  • Block
  • Block
  • Block
  • Block
  • Block
  • Block (Bloque), Es un Skill defensivo el cual consiste en colocar un gran muro frente al usuario para así protegerlo de cualquier ataque mientras esté resista.
  • Block is an unimplemented command used to bar the exits of a room.
  • In Super_Punch-Out!!_(SNES) however, the player can defend both stomach and face, By not having any directional input, Mac will be by default blocking gut punches, but if the player hold the Up button, Mac will instead cover his face from punches, in the aforementioned game, Uppercuts cannot be blocked and certain Non-Uppercut attacks like Gabby Jay's Taunt Punch, Mr. Sandman's third punch on his Jab Combo, Heike Kagero's Hair Flick and Super Macho Man's Clothesline are also immune to blocking.
  • A block can also be a normal piece in a level which has no specialties and can do nothing but block the player or allow the player to stand on the item. Blocks are in most typical levels.
  • Blocking a user is really the last thing an admin wants to do :-( But often that's the only way to stop vandals, cursing, talking another language which it is not English, spamming for badges (Doing edits on Pages which are not useful), spamming in the comments (Writing nonsense comments) and trolls. If you got blocked, you may always ask an admin why he did this (don't spam him). When blocking a user, we'll always give a reason why. If you got mistakenly blocked then tell us about it. For not to receive a block please see the Rules! page.
  • Professions: Rifleman Effect: Increases your chance to block an attack. A blocked attack will only deliver half its damage, calculated before armor or damage mitigation. This skill mod is not associated with lightsaber block.
  • A Mega-Block (also known as Housing Blocks or simply Blocks) are strato-scraper arcologies that are hundreds of stories tall.
  • Blocks are mental barriers that stop a channeler's access to the One Power. Mazrim Taim calls them "bars."
  • BLOCK (ブロック Burokku?) is an Academy City-based organization whose original goal was to keep an eye on the level of cooperation from friendly institutions outside of the city. It's incarnation as seen on October 9 was virtually destroyed during the events of that day despite only one operative being confirmed to be killed (Yamate), and the rest just indisposed or their status unknown, and was later reorganized to form a new organization with the remnants of ITEM, SCHOOL, and MEMBER. After the end of World War III, the organization has now been dissolved.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Block (とおせんぼう Block) Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Block is a normal-type move introduced in Generation III.
  • Blocks are obstacles in the Bloons series. They are generally annoying because they can impede your way but blocks like rubber blocks can be rather useful for aiming at tricky areas sometimes.
  • Block is an active skill in S4 League. Block allows an eSper to assembly a temporary wall.
  • Block was a CTU agent active during Day 8.
  • Blocking is a keyword action.
  • A block is a general term for a Second Life prim as referred to in its edit window, but "block" may also refer to the cube prim type.
  • The great dam was made of stone blocks, but one of the stone blocks cement binder began to leak water, which was going to wash the block out, endangering the whole dam. Aquaman replaced the block with another.
  • Blocks are recurring objects in the Legend of Zelda series. They are small stone blocks that serve mostly as obstacles. Most blocks are immovable, but some can be pushed or pulled.
  • Block is a skill that affects your defensive abilities.
  • Der Wert "Block" steht für die Fähigkeit einen feindlichen Angriff abzuwehren und somit keine Lebenspunkte verliert. In Ardea-Minigo gibt es zwei verschiedene Block-Werte: Einen, für das Blocken mit Waffen oder Schilde und einen, der das Blocken mit bloßen Händen, also den Waffenlosen Block wiederspiegelt.
  • Form des Stellens von Tischen im Bankett- oder Restaurantsaal. Bei Blockform werden mehrere Tische in Form eines Rechtecks zusammengestellt und die Gäste sitzen außen um den Tischblock herum. 17:25, 6. Okt. 2012 (UTC)Eintrag Bestätitgt Jiannis Lytrivis
  • Blocking determines your chance to defend against physical melee and ranged attacks delivering physical damage. Unless specifically stated otherwise, it requires a shield of any type to be equipped in order to work. Due to the nature of this mechanic, heroes that are built to take the brunt of attacks, like Warriors, Paladins, Crusaders and the Templar, are most likely to make extensive use of it. Other classes may find themselves using shields more for the defense and/or affixes offered rather than outright blocking attacks.
  • Αναφέρεται στην δυνατότητα που έχουν οι careers με ασπίδα να μπλοκάρουν-αποκρούσουν (block) χτυπήματα του αντιπάλου. Η πιθανότητα για ένα επιτυχημένο block αυξάνει όσο αυξάνονται και οι πόντοι που έχετε στο στατιστικό Weapon Skill.
