  • Narnia
  • Narnia
  • Narnia
  • Narnia
  • Narnia
  • Narnia
  • Narnia wurde direkt nach der Entstehung der gleichnamigen Welt von Aslan dem Löwen gegründet. Da Kalormen in dem ersten Band nicht erwähnt wird, steht die Existenz des Landes zum Schöpfungsmythos (Aslans Gesang) im Gegensatz.
  • Narnia was one of the Disney Worlds featured in The Kingdom Hearts Series. The World is ruled by mythical creatures.
  • Le Wiki Narnia est un wiki sur la série de livres Les Chroniques de Narnia par l'auteur britannique CS Lewis, qui était fasciné par les mythes, les histoires et contes. Qui sont adaptés dans la cinématographique. Pour plus d’information...
  • Narnia (narr nee uh) is a fantasy world created by Irishman Clive Staples Lewis. There are a series of books that take place both in the real world and Narnia called, "The Chronicles of Narnia" (made famous by movie and tv adaptations). The name "Narnia" is synonymous with America and is an obvious acronym for NeoAmerican Realm for the attainment of Non-Nihilisitc Incarnation and Arbitration (or more precisely NARFTAONNIAA).
  • Peter Griffin ends up in Narnia in the episode "Mind Over Murder" after falling through his washing machine while looking for a sock. After arriving there, he meets Mr. Tumnus who runs away with his sock. Peter wonders if he has landed in Narnia when he drunkenly crashes through the movie screen at the Quahog Cinema in "Friends of Peter G".
  • Narnia is one of the worlds of Effulgence not yet connected by Milliways.
  • Kraina wyobraźni C.S.Lewis’a opracowana w cyklu książek "Opowieści z Narnii" (czasem tłumaczone jako "Kroniki Narnii"). Mapa Narnii|thumb|200px
  • Narnia C. S. Lewis kitalált világa, amin belül szintén található egy Narnia nevű ország, amit különleges, mesés lények népesítenek be. Narnia történetét hét köteten át mesélte el az író (ebben az írásban Narnia-országot fogjuk elemezni).
  • [Source] Narnia is a magical world that Lucy Pevensie discovered by chance while playing a game of hide and seek. It is led by a mysterious Emperor, who operates through Aslan, an extremely benevolent lion. There seem to be many portals into Narnia, including Professor Diggory's wardrobe and the London Underground. In the third film, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, a painting is another portal into the Narnian world. Image:Stub.png This article is a stub. You can help Disney Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Each season in the series is referred to as a book, and is based on a specific book in the series. There are five seasons in all, and two OVAs (one that takes place before the series, and one that takes place during the near end of season one).
  • The Narnia was a cruise ship that Perry and Alice White took a cruise on for their wedding anniversary.
  • "Narnia" may refer either to the world known by this name, or a country that was located in this same world, or by the entire empire that revolved around that same country: * Country of Narnia * The Narnian Empire * World of Narnia
  • Narnia is a pirate of the crew The Sage Raiders and sails the Sage Ocean. He is Mackgirl's favorite hearty. Narnia loves Bilging, and Swordfighting. He is brushing up his Sailing, which is neophyte. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Narnia es el país donde se desarrollan las películas The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe y The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
  • Narnia is a fantasy world created by the Irish author C.S. Lewis as a location for his Chronicles of Narnia, a series of seven fantasy novels for children. In Narnia, animals can talk, mythical creatures abound, and magic is rampant. The economic heart of the country is the Great River of Narnia, which enters the country from the northwest on an east-southeasterly course to the Eastern Ocean. The seat of government is Cair Paravel, at the mouth of the Great River. Other communities along the river include (from east to west) Beruna, Beaversdam, and Chippingford.
  • thumb Las Crónicas de Narnia es una serie de películas de fantasía de Walt Disney Pictures, Walden Media y también de 20th Century Fox basada en la serie de novelas homónima escrita por C.S. Lewis. En la actualidad consta de tres películas de una Heptalogía planeada: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), El príncipe Caspian (2008) y La Travesía del Viajero del Alba (2010).
  • Narnia es un país formado por dos valles entre tres cordilleras. El mundo de Narnia fue creado por Aslan frente al llamado Erial del Farol, al occidente de Narnia, el cual se encuentra rodeado de un bosque. En el interior del Erial del Farol nace un río que se une al Río Congelado, llamado así porque en el tiempo de la Bruja Blanca estaba congelado; en ese punto se construyó el Dique de los Castores, donde también se edificó el Castillo de Miraz.
