  • Achilles
  • Achilles
  • Achilles
  • Achilles
  • Achilles
  • Achilles
  • Achilles
  • Achilles
  • Character cited in the Arthurian legend. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The Achilles was an Earth Alliance freighter. In 2258, the Achilles detected Raiders heading toward Babylon 5 in grid epsilon. The Achilles sent out a distress call, which was answered by Babylon 5. The Achilles was left alone, when the Delta Squadron arrived, because the attack was a diversion against Babylon 5.
  • Achilles was a Victory I-class Star Destroyer under the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War.
  • Seeking to replicate the success of Wonder Woman's creation, Zeus took the heart of the Hawai'ian god Kane Milohai and combined it with divine fire of his creation and the soul of an ancient hero to create Achilles, Warkiller and leader of his Olympians comprised of Jason and the Argonauts. Initially set against Wonder Woman, he has great respect for her and seeks to work alongside her when possible..
  • In "Take a Letter", Lois explains to Gretchen that jealousy is her weakness, like Achilles' heel. In a cutaway, Achilles explains his weakness to Testiclles, who sheepishly admits he has a similar affliction. Achilles is voiced by John Viener.
  • Achilles is a gas giant planet in the Anacreon system. Its size is somewhere between Saturn and Neptune, about 1.7 times as dense as water, with a strong equatorial bulge. In appearance, it is a dark, yellow-biased red, with scattered orange patches indicating storm systems. Achilles has several moons. Several of its moons have no information known about them that are not listed here, such as one within the orbit of Neoptolemus, four between that and Ulysses, and twenty outside of Ulysses'; all of these others are captured asteroids.
  • Achilles tells Arthas someone destroyed the bridge in Brill, Alterac and that there is another route, but it's unsafe.
  • The result of Project Achilles. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Odessa Silverbergs ehemaliger Verlobter wurde von Kraze Miles wegen der Beherbergung von Rebellen verhaftet. Er wurde zum Tode verurteilt, doch Odessa drängte ihn dazu, als letzten Wunsch vor der Hinrichtung die Heirat mit ihr zu verlangen. Achilles stimmte dem Heiratsvorschlag widerwillig zu. Während der Zeremonie jedoch benutzte Odessa einen magischen Ring, um alle Anwesenden vorübergehend zu blenden, um sich ihren Weg mit Achilles freizukämpfen. Zwar gelang ihr Flucht, aber Achilles wurde dabei durch einen Pfeil tödlich verwundet. Er starb mit den an Odessa gerichteten Worten „Vernichte das Imperium!“
  • Achilles of Thessaly was a cavalry commander fighting for the Macedonians. He was, however, weary of Cassanders rule and sought to liberate Greece. He plotted together with the Spartans prior to the Macedonian-Hellenistic War and eventually switched sides during the Battle of Athens. He helped many routing Greeks survive the battle, but lost his life when fighting the hetairoi.
  • Chandler and his crew face off against a nuclear-powered submarine led by a rouge British naval officer; Slattery interragates a captured mercenary to gain information about the sub and its mission.
  • Achilles is an unused prisoner from Metal Slug 5.
  • Achilles's heel
  • Achilles is a mythical character who was commonly mentioned by Dee Dee in Big Nate Goes For Broke. Nate did not know who he was until Ellen Wright shows him her essay about Achilles. In greek mythology, Achilles what dipped into the River Styx by Peleus so he would be indestructible, not realizing that his heel never touched the water. During the Trojan War, thousands of trojan arrows struck Achilles but had no effect. But then, one arrow hit him in the heel (the vulnerable part of his body). Because of that, Achilles died. P.S. 38 sculpted him in the Ultimate Snowdown to show that anyone (in that case, Jefferson Middle School,) can be beaten.
  • Achilles was a famous demigod of ancient Greece. He was, in some texts, a vampire who was the arch enemy of Hector and played a major role in the Trojan War.
  • She don't look like much, but she'll hold together - Captain Jack Harding regarding his ship. The Achilles was a former cargo and transport ship that had been converted into a smuggler ship. It was among the first ships to be purchased by someone from Earth, and was used frequently during the turbulent years of Earth's involvement in the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War.
