  • Othello
  • Othello
  • Othello
  • Othello is a play by William Shakespeare. In 2373, Julian Bashir quoted a line from Othello, Act 3, Scene 3: "O! Beware, my lord, of jealousy / It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feed on". (DS9 comic: "Lwaxana Troi and the Wedding of Doom")
  • by Shilliam Wakespeare Othello, a heartbreaking tragedy by William Shakespeare, loosely based upon the story depicted in Dante's Proserpine.
  • Professor Othello is the History Professor of the Elemento Academy. She teaches students about the history of Rune-Midgarts and is trying to get Professor Fritz interested in history. She is later seen trying to apprehend Professor Fritz with Dean Wilfred after they discover his true indentity.
  • Othello ou "Othello ou le Maure de Venise" ("Othello, the Moor of Venice") est une tragédie écrite par l'Humain William Shakespeare vers 1603*. Le protagoniste est un Général Maure nommé Othello, qui a épousé une Vénitienne nommé Desdémone. Iago, l'antagoniste, met en œuvre un plan visant à détruire Othello en le faisant douter de la vertu de Desdémone. A la fin de la pièce, celle-ci meurt dans les bras de son mari. (Réalité extrapolée *) En 2366, Jean-Luc Picard cita des passages d'"Othello" pour convaincre le DaiMon Tog qu'il était amoureux de Lwaxana Troi. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")
  • Othello is the current leader of Venice gang the Shakespeareans. He is said to be short, but very intimidating. Othello was named for the titular character of Shakespeare's play.
  • Anton's stepbrother. He is an officer of the Rebellion. He died while trying the save Macallan from the Enforcers.
  • Othello is a tragedy play written by William Shakespeare during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and first performed in 1604.
  • Othello is a Character appearing in UT1, UT2004 and UT3 under the Ronin and Thunder Crash factions. He is available for the player to use him as their Character in Instant Action in both games, and has a barbaric attitude.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanagi | Izanagi: Zero File:FireIcon.png Fire: Wyatt Earp | Grey Alien File:WaterIcon.png Water: Louis XIII File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Tokugawa Yoshinobu | Jiraiya | Medusa | Zhang Jiao File:LightIcon.png Light: Fenrir | Haqua File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Geppetto | Bull Demon King | Visceron File:Scroll.png Tower: 34F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage)
  • Othello is a Grim Reaper. He is part of the Forensics Division of the Grim Reaper Dispatch.
  • Donald Edwards is an American professional wrestler better known by his ring name Othello. He wrestled mostly for Championship Wrestling From Hollywood from 2012-2014 before working also for West Coast Wrestling Connection in 2014.
  • The first certainly known performance of Othello broke out on August 4 1914 during a celebration to celebrate the wedding of Frederick IV, Elector Palatine to a dinner role resembling Elizabeth Taylor. Unfortunately for the play’s author, Philip Marlowe, other events of the time took the spotlight away from his play and he was denied the fame and fortune that went the way of Field Marshall Earl Douglas Haig.
  • Standing at 6'9" Gabriel Washington was a shoe-in for the AWE-I's "Monster Factory." There the liverpool native was trained by Vile "Vince" Viper, and Wilson Pound, first meeting longtime friend, Henry Auster ("Handsome" Henry). With a letter of introduction, Washington headed to the states, where he quickly joined the NWC. There he was put in a stupid plastic monster suit, and wrestled as Barbarian Lord. As a larger than life villain, Washington was paired up with similarly themed "monsters" like Shack the Saboteur (Brian Calypso). The two had an in-ring chemistry, and enjoyed complaining about their stupid gimmicks, soon became travelling partners. The two eventually parted ways from NWC, but kept together as they headed to TWS, the problem was, anyone who recognized them as the NW
  • Othello, The Moor Of Venice is one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays. Adapted at least ten times for the screen (sometimes with setting changes), it is a play about racism (though not as we understand it today), trust, love, betrayal and smothering someone with a pillow because you think she's cheated on you, then killing yourself when you realize she didn't.
  • The first white settlers in the area were two brothers, Ben and Sam Hutchinson, who built a cabin along the Crab Creek in 1884. An influx of homesteaders began after the turn of the century, and a post office was established in 1904. The post office was named Othello after a post office also called Othello in Roane County, Tennessee. Since 1998, Othello has also been home to the Sandhill Crane Fastival, celebrating the annual arrival of Sandhill Cranes to the nearby Columbia National Wildlife Refuge.
