  • O'Neil
  • O'Neil
  • O'Neil
  • O'Neil
  • O'Neil
  • O'Neil was an officer in the UNSC Navy. He was the Chief Medical Officer aboard the UNSC Spirit of Fire. After the Battle of Shield 0459, O'Neil suggested that all infected corpses should be burned, a suggestion that was not well-received by the rest of the crew. Despite this, the corpses were burned. O'Neil made note of this in his log. O'Neil and other medical officials mistook the Flood infection as a virus, and not a parasitic lifeform.
  • O'Neil är en manlig Tau'ri. Hans (förnamn är okänd) och är en Överste, i USA:s Flygvapen, som, enligt Jack O'Neill, hade ingen sinne för humor. (SG1: "Secrets")
  • Doctor O'Neil was a character cut from Aliens early in its production. In the final film, his role and dialogue was assigned to Carter Burke, although unlike Burke, O'Neil notably never left Gateway Station (known as "Earth Satellite Station Beta" the original treatment) and did not accompany the Colonial Marines to LV-426.
  • O'Neil was a Colonel, possibly in the United States Air Force, who, according to Colonel Jack O'Neill, had no sense of humor. (SG1: "Secrets")
  • thumb|Lt. O'Neil (2268) thumb|Sulu und O'Neil auf Beta III (2267) Lieutenant O'Neil dient während der ersten Fünf-Jahres-Mission an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) unter dem Kommando von Captain Kirk. Als Kirk Landru, hinter dem in Wirklichkeit ein Computer steckt, davon überzeugt gegen seine ursprüngliche Programmierung verstoßen zu haben, brennen dessen Schaltkreise durch und O'Neil wird wie alle anderen, die von Landru absorbiert worden sind, wieder normal. (TOS: ) Lt. O'Neil wurde von Sean Morgan gespielt und in von Andreas Wisniewski synchronisiert. O'Neil O'Neil
  • In 2267, O'Neil accompanied Hikaru Sulu's landing party to the surface of Beta III to investigate the disappearance of the USS Archon a century earlier. Soon after beaming down, the party found themselves being pursued by the lawgivers, who enforced the will of Landru. Although, the rest of the landing party were beamed back to the ship, O'Neil fled and he was eventually caught and "absorbed" by the lawgivers. Thankfully, O'Neil was eventually returned to normal when a second landing party, led by Captain James T. Kirk, was able to destroy Landru. (TOS episode: "The Return of the Archons")
  • Nel 2267, fu uno dei due uomini assegnati ad investigare sul pianeta Beta III indizi circa la scomparsa della Archon, una nave stellare ivi scomparsa nel 2167. Un errore di abbigliamento lasciò la squadra di sbarco alla mercé dei legislatori, che eseguivano il volere del leader del pianeta, Landru. Inseguita dai legislatori, la squadra di sbarco richiese un disimpegno immediato, ma O'Neil ebbe un momento di panico e sfuggì alle coordinate del teletrasporto. In seguito, venne assorbito nel Corpo. La seconda squadra di sbarco lo incontrò in un vicolo, dov'era un membro di una folla che venne poi stordito. Lo portarono con loro, tenendolo sedato, finché non riuscirono a capire cos'avesse che non andava. Reger, un nativo di Beta III, che aveva socializzato con la squadra di sbarco, consigliò l
  • Lieutenant O'Neil was a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. He served in the operations division aboard the USS Enterprise in 2267 and 2268 under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, during the historic five-year mission. In 2268, O'Neil served as the transporter chief when the landing party beamed over to the USS Defiant. He attempted to repair the transporter following the attack by the Tholians, but ultimately required Scotty's assistance. (TOS: "The Tholian Web" )
  • true
  • yes
  • 2268
  • Lieutenant O'Neil
  • O'Neil in the transporter room
  • Man
  • "Secrets"
  • Active
  • O'Neil
  • O'Neil
  • O'Neil
  • O'Neil, 2268.jpg
Home Planet
  • Male
wikipage disambiguates