  • Achilles était un villageois d'Alterac, présent lorsque le Prince Arthas et Jaina Portvaillant y firent leur apparition. Il se tenait près du pont détruit, résumant brièvement les évènements au Prince. Achilles indiqua à Arthas et Jaina un autre chemin, en prenant bien soin de les prévenir que celui-ci n'était pas totalement sans danger, principalement à cause des Murlocs qui avaient envahi les rivages environnants. Il fut probablement tué par le Fléau par la suite. Ou alors, serait partit se réfugier dans les Maleterres.
  • Achilles is a character in Worms Forts: Under Siege.
  • Achilles is the Heroic Age hero for Hades. He rides a horse and wields a sword.
  • Achilles (アキレウス, Ἀχιλλεύς) is a playable character in Warriors: Legends of Troy. Achilles is the mightiest warrior within the Greek army who has an infamous reputation of cutting down many Trojans in his path. His vicious method of slicing through the carnage in war strikes fear not only in his enemies but his allies as well.
  • Achilles is the human pseudonym used by a prominent Puppeteer and sometimes-member of the government of the Fleet of Worlds. Achilles uses dozens of Stepping disks to damage the Planetary Drive of NP 1 thus destroying the planet.
  • Achilles also has the attributes of being the most handsome of the heroes assembled against Troy. Later legends (beginning with a poem by Statius in the 1st century CE) state that Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his heel. Since he died due to a poisonous arrow shot into his heel, the term "Achilles' heel" has come to mean a person's principal weakness.
  • Achilles is a on Kongregate. It was developed by DJStatika. __TOC__
  • Achilles es el que avisa a Arthas que un grupo de desgraciados había destrozado el puente en Brill, Alterac, y que había otra ruta para llegar al otro lado del río, pero era un camino muy peligroso.
  • Achilles’ most notable feat during the Trojan War was the slaying of the Trojan hero Hector outside the gates of Troy. Although the death of Achilles is not presented in the Iliad, other sources concur that he was killed near the end of the Trojan War by Paris, who shot him in the heel with an arrow. Later legends (beginning with a poem by Statius in the 1st century AD) state that Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his heel. Because of his death from a small wound in the heel, the term Achilles' heel has come to mean a person's point of weakness.
  • Achilles fought heroically against the Trojans during the Trojan War. He was a strong asset to the Greeks and even defeated Hector. Achilles was eventually killed by Paris, who shot his heel with a poisoned arrow from behind. Paris' hand was guided by Apollo. Odysseus helped retrieve Achilles' body from the battle. To this day, any weak point is called an 'Achilles Heel', named after the vulnerable spot on the nearly immortal hero.
  • Achilles (アキレス・ジョンソン) is a monkmaster, head priest of the Olacion Order and Kain's bodyguard. He comes from a family of monks and has been Rocky's friend and rival since they were both young. He is unofficially part of Fernando's faction. He looks scary and mean, but appearances, in this case, can be deceiving as he is actually a very nice man.
  • Achilles, en ocean fraktskepp, var det skepp som transporterade Stargate från Afrika till USA innan andra världskriget.
  • Achilles (aka Achille) was a Greek hero of the Trojan War.
  • Achilles was considered one of the greatest Greek warriors who ever lived, sometimes said to be the "shield of the army." He was the son of the nymph, Thetis, and the hero Peleus. He is most famous for being the first child to be dipped in the River Styx by his mother Thetis, making his body invulnerable to any weapon, except for the only part of his body that wasn't dipped into the river: his heel. He was killed in the Trojan War by Paris of Troy. The term Achilles' Heel is a term referring to the weak point of a person who has bathed in the River Styx, and the Achilles tendon is a tendon located at the back of the calf, just above the heel.
  • In the International Zodiac Job System version, the Technick is found in a chest in the No. 4 Cloaca Spur area in the Garamsythe Waterway. It can be used by the job classes Archer, Machinist, Monk, Uhlan and White Mage.