  • According to most historical sources, Aslan the Great rules Narnia when he feels like it, and takes a personal interest in the affairs of its citizens except when he has to visit his other countries, or snatch schoolchildren, or chase his big ball of yarn again. To do all the actual work around Narnia, Aslan has established a line of human kings, each more incompetent than the last. These monarchs frequently wipe themselves out through sheer stupidity, forcing Aslan to kidnap new "Sons/Daughters of Adam and Eve" and install them as rulers.
  • 1
  • Cinéma
  • Littérature
nombre solicitado
  • es.narnia
  • Narnia
  • *Narnias Anfänge *Ewiger Winter *Goldene Zeit *Düstere Zeit *Kaspians Zeit *Narnias Ende
  • yellow
  • Rat
  • actif
  • Aslan
  • 250
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
  • *Jadis *Telmarer
  • n/a
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
  • *Aslan *Herr der Herren
  • Narnia
  • Monarchie
  • Liodemort
  • Cheese
  • yes
  • Sage
  • Narnia
  • Narnia
  • World of Narnia
  • 300
  • yes
  • *Sprechende Tiere *Fabelwesen *Menschen
  • Sr. Tumnus, Bruja Jadis, Los Castores, REY Miraz, Prince Caspian
  • Narnia Wiki es un proyecto de Fandom que trata de reunir toda la información, personajes y sagas.
  • 25
  • *Humans *Various animals
  • Narnia
  • The Chronicles of Narnia Series
  • Puga
  • Narnia.jpg
  • Abandonada
  • Narnia Wiki
  • fr.narnia
  • Narnia Karte.jpg
wikipage disambiguates
  • *Moor *Berge *Wälder *Grasebenen *Flüsse *Inseln
Date de Début
  • 2011-07-18
  • *Feeneden *Schloss der Weißen Hexe *Miraz' Schloss *Beruna
  • Narnia wurde direkt nach der Entstehung der gleichnamigen Welt von Aslan dem Löwen gegründet. Da Kalormen in dem ersten Band nicht erwähnt wird, steht die Existenz des Landes zum Schöpfungsmythos (Aslans Gesang) im Gegensatz.
  • Narnia was one of the Disney Worlds featured in The Kingdom Hearts Series. The World is ruled by mythical creatures.
  • According to most historical sources, Aslan the Great rules Narnia when he feels like it, and takes a personal interest in the affairs of its citizens except when he has to visit his other countries, or snatch schoolchildren, or chase his big ball of yarn again. To do all the actual work around Narnia, Aslan has established a line of human kings, each more incompetent than the last. These monarchs frequently wipe themselves out through sheer stupidity, forcing Aslan to kidnap new "Sons/Daughters of Adam and Eve" and install them as rulers. Lewis, on the other hand, insists that Aslan created Narnia and all its inhabitants out of dirt and reigns over the whole shemozzle like some sort of Jesus. Sadly, due to extensive propaganda on the part of Lewis and the Pevensie family, the latter viewpoint is the more commonly accepted.
  • Le Wiki Narnia est un wiki sur la série de livres Les Chroniques de Narnia par l'auteur britannique CS Lewis, qui était fasciné par les mythes, les histoires et contes. Qui sont adaptés dans la cinématographique. Pour plus d’information...
  • Narnia (narr nee uh) is a fantasy world created by Irishman Clive Staples Lewis. There are a series of books that take place both in the real world and Narnia called, "The Chronicles of Narnia" (made famous by movie and tv adaptations). The name "Narnia" is synonymous with America and is an obvious acronym for NeoAmerican Realm for the attainment of Non-Nihilisitc Incarnation and Arbitration (or more precisely NARFTAONNIAA).
  • Peter Griffin ends up in Narnia in the episode "Mind Over Murder" after falling through his washing machine while looking for a sock. After arriving there, he meets Mr. Tumnus who runs away with his sock. Peter wonders if he has landed in Narnia when he drunkenly crashes through the movie screen at the Quahog Cinema in "Friends of Peter G".
  • Narnia is one of the worlds of Effulgence not yet connected by Milliways.
