny during the game's course inside his castle.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky and fussy engine. Thomas is the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales.
  • Thomas (トムス Tomusu, fan translated as Tom) is a playable character from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. He is a hunter from the village of Lot and a close friend of Barts. He was supposedly drafted into Codha's army as an archer. In the ending, it is revealed that Thomas has seven younger siblings, all of whom he works to provide food for.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky, fussy little engine.
  • Thomas is a supporting character in The Secret Life of the American Teenager, introduced in Season 1.
  • Thomas or Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends, is a children's show based on the Railway Series by RW Audry. Characters may vary. * Thomas/Jb Puppets * Thomas/Scraps Tv * Thomas/The White Cat Movie * Thomas/Engie Benjy * Thomas/Cars
  • Thomas (Nikolai) era un personaje principal que hizo su debut en el episodio "Salida 9B" y es el trabajador del parque mas reciente de la serie Un Show Más. Él trabaja como pasante para el parque. Su voz es hecha (en EE.UU) por Roger Craig Smith, y en Latinoamérica es hecha por Luis Leonardo Suárez.
  • The story tells of the midshipmouse Thomas Triton's adventures when he was young. He and his friend Woodget Pipple become embroiled in the hideous schemes of the Scale, the followers of the evil serpent god Sarpedon.
  • Full name Class Nationality First appearanceSun in Glory (anthology) Master Thomas was one of the greatest battle mages in Urtho's armies during the Mage Wars. In the last days of the war, Thomas, tired of the fighting, asked Urtho to allow him to retire. With the evacuations from around Urtho's Tower begun, Urtho desperately needed skilled leaders to accompany the groups of civilians heading out to distant, unknown lands. He assigned Thomas to one of these groups. Thomas' apprentice, Errold, chose to accompany him and was an invaluable resource on the trip. While Thomas was a master of the greater magics, Errold's talents were confined to small spells, something that proved most useful after the Mage Storms disrupted magic throughout Velgarth, making the greater magics all but impossible. Thomas and Errold got the people safely through the wilderness, finally establishing the village of Errold's Grove. In recognition of his hard work and leadership, the people named the village stream for Master Thomas.
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas The Tank Engine Tales. He is engine number 1. Thomas lives on the island of Sodor with all the other engines. His best friend is a saddle tank engine named Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas was also the main star of Thomas The Tank Engine Tales: The Movie. He is voice by Ben Small in the UK, and Martin Sherman in the US.
  • Thomas (トーマス Tōmasu) est un personnage d'Oracle of Ages. left|Thomas, avec la moustacheIl habite une salle au sous-sol de la maison moyenne, à la cité Symétrie. Il souhaite devenir plus fort, pour impressionner les filles, mais il ne sait pas comment s'y prendre. Lors de la quête des échanges, Link peut lui remettre un haltère left|Thomas qui s'entraîne à soulever ses haltèresqu'il a reçu de la part de Mme Yan, en échange de sa fausse moustache. Thomas pourra alors s'entraîner à soulever cet haltère, en plus de celui qu'il a déjà, pour devenir plus costaud.
  • You can find Thomas in HKO in West Stars Plain, north-west of Paris. You will have to walk quite a bit to meet him. He has stuff for you to do and might even offer you a special house, if you are willing to make some boots for him. But it depends on something like chance it seems - not everyone will get a house from him... Thomas is good friends with Hello Kitty. He is known as a rather hasty little bear, but he also often makes everyone laugh with his jokes.
  • A candlemaker in Miiska. At the town meeting he flinches in discomfort when Magiere mentions vampires.
  • Thomas is a guard at Tri-County Hospital on the prison floor.
  • Thomas era el novio de Claire, y padre de Aaron. Vive en Australia, y es seguidor de los Brisbane Broncos ("Glory Years" 1992-2000 poster). Es pintor. Una de sus pinturas aparece en la oficina de Charles Widmore. Después del shock inicial por el embarazo de Claire, se entusiasma de tener un bebé con ella. Sin embargo, unos meses después deja a Claire tras discutir con ella. Él dice que pensaba que ella tomaba la píldora e insinúa que ella quería quedar embarazada.