  • A block is * a sequence of bits that comprise the input, output, State, and Round Key. The length of a sequence is the number of bits it contains. Blocks are also interpreted as arrays of bytes. * a string of characters, of words, or of records, that is treated as a unit for a given purpose. * a "[s]tring of bits of defined length.
  • Block affects the character's ability to decrease physical damage from attacks, and requires a shield to be equipped. Higher values for block increases the reduction of damage. Templars benefit the most from block, although other classes using a shield can benefit from block as well.
  • Block is an ability that reduces damage by X in the final adjustment of a normal attack. It is specialized on normal attacks, so that all ability damage will not trigger it. However as a defense ability it will work regardless of the status. It is especialy effective against whirlwind, as it counts as normal attack too. Cavalry block is generally regarded as much stronger than infantry block, as they are much stronger against archers, and pikemans are often too weak to take them down. A vast number of infantry and cavalry have this ability, along with minority of other card types.
  • It is inpenetrable and indestructible, can only be removed with erase.
  • Block is an essential move in Gunz. It can be performed by pressing shift with a sword equipped. By doing so, you are performing the basis for many important moves. Blocking can be a very good move as not only can you deflect bullets and slashes with it but you also instantly charge a [[massive]] if the block is successful. Because of this, not only can you negate an enemy's attack, you can also counter-attack with deadly efficiency, as a massive does double damage and also pushes the opponent back, stunning them for about a second or two. It is also more difficult to miss, as the blast harms anybody nearby.
  • Each block point makes you 1% more likely to reduce damage received by 30%.
  • Blocks of wood are made using the timbercraft skill on tree trunks or logs. Each trunk yields 8 blocks, and a woodsman's axe is the best tool for this. Blocks of wood can be turned into wooden bowls, wooden mugs or firewood. They can be carved.
  • Admiral Block was a fleet officer in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars, serving aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Vigilance. Block provided air support for the Jedi Quinlan Vos, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker during a mission to destroy the Separatist Vanqor listening post on Vanqor. However, Vos had secretly warned his master Count Dooku about the Jedi-Republic attack and the Separatists were able to evacuate the facility before Republic forces arrived.
  • A Block is a basic night action that alters the success of another player's action. A role that carries out a block is called a Roleblocker and is not limited to any particular faction. The strength of the block varies based on a game's Order of Actions defined by the host.
  • The Block list, accessible from the Community menu > Block, is a list of players you have blocked from communicating with you.
  • A Block is what you would call when a player attacks a player from the other team. All players can do a block.
  • Prevents target from switching out.Target can still go through battlefield exit.
  • Blocks are a basic part of the environment in Kid Chameleon. Unlike terrain, which makes the basic solid ground, walls and ceilings and is used only to "draw" the scene and the path through it, blocks can be arranged as platforms, bridges or walls of any kind that the player can interact with.
  • Blöcke sind die am meisten auftretenden Spielelemente der gesamten Mario-Serie. In allen Mario-Jump-‘n‘-Run-Spielen Block kommen Blöcke sehr häufig vor das sie Münzen und Items enthalten die für Mario & Luigi Überlebenswichtig sind.
  • Blocks are items that appear in the Super Mario series. They usualy are usually just breakable, but sometimes have coins in them.
  • The block is a tile that can be set in motion only by Chip; it is an acting wall to other blocks and to monsters.
  • Blocking is a Special Page that is accessed by users with Administrator powers, Fandom Helpers, and Fandom Staff. This page can ban users and IPs from editing a certain wiki for an amount of time, usually because of * Vandalism, especially repeated vandalism. * Breaking policies. * Abuse of user rights. * Adding pages that are Copyright violations. * Offensive or misleading usernames. * Spam. File:Block.png
  • Blöcke sind mentale Barrieren, die einen Machtlenker vom Zugang zur Wahren Quelle abhalten. Mazrim Taim nennt sie "Schranken"
  • A Block is a type of disruption that is similar to a Rock in that it cannot be moved and doesn't make matches, but it can't be erased by adjacent matches. However, after appearing, it will disappear after 5 moves have been made by the player. * Erases itself 5 moves after appearing. * It can be erased through the abilities Block Smash (+, ++). * It can be transformed into another icon through the abilities Swap (+, ++) and Alchemist. * Another icon can be transformed into a Block through the ability Blockify.
  • Block is the ability of a shield to absorb melee damage in addition to its armor value. When a shield is equipped, you have a certain chance to perform a block, the amount of damage of which is influenced by block value. The basic chance to block an attack is indicated on your character sheet under the Defense tab. This value assumes that you fight against a mob or other character of same level. Fighting a mob of higher level than yourself decreases your chance to block, and vice versa.
