  • Kobold
  • Kobold
  • Kobold
  • Kobold
  • Kobold
  • Kobold
  • Kobold
  • Kobolds are weak creatures found plentifully in Ancardia. They able to fire arrows, and sometimes drop their short bows. According to the manual they attack gnomes on sight, though they are typically hostile to all PCs anyway.
  • Kobold is a Monster that appears in the Prologue Map and near Dokapon Castle. It is the second weakest monster in the game (Chimpy is weaker), but has the lowest stats. Its "Monster Upgrade" is Kobold King.
  • Kobolds are small, lizard like humanoids who make noises similar to yapping dogs. They tend to live underground and are known for their traps and hatred of gnomes.
  • Kobold is a player character race in 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons.[MM:278][DSH:40]
  • The average kobold stands about four feet tall and vaguely resembles a lizard on two legs, though their features are more angular. In actuality, kobolds are not reptiles at all, but distant biological cousins of dragons; they are quick to proudly point this out to anyone who asks. Male kobolds have gray or green scales while the smaller females sport a brighter, greenish-blue tint.
  • Kobolds zijn kleine mensachtigen bang te wagen in het licht uit angst voor hun eigenschaduwen. Nog, ze woest vechten tot de dood eenmaal in een hoek . Ze wonen in tunnels hele Azeroth, maar vooral in de Eastern Kingdoms. De meeste kobolds zijn een gemakkelijke prooi, zoals opgenomen in Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Loch Modan, Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles en Arathi Highlands. De sterkste kobolds nog niet in-game kan wordengevonden in Alterac Valley. De bekende grootste kobold was Noggrin Onetooth woonachtig in Durotar, in de buurt van de Barrens, totdat hij werd gedood door Rexxar, Champion of the Horde. Categorie:Kobold organisaties Categorie:Kobolds Categorie:Monster Guide Categorie:Manual of Monsters
  • Kobolds are small reptilian humanoids who take great pride in their relationship (however distant) to dragons.
  • Kobold ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe Collectable Minifiguren und gehört zur Serie 6. Er ist ausgestattet mit einem Hut und einem Topf voll Gold. Er hat folgende Fähigkeiten:
  • Kobolds are a race of dog-like humanoids found throughout Norrath. A large kobold population can be found on Odus, where many ruled by King Gragnar lives in the Warrens. In addition, fire kobolds live in Antonica in Nagafen's Lair, and a clan of ice kobolds can be found on Velious in Velketor's Labyrinth. Most kobolds are initially hostile to outsiders, though some have displayed a willingness to work with others when it benefits them.
  • Kobolds are small, reptilian humanoids that can be found in many areas of the Sword Coast and Amn, most notably near Nashkel and the Firewine Ruins. Though not usually dangerous on their own, they are always encountered in packs and can easily overwhelm low-level parties. They attack with short swords and shortbows, and their Commandos often use Arrows of Fire. They are often compared to dogs, and are distinguishable by their signature yipping sound.
  • Kobolds, also known as cofgods and kofewalts, are house-spirits.
  • Kobolde sind Gegner aus Diablo III.
  • O kobold é uma raça não muito bem vista nos reinos civilizados, que costuma adorar Megalokk. Alguns deles habitam as Montanhas Sanguinárias.
  • Kobolde sind Kreaturen, die es lieben, anderen - egal welcher Rasse, unangenehme Streiche zu spielen. Bisher ist hat noch niemand einen Kobold gefangen und dessen Treiben eingestellt. Möglicherweise sind Kobolde Fabelwesen der einfachen und ungebildeten Bevölkerung. Die Bauern aus dem Unteren Ort in "Der Rand der Welt (Kurzgeschichte)" sind fest davon überzeugt, dass sie von Kobolden mit roten Hüten schikaniert werden.
  • They reside in a small village in Kordt Forest.
  • A beastman that lives on Lemuris and spends his time attacking and robbing travelers. Kobolds work in large packs, sending one fighter after another at their attackers and retreating only when they realize the battle is unwinnable. They apparently have a habit of collecting shiny objects, but they certainly never seem to try purchasing anything with the riches they steal. __NOEDITSECTION__
  • Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies. A kobold’s scaly skin ranges from dark rusty brown to a rusty black color. It has glowing red eyes. Its tail is nonprehensile. Kobolds wear ragged clothing, favoring red and orange. A kobold is 2 to 2-1/2 feet tall and weighs 35 to 45 pounds. Kobolds speak Draconic with a voice that sounds like that of a yapping dog.
  • Kobolds use the statistics for the Kobold from the Pathfinder Bestiary with the following changes Kobolds no longer possess the Reptilian subtype. Kobolds possess the evility of the class they take, if they take no class they possess Wild Cry and gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls for every enemy adjacent to them.
  • Kobolds are a small, craven, lizard-like race that dwells in places hidden from the sun, particularly subterranean caverns or dense, wooded areas. The inherent cowardice of the kobolds has lent the schemers a bit of cleverness and ingenuity, especially when it comes to devising deadly traps. Despite the fact that kobolds believe they are, in fact, the most superior race on Golarion, they are commonly found in service to other, more powerful masters. The kobolds of Darkmoon Vale favour the Flying talon as a weapon.
  • Kobolds are aggressive, inward, yet industrious small humanoid creatures. They are noted for their skill at building traps and preparing ambushes, and mining. Kobolds are distantly related to dragons and urds and are often found serving the former as minions.
  • HP : 131 Gils : 80 Exp : 300 Niveau : 13 Attaque : 23 Défense : 16 Faiblesse : Rien
  • right|300pxDer Kobold ist klein, manchmal aber auch hässlich, recht flink und kann sowohl gut als auch böse sein
  • Il existe une sorte de Kobold vivant en Norfendre qui s'appelle Frigbold.
  • Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies. Their skin is scaly, ranging from dark rustic brown to black; they have glowing red eyes and a nonprehensile tail. Usually, kobolds wear ragged clothing, favouring reds or oranges. They subsist on a diet of plants or animals, as they are omnivores - they are not averse to eating intelligent beains, however. Their favourite hobbies seem to involve fortifying their caverns or lairs with an ever-expanding repertoire of traps. Kobolds hate almost every other sort of humanoid or fey, with specific hatred towards gnomes and sprites. Most kobolds speak Draconic, although some of the more intelligent ones have been known to speak Common.
  • Kobold is the Captain of the Black Watch during the War of the Forbidding. He was described as being "tall and immaculately dressed" in the novel.
  • Kobolds known to the dwarves as gnomes are a shy people living in deep tunnels under the mountains. A simple folk who need to worship a god and they harm only those who trouble them. Some Kobolds seemed to live in tunnels connected to Mac Mordain Cadal, where they found the dragon Rhuagh, and worshiped him as a god, bringing him fish and gems.
  • Les kobolds sont de petits humanoïdes reptiliens aussi lâches que sadiques. Leur peau écailleuse aux reflets rouille va du brun au noir. Leurs deux yeux rouges luisent en permanence et leur queue n’est pas préhensible. Ils portent des vêtements en haillons, en montrant une nette préférence pour le rouge et l’orange. Personnage kobold Connaissances : kobolds Ecologie des kobolds
  • Ferdok, Grafenstadt (anstelle von Alchimistin Auralia, wenn diese zur Begleiterin wird)
  • Kobolds are short, blue, human-like creatures who live in the underground of High Norland. They have very large noses, wear clothes of all blue, dislike sunlight, and are very crafty and impressive workers.
  • Their middle toe is slightly shorter than the other toes, which is their only difference with the less aggressive paskalds. Kobolds live in small tribes in caverns or in very dark forests.