  • Thomas est le leader de l'une des rares assemblées existantes. Ils ne sont plus aussi riches et aussi puissants qu'ils l'étaient et ne sont pas optimistes quant à une résurgence. Son fils est David.
  • Thomas is a blue tank engine. He is engine #1. Thomas lives on the Island of Sodor. He has a branch line and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. Thomas is cheeky and fussy. He is best friends with Percy.
  • Captain Thomas (トーマス Tommasu?) is regarded as the hero of the seven seas, where all his adventures are told throughout the Gagharv Trilogy.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel.
  • "Thomas", assumed to be a codename, is the name given to a lead character listed in the casting breakdowns for Star Wars Episode VII. He is described as being someone, between the ages of nineteen and twenty-three, who is unsure of himself but has an appreciation for life's absurdities. It is likely, however, that the details are not entirely accurate to whoever the film character ends up being, but rather meant to embody the spirit of the character. Open casting auditions for the character were held in the fall of 2013, in both the United States and United Kingdom.
  • Thomas is a fictional character who appeared in the Hogan's Heroes episode, War Takes a Holiday and was played by William Christopher. He apparently took over the role of fifth member of the group from Carter, who was absent from the episode for unknown reasons.
  • Thomas was an old friend of Elliot Sinclair. He was next to him in his final moments, as he wispered his last words in his ears.
  • Thomas was the man who sacrificed his life to the ravenous vampyres in Morytania so that the young Reinhard Despaard could escape alive after his father was slain.
  • Thomas is a boy who suffers from Tourette's Syndrome, appearing in the episode "Le Petit Tourette". He has not appeared in any other episodes, and presumably attends a different class or different school to the rest of the South Park kids. He was voiced by Matt Stone.
  • He was paged to report to the combat information center over the ship's intercom shortly after the ship encountered the USS Enterprise-C near a temporal rift in 2366. (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise" ) This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He is best friends with Percy, and lives on the island of Sodor. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky and fussy little engine. Thomas is voiced by Edward Glen.
  • Hello and welcome to my butthole page! My name is Thomas, also known as Boomkoheadsh. I have been playing Deviouspk for a VERY VERY VERY long time now, about 23 years. I started playing, and never quit because I got myself hooked, sometimes this happens with games and sometimes with gurlz. Then, my gurlz got taken away and I decided to stick to Deviouspk. 6-7 months after that, I got promoted to swagmeister In-game. Hit me up boiz and gurlz if you want a gud tym~!!
  • El nombre Thomas pertenece a los siguientes personajes: * Thomas Crapper: Reportero del Liberty Tree de GTA III. * Thomas Jones: Reportero del Liberty Tree de GTA III. * Thomas Shaw: Reportero del Liberty Tree de GTA III. * Thomas Stewart: Reportero del Liberty Tree de GTA III. * Thomas Vercetti: Protagonista de Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. * Thomas "Tom" Goldberg: Abogado de Grand Theft Auto IV. * Thomas Stubbs III: Politíco de Liberty City, que aparece en GTA IV: TLAD.
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky and fussy engine. Thomas is voiced by Edward Glen.
  • Thomas is a cheeky tank engine originating from the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway.
  • Thomas is a minor character in Professor Layton and the Last Specter.
  • Thomas is the #1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel.