  • Achilles might refer to: * Achilles (mythology), a character in Greek mythology on Earth * Achilles (892-IV), an inhabitant of the planet 892-IV nl:Achilles
  • The Captain of the fourth company of the Raven Guard. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Achilles (auch Achill) ist eine Figur aus der griechischen Mythologie. Nach Homer nimmt er am Trojanischen Krieg teil. Er ist nur an einer Ferse verwundbar. 2000 nennt Jason Janeway Achilles als Beispiel dafür, dass alle großen Helden ohne einen Elternteil aufwuchsen. (VOY: ) 2373 meint das Hologramm Leonardo da Vinci zu Kathryn Janeway, dass er den Sohn des Kardinals auf einem Gemälde, heroisch wie einen Achill oder Herkules hat aussehen lassen, obwohl die Natur dies niemals beabsichtigt hatte. (VOY: )
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Achilles]] Ἀχιλλεύς (Akhilleus).
  • |-|KMS 1.2.261= File:Skill Achilles.png 아킬레스 * Class: White Knight * Type: Passive * Maximum Level: 20
  • The Achilles was a Greek Navy man-of-war vessel, outfitted with many cannons, guns, and even archers and musketeers. The captain was pursuing the Flame of Tripoli, as he thought slavers deserved to be hanged. Raphael Thuron guided the captain in the correct direction of the ship.
  • Achilles was a near-immortal and a great warrior who fought in the Trojan War. In Age of Mythology, he is the Heroic Age Hero for Hades.
  • Achilles (a.k.a. Anacreon A IV) is a gas giant type of planet with a size comparable to a size somewhere between Saturn and Neptune-size, about 1.7 times as dense as water, with a strong equatorial bulge. In appearance, it is a dark, yellow-biased red, with scattered orange patches indicating storm systems. Achilles has several moons. Several of its moons have no information known about them that are not listed here, such as one within the orbit of Neoptolemus, four between that and Ulysses, and twenty outside of Ulysses'; all of these others are captured asteroids.
  • Achilles, an ocean freighter, was the ship that transported the Stargate from Africa to the United States of America before World War II.
  • Primary historical evidence does not relate whether it was his left heel or right heel which was his Achilles Heel. Historians speculate that he may have deliberately concealed this information to reduce the risk of fatalistic death by pointy Arrow, pointy Axe or pointy little Stick attack to the heel in question. A theory has also been expounded that both heels were his Achilles Heel (the plural of the term does not exist despite his having two heels) but he selfishly refused to reveal this information, hoping to confuse all potential attackers with the bewildering 50/50 risk of choosing the wrong heel and finding a very alive and very angry Achilles attached to it.
  • Achilles is the name of Captain Phoebus' horse in The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He appears in both the original film and the sequel, being much snarkier in the sequel and answering rhetorical counting questions Phoebus poses by tapping his hoof. His name was purely based around one joke- the "Achilles, heel!" line in the original movie. He quite nearly ended up nameless, but due to that one play on words, he received his name.
  • Achilles opposed the Scarlet Moon Empire as a member of the Anti-Imperial Movement. In 453, he was arrested by Kraze Miles, a Scarlet Moon commander, for allegedly sheltering fugitives. Subsequently, Achilles was sentenced to death in a effort by Scarlet Moon to silence and crush him and the Anti-Imperial Movement. As was the custom for people sentenced to death, Achilles had the privilege to evoke his "last rights"; Odessa pressed Achilles to marry her and he reluctantly agreed. Please help us improve Suikoden Wikia by creating or editing any of our articles.
  • Achilles was a Greek warrior who fought in the Trojan War. He and Hector, son of King Priam of Troy, were fighting when the First Doctor arrived in his TARDIS. The arrival of the Doctor distracted Hector, allowing Achilles to slay him. Achilles saw the Doctor emerge from the TARDIS and, marvelling at this power, came to believe that he was the Greek god Zeus, who had taken human form and descended to Earth. He brought the Doctor to Agamemnon, Menelaus and Odysseus, the King of Ithaca, who was considerably more sceptical.
  • Achilles (Greek Ἀχιλλεύς, transliterated Akhilleus or Achilleus) was a hero of the Greeks () in the legends of the Trojan War, i.e. the Epic Cycle, and the principal character of Homer's 8th century BC epic poem the Iliad.