  • Othello is a tragedy play written by William Shakespeare. The protagonist is a Moor general named Othello, who marries a Venetian woman named Desdemona. Iago, the antagonist, sets in motion a plot to destroy Othello by tainting Othello's faith in Desdemona's virtue. By the end of the play, Desdemona dies by the hands of her own husband. In 2366, Jean-Luc Picard quoted from Othello to convince DaiMon Tog that Lwaxana Troi was his love interest. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi" )
  • The story begins on a street in Venice where the Moor Othello's diabolical ensign, Iago, and his henchman Roderigo argue. Roderigo is determined to win back the heart of Desdemona, the daughter of Brabantio, a senator. Iago despises Othello because he has given the title of lieutenant to an inexperienced soldier, Michael Cassio. Othello arrives to break up the fight and dismisses Cassio from the army as punishment. Cassio laments to Iago that he has been stripped of his job. The villain plots to frame Cassio and Desdemona for deceiving Othello to make him jealous.
  • The main character, Othello is a Moor, a black African, who, at the beginning of the play, has already been a soldier for many years and has become a captain in the army of the Italian city-state of Venice. Shortly before the start of the play, Othello has married Desdemona, the young daughter of a prominent Venetian politician. The main antagonist of the play is Iago, a soldier who serves under Othello. He has come to hate Othello because he chose to promote a younger soldier, Michael Cassio, instead of him. He plans to take revenge on Othello and Cassio by getting the jealous Othello to believe that his wife and Cassio are lovers. Other characters in the play include Iago's wife Emilia, Cassio's lover Bianca and Roderigo, a Venetian gentleman who had hoped to marry Desdemona. All of thos
  • unknown
  • File:1199.png
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Causes a massive blast that triggers additional Bump Combos.
job class
  • 6
Main Weapon
  • unknown
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • Hatcher
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • 30
  • Bounce
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks upward and downward with 2 large elemental lasers.
  • 20646
  • 25550
  • 31424
Strike shot
  • Increases Speed.
  • Bashes the first contacted enemy and attacks with a laser.
  • Explodes on first enemy contact and does a lot of damage to all foes in the vicinity.
  • Curse of Iago - 20 Turns
  • Demon's Spear - 12 Turns
  • Desdemona - 8 Turns
  • 181.070000
  • 193.300000
  • 209.730000
  • silver
  • 25
  • Male
First Appearance
  • Episode 1
  • Othello
  • Power
  • Othello in RO2.
  • -
  • Strike Shot Reducer
  • Null Warp
  • 348.0
  • 250
  • #FFE93E
Birth Place
  • 2.200000
  • Othello
  • Othello
  • Demon Mancer
  • 20
  • 1197
  • 1198
  • 1199
  • General
  • Image gallery
  • Event history
  • Base=File:1197.png
  • 1197
  • 1198
  • 1199
  • 2012-10-14
  • unknown
  • 13003
  • 20359
  • 20755
  • unknown
  • Female
  • Ascension: 7.5
  • Evolution: 7.0
wikipage disambiguates
  • Othello is a play by William Shakespeare. In 2373, Julian Bashir quoted a line from Othello, Act 3, Scene 3: "O! Beware, my lord, of jealousy / It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feed on". (DS9 comic: "Lwaxana Troi and the Wedding of Doom")
  • Othello is a tragedy play written by William Shakespeare. The protagonist is a Moor general named Othello, who marries a Venetian woman named Desdemona. Iago, the antagonist, sets in motion a plot to destroy Othello by tainting Othello's faith in Desdemona's virtue. By the end of the play, Desdemona dies by the hands of her own husband. In 2366, Jean-Luc Picard quoted from Othello to convince DaiMon Tog that Lwaxana Troi was his love interest. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi" ) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine star Avery Brooks has often played the title role in productions of the play by the Shakespeare Theatre Company.
  • by Shilliam Wakespeare Othello, a heartbreaking tragedy by William Shakespeare, loosely based upon the story depicted in Dante's Proserpine.
  • Professor Othello is the History Professor of the Elemento Academy. She teaches students about the history of Rune-Midgarts and is trying to get Professor Fritz interested in history. She is later seen trying to apprehend Professor Fritz with Dean Wilfred after they discover his true indentity.