  • Les kobolds sont des êtres assez peu connus de la fantasy, reconnus généralement comme très poilus et avec mauvais caractère.
  • The Kobold is a unique type of monster encountered in Fate.
  • The kobold was also a goblin-like creature from German mythology.
  • Kobolds are warlike anthropomorphic dogs that especially inhabit the Mines of Gloomingdeep, and the Steamfont Mountains area around the city of Ak'anon.
  • Kobold is a monster found in the sixth Hero and Monster Collection set, Bonds of the Wild. It was previously available in the Second Edition Conversion Kit.
  • The kobold is a sprite of German folklore. Although usually invisible, a kobold can materialise in the form of an animal, fire, a human being, and a mundane object. The most common depictions of kobolds show them as humanlike figures the size of small children. Kobolds who live in human homes wear the clothing of peasants; those who live in mines are hunched and ugly; and kobolds who live on ships smoke pipes and wear sailor clothing.
  • Kobold is the monster class whose monsters are represented by k. The four members of this class are described below. All kobolds are poisonous to eat, and do not convey poison resistance. Notably, kobolds (except kobold shamans) are nearly always found carrying several darts. According to German Mythology, Kobolds normally start out as benevolent nix, but are either ignored or angered by humans, causing them to act out, or in this case, attack.
  • Natürlich kann man die Verbesserung des Kobolds (so wie alles andere im Labor auch) durch 15px|link=Kategorie:Ressourcen#Juwelen sofort fertigstellen. Die Kosten der 15px|link=Kategorie:Ressourcen#Juwelen beziehen sich auf die sofortige Fertigstellung von Level X auf Level Y nach Start der neuen Verbesserung. Level 1 des Kobolds wird in dem Labor natürlich nicht berücksichtigt.
  • Kobolds are a common enemy found it many parts of the game, most commonly in the Kobold Settlement.
  • Art Zugehörigkeit Autor Einordnung Organisation Jahr Zeit Quelle Kategorie Der Kobold in der germanischen Glaubensvorstellung gehört zu den Alben. Er ist der Geist eines Hauses, der Name bedeutet: der "der Kobe (= dem Haus) hold" ist. Zwar werden dem Kobold zahlreiche Neckgeschichten nachgesagt, doch eigentlich ist er ein guter Geist, der spezielle Charakter eines Hauses.
  • The word "kobold" is etymologically related to goblin. Early editions of Dungeons & Dragons described kobolds as goblinoids with dog-like features. Later, an error in an art order turned them into scaly, reptilian creatures, a characterization which has since stuck. In Palladium fantasy, kobolds are surly beings who, much like dwarves, are skilled warriors and craftsmen. However, their society is predominately evil.
  • Race: reptilian Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 15 Hit points: 2 Attack bonus: +2 Damage: d8 (light crossbow) Hit dice (level): 1 Challenge rating: 1/3 Size: small Trained skills:(‡) hide (9), listen (4), move silently (5), search (2), spot (4) Feats: alertness, armor proficiency (light), weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (simple)
  • "You are suddenly face to face with armed kobolds." Name: Kobold AC: 7 HP: 3 Weapon: Short Sword / None Powers: None Movement: 6 Name: Kobold Leader AC: 7 HP: 4 Weapon: Short Bow / None Powers: None Movement: 6
  • Kobold - niezbyt liczna grupa humanoidalnych stworów. Tworzą mniejsze grupy, które przebywają głównie pod ziemią. Wyglądem przypominają dwunożne szczury, lecz wbrew pozorom mogą sprawić problem nawet bardziej doświadczonym awanturnikom. Zajmują się głównie kopaniem i mają wręcz fanatyczną manię w stosunku do świec co możemy wnioskować po ich okrzykach. thumb|Kobold z kilofem
  • [[Datei:GoblinMulch.jpg|thumb|Ein Kobold der Mulch Diggums bedroht]] Die Kobolde sind eine der acht Familien des Erdvolks.
  • Kobold is an ambiguous term. It can refer to: * kobold (SRD creature entry) * kobold (SRD race) * kobold (LA +0 kobold variant) * kobold, whiskered (LA +0 kobold variant) * half-kobold (LA +0 kobold variant)
  • Kobold was a tiny artificial world created in the outer Sol System by Jack Brennan, a human Protector, composed of a small sphere of neutronium in the center ringed by a larger toroid structure. Gravity generators facilitated movement between the two sections and were used in games and art. Brennan destroyed Kobold just prior to leaving for his war with the Pak fleet so as to eliminate any evidence of his complex activity.
  • Dragon-servants; cowards; weaklings. Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with craven and sadistic tendencies. They band together in large nests of dozens or more individuals and bury themselves in overgrown forests, dark places underground, or wherever their dragon overlords build their dens. Kobolds surround their lairs with traps and warning devices like spiked pits, tripwires attached to crossbows, and other similar mechanical tricks, and spend most of their time patrolling their environs. They are also talented miners, and often live in the caves in which they are mining.
  • Kobolds arrived some time following the coming of dragons. Legends very, but sages do agree the Kobold race is the byproduct of Draconic Transmutation experiments on Orcs. It seems that upon arriving on Polaqu some of the Dragons where looking for a race bread for war that they could subjugate and use for their own sinister ends. Though powerful and brutal, all but the brightest specimens possessed possessed little, if any, Arcane potential. Further, most dragons found the appearance of Orcs to be repugnant. So, the Dragons struck an ideological compromise. With powerful Transmutation magic they impregnated several female Orcs with tailored genetic material from both Orcs and unhatched dragon eggs. Kobolds bear the coloration of the Dragon stock they where created from, as well as the mora
  • Kobolds are little humanoids afraid to venture into the light for fear of their own shadows. Still, they fight ferociously to the death once backed into a corner. (WRPG 240) They live in tunnels throughout Azeroth, but primarily in the Eastern Kingdoms. Most kobolds are usually easy prey, appearing in Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Loch Modan, Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles, Arathi Highlands, and Highmountain. Additionally, in Northrend, creatures known as snobolds who, while they appear similar to kobolds, wear snowballs on their heads and are generally subservient to the Magnataur.
  • Kobolde sind eine hochintelligente Rasse von kleinen Hominiden mit langen Fingern und Füßen, die mit der Zaubererwelt koexistieren. Ihre Nahrung besteht aus Fleisch, Wurzeln und Pilzen. Kobolde unterhalten sich in einer Sprache, bekannt als Koboldogack bekannt und sind geschickte Metallschmiede, erwähnenswert für ihre Silberarbeiten; sie prägen selbst Münzen für die Zauberwährung. Aufgrund ihrer Fähigkeiten mit Geld und Finanzen umzugehen, kontrollieren sie die Zauberwirtschaft zu einem großen Teil und führen die Gringotts Zaubererbank.
  • The Kobolds are very lovable creatures, but they are the one of few civilized races living in the wilderness. They have lived for milleniums and have told stories to their children about stories from the beginning of time to the current time.
  • The Kobolds are one species of a larger group, called Sapiens. The Kobolds are organized into tribes, and each tribe is tied to a specific Krall tribe. The Kobold's religion is Shamanistic, and they worship gods who are anthropomorphised animals and creatures. For instance, one of their gods resembles a large Kobold with the head of a Brax, and another is tree-like. Although Kobolds are primarily found in Elysea, they are also servants in the Haramel and Steel Rake instances. Many of the Kobolds can be found in the Dukaki areas in Verteron.
