  • Salamander
  • Salamander
  • Salamander
  • Salamander
  • Salamander
  • Salamander
  • Salamander
  • Salamander
  • [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:Characters by Name ]]
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Dauer: 3.53 min. Interpret: Noel Pix
  • While salamanders are real creatures, amphibians who reside on land near water and in shallow waters, it may seem strange how these creatures of moisture can be associated with fire. There is a mythological Salamander. In Medieval occultism (specifically that from Paracelsus, a 16th Century alchemist and occultist), the Salamander is the elemental of Fire. They are depicted as lizards which resemble the real salamanders, but which reside in fires. The Salamander was not invented by Paracelsus. It appeared in heraldry, usually sitting in a fire. The other elementals were: Undine (Water), Gnome (Earth), Sylph (Air).
  • File:SfTheSalamanderfdm2.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Ein Salamander ist eine Art Grill mit stärkerer Oberhitze. Er ermöglicht zum Beispiel das Gratinieren von Speisen
  • Salamanders are bipedal reptilians from Volkenon Lava Pits.
  • Salamander können bis zu sechs Stunden außerhalb eines Feuers überleben, wenn man sie regelmäßig mit Pfeffer füttert. Sie leben nur so lange, wie das Feuer, dem sie entsprungen sind, brennt. Salamanderblut hat mächtige heilende und wiederherstellende Eigenschaften.
  • Temporada Cantante Álbum Categoría:Canciones Es el theme song de Takuya Kanbara. Se puede escuchar en el capítulo 19 de Digimon Frontier, en la carrera de Trailmons , Cuando Agunimon pasa a ser BurningGreymon y saca de la competencia a BlackWereGarurumon y gana. Y tambien en el capítulo 23 Cuando va a luchar con Ranamon y Mercurymon , aparece un pequeño segmento que luego es reemplazado por With The Will
  • Gender: FemaleRace: Fire elementalThe Salamanders all come with a high STR, high CON, and bludgeon + martial arts skills. They heal with fire magic ambience. They also come with the Red Heat Scalemail, which makes them effectively immune to fire damage as well. This means that when you need to take on someone like Wagnas or pre-Rocbouquet Noel, you'll have at least one character who is immune to all the fire based attacks they throw out. During the second Komulune volcano scenario, you have a choice between saving them, or obtaining dark magic. The Salamanders are all named after volcanoes.
  • The salamander is a tiny, deceptively agreeable creature resembling its amphibious namesake. It can withstand extreme heat, and when threatened, the salamander will ignite, creating a white-hot flame around its body. Regardless, its skin is cool no matter how hot the temperature around it.
  • Attack Informationen: Die Waffen QL entspricht dem Level des Salamanders.
  • Salamanders speak Ignan. Some average salamanders and all nobles also speak Common.
  • A mythological elemental being first appearing in the alchemical works of Paracelsus. The salamander is an amphibian. As with many real creatures, pre-modern authors often ascribed fantastic qualities to it, and in recent times some have come to identify a legendary salamander as a distinct concept from the real organism. This idea is most highly developed in the occult. Where the two concepts can be distinguished, the legendary salamander is most often depicted much like a typical salamander in shape, with a lizard-like form, but it is usually ascribed an affinity with fire.
  • Salamander (sometimes called Salamando) is the Mana Spirit of fire. He appears as a fiery reptilian creature wielding a spear. Salamander's powers are perhaps the most destructive, sporting attacks like rains of magma, explosions, fireballs, walls of flame, and a weapon enchantment that burns opponents. Despite his reign of destruction, the Fire Elemental has only one beneficial spell in both Seiken Densetsu 3 and Sword of Mana which temporarily boosts the target's attack power. Salamander is very hot-headed, thus his element and enthusiastic. He seems to harbor a bit of dislike for Gnome.
  • Salamanders were large elemental, reptilian humanoids.
  • É a representação da especies * Salamandra algira Bedriaga, 1883 * Salamandra atra Laurenti, 1768 * Salamandra corsica (Savi, 1838) * Salamandra infraimmaculata Martens, 1885 * Salamandra lanzai Nascetti, Andreone, Capula et Bullini, 1988 * Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) e como salamandra tambem significa elemental do fogo, criaram esse duplo sentido em um monstro
  • Salamandern är till utseendet identisk med mugglarnas salamander. Den magiska salamandern föds och lever i en eld. Ödlan är vit, men skiftar färger mellan blå och röd, beroende på eldens temperatur. Om man matar den med peppar kan salamandern klara sig utanför elden i maximalt sex timmar innan den dör. Väl inne i elden lever salamandern bara så länge som den eld de föddes i fortfarande brinner. Salamanderblod påstås ha en helande och stärkande egenskap.
  • Salamandern är till utseendet identisk med mugglarnas salamander. Den magiska salamandern föds och lever i en eld. Ödlan är vit, men skiftar färger mellan blå och röd, beroende på eldens temperatur. Om man matar den med peppar kan salamandern klara sig utanför elden i maximalt sex timmar innan den dör. Väl inne i elden lever salamandern bara så länge som den eld de föddes i fortfarande brinner. Salamanderblod påstås ha en helande och stärkande egenskap.
  • thumb|Ein Salamander im Feuer Der mythologische Salamander oder Feuersalamander ist ein Tier, das oft für einen Drachen gehalten wird, da es mit dem Feuer assoziert wird. Er ähnelt einer Echse und lebt im Feuer. Die Haut des Salamanders soll so kalt sein, dass er im Feuer überleben kann, nach manchen Quellen wird er sogar aus Feuer geboren. Deshalb wird der Salamander als Feuergeist bezeichnet. Reale Salamander sind jedoch Amphibien, die mit dem Feuer nichts zu tun haben. Sie ähneln auch nur äußerlich Echsen, sind jedoch nicht näher damit verwandt.
  • Salamanders are versatile, two handed weapons that facilitate the training of all combat styles, namely the Ranged, Magic and Strength skills. Salamanders may be obtained through net trapping and must be fuelled using a variety of herb-tars made with the Herblore skill. The black salamander is commonly used by Players with a low budget to kill the Barrows brothers.
  • The Salamander (RZ-045) is a Pterasaur-Type Zoid, and one of over 200 species of bio-mechanical lifeforms that form the Zoid race depicted in TOMY's Zoids Franchise.
  • Salamander Lv 69 Type: Magic Aggro: Long Drops: Ornamental Philosopher's Gloves Tear of the spirit Moonlight Assence Fairy feather piece Moonstone piece Elephant's Jupiter Hammer Ornamental Philosopher's Robe
  • Salamander is a scrolling shooter arcade game by Konami. Released in 1986 as a spin-off to Gradius, Salamander introduced a simplified power-up system, two-player cooperative gameplay and both horizontally and vertically scrolling stages. Some of these would later become the norm for future Gradius games. The game was later re-titled Life Force in North America and the story and levels were changed. