  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • Death
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • __TOC__
  • Date of death: N/A
  • After the defeated of two serpent rider of D'Sparil and Korax. Eidolon the third and last of the Serpent Rider. Now Facing the dangers of his own dominion through out the World of Heretic and Hexen, believe that the world of Thyrion would never fall under his control due to the Humans have defeated two of his brothers. However, It Admited itself and proved to be defenseless as he can't contained the Continent from resistances of heroes that will liberated. So, he corrupted the Popes and Priest for helping to remove the seal to release the All Four Horsemen of Apocalypse to watch over each of the continent making them as the Leaders of those servant as it futile to opposed the great one.
  • Death (デス Desu) is a Black Magic spell from Fire Emblem Gaiden and a Dark Magic spell from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. Death is a powerful spell often used by high leveled Dark Magic users, but despite what the name implies, it is not an instant death spell. In Fire Emblem Gaiden, Death boasts high might at the cost of lower accuracy. In TearRing Saga, Death has lower might than other Dark Magic spells, but has a high critical rate.
  • NOTE: Due to recent distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on Old School RuneScape servers, players will have up to 60 minutes to retrieve any tradeable item on death. In addition, untradeable items will return to a player's inventory on death (Wilderness mechanics apply to untradeable items, however). This does not apply to dangerous PvP situations. Jagex has not released a list of untradeables that are confirmed to be kept on death but apparently painted whips, fire capes, damaged Barrows equipment, imbued rings and RFD gloves are kept.
  • Death(死)はあなたのキャラクターのHealthがゼロになったときに発生する現象です。 WARでの死は一時的なもので、死ぬことによって恒久的に与えられるペナルティは存在しません。
  • Death (ang. Niebyt) – amerykański zespół death metalowy założony w 1984 przez Chucka Schuldinera. Trudno tu mówić o założeniu, gdyż była to tylko zmiana nazwy z Mantas.
  • Death can be combined with Rika's illusion skill in any order to do a Lethal Image combo. Alys learns Death at level 13, and must be equipped with a Slasher to use it.
  • thumb|right|200px|Death Death – amerykański zespół, jeden z prekursorów death metalu. Powstał z inicjatywy wokalisty i gitarzysty Chunka Schuldinera jako Mantas. W grudniu 1984. nazwa została zmieniona na Death. Rozwiązany w 2001 roku, kiedy to Schuldiner zmarł.
  • File:Death rar2.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Death is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse that appeared during Hellboy's battle with Nimue at the battleground of Vigrid.
  • height: 6ft 9in weight: 140Ibs race: unkown sex:male eye color: gray age: 247 Full name : Jacob Timothy Redgrave
  • As noticed by the forum, each house from Halloween Horror Nights 20: Twenty Years of Fear has some sort of connection to Death. * Horror Nights: The Hallow'd Past- Deaths in the past * Havoc: Dogs of War- Supersoldier massacres * ZombieGeddon- The undead * The Orfanage: Ashes to Ashes-Dead children and their murderer * PsychoScareapy: Echoes of Shadybrook and Legendary Truth: The Wyandot Estate- Undead ghosts and the forgotten * Catacombs: Black Death Rising- Death by disease * Hades: The Gates of Ruin- The realm of the dead
  • Death, the personification of death and the grim reaper, is in love with me, Deadpool! Because she can't have my soul due to me not being able to die. I reciprocate my love for her and so I try to figure out ways for me to lose my healing ability, die and be with my beloved. Thanos, jealous because he understood Death preferred my love over him, (Understood? Yeah right.) cursed me with immortality so we can't be together.
  • Death is a darkness element creature of which can be located on board the Phantom Ship.
  • usually taken to mean tranformation or change. does not indicate an actual death. Upright: Tranformation. elimination of the old to make room for the new. Reversed: Stagnation. File:Placeholder
  • This is a short story going into more detail on what exactly happened when Tigerstar died. Told from Tigerstar's point of veiw EDIT: I really like how this turned out, so I decided to make a whole series called "Tigerstar's Death." Keep watch.
  • File:Quake1.gif <default>DEATH</default> Game Episode Designer Level Editor Soundtrack Level Theme Previous Map Next Map Specific Information Enemies Secrets New Weapons New Powerups New Obstacles New Enemies New Misc [Source] DEATH is a Single Player level in Q2. This level has the same geometry as Gate Keeper/Spider Web, though placement of Ammo and Weapons is entirely different.
  • Death causes a character to collapse and become unable to fight or interact with the environment. Upon dying, you will lose 1% of whatever EXP you've earned since leveling (3% for non-VIP). When in Death status, you can still talk and trade with other people. Dyng is the only way to prevent a character from leveling up.
  • Death is a vast river, infinitely wide to either side. There is a strange quality of light in Death, usually a grey mist, which makes it harder to see further than a few feet; the light levels change, sometimes dramatically, in different precincts.
  • Having the Protect Items prayer active increases the amount of items retained on death to 4, while it increases those of skulled players to 1.
  • Death is an enemy that drains a hero's life or experience by mere touch, taking a certain amount before disappearing. Death is, as might be expected, extraordinarily tough to kill. However, using/shooting a Bomb Potion will defeat Death instantly. Death typically appears as a black-cloaked figure, gliding atop the ground.
  • Death is one of the Four Horsemen of the Post Apocalypse, found in a special encounter in 2197. Death, like the other horsemen, will stand around the campfire and argue. It's not like he has anything important to do, the human race has already been effectively destroyed.
  • Death is part of a legendary Elementhian group, they are known as the Space - Time Elementhians, Death is the last of his kind is believed as the gate keeper of life and death.
  • There are several types of Death, each forcing your player to skip different amounts of turns based on the type.
  • Death is the latest addition to the list of bosses in Patapon 3. He floats across the stage and wields a giant black and dark blue scythe. Death has two attacks that inflict mostly poison and sleep. It is immune to stagger, sleep, and poison (despite having the effects of one being poisoned if poisoned, however doesn't get damaged), so one must have one of his units to equip freeze-inducing weapons if he/she wants to freeze Death and finish him.
  • Death is the end of a living organism's life, technically defined in humans as the permanent termination of brain activity.
  • Death is a character in The Song of the Nightingale.
  • Fast-travel to this location by typing: /join death float bgcolor1 <default>Death</default> req hidea bgcolor2 3#f0f0f0 description Location Quests dialogue Shops Death is a character in AdventureQuest Worlds.
  • Death, also known as the Pale Horseman and Angel of Death, was the oldest and most powerful member of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and an ancient primordial entity of immense power. Having existed since the beginning of time alongside God, Death is so old he cannot remember who is older: himself or God. After trying to get Dean to kill Sam in exchange for transporting him somewhere he wouldn't be a threat, due to the Mark of Cain, Dean killed him with his own scythe.
  • The Death (also known as the Shadow) is a recurring monster class within the Disgaea series.
  • Death is considered by Christians to be a state of separation. In physical death, the spirit God has given to the body has been separated from the body. In spiritual death (called the "second death"), the soul is separated from God for all eternity, cast into the Lake of Fire. Jesus promises to believers that "those who overcome" through faith shall "not be hurt by the second death". In "Kingdom Come", Death and Hell are both cast into the Lake of Fire at the Great White Throne judgment.
  • Death has the ability to kill any player except the Reviver.
  • The portrayal of Death as a skeletal figure with a hood and scythe has its origin in French tarot cards of the 18th century. A swipe of his scythe was said to take the soul of his victim, and there was no escape from him unless the soul of another man was sacrificed instead. Personifications of death exist in countless myths and folklore, but in monotheistic religions like Christianity, death is governed over by angels, putting such personifications in a different light. The death gods of Chinese mythology fulfill an emissary-like duty as they guide souls to the land of the dead, while their Japanese counterparts lure people into death, playing an arguably demonic role by possessing them and instilling the will to die within them.
  • Death is the Lord of the Land of the Dead. He was created when the Unnamed Evil took over the body of Thoth, the God of Dreams, Music and Storytelling, centuries before the War of the Andain. His body was sealed into Mount Purgatory after a fierce battle, but despite his imprisonment he has managed to breach the veil between realms in order to subtly manipulate events and corrupt people over the millennia for reasons that remain unknown.
  • Death (デス, Desu), meistens Shinigami genannt, ist der Gründer der Shibusen und versiegelte den Kishin unter der Shibusen, indem er seine Seele mit Death City verband. Dadurch kann er sich nichts aus der Stadt bewegen und ist an Death City gefesselt. Er ist der oberste Leiter der Shibusen und kann nur mit Death Scythes kämpfen. Er war vor 800 Jahren der Gründer der Gruppe "Die großen Alten". Als sich Kids dritter Sanzu Streifen letztendlich verband, starb er, weil nur ein vollwertiger Shinigami existieren kann.
  • There are a very large varieties of ways for a player to die while in Survival mode or Adventure Mode. Below is a list of the most common: * Killed by a hostile mob * Fall damage * Fire damage * Suffocation (either in water or in solid blocks) * Killed by another player * Use of /kill * Falling out of the world (or Void damage) Upon death, different things may happen, dependent on gamerules and difficulty setting.
  • Character in The Prophet's Paradise and Alone.
  • Death features in Series 1 episode Bollo
  • Death is When someone dies.
  • Death is a cosmic entity.
  • Mitä Death saattoi sanoa? * Muahahahaa! * Your time has come, (Pelaajan nimi)! * (Pelaajan nimi) is mine! * I have come for you, (Pelaajan nimi)! * Your time is over, (Pelaajan nimi)! * There is no escape, (Pelaajan nimi)!
  • Virus.DOS.Death is a parasitic virus on DOS. There are 3 variants: * Virus.DOS.Death.638 * Virus.DOS.Death.725 * Virus.DOS.Death.1001
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Death]] deeth, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Death]] dēaþ, from Proto-Germanic *dauþuz (cf. West Frisian [[dead#|dead]], Dutch dood, German Tod, Swedish död), from Proto-Indo-European *dʰautus. More at die.
  • Death was an American death metal band from Orlando, Florida, founded in 1983 by guitarist and vocalist Chuck Schuldiner. Death is considered to be one of the most influential bands in heavy metal and a pioneering force in death metal. Its debut album, Scream Bloody Gore, has been widely regarded as the first death metal record, while the band's driving force, Chuck Schuldiner, is acknowledged as the originator of extreme metal. The band ceased to exist after Schuldiner died of brain cancer in December 2001, but remains an enduring metal brand. As of 2013, Death has sold over three million albums worldwide, and one million in the United States (excluding the sales before the Nielsen SoundScan era). The group is considered the best-selling death metal band on a global level.
  • Death is the pilot episode and the first episode of the first season of the animated television series Spooks. In the episode a cowardly guy, Aaron Patterson dies and is selected to be the Grim Reaper's apprentice. However, his first mission is to capture a demon that possessed an entire house. The October 30, 1999 airing of "Death" received a 3.4 million viewers in American households together. References to the episode have been mentioned in many more future episodes. This episode has been made available on DVD, and other forms of home media, including on demand streaming on Hulu Plus.
  • Oddly, Death is very cupid-like in appearance.
  • "Death is a cycle. You start dying as soon as you’re born. Every day you grow an inch closer to what you know will be the end. But it’s not the end. It’s just the beginning. When one person dies, Another one is born. Death equals life. Each represents a symbol of balance. Without life, there can be no death. But without death, can you really call it life? Don’t be afraid forever. Death is natural and you can’t stop it forever. You may not die soon and, hopefully you won’t. But when it is your time, Remember this…. The end of one life, is the beginning of another………" -Axel Pride
  • Death is one of the Cosmic Entities in the universe.
  • Death is when something ceases to be alive. Most religions believe there is a life after death. All biological organisms die.
  • Death in Renaissance Kingdoms occurs in three ways. 1. * Through battle 2. * Through the courts 3. * Through starvation When a person dies, they incur: * A loss of 10 Strength stats * A loss of 10 Intelligence stats * A loss of all Charisma stats * A 45 day movement penalty, where they can not leave which ever town they are in. (The 45 days are reduced to 15 if Premium Features are purchased) After dying, a person may continue playing after they serve the above penalties.
  • Death is a homeless goth girl. Death dresses like the character Death from Sandman, and claims to have met Neil Gaiman once. Death is homeless, hungry, and has contemplated suicide. Death approaches Oasis on a train to Nebraska, mistaking her for a fellow member of the Goth subculture due to her dyed hair and self-scarification (actually a result of Oasis's insanity), and asks for food or a place to stay. Oasis, mentally unstable and unfamiliar with Sandman, assumes that she really is the personification of Death.
  • When your character dies, you will be allowed to restart as a new character with 60% of the experience you earned and spent, and 100% of the experience you earned but did not spend. In addition, Wizards who find out about character deaths which were well timed to add to the story and make meaningful conclusions to interesting plots will be inclined to give additional rewards of XP, IC wealth, or other goodies. So, when your character dies-- rest assured that your new character will have a good beginning.
  • Simon will fight Death floating. Avoid his scythes and if he whips him or tosses an axe at him, Death will be hurt. Death can be very difficult to beat. Simon must keep avoiding the scythes and attacking him until he's gone. If you're never gonna use any other weapon, that's hard for it. Avoid the scythes and keep whipping him.
  • Death, also known as The Grim Reaper, is a recurring character in Family Guy.
  • Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 5 – 10 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): Title_Spread_Death Death is the title of a group of assault shotguns with high accuracy, and a hidden +15% Critical Damage, and improved stability. Death shotguns are relatively rare, as most that qualify for Death also qualify for the higher priority Brute (weapon) title. Examples are on the talk page.
  • Death (デス, Desu) más conocido como Shinigami (死神, Shinigami) seguido con el sufijo "sama" como término de respeto, es un Dios de la Muerte y el director y líder de la AMAM. También llamado Honorable Padre (父上, Chichiue) por su hijo, Death the Kid. Death selló al primer Kishin, Asura debajo de Shibusen arraigando su propia alma a Death City para mantenerlo en este estado.
  • Death is a saddening experience. It causes a person to lose all capabilities of living, and it causes them to be no more than rotting corpses
  • Death occurs when your health reaches zero. When you die, your spirit returns to the spirit realm and our body remains where you died.
  • Death is exactly what stinkin' Darth Lucas wanted for our king, SuperShadow, as well as every copy of the Star Wars Holiday Special. It is also a side-effect of having your planet destroyed by Darth Vader while being stupid enough to still be on it. Those who died supposedly went to Oblivion, but this is uncertain since no one ever came back, at least not to tell us what happens after death.
  • Death is an entity who releases and collects people's souls after they die. He/she/it has no true form, but is depicted as a skull. We will never know if death is a real creature for we are who knows where when we die. This creature has been depicted through the years in thousands of mediums.
  • Death is the everpresent companion of most people on board the station. Whether you couldn't outrun that wall of flames, someone replaced all the air with plasma, or you found yourself floating in space without any protection, there are many, many ways to die. Though it doesn't necessarily mean the round is over for you, this is often the case without a competent geneticist.
  • In Tibia, you will die when your healthpoints (HP) runs out. Not everything is lost though. The Gods will grant you another chance for a small sacrifice and you can be revived in your hometown's temple.
  • Death is a part of CnR, quite a major part. Looking at the death list on the middle-right of the screen, there is usually atleast one person dying a minute. There is also a command in the settings list (/settings) to show deaths in the chat.
  • The element of Death is not one of the Five Elements but is considered an element with some vampyres possessing an affinity for it. Those with an affinity for Death can be seen as Necromancers or Psychopomps in that they can perceive and commune with the spirits of the dead and help guide them to the Otherworld. The only known vampyre with an affinity for Death is the High Priestess Thanatos.
  • Death a.k.a. The Shadow, as it is referred to by The Disciples, is the leader of all Demonata. It is the natural force of Death with a consciousness, making it extremely deadly.
  • Death is a boss encountered on rounds 666 and 800 at the Abandoned War, it has 2 forms, and it has the parts from Tat1101's conceptions, presumably, Big Bloon Mk. IV, Shaitan, MMBFBABG Remodeled (MMBFBOTABOTG) and the Blimp Spider Mech, it is a multi-part blimp and a multi-form blimp.
  • All creatures will die over time. Some die of old age, some die from stillbirths. Most creatures will most likely die if they lack glycogen or life/ageing chemicals. Norns can also die if they are in too much pain, succumb to fatal sickness, get killed by another creature or drown. Creatures that have an immortality mutation cannot die from old age, but may still be able to succumb to the other deaths stated. It is not known whether norns have a concept of an afterlife, although evidently some hands do.
  • Please Delete: Template:Infobox CharacterTom Uraya (Nicknamed Death) is a Darkus/Ventus hybrid brawler and unknown adopted brother of Kyle
  • Death, or Andlát in the Ancient Language once spoken by all creatures, was the cessation of life and an ongoing fact of the world of Alagaësia. The protagonist of the Inheritance cycle, Eragon, sought to prevent death where possible by ultimately toppling Galbatorix, but had to live with the stark reality that his own actions would cause many deaths, many of them dealt by his own hand. Eragon had already been affected by several highly personal deaths: first that of his uncle Garrow, later Brom and also Ajihad, Hrothgar, and Oromis.
  • Strong Bad Email 28: Death Cast: Stong Bed, Death DAY DECEMBER 22 YEAR 2009 TITLE IS... Rockin Roundhat
  • Death is a reccuring character in Regular Show. He made his debut in the Season 2 episode "Over the Top".
  • engl. für das, was nach dem Leben kommt. Hat i.d.R. mit Würmern, Verwesung und "Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub" zu tun. Wie sagten meine schottischen Schüler dazu: "Life is a fatal desease that is transmitted through sexual intercourse." Es gibt auch Melodic Death
  • Death describes the cessation of all biological functions that sustain an otherwise living organism. As such biological functions can often be extended indefinitely through artificial means given the sophistication of modern medicine, the current medical definition of death is based on brain death.
  • If you are here, then your HP is down to 0 HP. Suddenly, a Grim Reaper comes up to you. I will regenerate you. But I warn you, you do not want to see me again.
  • Death is the creature that appeared after an experiment went wrong in northern Hyrule, it is sealed in an unknown person to this day. And a major plot point in The Legend of Zelda: Hyrulian Chronicles, and is the only being known to challenge the Goddess Hylia and to almost win.
  • Death occurs when your hitpoints reach 0. You will respawn in Lumbridge with your 3 highest valued items you had with you at your time of death.
  • Death is a common condition commonly occurring after life. It is typically looked on as a "bad" thing, except in the rare cultures along the northern rim of the eastern arch of the southernmost spiral of the galaxy, where they look up death as a good thing. These cultures look upon death as a good thing, because, unlike most other lifeforms, they lack the "block-out" sector of the brain. The "block-out" sector of the brain protects the consciousness from realizing that life is a cruel meaningless existence in which one is subjected to torture after torture and then, finally, after years and years of pure hell, is finally granted rest. There is an uncommonly high suicide rate in the rare cultures along the northern rim of the eastern arch of the southernmost spiral of the galaxy.
  • Death occurs when Condition reaches zero. After the player's death, the saved game is marked and destroyed, and cannot be loaded again. Effectively, the character who died can never be restored. This is commonly refered to as "Permadeath" since dying is the permanent destruction of the save file. However, the player is given the option to "Save the journal" which will add that game's journal's statistics to the global statistics. Notes that you wrote are also able to be checked back on.
  • In Soul Collector, Death is also a supporter of the player character. He appears to the player whenever they fall asleep in the bed in the player's room. Death charges the player with collecting the twelve souls the guests are holding, in exchange for the exit to the hotel; he's also the one to loan the body of a young boy or girl (depending on the gender of the player given to Gregory earlier) for the player to use. By sleeping in the bed in the player's room, the player can deliver any souls they have collected to Death.
  • Bleedout will not trigger if there are no other friendly Warframes present that are not themselves bleeding out (note this includes playing in Solo mode). Running out of health in this circumstance will cause immediate death with no bleedout. This exception itself has two exceptions: firstly, if The Grustrag Three are present in a mission, running out of health will always trigger bleedout, even in Solo play, and the player will be imprisoned in an energy field in order to receive the Grustrag Bolt. Secondly, if the player's Sentinel is equipped with the Sacrifice precept mod, bleedout will be triggered even in Solo play in order for the Sentinel to revive the player.
  • Death is a character in Problem Sleuth who acts as a psychopomp, escorting characters to the Afterlife when their life gauges are depleted. He often enjoys playing various board games with the recently deceased not unlike the Death of Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal, or of Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. __TOC__
  • Brother Death was the leader of the Apocalypse Boys.
  • Death, in the form of necromantic magic, is an unavoidable force that breeds despair in mortals and pushes everything toward a state of entropic decay and eventual oblivion. The realm of death tangentially connected to the physical world is the Shadowlands. The counter-balancing force to Death is Life in the Emerald Dream.
  • Death is an unidentified monster in Monster Hunter Calamitous. With the lesser Cwenos and Bishapen it is part of the trio of guards and enforcers to Daimonos. It is notorious for its instant faint signature move and its ability to appear in the Bitterturned Tunnels at any time.
  • Death ist sehr egoistisch und arrogant, da sie sich für was besseres als andere Dämonen hält. Sie liebt es anderen das Leben zu nehmen, die es ihrer Meinung nach verdient haben.
  • Death (死神 (デス) Desu) is a class of Demon related to the King of Time, Mephisto Pheles.
  • Death refers to the state that happens once your character has reached zero health/HP. In this state, a character is unable to fight, use abilities, command deployable's or to move. A character will respawn once a timer (between 10 and 30 seconds)- which was started when the character died - has finished counting down.
  • Level: 8 MP Cost: 100 Casting Time: 4S Effect: Instantly kills one enemy. It's worth noting that most bosses are immune to this spell and it has a high chance to miss on normal mobs. Obtained: Northern Cape - Invisible Treasure Chest - Near the edge of the cliff at the end of the path to the right.
  • Death was the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse. He was awoken by Michael and told to kill all of humanity, beginning with Iolaus. However, Hercules sacrificed himself to destroy Death and save mankind, leading to the postponement of the Apocalypse by the One God.
  • He also acts as a "Death Tutor" when players die for the first time, and explains death, item losses, and gravestones.
  • When a player's health reaches zero, the player dies. When you die, you lose all of your equipped items, and a chunk of your experience from each stats. Your items stay where you died for a very short time, allowing you or another player to pick them up. After 3 or so minutes, they disappear. After dying, you respawn in a specific location, usually your guildhall or the Churchgrounds. A message is displayed to all players online, informing them how you were killed.
  • Death (デス, Desu), was the God of Death and the Great Old One whose affiliation with Madness presides over "Order". Eight hundred years ago, he led his personal guard known as the Eight Shinigami Legions and created his first son, Asura, as a fragment of his soul containing his fears. and made him his apprentice However, he was forced to seal Asura when he became a Kishin and bound him under what he would later found as the DWMA, also known as Death Weapon Meister Academy, and became its headmaster and leader in its military department until his death when his second son and heir, Death the Kid, connected all three of the Lines of Sanzu. He is commonly referred to as Shinigami with the "-sama" suffix as a term of respect in the manga or Lord Death in the English dub.
  • Death appears in an episode of The StoryTeller called "The Soldier and Death."
  • Death occurs when a champion takes sufficient damage to be reduced to zero health. Upon dying, the summoner's screen is shaded gray, a death recap and death timer are displayed, gold is rewarded to champions who earned a kill or an assist, and other champion or situation-specific events may occur, as detailed below. The death of all five members of a team simultaneously is referred to as an ace; it is possible for both teams to be aced at the same time, and no champions to be present on the Field of Justice.
  • After death you lose all your cells, part of money and blurprints. Then you spawn in The Spawn.
  • Death is a course available to GCSE and A level students. Most high brow students decline the offer of death due to its lack of prestige in Universities. Death is easy to pass and only requires your soul parting with your corpse. Death is also the name of a popular celebrity who jovially steals peoples' souls on weekends. You can also get Death from eating Death Cheese and bringing it on down. Most important fact of five seals is: NOT EVEN DEATH CAN SAVE YOU FROM ME!!!
  • Death is the strongest of The Four Horsemen and is the leader. Death has only been seen in the Horsemen Chamber or dreams and wait for the chamber to be unlocked one day. Death also seems to have some form of telepathy because he has entered many people's minds\dreams.
  • Death was one of Apocalypse's original four lieutenants.
  • In the series, Death is never physically shown but it's presence is known when there is a sudden large gust of wind or when it casts a large shadow.
  • Death occurs when a player or npc's Hit Points drop to 0.
  • Death is defined by Wikipedia as "the permanent termination of the biological functions that determine a living organism."
  • Death is a being that can change its form at will, becoming any animal by shedding its outer parts (eg. skin, feathers, scales) and allowing the skeleton to change form, becoming a new creature. It has control over the White Women, who are said to be its daughters.
  • Death(デスDesu), real name Avel(アヴェル), is a character who was originally supposed to appear in the canceled crossover fighting game Capcom Fighting All-Stars as one of the four original characters.
  • Death has been a recurring theme throughout Lost. The series began with a plane crash that killed hundreds, and the show has since featured numerous deaths, some casual, some tragic, some humorous.
  • Death occurs when a character's health is fully depleted. Most of the time, the character will enter an incapacitated state, in which they lie on the ground and are immobile. An incapacitated player can either be revived, or they can be ganked. Once a player is ganked, they will lose all of their items in their inventory and will respawn at their bind point. Their items will be left at a gravestone at their place of death for others to loot. Sometimes combat can result in a decapitation for a player. This is an instant death, and there is no chance for revival.
  • Death is the Area 15 boss. He becomes available for challenge once the player has conquered the Steeple, the Uninhabited Castle, the Fortress, and the Dungeon. Defeating Death will yield anywhere between 100,000-500,000 Gold, and he can also drop any kind of Jewel.
  • In the Marvel UK Conic #18, Death is portrayed as a skeleton wearing a cloak with hood, and with a scythe. He appears with Satan and the See-Through Kid, gambling with Peter Venkman to determine the fates of the Ghostbusters' souls. He notably tried to win by cheating, but when Peter found out that the three ghosts were cheating, he captured all of them.
  • Death is a limited-time character that was released on October 18, 2016, as part of the Treehouse of Horror XXVII Event. He the seventh and final prize to be won in the event's Act 2.
  • Death is the darkest resource symbol in UFS. Death's specialties are foundation destruction and card discarding.
  • A Death is a sentient being which accompanies a human throughout their life. When the person dies, their Death takes them to the Land of the Dead.
  • Death, or the embodiment thereof, was a common theme in Klingon culture. So much so, that "he" could be considered a character. Martok, son of Urthog references death as a person or other entity. (DS9 - The Left Hand of Destiny novel: )
  • There are a wide variety of ways for a player to die while in Survival mode or Adventure Mode. Below is a list of the most common: * Killed by a hostile mob * Fall damage * Fire damage * Suffocation (either in Water or in solid blocks) * Killed by another player * Use of /kill command * Falling out of the world (or Void damage) Upon death, different things may happen, dependent on gamerules and difficulty setting.
  • Death in Sryth is never permanent. You are ready to get up and continue immediately after dying (It restores you to the last Saved game). However, death has its downsides, so remember to Save Your Game Frequently!. You can save your game in any location marked with the SAFE flag.
  • Death is a 2013 American Supernatural Horror film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan starring Scott Mechlowicz, Rachel McAdams, Daniel Hasan, Cheryl Hines, Jaclyn Hales, JaNae Armogan, Avan Jogia, Arlen Escaparata, Carol Alt, Mikael Håfström and Idris Elba.
  • In Tibia, you die when your HP runs out. Not everything is lost though. The Gods will grant you another chance for a small sacrifice and you can be revived in your hometown's temple.
  • In Tibia, you die when your HP runs out. Not everything is lost though. The Gods will grant you another chance for a small sacrifice and you can be revived in your hometown's temple.
  • Unusually for something that started as a children's toy and an '80s cartoon, death of important characters is a prominent feature in Transformers. The reasons for it vary from plot development to the arrival of new toys. However, the fact that the majority of characters are machines means that death isn't automatically an absolute in the various Transformers universes—various characters that appear to have been killed have been known to pop up alive again at a later date, or go through some sort of revival. However, it's not unheard of for death to sometimes be permanent in Transformers.
  • When a player dies in WotMUD they are immediately transported to their respective Circle. Wotmud does not feature permanent character death (permadeath) and the consequences of death are temporary and dependent upon the manner in which the player dies.
  • Represented by Hisano Kuroda, an old widow who claims to be "Death" herself.
  • Lord Death is the supposed personification of death in at least one of Sanctuary's cultures. Legends say that ravens serve as his couriers, carrying souls to the afterlife. It is from death itself that necromancy gains its power.
  • Death was a male Apocalypsian who was one of 4 in the group the Four Horsemen. He and the others started the Apocalypse era and brought an end to the New Jedi Order and New Republic.
  • Death' is the end of this life and the beginning of the afterlife. Say some stuff about funerals, extreme unction, and other rituals. Also theology as per below.
  • Death is the end...Well probably! It looks like the best definition of death is, "Irreversible loss of consciousness."
  • Death is when a character on RuneScape dies. At some point, almost every charcter in the game dies. When someone dies they will keep three of their most valuable items. If they are skulled, they lose all of their items. Below are some ways that people die.
  • Death was a theme often seen on the Little House on the Prairie television show.
  • A Guardian ÄRM resembling a Grim Reaper. It has the ability to split its body like its master, Ash. Death 2.png|Death's chain
  • True death is a complicated process in the world of Dofus, for the adventurers have greater powers than regular mortals. Three levels of protection guard them from the spirit world.
  • The shepherd for the newly deceased in the realm of Necromundus.
  • Death can be considered a sound effect. Dark magic can directly cause this, but so can Poison and any attack that lowers HP. See 0 for more info.
  • These statistics include the level the player died on, how much money they accumulated, how long the game lasted, the number of Damsels they saved, the number kills they made, and the total number of times the character has died in the game. From the Game Over screen the player has two options; to continue, which places the character back to the entrance to the cave, or to do a Quick Restart, which allows the player to start again from the level where they first entered the cave.
  • Death is a vast river, infinitely wide to either side. There is a strange quality of light in Death, usually a grey mist, which makes it harder to see further than a few feet; the light levels change, sometimes dramatically, in different precincts. To get through Death (without being forced to the Other Side), a Being needs to know a certain amount of Free Magic. This means that Death is a region where Magic works. Death is a dangerous place, filled with Greater Dead, unknown Beings and traps for the unwary.
  • Death of Dood gebeurt wanneer je nul levenspunten hebt. Hiermee respawn je naar een andere plek, bij een duidelijke opmerking zal je lezen dat je ook je spullen op sommige plaatsen kan verliezen, let hiermee dus op. Categorie:Basiswoorden
  • Often these services take place at sunrise or sunset. In locations with a pier, such as Huntington Beach, the service can take place near the end of the pier so that non-surfers, such as elderly relatives, can watch and participate. Often the participants on the pier will throw down bouquets of flowers into the center of the ring.
  • thumb|300px|Death – Logo Death aus Tampa, Florida, USA, waren Pioniere des Death Metal seit 1984. Sie hat Death mit Struktur und Seele gemacht, unverkennbar ist sowohl die Gitarre als auch der Gesang. Death werden heute noch verehrt, für Mastermind Chuck Schuldiner wurde ... Die Band begründete den eher technischen und thrashlastigen Florida Death Metal. → Siehe auch Massacre, Autopsy, Obituary,
  • Death has returned to the OUW. Can he once again make an impact like he has done so many times in the past?
  • Death (デス Desu?), real name Avel (アヴェル Avel?), also known by his emblem 13 / T.K.O.D, is a character who was originally supposed to appear in Capcom Fighting All-Stars as one of the four original characters.
  • Death is the cessation of all physical biological processes in a life form. However, the soul lives on, and can never die. There is also a Tarot card of the Major Arcana named death, with the symbolism of impending permanent change associated. __NOEDITSECTION__
  • Death is the of state being when an organism finishes its life cycle. This happens when either the organisms systems can no longer function or when the organism shuts itself down, marking the end of of its cycle.
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
  • Death, is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Discworld's Death is a parody of several other personifications of death. Like most Grim Reapers, he is a black-robed skeleton (usually- he wears the Dean's "Born to Rune" leather jacket in Soul Music, and overalls in Reaper Man) carrying a scythe and, for royalty, a sword (he once told Mort). Unlike many of them, he has a personality beyond this. He is a 'anthropomorphisised personification of a natural process'/a God of the disk world and sometimes has his duties carried out by his appretice Mort, or Death's granddaughter Susan.
  • There are various beliefs concerning death that are held by humans. There are those who believe that living beings simply cease to exist upon death, while there are those who believe in an afterlife where the living being's soul and/or spirit goes to. In Christianity, for example, there is the belief of heaven for the righteous and the faithful and of hell for the unbelieving and the wicked. Rituals for the deceased vary from one culture to another, with the most common being the funeral which allows the friends and family of the deceased to express and share their griefs with one another and to bid farewell and even a safe journey to the preferred afterlife to the deceased.
  • Ten is so, so sorry. Twelve insists nothing could have been done to prevent it, so stop moaning. Seven coyly suggests it was for the greater good, while Six promptly goes to wash his hands. Five wishes there could have been another way, but going back in the TARDIS to find one is a definite no-go. Eleven has his fingers in his ears and is singing some nursery rhymes. Nine is triggered. Eight flips out and blames the Daleks. Four makes an ironic attempt to appear brooding. Three goes off to meditate. Two massages his temples. One suddenly looks that little bit more like a scared, lonely old man in a cold white room.
  • Death in Atlantica Online comes in numerous ways. Death results in a loss of 10% the total gold that you are carrying and a small portion of experience points. Mercenaries also lose experience. Retreating from a fight has the same consequences as death, meaning gold and experience is lost just the same, so sometimes even if another group of enemies appears, it can be a good idea to weigh the situation and keep fighting. However, retreating will reduce resurrection costs if you are convinced that you would end up dead anyway! Also, if you retreat, you won't end up in a town, but you'll be right there where you fought (sometimes it's annoying to run all the way back to the dungeon where you died from the town BUT some may use their death to get a quick teleport to the nearest town without ha
  • In 2365, Nagilum, in the guise of Data, asked Captain Jean-Luc Picard what death is. According to Picard there are two contemporary philosophies. One is the belief that death is the transformation into an indestructible and unchanging form. According to this belief the purpose of the entire universe is to then maintain that form in an afterlife in an Eden-like place. The other, contrary belief, is that death is simply blinking into nothingness. Picard himself believed that the existence of lifeforms is part of a reality beyond what is currently understood as reality and therefore both philosophies are insufficient. (TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease" )
  • Death may refer to the process of dying. It is a long sleep. Death is a translation to a spiritual existence. There are also several individuals who are personifications of death, who are connected to Daventry and the multiverse's various afterlives. Death fascinates men the world round, and there are as many philosophies about what comes after this life as there are, it seems, lives which end. Within the Dimension of Death those who die are brought to Death's Door where they enter Azriel's Sanctum. Medusa is said to be one of death's most hidious creatures.
  • Death was the cessation of life functions in a biological organism, permanently rendering it unresponsive to any external factors. The term "death" was also sometimes applied to droids damaged beyond repair. Sentient individuals (and perhaps all living beings), were known to enter a different plane of existence.
  • Death is Dream 's elder sister and the second oldest of the Endless. She loves her job and takes it very seriously. Death - by her own admission, was not always who she now is. At the beginning of time, she thought she had the hardest job among the Endless, and it made her quite sad, so sad, in fact, she stopped doing it. When nothing died, chaos reigned, and she was begged to return to her realm. She did so, but she became "hard and cold and brittle inside." A suggestion of this could be seen in Endless Nights: The Heart of a Star in her arrogant and icy attitude. Her demeanor didn't change until she was asked by one she collected; "How would you like it?" After that she resolved to live for one day to see how she liked it, and what she could learn. It was only after her taste of morta
  • Death var en Hive drottning, att vara ung, knappt ut ur hennes tonåren när hon gjort sig känd, oerfaren men med enheten och beslutsamhet i sina beslut som gjorde henne en effecive ledare nog att hon bildade sin egen allians av Hive under Wraith inbördeskrig. Döden inte bara tvingade McKay för att skapa en mer effektiv hyperdrive-system för Hive skepp, men också omvandlas honom till en Wraith som heter Quicksilver som tjänade henne lojalt och hade honom att skapa en effektiv sköld teknologi för åtminstone en enda Hive skepp och kryssare under ett uppdrag att sondera Atlantis' försvar.
  • Death was an event that represented the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include old age, predation, malnutrition, disease, suicide, murder and accidents or trauma resulting in terminal injury. Bodies of living organisms begin to decompose shortly after death. Contrary to popular belief, death and Davy Jones' Locker were not the same thing: death offered a form of peace from anything suffered while alive, while the Locker was suffering as Jack Sparrow found out. The comfort of death was also denied to those under the curse placed upon the Aztec Gold; they would exist as living dead, unable to be killed, wounded or maimed, but doomed to suffer eternal thirst, hunger and lust unless it was lifted.
  • You may also die by other means than stated above, if a Vampire bites a member of the Mafia, they will die (except for the Godfather). You may also die from a Jester haunt or if you are a Vigilante and shot a fellow Townie, you will commit suicide (not by leaving the game) the following night. If you die, you will join the graveyard, where you are unable to talk to anyone alive. You may, however, continue to speak with anyone else sent to the graveyard during both day and night, and with any living Mediums at night.
  • Death has been the subject of extensive debate over the years. There are hundreds of competing theories for what happens afterwards. These range from being reborn to absolutely nothing happening whatsoever and entering a state of eternal nothingness — an eternal oblivion. The state of eternal oblivion is experienced by taking a stopping train to Aberystwyth, or by inviting a plumber to explain exactly what he is doing to the ball-cock.
  • Death is the state a character is in when their health reaches zero (or less). When this happens, they leave a corpse at the location where they died. If the player decides to release their spirit from the corpse, they will turn into a spirit form (a ghost or, in the case of night elves, a wisp), and the spirit form spawns at the nearest graveyard. A character will stay dead until they return to their corpse as a spirit, are resurrected by the spirit healer at a graveyard, or are resurrected by a player character near the corpse.
  • Death is the permanent state of (non-)existence in which a previously living Sim, pet, or other creature ceases to live. Causes of death range from natural causes (brought on by reaching the end of the elder life stage), accidents, player neglect, or through the deliberate player choice(s).
  • Death, also known as the Grim Reaper, is a recurring character on Family Guy. When people die, he comes to collect them. He is a mama's boy who lives with his mother and finds it hard to interact with women, likely because during his teen years he is shown to have a habit of killing girls while with them. He has asthma, hates the fact that he is dead and that he has no buttocks. He has also stated that he has lost his gag reflex due to taking part in films he is not proud of, as is evident when he eats a turkey leg off the bone in less than 3 seconds. Death is only responsible for human beings. When dogs die, he brings his dog.
  • (Title Screen Appears) (Warning Screen Appears) Foamy: You know what I hate about death? No, it's not the dying. It's the amount of importance and (mock) respect (normal) placed upon a person once they're dead. That irks me. Here lies a man, a man who annoyed everyone he ever came in contact with. You know, that sleazy office worker that continuously had sex with the Mexican cleaning lady in the supply closet, making all of your paper clips sticky and unusable. The same guy who took the last bit of coffee in the pot without making a new one. The fat fuck that stole everyone's lunch on a daily rotation throughout the work week, creating for himself a never-ending buffet of consumable diversity. He never admitted, never apologized, and was a complete dick. (mock) "Oh, don't say that. Have so
  • Death is a curious thing. One day, you're walking around, having fun, perhaps chatting to a few flowers, a few people, a few superheroes like Superman. The next day, you're lying in your hospital bed, not moving, doing nothing. I think this proves that death is boring. Death is so damn boring that, to get away from the boredom, you either want to be entombed underground, where you can't see anyone else having fun, or you want to be burnt. That's how damn boring it is. Karma, for doing this, is a bitch. No one likes Karma. By reading this, you're tempting Karma to punt you in the bollocks straight into the world of unluckiness. That's what the Joker found out, after making insensitive jokes about karma and death. Gnora the Gnome discovered that reading said jokes also brings this bad luck u
  • Egli fondò il suo primo gruppo, ma accortosi che i suoi primi due servitori non erano in grado di comporre in 23/36, né di vincere una partita a calcetto con lui, li cacciò. La sua attitudine a cambiare musicisti con la stessa frequenza con cui si cambiava le mutande permarrà infatti tutta la vita. Schuldiner non desiderava nulla di più che riuscire a riprodurre il suono di un maiale sgozzato per soddisfare le masse di beoni che compravano i suoi dischi. Solo dopo che sua madre gli intimò di finirla di fare musica del genere, con la minaccia di non comprargli più le merendine, Schuldiner decise di imbottire tutti i suoi lavori di tecnica musicale all'inverosimile, per poter sembrare più colto. Inutile dire che il tentativo costituì una vittoria di dimensioni epiche, poiché i metallari di c
  • There are three ways to die: * One way is by taking so much damage that your character hits -10 hp. * The second is failing a saving throw versus a spell that kills instantly. * Lastly, if any of your characters 'status' meters get to -100%, they will die (that is to say; thirst, hunger, exhaustion and sobriety). When character is loosing hitpoints, they can still act normally untill reaching 0 HP. Once character runs out of hitpoints, they will proceed to fall to the floor and "bleed", gradually losing hitpoints each round. When dying, one of these things will happen:
  • Known as "Black Gods" Death is a very specialized version of a Shinigami. With a mastery of Fire and Ice techniques and spells they can destroy their enemies with ease. Weapon Proficiency: Death utilizes a piercing pickaxe like hand, This attack deals 3d6 damage. Ability Boost: Whenever a Shinigami would normally gain a bonus to their strength modifier, they instead gain a bonus to their dexterity. This stacks with the other dexterity bonus they earn from leveling up as normal. Finesse: Death can take weapon finesse for it's monster attack. 2nd-Level Death techniques —Death Spinner (MC)**
  • Type-0011, codenamed "Death," (デス) is a large brutish zombie which served as the one-man security force of the abandoned EFI Research Facility featured in The House of the Dead III. Death is always the first boss, and a rematch with Death will take place either in stage 2, 3, or 4, depending on which path you take. Death is a huge mutant that wields a club made from human skulls. He wears a security guard's hat and coat; fittingly, he is tasked with the job of defending the building's key areas. He is generally considered the secondary main antagonist of the game.
  • It awoke. A voice of ages. It had no name but the names men gave it, names held little meaning. Yet, it gave it pleasure to hear those names uttered forth from the lips of men - men who often came to such varied and deliciously painful ends. It reveled in death for death was its purpose. An existence without end was wasted without purpose and the one constant without end was death. Death became its purpose. An endless existence yielded many moments for introspection. Yes. Death was the only path.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Death cannot kill or revive people on a whim, as he is only capable of killing people whose time has come in order to ensure balance. In combat, he is a fearsome adversary. His massive scythe is able to slice several foes at once and he has an arsenal of magical spells at his disposal. He has been seen using a blue spell that sucks life out of a victim, as well as creating lethal spirit balls which inflict fatal damage when touched. He usually defends himself instead of actively trying to kill others, due to his vow to maintain balance and inability to kill anything not fated to die.
  • In the Final Destination series, Death is an active, cunning, volatile, highly malevolent, supernatural force and the series' primary antagonist. While invisible to the human eye, it nevertheless makes a somewhat noticeable and ominous presence wherever it goes and can manipulate any aspect of an environment to its will.
  • When players die, they will have to wait a certain amount of time before revival. The amount of time they have to wait is 2 minutes for non-GM and 5 seconds for GM. Upon death, players will lose all cash (but not credits) or half for levels 6-10 in hand which they were carrying during their venture into the Inner City. However, the cash deposited into their bank account will remain unaffected, and a Security Box can save a portion of cash found. Therefore, it is advisable for one to deposit all cash in hand before leaving the Outpost, or get hold of a Security Box. Security Boxes can be bought from the Marketplace or found in the city. There are currently 5 different sizes of security boxes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, and XXL (Only obtainable with Dusk Shop), each successive size c
  • With her claiming the Mantle of Coldamber, a Queen with a mind far more powerful than that of normal Queen and lineage of the First Mother Night, she was nearly unopposed in bringing the factions together until Atlantis returned to Pegasus. She is also responsible for reuniting the Wraith into a single group once again and, later on, is successful in kidnapping Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay to force him to get the Hive ship's hyperdrive working, so that the Wraith can eventually get to Earth in the hope of conquering it.
  • It wasn't his real name, no mother in her right state of mind would name her only son, "Death". It's just no one really got close enough to the man to find out who he really was. It seemed wherever he went, the name just lingered. It's the best association one could give after surviving an encounter with him. Could there possibly be someone so cold towards human life? He didn't see life the way others did. "Death" simply saw just that- Those like him existed only to show humanity how precious life was. How one's existence could be snuffed out in a matter of seconds for no reason or argument.
  • Death occurs whenever a character's health drops to zero. The character then becomes a corpse and the player can no longer control him or her. The player can still use chat features, map travel, and camera control. Your screen turns grey when you die, and returns to normal coloration after you are resurrected. However, your screen can glitch, where you are alive but your screen is grey. Additionally, a player whose character is dead can lock the camera to another party member's point of view by clicking on him or simply clicking on that party member's name on the Party List. In PvE, drops are still allocated to dead players if they are within range.
  • In human societies, the nature of death has for millennia been a concern of the world's religious traditions and of philosophical inquiry. This may include a belief in some kind of resurrection (associated with Abrahamic religions), reincarnation (associated with Dharmic religions), or that consciousness permanently ceases to exist, known as oblivion (associated sometimes with atheism, but also included in various other religions, such as some forms of Christianity, like Annihilationism). This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Death is the termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism. The word refers both to the particular processes of life's cessation as well as to the condition or state of a formerly living body. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include predation, malnutrition, accidents resulting in terminal injury, and disease. However, you may not be aware that death exists not merely as a state, but as an individual, who is also called Death. Or so he likes people to think.
  • Death is the permanent termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include predation, malnutrition, disease, and accidents or intentional trauma resulting in terminal injury.The nature of death has been for millennia a central concern of the world's religious traditions and of philosophical enquiry, and belief in some kind of afterlife or rebirth has been a central aspect of religious faith.Contents [show] [edit]Etymology The word death comes from Old English deað, which in turn comes from Proto-Germanic *dauþaz (reconstructed by etymological analysis). This comes from the Proto-Indo-European stem *dheu- meaning the 'Process, act, condition of dying'.Dauþaz was reconstructed through the use of the daughter tongues of Pr
  • Death is the personification of the end of one's life, and is one of the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse. Death was in league with the businessman Null who sought to avenge himself on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles and their allies the Mighty Mutanimals who stopped him from selling Earth to the alien insect Queen Maligna, the ruler of the Malignoids in return for the means of taking his business to other worlds. Death seemed to be in charge of the Four Horsemen, controlling the other three members, War, Famine, and Pestilence through marionettes from his toy chest.
  • Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age are both chock-full of battles, and with battle, usually comes death. But is it death? There is evidence for both answers. In battle, a member of your party can have his/her health points reduced to zero. Zero Health would typically be thought as death. But your party is still there, just knocked out, or more appropriately, downed. Monsters appear to Die, for they melt away into dust during battle. However, the same thing happens to people in scripted boss battles, or any battle for that sort, that contains characters. For example, in Colosso Finals, or the Bandits of Vault, or the Guards of Lunpa Fortress, or Saturos and Menardi, they lie on the ground, not dead. More evidence to the fact that one does not kill in battle is the fact that you "fell"
  • "Death" is the fifth episode of the D Series of QI, the first Halloween special and the 41st episode overall. It was first broadcast on BBC Four on 20 October 2006, and aired on BBC Two on 27 October 2006. Andy Parsons made his first appearance, and the audience received their second score and first win, having unofficially scored -45 in "Creatures". The episode was preceded by "Dictionaries" and followed by "Drinks".