  • right Rencontre: * Tallon * Ferdok, Citadelle ducale .furet fuyant Quêtes: * Les maraudeurs, phase Reprendre les biens que le Kobold a volés * La Recette de la Potion de Puissance Métier: Entraîneur à Tallon puis Marchand & Entraîneur à Ferdok Recettes d'alchimie en ventes (à Ferdok): Talents de base à apprendre: * Alchimie * Magie * Étiquette Talents de magie (sorts) à apprendre:
  • This humanoid is about the size of a gnome or halfling. It has a scaly hide, a naked tail like that of rat, and a doglike head with two small horns. Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies. A kobold's scaly skin ranges from dark rusty brown to a rusty black color. It has glowing red eyes. Its tail is nonprehensile. Kobolds wear ragged clothing, favoring red and orange. Kobolds hate almost every other sort of humanoid or fey, especialy gnomes and sprites.
  • Los Kobolds o Kóbolds son pequeños humanoides con miedo a adentrarse en la luz por temor a sus propias sombras. Sin embargo, luchan ferozmente hasta la muerte una vez apoyados en una esquina. Viven en túneles en todo Azeroth, pero principalmente en los Eastern Kingdoms (Reinos del Este). La mayoría de kóbolds son presa fácil, aparecen en Elwynn Forest (Bosque de Elwynn), Westfall (Páramos de Poniente), Loch Modan, Stonetalon Mountains (Sierra Espolón), Thousand Needles (Las Mil Agujas) y Arathi Highlands (Tierras Altas de Arathi). Los kóbolds más fuertes se pueden encontrar en Alterac Valley (Valle de Alterac), ocasionalmente invadiendo la Coldtooth Mine bajo el mando de Tasksmaster Snivvle (Capataz Sniwle).[[Archivo:Snobold.jpg|thumb|Un Snobold]]
  • 250px|thumb|Kobold w D&D Next 250px|thumb|Kobold thumb|250px|Urd Koboldy to rasa małych, tchórzliwych i sadystycznych istot o gadzim wyglądzie. Są to mierzące do metra wzrostu humanoidy posiadające gadzią, zazwyczaj ubarwioną na zielono skórę. Istnieją także koboldy o skórze w odcieniach od ciemnego brązu do niemal ciemnej czerwieni. Ich ciało ma zapach podobny do zapachu mokrego psa lub nieświeżej wody. Głowa istoty posiada cechy gadzie i psie. Znajdują się na niej dwa małe rogi, nie nadające się do walki. Oczy koboldów mają pomarańczowe białka, natomiast źrenice są czerwone. Znakomicie widzą w ciemnościach. Koboldy mają mały, niechwytny ogon, który czasem ozdabiają. Ich szaty to brunatne, zielone lub czerwone łachmany ze skóry. Ponieważ są niepozorne, a ich język przypomina ujadanie mały
  • Ein Kobold ist ein Begriff für Haus- und Naturgeister. 2376 meint Harry Kim zu Thomas Eugene Paris, dass er bei der Erstellung seines Holoprogramms Paris 042, die Kobolde vergessen hat, um das Programm authentischer zu machen. Paris erwidert, dass Fair Haven ohne Kobolde, Außerirdische und Raumschiffe perfekt ist. (VOY: ) Als die Hologramme des Paris 042-Programms Misstrauen gegen die Crew der USS Voyager hegen, die das Programm benutzen, meint Maggie O'Halloran, dass Neelix wie ein Kobold aussehe. (VOY: )
  • According to their own mythos, the kobolds of Khorvaire originated at the very dawn of the world of Eberron. When blood was shed during the battle among the progenitor dragons, Siberys, Eberron and Khyber, the kobolds emerged from the sacred fluids which fell. Most non-kobold scholars discount this view since it would make kobolds even older than the races of true dragons, which descended from Siberys, but among kobolds it is considered fact.
  • Kobolds are a strong low level enemy. They have relatively high strength and weapon proficiency, and are one of the lowest level enemies to use weapons and armor. Kobolds are close combat enemies and easily defeated by ranged attacks. Kobolds are the main reason that new characters should avoid dungeon crawling before they are fully equipped.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 10
  • 20
  • 21
  • 3
  • 4
  • 13
  • 2
  • 9
  • Lawful Evil
  • Law
  • Lawful Evil
  • Chaotic
  • Neutral-Neutral
  • Usually neutral evil
  • Often chaotic neutral
  • 1
  • 25
  • 27
  • 53
  • n/a
  • ninguna
  • 3
  • -
Row 9 info
  • 10
Row 8 info
  • 6
Row 4 info
  • 4.0
  • 1,22 m
  • Schwarz
  • No
  • 19
Row 10 title
  • Random Drops
  • Eating kobolds causes sickness.
  • 1
Row 7 title
  • SP
  • 0
  • -
  • 172800.0
  • 259200.0
  • 43200.0
  • 432000.0
  • 864000.0
  • 691200.0
  • 0
  • 2
  • gebeugter Gang
  • 5
  • 200
Row 1 info
  • 13
  • desconhecida
  • Weiß
  • 1
  • 10
  • 12
  • 15
  • 87
no of attacks
  • 1
  • 0
Row 8 title
  • EXP
  • 80
  • 5
  • 10
  • 9
  • 13
  • 14
  • 45
  • 10
  • Low
  • Gobelin
Row 4 title
  • Primeira Aparição
  • AT
Hit points
  • 4
Row 9 title
  • Gold
  • *Topf *Gold *Hut
  • Typically
  • 5
  • Melee
patron deity
  • 5
  • 7
  • 14
  • 0
  • 4
  • 250
  • Kobold
  • Equips All
  • Pfirsichfarben
Monster Memory
  • A demented little creature that looks like a cross between a malnourished goblin and a small, yappy dog. Most other Ancardian races view kobolds as semi-sentient vermin, and treat them accordingly. Kobolds, for their part, do nothing to dispel this view.
  • 0
Row 2 info
Row 6 info
  • 2
  • Unknown
  • no aplicable
  • 6
  • 20
  • 210
  • -
Row 1 title
  • Categoria
  • ID Number
  • 0
  • 4
  • 1
  • 9
  • No
Row 5 info
  • Hero Aid *
  • 12
  • 35
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 11
  • 23
  • 32
  • 55
  • Wälder
Row 2 title
  • Level
  • Habitat
  • No
  • siehe links
  • 4
  • 10
Row 6 title
  • MG
  • Usually lawful evil
  • 20
  • 30
  • Goblin
  • Poison
  • 5
  • Chara 171 kobold.png
  • File:5.pngFile:5_f.png
  • 3
  • 7
  • 20
xp value
  • 7
  • 9
  • 12
  • 6
  • 8
  • 12
Row 10 info
  • 15
  • 12
  • 5
  • 7
  • 10
Row 5 title
  • DF
  • Última Aparição
  • Schwarz
  • Humanoid
  • 10
  • 6
Row 3 info
  • 15
  • desconhecida
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
Row 3 title
  • HP
  • Tendência
  • 20
  • Duende
  • nw_kobold001, nw_kobold002
Row 7 info
  • 2
  • 15
  • 10
  • 1
  • 9
  • 5
  • 0
  • Gothador - 7,021 Years Ago
  • 1
  • Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes
  • 1
  • 32
  • *Shoots arrows *Occasionally shrugs off bolts and other resistible magic
Box Title
  • Kobold
  • Kobold
  • +2
  • 5
  • Kobold
  • 1
  • siehe links
  • Independent, Hostile, Giants , Defias Brotherhood , Harpies , Venture Trading Company or Krom'gar Fortress
  • 5
  • 4
  • Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, White, Magenta, Orange
  • -35
  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • 74
  • 78
  • 0.800000
  • 183
  • Brood , nest , or warren Group , patrol , or expedition
  • 6
  • 2
  • 2
  • 9
  • 6
  • 5
  • Brown, Black, white fur
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • 7
  • 9
  • Kobold
  • Kobold
  • kobold
  • Der Kobold
  • kobold shaman
  • large kobold
  • 0
  • 10
  • 12
  • 14
  • 19
  • 20
  • 30
  • -
  • No skin shows
  • Reddish brown to black
  • Kobold „Sicher, ich zeige dir gerne, wo ich mein Gold versteckt habe! Schließe einfach die Augen und dreh dich dreimal um die eigene Achse...“ Der fröhliche aber schelmische Kobold liebt es, allen, die nach seinem berühmten Topf voll Gold suchen, Streiche zu spielen. Er kann mit einem Augenzwinkern erscheinen und mit einem kleinen Nicken wieder verschwinden, sich in einem Kaninchenbau verstecken oder die Wipfel der höchsten Bäume mit einem einzigen Sprung erklimmen und sich sogar in ein sprechendes Tier verwandeln, wenn es dazu dient, ahnungslose Schatzjäger ins Bockshorn zu jagen. Der Kobold hat seinen Topf voll Gold so gut versteckt, dass er ihn selbst nicht mehr finden kann. Er versuchte sein Glück als Schuhmacher, doch das wurde nichts. Das Problem dabei war, dass Minifiguren eigentlich keine Schuhe tragen... und die, die doch welche tragen, brauchen immer nur ein einziges Paar!