  • When a physical attack is blocked in Xenoblade Chronicles, the damage dealt by the attack is reduced by 50%. A target can block attacks even if attacked from behind. Block Rate is the probability of blocking an enemy's attack, and is determined by the level difference between the party member and the enemy, plus bonuses received from skills or other sources. Both physical Arts and auto-attacks can be blocked. Ether Arts cannot be blocked. Enemies are also able to block party member's attacks. If an enemy blocks an attack, the party member will lose tension.
  • Blocking is a game mechanic that prevents attacks from hitting. Blocked attacks deal no damage, gain no Adrenaline, and are represented visually by a small white spark followed by the text "block" briefly floating above the target. Blocking skills come in varying degrees of effectiveness, depending on the chance to block, duration, and types of attack blocked. Multiple blocking effects are treated as a two-step process, therefore if you have one 50% chance to block skill and one 75% chance to block skill, the game treats it like this:
  • The Blocks theme was slightly different and featured blocks featuring cartoon characters from a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, a Warner Bros. cartoon, an MGM Cartoon, or a Cartoon Cartoon going from one place to another. Each box shows a video clip from the same (or different) cartoon. In each box, a character does an action, when they leave a box, they move to another box or their action is taken over by another character in another box. The Blocks theme lasted until 1995, when the Checkerboard theme was introduced. It's counterpart in the United States is YEEEAUHHHH!.
  • In the United Kingdom of Anatoray-Disith, the Urbanus comes under atack from a Guild No-Quater/Extermination Squad. Dio Eraclea and Alvis E. Hamilton escape in Dio's vanship. In Glacies, Fam Fan Fan, Giselle Collette and Millia are living in a house provided by Dyan. Their Vespa is damaged. Millia speaks Dyan's language, and interprets as Dyan says that she owes them a debt for saving her pilots during a previous battle. Before leaving, Fam takes Dyan for a ride in her Vespa. Afterwards, Dyan departs in a Rocket Fighter.
  • Blocking can be done standing, crouching, and - in the Street Fighter Alpha series and Marvel vs. Capcom series - in midair. Whether or not an attack is blocked depends on what angle the attack is coming from and which direction the player blocked. When blocking a special attack (including more powerful variants such as Super Combos), the blocker will receive Chip Damage. Grab attacks cannot be blocked, but in Street Fighter IV, a "technical" may be performed by attempting to grab a foe who tries to do the same, and cancel out both attempts.
  • La era Block fue la primera era y look que tuvo Cartoon Network en América Latina. Comenzó a principios del canal (30 de abril de 1993) y terminó en 1995. el tema de los bloques fue de bloques y funciones ligeramente diferentes con personajes de dibujos animados de dibujos animados de Hanna-Barbera, dibujos animados de Warner Bros., una historieta de MGM, o una historieta que van de un lugar a another.Each caja muestra un video clip diferente de la misma o una historieta diferente. En cada cuadro, un personaje hace una acción, cuando salen de una caja, se trasladan a otra caja o de su acción es tomada por otro personaje en otra caja. El tema Bloques duró hasta 1995, cuando el modelo Checkerboard fue introducido.
  • Blocks are one of the most common of XANA's monsters, and one of the weakest. They inhabit the Ice Barrier, Desert, Forest, and Mountain Sectors. Blocks have four Eye of XANAs, each one situated atop a different type of laser or mechanism. One of the eyes is a standard laser, one a Freeze Ray, one shoots Fire Rings, and last Eye covers the brain. The lasers and fire rings do 30 points of damage. If any one of these eyes are hit, the Block automatically dies. Blocks are moderately intelligent, but in some cases, they are quite unintelligent. One thing that supports Odd's above statement is found in the episode Frontier, where Aelita is being chased by two Blocks in the Mountains. The Blocks come across a gap and attempt to jump. One of the Blocks accidentally bumps into the other and loses
  • Everyone starts with the Block ability. While blocking you gain: * +200% to all damage resistance * +100% knockback and knockup resistance * "Block mode" * -1 Hold - This appears to be literally what it says. While maintaining block, you have an active -1 to the hold level affecting you. This means that an 0.5 hold will not disable you while you're blocking, but a 2.0 hold will. Of course, you have to stop blocking to start spamming Z... so this is only good for moving to a better location or for waiting out particularly weak or short holds. You are penalized:
  • Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Shaman. The ability of a shield to absorb melee damage in addition to its armor value. When a shield is equipped, you have a certain chance to perform a Block. The basic chance to block an attack is indicated on your character sheet under the Defense tab. This value assumes that you fight against a mob or other character of same level. Fighting a mob of higher level than yourself decreases your chance to Block, and vice versa.