  • Thomas is a tank engine created by the Reverend W. Awdry in the Railway Series books. His debut appearance was in "Thomas the Tank Engine", published in 1947. He is considered to be the most widely-known fictional locomotive in the world. When he first appeared, he was a station pilot that shunted coaches and trucks for the bigger engines. He longed for more important jobs, such as pulling the Express, but his inexperience prevented this. He was switched to Edward's station after an incident with some trucks, and eventually rescued James after his wooden brake blocks prevented him from stopping, and the Fat Controller (then known as the Fat Director) decided that he was ready for his own branch line, running from Tidmouth to Ffarquhar. He has remained in charge of this line ever since. His closest friends are his coaches Annie and Clarabel. He is also good friends with Percy, (despite a lot of arguments), Toby, Duck, his old friend and mentor Edward. In the Railway Series, he has generally been depicted with a cheeky and even self-important personality. He believes that he should be more respected by the others, and gets annoyed when he does not receive this respect. Luckily, Percy and Toby are more than capable of standing up to him, and Annie and Clarabel often rebuke him. He is aware of his fame in the real world, and following a visit to the National Railway Museum at York he became an honourary member of the National Collection, joining such legendary locomotives as the LNER Class A4 4468 Mallard, the GWR 3700 Class 3440 City of Truro and Stephenson's Rocket The Thomas of the early stories looks a little different from the one shown in later ones. Following the events of the story "Thomas Comes to Breakfast", in which Thomas crashed into the Ffarquhar stationmaster's house, his front end was rebuilt without the dip in his footplate. He has kept this ever since, except in Christopher Awdry's first Railway Series book, "Really Useful Engines". Thomas has been the source of some friction between Christopher Awdry and his publishers, who repeatedly asked for more books centred around the character. Although Thomas was the most popular character in the books, both the Rev. W. and Christopher Awdry had always treated the characters in the books as an ensemble, and so before the television series was released there had only been two books named after Thomas ("Thomas the Tank Engine" and "Tank Engine Thomas Again"). After the debut of the television series, there were six more ("More About Thomas the Tank Engine", "Thomas and the Twins", "Thomas and the Great Railway Show", "Thomas Comes Home", "Thomas and the Fat Controller's Engines" and "Thomas and Victoria"). Some of these have little relation with Thomas: "Thomas and the Fat Controller's Engines" (the fifteith anniversary volume, originally to be called "The Fat Controller's Engines") features only one story out of the four centred on Thomas, "Rabbits"; while in "Thomas Comes Home", Thomas appears only on the last page, with the rest of the book dealing with Daisy, Toby and Percy while he was away at York.
  • Luego de dar unas alocadas descripciones e información de los hechos sucedidos fue declarado culpable y condenado a cadena perpetua...algo que más tarde se retiraría de su sentencia puesto que se le diagnosticó una enfermedad mental (Esquizofrenia para ser más claros), por lo que se le envió a un manicomio para ser tratado. Sobre su historia. Hay 2 versiones. La primera consiste en que realmente padecía esta enfermedad y aun está en tratamiento, la segunda versión sugiere que Thomas fingió padecer esta enfermedad para que su sentencia fuera retirada y actualmente reside en el manicomio tratando de escapar para vengar la muerte de su querido hermano a manos de Mary.
  • Thomas, or Tom for short, was a student at Central High School who was involved with a drag race that nearly got his opponent and two other girls killed.
  • Nicht erwähnt wird Prof. Dr. Sir Thomas Ford's tragische Romanze mit Frauke Ludowig, während beide mehrere Schwangerschaftsabbrüche an schwarzen Sklaven durchführten. Das Tragische an der Geschichte war, dass beide nicht wussten, dass der andere in sie verliebt ist, weshalb es eigentlich auch keine Romanze war, sondern nur gegenseitige unbewusste Liebe. Tja. Aus der Beziehung mit Monica Bellucci gingen jedoch zahlreiche Schlaf- und Güterwaggons hervor, die jedoch alle an Kohlsucht starben. Tragisch. Wie auch immer, er lebte mehr oder weniger glücklich mit ihr, bis zum Tag seiner Verschrottung. In der Serie Thomas und seine Freunde hat er gar keine echten Freunde, sondern imaginäre Lokomotiven. Diese sind ein Produkt seines kranken Geistes und seiner Sucht nach C-Promi-Biographien. Nach mehreren Jahren Therapie wird er jedoch in die Welt mit seinem Psychiater Jerry entlassen. Die beiden beschließen auf ein "Big" Abenteuer zu gehen. Damit beginnt die Serie und erfreut viele Kinder.
  • Thomas was an elderly worker employed at a waste disposal center next to the Raccoon City Police Department. Thomas was described as being caring and kind to his fellow employees. He was also a professional chess player, loving the game so much, he fashioned his keys into chess pieces, and took to playing matches against his co-workers.