  • -4
  • -3
  • -2
  • Neutral-Neutral
  • Very rare
  • Kobold
  • Kobolds, from the 4th edition Monster Manual
  • 7
Money Dropped
  • 5
  • Menschen
  • Small
  • -
Items Dropped
Items Equipped
Locations Found
cold %
  • 0
  • 5
  • 22
  • 28
  • 38
  • 48
  • 64
  • 84
  • 104
3e type
  • Ice
4e type
  • Natural humanoid
3e advancement
  • By character class
  • Anger Hit * Fatal Strike *
3e size
  • Small
4e size
  • Small
4e source
  • Monster Manual (4th edition), pg. 278
  • Phys Up * Life Bonus *
3e class
  • Empfindungsfähig
3e source
  • Monster Manual v. 3.5, pg. 161-162
  • 25
  • 40
  • 60
  • 80
  • 100
  • 150
  • 200
  • 50000
  • 250000
  • 750000
  • 2250000
  • 4500000
  • 6750000
  • -
  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • -
  • 11
  • 14
  • 19
  • 24
  • 32
  • 42
  • 52
  • Goblin
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 8
  • 17
  • 75
  • 11
  • 20
  • Jewel
  • Smoke Bomb
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Life Stone
  • Raw Animal Meat
  • Battle Hammer
  • 0
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 35
  • 60
  • 70
  • 400
  • 450
  • 200
  • Blanc Thika Ruins
  • 17
  • 9
  • Kobold
  • Forests
  • 4
  • 7
  • 1
  • Small
  • Underground
  • or deep forest
  • temperate underground
  • 3
  • 0.0
  • 125.0
  • 2
  • 9
  • 0
  • 10
  • 1
  • 0
  • 1
  • 7
  • 15
  • 18
  • 24
  • Burnt orange, red
  • 6
  • 1.57788E9
  • -5.364792E10
  • 5
  • 8
  • Raiden
  • Freeze Ice 1
  • Bite Daamu Illusio Rakukaja Dia
  • Magnara\i Agi\i Destruction Smash
  • Poison Fang Flee
  • Rakukaja Sukukaja Patra
  • Rakukaja Sukukaja Patra Media Paraladi
  • Snipe *
  • Demon
  • Kobold
  • Warrior
  • 2
  • 6
  • 10
  • 15
  • 9900
  • 9966
  • 50404.0
  • A beastman that lives on Lemuris and spends his time attacking and robbing travelers. Kobolds work in large packs, sending one fighter after another at their attackers and retreating only when they realize the battle is unwinnable. They apparently have a habit of collecting shiny objects, but they certainly never seem to try purchasing anything with the riches they steal.
  • Kobolds are weak creatures found plentifully in Ancardia. They able to fire arrows, and sometimes drop their short bows. According to the manual they attack gnomes on sight, though they are typically hostile to all PCs anyway.
  • Weak to Force, magic, and Almighty
  • Nothing in particular.
  • Small, aggressive, physically durable, industrious, nimble, stealthy
  • k
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0
  • 7
  • 9
  • 200
  • Level: 1, DV: 12, PV: 1, Hits: 5, Attacks: 1, Damage: 0-5. Speed: 100.
  • 0
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 10
  • 5
  • Kobold.jpg
  • 90
  • 86400.0
  • Magic spell-casting
  • Bill
  • Harry
  • Animal
  • 2
  • 3
  • 11
  • 17
  • 24
  • 28
  • 30
  • 40
  • 47
  • 48
  • 50
  • 64
  • 93
  • 125
  • 200
  • 576
  • Earth
  • reptilian
  • Temperate
  • Jirae
  • 4
  • no aplicable
  • d8
  • Omnivore
  • Male
  • 2
  • 4
  • 5
  • 7
  • 6
  • 13
  • 27
  • 16
  • 4
  • 8
  • 9
  • -
  • 15
  • 40
  • 11
  • 250
  • 8827
  • Small
  • small
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
  • 2
  • 7
  • 11
  • 15
  • 10
  • 6
  • 11
  • 12
  • 10
  • 80.0
  • 7
  • 13
  • 5
  • 8
  • 5
  • 7
  • 8
  • 23
  • Kobold
  • normal
  • jirae
  • 25
  • 30
  • 36
  • 43
  • 52
  • 68
  • 74
  • 13
  • Гоблин
  • 3
Move Type
  • Flat
  • Walk
  • Hell yeah, let's do this! Try to pick your jaw up off the floor when you see the new me.
  • 10
  • 5
  • -
  • 7
  • 6
  • 21
  • 48
  • 4
  • 13
  • Force
  • 5
  • 7
  • I'm Kobold the Touki. Let's do this.
  • 12
  • Aggravate
  • 5
  • 4
  • 6
  • 10
  • 25
  • 4
  • 7
  • 13
  • 7
  • 8
  • 5
  • 12
  • 8
recovery Time
  • 60
breaking point
  • 6
  • Aber wenn es gekauft wurde -
  • Du verstehst nicht, Harry, keiner kann es verstehen, außer wenn er unter Kobolden gelebt hat. Für einen Kobold ist der rechtmäßige und wahre Besitzer jedes Gegenstands nicht der Käufer, sondern der Erzeuger. Alle koboldgearbeiteten Gegenstände gehören in ihren Augen rechtmäßig ihnen.
  • Yes
  • 18
resistances conveyed
  • None
  • Bill Weasley erklärt Koboldvorstellungen von Zahlung und Eigentum
  • 100
  • 150
  • 7
  • 20
  • Small
  • 114
  • Kobold
  • 250
  • 250
  • yes
  • 8.0
4e modifiers
  • +2 Constitution, +2 Dexterity
3e modifiers
  • -4
  • -2
  • 250
  • 301
4e skillmod
  • +2 Stealth, +2 Thievery
  • 265
  • 7.0
electricity %
  • 0
acid %
  • 0
slashing %
  • 0
fire %
  • 0
missile %
  • 0
magic %
  • 0
magical fire %
  • 0
magical cold %
  • 0
piercing %
  • 0
crushing %
  • 0
  • Kobolds are weak creatures found plentifully in Ancardia. They able to fire arrows, and sometimes drop their short bows. According to the manual they attack gnomes on sight, though they are typically hostile to all PCs anyway.