  • medium
  • easy
  • hard
  • 2
  • Green
Main Character
  • Achilles(Greek Legend); Marvel Illustrated The Iliad Vol 1 7 Textless.jpg
  • Good
  • 900.0
  • 735.0
  • 9
  • 14
  • 26
  • 48
  • 84
  • 92
  • To protect Phoebus
  • -
Train Time
  • 23
  • -
Train At
  • 9
  • Greek
  • Complete "normal" mode
  • Kill 20 enemies to complete the first stage
  • Score 100 kills in survival mode
  • 3720866502
  • -
  • 1939
  • 453
  • No
  • Adliger, Rebell
  • none
Greek/Roman form
  • None
  • 1
  • 7
  • -
  • 16
  • ? SY, Gregminster, Scharlachmond-Reich
  • Ninguna
  • Rare
  • Achilles
  • Yes
  • 5
  • Greeks, Myrmidons
  • TIE/LN starfighters
  • The Last Olympian
  • Achilles
  • 5.500000
  • FTL: 593.7 times lightspeed
  • N/A
  • Lionheart
  • Xiphos
  • Divine Blade
  • Heavens Slicer
  • Lionheart X
  • Mystic Xiphos
  • Deceased
  • Active
  • King of Phthia
  • Leader of Myrmidons
  • 4
  • Ninguna
  • Slender white horse, white fur, black hair
  • Cargo ship
  • Smuggler, Blockade Runner
  • No
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Cavan Kendall
  • Action
  • Power
  • Fighting
  • Armor Shader
  • Ground-attack spacecraft
  • Assertive, confident, honorable, intelligent, loyal, loving, extroverted, stubborn, playful, amusing, courageous, humble, idealistic, likable, laid-back, even-tempered, sentimental
  • 2015-07-12
  • 1939
  • Lastskepp
  • 1
  • Yes
  • Short blade and shield
  • Lionheart
Nombre en español
  • Achilles
  • Desconocidos
Nombre en ingles
  • Achilles
  • 245.0
  • black
  • Unknown
  • 91.0
  • Fixing his hair
  • 2008-01-10
  • Aldeano
  • 3
  • Rock of Eternity and
  • home planet Caltos
  • Unknown
  • 188.0
  • 345.0
  • Hero of the Trojan War
  • Son of Thetis
  • True
  • None
  • Spear, Sword, Shield, Impenetrable Armor
  • 27
  • Several tons
  • Shader Achilles.jpg
  • Head Priest
  • "Perry"
  • background:#996
  • Achilles
  • Speed
  • 12000
  • Extensive guns and arms
  • Unknown
  • Nameless Greek Navy Official
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Mystic Weapon - Achilles .png
  • 1930.0
  • Helmut(Pantheon Member); Achilles from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 411 0001.jpg
  • 23
  • Several
  • Achilles.png
  • None
  • 22
  • 0
  • Jab, Body Blow, Low Kick
  • Vivo
  • Solace
  • Unknown
  • 1
  • Ajax
  • Zeus
  • Aecus
  • Briseis
  • Neoptolemus
  • Peleus
  • Thetis
  • 340
  • The Myth Makers
  • The Angel's Command
  • ???
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame II
  • Delete
  • Achilles
Unit Type
  • Long Day's Journey
  • Achilles
  • Jack Bender
  • Unknown
  • 5
  • 30
  • Masculino
  • Two Anti Fighter Blaster Cannons
Ship Name
  • Achilles
  • 180
wikipage disambiguates
  • Mystic Xiphos
  • 900
  • Standard
  • January 2220
  • Hologram system, Shortwave radio
  • 40
  • No
  • 99
  • No
  • 45
  • Desconocidos
  • 5
  • Flera
  • Flera ton
  • Unknown
  • Character cited in the Arthurian legend. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • The Achilles was an Earth Alliance freighter. In 2258, the Achilles detected Raiders heading toward Babylon 5 in grid epsilon. The Achilles sent out a distress call, which was answered by Babylon 5. The Achilles was left alone, when the Delta Squadron arrived, because the attack was a diversion against Babylon 5.
  • Achilles was a Victory I-class Star Destroyer under the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War.
  • Seeking to replicate the success of Wonder Woman's creation, Zeus took the heart of the Hawai'ian god Kane Milohai and combined it with divine fire of his creation and the soul of an ancient hero to create Achilles, Warkiller and leader of his Olympians comprised of Jason and the Argonauts. Initially set against Wonder Woman, he has great respect for her and seeks to work alongside her when possible..