  • Death comes at the end of life for all of us. For some, death will mean that the soul is allowed into Heaven, to serve Jesus Christ in paradise forever. For liberals, death is followed by a journey to Hell, where they will get what's coming to them. Death, a.k.a. The Grim Reaper, is...well Death. He is most known for his taking of souls, his occasional riding with the four horsemen (on his horse Binky), and of course his famous garden.
  • You die when your HP drops below 0. When you die, some of your belongings will drop to the ground and you will lose about 1/3 of your money. For characters level 5 and above, there is also a 25% chance that your skills will decrease by 0.5 points. Your score is dropped to 1/10th of what it was every time you die; unless you're going for a high score, this isn't a big deal.
  • Ryuk comforts Sidoh by telling him that everyone's looking for his Death Note, and once they find pictures of the kidnappers, he can track them down from the Shinigami Realm using his Shinigami Eyes. Once Sidoh finds the current owner, he must follow the human until the human dies and he can then reclaim the Death Note for his own use. Suddenly, several of the SPK members fall down dead, including Steve Mason the head of the FBI. One of them even shoots himself with a gun.
  • Death is one of two branching paths from Wraith, the other being Wight. Deaths have all the same advantages and disadvantages that Wraiths do. However, they are also able to poison enemies. In addition they do a bit more damage than their counterparts, the Wights.
  • In the Gothic-Punk world, untimely death seems to happen more often than not. Garou: the MUSH has established the following guidelines concerning character death:Death, by consent of the player whose character is dying, may happen at any time.Death, against the will of the player whose character is dying, may only occur in situations being arbitrated by a GM. In such situations, the GM may rule that the character dies. An OOC warning (paged, whispered, @pemitted, or whatever) before engaging in particularly difficult endeavors is customary. E.g., 'GM whispers to Wrecks-Trains, "If you walk into the Prince's haven, you're going to die."'Should a player feel unfairly treated in an arbitration, they may appeal once (and only once) to the wizards.Dead characters are customarily dested after a
  • Death "the Servant", also known as the Boatman, is an avatar or manifestation of Death, the deity and one of four Horsemen, alongiside War, Famine and Pestilence (and thus, a Demipower of the Lorian Pantheon). Along with The Reaper, he collect the souls of everyone who dies. Fortunately for the player, he (Death the Servant) always seems to have finished collecting souls for the day, and will return you to the land of the living. He makes use of magical hourglasses to measure the lifetime of his customers. Someone, however, has been stealing the hourglasses from him.
  • Death is a state that all players will inevitably experience. After a death is incurred, players can be resurrected with various items or skills. If the death was a result of a fatal fall or while under the debuff, players will be immediately revived at their registered Kisk, bound Obelisk or starting location. While dead, players will notice a desaturation of the screen as well as a general slowing effect to simulate death. Players will not be able to speak in /say or /shout, use general game options, and use items while dead. However, all other local and global channels are available.
  • Unspeakables working in the Death division are responsible for investigating the inner workings of death and the process of dying. The Unspeakables here focus on how the body and soul are separately affected by death and the specific causes which may affect each. They have been striving for centuries to achieve true necromancy, a long lost art, which will result not in an Inferi or zombie but in raising a person from the dead with their soul intact. This is something they have made inroads on in recent years.
  • Upon losing the Battle of the Gods, he returned to the netherworld as the guardian of the dead. Death takes his job very seriously even to the point of stopping the Soulgutter, one of Saruin's creations. He was requested to aid in the return of his brother in the conquest and the subsequent destruction of Mardias by one of Saruin's Minions. He cannot directly aid in his brother's aims for fear of retribution from Elore. He did however try to aid his brother by releasing the most powerful soul he housed in Purgatory, which did not have the results they expected. The soul was that of Darque, an assassin from three hundred years prior. Unbeknowst to Death he also released Aldora the Wizard, who was housed within the same body as Darque. Their personalities are in conflict as they try to recov
  • Death - the ending of all that has and could have been. This state of health will hopefully rarely occur to you during your travels through the world of kung fu, but if it does occur do not entirely fret as all will not be lost. Death will occur when you allow your health points to drop to 0. Every time you die you will instantly lose a certain number of reputation points for the 'country' you died within. Furthermore other penalties, such as exp or item loss, may also be applied under certain circumstances such as if you are a player killer. --Mikuri 05:28, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
  • There are several factors that lead to the death of a Tamagotchi: * Care Mistakes are the most common factor. Allowing too many care mistakes to accumulate would trigger the Tamagotchi's death. The threshold of how many care mistakes are needed has increased with modern releases. * Sickness is another current common factor. Leaving a Tamagotchi ill over an extended period of time will cause the Tamagotchi to pass away. * Old Age is a factor limited to older releases. In this case, each Tamagotchi character has a specific life span, and how you care for it will determine if it is expanded or shortened. As the life span grows longer, the Tamagotchi will become much more needy for food and attention, until it finally passes away. This factor has been negated on modern releases; Tama
  • In NWN2, when a character reaches 0 hit points, he or she falls unconscious. At the end of a battle (for example, when the combat music ends), any unconscious characters are returned to life with a single hit point. If all characters fall unconscious, then the party is defeated, and you must load a saved game. Automatic saves are very rare in NWN2, so you should never count on the game to have a save earlier than your last use of the world map. NWN2 apparently saves your game prior to any use of the world map.
  • When a player's Hitpoints have reached 0, they die. This can be from poison or fighting a monster (or another player in a PVP area.) Upon death you will drop all items carried in your inventory and respawn. A Dead Player item, the collection of your bones, is also left on top of your dropped items. When you die, you will usually respawn outside Buskingham, at the Reset spot. If someone else doesn't find the items you dropped first, you may go back to pick them up again. If you die in the Lava Mountain, you will respawn in the badlands entrance at the wall, outside the bunker.
  • There are many ways to die in N: * Gravital impact from hitting any surface too hard (the floor and objects included) * Electrocution by a zap drone or floorguard * Explosion from a mine or homing missile from a homing launcher * Sniped by a gauss turret or chaingun drone * Shot by a laser drone * Pulverization by a rising, falling or travelling thwump * Suicide, which kills the ninja with the press of a button (default K) * Running out of time
  • Death is a "status effect" inflicted when a character's Hit Points reach zero (although other conditions exist, this is the most common one). The character becomes unable to act until revived. When all characters in a player's party are dead, a Game Over will result, unless continuation is mandated by the plot. Death is rarely permanent and can be 'cured' with a variety of methods in each game, again unless it is mandated to be permanent - or at least lasting until a certain plot event - by the plot - gameplay-wise death is not necessarily death as known from RL, but rather K.O. common in RPGs. Death also occurs as a spell, an En Magic and added effect to various skills. If hit by this effect, and the effect is not resisted (or the target is immune), the Death effect will be instantly infl
  • When cast by enemies, Death is a Dark Magic spell that inflicts instant K.O. on the target. It does not deal darkness damage if it fails. It differs from the Doom status effect, which allows a short window of time to remove the effect before K.O. is inflicted. In either case, standard EXP loss is still incurred for being K.O.'d by these effects. The following monsters cast Death:
  • To bring about death of a life is always barbaric. No matter how civilized way we try to bring about death, it will always remain a barbaric way to end things, whether by the battlefield, crucifixion, shooting range, gass chamber, Gilotine, hanging, electric chair or euthanasia. No matter how we try to justify it, killing a living thing means, we can no longer tolerate it in the world of living. Professions dealing with death are the darkest professions of all, whether Judge, Assasin or Executioner.
  • Death was a sphere of metaphysical law within Nosgoth, and one of the nine magical principles harnessed and governed by the Pillars of Nosgoth. Alongside its sister principle, States, it was associated with the elemental force of Water, which, in turn, was aligned with the overarching principle of Darkness.
  • Death es un villano principal de la saga Castlevania propiedad de Konami. Se dice que se llamará "El Gobernador del Fin de los seres vivos." Death es la mano derecha de Drácula, por lo tanto generalmente aparece cerca del final de la ordalía que atraviesan los protagonistas, a menudo en el escenario Clock Tower, para desafiarles antes de que puedan enfrentarse contra el propio Drácula. También a veces es uno de los primeros sirvientes principales de Drácula que reciben al héroe al adentrarse en lod dominios tomados por sus ejércitos, como en los videojuegos Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night y Akumajō Dracula: The Arcade. Ha aparecido casi en todos los videojuegos, excepto Castlevania: The Adventure y Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge.
  • Death can come about as a result of physical damage (running out of hit points), or of some horrible spell (or certain other auto-kill abilities). In the case of player characters (PCs), death may be merely a chance to return and adventure again. Most other creatures in the game are not so lucky, and death is a permanent state that cannot be reversed. If death can be reversed, it can usually only be done via respawning or the spells raise dead or resurrection.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Hyrulian Chronicles Series
  • *Herself *Wraith **Death's Alliance
  • True Neutral
  • 1
  • 5
Main Character
  • Death(Cosmic Entity); Death from Deadpool Vol 2.png
  • Chaotic Neutral
  • Bad
  • Third-party
  • Sliske's Endgame
  • Standing
  • Seated
art 8 br
  • 45
  • 52
  • 59
  • 66
  • 73
  • Curebulb
  • Ancient Katana
1ra Aparición
  • capture
  • 3
  • capture
  • Tanned Archfiend Hide
Tema Principal
  • Restobulb
  • Oculus Tissue
  • Tanned Archfiend Hide
  • Tanned Archfiend Hide
Character's Soul Wavelength
Character Debut
  • Oculus Tissue
  • capture
Character's Classification
Character's Age
  • over 800+
Published (Japanese)
  • 2005-09-02
Character's Powers
  • Curebulb
  • 50
  • smjerć
  • smert'
  • Russian
Row 4 info
  • 7
  • 100.0
  • kleiner als der Durchschnitt
  • rosa
Battle Start
  • Why not value your life?
Row 10 title
  • Character Collection
  • ★★★★★★★★
  • y
  • empty
Row 7 title
  • Quest
  • Travis Willingham
  • デス
  • 2550
  • 2805
  • smrt
New Header
  • Azrael (Earth-616)
  • Sagbata (Earth-616)
  • dbkwik:resource/900726B7MHXGuc0NxIrJBA==
  • dbkwik:resource/-Q5WOV7z_7uNDkjy3bnvOw==
  • Rowregyynac (Earth-616)
  • Gods of Death
  • Unrelated
  • Red Death(Candra); Candra from Scarlet Spider Vol 2 18.jpg
  • ''; Death .jpg
  • ''; Death .jpg
  • Apocalypse; En_Sabah_Nur__0010.jpg
  • Yama; Yama from Thor & Hercules Encyclopaedia Mythologica Vol 1 1 0002.png
  • Creeping Death(Hooud); Hooud 0001.png
  • Davan Shakari; Davan Shakari .jpg
  • Deathmaster; Deathmaster .jpg
  • Ereshkigal; Eriskigal.jpg
  • Hades; Incredible Hercules Vol 1 130 Textless.jpg
  • Hela; Hela from Thor Vol 2 84 001.jpg
  • Horsemen of Death; Uncanny Avengers Vol 1 13.jpg
  • Mictlantecuhtli; Mictlantechutli .png
  • Morrigan; Morrigan .jpg
  • Nergal; Nergal.png
  • Osiris; Osiris_.png
  • Seth; Seth_.png
  • Thanatos; Thanatos_.jpg
  • Ahpuch; Ahpuch from Thor & Hercules Encyclopaedia Mythologica Vol 1 1 0001.png
  • -
  • weiblich
  • Antagonist
  • n
Luck Skill
  • -
  • 60
  • Ranger
skill lv
  • Deal 250% DMG to a single enemy / 25% chance
  • Deal 350% DMG to a single enemy / 35% chance
  • n
  • Evolution
  • Hatcher
Row 1 info
  • Death
REQUIREDgame name
  • Death
Max Luck
  • 54
  • 72
  • Rebellion
  • Don't fear the reaper.
  • Founder and leader of The Horsemen.
  • He decides who to free, and who to blame.
  • He seems frustrated about something.
  • I wish I could tell where he was looking.
  • My greatest enemy.
  • The grim reaper.
  • The guide of souls to the underworld.
  • The reaper of souls.
  • He gives you a creepy stare despite his face being hidden.
  • What could be beneath that hood?
  • Responsible for overseeing the balance between life and death.
  • The guide of souls to the underworld, ready for battle.
  • Puede convocar a los muertos o sus almas, vuelo, tele-transportación, dominio sobre las Artes Oscuras, cambiaforma
  • Leiter der Shibusen
  • 50
Row 8 title
  • Premium Character?
  • ShibusenColors
pc value
  • 8935.0
  • смрт
  • None
Row 4 title
  • How to Unlock
  • by Feb 15th 2013 1:00PM
Row 9 title
  • Limited Time?
  • Deep Sleep, Cursed Undreablight
  • smrt
Attack page
  • y
  • смърт
  • none
  • 10
  • Pierce
  • Guadaña Muerte, Hoces
damage low
  • 1
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Targets weakened foes with 2 elemental shots.
  • Targets weakened foes with 4 elemental shots.
  • Death
  • Clothing
  • Смерть
Row 2 info
Row 6 info
  • 5
  • smrť
  • Yes
pc hp
  • ~60,000
  • 2010
  • Sig själv
  • Masaharu Satō
Row 1 title
  • Name
  • Infinite
  • smjerś
  • Inmortal
  • n
  • "It is a mystery what this thing is. The only known fact about it is that anything hit with the scythe in its hand never survives...."
JP Name
  • デス
  • サドンデス
  • *Teleport *Leute mit Kontakt vergiften *super stark *superschnell *fliegen
Row 5 info
  • 61400
  • smrt
  • A Regular Epic Final Battle Part 2
damage high
  • &infin;
Row 2 title
  • Content Update
  • Смерць
Row 6 title
  • Number of Jobs
current efeds
  • smrt
  • 2690
  • 2850
  • 3135
  • 4889
  • smierc
  • weiß
friendship max
  • I'll reap your soul if you're not gentle for me...
Strike shot
  • Thrashes the first contacted enemy.
  • Shadow Cutter - 11 Turns
  • Shadow Dance with Death - 13 Turns
art 2 br
  • 0
  • 58
  • 71
  • Stygian
  • N/A
previous efeds
  • NCW
  • no
Row 10 info
art 3 br
  • 0
Boss Name
  • Death
  • Rikiya Koyama
Row 5 title
  • Need to Collect
  • Death
  • 50
  • 129.670000
  • 161.730000
  • Kvinna
friendship event
  • A marriage registration...
  • I won't let anyone else
  • Someday I'll reap your soul, too
  • it's a lifetime contract, sign it...
battle end
  • I'll let you live a little longer...
  • *Death Game *Stargate Atlantis: Homecoming *Stargate Atlantis: The Lost
Row 3 info
  • 1
  • Tough armored skin
  • 3
  • 4
  • Common
  • R
Row 3 title
  • Level Required
To Evo
  • 30
art 4 br
  • 0
  • 84
  • 99
production group
  • Dämon
  • -
art 5 br
  • 34
  • 42
  • 49
  • 56
  • 63
Row 7 info
  • 1
  • My list of souls is too long
  • Won't you help me with some reaping?
art 1 br
  • 0
  • 66
  • 86
  • 275
  • Black
  • tabber| Normal=File:Death.png -Hat=File:Deathhat.png -Scythe ▾= tabber| -Normal = File:Deathscythe.png -Teacup = File:Deathcup.png -Boat = File:Deathboat.png -Violin=File:Deathviolin2.gif -Swat=File:Deathswat.gif
  • 3600
  • Northern Hyrule Shadow Hyrule
  • 30.0
  • JAP 10
  • Death
  • Unused character from unused concept, Death personification from The Nightingale
  • Teridia Anomaly
  • Fred Tatasciore
  • RD: Gunmen of the Apocalypse
  • "Secrets"
  • • • • • • •
  • Inkdeath
  • Inkheart
  • Inkspell
  • "Homecoming"
  • "Allegiance"
  • "The Lost"
  • "The Furies"
  • "Inheritors"
  • 200
  • Death
  • 25
  • Dark
  • Darkness
  • Any
  • Otomedius Gorgeous
  • Burn the Wind from Salamander
  • FOT
  • Afterlife
Past members
  • [[#Musicians
  • 296
  • 5794021
  • Desu
  • Blue
  • None
  • Shot
  • White Black
Full Name
  • Death
  • 1992-12-02
  • 2014-04-24
  • Death_picture001-1.png‎
  • Grim Reaper
  • 600000
  • MS-DOS
  • Assassin
  • Hyrulian Chronicles Timeline
  • Asura
  • Death the Kid
  • 39
  • Unknown
  • Ageless
Voiced by
  • * Adam Carolla * Norm MacDonald
  • Scythe
  • N/A
  • -
  • Club made from Flesh and Skulls
  • Shadow Mirror Sword
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • Horsemen
  • Physical body destroyed
  • 4
  • Purge.jpg
  • Art1c 3.jpg
  • Sinister clock in a dark cloak
First Appearance
  • 50
  • None
  • Death.ogg
  • Grim Reaper.ogg
  • Bringer of Death
  • Death's Domain
  • The Seventh Path
  • Flaumello Tower#Tier of ValueFlaumello Tower - Tier of Value
  • None
  • Silver
  • Grey
  • Mohawk
  • none
  • 40
  • Chapter 1
  • Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
  • Death's Vessel Death
  • Akkaba, Ancient Egypt
  • Death
  • The Shadow
  • Death - (Type 0011)
  • The Fifth Doctor being murdered by Peri's chesticles.
  • Cloud City History Gallery
  • Istuva
  • Taisteluvarusteissa
  • Hurricanes, floods, raising the dead. I'm more powerful than you can process.
  • It's for the greater good. Once you consider that, this makes all the sense in the world.
  • This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.
  • 1997-09-17
  • 7862.0
  • right
  • Desu
  • Dezu
  • Dawn of time
  • The Death symbol as it appears in Legacy of Kain: Defiance.
  • Death as he appears in Soul Eater.
  • Death as it appears in the Sage's memories
  • Death as seen in the Library
  • Death's weak point is his head
  • I am Death Incarnate!
  • The death of a Sim in The Sims 4.
  • A captured Death can be sold at a high price and is best used for saimin.
  • An enemy Sorcerer casting Death on Shigen in TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga.
  • Male
  • Darkness Element Artes
  • Unknown
level theme
Character's Residence
Character's Status
  • Alive
  • Deceased
  • The dead leaving the Afterlife
  • Unknown
Character's Voice Actors/Seiyu
  • John Swansey
  • Riyika Koyama
  • Ryuske Obayashi
  • -
Character's Gender
  • Male
  • John Swansey
Character's Relationships
Character's Weapon Partners
  • Prolog:Soul Eater, Episode 1
associated classes
  • Necromancers
What is the character's anime debut?
  • Shinigami
  • Honorable Padre
What is the character's manga debut?
Character's Aliases/Nicknames
  • * * * * * *Lord of Death
elementchance high
  • 3
elementchance low
  • 2
  • 4
Character's English voice actor
Tiempos Sombríos
  • 250
  • 275
Character's Base/Headquarters
Character's Japanese voice actor
  • Rikya Koyama
  • Ryuske Obayashi
  • 367
  • Unknown
  • -
  • -
  • BraveVesperia101
  • Death to Dean
  • Death to Dean regarding his powers
  • Death, speaking to Sam
  • Action Points: 7
  • Armor Class: 5
  • Healing Rate: 1
  • Melee Damage: 1
  • Bonus Damage: 0%
  • Critical Chance: 6%
  • Damage Resistance: 0%
  • Perk Rate: 3
  • Radiation Resistance: 10%
  • Skill Rate: 17
  • Carry Weight: 150 lbs.
  • Poison Resistance: 25%
  • Hit Points: 100,030
  • Varies
Associated Acts
Character Name
  • Death
  • -
Img size
  • 250
  • 66
  • Yes
  • No
  • Total Vanishing
  • N/A
Years Active
  • 1983
  • 1984
  • Scythe Swing
  • 982
  • 9047
  • 9997
  • 10011
  • 18451
  • 82432
  • 89721
  • 89923
  • 95397
  • 99062
  • ; Death What If Newer Fantastic Four Vol 1 1.jpg
  • Complaints can be made in hell.
  • I've come to get you... I'm Death.
  • 200
  • 355
  • 153.0
  • 110
  •|desc=WoW Archivist: Life and death
  • 56
  • Assembly
fecha de nacimiento
  • desde siempre
  • 50
  • Evil
  • Mantas
  • Meister Shinigami
  • Rider of the Pale Horse
  • The Northern Demon
first comic
  • Hellboy: The Fury #2
  • Death
  • DES, Death MK I
  • The Closer; The Finisher; Grim Reaper; Krsh; First Lord of Chaos.
  • 106
  • Líder de Shibusen
  • Antagonista principal
  • Líder de los Ocho Guerreros de Shinigami
  • 死神
  • デス
  • 死神
  • None.
  • Cursed Undrea
  • Shinigami
  • Halloween Update!!
English Title
  • Death
  • 6
  • 366.0
  • 370.0
  • 6.5
  • 66.0
  • Apocalypsian
  • Demon
  • Undead
  • ???
  • Mutant
  • Skeleton
  • Xianic Avatar
  • Chaotic Natural Phenomenon, Harbinger of the Apocalypse
  • Death
  • Commandant
  • Dying
  • A player encounters Death in his office.
  • Maliwan
  • Hyperion
  • S&S Munitions
  • Vladof
  • 897
  • Executor, Seeth
  • Title_Spread_Death
  • left
  • right
  • *DOS executable
  • Disease and Decay
  • 683
  • 2700
  • 2970
  • The Reaper
  • 12333
  • 100
  • Soul Reaper
  • Смерть/Канон
  • 21
Image size
  • 150
  • śmierć
  • Terms
  • Archfiend
  • Elemental
  • God
  • Mancer
  • Voidb
  • 334
  • A being who takes the living to the realm of the dead when it's their fate. For her it is just a job.
  • Unknown
  • None
  • common
  • Death
  • • Pillars of Nosgoth
  • • Pillar of Death
  • • Darkness
  • • Water
  • • Death Guardian
  • • States
  • 275
  • *Death
  • Grim Reaper, Harold, Nigel
  • Capcom Fighting All-Stars(canceled)
  • 27
  • 32
  • 120
  • Death Cornea
  • Archfiend Fluid
  • Archfiend Meat
  • Carcass Meat
  • 2009
  • N\A
  • ... That's too bad
  • Hmm, so you don't want to die?
  • None
  • 350
  • 50
  • Death
Last Appearance
  • Rikiya Koyama
  • Normal=thumb|250px
  • LoI = 275px
  • *Rosemary Schmidt
  • 89
  • 90
  • 160
  • Cânon:Morte
  • Muerto
Character's Former Affiliations
  • Associate of Eibon and Arachne
  • Death's Faction
  • Leader of the Eight Shinigami Legions
Character's Theme
  • Skulls & Death-related items
Character's Former Occupations
  • Headmaster of the DWMA
  • Brown
  • Grim Reaper
  • Angel of Death
  • Horseman of the Apocalypse
  • The Grim Reaper
  • Horseman of Death
  • Experiment created by the Peoples choosen army
  • The Pale Horseman
  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • The Avengers
  • X-Men: Apocalypse
home era
  • unknown
  • 7
Home Planet
  • Discworld
  • Athletic
  • War
  • Death
  • War
  • Pestilence
  • Famine
  • Death's Vessel
  • 4000
  • 4366
  • 7241
  • 200.0
  • ~50,000
  • JAP 250
  • Death-band.jpg
  • Death_without_boat.png
  • yes
  • group_or_band
  • 2005-10-05
  • smrt
  • Avel
  • Salamander
  • Otomedius
  • Gradius Gaiden
  • Otomedius Gorgeous
  • The Song of the Nightingale
billed from
  • Louisville, KT
  • смерть
  • The Sound of Perseverance - Le Son Du Perce-oreilles
  • Human - Homo Homo Sapiens
  • Leprosy - Les Preux Chevaliers
  • Scream Bloody Gore - Crème Glacée Dracula
  • Spiritual Healing - Rituel Orthophonique
  • Symbolic - Symboliquement Hétérosexuel
  • Individual Thought Patterns - Quelques Pensées De Ma Moëlle
  • Dark
  • Female
  • Male
  • ???