  • Kobold is a Monster that appears in the Prologue Map and near Dokapon Castle. It is the second weakest monster in the game (Chimpy is weaker), but has the lowest stats. Its "Monster Upgrade" is Kobold King.
  • 250px|thumb|Kobold w D&D Next 250px|thumb|Kobold thumb|250px|Urd Koboldy to rasa małych, tchórzliwych i sadystycznych istot o gadzim wyglądzie. Są to mierzące do metra wzrostu humanoidy posiadające gadzią, zazwyczaj ubarwioną na zielono skórę. Istnieją także koboldy o skórze w odcieniach od ciemnego brązu do niemal ciemnej czerwieni. Ich ciało ma zapach podobny do zapachu mokrego psa lub nieświeżej wody. Głowa istoty posiada cechy gadzie i psie. Znajdują się na niej dwa małe rogi, nie nadające się do walki. Oczy koboldów mają pomarańczowe białka, natomiast źrenice są czerwone. Znakomicie widzą w ciemnościach. Koboldy mają mały, niechwytny ogon, który czasem ozdabiają. Ich szaty to brunatne, zielone lub czerwone łachmany ze skóry. Ponieważ są niepozorne, a ich język przypomina ujadanie małych piesków, koboldy nie są zwykle brane poważnie, co dla wielu lekkomyślnych awanturników skończyło się fatalnie. To, czego natura poskąpiła im w sile i wytrzymałości, nadrabiają bowiem koboldy szybkością i zaciekłością. Ulubioną taktyką walki koboldów jest wykorzystanie atutów terenowych i podstęp. Dużo czasu spędzają na tworzeniu pułapek i mechanizmów obronnych, takich jak wilcze doły. W czasie walki istoty te stosują fortele, zwykle lubią mieć przewagę liczebną bojąc się ataku w pojedynkę. Uwielbiają ataki z góry, zwłaszcza ze skał, zrzucając na przeciwnika smołę lub jadowite robactwo. Strzelają z proc i małych kusz, używają też włóczni. Zazwyczaj dokładnie analizują swoje szanse, zanim zdecydują się na walkę, chyba że przeciwnik należy do którejś ze znienawidzonych ras. Po utracie przewagi liczebnej szybko tracą morale i rzucają się do ucieczki. Koboldy żyją w ciemnych miejscach pod ziemią lub w gęstych lasach. Są doskonałymi górnikami i chętnie osiadają w terenie bogatym w surowce mineralne. Typowe koboldowe plemię liczy od 40 do 400 samców, o połowę mniej samic i od 4 do 40 młodych. Porządek zapewniają dowódcy i ich ochroniarze a czasem również szamani. Koboldy są gatunkiem jajorodnym. Każdy szczep pielęgnuje jednocześnie od 30 do 300 jaj. Oprócz tego plemionom koboldów często towarzyszą żyjące z nimi dzikie zwierzęta: dziki lub ogromne łasice. Plemiona koboldów dzielą się na klany, tworzące grupy bojowe. W skład klanu wchodzi do dziesięciu rodzin, a każdy klan kontroluje obszar około 15 kilometrów kwadratowych. Koboldy są nieufne wobec obcych i najczęściej traktują ich wrogo. Lubią zabijać jeńców i ich zjadać, a czasem sprzedają ich jako niewolników. Łączy je nienawiść do istot baśniowych, gnomów i chochlików, którymi brzydzą się w najwyższym stopniu. Poza tym często toczą wojny z goblinami, podsycane niekiedy przez krasnoludy, które usiłują prewencyjnie kontrolować populację tych istot. Koboldy posługują się smoczym, uważając, że są potomkami smoków. Do tego często przejawiają talent w magii, w klasie zaklinacza. Żyją do 135 lat. Bogami koboldów są Kurtulmak i mniej znany półbóg Gaknulak.
  • Kobolds are small, lizard like humanoids who make noises similar to yapping dogs. They tend to live underground and are known for their traps and hatred of gnomes.
  • Kobold is a player character race in 4th edition Dungeons & Dragons.[MM:278][DSH:40]
  • The Kobolds are very lovable creatures, but they are the one of few civilized races living in the wilderness. They have lived for milleniums and have told stories to their children about stories from the beginning of time to the current time. They are known for their wild stories telling about famous heroes and how the world came to be. Their stories can be heard at the village of Legends, Blite. They are divided by the great river they call Blaeor's tail. They were divided into two tribes after what they call the Holy divide. There was the tribe of Tristania and the tribe of Symphonia. Tristania is not a bad tribe, but they are servers of the night and Symphonia are servants of the gods.
  • right Rencontre: * Tallon * Ferdok, Citadelle ducale .furet fuyant Quêtes: * Les maraudeurs, phase Reprendre les biens que le Kobold a volés * La Recette de la Potion de Puissance Métier: Entraîneur à Tallon puis Marchand & Entraîneur à Ferdok * Une fois qu'il a repris l'étal d'Auralia l'alchimiste à Ferdok, Citadelle ducale, il vend un stock régulier d'Eau de source, Eau soufrée, Bidistillat, Alcool, Poudre de mandragore, Baumes de soin, Finage et Poudre de diamant ainsi que des Crocs venimeux, élixirs de courage, élixirs d'intuition, élixirs d'intelligence, potions de soins, potions magiques, potions d'endurance, antidotes, eaux de précision, pilules d'endurance, grandes potions d'endurance, grandes potions magiques, grandes potions de soin, élixirs de charisme, élixirs de dextérité, élixirs d'adresse, élixirs de constitution, élixirs de force, potions de volonté, feuilles de golune, herbes frisées, baies à quatre feuilles et 2xL'ingrédient du léprechaun.. Recettes d'alchimie en ventes (à Ferdok): * Recette de l'eau de visée * Recette de l'élixir d'Intuition * Recette de l'élixir de Courage * Recette de l'élixir de Constitution * Recette de la potion de Volonté * Recette d'antidote * Recette de l'élixir de Force * Recette des pastilles contre l'épuisement * Recette de la grande potion d'Endurance * Recette de la grande potion de guérison * Recette de grande potion magique Talents de base à apprendre: * Alchimie * Magie * Étiquette Talents de magie (sorts) à apprendre: * Œil d'aigle, Œil de lynx * Aerofugo Vacuum * Réactivité physique * Qualité de Courage * Qualité d'Intelligence * Qualité d'Intuition * Qualité de Charisme * Qualité de Dextérité * Qualité d'Adresse * Qualité de Constitution * Qualité de Force * Acceleratus Rapide comme l'éclair * Baume de guérison * Que la foudre te frappe! * Choc de froid Corpofrigo * Appeler un Djinn * Duplicatus Doppelgänger * Ecliptifactus Force de l'ombre * Restaurer la qualité * Rouille et pourriture * Seviteur élémentaire * Œil de Faucon le Fin Tireur * Farandole de lucioles * Lumière dans les ténèbres * Foramen Foraminor * Fulminictus * Gardianum Bouclier magique * Maître des animaux * Phantasme d'Horriphobus * Salve de flamme d'Ignifaxus * Boule de feu d'Ignisphaero * Clarum Purum * Boule de foudre * Paralysie * Plumbumbarum Bras de plomb * Psychostabilis * Repos du corps et de l'esprit * Sensibar * Skelettarius * Somnigravis - Mille ronflements * Souffle pestilentiel de Tlaluc
  • The average kobold stands about four feet tall and vaguely resembles a lizard on two legs, though their features are more angular. In actuality, kobolds are not reptiles at all, but distant biological cousins of dragons; they are quick to proudly point this out to anyone who asks. Male kobolds have gray or green scales while the smaller females sport a brighter, greenish-blue tint.