  • Othello ou "Othello ou le Maure de Venise" ("Othello, the Moor of Venice") est une tragédie écrite par l'Humain William Shakespeare vers 1603*. Le protagoniste est un Général Maure nommé Othello, qui a épousé une Vénitienne nommé Desdémone. Iago, l'antagoniste, met en œuvre un plan visant à détruire Othello en le faisant douter de la vertu de Desdémone. A la fin de la pièce, celle-ci meurt dans les bras de son mari. (Réalité extrapolée *) En 2366, Jean-Luc Picard cita des passages d'"Othello" pour convaincre le DaiMon Tog qu'il était amoureux de Lwaxana Troi. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi")
  • The story begins on a street in Venice where the Moor Othello's diabolical ensign, Iago, and his henchman Roderigo argue. Roderigo is determined to win back the heart of Desdemona, the daughter of Brabantio, a senator. Iago despises Othello because he has given the title of lieutenant to an inexperienced soldier, Michael Cassio. Iago and Roderigo cry out to Brabantio that Othello had stolen and married Desdemona against her will. Brabantio summons some officers to find Othello, who is arrested. Cassio arrives with a message from the duke that Othello's help is needed in a battle against the Turks. Brabantio accuses Othello of cursing his daughter with witchcraft. The Moor explains that he won Desdemona's heart not by witchcraft, but by the stories of his travels and wars. Desdemona arrives and announces to her father that her allegiance is to Othello. The Turkish fleet is destroyed in a storm at sea, and Othello's army is victorious. Othello greets his wife and everyone celebrates...all except Iago and Roderigo. The evil man plots to bring down Cassio by starting a brawl, which he does by getting him drunk. Roderigo sounds the alarm. Othello arrives to break up the fight and dismisses Cassio from the army as punishment. Cassio laments to Iago that he has been stripped of his job. The villain plots to frame Cassio and Desdemona for deceiving Othello to make him jealous. Cassio sends some musicians to play beneath Othello's window, but our hero sends them away. Iago suggests Cassio request Desdemona to convince her husband to give Cassio his job back. Desdemona helps Othello when he falls ill using her handkerchief. She drops it and Iago's wife, Emilia, picks it up, since Iago sent her to steal it for him. He puts it into Cassio's room as "evidence" of him falling in love with Desdemona. Othello demands proof that his wife is unfaithful, and Iago tricks him into believing that Cassio "wiped his beard" with it. The handkerchief was the first gift that Othello gave Desdemona, and the Moor vows revenge on her and Cassio. Iago convinces Othello that he'll help him. Othello demands tha handkerchief from Desdemona, but she tells him she does not have it, and Othello flies into a blind rage. Cassio, wondering about the handkerchief, is greeted by a prostitute named Bianca and asks her to take it and copy its embroidery for him. Falling for Iago's sinister treachery, Othello becomes consumed by jealousy and falls into a trance and a fit of epilepsy. As soon as he recovers, Iago tells him of a meeting he has planned out with Cassio. He convinces Othello to hide and pumps Cassio for information about Bianca, who enters with Desdemona's handkerchief. Bianca reprimands Cassio for tricking him. When Desdemona enters with Lodovico and he gives Othello a letter from Venice calling him home and establishing Cassio as his replacement, Othello strikes Desdemona in a fit of anger. Later that night, Othello accuses Desdemona of sexual treachery, ignoring her protestations. Iago tells Desdemona Othello is very upset about matters of state. Othello tells Desdemona to wait for him in her bed and send Emilia away. Iago assures the concerned Roderigo that his plan is coming to fruition: Roderigo must kill Cassio and win back Desdemona's heart. Iago tells Roderigo to ambush Cassio, but Roderigo misses his mark and Cassio inflicts a wound on him. Iago mutilates Cassio and escapes. Othello hears Cassio's cry and assumes that Iago has murdered him. Lodovico and Graziano arrive to help; Iago, enraged, murders Roderigo and Cassio is taken to have his wound tended. Under Iago's influence, Othello smothers Desdemona in her bed despite her pleas. Emilia enters the room and tells Othello that Roderigo is dead. Before drawing her last breath, Desdemona changes her story and claims that she committed suicide. Emilia asks Othello what happened, and he tells her he caused Desdemona's death for her infidelity. Iago, Montano, and Graziano come into Desdemona's chambers and the wicked man attempts to silence Emilia, who realizes the truth about his treachery. Othello insists that Iago had told them the truth, citing the handkerchief as evidence. After Emilia tells him how she found it and gave it to her evil husband, Othello cries over Desdemona's body. He tries to kill Iago, who callously murders Emilia. Iago makes a getaway but is captured by Lodovico and Montano, who bring in the wounded Cassio. Othello wounds the villain and is disarmed. Lodovico tells Othello that he must return with them to Venice to be tried. Othello makes a speech about how he should be remembered, then commits suicide with a hidden sword. In the end, Lodovico gives Othello's house and goods to Graziano; Iago is taken prisoner and sentenced to death for his crimes.