  • A large block of Truestone which the Storm Bull used to crush the Devil. * It is a huge rectangular solid, nearly one kilometre each side, 1.6 kilometres high. * A long marsh-filled trench marks where it skidded. * It landed at Ex before bouncing here, * A pathway is known to lead to the top. * Atop there is a family of Griffins. * Praxians believe the crushed Devil was the Devourer * The Heortlings believe it was Wakboth. * There are also different traditions about what the block is: Storm Bull's Heart or a piece of the Spike. * The Storm Bull people here fanatically keep treasure seekers away. * Their slaves scour the nearby region searching for chips and pieces for the High Priest. * He alone determines which pieces may be traded to outsiders.
  • III
  • 2
  • Science side
  • 1
  • 0
Erster Auftritt
  • Super Mario Bros.
Cast Time
  • Passive
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • yes
Bislang letzter Auftritt
  • Super Mario Maker
  • 1
  • 60
  • 1
  • Status
  • 5
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Twilight Princess
  • Four Swords Adventures
  • Link's Awakening
  • Majora's Mask
  • Ocarina of Time
  • Skyward Sword
  • Spirit Tracks
  • The Wind Waker
  • A Link to the Past
  • Oracle of Ages
  • Oracle of Seasons
  • The Minish Cap
  • Phantom Hourglass
  • The Adventure of Link
  • Four Swords
  • --
  • The Butcher
  • Leoric
  • Kerrigan
  • Sonya
  • Thrall
  • Muradin
  • Alive
  • Disbanded
  • 1
  • Keep an eye on the level of cooperation from friendly institutions outside of the city
  • Block
  • Normal
  • Item
  • Galactic Republic
  • Defensive
  • Unofficial extrajudicial organization
  • A block from The Legend of Zelda
  • yes
  • No
  • 10
  • Controlled by Chip
  • SteelBlue
  • For pushing out of the way, onto switches, etc.
  • Admiral
  • 5.0
  • Gives a chance to block enemy melee and ranged attacks.
  • Cute
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • ブロック
  • とおせんぼう Block
  • Agent, CTU New York
  • "Day 8: 4:00am-5:00am"
  • 100
  • --%
  • Single
  • Block
  • -
  • Male
  • Objekt
  • 8
  • White
  • Special
  • Der wohl am häufisten Auftretende Block, der Mauer-Block
  • Brick Block NSMB.jpg
  • 0
  • Requires Shield
  • 4
wikipage disambiguates
  • 100
Primärer Effekt
  • Versperrt den Weg und beinhaltet Items
  • 0
  • 2115
  • Prevents the Voltage from going up in the same turn.
  • Makes the remaining Pokémon nervous.
  • Makes all Pokémon after the user nervous.
  • Block (Bloque), Es un Skill defensivo el cual consiste en colocar un gran muro frente al usuario para así protegerlo de cualquier ataque mientras esté resista.
  • The Blocks theme was slightly different and featured blocks featuring cartoon characters from a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, a Warner Bros. cartoon, an MGM Cartoon, or a Cartoon Cartoon going from one place to another. Each box shows a video clip from the same (or different) cartoon. In each box, a character does an action, when they leave a box, they move to another box or their action is taken over by another character in another box. The Blocks theme lasted until 1995, when the Checkerboard theme was introduced. However, it appeared back in Europe in early 2002 to early 2006. Weirdly, at the end year of the European version of the era, sometimes the cartoons don't come from any episodes as a clue, as in a 2005-2006 bumper, you can notice the characters and the prop's pop out in the middle of the blocks. It's counterpart in the United States is YEEEAUHHHH!.
  • Block is an unimplemented command used to bar the exits of a room.
  • In Super_Punch-Out!!_(SNES) however, the player can defend both stomach and face, By not having any directional input, Mac will be by default blocking gut punches, but if the player hold the Up button, Mac will instead cover his face from punches, in the aforementioned game, Uppercuts cannot be blocked and certain Non-Uppercut attacks like Gabby Jay's Taunt Punch, Mr. Sandman's third punch on his Jab Combo, Heike Kagero's Hair Flick and Super Macho Man's Clothesline are also immune to blocking.
  • A block can also be a normal piece in a level which has no specialties and can do nothing but block the player or allow the player to stand on the item. Blocks are in most typical levels.