  • Kobolds zijn kleine mensachtigen bang te wagen in het licht uit angst voor hun eigenschaduwen. Nog, ze woest vechten tot de dood eenmaal in een hoek . Ze wonen in tunnels hele Azeroth, maar vooral in de Eastern Kingdoms. De meeste kobolds zijn een gemakkelijke prooi, zoals opgenomen in Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Loch Modan, Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles en Arathi Highlands. De sterkste kobolds nog niet in-game kan wordengevonden in Alterac Valley. De bekende grootste kobold was Noggrin Onetooth woonachtig in Durotar, in de buurt van de Barrens, totdat hij werd gedood door Rexxar, Champion of the Horde. Categorie:Kobold organisaties Categorie:Kobolds Categorie:Monster Guide Categorie:Manual of Monsters
  • Kobolds are small reptilian humanoids who take great pride in their relationship (however distant) to dragons.
  • Kobolds are little humanoids afraid to venture into the light for fear of their own shadows. Still, they fight ferociously to the death once backed into a corner. (WRPG 240) They live in tunnels throughout Azeroth, but primarily in the Eastern Kingdoms. Most kobolds are usually easy prey, appearing in Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Loch Modan, Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles, Arathi Highlands, and Highmountain. Additionally, in Northrend, creatures known as snobolds who, while they appear similar to kobolds, wear snowballs on their heads and are generally subservient to the Magnataur. The largest kobold known was Noggrin Onetooth[citation needed] who resided in Durotar, near the Barrens, until he was killed by Rexxar, Champion of the Horde.
  • Kobold ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe Collectable Minifiguren und gehört zur Serie 6. Er ist ausgestattet mit einem Hut und einem Topf voll Gold. Er hat folgende Fähigkeiten:
  • Kobolds are a race of dog-like humanoids found throughout Norrath. A large kobold population can be found on Odus, where many ruled by King Gragnar lives in the Warrens. In addition, fire kobolds live in Antonica in Nagafen's Lair, and a clan of ice kobolds can be found on Velious in Velketor's Labyrinth. Most kobolds are initially hostile to outsiders, though some have displayed a willingness to work with others when it benefits them.
  • Kobolds are small, reptilian humanoids that can be found in many areas of the Sword Coast and Amn, most notably near Nashkel and the Firewine Ruins. Though not usually dangerous on their own, they are always encountered in packs and can easily overwhelm low-level parties. They attack with short swords and shortbows, and their Commandos often use Arrows of Fire. They are often compared to dogs, and are distinguishable by their signature yipping sound.
  • Kobolds are a strong low level enemy. They have relatively high strength and weapon proficiency, and are one of the lowest level enemies to use weapons and armor. Kobolds are close combat enemies and easily defeated by ranged attacks. Kobolds are the main reason that new characters should avoid dungeon crawling before they are fully equipped. Although Kobolds are excellent newbie killers, in ranged combat with shurikens or magic, they're unimpressive targets. Just make sure they don't get close if you're a level 1 archer for example; Kobolds can and do kill warriors, let alone non-melee classes, in a few turns.
  • Kobolds, also known as cofgods and kofewalts, are house-spirits.
  • Kobolde sind Gegner aus Diablo III.
  • O kobold é uma raça não muito bem vista nos reinos civilizados, que costuma adorar Megalokk. Alguns deles habitam as Montanhas Sanguinárias.
  • Kobolde sind Kreaturen, die es lieben, anderen - egal welcher Rasse, unangenehme Streiche zu spielen. Bisher ist hat noch niemand einen Kobold gefangen und dessen Treiben eingestellt. Möglicherweise sind Kobolde Fabelwesen der einfachen und ungebildeten Bevölkerung. Die Bauern aus dem Unteren Ort in "Der Rand der Welt (Kurzgeschichte)" sind fest davon überzeugt, dass sie von Kobolden mit roten Hüten schikaniert werden.
  • They reside in a small village in Kordt Forest.
  • A beastman that lives on Lemuris and spends his time attacking and robbing travelers. Kobolds work in large packs, sending one fighter after another at their attackers and retreating only when they realize the battle is unwinnable. They apparently have a habit of collecting shiny objects, but they certainly never seem to try purchasing anything with the riches they steal. __NOEDITSECTION__
  • Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies. A kobold’s scaly skin ranges from dark rusty brown to a rusty black color. It has glowing red eyes. Its tail is nonprehensile. Kobolds wear ragged clothing, favoring red and orange. A kobold is 2 to 2-1/2 feet tall and weighs 35 to 45 pounds. Kobolds speak Draconic with a voice that sounds like that of a yapping dog.
  • Kobolde sind eine hochintelligente Rasse von kleinen Hominiden mit langen Fingern und Füßen, die mit der Zaubererwelt koexistieren. Ihre Nahrung besteht aus Fleisch, Wurzeln und Pilzen. Kobolde unterhalten sich in einer Sprache, bekannt als Koboldogack bekannt und sind geschickte Metallschmiede, erwähnenswert für ihre Silberarbeiten; sie prägen selbst Münzen für die Zauberwährung. Aufgrund ihrer Fähigkeiten mit Geld und Finanzen umzugehen, kontrollieren sie die Zauberwirtschaft zu einem großen Teil und führen die Gringotts Zaubererbank. Kobolde haben ihre eigene Art der Magie und können Magie erzeugen ohne Zauberstab. Sie werden vom Koboldverbindungsbüro der Abteilung zur Führung und Aufsicht Magischer Geschöpfe im Zaubereiministerium vertreten. Kobolde werden von vielen Zauberern als minderwertig angesehen, die dummerweise glauben, dass die Kobolde zufrieden mit dieser Anordnung sind.
  • Kobolds use the statistics for the Kobold from the Pathfinder Bestiary with the following changes Kobolds no longer possess the Reptilian subtype. Kobolds possess the evility of the class they take, if they take no class they possess Wild Cry and gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls for every enemy adjacent to them.
  • The Kobolds are one species of a larger group, called Sapiens. The Kobolds are organized into tribes, and each tribe is tied to a specific Krall tribe. The Kobold's religion is Shamanistic, and they worship gods who are anthropomorphised animals and creatures. For instance, one of their gods resembles a large Kobold with the head of a Brax, and another is tree-like. Although Kobolds are primarily found in Elysea, they are also servants in the Haramel and Steel Rake instances. Many of the Kobolds can be found in the Dukaki areas in Verteron. Kobolds use insignias to distinguish between male and female kobold warriors. Their houses have a rounded, angled interior and what look like dragon decorations outside. The purpose of the decorations is unclear, perhaps placed by the Balaur-worshipping Krall in an attempt to convert the Kobolds to their religion. Another possibility is that the tents are meeting places for rituals, since they contain no furnishings.
  • Kobolds are a small, craven, lizard-like race that dwells in places hidden from the sun, particularly subterranean caverns or dense, wooded areas. The inherent cowardice of the kobolds has lent the schemers a bit of cleverness and ingenuity, especially when it comes to devising deadly traps. Despite the fact that kobolds believe they are, in fact, the most superior race on Golarion, they are commonly found in service to other, more powerful masters. The kobolds of Darkmoon Vale favour the Flying talon as a weapon.