  • In 2267, O'Neil accompanied Hikaru Sulu's landing party to the surface of Beta III to investigate the disappearance of the USS Archon a century earlier. Soon after beaming down, the party found themselves being pursued by the lawgivers, who enforced the will of Landru. Although, the rest of the landing party were beamed back to the ship, O'Neil fled and he was eventually caught and "absorbed" by the lawgivers. Thankfully, O'Neil was eventually returned to normal when a second landing party, led by Captain James T. Kirk, was able to destroy Landru. (TOS episode: "The Return of the Archons") The novelization of this episode spells O'Neil's name as O'Neill. In 2268, O'Neil served as the transporter officer on duty when the landing party beamed over to the USS Defiant. During the subsequent attack by the Tholians, O'Neil attempted to repair the transporter, but needed Montgomery Scott's assistance. (TOS episode: "The Tholian Web")
  • Nel 2267, fu uno dei due uomini assegnati ad investigare sul pianeta Beta III indizi circa la scomparsa della Archon, una nave stellare ivi scomparsa nel 2167. Un errore di abbigliamento lasciò la squadra di sbarco alla mercé dei legislatori, che eseguivano il volere del leader del pianeta, Landru. Inseguita dai legislatori, la squadra di sbarco richiese un disimpegno immediato, ma O'Neil ebbe un momento di panico e sfuggì alle coordinate del teletrasporto. In seguito, venne assorbito nel Corpo. La seconda squadra di sbarco lo incontrò in un vicolo, dov'era un membro di una folla che venne poi stordito. Lo portarono con loro, tenendolo sedato, finché non riuscirono a capire cos'avesse che non andava. Reger, un nativo di Beta III, che aveva socializzato con la squadra di sbarco, consigliò loro di non farlo, poiché Landru avrebbe potuto trovarli tramite O'Neil. O'Neil poi tornò alla normalità quando Landru si auto-distrusse. (TOS: "Il ritorno degli Arconti") Nel 2268, O'Neil servlì quale capo del teletrasporto quando la squadra di sbarco si teletrasportò sulla USS Defiant. Cercò di riparare il teletrasporto in seguito all'attacco Tholiano, ma alla fine ebbe bisogno dell'aiuto di Scotty. (La ragnatela Tholiana) Informazioni di retroscenaO'Neil è stato interpretato da Sean Morgan.
  • Lieutenant O'Neil was a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. He served in the operations division aboard the USS Enterprise in 2267 and 2268 under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, during the historic five-year mission. In 2267, he was one of two men assigned to investigate the planet Beta III for clues to the disappearance of the Archon, a starship that vanished there in 2167. A wardrobe error left the landing party obvious to the sinister lawgivers, who enforced the will of the planet's leader, Landru. Hounded relentlessly by lawgivers, the landing party requested beam-up, but O'Neil panicked and fled the transporter coordinates. At some subsequent point, he was absorbed into the Body. The second landing party encountered him in an alley, where he was one member of a crowd they were forced to stun. They took him with them, keeping him sedated, until they could determine what was wrong with him. Reger, a Beta III native who had befriended the landing party, advised against this, warning that Landru could find them through O'Neil. O'Neil later returned to normal when Landru destroyed itself. (TOS: "The Return of the Archons" ) In 2268, O'Neil served as the transporter chief when the landing party beamed over to the USS Defiant. He attempted to repair the transporter following the attack by the Tholians, but ultimately required Scotty's assistance. (TOS: "The Tholian Web" )
  • O'Neil was an officer in the UNSC Navy. He was the Chief Medical Officer aboard the UNSC Spirit of Fire. After the Battle of Shield 0459, O'Neil suggested that all infected corpses should be burned, a suggestion that was not well-received by the rest of the crew. Despite this, the corpses were burned. O'Neil made note of this in his log. O'Neil and other medical officials mistook the Flood infection as a virus, and not a parasitic lifeform.