  • Unknown
  • Medium-High
  • --10-03
  • 66
  • X-Ray Vision
  • Surefire
  • Poison Gas
  • Discharge
  • Paralyze Gas
  • Dispirit
  • Gandiva
  • Silent Gas
  • Smoke Canister
  • 12041
  • 634962
  • ; No Image Female.jpg
  • Is this death?
  • -
  • 500
  • N/A
  • Masculino
  • Poison
  • [Venom] Attack +5
  • *Death vs Arachne Gorgon *Death vs Asura I *Death (Death City Robot) & Azusa Yumi vs Mosquito (Baba Yaga Spider Robot)
  • Self Proclaimed Death-Dealer
  • Unkown
  • ??/??/????
  • before 13,000,000,000 BBY
  • 275
  • Michael imagines a dead Libby as his nurse.
  • The mid-air break up of Oceanic Flight 815 as seen from The Barracks.
  • Michael sees Christian before he dies.
  • The purge of the DHARMA Initiative.
  • Large
wikipage disambiguates
  • Angel of Death
  • The Grim Reaper
  • Big Daddy Reaper
  • The Pale Rider
  • N/A
REQUIREDcharacter name
  • Death
  • schwarz
Travelled with
  • Board Games
Video Games
  • 13625
  • ; No Image Female.jpg
  • Martin May
missions involved
  • -
split 3 note
  • 30.0
  • N/A
art 7 br
  • 45
  • 52
  • 59
  • 66
  • 73
  • HoTD III: :Chapter 0 :Chapter 1 :Chapter 4
  • Oculus Tooth
  • Oculus Membrane
split 1 note
  • 40.0
split 4 note
  • 5.0
art 6 br
  • 45
  • 52
  • 59
  • 66
  • 73
split 2 note
  • 30.0
  • Venom Attack
  • 275
  • 275
Fecha de Defunción
  • nunca
art 9 br
  • 60
  • 67
  • 74
  • 81
  • 89
No. of Pages
  • 19
Published (English)
  • 2006-11-07
  • y
  • *Death & Spirit Albarn vs Asura
  • *Death vs Asura II
  • capture
  • Curebulb
  • Oculus Tissue
  • Tanned Archfiend Hide
rateoffire low
  • 1
accuracy low
  • 68.500000
accuracy high
  • 82.300000
magazine high
  • 10
magazine low
  • 5
rateoffire high
  • 2.800000
  • __FORCETOC__ Image:Help.png
  • __TOC__
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the "Constructed Languages" section - "Postavjene Jezyki" - which includes "Slovio" "Novosloviensky" (NeoSlavonic) and "Slovianski". The "Slovio" project is no longer active. "Novosloviensky" and "Slovianski", on the other hand, have joined together as "INTERSLAVIC" or "MEDŽUSLOVJANSKI" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information.
  • Date of death: N/A
  • After the defeated of two serpent rider of D'Sparil and Korax. Eidolon the third and last of the Serpent Rider. Now Facing the dangers of his own dominion through out the World of Heretic and Hexen, believe that the world of Thyrion would never fall under his control due to the Humans have defeated two of his brothers. However, It Admited itself and proved to be defenseless as he can't contained the Continent from resistances of heroes that will liberated. So, he corrupted the Popes and Priest for helping to remove the seal to release the All Four Horsemen of Apocalypse to watch over each of the continent making them as the Leaders of those servant as it futile to opposed the great one.
  • Death (デス Desu) is a Black Magic spell from Fire Emblem Gaiden and a Dark Magic spell from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. Death is a powerful spell often used by high leveled Dark Magic users, but despite what the name implies, it is not an instant death spell. In Fire Emblem Gaiden, Death boasts high might at the cost of lower accuracy. In TearRing Saga, Death has lower might than other Dark Magic spells, but has a high critical rate.
  • NOTE: Due to recent distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on Old School RuneScape servers, players will have up to 60 minutes to retrieve any tradeable item on death. In addition, untradeable items will return to a player's inventory on death (Wilderness mechanics apply to untradeable items, however). This does not apply to dangerous PvP situations. Jagex has not released a list of untradeables that are confirmed to be kept on death but apparently painted whips, fire capes, damaged Barrows equipment, imbued rings and RFD gloves are kept.
  • Death(死)はあなたのキャラクターのHealthがゼロになったときに発生する現象です。 WARでの死は一時的なもので、死ぬことによって恒久的に与えられるペナルティは存在しません。
  • Death (ang. Niebyt) – amerykański zespół death metalowy założony w 1984 przez Chucka Schuldinera. Trudno tu mówić o założeniu, gdyż była to tylko zmiana nazwy z Mantas.
  • Death is the termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism. The word refers both to the particular processes of life's cessation as well as to the condition or state of a formerly living body. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include predation, malnutrition, accidents resulting in terminal injury, and disease. However, you may not be aware that death exists not merely as a state, but as an individual, who is also called Death. Or so he likes people to think. In reality, Death is merely a being with delusions of grandeur, who works for Blackout for some reason. However, since he is capable of killing people and/or bringing them back to life, some say he has a pretty good claim to be the actual personification of death. Sometimes he works alone, sometimes it employs agents. One of these agents was Skelly Bones!, whom Death sent to get rid of Yon (SMU). Later, Death was summoned by Blackout's Dark Knights during one of their many attacks against Aeturnus' men.
  • Death can be combined with Rika's illusion skill in any order to do a Lethal Image combo. Alys learns Death at level 13, and must be equipped with a Slasher to use it.
  • thumb|right|200px|Death Death – amerykański zespół, jeden z prekursorów death metalu. Powstał z inicjatywy wokalisty i gitarzysty Chunka Schuldinera jako Mantas. W grudniu 1984. nazwa została zmieniona na Death. Rozwiązany w 2001 roku, kiedy to Schuldiner zmarł.
  • File:Death rar2.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Death is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse that appeared during Hellboy's battle with Nimue at the battleground of Vigrid.
  • height: 6ft 9in weight: 140Ibs race: unkown sex:male eye color: gray age: 247 Full name : Jacob Timothy Redgrave
  • There are many ways to die in N: * Gravital impact from hitting any surface too hard (the floor and objects included) * Electrocution by a zap drone or floorguard * Explosion from a mine or homing missile from a homing launcher * Sniped by a gauss turret or chaingun drone * Shot by a laser drone * Pulverization by a rising, falling or travelling thwump * Suicide, which kills the ninja with the press of a button (default K) * Running out of time Each time you die, you are allowed to retry the level immediately, with your time limit reset to what it was at the start of the level. As it says in the list, you can also die by running out of time. Prior to version 1.4 this meant restarting the entire episode, but has now been changed to simply restart the level as if you had died. However, it's possible to end up with so little time at the start of a level that it is uncompletable, and you'll have to manually start the episode again.
  • As noticed by the forum, each house from Halloween Horror Nights 20: Twenty Years of Fear has some sort of connection to Death. * Horror Nights: The Hallow'd Past- Deaths in the past * Havoc: Dogs of War- Supersoldier massacres * ZombieGeddon- The undead * The Orfanage: Ashes to Ashes-Dead children and their murderer * PsychoScareapy: Echoes of Shadybrook and Legendary Truth: The Wyandot Estate- Undead ghosts and the forgotten * Catacombs: Black Death Rising- Death by disease * Hades: The Gates of Ruin- The realm of the dead
  • Death in Atlantica Online comes in numerous ways. Death results in a loss of 10% the total gold that you are carrying and a small portion of experience points. Mercenaries also lose experience. Retreating from a fight has the same consequences as death, meaning gold and experience is lost just the same, so sometimes even if another group of enemies appears, it can be a good idea to weigh the situation and keep fighting. However, retreating will reduce resurrection costs if you are convinced that you would end up dead anyway! Also, if you retreat, you won't end up in a town, but you'll be right there where you fought (sometimes it's annoying to run all the way back to the dungeon where you died from the town BUT some may use their death to get a quick teleport to the nearest town without having to go through the entire dungeon). A Blessing License can protect you from all of the above losses. Blessing Licenses can be bought on the Item Mall and come with some of the Item Mall License Packs, and can also be won from in game events and a few quests.
  • In NWN2, when a character reaches 0 hit points, he or she falls unconscious. At the end of a battle (for example, when the combat music ends), any unconscious characters are returned to life with a single hit point. If all characters fall unconscious, then the party is defeated, and you must load a saved game. Automatic saves are very rare in NWN2, so you should never count on the game to have a save earlier than your last use of the world map. NWN2 apparently saves your game prior to any use of the world map. Seeing as how some players find the Official Campaign to be particularly easy, you may wish to limit your use of saving the game, resting, or engage in other voluntary challenges. Beware of party death, however; you will not be able to choose to respawn! Spells and scrolls exist to raise the dead. Use them on dead companions or PCs during combat.
  • Death, the personification of death and the grim reaper, is in love with me, Deadpool! Because she can't have my soul due to me not being able to die. I reciprocate my love for her and so I try to figure out ways for me to lose my healing ability, die and be with my beloved. Thanos, jealous because he understood Death preferred my love over him, (Understood? Yeah right.) cursed me with immortality so we can't be together.
  • Death is a darkness element creature of which can be located on board the Phantom Ship.
  • There are various beliefs concerning death that are held by humans. There are those who believe that living beings simply cease to exist upon death, while there are those who believe in an afterlife where the living being's soul and/or spirit goes to. In Christianity, for example, there is the belief of heaven for the righteous and the faithful and of hell for the unbelieving and the wicked. Rituals for the deceased vary from one culture to another, with the most common being the funeral which allows the friends and family of the deceased to express and share their griefs with one another and to bid farewell and even a safe journey to the preferred afterlife to the deceased. In the episode "Squeaky", Smurfette learns to deal with the death of her pet mouse Squeaky after he heroically helped save Papa Smurf's laboratory from being burned up in a fire. At first Smurfette takes it very hard as the Smurfs give the mouse a proper burial, and she decides to run away because she did not want to face the possibility of seeing any of her fellow Smurfs passing away. After she was rescued, though, Smurfette learns that she must accept death as inevitable and live on while cherishing the memory of her pet. In the episode "Clumsy Luck", it was presumed that Clumsy perished when one of the meteors in a meteor shower crashed into his house when it fell upon the Smurf Village. The Smurfs all mourned for his passing, only to find out that Clumsy had escaped that fate by leaving the village earlier on and then returned to visit the village once more before isolating himself again due to his perceived carrying of a "bad luck" curse when he broke Vanity's mirror by accident. Death also occurs a few times to humans in the cartoon series. In the special "The Smurfic Games", Gargamel's cousin Argus dies, taking his castle with him as his body disappears. In the episode "Chlorhydris' Lost Love", the evil witch's rival Drusilla ends up turned to stone when the petrification spell she tries to cast on Vanity ends up reflected back unto her instead. In The Smurfs 2, Vexy and Hackus nearly passed away due to a lack of Smurf essence. Smurfette wrote the formula to transform Smurf-like creatures into Smurfs to Gargamel and he cast it on Vexy and Hackus into Smurfs. In Smurfs: The Lost Village, Smurfette sacrifices herself to save her fellow Smurfs and the Smurfettes of Smurfy Grove from Gargamel, causing her to revert back into a lump of blue clay. It wasn't until Smurfette was brought back to Smurf Village where every Smurf came together to honor her where the power of love brought her back to life.
  • Death is a "status effect" inflicted when a character's Hit Points reach zero (although other conditions exist, this is the most common one). The character becomes unable to act until revived. When all characters in a player's party are dead, a Game Over will result, unless continuation is mandated by the plot. Death is rarely permanent and can be 'cured' with a variety of methods in each game, again unless it is mandated to be permanent - or at least lasting until a certain plot event - by the plot - gameplay-wise death is not necessarily death as known from RL, but rather K.O. common in RPGs. Death also occurs as a spell, an En Magic and added effect to various skills. If hit by this effect, and the effect is not resisted (or the target is immune), the Death effect will be instantly inflicted on the target. Like any other status, Death from this source can be resisted, with the default success rate being 60%. Machines and Undead are notoriously immune to its effect, as are most ethereal beings.
  • Upon losing the Battle of the Gods, he returned to the netherworld as the guardian of the dead. Death takes his job very seriously even to the point of stopping the Soulgutter, one of Saruin's creations. He was requested to aid in the return of his brother in the conquest and the subsequent destruction of Mardias by one of Saruin's Minions. He cannot directly aid in his brother's aims for fear of retribution from Elore. He did however try to aid his brother by releasing the most powerful soul he housed in Purgatory, which did not have the results they expected. The soul was that of Darque, an assassin from three hundred years prior. Unbeknowst to Death he also released Aldora the Wizard, who was housed within the same body as Darque. Their personalities are in conflict as they try to recover lost memories within the same body and you can chose which one you wish to recruit. Death fears another war with the Gods and aids the Heroes when they seek his help. He gave them access to Purgatory to recover Aldora's memory, in addition to trading souls for items as well as a portion of their lives for strength and salvation for fallen allies. He goes as far as to tell the place where Saruin was sealed, as Elore and the Giants failed to do so. He tells them to seek out the Isthmus home of Albert, for that is where Saruin sleeps and bids the Heroes farewell.
  • Death is the state a character is in when their health reaches zero (or less). When this happens, they leave a corpse at the location where they died. If the player decides to release their spirit from the corpse, they will turn into a spirit form (a ghost or, in the case of night elves, a wisp), and the spirit form spawns at the nearest graveyard. A character will stay dead until they return to their corpse as a spirit, are resurrected by the spirit healer at a graveyard, or are resurrected by a player character near the corpse. If you die from a fall in an inaccessible area, your ghost may not be able to get close enough to your corpse to rejoin it; in this case you will have to resurrect at a graveyard. This is sometimes the case if you fall off the edge of Outland. (When falling off of Outland, the corpse of the player usually is placed at a reachable area on the edge somewhere; it may, however, place the corpse in an unpleasant location).
  • usually taken to mean tranformation or change. does not indicate an actual death. Upright: Tranformation. elimination of the old to make room for the new. Reversed: Stagnation. File:Placeholder
  • This is a short story going into more detail on what exactly happened when Tigerstar died. Told from Tigerstar's point of veiw EDIT: I really like how this turned out, so I decided to make a whole series called "Tigerstar's Death." Keep watch.
  • Death, also known as the Grim Reaper, is a recurring character on Family Guy. When people die, he comes to collect them. He is a mama's boy who lives with his mother and finds it hard to interact with women, likely because during his teen years he is shown to have a habit of killing girls while with them. He has asthma, hates the fact that he is dead and that he has no buttocks. He has also stated that he has lost his gag reflex due to taking part in films he is not proud of, as is evident when he eats a turkey leg off the bone in less than 3 seconds. Death is only responsible for human beings. When dogs die, he brings his dog. Death is an extremely annoying person to be around, he is blunt, rude and ungrateful. In his first appearance he repeatedly annoys Lois despite her attempts to make him feel better. However this aspect of him may be attributed to peoples own attitude towards him, he says that he is tired of always being labeled the bad guy just for doing a job that has to be done Death has met the Griffins several times, usually having interactions with Peter. In "Death Is a Bitch", Death suffers a sprained ankle while trying to chase Peter, and has to rest up at the Griffins'. Concerned that people must not learn that the rules of death have been suspended, Death sends Peter to do his work, lending Peter his cloak and scythe. In the meantime, Death stays in the living room wearing a Providence College sweatsuit loaned to him by the Griffins. File:Bottleopener.png In "Wasted Talent", he goes to a frat house where the members drank themselves to death trying to win the contest. After sitting down and helping himself to several of their beers by using his eye socket as a bottle opener, he leaves and backs into a police car while intoxicated. During "Death Lives", Peter helps Death to get a date with Amy, an assistant in a pet store. When they finally get together over a coffee, Death discovers that her views on animals are irritating and boring, so he touches her with the usual results, she falls dead, spilling her coffee, as he calls for the check. Death in return helps Peter out with his relationship with Lois, as he also did in Meet the Quagmires, where he allows Peter to travel back in time to 1984 repeatedly to initially live a life of bachelorhood, and then to try and save his marriage with Lois. During their adventures, Peter pulls down his hood, revealing a skull with snakes and bugs crawling all over it. In "Mr. Saturday Knight", he brings his dog to claim Brian Griffin, but because Jonathan Weed ended up choking to death on the roll instead, they take him. In "Family Guy Viewer Mail No. 1" a young Quagmire, in an argument with the young Peter over who was braver, bets Peter is too chicken to laugh at Death in the face. Peter does this with extreme confidence, and Death, who is wearing a pro-smoking T-shirt, responds by proclaiming that his chances of fitting in have decreased because of what had just happened. In "The Perfect Castaway", he shows up to point out the giant wave about to capsize the S.S. More Powerful Than Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and the Incredible Hulk Put Together. In "I Take Thee Quagmire", he comes to Glenn Quagmire's staged funeral after meeting with NBC about the fate of Joey. He ends up taking his wife Joan Quagmire, and two men who high five him. He makes a cameo as a performer of "Peter is Slow" in "Petarded". In "Meet the Quagmires", Death comes to check on Horace, the bartender at The Drunken Clam after he falls off of a ladder. Bored with his life, Peter talks Death into letting him see what his life would have been like if he had chosen to liven it up more. File:Peter and death.jpg Death gives Peter a glimpse of what life would be like without alcohol in "Friends of Peter G", after Peter is killed in a car crash. He advises Peter to drink responsibly. When Death dies in a traffic accident caused by Carter Pewterschmidt in "Grumpy Old Man", Superdeath arrives to oversee his transition. Death wonders if he'll go to Heaven but Superdeath tells him he's being reincarnated in China. Death disappears but quickly reappears with the two noting he'd been born a girl in China. Death comes to pick up a mailman killed by Stewie with his ray gun in the special opening of "Bigfat". Death returns in "3 Acts of God", to tell Cleveland his show had been canceled and is asked by Peter to meet God. He agrees and brings them to Heaven. Death was voiced by Norm MacDonald in "Death Is a Bitch". He was unable to reprise the role, as he was committed to Twenty Minutes with Stan Hooper. The role was given to Adam Carolla, who voiced him for all further appearances.
  • File:Quake1.gif <default>DEATH</default> Game Episode Designer Level Editor Soundtrack Level Theme Previous Map Next Map Specific Information Enemies Secrets New Weapons New Powerups New Obstacles New Enemies New Misc [Source] DEATH is a Single Player level in Q2. This level has the same geometry as Gate Keeper/Spider Web, though placement of Ammo and Weapons is entirely different.
  • Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age are both chock-full of battles, and with battle, usually comes death. But is it death? There is evidence for both answers. In battle, a member of your party can have his/her health points reduced to zero. Zero Health would typically be thought as death. But your party is still there, just knocked out, or more appropriately, downed. Monsters appear to Die, for they melt away into dust during battle. However, the same thing happens to people in scripted boss battles, or any battle for that sort, that contains characters. For example, in Colosso Finals, or the Bandits of Vault, or the Guards of Lunpa Fortress, or Saturos and Menardi, they lie on the ground, not dead. More evidence to the fact that one does not kill in battle is the fact that you "fell" monsters, not "kill". The game text displays: "you felled*enemy*!", not, "You killed *enemy*!". Also, some characters do not ever turn to dust after their health points are reduced to Zero, namely wild Djinn. After battle, they jump right up and join your party, perfectly fine, though unable to fight. This is further illustrated as when Isaac or Felix are felled in battle,and when they walk around out-of-battle, they hunch over and stoop, as if exhausted. They can still use psynergy, walk around, even hop, but cannot battle. So it would seem that there is no death or killing in Golden Sun. However, there are at least three scripted deaths, Saturos and Menardi at the top of Venus Lighthouse, but they are weak and fall to their deaths, and are not felled in battle. The one death that does indeed happen right in front of the player's eyes, however, happens on the road to Venus Lighthouse, when your party comes across a soldier lying on the ground. Talking to him lets you hear his last words, and he dies, but not talking to him leaves him there forever. So this death is optional, depending on the player's choice. Also, Babi dies in The Lost Age, but this happens neither in battle nor where the player can see. Opinions differ on this, but the only time when a player directly causes a NPC to die is the Venus Lighthouse Guard. If the player talks to him, he dies, so this could be considered as the player killing him, because if the player leaves him alone, he lives. This then brings up the debate as to whether it is more honorable to go to him and hear his last words or simply abandon him and let him waste away there.
  • In the Final Destination series, Death is an active, cunning, volatile, highly malevolent, supernatural force and the series' primary antagonist. While invisible to the human eye, it nevertheless makes a somewhat noticeable and ominous presence wherever it goes and can manipulate any aspect of an environment to its will. It's been highly suggested that Death essentially programs the events of a person's entire lifespan, ultimately deciding where, when and how they will die. Should anyone deviate or "cheat" from what Death has set for them, whether deliberately or not, Death will then impart a new design and eventually return for them, usually in the worst, most painful way imaginable. Because of this, suicide is practically irrelevant unless it was indeed that person's time to die. Any attempt to cheat is ultimately futile as it's implied that Death maintains an agenda of some kind in order to keep forces of life and death balanced and will meet that quota one way or another.
  • Death causes a character to collapse and become unable to fight or interact with the environment. Upon dying, you will lose 1% of whatever EXP you've earned since leveling (3% for non-VIP). When in Death status, you can still talk and trade with other people. Dyng is the only way to prevent a character from leveling up.
  • Death was the cessation of life functions in a biological organism, permanently rendering it unresponsive to any external factors. The term "death" was also sometimes applied to droids damaged beyond repair. Sentient individuals (and perhaps all living beings), were known to enter a different plane of existence. In most cases, death was caused by the major body parts within an organism simply "breaking down" from age and/or constant use. However, it could also be caused by irreparable damage to the major organs, such as them being ruptured, sliced, blasted, or similarly damaged. Death could also be caused by the loss of bodily fluids, as they are required to ferry certain nutrients required for life to continue. In most cases this was oxygen, however a number of species breathed other substances, such as methane or cyanogen. Suffocation could also bring about death, as it cut off the source of the required gas. If an organism entered an extremely hot or reactive area, their body could easily burn up and disintegrate, causing instant death. Another cause was from cancers and infections, which occurred when dangerous bacteria and microbes took up residence in the host body, killing the flesh in that area, causing necrosis, and providing stable residence for more bacteria. Death was either caused by the bacteria getting into the bloodstream a causing necrosis in vital areas of the body, or the necrosis could simply spread and grow, literally squishing the vital organs until they ceased to function.
  • Death is a vast river, infinitely wide to either side. There is a strange quality of light in Death, usually a grey mist, which makes it harder to see further than a few feet; the light levels change, sometimes dramatically, in different precincts.