  • Kobolds arrived some time following the coming of dragons. Legends very, but sages do agree the Kobold race is the byproduct of Draconic Transmutation experiments on Orcs. It seems that upon arriving on Polaqu some of the Dragons where looking for a race bread for war that they could subjugate and use for their own sinister ends. Though powerful and brutal, all but the brightest specimens possessed possessed little, if any, Arcane potential. Further, most dragons found the appearance of Orcs to be repugnant. So, the Dragons struck an ideological compromise. With powerful Transmutation magic they impregnated several female Orcs with tailored genetic material from both Orcs and unhatched dragon eggs. Kobolds bear the coloration of the Dragon stock they where created from, as well as the moral tendencies of each. After several failed attempts over many years, the Kobold race as it is known across Polaqu emerged. These new creatures where much weaker than Orcs, but where quite limber and are thus able to beat Orcs at their own game when employing strike-and-fade or wolf-pack tactics. Moreover, they posses arcane potential far above that of Orcs; something more valuable to Dragons anyway than mere physical strength. In addition, Kobolds are made in the image of their creators: and their creations know it. The Kobold culture gives homage certain Dragons, revering them as gods and creating what is known today as The Dragon Cult. Some Kobolds are not content to win lands and slaves to their masters, but strive to ensnare the souls of many in worship of their creators. Sanctimoniously, they seek to cull the realms for willing supplicants, and stroke the egos of their masters; many of which swell with pride believing they are, or can become, gods themselves. As a result of the religious fervor among Kobolds toward their Draconic masters, holy wars often erupt between factions that swear loyalty to opposed masters.
  • Kobold was a tiny artificial world created in the outer Sol System by Jack Brennan, a human Protector, composed of a small sphere of neutronium in the center ringed by a larger toroid structure. Gravity generators facilitated movement between the two sections and were used in games and art. Brennan destroyed Kobold just prior to leaving for his war with the Pak fleet so as to eliminate any evidence of his complex activity. Brennan created an 8 ft diameter sphere of neutronium, a material consisting of densely packed neutrons. The sphere had a surface gravity of eight million g and was maintained within a stasis field at his world of Kobold. Kobold is the artificial world that Jack Brennan, as a protector, bubble-formed from an asteroid and maintained an ecosystem in. Kobold was Brennan's home for over 200 years. It was destroyed at the departure of Brennan and Roy Truesdale from Kobold. Kobold would appear to be named after the Kobolds of German folklore, spirits that people believed to be mischievous tricksters at times, and at other times prayed to for protection.
  • Kobolds are aggressive, inward, yet industrious small humanoid creatures. They are noted for their skill at building traps and preparing ambushes, and mining. Kobolds are distantly related to dragons and urds and are often found serving the former as minions.
  • This humanoid is about the size of a gnome or halfling. It has a scaly hide, a naked tail like that of rat, and a doglike head with two small horns. Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies. A kobold's scaly skin ranges from dark rusty brown to a rusty black color. It has glowing red eyes. Its tail is nonprehensile. Kobolds wear ragged clothing, favoring red and orange. Kobolds are aggressive, xenophobic, yet industrious small humanoid creatures. They are noted for their skill at building traps and preparing ambushes. Kobolds are distantly related to dragons and are often found serving them as minions. Kobolds speak a version of draconic, with a yipping accent. Kobolds are often described as either rat- or dog-like. Kobolds usually consume plants or animals but are not averse to eating intelligent beings. They spend most of their time fortifying the land around their lairs with traps and warning devices (such as spiked pits, tripwires attached to crossbows, and other mechanical contraptions). Kobolds hate almost every other sort of humanoid or fey, especialy gnomes and sprites. A kobold is 2 to 2-1/2 feet tall and weighs 35 to 45 pounds. Kobolds speak Draconic with a voice that sounds like that of a yapping dog.
  • HP : 131 Gils : 80 Exp : 300 Niveau : 13 Attaque : 23 Défense : 16 Faiblesse : Rien
  • According to their own mythos, the kobolds of Khorvaire originated at the very dawn of the world of Eberron. When blood was shed during the battle among the progenitor dragons, Siberys, Eberron and Khyber, the kobolds emerged from the sacred fluids which fell. Most non-kobold scholars discount this view since it would make kobolds even older than the races of true dragons, which descended from Siberys, but among kobolds it is considered fact. Kobolds have a natural ability with magic, a factor which they claim lends credibility to their beliefs of origin. Many kobolds become sorcerers or have a minor capability with magic. Kobolds also have a natural ability with mining and because of their small size are able to get to veins of ore that even dwarves might have trouble reaching. They seem to like to set traps, perhaps a natural instinctive defense mechanism; they often enhance the traps protecting their mines and homes with minor magic. Note: Kobolds' native skill with magic combined with their mastery of mechanical devices in the form of traps would also incline one to believe that artifice might be a natural talent among kobolds, but this has not been consistently observed by outsiders to be the case. Of course, this does not mean that it is not true.
  • right|300pxDer Kobold ist klein, manchmal aber auch hässlich, recht flink und kann sowohl gut als auch böse sein
  • Il existe une sorte de Kobold vivant en Norfendre qui s'appelle Frigbold.
  • Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with cowardly and sadistic tendencies. Their skin is scaly, ranging from dark rustic brown to black; they have glowing red eyes and a nonprehensile tail. Usually, kobolds wear ragged clothing, favouring reds or oranges. They subsist on a diet of plants or animals, as they are omnivores - they are not averse to eating intelligent beains, however. Their favourite hobbies seem to involve fortifying their caverns or lairs with an ever-expanding repertoire of traps. Kobolds hate almost every other sort of humanoid or fey, with specific hatred towards gnomes and sprites. Most kobolds speak Draconic, although some of the more intelligent ones have been known to speak Common.
  • Kobold is the Captain of the Black Watch during the War of the Forbidding. He was described as being "tall and immaculately dressed" in the novel.
  • Dragon-servants; cowards; weaklings. Kobolds are short, reptilian humanoids with craven and sadistic tendencies. They band together in large nests of dozens or more individuals and bury themselves in overgrown forests, dark places underground, or wherever their dragon overlords build their dens. Kobolds surround their lairs with traps and warning devices like spiked pits, tripwires attached to crossbows, and other similar mechanical tricks, and spend most of their time patrolling their environs. They are also talented miners, and often live in the caves in which they are mining. In the kobold mentality, dragons are god-like beings. The little humanoids revere the great reptiles religiously and are willing to endure any sacrifices when it comes to pleasing their masters. This partnership is not infrequently a one-way relationship, as dragons’ opinions of their “servants” usually hinge upon the kobolds’ ability to locate treasure – and their potential to become late night snacks for their masters. Kobolds also have enmity towards every other sort of humanoid or fey, with a particular hostility against gnomes. Listening solely to the word of their Wyrmpriest leaders – religiously devoted kobolds with a few magic powers linked to the dragons they serve – kobolds carry out the will of their dragon masters, spying from their warrens in city sewers or underground cave networks. In combat, kobolds are notorious cowards, only going on the offensive with overwhelming odds in their favor. Skulking amidst their dark lairs they hide from stronger foes and swarm to overwhelm weaker ones. Unless a commanding leader is present, they will flee at a moment’s notice if a battle looks like it’s turning sour. Kobolds are quite capable of group tactics if being led by the stronger members of their race, including Wyrmpriests or the heavily armed Dragonshields. Kobolds can be found in many places in Neverwinter. They have made their way into the sewers beneath the city, placing deadly traps for unwary adventurers and causing troubles for nearby denizens. As the Neverwinter guards have more pressing matters to attend to than clearing out the vermin, the kobolds have made quite a home out of their subterranean hideouts. There are also rumors that a large group of kobolds has become ensconced within Mount Hotenow, whispering their reverence for one of the “Great Red.” Adventurers should be careful when they step into the volcano’s belly, of kobolds and far less cowardly adversaries.