  • Blocking a user is really the last thing an admin wants to do :-( But often that's the only way to stop vandals, cursing, talking another language which it is not English, spamming for badges (Doing edits on Pages which are not useful), spamming in the comments (Writing nonsense comments) and trolls. If you got blocked, you may always ask an admin why he did this (don't spam him). When blocking a user, we'll always give a reason why. If you got mistakenly blocked then tell us about it. For not to receive a block please see the Rules! page.
  • Professions: Rifleman Effect: Increases your chance to block an attack. A blocked attack will only deliver half its damage, calculated before armor or damage mitigation. This skill mod is not associated with lightsaber block.
  • A Mega-Block (also known as Housing Blocks or simply Blocks) are strato-scraper arcologies that are hundreds of stories tall.
  • Everyone starts with the Block ability. While blocking you gain: * +200% to all damage resistance * +100% knockback and knockup resistance * "Block mode" * -1 Hold - This appears to be literally what it says. While maintaining block, you have an active -1 to the hold level affecting you. This means that an 0.5 hold will not disable you while you're blocking, but a 2.0 hold will. Of course, you have to stop blocking to start spamming Z... so this is only good for moving to a better location or for waiting out particularly weak or short holds. You are penalized: * -100% to run, flight, and jump speed * Jump Height set to 0 (you can still try to jump, but it's pointless)
  • Blocks are mental barriers that stop a channeler's access to the One Power. Mazrim Taim calls them "bars."
  • BLOCK (ブロック Burokku?) is an Academy City-based organization whose original goal was to keep an eye on the level of cooperation from friendly institutions outside of the city. It's incarnation as seen on October 9 was virtually destroyed during the events of that day despite only one operative being confirmed to be killed (Yamate), and the rest just indisposed or their status unknown, and was later reorganized to form a new organization with the remnants of ITEM, SCHOOL, and MEMBER. After the end of World War III, the organization has now been dissolved.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Block (とおせんぼう Block) Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Block is a normal-type move introduced in Generation III.
  • Blocks are obstacles in the Bloons series. They are generally annoying because they can impede your way but blocks like rubber blocks can be rather useful for aiming at tricky areas sometimes.
  • Block is an active skill in S4 League. Block allows an eSper to assembly a temporary wall.
  • Block was a CTU agent active during Day 8.
  • Blocking is a keyword action.
  • Blocking is a game mechanic that prevents attacks from hitting. Blocked attacks deal no damage, gain no Adrenaline, and are represented visually by a small white spark followed by the text "block" briefly floating above the target. Blocking skills come in varying degrees of effectiveness, depending on the chance to block, duration, and types of attack blocked. Multiple blocking effects are treated as a two-step process, therefore if you have one 50% chance to block skill and one 75% chance to block skill, the game treats it like this: * 50% chance to block * Blocked * Not blocked * If not blocked then 75% chance to block * Blocked * Not Blocked The chance of enemies hitting you is 50%*25%=12.5%. Thus giving you a net total of a 87.5% to block.
  • A block is a general term for a Second Life prim as referred to in its edit window, but "block" may also refer to the cube prim type.
  • La era Block fue la primera era y look que tuvo Cartoon Network en América Latina. Comenzó a principios del canal (30 de abril de 1993) y terminó en 1995. el tema de los bloques fue de bloques y funciones ligeramente diferentes con personajes de dibujos animados de dibujos animados de Hanna-Barbera, dibujos animados de Warner Bros., una historieta de MGM, o una historieta que van de un lugar a another.Each caja muestra un video clip diferente de la misma o una historieta diferente. En cada cuadro, un personaje hace una acción, cuando salen de una caja, se trasladan a otra caja o de su acción es tomada por otro personaje en otra caja. El tema Bloques duró hasta 1995, cuando el modelo Checkerboard fue introducido. Sin embargo, aparecía de nuevo en Europa desde principios de 2002 hasta principios de 2006. Extrañamente, en el año final de la versión europea de la época, a veces las caricaturas no viene conforme a algún episodio como una pista en un parachoques de 2005-2006, se puede observar a los personajes y el atrezzo de salir en medio de los bloques. Su contraparte en los Estados Unidos es la era YEEEAUHHHH!.
  • Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Shaman. The ability of a shield to absorb melee damage in addition to its armor value. When a shield is equipped, you have a certain chance to perform a Block. The basic chance to block an attack is indicated on your character sheet under the Defense tab. This value assumes that you fight against a mob or other character of same level. Fighting a mob of higher level than yourself decreases your chance to Block, and vice versa. Your base chance to block an attack is 5% and this is modified by a factor of the rating difference between the attacker's weapon skill and the defender's defense and block rating. Each point of difference adjusts the base chance by 0.1% if the target is a mob and 0.04% if the target is a player. Mobs level 9 and lower do not block as frequently, just as they are not missed as frequently as they should be. Also, mobs cannot block more than 5% of attacks regardless of rating difference. The amount of damage a Block reduces depends on the block value of your shield, any enchantments, talents and your Strength. Damage reduced by blocking is calculated after other damage reducing factors, such as armor, which increases the effectiveness of blocking.