  • In "Take a Letter", Lois explains to Gretchen that jealousy is her weakness, like Achilles' heel. In a cutaway, Achilles explains his weakness to Testiclles, who sheepishly admits he has a similar affliction. Achilles is voiced by John Viener.
  • Achilles is a gas giant planet in the Anacreon system. Its size is somewhere between Saturn and Neptune, about 1.7 times as dense as water, with a strong equatorial bulge. In appearance, it is a dark, yellow-biased red, with scattered orange patches indicating storm systems. Achilles has several moons. Several of its moons have no information known about them that are not listed here, such as one within the orbit of Neoptolemus, four between that and Ulysses, and twenty outside of Ulysses'; all of these others are captured asteroids.
  • Achilles tells Arthas someone destroyed the bridge in Brill, Alterac and that there is another route, but it's unsafe.
  • The result of Project Achilles. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Odessa Silverbergs ehemaliger Verlobter wurde von Kraze Miles wegen der Beherbergung von Rebellen verhaftet. Er wurde zum Tode verurteilt, doch Odessa drängte ihn dazu, als letzten Wunsch vor der Hinrichtung die Heirat mit ihr zu verlangen. Achilles stimmte dem Heiratsvorschlag widerwillig zu. Während der Zeremonie jedoch benutzte Odessa einen magischen Ring, um alle Anwesenden vorübergehend zu blenden, um sich ihren Weg mit Achilles freizukämpfen. Zwar gelang ihr Flucht, aber Achilles wurde dabei durch einen Pfeil tödlich verwundet. Er starb mit den an Odessa gerichteten Worten „Vernichte das Imperium!“
  • Achilles of Thessaly was a cavalry commander fighting for the Macedonians. He was, however, weary of Cassanders rule and sought to liberate Greece. He plotted together with the Spartans prior to the Macedonian-Hellenistic War and eventually switched sides during the Battle of Athens. He helped many routing Greeks survive the battle, but lost his life when fighting the hetairoi.
  • Chandler and his crew face off against a nuclear-powered submarine led by a rouge British naval officer; Slattery interragates a captured mercenary to gain information about the sub and its mission.
  • Achilles is an unused prisoner from Metal Slug 5.
  • Achilles's heel
  • Achilles is a mythical character who was commonly mentioned by Dee Dee in Big Nate Goes For Broke. Nate did not know who he was until Ellen Wright shows him her essay about Achilles. In greek mythology, Achilles what dipped into the River Styx by Peleus so he would be indestructible, not realizing that his heel never touched the water. During the Trojan War, thousands of trojan arrows struck Achilles but had no effect. But then, one arrow hit him in the heel (the vulnerable part of his body). Because of that, Achilles died. P.S. 38 sculpted him in the Ultimate Snowdown to show that anyone (in that case, Jefferson Middle School,) can be beaten.
  • Achilles was a famous demigod of ancient Greece. He was, in some texts, a vampire who was the arch enemy of Hector and played a major role in the Trojan War.
  • She don't look like much, but she'll hold together - Captain Jack Harding regarding his ship. The Achilles was a former cargo and transport ship that had been converted into a smuggler ship. It was among the first ships to be purchased by someone from Earth, and was used frequently during the turbulent years of Earth's involvement in the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War.
  • Achilles était un villageois d'Alterac, présent lorsque le Prince Arthas et Jaina Portvaillant y firent leur apparition. Il se tenait près du pont détruit, résumant brièvement les évènements au Prince. Achilles indiqua à Arthas et Jaina un autre chemin, en prenant bien soin de les prévenir que celui-ci n'était pas totalement sans danger, principalement à cause des Murlocs qui avaient envahi les rivages environnants. Il fut probablement tué par le Fléau par la suite. Ou alors, serait partit se réfugier dans les Maleterres.
  • Achilles is a character in Worms Forts: Under Siege.
  • Achilles is the Heroic Age hero for Hades. He rides a horse and wields a sword.