  • Egli fondò il suo primo gruppo, ma accortosi che i suoi primi due servitori non erano in grado di comporre in 23/36, né di vincere una partita a calcetto con lui, li cacciò. La sua attitudine a cambiare musicisti con la stessa frequenza con cui si cambiava le mutande permarrà infatti tutta la vita. Schuldiner non desiderava nulla di più che riuscire a riprodurre il suono di un maiale sgozzato per soddisfare le masse di beoni che compravano i suoi dischi. Solo dopo che sua madre gli intimò di finirla di fare musica del genere, con la minaccia di non comprargli più le merendine, Schuldiner decise di imbottire tutti i suoi lavori di tecnica musicale all'inverosimile, per poter sembrare più colto. Inutile dire che il tentativo costituì una vittoria di dimensioni epiche, poiché i metallari di cui sopra iniziarono ad auto-considerarsi come persone colte. In quegli anni, infatti, non furono più le borchie il must per l'abbigliamento metallaro, bensì i monocoli, che la maggior parte dei suddetti acquirenti usava per bruciare le formiche.
  • Having the Protect Items prayer active increases the amount of items retained on death to 4, while it increases those of skulled players to 1.
  • Death is an enemy that drains a hero's life or experience by mere touch, taking a certain amount before disappearing. Death is, as might be expected, extraordinarily tough to kill. However, using/shooting a Bomb Potion will defeat Death instantly. Death typically appears as a black-cloaked figure, gliding atop the ground.
  • Death is one of the Four Horsemen of the Post Apocalypse, found in a special encounter in 2197. Death, like the other horsemen, will stand around the campfire and argue. It's not like he has anything important to do, the human race has already been effectively destroyed.
  • Death is part of a legendary Elementhian group, they are known as the Space - Time Elementhians, Death is the last of his kind is believed as the gate keeper of life and death.
  • There are several types of Death, each forcing your player to skip different amounts of turns based on the type.
  • Death is the latest addition to the list of bosses in Patapon 3. He floats across the stage and wields a giant black and dark blue scythe. Death has two attacks that inflict mostly poison and sleep. It is immune to stagger, sleep, and poison (despite having the effects of one being poisoned if poisoned, however doesn't get damaged), so one must have one of his units to equip freeze-inducing weapons if he/she wants to freeze Death and finish him.
  • Death is the end of a living organism's life, technically defined in humans as the permanent termination of brain activity.
  • Death is a character in The Song of the Nightingale.
  • Unspeakables working in the Death division are responsible for investigating the inner workings of death and the process of dying. The Unspeakables here focus on how the body and soul are separately affected by death and the specific causes which may affect each. They have been striving for centuries to achieve true necromancy, a long lost art, which will result not in an Inferi or zombie but in raising a person from the dead with their soul intact. This is something they have made inroads on in recent years. The Death division also houses the Death Chamber, which is a large, square room with many stone tiers leading down to a pit. In this pit is a stone archway with an old curtain hanging in it on a dais that is referred to as the Veil. Some people hear voices coming from the other side of the veil, though no one actually knows where it goes. There is speculation it leads to the afterlife because it seems there is no coming back through the Veil once one has entered it. The Unspeakables are still studying it and attempting to unlock the secrets of the Veil so they can better understand it. Despite not knowing exactly where it leads or what it does, anyone who falls through the Veil is considered to be dead, such as Sirius Black. The Unspeakables in the Death Department are the ones responsible for the initial creation of the Killing Curse and for the spells which create an Inferius and a horcrux. Some of the things Unspeakables study in this division: • The possibility of reversing death through necromancy • Can the soul be caught when leaving the body? • Do all souls leave dead bodies? • Where do souls go when they leave? • Can they be recalled? • What is it about dying that affects the soul to make it leave? • Can the soul be forcibly extracted from the body? • How long will a body live without a soul inside it? • Can a body without a soul be sustained and kept alive? For how long? • Can a soul be replaced into its body? • What happens if a soul resides in a dead body? • Can a soul be inserted into a new body? • Are displaced souls easier to control? • How does the death of a human vary from that of various magical non-humans? • Is it possible to domesticate Inferi? • Can one create a temporary death without soul displacement? • Is it possible to force someone to experience death without actually dying? • Is it possible to cause someone to die in a horribly excruciating way without leaving any evidence? • What are the slowest acting ways to kill a person? • Can a person's body be reverted back to a healthy status post-mortem as to not leave clues to the cause of death? • Can a slower Killing Curse be developed? • Does the Killing Curse cause a painless death? • Can it be altered to cause varying degrees of pain during death? • Can necromancy control Inferi called up by another wizard? • How old can a corpse be and still be called up by necromancy? • Is there any way to reverse the decaying of the body when reanimated through necromancy?
  • Fast-travel to this location by typing: /join death float bgcolor1 <default>Death</default> req hidea bgcolor2 3#f0f0f0 description Location Quests dialogue Shops Death is a character in AdventureQuest Worlds.
  • Death, also known as the Pale Horseman and Angel of Death, was the oldest and most powerful member of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and an ancient primordial entity of immense power. Having existed since the beginning of time alongside God, Death is so old he cannot remember who is older: himself or God. After trying to get Dean to kill Sam in exchange for transporting him somewhere he wouldn't be a threat, due to the Mark of Cain, Dean killed him with his own scythe.
  • Death var en Hive drottning, att vara ung, knappt ut ur hennes tonåren när hon gjort sig känd, oerfaren men med enheten och beslutsamhet i sina beslut som gjorde henne en effecive ledare nog att hon bildade sin egen allians av Hive under Wraith inbördeskrig. Med sin hävdar mantel Coldamber, en drottning med sinnet betydligt mer kraftfull normal drottning och stammen av First Mother Night, var hon nästan enhälligt att föra fraktionerna tillsammans tills Atlantis återvände till Pegasus. Hon är också ansvarig för att återförena Wraith till en enda grupp igen och, senare, är framgångsrik i kidnappning Doktor Meredith Rodney McKay för att tvinga honom att få Hive skeppets hyperdrift fungerar så att Wraith kan så småningom komma till Jorden i hopp om att erövra den. Döden inte bara tvingade McKay för att skapa en mer effektiv hyperdrive-system för Hive skepp, men också omvandlas honom till en Wraith som heter Quicksilver som tjänade henne lojalt och hade honom att skapa en effektiv sköld teknologi för åtminstone en enda Hive skepp och kryssare under ett uppdrag att sondera Atlantis' försvar. Drottning Death senare påstod sig härstamma från Coldamber som Guide avslöjade sig vara den ursprungliga drottning Death. (ATL: "Stargate Atlantis: The Furies") Båda skeppen förstördes i säkerställandet strid mellan Daedalus och George Hammond men visade sig tillräckligt för Wraith skepp effektivt att skada Hammond före destruktion. (ATL, "Stargate Atlantis: The Lost") Under en sista strid, mötte döden av med Teyla Emmagan. Teyla kunde använda henne telepatiska förmåga att övermanna Deaths sinne och döda henne. (ATL: "Stargate Atlantis: Inheritors") kategori:Wraith drottningar kategori:Wraith
  • The Death (also known as the Shadow) is a recurring monster class within the Disgaea series.
  • Death is considered by Christians to be a state of separation. In physical death, the spirit God has given to the body has been separated from the body. In spiritual death (called the "second death"), the soul is separated from God for all eternity, cast into the Lake of Fire. Jesus promises to believers that "those who overcome" through faith shall "not be hurt by the second death". In "Kingdom Come", Death and Hell are both cast into the Lake of Fire at the Great White Throne judgment.
  • Death is a curious thing. One day, you're walking around, having fun, perhaps chatting to a few flowers, a few people, a few superheroes like Superman. The next day, you're lying in your hospital bed, not moving, doing nothing. I think this proves that death is boring. Death is so damn boring that, to get away from the boredom, you either want to be entombed underground, where you can't see anyone else having fun, or you want to be burnt. That's how damn boring it is. Karma, for doing this, is a bitch. No one likes Karma. By reading this, you're tempting Karma to punt you in the bollocks straight into the world of unluckiness. That's what the Joker found out, after making insensitive jokes about karma and death. Gnora the Gnome discovered that reading said jokes also brings this bad luck upon you, so you, my dear reader, are pretty damn screwed. Usually a result of killing. However, it can also come from suicide, cancer, or natural causes. For superheroes and supervillains, it usually serves as a direct stimulus for rebirth. When it happens to women like Alexandra DeWitt, it's called "Women in Refrigerators" because that's more serious.
  • In the Gothic-Punk world, untimely death seems to happen more often than not. Garou: the MUSH has established the following guidelines concerning character death:Death, by consent of the player whose character is dying, may happen at any time.Death, against the will of the player whose character is dying, may only occur in situations being arbitrated by a GM. In such situations, the GM may rule that the character dies. An OOC warning (paged, whispered, @pemitted, or whatever) before engaging in particularly difficult endeavors is customary. E.g., 'GM whispers to Wrecks-Trains, "If you walk into the Prince's haven, you're going to die."'Should a player feel unfairly treated in an arbitration, they may appeal once (and only once) to the wizards.Dead characters are customarily dested after a week or slightly longer. This gives the player time to save any wanted text offline. New characters are applied for through, as usual.
  • It wasn't his real name, no mother in her right state of mind would name her only son, "Death". It's just no one really got close enough to the man to find out who he really was. It seemed wherever he went, the name just lingered. It's the best association one could give after surviving an encounter with him. Could there possibly be someone so cold towards human life? He didn't see life the way others did. "Death" simply saw just that- Those like him existed only to show humanity how precious life was. How one's existence could be snuffed out in a matter of seconds for no reason or argument. Stories have branded him a machine. Wreckless, brutal, inhumane. There is a degree of truth to this. However, it wasn't entirely true. It was a crude stigma associated by word of mouth. He wouldn't kill anyone he didn't establish communication with. That's just how he operated. Killing was too easy for the man. To be able to interrogate your opponent with meaningless nonsense, and ending him if he failed to answer or respond in a calculative algorithm that was acceptable enough in Death's mind. Understanding the human prey psyche was his perk. You only faced "Death"- When you said the wrong thing. There was obviously a method to his ways. One is also quite intelligent to avoid capture, as he was. His ability to coax others into believing whatever lies he told to save his skin, was on par with his skill in weaving in and out of shadow. A dishonest lying murderer- Who kills only with purpose; not motive. Sadly, there is some humanity left in this man. He can construct actual conversations with someone, making them completely oblivious that Death, himself, is somewhat a psychopath. He also has a keen taste in leading those who dare allied with him. He was intelligent enough to stay his blade from those who were a majority, or more powerful than he was- And initiate, in his mind, a state of truce and friendship. He could save you from a pack of hostile bandits, or he could finish the job before they do. It all mattered on the specific timing of the chemical balance in his neurology.
  • Death has the ability to kill any player except the Reviver.
  • When players die, they will have to wait a certain amount of time before revival. The amount of time they have to wait is 2 minutes for non-GM and 5 seconds for GM. Upon death, players will lose all cash (but not credits) or half for levels 6-10 in hand which they were carrying during their venture into the Inner City. However, the cash deposited into their bank account will remain unaffected, and a Security Box can save a portion of cash found. Therefore, it is advisable for one to deposit all cash in hand before leaving the Outpost, or get hold of a Security Box. Security Boxes can be bought from the Marketplace or found in the city. There are currently 5 different sizes of security boxes: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large, and XXL (Only obtainable with Dusk Shop), each successive size capable of storing more money. Although, only your largest security box will be used to determine the amount of money you save. (i.e. If you have a small and a medium sized security box, only the medium will be used.) Currently in 3D players will be re-spawned in the last outpost they visited, regardless of which outpost they are closest to. Meaning if you last visited Doggs Stockade and died somewhere near Fort Pastor, you will still re-spawn at Doggs Stockade. After revival, Level 1 - 10 players revive with 40% health which turns into 20% for all characters above Level 10, hunger remains the same for everyone. Also, 50% of the experience points gained after leaving your current outpost (like Nastya's Holdout) will be lost unless killed by another player. During invasions, sometimes you will lose your bonus (0-100%). It is random, and at the moment unknown how it works. So, you should probably avoid death. Dying is something everyone should want to avoid, especially if one has accumulated a considerable amount of experience points and a notable sum of money.
  • The portrayal of Death as a skeletal figure with a hood and scythe has its origin in French tarot cards of the 18th century. A swipe of his scythe was said to take the soul of his victim, and there was no escape from him unless the soul of another man was sacrificed instead. Personifications of death exist in countless myths and folklore, but in monotheistic religions like Christianity, death is governed over by angels, putting such personifications in a different light. The death gods of Chinese mythology fulfill an emissary-like duty as they guide souls to the land of the dead, while their Japanese counterparts lure people into death, playing an arguably demonic role by possessing them and instilling the will to die within them.
  • Death is the Lord of the Land of the Dead. He was created when the Unnamed Evil took over the body of Thoth, the God of Dreams, Music and Storytelling, centuries before the War of the Andain. His body was sealed into Mount Purgatory after a fierce battle, but despite his imprisonment he has managed to breach the veil between realms in order to subtly manipulate events and corrupt people over the millennia for reasons that remain unknown.
  • Death (デス, Desu), meistens Shinigami genannt, ist der Gründer der Shibusen und versiegelte den Kishin unter der Shibusen, indem er seine Seele mit Death City verband. Dadurch kann er sich nichts aus der Stadt bewegen und ist an Death City gefesselt. Er ist der oberste Leiter der Shibusen und kann nur mit Death Scythes kämpfen. Er war vor 800 Jahren der Gründer der Gruppe "Die großen Alten". Als sich Kids dritter Sanzu Streifen letztendlich verband, starb er, weil nur ein vollwertiger Shinigami existieren kann.
  • There are a very large varieties of ways for a player to die while in Survival mode or Adventure Mode. Below is a list of the most common: * Killed by a hostile mob * Fall damage * Fire damage * Suffocation (either in water or in solid blocks) * Killed by another player * Use of /kill * Falling out of the world (or Void damage) Upon death, different things may happen, dependent on gamerules and difficulty setting.
  • Character in The Prophet's Paradise and Alone.
  • Death features in Series 1 episode Bollo
  • Death is When someone dies.
  • Death is a cosmic entity.
  • Mitä Death saattoi sanoa? * Muahahahaa! * Your time has come, (Pelaajan nimi)! * (Pelaajan nimi) is mine! * I have come for you, (Pelaajan nimi)! * Your time is over, (Pelaajan nimi)! * There is no escape, (Pelaajan nimi)!
  • Virus.DOS.Death is a parasitic virus on DOS. There are 3 variants: * Virus.DOS.Death.638 * Virus.DOS.Death.725 * Virus.DOS.Death.1001
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Death]] deeth, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Death]] dēaþ, from Proto-Germanic *dauþuz (cf. West Frisian [[dead#|dead]], Dutch dood, German Tod, Swedish död), from Proto-Indo-European *dʰautus. More at die.
  • In 2365, Nagilum, in the guise of Data, asked Captain Jean-Luc Picard what death is. According to Picard there are two contemporary philosophies. One is the belief that death is the transformation into an indestructible and unchanging form. According to this belief the purpose of the entire universe is to then maintain that form in an afterlife in an Eden-like place. The other, contrary belief, is that death is simply blinking into nothingness. Picard himself believed that the existence of lifeforms is part of a reality beyond what is currently understood as reality and therefore both philosophies are insufficient. (TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease" ) Death is sometimes perceived as an event that is common to all living things. In 2366, Captain Jean-Luc Picard used death and his own mortality as a way to show Nuria and her people that he was no different than they were, and certainly not a god they named "the Picard". (TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers" ) According to Apollo, the race of the Greek gods was immortal, but also for them there was a point of no return. As their species could alter their form, it was possible for them to spread so thin that they would disappear from existence. Apollo poetically described this event as returning to the cosmos on the wings of the wind. Apollo was the last of the gods to die in 2267. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?" ) Sargon considered himself dead although his mind was stored and active in energy-form inside a receptacle. He described the final destruction of his consciousness as departing to oblivion. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow" ) The Borg Collective considered death to be an irrelevant concept in their philosophy. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds" ) When a drone was damaged beyond repair, it was simply discarded. All of the drones experiences and memories lived on inside the collective consciousness. This was considered immortality by the Borg. (VOY: "Mortal Coil") Artificial lifeforms can cease functioning through induced self-destruction. (TOS: "The Changeling" ) Death may also be seen as a personification, attributed to a single entity, figure, or symbol. In this form, Death is known by many names, one of the more common being the "Grim Reaper". In 2370, the USS Enterprise-D encountered an alien probe that began to transform the Enterprise into an alien city, complete with hieroglyphic symbols, one of which was the symbol for Death (TNG: "Masks" ). In 2267, Lazarus equated his parallel universe counterpart as "Death" and "Anti-Life" (TOS: "The Alternative Factor" ). Neelix (and possibly other Talaxians) also have a concept of a "specter of death" (VOY:"The Cloud", "Jetrel") In 2369, while explaining the nature of linear time to the Prophets, Commander Benjamin Sisko also explained the concept of death, stating that Jennifer Sisko was a most important part of his existence, but that he had "lost her some time ago." The Prophets, however, showed him that he spent much time in his mind dwelling on Jennifer's death, reliving his tragic experience on the USS Saratoga, that he "existed" there, something that was most certainly not linear. (DS9: "Emissary") Many cultures considered death to be something welcomed, not feared. These included Klingons, whose culture put a high premium on honorable death, and the Vaadwaur, whose children were taught to fall asleep each night imagining different ways to die. (VOY: "Dragon's Teeth") Actor William Sadler, who played the character of Luther Sloan in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, portrayed Death in Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey; part of which was filmed at Vasquez Rocks, a filming site used in several Star Trek productions.
  • Death was an American death metal band from Orlando, Florida, founded in 1983 by guitarist and vocalist Chuck Schuldiner. Death is considered to be one of the most influential bands in heavy metal and a pioneering force in death metal. Its debut album, Scream Bloody Gore, has been widely regarded as the first death metal record, while the band's driving force, Chuck Schuldiner, is acknowledged as the originator of extreme metal. The band ceased to exist after Schuldiner died of brain cancer in December 2001, but remains an enduring metal brand. As of 2013, Death has sold over three million albums worldwide, and one million in the United States (excluding the sales before the Nielsen SoundScan era). The group is considered the best-selling death metal band on a global level.
  • Death is the pilot episode and the first episode of the first season of the animated television series Spooks. In the episode a cowardly guy, Aaron Patterson dies and is selected to be the Grim Reaper's apprentice. However, his first mission is to capture a demon that possessed an entire house. The October 30, 1999 airing of "Death" received a 3.4 million viewers in American households together. References to the episode have been mentioned in many more future episodes. This episode has been made available on DVD, and other forms of home media, including on demand streaming on Hulu Plus.
  • Oddly, Death is very cupid-like in appearance.
  • "Death is a cycle. You start dying as soon as you’re born. Every day you grow an inch closer to what you know will be the end. But it’s not the end. It’s just the beginning. When one person dies, Another one is born. Death equals life. Each represents a symbol of balance. Without life, there can be no death. But without death, can you really call it life? Don’t be afraid forever. Death is natural and you can’t stop it forever. You may not die soon and, hopefully you won’t. But when it is your time, Remember this…. The end of one life, is the beginning of another………" -Axel Pride
  • "Death" is the fifth episode of the D Series of QI, the first Halloween special and the 41st episode overall. It was first broadcast on BBC Four on 20 October 2006, and aired on BBC Two on 27 October 2006. Andy Parsons made his first appearance, and the audience received their second score and first win, having unofficially scored -45 in "Creatures". The episode was preceded by "Dictionaries" and followed by "Drinks". The panellists (and Fry) were all wearing black for this episode, and at the centre of the stage there was a coffin inside the magnifying glass. Forfeits flashed in green, instead of white.
  • Death is one of the Cosmic Entities in the universe.
  • Death is when something ceases to be alive. Most religions believe there is a life after death. All biological organisms die.
  • Death in Renaissance Kingdoms occurs in three ways. 1. * Through battle 2. * Through the courts 3. * Through starvation When a person dies, they incur: * A loss of 10 Strength stats * A loss of 10 Intelligence stats * A loss of all Charisma stats * A 45 day movement penalty, where they can not leave which ever town they are in. (The 45 days are reduced to 15 if Premium Features are purchased) After dying, a person may continue playing after they serve the above penalties.
  • Death is a homeless goth girl. Death dresses like the character Death from Sandman, and claims to have met Neil Gaiman once. Death is homeless, hungry, and has contemplated suicide. Death approaches Oasis on a train to Nebraska, mistaking her for a fellow member of the Goth subculture due to her dyed hair and self-scarification (actually a result of Oasis's insanity), and asks for food or a place to stay. Oasis, mentally unstable and unfamiliar with Sandman, assumes that she really is the personification of Death.
  • Death comes at the end of life for all of us. For some, death will mean that the soul is allowed into Heaven, to serve Jesus Christ in paradise forever. For liberals, death is followed by a journey to Hell, where they will get what's coming to them. Death, a.k.a. The Grim Reaper, is...well Death. He is most known for his taking of souls, his occasional riding with the four horsemen (on his horse Binky), and of course his famous garden. To learn more on death, see bears. It has been noted by some that the Grim Reaper has been spotted following George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the Grim Reaper happens to be very close friends with Colbert as he helps him determine who will die each month, the Reaper though is getting sick of having to kill bears everyday as they do fight back.
  • Death is the permanent state of (non-)existence in which a previously living Sim, pet, or other creature ceases to live. Causes of death range from natural causes (brought on by reaching the end of the elder life stage), accidents, player neglect, or through the deliberate player choice(s). In The Sims 2, a deceased Sim's closest friends and family members will inherit a small amount of money through life insurance. In The Sims 4, no such monetary inheritance takes place, although items in a deceased Sim's inventory will be transferred to their offspring who live in the same lot. All Sims who witnessed the death, including those not particularly close to the deceased Sim, will receive a very sad moodlet (conversely, household members who were not in the same room as the deceased Sim at the time of death will not be affected). When all Sims die in a household, or there are only children in the household (as in the case of The Sims 2 and later games), a game over occurs. In The Sims 2, any orphaned babies, toddlers, or children will be taken away by an on-screen social worker, whereas in The Sims 4, a message indicating that the orphaned Sim(s) will be cared for by social services will appear. In addition, when all teen and older household members die, all businesses and restaurants owned will be released back to the community (even if the deceased Sim has a living offspring residing somewhere else) and their prospective owners can generally only buy them as unfurnished lots. Although death is typically a state of absolute finality, there are several ways in which the dead may still be interacted with or even brought back to life. The spirits of dead Sims are often left to roam the world as ghosts, and there exist several legitimate (i.e. in-game) and illegitimate (i.e. cheating) methods to revive ghosts.
  • When your character dies, you will be allowed to restart as a new character with 60% of the experience you earned and spent, and 100% of the experience you earned but did not spend. In addition, Wizards who find out about character deaths which were well timed to add to the story and make meaningful conclusions to interesting plots will be inclined to give additional rewards of XP, IC wealth, or other goodies. So, when your character dies-- rest assured that your new character will have a good beginning.
  • Simon will fight Death floating. Avoid his scythes and if he whips him or tosses an axe at him, Death will be hurt. Death can be very difficult to beat. Simon must keep avoiding the scythes and attacking him until he's gone. If you're never gonna use any other weapon, that's hard for it. Avoid the scythes and keep whipping him.
  • It awoke. A voice of ages. It had no name but the names men gave it, names held little meaning. Yet, it gave it pleasure to hear those names uttered forth from the lips of men - men who often came to such varied and deliciously painful ends. It reveled in death for death was its purpose. An existence without end was wasted without purpose and the one constant without end was death. Death became its purpose. It had seen the universe die uncountable times and the inevitable rebirth countless more. Dark unto light, death unto life. This was the way of all things and it gave it immense satisfaction to be part of the grand clockwork of existence. Throughout its existence and all the varied incarnations of the universe which had been no creature had fascinated it more than man. It seemed they shared a common purpose for man was elevated to the pinnacle of greatness amongst the ecstasy of carnage. For this reason it pleased it greatly to accompany man when he sought perfection. It presented itself in varied forms, but became tangible only on the rarest of occasions. Periods when its influence was strongest and death and conquest grew heavy on the minds of men, prized jewel of a Trojan female, Roman spear, Mongolian Warlord - amongst others, these were some of its more noted and fruitful forms. An endless existence yielded many moments for introspection. It questioned the path it had taken, was death truly the alpha and the omega? For an infinitesimal moment in time it pondered the nature of death and imagined a universe without it, reviewing its actions in turn and assessing the very nature of existence. Yes. Death was the only path.