  • The great dam was made of stone blocks, but one of the stone blocks cement binder began to leak water, which was going to wash the block out, endangering the whole dam. Aquaman replaced the block with another.
  • Blocks are recurring objects in the Legend of Zelda series. They are small stone blocks that serve mostly as obstacles. Most blocks are immovable, but some can be pushed or pulled.
  • Block is a skill that affects your defensive abilities.
  • Der Wert "Block" steht für die Fähigkeit einen feindlichen Angriff abzuwehren und somit keine Lebenspunkte verliert. In Ardea-Minigo gibt es zwei verschiedene Block-Werte: Einen, für das Blocken mit Waffen oder Schilde und einen, der das Blocken mit bloßen Händen, also den Waffenlosen Block wiederspiegelt.
  • Form des Stellens von Tischen im Bankett- oder Restaurantsaal. Bei Blockform werden mehrere Tische in Form eines Rechtecks zusammengestellt und die Gäste sitzen außen um den Tischblock herum. 17:25, 6. Okt. 2012 (UTC)Eintrag Bestätitgt Jiannis Lytrivis
  • Blocking determines your chance to defend against physical melee and ranged attacks delivering physical damage. Unless specifically stated otherwise, it requires a shield of any type to be equipped in order to work. Due to the nature of this mechanic, heroes that are built to take the brunt of attacks, like Warriors, Paladins, Crusaders and the Templar, are most likely to make extensive use of it. Other classes may find themselves using shields more for the defense and/or affixes offered rather than outright blocking attacks.
  • Αναφέρεται στην δυνατότητα που έχουν οι careers με ασπίδα να μπλοκάρουν-αποκρούσουν (block) χτυπήματα του αντιπάλου. Η πιθανότητα για ένα επιτυχημένο block αυξάνει όσο αυξάνονται και οι πόντοι που έχετε στο στατιστικό Weapon Skill.
  • A block is * a sequence of bits that comprise the input, output, State, and Round Key. The length of a sequence is the number of bits it contains. Blocks are also interpreted as arrays of bytes. * a string of characters, of words, or of records, that is treated as a unit for a given purpose. * a "[s]tring of bits of defined length.
  • Block affects the character's ability to decrease physical damage from attacks, and requires a shield to be equipped. Higher values for block increases the reduction of damage. Templars benefit the most from block, although other classes using a shield can benefit from block as well.
  • Blocks are one of the most common of XANA's monsters, and one of the weakest. They inhabit the Ice Barrier, Desert, Forest, and Mountain Sectors. Blocks have four Eye of XANAs, each one situated atop a different type of laser or mechanism. One of the eyes is a standard laser, one a Freeze Ray, one shoots Fire Rings, and last Eye covers the brain. The lasers and fire rings do 30 points of damage. If any one of these eyes are hit, the Block automatically dies. Blocks are moderately intelligent, but in some cases, they are quite unintelligent. One thing that supports Odd's above statement is found in the episode Frontier, where Aelita is being chased by two Blocks in the Mountains. The Blocks come across a gap and attempt to jump. One of the Blocks accidentally bumps into the other and loses too much speed and falls into the Digital Void (the other Block made it, though). They won't jump off to their doom in a desperate attempt to catch a Team Lyoko member, but instead carefully time everything. Blocks usually attack in groups, one herd containing a record breaking number of 46 bloks, as seen in the episode Ghost Channel. Blocks can rotate their heads on the axises which connect them to their six-legged lower bodies, and each Eye can see and lock onto enemies. They can also defy gravity by climbing upside down and on the side of things. Odd claims in The Girl of the Dreams that Blocks are his favourite monsters. Blocks are basically cubes on legs. They have six legs compared to the usual four seen on other monsters, allowing them to balance on surfaces that other monsters would plummet from, like peaks in the Mountain sector. Each Eye on the Block's cube-shaped head has a different function. Despite having different functions, these eyes look identical and can't be distinguished from each other. This has worked in the Blocks' favor on a few occasions, but is usually not a concern. The front Eye is the brain, the right Eye is a laser, the left Eye fires a freeze ray, and the rear Eye shoots pulses of fire rings. Each weapon has a specific glow before firing: red for lasers, light-blue for the freeze ray, and orange for fire rings. The laser and fire rings each do thirty points of damage per hit. Either one can be fired rapidly. The ice beam fires as a continuous stream and has several different effects. It can either freeze part of someone's body, forcing them to chip the ice away, or it can freeze them entirely. If someone is completely frozen, they are either devirtualized or stuck frozen for three minutes. So far, Ulrich is the only one out of the group to have been completely frozen by the ice beam. This might be due in part to his style of combat, which focuses on blocking attacks instead of avoiding them. The ice beam has proven largely unblockable, though it may have just been either good timing on the part of the Block, the inability to block specialized attacks with the sword or the fact that they have only used this ability when their targets were caught off guard. A Block has accidentally frozen its companion on one occasion, but the freezing did not devirtualize it. The Block actually tried to fire through its companion after doing so. Blocks usually appear in groups of two to four, sometimes burrowing their way out from under the ground as seen in "Mister Pück". The Blocks are persistent and clever, though single-minded in the pursuit of a target. The Blocks will use their climbing ability to sneak up on targets and their unique array of weapons to devirtualize them. Their single-mindedness causes them to make mistakes, however, providing some comedic results. They also tend to ignore most forms of danger, but will dodge attacks.