  • Kobolds known to the dwarves as gnomes are a shy people living in deep tunnels under the mountains. A simple folk who need to worship a god and they harm only those who trouble them. Some Kobolds seemed to live in tunnels connected to Mac Mordain Cadal, where they found the dragon Rhuagh, and worshiped him as a god, bringing him fish and gems.
  • Les kobolds sont de petits humanoïdes reptiliens aussi lâches que sadiques. Leur peau écailleuse aux reflets rouille va du brun au noir. Leurs deux yeux rouges luisent en permanence et leur queue n’est pas préhensible. Ils portent des vêtements en haillons, en montrant une nette préférence pour le rouge et l’orange. Personnage kobold Connaissances : kobolds Ecologie des kobolds
  • Ferdok, Grafenstadt (anstelle von Alchimistin Auralia, wenn diese zur Begleiterin wird)
  • Kobolds are short, blue, human-like creatures who live in the underground of High Norland. They have very large noses, wear clothes of all blue, dislike sunlight, and are very crafty and impressive workers.
  • Their middle toe is slightly shorter than the other toes, which is their only difference with the less aggressive paskalds. Kobolds live in small tribes in caverns or in very dark forests.
  • Les kobolds sont des êtres assez peu connus de la fantasy, reconnus généralement comme très poilus et avec mauvais caractère.
  • The Kobold is a unique type of monster encountered in Fate.
  • The kobold was also a goblin-like creature from German mythology.
  • Kobolds are warlike anthropomorphic dogs that especially inhabit the Mines of Gloomingdeep, and the Steamfont Mountains area around the city of Ak'anon.
  • Kobold is a monster found in the sixth Hero and Monster Collection set, Bonds of the Wild. It was previously available in the Second Edition Conversion Kit.
  • Los Kobolds o Kóbolds son pequeños humanoides con miedo a adentrarse en la luz por temor a sus propias sombras. Sin embargo, luchan ferozmente hasta la muerte una vez apoyados en una esquina. Viven en túneles en todo Azeroth, pero principalmente en los Eastern Kingdoms (Reinos del Este). La mayoría de kóbolds son presa fácil, aparecen en Elwynn Forest (Bosque de Elwynn), Westfall (Páramos de Poniente), Loch Modan, Stonetalon Mountains (Sierra Espolón), Thousand Needles (Las Mil Agujas) y Arathi Highlands (Tierras Altas de Arathi). Los kóbolds más fuertes se pueden encontrar en Alterac Valley (Valle de Alterac), ocasionalmente invadiendo la Coldtooth Mine bajo el mando de Tasksmaster Snivvle (Capataz Sniwle).[[Archivo:Snobold.jpg|thumb|Un Snobold]] El Kobold más grande que se ha visto fue Noggrin Onetooth, que residía en Durotar, cerca de The Barrens (Los Baldíos), antes de que fuese asesinado por Rexxar, el Campeón de la Horda. Existe una subespecie llamada Snobold, la cual se encuentra en Rasganorte.
  • Ein Kobold ist ein Begriff für Haus- und Naturgeister. 2376 meint Harry Kim zu Thomas Eugene Paris, dass er bei der Erstellung seines Holoprogramms Paris 042, die Kobolde vergessen hat, um das Programm authentischer zu machen. Paris erwidert, dass Fair Haven ohne Kobolde, Außerirdische und Raumschiffe perfekt ist. (VOY: ) Als die Hologramme des Paris 042-Programms Misstrauen gegen die Crew der USS Voyager hegen, die das Programm benutzen, meint Maggie O'Halloran, dass Neelix wie ein Kobold aussehe. (VOY: ) ⚙ Dieser Artikel wurde als be­son­ders aus­bau­fähig ge­kenn­zeich­net. Solltest du über weitere Fak­ten und In­for­mat­ion­en zum Thema verfügen, zögere nicht, diese beizutragen und [ bearbeite] ihn! Kategorie:Ausbaufähiger Artikel
  • The kobold is a sprite of German folklore. Although usually invisible, a kobold can materialise in the form of an animal, fire, a human being, and a mundane object. The most common depictions of kobolds show them as humanlike figures the size of small children. Kobolds who live in human homes wear the clothing of peasants; those who live in mines are hunched and ugly; and kobolds who live on ships smoke pipes and wear sailor clothing.
  • Kobold is the monster class whose monsters are represented by k. The four members of this class are described below. All kobolds are poisonous to eat, and do not convey poison resistance. Notably, kobolds (except kobold shamans) are nearly always found carrying several darts. According to German Mythology, Kobolds normally start out as benevolent nix, but are either ignored or angered by humans, causing them to act out, or in this case, attack.
  • Natürlich kann man die Verbesserung des Kobolds (so wie alles andere im Labor auch) durch 15px|link=Kategorie:Ressourcen#Juwelen sofort fertigstellen. Die Kosten der 15px|link=Kategorie:Ressourcen#Juwelen beziehen sich auf die sofortige Fertigstellung von Level X auf Level Y nach Start der neuen Verbesserung. Level 1 des Kobolds wird in dem Labor natürlich nicht berücksichtigt.
  • Kobolds are a common enemy found it many parts of the game, most commonly in the Kobold Settlement.
  • Art Zugehörigkeit Autor Einordnung Organisation Jahr Zeit Quelle Kategorie Der Kobold in der germanischen Glaubensvorstellung gehört zu den Alben. Er ist der Geist eines Hauses, der Name bedeutet: der "der Kobe (= dem Haus) hold" ist. Zwar werden dem Kobold zahlreiche Neckgeschichten nachgesagt, doch eigentlich ist er ein guter Geist, der spezielle Charakter eines Hauses.
  • The word "kobold" is etymologically related to goblin. Early editions of Dungeons & Dragons described kobolds as goblinoids with dog-like features. Later, an error in an art order turned them into scaly, reptilian creatures, a characterization which has since stuck. In Palladium fantasy, kobolds are surly beings who, much like dwarves, are skilled warriors and craftsmen. However, their society is predominately evil.
  • Race: reptilian Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 15 Hit points: 2 Attack bonus: +2 Damage: d8 (light crossbow) Hit dice (level): 1 Challenge rating: 1/3 Size: small Trained skills:(‡) hide (9), listen (4), move silently (5), search (2), spot (4) Feats: alertness, armor proficiency (light), weapon proficiency (creature), weapon proficiency (simple)
  • "You are suddenly face to face with armed kobolds." Name: Kobold AC: 7 HP: 3 Weapon: Short Sword / None Powers: None Movement: 6 Name: Kobold Leader AC: 7 HP: 4 Weapon: Short Bow / None Powers: None Movement: 6
  • Kobold - niezbyt liczna grupa humanoidalnych stworów. Tworzą mniejsze grupy, które przebywają głównie pod ziemią. Wyglądem przypominają dwunożne szczury, lecz wbrew pozorom mogą sprawić problem nawet bardziej doświadczonym awanturnikom. Zajmują się głównie kopaniem i mają wręcz fanatyczną manię w stosunku do świec co możemy wnioskować po ich okrzykach. thumb|Kobold z kilofem
  • [[Datei:GoblinMulch.jpg|thumb|Ein Kobold der Mulch Diggums bedroht]] Die Kobolde sind eine der acht Familien des Erdvolks.
  • Kobold is an ambiguous term. It can refer to: * kobold (SRD creature entry) * kobold (SRD race) * kobold (LA +0 kobold variant) * kobold, whiskered (LA +0 kobold variant) * half-kobold (LA +0 kobold variant)
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