  • Death, also known as The Grim Reaper, is a recurring character in Family Guy.
  • When a player's Hitpoints have reached 0, they die. This can be from poison or fighting a monster (or another player in a PVP area.) Upon death you will drop all items carried in your inventory and respawn. A Dead Player item, the collection of your bones, is also left on top of your dropped items. When you die, you will usually respawn outside Buskingham, at the Reset spot. If someone else doesn't find the items you dropped first, you may go back to pick them up again. If another player kills you in the Badlands, you will gain some PVP experience, but drop all your items for the other player(s) to pick up. Upon death in the Badlands, you will respawn near the at the guard tower. If you die in the Lava Mountain, you will respawn in the badlands entrance at the wall, outside the bunker.
  • Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 5 – 10 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): Title_Spread_Death Death is the title of a group of assault shotguns with high accuracy, and a hidden +15% Critical Damage, and improved stability. Death shotguns are relatively rare, as most that qualify for Death also qualify for the higher priority Brute (weapon) title. Examples are on the talk page.
  • Death (デス, Desu) más conocido como Shinigami (死神, Shinigami) seguido con el sufijo "sama" como término de respeto, es un Dios de la Muerte y el director y líder de la AMAM. También llamado Honorable Padre (父上, Chichiue) por su hijo, Death the Kid. Death selló al primer Kishin, Asura debajo de Shibusen arraigando su propia alma a Death City para mantenerlo en este estado.
  • Death is a saddening experience. It causes a person to lose all capabilities of living, and it causes them to be no more than rotting corpses
  • Death occurs when your health reaches zero. When you die, your spirit returns to the spirit realm and our body remains where you died.
  • Death occurs whenever a character's health drops to zero. The character then becomes a corpse and the player can no longer control him or her. The player can still use chat features, map travel, and camera control. Your screen turns grey when you die, and returns to normal coloration after you are resurrected. However, your screen can glitch, where you are alive but your screen is grey. Additionally, a player whose character is dead can lock the camera to another party member's point of view by clicking on him or simply clicking on that party member's name on the Party List. In PvE, drops are still allocated to dead players if they are within range. Several skills allow a player to resurrect a party member. In PvE, transition over an area boundary and cinematics resurrect and teleport the whole party. In PvP, a victory will resurrect the winning party. In PvE, in areas with resurrection shrines, the whole party will be resurrected on a wipe (after a short delay). In PvP if resurrection shrines are present, any dead party members will automatically resurrect at a certain interval of time (often one minute). If the resurrection shrine has a priest, then he must be alive for the party to be resurrected. If an area does not have a resurrection shrine, the party must return to the most recently visited outpost if all party members die. Nearly all PvE missions, and several PvP arenas, lack resurrection shrines. Death results in a 15% death penalty for the player, except in the following situations: * In the tutorial stage of Pre-Searing Ascalon * When Vengeance or Unyielding Aura (PvP) ends * When an ally you have cast Death Pact Signet on dies within 120 seconds of being resurrected by aforementioned skill, you do not gain death penalty (but the ally still will) * If killed by a crusher in Sorrow's Furnace or Jokanur Diggings (mission) * If killed by an Avalanche (event, not monster) in the Far Shiverpeaks of Eye Of The North * If killed by Sulfurous Haze in the Desolation. * In "kill count" arenas such as the The Crag and in Alliance Battles * Alliance-specific Competitive Missions such as Fort Aspenwood and The Jade Quarry * In Hero Battles * If killed soon after being resurrected Avoiding death can earn you the Survivor title.
  • Death is exactly what stinkin' Darth Lucas wanted for our king, SuperShadow, as well as every copy of the Star Wars Holiday Special. It is also a side-effect of having your planet destroyed by Darth Vader while being stupid enough to still be on it. Those who died supposedly went to Oblivion, but this is uncertain since no one ever came back, at least not to tell us what happens after death.
  • Ten is so, so sorry. Twelve insists nothing could have been done to prevent it, so stop moaning. Seven coyly suggests it was for the greater good, while Six promptly goes to wash his hands. Five wishes there could have been another way, but going back in the TARDIS to find one is a definite no-go. Eleven has his fingers in his ears and is singing some nursery rhymes. Nine is triggered. Eight flips out and blames the Daleks. Four makes an ironic attempt to appear brooding. Three goes off to meditate. Two massages his temples. One suddenly looks that little bit more like a scared, lonely old man in a cold white room. A spooky, scary skeleton appears before you, wearing a robe so pitch black it's almost VNA-level dark. She(?) asks you to select the appropriate answer from a list...
  • Death is an entity who releases and collects people's souls after they die. He/she/it has no true form, but is depicted as a skull. We will never know if death is a real creature for we are who knows where when we die. This creature has been depicted through the years in thousands of mediums.
  • Death is the everpresent companion of most people on board the station. Whether you couldn't outrun that wall of flames, someone replaced all the air with plasma, or you found yourself floating in space without any protection, there are many, many ways to die. Though it doesn't necessarily mean the round is over for you, this is often the case without a competent geneticist.
  • Known as "Black Gods" Death is a very specialized version of a Shinigami. With a mastery of Fire and Ice techniques and spells they can destroy their enemies with ease. Weapon Proficiency: Death utilizes a piercing pickaxe like hand, This attack deals 3d6 damage. Ability Boost: Whenever a Shinigami would normally gain a bonus to their strength modifier, they instead gain a bonus to their dexterity. This stacks with the other dexterity bonus they earn from leveling up as normal. Frosted Flame Dominion: At 1st level, Death gains access to the Fire and the Ice domains and all of their abilities, using it's death level as it's cleric level to determine abilities. This replaces the wind spells Death usually has access to as well as it's normal energy resistances and it's Damage reduction. Finesse: Death can take weapon finesse for it's monster attack. 1st-Level Death spells— Bane, Cause Fear, Command, Curse Water, Death Knell, Detect Poison, Decompose Corpse, Interrogation, Ray of enfeeblement, Ray of Sickening, Restore corpse, Doom, Inflict Light Wounds, Magic Weapon, Protection from Good/Law/Evil/Chaos, Read Magic 2nd-Level Death spells— Blindness/ Deafness, Corruption Resistance, Command Undead, Defoliate, False Life, Unshakable Chill, Darkness, Darkvision, Desecrate, Eagle's Splendor, Hold Person, Invisibility, Scare, Silence, Undetectable Alignment 3rd-Level Death spells— Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Contagion, Deeper Darkness, Defile Armor, Dispel Magic, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Magic Weapon Greater, Vampiric Touch 4th-Level Death spells— Fear, Inflict Serious Wounds, Invisibility Greater, Poison, Resounding Blow, Slay Living, Terrible Remorse 5th-Level Death spells— Atonement, Boneshatter, Break Enchantment, Greater Contagion, Curse of Magic Negation, Major Curse, Inflict Light wounds Mass, Raise Dead, Scrying, True Seeing, Unhallow, Unholy Ice 6th-Level Death spells— Antilife Shell, Banishment, Blade Barrier, Epidemic, Harm, Inflict Moderate Wounds Mass, Undeath to Death 7th-Level Death spells— Control Undead, Finger of Death, Destruction, Inflict Serious Wounds Mass, Resurrection, Repulsion, Create Demiplane Lesser 8th-Level Death spells— Create Demiplane, Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Frightful Aspect, Inflict Critical Wounds Mass, Orb of the Void, Symbol of Death, Unholy Aura 9th-Level Death spells— Energy Drain, Create Greater Demiplane, Cursed Earth, Overwhelming Presence, Polar Midnight, Soul Bind, True Resurrection 2nd-Level Death techniques —Death Spinner (MC)** 3rd-Level Death techniques —Nightmare Sheep (MC)**, Fire Dance **, Ice Dance ** 7th-Level Death techniques —Drop Out (MC)**, Light Dance ** 8th-Level Death techniques —Nightmare Gate (MC)** 9th-Level Death techniques — Fire and Ice **
  • In Tibia, you will die when your healthpoints (HP) runs out. Not everything is lost though. The Gods will grant you another chance for a small sacrifice and you can be revived in your hometown's temple.
  • Death is a part of CnR, quite a major part. Looking at the death list on the middle-right of the screen, there is usually atleast one person dying a minute. There is also a command in the settings list (/settings) to show deaths in the chat.
  • The element of Death is not one of the Five Elements but is considered an element with some vampyres possessing an affinity for it. Those with an affinity for Death can be seen as Necromancers or Psychopomps in that they can perceive and commune with the spirits of the dead and help guide them to the Otherworld. The only known vampyre with an affinity for Death is the High Priestess Thanatos.
  • Death a.k.a. The Shadow, as it is referred to by The Disciples, is the leader of all Demonata. It is the natural force of Death with a consciousness, making it extremely deadly.
  • Death is a boss encountered on rounds 666 and 800 at the Abandoned War, it has 2 forms, and it has the parts from Tat1101's conceptions, presumably, Big Bloon Mk. IV, Shaitan, MMBFBABG Remodeled (MMBFBOTABOTG) and the Blimp Spider Mech, it is a multi-part blimp and a multi-form blimp.
  • All creatures will die over time. Some die of old age, some die from stillbirths. Most creatures will most likely die if they lack glycogen or life/ageing chemicals. Norns can also die if they are in too much pain, succumb to fatal sickness, get killed by another creature or drown. Creatures that have an immortality mutation cannot die from old age, but may still be able to succumb to the other deaths stated. It is not known whether norns have a concept of an afterlife, although evidently some hands do.
  • Please Delete: Template:Infobox CharacterTom Uraya (Nicknamed Death) is a Darkus/Ventus hybrid brawler and unknown adopted brother of Kyle
  • Death, or Andlát in the Ancient Language once spoken by all creatures, was the cessation of life and an ongoing fact of the world of Alagaësia. The protagonist of the Inheritance cycle, Eragon, sought to prevent death where possible by ultimately toppling Galbatorix, but had to live with the stark reality that his own actions would cause many deaths, many of them dealt by his own hand. Eragon had already been affected by several highly personal deaths: first that of his uncle Garrow, later Brom and also Ajihad, Hrothgar, and Oromis.
  • Strong Bad Email 28: Death Cast: Stong Bed, Death DAY DECEMBER 22 YEAR 2009 TITLE IS... Rockin Roundhat
  • Death is a reccuring character in Regular Show. He made his debut in the Season 2 episode "Over the Top".
  • engl. für das, was nach dem Leben kommt. Hat i.d.R. mit Würmern, Verwesung und "Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub" zu tun. Wie sagten meine schottischen Schüler dazu: "Life is a fatal desease that is transmitted through sexual intercourse." Es gibt auch Melodic Death
  • Death describes the cessation of all biological functions that sustain an otherwise living organism. As such biological functions can often be extended indefinitely through artificial means given the sophistication of modern medicine, the current medical definition of death is based on brain death.
  • If you are here, then your HP is down to 0 HP. Suddenly, a Grim Reaper comes up to you. I will regenerate you. But I warn you, you do not want to see me again.
  • Death is the creature that appeared after an experiment went wrong in northern Hyrule, it is sealed in an unknown person to this day. And a major plot point in The Legend of Zelda: Hyrulian Chronicles, and is the only being known to challenge the Goddess Hylia and to almost win.
  • When cast by enemies, Death is a Dark Magic spell that inflicts instant K.O. on the target. It does not deal darkness damage if it fails. It differs from the Doom status effect, which allows a short window of time to remove the effect before K.O. is inflicted. In either case, standard EXP loss is still incurred for being K.O.'d by these effects. In most cases of monsters that use this spell, it has perfect accuracy on players unless they have equipment or a status boost with Death resistance (or possibly general status effect resistanceFile:Exclamation.gif). The Death spell cannot be blocked by "shadow images" such as those provided by Utsusemi or Blink, like most other offensive single-target magic can. Death has a standard casting time of approximately 5 seconds. It is possible (and common) for certain enemies to cast it faster due to the influence of things like Fast Cast or Chainspell. Once Death begins casting, the only surefire ways to avoid K.O. are to interrupt the enemy casting it or get out of the caster's range before it finishes casting. The following monsters cast Death: * Angra Mainyu * Apocalyptic Beast * Aquila * Arch Angra Mainyu * Arch Dynamis Lord * Arch Goblin GolemFile:Exclamation.gif * Arch Gu'Dha Effigy * Arch Overlord TombstoneFile:Exclamation.gif * Arch Tzee Xicu IdolFile:Exclamation.gif * Bloodeye Vileberry * Cannered Noz * Dark Rider * Diabolos Club * Diabolos Diamond * Diabolos Heart * Diabolos Spade * Diabolos Nox * Dynamis Lord * Kalasutrax * Feeorin * Giltine * Goblin Golem * Golden-Tongued Culberry * Gwynn Ap Nudd * Gu'Dha Effigy * Lacquered Mimic * Lord Asag * Mamool Ja Trainer (on Avatars only) * Overlord's Tombstone * Putraxia (sealed if Dark Elementals are killed) * after using Providence. * Shadowsoul * Soaring Dvergr * Sombre Mimic * Tzee Xicu Idol * Tupilaq * Virvatuliv * Xibalba
  • Death occurs when your hitpoints reach 0. You will respawn in Lumbridge with your 3 highest valued items you had with you at your time of death.
  • There are several factors that lead to the death of a Tamagotchi: * Care Mistakes are the most common factor. Allowing too many care mistakes to accumulate would trigger the Tamagotchi's death. The threshold of how many care mistakes are needed has increased with modern releases. * Sickness is another current common factor. Leaving a Tamagotchi ill over an extended period of time will cause the Tamagotchi to pass away. * Old Age is a factor limited to older releases. In this case, each Tamagotchi character has a specific life span, and how you care for it will determine if it is expanded or shortened. As the life span grows longer, the Tamagotchi will become much more needy for food and attention, until it finally passes away. This factor has been negated on modern releases; Tamagotchi pets will now live for as long as the user cares for it and prevents Care Mistakes. * Predators is a factor limited to the Tamagotchi Ocean and Mori de Hakken! Tamagotch. In this case, a Tamagotchi can die from being attacked by another creature. The Tamagotchi Ocean features a polar bear, while the Morino Tamagotch features a human foot or a frog.
  • Death is a common condition commonly occurring after life. It is typically looked on as a "bad" thing, except in the rare cultures along the northern rim of the eastern arch of the southernmost spiral of the galaxy, where they look up death as a good thing. These cultures look upon death as a good thing, because, unlike most other lifeforms, they lack the "block-out" sector of the brain. The "block-out" sector of the brain protects the consciousness from realizing that life is a cruel meaningless existence in which one is subjected to torture after torture and then, finally, after years and years of pure hell, is finally granted rest. There is an uncommonly high suicide rate in the rare cultures along the northern rim of the eastern arch of the southernmost spiral of the galaxy.
  • Death occurs when Condition reaches zero. After the player's death, the saved game is marked and destroyed, and cannot be loaded again. Effectively, the character who died can never be restored. This is commonly refered to as "Permadeath" since dying is the permanent destruction of the save file. However, the player is given the option to "Save the journal" which will add that game's journal's statistics to the global statistics. Notes that you wrote are also able to be checked back on.
  • In Soul Collector, Death is also a supporter of the player character. He appears to the player whenever they fall asleep in the bed in the player's room. Death charges the player with collecting the twelve souls the guests are holding, in exchange for the exit to the hotel; he's also the one to loan the body of a young boy or girl (depending on the gender of the player given to Gregory earlier) for the player to use. By sleeping in the bed in the player's room, the player can deliver any souls they have collected to Death.
  • Death - the ending of all that has and could have been. This state of health will hopefully rarely occur to you during your travels through the world of kung fu, but if it does occur do not entirely fret as all will not be lost. Death will occur when you allow your health points to drop to 0. Every time you die you will instantly lose a certain number of reputation points for the 'country' you died within. Furthermore other penalties, such as exp or item loss, may also be applied under certain circumstances such as if you are a player killer. So you are now dead. You will now have a choice to make on whether you want to use one of the many items available in the game to revive you in some special way, or wait for a good samaritan to use their revive skill upon you, or to revive back to town. Of course this return to life never will be free... there's always a cost associated with these things. If you revive immediately in the spot you died at, chances are the cause of your death will still be nearby. Nothing causes heartbreak quite like the feeling of relief as you escape the state of death only to immediately return right back into it once again. Choosing to return to town you will find your health at 1 and your mana supply not much better which means you'll have to regenerate before returning to the fight, but at least you will be away from the danger.. but with a long walk ahead of you to return to your former location probably. Items that revive you from death are a nice feature, but it does mean you need to keep yet another slot of your inventory occupied, and the cost associated with restocking the items when you've used them up. Revival by another player is an interresting choice. The amount of health you recover upon your return to the living depends on the level of the skill used to revive you, which means death can very easily occur moments after a revival if you are attacked before your health recovers further. There's a further downside to this feature, in that the revival skill currently can only be used while not in the Battle State which means if anything is attacking the reviver, or anyone in their party, then they will not be able to revive you. Since often death is caused by a swarm of monsters or one really strong one, this means you will likely be staying a corpse for quite a while until the party can give the reviver time to help you. --Mikuri 05:28, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
  • Bleedout will not trigger if there are no other friendly Warframes present that are not themselves bleeding out (note this includes playing in Solo mode). Running out of health in this circumstance will cause immediate death with no bleedout. This exception itself has two exceptions: firstly, if The Grustrag Three are present in a mission, running out of health will always trigger bleedout, even in Solo play, and the player will be imprisoned in an energy field in order to receive the Grustrag Bolt. Secondly, if the player's Sentinel is equipped with the Sacrifice precept mod, bleedout will be triggered even in Solo play in order for the Sentinel to revive the player.
  • Type-0011, codenamed "Death," (デス) is a large brutish zombie which served as the one-man security force of the abandoned EFI Research Facility featured in The House of the Dead III. Death is always the first boss, and a rematch with Death will take place either in stage 2, 3, or 4, depending on which path you take. Death is a huge mutant that wields a club made from human skulls. He wears a security guard's hat and coat; fittingly, he is tasked with the job of defending the building's key areas. He is generally considered the secondary main antagonist of the game. Death is first seen at the end of the prologue, where he uses his club to kill (or at least knock out) Dan and severely injure Rogan. The beast is seen properly in the first main level (after the prologue), where he climbs out of the ground and chases Lisa Rogan and G into the main building whilst trying to smash them with his weapon. They manage to fend him off by continuously shooting him in the head, eventually injuring him enough to give them time to escape. The pair dive into a lift just before Type 0011 can reach them and quickly travel to a different floor. The club-wielding juggernaut returns later on as Lisa and G enter the Information Systems Department. Lisa accidentally triggers an alarm and alerts Death, who pursues them once again through a number of lengthy corridors. The agents hurt Death several times in the level before escaping from him, gradually losing the boss as they run into separate rooms. Death finds them again and resumes attacking, but the pair manage to escape yet again as they continue deeper into the building. However, the boss eventually finds them and traps them in a long corridor, preparing to finish them off once and for all. After Lisa and G fire their last shots into his skull, Type 0011 finally dies of his injuries and collapses, never to rise again. Lisa: When a lady says no, she means it!
  • You may also die by other means than stated above, if a Vampire bites a member of the Mafia, they will die (except for the Godfather). You may also die from a Jester haunt or if you are a Vigilante and shot a fellow Townie, you will commit suicide (not by leaving the game) the following night. If you die, you will join the graveyard, where you are unable to talk to anyone alive. You may, however, continue to speak with anyone else sent to the graveyard during both day and night, and with any living Mediums at night. If you are a member of the Town that hasn't left the game, a Retributionist may revive you from the graveyard.
  • Death is a character in Problem Sleuth who acts as a psychopomp, escorting characters to the Afterlife when their life gauges are depleted. He often enjoys playing various board games with the recently deceased not unlike the Death of Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal, or of Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. __TOC__
  • Brother Death was the leader of the Apocalypse Boys.
  • To bring about death of a life is always barbaric. No matter how civilized way we try to bring about death, it will always remain a barbaric way to end things, whether by the battlefield, crucifixion, shooting range, gass chamber, Gilotine, hanging, electric chair or euthanasia. No matter how we try to justify it, killing a living thing means, we can no longer tolerate it in the world of living. Professions dealing with death are the darkest professions of all, whether Judge, Assasin or Executioner. To refrain from bieng in the care of medical technology is different, it is renunciation of the world.
  • Death, in the form of necromantic magic, is an unavoidable force that breeds despair in mortals and pushes everything toward a state of entropic decay and eventual oblivion. The realm of death tangentially connected to the physical world is the Shadowlands. The counter-balancing force to Death is Life in the Emerald Dream.
  • Ryuk comforts Sidoh by telling him that everyone's looking for his Death Note, and once they find pictures of the kidnappers, he can track them down from the Shinigami Realm using his Shinigami Eyes. Once Sidoh finds the current owner, he must follow the human until the human dies and he can then reclaim the Death Note for his own use. Meanwhile Light Yagami asks Near who it is that he suspects is the leader of the kidnappers. Near refuses because he no longer feels compelled to work with the new L and the Japanese police after they practically gave away the Death Note to the kidnappers. He tells Light that he feels that the new L is incompetent and, unlike the original L, has done nothing to further the Kira investigation. Light is provoked by this and vows to get the Death Note back before Near and kill him along with the kidnappers. Suddenly, several of the SPK members fall down dead, including Steve Mason the head of the FBI. One of them even shoots himself with a gun. Near had suspected that the kidnappers had a spy in his organization and that he is one of the victims, the kidnappers having no further use for him and being anxious to prevent Near from using him in order to track them down. Only a few members now remain. Light tells Near that he should quit being so resistant and share information with him so that they can both catch Kira as quickly as possible. Light asks that Near tell him who he suspects of being the kidnappers, and in exchange Light will give him details about the Death Note. For Near, it is a tempting offer, but it is rather dangerous to tell L about Mello because he fears that he will trace both Mello and Near to Wammy's House and that their details will be known to the Japanese police and hence Kira. However, he is confident that he has destroyed all pictures and information about himself. Near tells Light about Mello and that he used to live at Wammy's. Two days later, Light finds out that Mafia thugs around the U.S. are dying in unprecedented numbers, leading him to believe that the kidnappers have mob ties. Shuichi Aizawa and Touta Matsuda return from England with information they found out about Mello from Wammy's House. It seems that it was an educational facility to train the next L, and Mello and a boy named Near were the top two contenders. When L died, Mello left the orphanage, refusing to work with Near. All photographs of them have been destroyed, but a fellow resident drew their portraits. Light realizes that somehow he is still fighting against L and feels a surge of excitement at the thought of pitting his wits against L's successors!
  • Death is the personification of the end of one's life, and is one of the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse. Death was in league with the businessman Null who sought to avenge himself on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles and their allies the Mighty Mutanimals who stopped him from selling Earth to the alien insect Queen Maligna, the ruler of the Malignoids in return for the means of taking his business to other worlds. Death seemed to be in charge of the Four Horsemen, controlling the other three members, War, Famine, and Pestilence through marionettes from his toy chest. He also had the means to magically conjure up skeleton resembling creatures such as flying skulls, and a giant flaming skeleton with which he wanted to delay the Mutanimals from reaching his lair with by burning down large sections of a South American rain forest. (Mighty Mutanimals Issue #3 "Deadheads") A formidable fighter, Death used his scythe as a weapon in melee combat. The scythe has magical powers that allowed Death to cut sections of reality into independent pieces. Though Death can temporary be defeated by making its skeletal body come apart, Death will eventually regenerate and re-assemble itself again. Death rides a horse named Beelzy (most likely short for Beelzebub) that eats scorpions.