  • Blocking can be done standing, crouching, and - in the Street Fighter Alpha series and Marvel vs. Capcom series - in midair. Whether or not an attack is blocked depends on what angle the attack is coming from and which direction the player blocked. File:Ryu-block-low.gif * If one is attacked via crouching attack by the foe, then the player must do a crouching block -- the standing block will not prevent the attack. * If one is attacked while standing, crouching or standing blocks are fine. * Overhead attacks can bypass crouching blocks, as they strike high, despite appearing to aim low. * If one is attacked via aerial means, a standing block must be used -- crouching will not do anything to prevent it (although it could evade the attack). When blocking a special attack (including more powerful variants such as Super Combos), the blocker will receive Chip Damage. Grab attacks cannot be blocked, but in Street Fighter IV, a "technical" may be performed by attempting to grab a foe who tries to do the same, and cancel out both attempts.
  • Block is an ability that reduces damage by X in the final adjustment of a normal attack. It is specialized on normal attacks, so that all ability damage will not trigger it. However as a defense ability it will work regardless of the status. It is especialy effective against whirlwind, as it counts as normal attack too. Cavalry block is generally regarded as much stronger than infantry block, as they are much stronger against archers, and pikemans are often too weak to take them down. A vast number of infantry and cavalry have this ability, along with minority of other card types.
  • It is inpenetrable and indestructible, can only be removed with erase.
  • Block is an essential move in Gunz. It can be performed by pressing shift with a sword equipped. By doing so, you are performing the basis for many important moves. Blocking can be a very good move as not only can you deflect bullets and slashes with it but you also instantly charge a [[massive]] if the block is successful. Because of this, not only can you negate an enemy's attack, you can also counter-attack with deadly efficiency, as a massive does double damage and also pushes the opponent back, stunning them for about a second or two. It is also more difficult to miss, as the blast harms anybody nearby.
  • Each block point makes you 1% more likely to reduce damage received by 30%.
  • Blocks of wood are made using the timbercraft skill on tree trunks or logs. Each trunk yields 8 blocks, and a woodsman's axe is the best tool for this. Blocks of wood can be turned into wooden bowls, wooden mugs or firewood. They can be carved.
  • Admiral Block was a fleet officer in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars, serving aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Vigilance. Block provided air support for the Jedi Quinlan Vos, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker during a mission to destroy the Separatist Vanqor listening post on Vanqor. However, Vos had secretly warned his master Count Dooku about the Jedi-Republic attack and the Separatists were able to evacuate the facility before Republic forces arrived.
  • A Block is a basic night action that alters the success of another player's action. A role that carries out a block is called a Roleblocker and is not limited to any particular faction. The strength of the block varies based on a game's Order of Actions defined by the host.
  • The Block list, accessible from the Community menu > Block, is a list of players you have blocked from communicating with you.
  • A Block is what you would call when a player attacks a player from the other team. All players can do a block.