  • Othello is the current leader of Venice gang the Shakespeareans. He is said to be short, but very intimidating. Othello was named for the titular character of Shakespeare's play.
  • Anton's stepbrother. He is an officer of the Rebellion. He died while trying the save Macallan from the Enforcers.
  • Standing at 6'9" Gabriel Washington was a shoe-in for the AWE-I's "Monster Factory." There the liverpool native was trained by Vile "Vince" Viper, and Wilson Pound, first meeting longtime friend, Henry Auster ("Handsome" Henry). With a letter of introduction, Washington headed to the states, where he quickly joined the NWC. There he was put in a stupid plastic monster suit, and wrestled as Barbarian Lord. As a larger than life villain, Washington was paired up with similarly themed "monsters" like Shack the Saboteur (Brian Calypso). The two had an in-ring chemistry, and enjoyed complaining about their stupid gimmicks, soon became travelling partners. The two eventually parted ways from NWC, but kept together as they headed to TWS, the problem was, anyone who recognized them as the NWC ghouls, would laugh them out of the building. Donning blue masks, the two men started working the circuit as a tag team, the Blue Angels. The two picked up a number of tag titles during their run, while polishing their skills, before losing a mask versus mask match to hated rivals the Marvelous Hellraisers. Getting good press for their last match, Washington got the call from his trainer. Vile "Vince" Viper needed some sidekicks in the internationally acclaimed UWA, and Washington was moving up. Adopting the gimmick Othello, Washington's heavy tattoos were complimented by face paint to make him a truly intimidating presence. Othello was paired up with longtime friend, "Handsome" Henry, forming the tag team Unstoppable Darkness, which tore up the tag division for half a year. The UWA saw star potential in Othello, and pulled the trigger on the team, having them feud over the UWA TV title. Things were looking good for a main event run, when tragedy struck, a blown spot caused Washington to destroy his back, requiring a dozen surgeries. When all the operations were finished there was no way to keep up with a regular schedule, and Othello went back to England to become a trainer at the AWE-I. A few years later, Othello's former partner, Brian Calypso, hit big in the IWA. Othello was brought in to play up their former tag team, wrestling a few PPV matches, while kept on as a road agent to work with younger stars. He stayed with the IWA for five years before it finally went under, at which point he returned to the AWE-I.
  • Othello is a tragedy play written by William Shakespeare during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and first performed in 1604.
  • Othello is a Character appearing in UT1, UT2004 and UT3 under the Ronin and Thunder Crash factions. He is available for the player to use him as their Character in Instant Action in both games, and has a barbaric attitude.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanagi | Izanagi: Zero File:FireIcon.png Fire: Wyatt Earp | Grey Alien File:WaterIcon.png Water: Louis XIII File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Tokugawa Yoshinobu | Jiraiya | Medusa | Zhang Jiao File:LightIcon.png Light: Fenrir | Haqua File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Geppetto | Bull Demon King | Visceron File:Scroll.png Tower: 34F File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage)
  • Othello is a Grim Reaper. He is part of the Forensics Division of the Grim Reaper Dispatch.