  • Death is an unidentified monster in Monster Hunter Calamitous. With the lesser Cwenos and Bishapen it is part of the trio of guards and enforcers to Daimonos. It is notorious for its instant faint signature move and its ability to appear in the Bitterturned Tunnels at any time.
  • Death ist sehr egoistisch und arrogant, da sie sich für was besseres als andere Dämonen hält. Sie liebt es anderen das Leben zu nehmen, die es ihrer Meinung nach verdient haben.
  • Death was an event that represented the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include old age, predation, malnutrition, disease, suicide, murder and accidents or trauma resulting in terminal injury. Bodies of living organisms begin to decompose shortly after death. Contrary to popular belief, death and Davy Jones' Locker were not the same thing: death offered a form of peace from anything suffered while alive, while the Locker was suffering as Jack Sparrow found out. The comfort of death was also denied to those under the curse placed upon the Aztec Gold; they would exist as living dead, unable to be killed, wounded or maimed, but doomed to suffer eternal thirst, hunger and lust unless it was lifted. In human societies, the nature of death has for millennia been a concern of the world's religious traditions. This may have included a belief in some kind of resurrection, reincarnation, or that consciousness permanently ceased to exist, known as "oblivion".
  • Death (死神 (デス) Desu) is a class of Demon related to the King of Time, Mephisto Pheles.
  • Death refers to the state that happens once your character has reached zero health/HP. In this state, a character is unable to fight, use abilities, command deployable's or to move. A character will respawn once a timer (between 10 and 30 seconds)- which was started when the character died - has finished counting down.
  • Death "the Servant", also known as the Boatman, is an avatar or manifestation of Death, the deity and one of four Horsemen, alongiside War, Famine and Pestilence (and thus, a Demipower of the Lorian Pantheon). Along with The Reaper, he collect the souls of everyone who dies. Fortunately for the player, he (Death the Servant) always seems to have finished collecting souls for the day, and will return you to the land of the living. He makes use of magical hourglasses to measure the lifetime of his customers. Someone, however, has been stealing the hourglasses from him. The Reaper, as a servitor of Death, does death's will most cleverly, given that living beings die and return to life and, then, die again.
  • Level: 8 MP Cost: 100 Casting Time: 4S Effect: Instantly kills one enemy. It's worth noting that most bosses are immune to this spell and it has a high chance to miss on normal mobs. Obtained: Northern Cape - Invisible Treasure Chest - Near the edge of the cliff at the end of the path to the right.
  • Death was the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse. He was awoken by Michael and told to kill all of humanity, beginning with Iolaus. However, Hercules sacrificed himself to destroy Death and save mankind, leading to the postponement of the Apocalypse by the One God.
  • You die when your HP drops below 0. When you die, some of your belongings will drop to the ground and you will lose about 1/3 of your money. For characters level 5 and above, there is also a 25% chance that your skills will decrease by 0.5 points. Additionally, the majority of the items which you lose upon death will be left at the exact spot of your death. The probability of dropping your equipment dying on the local map is lower. Dropping equipment on maps that respawn (like towns) means that your equipment will be eliminated within a few days of your last visit. Dropping equipment on maps that are not saved at all, and are re-randomized with every visit, like the Puppy Cave, means they are lost forever. Your score is dropped to 1/10th of what it was every time you die; unless you're going for a high score, this isn't a big deal. None of these penalties apply if you die during the Hunting, The Harvest Time or Party Time! job Quests, or while in the Arena. Presumably, this is to prevent the problem of losing equipment forever in these always-re-initialized maps, and it was simply never applied to places like the Puppy Cave. Instead, you will lose points of Will and Charisma as a punishment for dying (This was added in version 1.22 to prevent players from abusing death as a means of evading certain negative Status Effects, such as anorexia). There is no such penalty in the Arena, however, where you merely lose Arena Rank and Fame.
  • (Title Screen Appears) (Warning Screen Appears) Foamy: You know what I hate about death? No, it's not the dying. It's the amount of importance and (mock) respect (normal) placed upon a person once they're dead. That irks me. Here lies a man, a man who annoyed everyone he ever came in contact with. You know, that sleazy office worker that continuously had sex with the Mexican cleaning lady in the supply closet, making all of your paper clips sticky and unusable. The same guy who took the last bit of coffee in the pot without making a new one. The fat fuck that stole everyone's lunch on a daily rotation throughout the work week, creating for himself a never-ending buffet of consumable diversity. He never admitted, never apologized, and was a complete dick. (mock) "Oh, don't say that. Have some respect for the dead." (normal) Well, what the fuck for? All my life, I wanted this guy to drop dead and, finally, he did. And I can't be happy about it? Screw that! This guy was a prick!! And then the eulogy. I hate these things. To me, all it is is a 10-minute summary of an individual's life leaving out all of the bad parts. Here's an example. Today, we lay to rest a man who loved his country and saw great things for his people. A man both commanding and determined. A man whose vision was far-reaching and influenced many. Artistic and out-spoken, he immediately grabbed the attention of mankind worldwide. Today we lay to rest, Mr. Adolf Hitler. Almost sounded like he was a good guy for a minute there, didn't it? I think eulogies should be based on truth. Here lies some prick who was a murderous asshole, who also had self-esteem issues, and who was a mediocre artist at best. Here lies Mr. Adolf Hitler. May worms melt out of his eyes and may Satan fuck him in the ass with a pitchfork. You get a few of the eulogies tossed into the mix, and you may actually get more people to attend these fucking, lame-ass, boring, life-draining funerals. Just an opinion, but I think, most would agree. Rest in peace, fucker. (End Screen Appears)
  • He also acts as a "Death Tutor" when players die for the first time, and explains death, item losses, and gravestones.
  • When a player's health reaches zero, the player dies. When you die, you lose all of your equipped items, and a chunk of your experience from each stats. Your items stay where you died for a very short time, allowing you or another player to pick them up. After 3 or so minutes, they disappear. After dying, you respawn in a specific location, usually your guildhall or the Churchgrounds. A message is displayed to all players online, informing them how you were killed.
  • In human societies, the nature of death has for millennia been a concern of the world's religious traditions and of philosophical inquiry. This may include a belief in some kind of resurrection (associated with Abrahamic religions), reincarnation (associated with Dharmic religions), or that consciousness permanently ceases to exist, known as oblivion (associated sometimes with atheism, but also included in various other religions, such as some forms of Christianity, like Annihilationism). The response after death includes various feelings of grief or emotional suffering one feels when something or someone the individual loves is taken away. Commemoration ceremonies after death may include various mourning or funereal practices. The physical remains of a person, commonly known as a corpse or body, are usually interred whole or cremated, though among the world's cultures there are a variety of other methods of mortuary disposal. In the English language, blessings directed towards a deceased person include rest in peace, or its initials RIP. The most common cause of human deaths in the world is heart disease, followed by stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases, and on the third place lower respiratory infections. Given the ambiguous nature of Transformer physiology, there is very little consistency regarding what is fatal to a Transformer, even within a single storyline. Damage that one Transformer might shrug off can prove fatal to another, or even to the same character in a different story. Sometimes just a laser blast or two will do the trick. Other times, characters survive being melted, crushed into cubes, and even utterly disintegrated. It does not take a terribly cynical viewer to conclude that the threshold of survival is generally determined by the needs of the plot. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Death (デス, Desu), was the God of Death and the Great Old One whose affiliation with Madness presides over "Order". Eight hundred years ago, he led his personal guard known as the Eight Shinigami Legions and created his first son, Asura, as a fragment of his soul containing his fears. and made him his apprentice However, he was forced to seal Asura when he became a Kishin and bound him under what he would later found as the DWMA, also known as Death Weapon Meister Academy, and became its headmaster and leader in its military department until his death when his second son and heir, Death the Kid, connected all three of the Lines of Sanzu. He is commonly referred to as Shinigami with the "-sama" suffix as a term of respect in the manga or Lord Death in the English dub.
  • Death appears in an episode of The StoryTeller called "The Soldier and Death."
  • With her claiming the Mantle of Coldamber, a Queen with a mind far more powerful than that of normal Queen and lineage of the First Mother Night, she was nearly unopposed in bringing the factions together until Atlantis returned to Pegasus. She is also responsible for reuniting the Wraith into a single group once again and, later on, is successful in kidnapping Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay to force him to get the Hive ship's hyperdrive working, so that the Wraith can eventually get to Earth in the hope of conquering it. Death not only forced McKay to create a more efficient hyperdrive system for the Hive ships but also converted him into a Wraith, named Quicksilver, who served her loyally, and had him create effective shielding technology for at least a single Hive ship and Cruiser during a mission to probe Atlantis' defenses. Both ships were destroyed in the ensuing battle between the Daedalus and the George Hammond but proved effective enough for the Wraith ships to damage the Hammond before destruction. (SGA, "The Lost") After learning that Atlantis had gotten Hyperion's weapon, Death launched all-out attack on Atlantis. Death's fleet engaged Atlantis itself, the George Hammond, the Pride of the Genii and eventually three Wraith hive ships and three Wraith cruisers loyal to Guide. During the battle, Death's hive ship exchange fire with the Hammond, both ships causing each other great damage. Eventually Queen Waterlight's hive ship joined the attack on Death's ship and when Waterlight's ship started to fail, she and her crew boarded Death's ship to defeat her queen to queen. Teyla Emmagan followed with a boarding party from a captured cruiser while the Pride of the Genii sent a boarding party of her own that included Captain Laura Cadman and Chief Ladon Radim of the Genii. As Teyla, Waterlight and another Wraith named Bronze advanced on her control room, Death sensed their presence and personally went after the group. Death defeated Waterlight in a mental battle, but was interrupted by Teyla before she could kill the young Queen. Death was shocked to learn that Teyla was Guide's queen Steelflower and the two locked in a mental battle. Teyla learned that Death was being manipulated by the ancient Wraith Ashes and begged Death to surrender. Death refused and while her mind was powerful, she was undisciplined and inexperienced, while Teyla had greater experience and training from Guide. Teyla telepathically stopped Death's breathing, killing her when Queen Death refused to surrender. Afterwards, Teyla gave Waterlight credit for killing Death and Death's remaining forces surrendered to Waterlight and Alabaster. (SGA: "Inheritors")
  • Death, is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Discworld's Death is a parody of several other personifications of death. Like most Grim Reapers, he is a black-robed skeleton (usually- he wears the Dean's "Born to Rune" leather jacket in Soul Music, and overalls in Reaper Man) carrying a scythe and, for royalty, a sword (he once told Mort). Unlike many of them, he has a personality beyond this. He is a 'anthropomorphisised personification of a natural process'/a God of the disk world and sometimes has his duties carried out by his appretice Mort, or Death's granddaughter Susan. Death is one of the most popular Discworld characters. His steed is a great pale horse called Binky who is very much still alive (in Reaper Man it is remarked that he tried riding a steed of flames and a skeletal one, but the former was constantly setting the stable on fire, and he got rid of the latter because he grew tired of "constantly getting off to wire bits back on"). His hollow, peculiar voice is represented in the books unquoted ; it is peculiar because since he is a tall skeleton, he has no vocal cords to speak with, and therefore the words enter your head with no involvement from your ears, the books get this across by having his "speech" in small caps. In The Colour of Magic (the first Discworld novel), and in Eric, all direct written references to Death are proper nouns, thus, for example, "he" is written as "He". This is usually reserved for the Discworld gods and is not featured in any of the other novels. Death is not invisible. Most people just refuse to acknowledge him for who he is, unless he insists. Under normal circumstances, only those of a magical disposition (e.g. Witches and wizards), children and cats can see him, or allow themselves to see him. In Wyrd Sisters Death briefly took the place of an actor playing him in a play and was shocked to discover when he walked onto the stage that all of the audience could see him as they were expecting Death to appear; it was stated that he was quite nervous at this as he is usually seen only by one person at a time and was not comfortable with so many people watching him. Death can of course ignore things like walls or magic spells that stand between him and his object: this is because he's much "realer" than they are. A castle might stand for centuries, but Death has existed for billions of years: to him, the walls of the castle are less substantial than a cobweb. However, he can only go where people believe in death, as shown inHogfather, and can only see people who can die, as shown in Thief of Time. It is also mentioned in The Colour of Magic that wizards, witches, and significant figures (e.g. kings) have the "privilege" of being collected by Death himself upon their death, rather than one of the lesser entities. Indeed, wizards and witches have prior knowledge of the time of their deaths and expect Death to keep to schedule. Most other deaths are collected by another functionary, but with the exception of Mort and Susan (both acting as "authorized" replacements for Death), there has only been one "collection" described in the books by anyone other than Death, attempted of Rincewind by the anthropomorphic personification of Scrofula. However, Death himself must collect some souls in order to keep the momentum of death going, worked out by a system described as the 'nodes'. These nodes seem handily to be most of the characters who die in the course of the novels, as Death almost invariably turns up whenever any character dies, sometimes (especially when taking bad characters' lives) replaced by the Death of Rats, mentioned below in this article. As well as wizards and kings, he has shown up for numerous ordinary people, at least two dogs, a swan, and once for a tube worm (he used a one inch long scythe on it). He was present at the beginning and end of Time in one novel. He has also appeared even in situations where characters might potentially die. These events are usually of importance within the story, so Death's appearance may simply be considered a plot device. Death mentions in Guards! Guards! that he does personally collect the souls of ordinary people. This suggests that Death's conception of an important person is not, necessarily, the same as a human conception. Possibly he is able to judge "significant" deaths based on an understanding of the broad sweep of history andchaos theory. He may also do ordinary deaths judging by the showyness of the death (such as a beggar being incinerated by a dragon, the first dragon-based death in centuries).
  • Death occurs when a champion takes sufficient damage to be reduced to zero health. Upon dying, the summoner's screen is shaded gray, a death recap and death timer are displayed, gold is rewarded to champions who earned a kill or an assist, and other champion or situation-specific events may occur, as detailed below. The death of all five members of a team simultaneously is referred to as an ace; it is possible for both teams to be aced at the same time, and no champions to be present on the Field of Justice.
  • After death you lose all your cells, part of money and blurprints. Then you spawn in The Spawn.
  • There are three ways to die: * One way is by taking so much damage that your character hits -10 hp. * The second is failing a saving throw versus a spell that kills instantly. * Lastly, if any of your characters 'status' meters get to -100%, they will die (that is to say; thirst, hunger, exhaustion and sobriety). When character is loosing hitpoints, they can still act normally untill reaching 0 HP. Once character runs out of hitpoints, they will proceed to fall to the floor and "bleed", gradually losing hitpoints each round. When dying, one of these things will happen: * Divine intervention may occur at the moment you would normally die. You will be restored to full hitpoints, all effects (good or bad) will be removed from you, and you will be granted a Greater Sanctuary effect that lasts a few seconds. * The character may "stabilise", where the gradual loss of Hitpoints is halted and reveses, until the character has one hitpoint left. * The character, if not healed, will bleed to death and die. This is the most common outcome. Being killed by a NPC Monster will incur a small experience penalty upon death. Being killed by a Player Character will not. In both cases, all the gold and corpses character carried will be gone from their inventory and left behind. All carried equipment will stay with the death character. When a character dies (by any means) they leave a corpse on the ground at the location where they fell.
  • Death is a course available to GCSE and A level students. Most high brow students decline the offer of death due to its lack of prestige in Universities. Death is easy to pass and only requires your soul parting with your corpse. Death is also the name of a popular celebrity who jovially steals peoples' souls on weekends. You can also get Death from eating Death Cheese and bringing it on down. Most important fact of five seals is: NOT EVEN DEATH CAN SAVE YOU FROM ME!!!
  • Death is the strongest of The Four Horsemen and is the leader. Death has only been seen in the Horsemen Chamber or dreams and wait for the chamber to be unlocked one day. Death also seems to have some form of telepathy because he has entered many people's minds\dreams.
  • Death was one of Apocalypse's original four lieutenants.
  • In the series, Death is never physically shown but it's presence is known when there is a sudden large gust of wind or when it casts a large shadow.
  • Death is the permanent termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism. Phenomena which commonly bring about death include predation, malnutrition, disease, and accidents or intentional trauma resulting in terminal injury.The nature of death has been for millennia a central concern of the world's religious traditions and of philosophical enquiry, and belief in some kind of afterlife or rebirth has been a central aspect of religious faith.Contents [show] [edit]Etymology The word death comes from Old English deað, which in turn comes from Proto-Germanic *dauþaz (reconstructed by etymological analysis). This comes from the Proto-Indo-European stem *dheu- meaning the 'Process, act, condition of dying'.Dauþaz was reconstructed through the use of the daughter tongues of Proto-Germanic, such as doth from Old Saxon, dath from Old Frisian, dood from Dutch, tod from Old High German, dauði from Old Norse and modern-day Icelandic, död from Swedish, and dauþas from Gothic.[1][edit]Senescence Almost all animals fortunate enough to survive hazards to their existence eventually die from senescence. The only known exception is the jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula, thought to be, in effect, immortal.[2] Causes of death in humans as a result of intentional activity include suicide and homicide. From all causes, roughly 150,000 people die around the world each day.[3]Physiological death is now seen as a process, more than an event: conditions once considered indicative of death are now reversible.[4] Where in the process a dividing line is drawn between life and death depends on factors beyond the presence or absence of vital signs. In general, clinical death is neither necessary nor sufficient for a determination of legal death. A patient with working heart and lungs determined to be brain dead can be pronounced legally dead without clinical death occurring. Precise medical definition of death, in other words, becomes more problematic, paradoxically, as scientific knowledge and medicine advance.[5][edit]Symptoms of death Signs of death or strong indications that a person is no longer alive are:Cessation of breathingCardiac arrest (No pulse)Pallor mortis, paleness which happens in the 15–120 minutes after deathLivor mortis, a settling of the blood in the lower (dependent) portion of the bodyAlgor mortis, the reduction in body temperature following death. This is generally a steady decline until matching ambient temperatureRigor mortis, the limbs of the corpse become stiff (Latin rigor) and difficult to move or manipulateDecomposition, the reduction into simpler forms of matter, accompanied by a strong, unpleasant odor.[edit]Diagnosis [edit]Problems of definition A flower, a skull and an hourglass stand in for Life, Death and Time in this 17th-century painting by Philippe de ChampaigneThe concept of death is a key to human understanding of the phenomenon.[6] There are many scientific approaches to the concept. For example, brain death, as practiced in medical science, defines death as a point in time at which brain activity ceases.[7][8][9][10] One of the challenges in defining death is in distinguishing it from life. As a point in time, death would seem to refer to the moment at which life ends. However, determining when death has occurred requires drawing precise conceptual boundaries between life and death. This is problematic because there is little consensus over how to define life. It is possible to define life in terms of consciousness. When consciousness ceases, a living organism can be said to have died. One of the notable flaws in this approach, however, is that there are many organisms which are alive but probably not conscious (for example, single-celled organisms). Another problem with this approach is in defining consciousness, which has many different definitions given by modern scientists, psychologists and philosophers. This general problem of defining death applies to the particular challenge of defining death in the context of medicine.Other definitions for death focus on the character of cessation of something.[11] In this context "death" describes merely the state where something has ceased, for example, life. Thus, the definition of "life" simultaneously defines death.Historically, attempts to define the exact moment of a human's death have been problematic. Death was once defined as the cessation of heartbeat (cardiac arrest) and of breathing, but the development of CPR and prompt defibrillation have rendered that definition inadequate because breathing and heartbeat can sometimes be restarted. Events which were causally linked to death in the past no longer kill in all circumstances; without a functioning heart or lungs, life can sometimes be sustained with a combination of life support devices, organ transplants and artificial pacemakers.Today, where a definition of the moment of death is required, doctors and coroners usually turn to "brain death" or "biological death" to define a person as being clinically dead; people are considered dead when the electrical activity in their brain ceases. It is presumed that an end of electrical activity indicates the end of consciousness. However, suspension of consciousness must be permanent, and not transient, as occurs during certain sleep stages, and especially a coma. In the case of sleep, EEGs can easily tell the difference.However, the category of "brain death" is seen by some scholars to be problematic. For instance, Dr. Franklin Miller, senior faculty member at the Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health, notes: "By the late 1990s, however, the equation of brain death with death of the human being was increasingly challenged by scholars, based on evidence regarding the array of biological functioning displayed by patients correctly diagnosed as having this condition who were maintained on mechanical ventilation for substantial periods of time. These patients maintained the ability to sustain circulation and respiration, control temperature, excrete wastes, heal wounds, fight infections and, most dramatically, to gestate fetuses (in the case of pregnant "brain-dead" women)."[12]Those people maintaining that only the neo-cortex of the brain is necessary for consciousness sometimes argue that only electrical activity should be considered when defining death. Eventually it is possible that the criterion for death will be the permanent and irreversible loss of cognitive function, as evidenced by the death of the cerebral cortex. All hope of recovering human thought and personality is then gone given current and foreseeable medical technology. However, at present, in most places the more conservative definition of death – irreversible cessation of electrical activity in the whole brain, as opposed to just in the neo-cortex – has been adopted (for example the Uniform Determination Of Death Act in the United States). In 2005, the Terri Schiavo case brought the question of brain death and artificial sustenance to the front of American politics.Even by whole-brain criteria, the determination of brain death can be complicated. EEGs can detect spurious electrical impulses, while certain drugs, hypoglycemia, hypoxia, or hypothermia can suppress or even stop brain activity on a temporary basis. Because of this, hospitals have protocols for determining brain death involving EEGs at widely separated intervals under defined conditions.[edit]LegalSee also: Legal death A dead Confederate soldier sprawled out in Petersburg, Virginia, 1865, during the American Civil WarIn the United States, a person is dead by law if a Statement of Death or Death certificate is approved by a licensed medical practitioner. Various legal consequences follow death, including the removal from the person of what in legal terminology is called personhood.The possession of brain activities, or capability to resume brain activity, is a necessary condition to legal personhood in the United States. "It appears that once brain death has been determined ... no criminal or civil liability will result from disconnecting the life-support devices." (Dority v. Superior Court of San Bernardino County, 193 Cal.Rptr. 288, 291 (1983))[edit]MisdiagnosedSee also: Premature burialThere are many anecdotal references to people being declared dead by physicians and then "coming back to life", sometimes days later in their own coffin, or when embalming procedures are about to begin. From the mid-18th century onwards, there was an upsurge in the public's fear of being mistakenly buried alive,[13] and much debate about the uncertainty of the signs of death. Various suggestions were made to test for signs of life before burial, ranging from pouring vinegar and pepper into the corpse's mouth to applying red hot pokers to the feet or into the rectum.[14] Writing in 1895, the physician J.C. Ouseley claimed that as many as 2,700 people were buried prematurely each year in England and Wales, although others estimated the figure to be closer to 800.[15]In cases of electric shock, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for an hour or longer can allow stunned nerves to recover, allowing an apparently dead person to survive. People found unconscious under icy water may survive if their faces are kept continuously cold until they arrive at an emergency room.[16] This "diving response", in which metabolic activity and oxygen requirements are minimal, is something humans share with cetaceans called the mammalian diving reflex.[16]As medical technologies advance, ideas about when death occurs may have to be re-evaluated in light of the ability to restore a person to vitality after longer periods of apparent death (as happened when CPR and defibrillation showed that cessation of heartbeat is inadequate as a decisive indicator of death). The lack of electrical brain activity may not be enough to consider someone scientifically dead. Therefore, the concept of information theoretical death has been suggested as a better means of defining when true death occurs, though the concept has few practical applications outside of the field of cryonics.There have been some scientific attempts to bring dead organisms back to life, but with limited success.[17] In science fiction scenarios where such technology is readily available, real death is distinguished from reversible death.[edit]Causes See also: List of causes of death by rate and List of preventable causes of deathThe leading cause of death in developing countries is infectious disease. The leading causes of death in developed countries are atherosclerosis (heart disease and stroke), cancer, and other diseases related to obesity and aging. These conditions cause loss of homeostasis, leading to cardiac arrest, causing loss of oxygen and nutrient supply, causing irreversible deterioration of the brain and other tissues. Of the roughly 150,000 people who die each day across the globe, about two thirds die of age-related causes.