  • In the United Kingdom of Anatoray-Disith, the Urbanus comes under atack from a Guild No-Quater/Extermination Squad. Dio Eraclea and Alvis E. Hamilton escape in Dio's vanship. In Glacies, Fam Fan Fan, Giselle Collette and Millia are living in a house provided by Dyan. Their Vespa is damaged. Millia speaks Dyan's language, and interprets as Dyan says that she owes them a debt for saving her pilots during a previous battle. Ades plans an invasion of Glacies. Luscinia Hāfez instructs provincial fleets to lead the battle, with Chaos at the vanguard. Luscinia then speaks with Liliana, who says that she will do what is demanded of her but still hasn't forgiven him. Dyan provides Fam, Giselle, and Millia with tools to repair their Vespa. Once they've finished repairing it, Dyan takes them to some hotsprings. Fam tells Dyan her plan to hold another Grand Race, and Dyan says that the assassination of Farahnāz Augusta at the last Grand Race is what led Glacies to become isolationist. Before leaving, Fam takes Dyan for a ride in her Vespa. Afterwards, Dyan departs in a Rocket Fighter. As Fam and the others head out to try and find the Silvius, they encounter the incoming Ades invasion fleets.
  • Prevents target from switching out.Target can still go through battlefield exit.
  • Blocks are a basic part of the environment in Kid Chameleon. Unlike terrain, which makes the basic solid ground, walls and ceilings and is used only to "draw" the scene and the path through it, blocks can be arranged as platforms, bridges or walls of any kind that the player can interact with.
  • Blöcke sind die am meisten auftretenden Spielelemente der gesamten Mario-Serie. In allen Mario-Jump-‘n‘-Run-Spielen Block kommen Blöcke sehr häufig vor das sie Münzen und Items enthalten die für Mario & Luigi Überlebenswichtig sind.
  • A large block of Truestone which the Storm Bull used to crush the Devil. * It is a huge rectangular solid, nearly one kilometre each side, 1.6 kilometres high. * A long marsh-filled trench marks where it skidded. * It landed at Ex before bouncing here, * A pathway is known to lead to the top. * Atop there is a family of Griffins. * Praxians believe the crushed Devil was the Devourer * The Heortlings believe it was Wakboth. * There are also different traditions about what the block is: Storm Bull's Heart or a piece of the Spike. * The Storm Bull people here fanatically keep treasure seekers away. * Their slaves scour the nearby region searching for chips and pieces for the High Priest. * He alone determines which pieces may be traded to outsiders. Source: Guide to Glorantha
  • Blocks are items that appear in the Super Mario series. They usualy are usually just breakable, but sometimes have coins in them.
  • The block is a tile that can be set in motion only by Chip; it is an acting wall to other blocks and to monsters.
  • Blocking is a Special Page that is accessed by users with Administrator powers, Fandom Helpers, and Fandom Staff. This page can ban users and IPs from editing a certain wiki for an amount of time, usually because of * Vandalism, especially repeated vandalism. * Breaking policies. * Abuse of user rights. * Adding pages that are Copyright violations. * Offensive or misleading usernames. * Spam. File:Block.png
  • When a physical attack is blocked in Xenoblade Chronicles, the damage dealt by the attack is reduced by 50%. A target can block attacks even if attacked from behind. Block Rate is the probability of blocking an enemy's attack, and is determined by the level difference between the party member and the enemy, plus bonuses received from skills or other sources. Both physical Arts and auto-attacks can be blocked. Ether Arts cannot be blocked. Enemies are also able to block party member's attacks. If an enemy blocks an attack, the party member will lose tension. Blocked attacks cannot Topple opponents. If an attack is blocked, the attacker will refrain from movements or attack for a short period (approximately 0.5 - 1.0 seconds). The defender will also be stuck in animation. This can be bad for Reyn and Dunban who get much aggro from many sources. If they have high guard, they can be stuck in blocking animation for quite a while before they can auto-attack or use arts. Some characters and enemies have attacks which can hit two or more times with each attack. If one of the hits is blocked, the remainder of the attack is cancelled.
  • Blöcke sind mentale Barrieren, die einen Machtlenker vom Zugang zur Wahren Quelle abhalten. Mazrim Taim nennt sie "Schranken"
  • A Block is a type of disruption that is similar to a Rock in that it cannot be moved and doesn't make matches, but it can't be erased by adjacent matches. However, after appearing, it will disappear after 5 moves have been made by the player. * Erases itself 5 moves after appearing. * It can be erased through the abilities Block Smash (+, ++). * It can be transformed into another icon through the abilities Swap (+, ++) and Alchemist. * Another icon can be transformed into a Block through the ability Blockify.
  • Block is the ability of a shield to absorb melee damage in addition to its armor value. When a shield is equipped, you have a certain chance to perform a block, the amount of damage of which is influenced by block value. The basic chance to block an attack is indicated on your character sheet under the Defense tab. This value assumes that you fight against a mob or other character of same level. Fighting a mob of higher level than yourself decreases your chance to block, and vice versa.
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