  • Narnia es un país formado por dos valles entre tres cordilleras. El mundo de Narnia fue creado por Aslan frente al llamado Erial del Farol, al occidente de Narnia, el cual se encuentra rodeado de un bosque. En el interior del Erial del Farol nace un río que se une al Río Congelado, llamado así porque en el tiempo de la Bruja Blanca estaba congelado; en ese punto se construyó el Dique de los Castores, donde también se edificó el Castillo de Miraz. El Río Congelado baja hasta fusionarse con el Gran Río, también llamado de Beruna; que nace de la cordillera norte de Archenland. Este va a Oriente y se une a la altura del Vado de Beruna, que después se llamará Puente de Beruna por obvias razones, con el Río del Torrente y baja hacia el Mar Oriental. En su desembocadura se encuentra Cair Paravel. El Gran Valle de Narnia está flanqueado al sur por otro valle, en el cual sólo se puede destacar el Prado Danzarín, la Cueva de Cazatrufas y el nacimiento del Gran Río. En el centro de Narnia se encuentra la Mesa de Piedra, que después se llamará Altozano de Aslan; a continuación, siguiendo el curso del Gran Río, se extiende un bosque inmenso que fue dejado crecer a propósito por los telmarinos para usarlo como barrera que los separara del Mar Oriental y el Mar de Cristal, el cual recibiría mejor denominación como golfo. Cair Paravel inicialmente estaba en una península, que se convirtió en isla muchos años antes del reinado de Caspian X. Otro gran cambio geográfico fue el bosque oriental y el proceso de erosión que sufre el Río del Torrente. La construcción del Altozano sobre la Mesa de Piedra y la edificación del Puente de Beruna, fueron otros factores de cambio en la geografía narniana en la época de Caspian X.. El paìs esta habitado por algunos humanos, pero principalmente por animales que hablan y criaturas mìticas como centauros, faunos, sàtiros, enanos, drìades y nàyades, deidades de los rìos, grifos, minotauros, gigantes.
  • Kraina wyobraźni C.S.Lewis’a opracowana w cyklu książek "Opowieści z Narnii" (czasem tłumaczone jako "Kroniki Narnii"). Mapa Narnii|thumb|200px
  • thumb Las Crónicas de Narnia es una serie de películas de fantasía de Walt Disney Pictures, Walden Media y también de 20th Century Fox basada en la serie de novelas homónima escrita por C.S. Lewis. En la actualidad consta de tres películas de una Heptalogía planeada: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), El príncipe Caspian (2008) y La Travesía del Viajero del Alba (2010). La serie gira en torno a las aventuras de niños en el mundo ficticio de Narnia, guiados por Aslan, un león parlante y el verdadero rey de Narnia. La mayoría de los niños destacados fueron los hermanos Pevensie y la antagonista destacada fue la Bruja Blanca. Si bien las películas siguen la trama de la novela tradicional y temas cristianos, también se añadió la mitología griega y los cuentos de hadas británicos.
  • Narnia C. S. Lewis kitalált világa, amin belül szintén található egy Narnia nevű ország, amit különleges, mesés lények népesítenek be. Narnia történetét hét köteten át mesélte el az író (ebben az írásban Narnia-országot fogjuk elemezni).
  • Narnia is a fantasy world created by the Irish author C.S. Lewis as a location for his Chronicles of Narnia, a series of seven fantasy novels for children. In Narnia, animals can talk, mythical creatures abound, and magic is rampant. The name "Narnia" refers not only to the Narnian world, but especially to the land of Narnia within it, which its creator, Aslan the great lion, filled with talking animals and mythical creatures. Narnia is a land of rolling hills rising into low mountains to the south, and is predominantly forested except for marshlands in the north. The country is bordered on the east by the Eastern Ocean, on the west by a great mountain range, on the north by the River Shribble, and on the south by a continental divide. The economic heart of the country is the Great River of Narnia, which enters the country from the northwest on an east-southeasterly course to the Eastern Ocean. The seat of government is Cair Paravel, at the mouth of the Great River. Other communities along the river include (from east to west) Beruna, Beaversdam, and Chippingford.
  • [Source] Narnia is a magical world that Lucy Pevensie discovered by chance while playing a game of hide and seek. It is led by a mysterious Emperor, who operates through Aslan, an extremely benevolent lion. There seem to be many portals into Narnia, including Professor Diggory's wardrobe and the London Underground. In the third film, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, a painting is another portal into the Narnian world. Image:Stub.png This article is a stub. You can help Disney Wiki by [ expanding it].
  • Each season in the series is referred to as a book, and is based on a specific book in the series. There are five seasons in all, and two OVAs (one that takes place before the series, and one that takes place during the near end of season one).
  • The Narnia was a cruise ship that Perry and Alice White took a cruise on for their wedding anniversary.
  • "Narnia" may refer either to the world known by this name, or a country that was located in this same world, or by the entire empire that revolved around that same country: * Country of Narnia * The Narnian Empire * World of Narnia
  • Narnia is a pirate of the crew The Sage Raiders and sails the Sage Ocean. He is Mackgirl's favorite hearty. Narnia loves Bilging, and Swordfighting. He is brushing up his Sailing, which is neophyte. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • Narnia es el país donde se desarrollan las películas The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe y The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
is Nation of
is Heimat of
is Welt of
is Lebensraum of
is Mundo of
is Zugehörigkeit of
is Affiliation of
is País of
is Country of
is House of
is demographic info optional of
is Home of
is világ of
is World of
is Sitz of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is Relaciones of
is Heimatwelt of