  • thumb|Lt. O'Neil (2268) thumb|Sulu und O'Neil auf Beta III (2267) Lieutenant O'Neil dient während der ersten Fünf-Jahres-Mission an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) unter dem Kommando von Captain Kirk. Im Jahr 2267 erhält Lt. O'Neil den Auftrag gemeinsam mit Lt. Sulu den Planeten Beta III nach Hinweisen auf das Verschwinden des Raumschiffes USS Archon zu untersuchen. Doch die beiden Offiziere fallen auf und der Landetrupp wird von den Gesetzgebern, die im Auftrag von Landru für Ordnung sorgen, entdeckt. Von diesen in die Enge getrieben, bittet Sulu die Enterprise um einen Nottransport zurück auf das Schiff, doch O'Neil verlässt angesichts der Bedrohung in Panik die Transporterkoordinaten und bleibt auf dem Planeten zurück. Als der zweite Landetrupp unter dem Kommando von Captain Kirk von einer Menschenmenge mit Knüppeln und Steinen bedroht wird, ist man gezwungen die Phaser einzusetzen und die Angreifer zu betäuben. Kirk entdeckt unter ihnen auch Lt. O'Neil. Reger, ein Bewohner des Planeten, der sich mit dem Landetrupp angefreundet hat, rät dringend davon ab O'Neil mitzunehmen, da O'Neil von Landru absorbiert worden ist und dieser sie nun durch den Lieutenant finden könnte. Doch Kirk will ihn nicht zurücklassen. Als der Landetrupp ein Versteck gefunden hat, gibt Kirk jedoch dem Drängen Regers nach und weist Dr. McCoy an, O'Neil vorerst mittels Injektion eines Medikamentes weiterschlafen zu lassen. Dennoch wird der Landetrupp wenig später von Landru entdeckt, betäubt und gefangen genommen. Als Kirk im Verließ aufwacht, fehlen McCoy und O'Neil. Nur kurze Zeit darauf werden die beiden, nun sichtlich verändert und unter dem Einfluss Landrus stehend, in das Verließ zurückgebracht. Beide werden später handgreiflich, als sie merken, dass der Landetrupp nicht zu Landru gehört. Während McCoy versucht Kirk zu erwürgen, greit O'Neil Spock an. Doch beide Angriffe können erfolgreich abgewehrt werden. Als Kirk Landru, hinter dem in Wirklichkeit ein Computer steckt, davon überzeugt gegen seine ursprüngliche Programmierung verstoßen zu haben, brennen dessen Schaltkreise durch und O'Neil wird wie alle anderen, die von Landru absorbiert worden sind, wieder normal. (TOS: ) Im Jahr 2268 dient O'Neil als Transporterchief an Bord der Enterprise und beamt einen Landetrupp, bestehend aus Kirk, Spock, McCoy und Chekov zur USS Defiant hinüber. Nach dem Angriff der Tholianer versucht er den ausgefallenen Transporter zunächst allein zu reparieren, assistiert dann jedoch dem hinzugeeilten Montgomery Scott. Als der verschwunden geglaubte Captain Kirk lokalisiert werden kann, beamt O'Neil ihn wieder zurück an Bord. (TOS: ) Lt. O'Neil wurde von Sean Morgan gespielt und in von Andreas Wisniewski synchronisiert. O'Neil O'Neil
  • O'Neil är en manlig Tau'ri. Hans (förnamn är okänd) och är en Överste, i USA:s Flygvapen, som, enligt Jack O'Neill, hade ingen sinne för humor. (SG1: "Secrets")
  • Doctor O'Neil was a character cut from Aliens early in its production. In the final film, his role and dialogue was assigned to Carter Burke, although unlike Burke, O'Neil notably never left Gateway Station (known as "Earth Satellite Station Beta" the original treatment) and did not accompany the Colonial Marines to LV-426.
  • O'Neil was a Colonel, possibly in the United States Air Force, who, according to Colonel Jack O'Neill, had no sense of humor. (SG1: "Secrets")