  • Achilles opposed the Scarlet Moon Empire as a member of the Anti-Imperial Movement. In 453, he was arrested by Kraze Miles, a Scarlet Moon commander, for allegedly sheltering fugitives. Subsequently, Achilles was sentenced to death in a effort by Scarlet Moon to silence and crush him and the Anti-Imperial Movement. As was the custom for people sentenced to death, Achilles had the privilege to evoke his "last rights"; Odessa pressed Achilles to marry her and he reluctantly agreed. During the matrimonial rite, Odessa used a magical ring to blind all witnesses and made an effort to escape with Achilles. Unfortunately, Achilles was felled by Imperial archers during the escape attempt. His dying words to Odessa were, "Defeat the Empire!"; these words later led Odessa to form the Toran Liberation Army, which fought against Scarlet Moon during the Toran Liberation War. Please help us improve Suikoden Wikia by creating or editing any of our articles.
  • Achilles is the name of Captain Phoebus' horse in The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He appears in both the original film and the sequel, being much snarkier in the sequel and answering rhetorical counting questions Phoebus poses by tapping his hoof. His name was purely based around one joke- the "Achilles, heel!" line in the original movie. He quite nearly ended up nameless, but due to that one play on words, he received his name. Also later in the first movie, during the final fight, Phoebus says "Achilles, sit" and the horse sits on an enemy's head. In the 2nd movie, during the Festival of Love, he found love in the end.
  • Achilles (アキレウス, Ἀχιλλεύς) is a playable character in Warriors: Legends of Troy. Achilles is the mightiest warrior within the Greek army who has an infamous reputation of cutting down many Trojans in his path. His vicious method of slicing through the carnage in war strikes fear not only in his enemies but his allies as well.
  • Achilles is the human pseudonym used by a prominent Puppeteer and sometimes-member of the government of the Fleet of Worlds. Achilles uses dozens of Stepping disks to damage the Planetary Drive of NP 1 thus destroying the planet.
  • Achilles also has the attributes of being the most handsome of the heroes assembled against Troy. Later legends (beginning with a poem by Statius in the 1st century CE) state that Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his heel. Since he died due to a poisonous arrow shot into his heel, the term "Achilles' heel" has come to mean a person's principal weakness.
  • Achilles is a on Kongregate. It was developed by DJStatika. __TOC__
  • Achilles es el que avisa a Arthas que un grupo de desgraciados había destrozado el puente en Brill, Alterac, y que había otra ruta para llegar al otro lado del río, pero era un camino muy peligroso.
  • Achilles’ most notable feat during the Trojan War was the slaying of the Trojan hero Hector outside the gates of Troy. Although the death of Achilles is not presented in the Iliad, other sources concur that he was killed near the end of the Trojan War by Paris, who shot him in the heel with an arrow. Later legends (beginning with a poem by Statius in the 1st century AD) state that Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his heel. Because of his death from a small wound in the heel, the term Achilles' heel has come to mean a person's point of weakness.
  • Achilles fought heroically against the Trojans during the Trojan War. He was a strong asset to the Greeks and even defeated Hector. Achilles was eventually killed by Paris, who shot his heel with a poisoned arrow from behind. Paris' hand was guided by Apollo. Odysseus helped retrieve Achilles' body from the battle. To this day, any weak point is called an 'Achilles Heel', named after the vulnerable spot on the nearly immortal hero.
  • Achilles (アキレス・ジョンソン) is a monkmaster, head priest of the Olacion Order and Kain's bodyguard. He comes from a family of monks and has been Rocky's friend and rival since they were both young. He is unofficially part of Fernando's faction. He looks scary and mean, but appearances, in this case, can be deceiving as he is actually a very nice man.
  • Achilles, en ocean fraktskepp, var det skepp som transporterade Stargate från Afrika till USA innan andra världskriget.
  • Achilles (aka Achille) was a Greek hero of the Trojan War.
  • Achilles (Greek Ἀχιλλεύς, transliterated Akhilleus or Achilleus) was a hero of the Greeks () in the legends of the Trojan War, i.e. the Epic Cycle, and the principal character of Homer's 8th century BC epic poem the Iliad. The son of Peleus and the sea-nymph Thetis, Achilles was a fearsome warrior who chose a short, glorious life over a long and undistinguished one. During the Trojan War, in his wrath over the death of his companion Patroclus, he killed the Trojan hero and defender Hector. According to later traditions he was ambushed and killed by an arrow to the heel shot by Paris (under the guidance of Apollo, who supported Troy against the Greeks), the only part of him not invulnerable.