[3] In industrialized nations, the proportion is much higher, reaching 90%.[3] With improved medical capability, dying has become a condition to be managed. Home deaths, once commonplace, are now rare in the developed world. The body of Pope John Paul II lying in state in St. Peter's Basilica, 2005In developing nations, inferior sanitary conditions and lack of access to modern medical technology makes death from infectious diseases more common than in developed countries. One such disease is tuberculosis, a bacterial disease which killed 1.7 million people in 2004.[18] Malaria causes about 400–900 million cases of fever and 1–3 million deaths annually.[19] AIDS death toll in Africa may reach 90–100 million by 2025.[20][21]According to Jean Ziegler, who was the United Nations Special reporter on the Right to Food from 2000 to March 2008; mortality due to malnutrition accounted for 58% of the total mortality rate in 2006. Ziegler says worldwide approximately 62 million people died from all causes and of those deaths more than 36 million died of hunger or diseases due to deficiencies in micronutrients.[22]Tobacco smoking killed 100 million people worldwide in the 20th century and could kill 1 billion people around the world in the 21st century, a WHO Report warned.[23][24]Many leading developed world causes of death can be postponed by diet and physical activity, but the accelerating incidence of disease with age still imposes limits on human longevity. The evolutionary cause of aging is, at best, only just beginning to be understood. It has been suggested that direct intervention in the aging process may now be the most effective intervention against major causes of death.[25][edit]AutopsyAn autopsy, also known as a postmortem examination or an obduction, is a medical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a human corpse to determine the cause and manner of a person's death and to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present. It is usually performed by a specialized medical doctor called a pathologist. Rembrandt turns an autopsy into a masterpiece: The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes TulpAutopsies are either performed for legal or medical purposes. A forensic autopsy is carried out when the cause of death may be a criminal matter, while a clinical or academic autopsy is performed to find the medical cause of death and is used in cases of unknown or uncertain death, or for research purposes. Autopsies can be further classified into cases where external examination suffices, and those where the body is dissected and an internal examination is conducted. Permission from next of kin may be required for internal autopsy in some cases. Once an internal autopsy is complete the body is generally reconstituted by sewing it back together. Autopsy is important in a medical environment and may shed light on mistakes and help improve practices.A "necropsy" is an older term for a postmortem examination, unregulated, and not always a medical procedure. In modern times the term is more often used in the postmortem examination of the corpses of animals.[edit]Life extension Main article: Life extensionLife extension refers to an increase in maximum or average lifespan, especially in humans, by slowing down or reversing the processes of aging. Average lifespan is determined by vulnerability to accidents and age or lifestyle-related afflictions such as cancer, or cardiovascular disease. Extension of average lifespan can be achieved by good diet, exercise and avoidance of hazards such as smoking. Maximum lifespan is determined by the rate of aging for a species inherent in its genes. Currently, the only widely recognized method of extending maximum lifespan is calorie restriction. Theoretically, extension of maximum lifespan can be achieved by reducing the rate of aging damage, by periodic replacement of damaged tissues, or by molecular repair or rejuvenation of deteriorated cells and tissues.Researchers of life extension are a subclass of biogerontologists known as "biomedical gerontologists". They try to understand the nature of aging and they develop treatments to reverse aging processes or to at least slow them down, for the improvement of health and the maintenance of youthful vigor at every stage of life. Those who take advantage of life extension findings and seek to apply them upon themselves are called "life extensionists" or "longevists". The primary life extension strategy currently is to apply available anti-aging methods in the hope of living long enough to benefit from a complete cure to aging once it is developed, which given the rapidly advancing state of biogenetic and general medical technology, could conceivably occur within the lifetimes of people living today.[edit]Location Before about 1930, most people died in their own homes, surrounded by family, and comforted by clergy, neighbors, and doctors making house calls.[26] By the mid-20th century, half of all Americans died in a hospital.[27] By the start of the 21st century, only about 20 to 25% of people in developed countries died in the community.[27][28][29] The shift away from dying at home, towards dying in a professionalized medical environment, has been termed the "Invisible Death".[27][edit]Society and culture Main article: Death and culture The regent duke Charles (later king Charles IX of Sweden) insulting the corpse of Klaus Fleming. Albert Edelfelt, 1878. Dead bodies can be mummified either naturally, as this one from Guanajuato, or by intention, as those in ancient Egypt.Death is the center of many traditions and organizations; customs relating to death are a feature of every culture around the world. Much of this revolves around the care of the dead, as well as the afterlife and the disposal of bodies upon the onset of death. The disposal of human corpses does, in general, begin with the last offices before significant time has passed, and ritualistic ceremonies often occur, most commonly interment or cremation. This is not a unified practice, however, as in Tibet for instance the body is given a sky burial and left on a mountain top. Proper preparation for death and techniques and ceremonies for producing the ability to transfer one's spiritual attainments into another body (reincarnation) are subjects of detailed study in Tibet.[30] Mummification or embalming is also prevalent in some cultures, to retard the rate of decay.Legal aspects of death are also part of many cultures, particularly the settlement of the deceased estate and the issues of inheritance and in some countries, inheritance taxation. Gravestones in Kyoto, JapanCapital punishment is also a culturally divisive aspect of death. In most jurisdictions where capital punishment is carried out today, the death penalty is reserved for premeditated murder, espionage, treason, or as part of military justice. In some countries, sexual crimes, such as adultery and sodomy, carry the death penalty, as do religious crimes such as apostasy, the formal renunciation of one's religion. In many retentionist countries, drug trafficking is also a capital offense. In China human trafficking and serious cases of corruption are also punished by the death penalty. In militaries around the world courts-martial have imposed death sentences for offenses such as cowardice, desertion, insubordination, and mutiny.[31]Death in warfare and in suicide attack also have cultural links, and the ideas of dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, mutiny punishable by death, grieving relatives of dead soldiers and death notification are embedded in many cultures. Recently in the western world, with the supposed increase in terrorism following the September 11 attacks, but also further back in time with suicide bombings, kamikaze missions in World War II and suicide missions in a host of other conflicts in history, death for a cause by way of suicide attack, and martyrdom have had significant cultural impacts.Suicide in general, and particularly euthanasia, are also points of cultural debate. Both acts are understood very differently in different cultures. In Japan, for example, ending a life with honor by seppuku was considered a desirable death, whereas according to traditional Christian and Islamic cultures, suicide is viewed as a sin. Death is personified in many cultures, with such symbolic representations as the Grim Reaper, Azrael and Father Time.[edit]In biology After death the remains of an organism become part of the biogeochemical cycle. Animals may be consumed by a predator or a scavenger. Organic material may then be further decomposed by detritivores, organisms which recycle detritus, returning it to the environment for reuse in the food chain. Examples of detritivores include earthworms, woodlice and dung beetles.Microorganisms also play a vital role, raising the temperature of the decomposing matter as they break it down into yet simpler molecules. Not all materials need to be decomposed fully, however. Coal, a fossil fuel formed over vast tracts of time in swamp ecosystems, is one example.[edit]Natural selectionMain articles: competition (biology), natural selection, and extinctionContemporary evolutionary theory sees death as an important part of the process of natural selection. It is considered that organisms less adapted to their environment are more likely to die having produced fewer offspring, thereby reducing their contribution to the gene pool. Their genes are thus eventually bred out of a population, leading at worst to extinction and, more positively, making the process possible, referred to as speciation. Frequency of reproduction plays an equally important role in determining species survival: an organism that dies young but leaves numerous offspring displays, according to Darwinian criteria, much greater fitness than a long-lived organism leaving only one.[edit]ExtinctionMain article: Extinction A dodo, the bird that became a byword in English for species extinction[32]Extinction is the cessation of existence of a species or group of taxa, reducing biodiversity. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of that species (although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point). Because a species' potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively. This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus taxa, where a species presumed extinct abruptly "reappears" (typically in the fossil record) after a period of apparent absence. New species arise through the process of speciation, an aspect of evolution. New varieties of organisms arise and thrive when they are able to find and exploit an ecological niche – and species become extinct when they are no longer able to survive in changing conditions or against superior competition.[edit]Evolution of agingMain article: Evolution of ageingInquiry into the evolution of aging aims to explain why so many living things and the vast majority of animals weaken and die with age (a notable exception being hydra, which may be biologically immortal). The evolutionary origin of senescence remains one of the fundamental puzzles of biology. Gerontology specializes in the science of human aging processes.
  • Death occurs when a player or npc's Hit Points drop to 0.
  • Death is defined by Wikipedia as "the permanent termination of the biological functions that determine a living organism."
  • Death is a being that can change its form at will, becoming any animal by shedding its outer parts (eg. skin, feathers, scales) and allowing the skeleton to change form, becoming a new creature. It has control over the White Women, who are said to be its daughters.
  • Death(デスDesu), real name Avel(アヴェル), is a character who was originally supposed to appear in the canceled crossover fighting game Capcom Fighting All-Stars as one of the four original characters.
  • Death has been a recurring theme throughout Lost. The series began with a plane crash that killed hundreds, and the show has since featured numerous deaths, some casual, some tragic, some humorous.
  • Death occurs when a character's health is fully depleted. Most of the time, the character will enter an incapacitated state, in which they lie on the ground and are immobile. An incapacitated player can either be revived, or they can be ganked. Once a player is ganked, they will lose all of their items in their inventory and will respawn at their bind point. Their items will be left at a gravestone at their place of death for others to loot. Sometimes combat can result in a decapitation for a player. This is an instant death, and there is no chance for revival.
  • Death is the Area 15 boss. He becomes available for challenge once the player has conquered the Steeple, the Uninhabited Castle, the Fortress, and the Dungeon. Defeating Death will yield anywhere between 100,000-500,000 Gold, and he can also drop any kind of Jewel.
  • Death has been the subject of extensive debate over the years. There are hundreds of competing theories for what happens afterwards. These range from being reborn to absolutely nothing happening whatsoever and entering a state of eternal nothingness — an eternal oblivion. The state of eternal oblivion is experienced by taking a stopping train to Aberystwyth, or by inviting a plumber to explain exactly what he is doing to the ball-cock. It is common for people to have funerals after they die. These funerals are where friends of the deceased mourn their passing, before descending into petty squabbles and litigation over the deceased person's will. Death is often described as being the ultimate leveller. As Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius observed in 180 AD: "It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live." Such a quotation is sure to enliven any post-bereavement repast. The leading current causes of death include stroke, heart disease, and other diseases that primarily affect the brain. More interesting causes of death, such as disintegration, defenestration, and decompression are unfortunately rare by comparison.
  • In the Marvel UK Conic #18, Death is portrayed as a skeleton wearing a cloak with hood, and with a scythe. He appears with Satan and the See-Through Kid, gambling with Peter Venkman to determine the fates of the Ghostbusters' souls. He notably tried to win by cheating, but when Peter found out that the three ghosts were cheating, he captured all of them.
  • Death is a limited-time character that was released on October 18, 2016, as part of the Treehouse of Horror XXVII Event. He the seventh and final prize to be won in the event's Act 2.
  • Death is the darkest resource symbol in UFS. Death's specialties are foundation destruction and card discarding.
  • A Death is a sentient being which accompanies a human throughout their life. When the person dies, their Death takes them to the Land of the Dead.
  • Death es un villano principal de la saga Castlevania propiedad de Konami. Se dice que se llamará "El Gobernador del Fin de los seres vivos." Death es la mano derecha de Drácula, por lo tanto generalmente aparece cerca del final de la ordalía que atraviesan los protagonistas, a menudo en el escenario Clock Tower, para desafiarles antes de que puedan enfrentarse contra el propio Drácula. También a veces es uno de los primeros sirvientes principales de Drácula que reciben al héroe al adentrarse en lod dominios tomados por sus ejércitos, como en los videojuegos Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night y Akumajō Dracula: The Arcade. Ha aparecido casi en todos los videojuegos, excepto Castlevania: The Adventure y Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge. Death a veces juega un papel igual o menor en la organización de Drácula cuando alguien que más que él mismo es la fuerza impulsora detrás de la resurrección de Drácula, como Shaft, Elizabeth Bartley o Camilla. Dos de los colaboradores más cercanos de Death incluyen a Slogra y Gaibon, que responden directamente a sus ordenes. Además está estrechamente relacionada con la bestia Cerberus. También en ciertas ocasiones ha sabido para demostrar respeto hacia los personajes por su coraje y habilidad. Death incluso puede utilizar las artes oscuras para convocar a las almas de los muertos y derrotar incluso el más fuerte de los vivos. Nada puede herir a Death, debido a que cualquier ataque pasara directamente a través de él sin sufrir daño alguno. La única manera de hacerle daño a Death, es atacarle con armas o hechizos que tengan propiedades divinas, principalmente el látigo Matavampiros (Vampire Killer).
  • Death was a sphere of metaphysical law within Nosgoth, and one of the nine magical principles harnessed and governed by the Pillars of Nosgoth. Alongside its sister principle, States, it was associated with the elemental force of Water, which, in turn, was aligned with the overarching principle of Darkness. The principle of Death concerned the ultimate fate of souls in Nosgoth, particularly following their demise as living beings in the Material Realm. The Death Guardians, culled by the Pillars, held a measure of mastery over the afterlife, and were charged with helping to ensure equivalency between life and rebirth.
  • Death, or the embodiment thereof, was a common theme in Klingon culture. So much so, that "he" could be considered a character. Martok, son of Urthog references death as a person or other entity. (DS9 - The Left Hand of Destiny novel: )
  • There are a wide variety of ways for a player to die while in Survival mode or Adventure Mode. Below is a list of the most common: * Killed by a hostile mob * Fall damage * Fire damage * Suffocation (either in Water or in solid blocks) * Killed by another player * Use of /kill command * Falling out of the world (or Void damage) Upon death, different things may happen, dependent on gamerules and difficulty setting.
  • Death in Sryth is never permanent. You are ready to get up and continue immediately after dying (It restores you to the last Saved game). However, death has its downsides, so remember to Save Your Game Frequently!. You can save your game in any location marked with the SAFE flag.
  • Death is a 2013 American Supernatural Horror film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan starring Scott Mechlowicz, Rachel McAdams, Daniel Hasan, Cheryl Hines, Jaclyn Hales, JaNae Armogan, Avan Jogia, Arlen Escaparata, Carol Alt, Mikael Håfström and Idris Elba.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Death cannot kill or revive people on a whim, as he is only capable of killing people whose time has come in order to ensure balance. In combat, he is a fearsome adversary. His massive scythe is able to slice several foes at once and he has an arsenal of magical spells at his disposal. He has been seen using a blue spell that sucks life out of a victim, as well as creating lethal spirit balls which inflict fatal damage when touched. He usually defends himself instead of actively trying to kill others, due to his vow to maintain balance and inability to kill anything not fated to die. Death is capable of existing in multiple places at once, as seen during the 2014 Hallowe'en event.
  • In Tibia, you die when your HP runs out. Not everything is lost though. The Gods will grant you another chance for a small sacrifice and you can be revived in your hometown's temple.
  • In Tibia, you die when your HP runs out. Not everything is lost though. The Gods will grant you another chance for a small sacrifice and you can be revived in your hometown's temple.
  • Unusually for something that started as a children's toy and an '80s cartoon, death of important characters is a prominent feature in Transformers. The reasons for it vary from plot development to the arrival of new toys. However, the fact that the majority of characters are machines means that death isn't automatically an absolute in the various Transformers universes—various characters that appear to have been killed have been known to pop up alive again at a later date, or go through some sort of revival. However, it's not unheard of for death to sometimes be permanent in Transformers.
  • When a player dies in WotMUD they are immediately transported to their respective Circle. Wotmud does not feature permanent character death (permadeath) and the consequences of death are temporary and dependent upon the manner in which the player dies.
  • Represented by Hisano Kuroda, an old widow who claims to be "Death" herself.
  • Lord Death is the supposed personification of death in at least one of Sanctuary's cultures. Legends say that ravens serve as his couriers, carrying souls to the afterlife. It is from death itself that necromancy gains its power.
  • Death was a male Apocalypsian who was one of 4 in the group the Four Horsemen. He and the others started the Apocalypse era and brought an end to the New Jedi Order and New Republic.
  • Death' is the end of this life and the beginning of the afterlife. Say some stuff about funerals, extreme unction, and other rituals. Also theology as per below.
  • Death is the end...Well probably! It looks like the best definition of death is, "Irreversible loss of consciousness."
  • Death is when a character on RuneScape dies. At some point, almost every charcter in the game dies. When someone dies they will keep three of their most valuable items. If they are skulled, they lose all of their items. Below are some ways that people die.
  • Death was a theme often seen on the Little House on the Prairie television show.
  • A Guardian ÄRM resembling a Grim Reaper. It has the ability to split its body like its master, Ash. Death 2.png|Death's chain
  • True death is a complicated process in the world of Dofus, for the adventurers have greater powers than regular mortals. Three levels of protection guard them from the spirit world.
  • The shepherd for the newly deceased in the realm of Necromundus.
  • Death can be considered a sound effect. Dark magic can directly cause this, but so can Poison and any attack that lowers HP. See 0 for more info.
  • These statistics include the level the player died on, how much money they accumulated, how long the game lasted, the number of Damsels they saved, the number kills they made, and the total number of times the character has died in the game. From the Game Over screen the player has two options; to continue, which places the character back to the entrance to the cave, or to do a Quick Restart, which allows the player to start again from the level where they first entered the cave.
  • Death is a vast river, infinitely wide to either side. There is a strange quality of light in Death, usually a grey mist, which makes it harder to see further than a few feet; the light levels change, sometimes dramatically, in different precincts. To get through Death (without being forced to the Other Side), a Being needs to know a certain amount of Free Magic. This means that Death is a region where Magic works. Death is a dangerous place, filled with Greater Dead, unknown Beings and traps for the unwary.
  • Death is Dream 's elder sister and the second oldest of the Endless. She loves her job and takes it very seriously. Death - by her own admission, was not always who she now is. At the beginning of time, she thought she had the hardest job among the Endless, and it made her quite sad, so sad, in fact, she stopped doing it. When nothing died, chaos reigned, and she was begged to return to her realm. She did so, but she became "hard and cold and brittle inside." A suggestion of this could be seen in Endless Nights: The Heart of a Star in her arrogant and icy attitude. Her demeanor didn't change until she was asked by one she collected; "How would you like it?" After that she resolved to live for one day to see how she liked it, and what she could learn. It was only after her taste of mortality that she altered the way she thought about her job, she decided that at the end, most would be glad for the company of a friend, and that was what she tried to become. Death's persona is now friendly, optimistic, and caring. She has taken the role of the maternal sister among her siblings. She can be frequently seen throughout the The Sandman series, serving as Dream's confidante, giving advice, and pointing out his faults or getting angry at the twins Despair and Desire for their "games", which often interfere with the other Endless' affairs. She is closer to Dream than any other member of the family, and he sought her advice on several occasions.
  • Death of Dood gebeurt wanneer je nul levenspunten hebt. Hiermee respawn je naar een andere plek, bij een duidelijke opmerking zal je lezen dat je ook je spullen op sommige plaatsen kan verliezen, let hiermee dus op. Categorie:Basiswoorden
  • Often these services take place at sunrise or sunset. In locations with a pier, such as Huntington Beach, the service can take place near the end of the pier so that non-surfers, such as elderly relatives, can watch and participate. Often the participants on the pier will throw down bouquets of flowers into the center of the ring.
  • thumb|300px|Death – Logo Death aus Tampa, Florida, USA, waren Pioniere des Death Metal seit 1984. Sie hat Death mit Struktur und Seele gemacht, unverkennbar ist sowohl die Gitarre als auch der Gesang. Death werden heute noch verehrt, für Mastermind Chuck Schuldiner wurde ... Die Band begründete den eher technischen und thrashlastigen Florida Death Metal. → Siehe auch Massacre, Autopsy, Obituary,
  • Death has returned to the OUW. Can he once again make an impact like he has done so many times in the past?
  • Death (デス Desu?), real name Avel (アヴェル Avel?), also known by his emblem 13 / T.K.O.D, is a character who was originally supposed to appear in Capcom Fighting All-Stars as one of the four original characters.
  • Death is one of two branching paths from Wraith, the other being Wight. Deaths have all the same advantages and disadvantages that Wraiths do. However, they are also able to poison enemies. In addition they do a bit more damage than their counterparts, the Wights. In Disciples 2, in both Dark Prophecy and Gallean's Return, Death has 60 initiative, as much as the Wight, and with 100 damage plus 20 poison damage is able to singlehandedly overcome the strongest mages, but in Rise of the Elves its initiative is lowered to 40, thus deaths become more vulnerable to spellcasters, especially if buffed for initiative.
  • Death can come about as a result of physical damage (running out of hit points), or of some horrible spell (or certain other auto-kill abilities). In the case of player characters (PCs), death may be merely a chance to return and adventure again. Most other creatures in the game are not so lucky, and death is a permanent state that cannot be reversed. If death can be reversed, it can usually only be done via respawning or the spells raise dead or resurrection. For the most part, death from damage occurs when hit points are reduced to zero. PCs are sometimes an exception, as some modules do not enforce PC death until -10 hit points; when at 0 through -9 hit points, the PC is merely dying. (Technically, the game's default behavior is to have this dying phase—modules that do not have it actively kill dying PCs to circumvent the default. However, the official campaigns are among the modules without a dying phase, making that more of a default from a player's perspective.) While in the dying state, a PC can still be healed by normal means, and some modules provide the possibility for a PC to spontaneously heal (recover) while dying. The AI may choose to attack living targets instead of dying ones, giving PCs a greater chance to avoid a full death. When a PC dies, the player is given the options of loading a saved game (in single-player), waiting for help (in multiplayer), respawning, or quitting the game entirely. Respawning typically deducts gold pieces and experience points. Waiting for help will remove the death options panel, giving the player a less-obstructed view of what is occurring in the game (the death options can be made visible again by clicking the mouse or pressing a key). In the official campaigns, provisions are made so that henchmen who die can be brought back to life. In the original campaign and first chapter of the Shadows of Undrentide campaign, a henchman will automatically respawn at a temple. In the remainder of the Shadows of Undrentide campaign, a henchman will fall to the ground and remain inert until his or her hit points increase. In the Hordes of the Underdark campaign, dead henchmen remain where they fell until brought back to life via resurrection or raise dead. No other non-player characters can be brought back from death in these campaigns.
  • Death is the cessation of all physical biological processes in a life form. However, the soul lives on, and can never die. There is also a Tarot card of the Major Arcana named death, with the symbolism of impending permanent change associated. __NOEDITSECTION__
  • Death is the of state being when an organism finishes its life cycle. This happens when either the organisms systems can no longer function or when the organism shuts itself down, marking the end of of its cycle.
  • Death may refer to the process of dying. It is a long sleep. Death is a translation to a spiritual existence. There are also several individuals who are personifications of death, who are connected to Daventry and the multiverse's various afterlives. Death fascinates men the world round, and there are as many philosophies about what comes after this life as there are, it seems, lives which end. Death itself is not necessarily evil, but aspects of it may lean towards Chaos and Dark side of natural forces. However most of the personifications of Death make sure that there realms are kept in Order. However those who die may find their souls move onto places that represent the Light and Good side of natural Order. Within the Dimension of Death those who die are brought to Death's Door where they enter Azriel's Sanctum. Medusa is said to be one of death's most hidious creatures.
  • Death is a state that all players will inevitably experience. After a death is incurred, players can be resurrected with various items or skills. If the death was a result of a fatal fall or while under the debuff, players will be immediately revived at their registered Kisk, bound Obelisk or starting location. While dead, players will notice a desaturation of the screen as well as a general slowing effect to simulate death. Players will not be able to speak in /say or /shout, use general game options, and use items while dead. However, all other local and global channels are available. For information on resurrecting after death, see the resurrect page.
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