  • Othello, The Moor Of Venice is one of William Shakespeare's most famous plays. Adapted at least ten times for the screen (sometimes with setting changes), it is a play about racism (though not as we understand it today), trust, love, betrayal and smothering someone with a pillow because you think she's cheated on you, then killing yourself when you realize she didn't. One thing that must be said is that the play is, along with a lot of contemporary works, far harsher in hindsight. It was written over two centuries before the scientific classification of races and the development of racial hierarchies and stereotypes as we understand them today, albeit they in in modified forms. 'Race' is by no means a static, universal concept. That's not to say people didn't look down on people who weren't from their village, or their county, but peoples' worlds were much smaller back then, and stereotyping and discrimination were in all probability a local or inter-county thing at the time. It's worth noting that in times past, it was usual for white actors to play Othello by way of Blackface, up to and past the 1960s. In fact, the first time a black actor played the part in a major stage production with an otherwise white cast wasn't until 1943. Thus, the early Othello movies have a White Male Lead Othello. It is a case of post-facto Values Dissonance, but it does not make such portrayals inherently bad. As a Christian Moor, or part-Moor, Othello would likely have been some sort of shade of brown - we don't really know for sure - but in his most recent portrayals he has been portrayed by very dark actors, and the 'racism' angle - often using racial stereotypes as understood in the modern USA - has been played up considerably. What slaves there were in the 16th Century Mediterranean were Slavic peoples (Slavic being the adjective form of Slav, which comes from 'Slave') from eastern Europe, and if anyone was doing the slaving it was probably an Italian, or a Turk. Racial characterisation of black people as inferior, the way we understand racism against blacks today, was a post-facto justification of sorts for the trans-Atlantic slave trade when it got going in earnest over a century later.
  • The main character, Othello is a Moor, a black African, who, at the beginning of the play, has already been a soldier for many years and has become a captain in the army of the Italian city-state of Venice. Shortly before the start of the play, Othello has married Desdemona, the young daughter of a prominent Venetian politician. The main antagonist of the play is Iago, a soldier who serves under Othello. He has come to hate Othello because he chose to promote a younger soldier, Michael Cassio, instead of him. He plans to take revenge on Othello and Cassio by getting the jealous Othello to believe that his wife and Cassio are lovers. Other characters in the play include Iago's wife Emilia, Cassio's lover Bianca and Roderigo, a Venetian gentleman who had hoped to marry Desdemona. All of those characters are used to some extent by Iago in his plot. The play is based on a short story called "Un Capitano Moro" ("A Moorish Captain") by the Italian author Cinthio.
  • Donald Edwards is an American professional wrestler better known by his ring name Othello. He wrestled mostly for Championship Wrestling From Hollywood from 2012-2014 before working also for West Coast Wrestling Connection in 2014.
  • The first white settlers in the area were two brothers, Ben and Sam Hutchinson, who built a cabin along the Crab Creek in 1884. An influx of homesteaders began after the turn of the century, and a post office was established in 1904. The post office was named Othello after a post office also called Othello in Roane County, Tennessee. The Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul Railroad ran a track through Adams County in 1907. The railroad officially platted the town as a stop, with water to feed the boilers of steam trains. They kept the name Othello, and build a railyard and wooden roundhouse there. Although the roundhouse burned in 1919, it was replaced with a brick structure which lasted many years. Businesses and settlers continued to follow, and the town was incorporated May 31, 1910. At the time the railroad was the eastern terminus of the second electrified district of the Milwaukee Road's "Pacific Extension" route, which extended up to Tacoma, Washington. The Bureau of Reclamation located offices in Othello in 1947, which prevented the decline of this town with the decline of railshipping after World War II. In the early 1950s, the Columbia Basin Project brought irrigation to the Othello area, increasing both agriculture and commerce. Prior to this, water came only from Crab Creek and from local wells. The water arrived via the East Canal between Billy Clapp Lake and Scootenay Reservoir in Franklin County. Once there was irrigation available, a land drawing was held in Othello. On May 31, 1952 42 names were drawn (of more than 7000 submitted) for the proviledge of purchasing this newly-desireable acreage. From 1951 to 1973 the 637th Radar Squadron operated the Othello Radar Station near the tow. In 1958, an ice plant was opened in town to service railroad cars moving produce. Frozen food packaging came to town in the early 1960s, and has since become the main industry. Since 1998, Othello has also been home to the Sandhill Crane Fastival, celebrating the annual arrival of Sandhill Cranes to the nearby Columbia National Wildlife Refuge.
  • The first certainly known performance of Othello broke out on August 4 1914 during a celebration to celebrate the wedding of Frederick IV, Elector Palatine to a dinner role resembling Elizabeth Taylor. Unfortunately for the play’s author, Philip Marlowe, other events of the time took the spotlight away from his play and he was denied the fame and fortune that went the way of Field Marshall Earl Douglas Haig.
is Largest City of