  • Achilles was considered one of the greatest Greek warriors who ever lived, sometimes said to be the "shield of the army." He was the son of the nymph, Thetis, and the hero Peleus. He is most famous for being the first child to be dipped in the River Styx by his mother Thetis, making his body invulnerable to any weapon, except for the only part of his body that wasn't dipped into the river: his heel. He was killed in the Trojan War by Paris of Troy. The term Achilles' Heel is a term referring to the weak point of a person who has bathed in the River Styx, and the Achilles tendon is a tendon located at the back of the calf, just above the heel.
  • In the International Zodiac Job System version, the Technick is found in a chest in the No. 4 Cloaca Spur area in the Garamsythe Waterway. It can be used by the job classes Archer, Machinist, Monk, Uhlan and White Mage.
  • Achilles might refer to: * Achilles (mythology), a character in Greek mythology on Earth * Achilles (892-IV), an inhabitant of the planet 892-IV nl:Achilles
  • The Captain of the fourth company of the Raven Guard. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Achilles (auch Achill) ist eine Figur aus der griechischen Mythologie. Nach Homer nimmt er am Trojanischen Krieg teil. Er ist nur an einer Ferse verwundbar. 2000 nennt Jason Janeway Achilles als Beispiel dafür, dass alle großen Helden ohne einen Elternteil aufwuchsen. (VOY: ) 2373 meint das Hologramm Leonardo da Vinci zu Kathryn Janeway, dass er den Sohn des Kardinals auf einem Gemälde, heroisch wie einen Achill oder Herkules hat aussehen lassen, obwohl die Natur dies niemals beabsichtigt hatte. (VOY: )
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Achilles]] Ἀχιλλεύς (Akhilleus).
  • |-|KMS 1.2.261= File:Skill Achilles.png 아킬레스 * Class: White Knight * Type: Passive * Maximum Level: 20
  • The Achilles was a Greek Navy man-of-war vessel, outfitted with many cannons, guns, and even archers and musketeers. The captain was pursuing the Flame of Tripoli, as he thought slavers deserved to be hanged. Raphael Thuron guided the captain in the correct direction of the ship.
  • Achilles was a Greek warrior who fought in the Trojan War. He and Hector, son of King Priam of Troy, were fighting when the First Doctor arrived in his TARDIS. The arrival of the Doctor distracted Hector, allowing Achilles to slay him. Achilles saw the Doctor emerge from the TARDIS and, marvelling at this power, came to believe that he was the Greek god Zeus, who had taken human form and descended to Earth. He brought the Doctor to Agamemnon, Menelaus and Odysseus, the King of Ithaca, who was considerably more sceptical. Priam intended for his son Paris to kill Achilles, but instead Achilles was killed by Troilus, Paris' younger brother. (TV: The Myth Makers)
  • Achilles was a near-immortal and a great warrior who fought in the Trojan War. In Age of Mythology, he is the Heroic Age Hero for Hades.
  • Achilles (a.k.a. Anacreon A IV) is a gas giant type of planet with a size comparable to a size somewhere between Saturn and Neptune-size, about 1.7 times as dense as water, with a strong equatorial bulge. In appearance, it is a dark, yellow-biased red, with scattered orange patches indicating storm systems. Achilles has several moons. Several of its moons have no information known about them that are not listed here, such as one within the orbit of Neoptolemus, four between that and Ulysses, and twenty outside of Ulysses'; all of these others are captured asteroids.
  • Achilles, an ocean freighter, was the ship that transported the Stargate from Africa to the United States of America before World War II.
  • Primary historical evidence does not relate whether it was his left heel or right heel which was his Achilles Heel. Historians speculate that he may have deliberately concealed this information to reduce the risk of fatalistic death by pointy Arrow, pointy Axe or pointy little Stick attack to the heel in question. A theory has also been expounded that both heels were his Achilles Heel (the plural of the term does not exist despite his having two heels) but he selfishly refused to reveal this information, hoping to confuse all potential attackers with the bewildering 50/50 risk of choosing the wrong heel and finding a very alive and very angry Achilles attached to it.
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