  • Volk Menschen Volk Art Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Allianz Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Sturmwind Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Thomas ist in der Kathedrale des Lichts von Sturmwind zu finden.
  • Thomas made his first appearance on 18 September 2015. He is portrayed by an unknown actor.
  • Thomas is the brother and sidekick of David . He is your average siekick and gamer, but he really isn't into anime and manga like his brother. Just like hm and his brother were born in a small city named Smartsville then moved to a city named Middletown. Him and his brother has a strong frienship since birth and lots in common. They discovered they had powers when they were age 11 they found out they had powers 5 years after their father's death. Thomas also has an enemy named Roger Power who is the brother of Max Power.
  • Thomas era o namorado de Claire e pai biológico de Aaron. Ele vive na Austrália e é fã dos Brisbane Broncos. Ele é pintor. Uma de suas pinturas, estava no escritório de Charles Widmore. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes") Depois do choque inicial da gravidez, ele ficou entusiasmado sobre ter um f ilho com Claire. Porém, ele deixou Claire meses depois de ela estar grávida durante uma briga com ela. Ele disse que ela devia ter tomado anticoncepcionas e engravidou intencionalmente. ("Raised by Another")
  • Thomas is the No. 1 blue engine, and the main protagonist of Thomas the Tank Engine Tales. He lives on the island of Sodor, and is best friends with Percy. Thomas also has a branch line, and two passenger coaches named Annie and Clarabel. He is a cheeky, fussy little engine. Thomas is voiced by Edward Glen.
  • Thomas è l'ex-ragazzo di Claire e padre di Aaron. Vive in Australia ed è un fan dei Brisbane Broncos ("Glory Years" 1992-2000 poster). È un pittore. Uno dei suoi disegni appare nell'ufficio di Charles Widmore. ("Déjà vu") Dopo lo shock iniziale della gravidanza, diviene molto entusiasta di avere un bambino con Claire. Tuttavia in seguito lascia Claire mentre è ancora incinta dopo un litigio. Dice che ha pensato che stesse prendendo la pillola anticoncezionale e insinua che è voluta rimanere incinta.
  • Name(s): Thomas First Mafia Game: (Era 7) Disney Movie Mafia On MafiaManiac: Yes Favorite Games: ?? * Prefers playing as * Favourite part of Mafia: ?? * Known flaws: ?? * Member of ??
  • Thomas is a kind of Milk, created by combining Dairy Milk, Soy Milk, Rice Milk, and Water.
  • Thomas was an Apostle of Jesus Christ. He is usually paired with Bartholomew, Thaddeus, and Philip as he is believed to have preached the gospel with them in Armenia, India, Mesopotamia, and Persia. He is also called Didymus. When Lazarus died, Jesus was about to go to him. When He told His disciples about Lazarus' death and said He was going to wake him up, Thomas told the disciples that they should go and die with Him. Thomas doubted that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead. Jesus had appeared to the disciples when Thomas wasn't with them. When they told him about Jesus, he said he wouldn't believe unless he touch the nail wounds in Jesus' hands and the spear wound in His side. A week after he said that, Jesus appeared to the disciples again when Thomas was with them. Jesus told him to touch his hands and side and to stop doubting and to believe.
  • Thomas était le petit ami de Claire et le père de Aaron. Il vit en Australie. C'est un fan de Brisbane Broncos (Glory Years poster 1992-2000). C'est un artiste peintre. L'une de ses peintures apparaît d'ailleurs dans le bureau de Charles Widmore. (Impression de déjà vu). Après le choc de l'annonce de la grossesse de Claire, il devint finalement très enthousiaste et la persuada de garder l'enfant. Mais quelques mois plus tard, il annonça à Claire qu'il ne voulait plus de cet enfant et insinua même qu'elle avait fait exprès de tomber enceinte. Puis il s'en alla laissant Claire seule face à sa grossesse. D'après Richard Malkin, Thomas n'est censé jouer aucun rôle dans la vie d'Aaron. Cela est bien le cas, du moins pour le moment. (La Force du destin)
  • Thomas was a cyborg commander of Desperado Enforcement LLC. His cyborg serial number was 573 52207 2617.
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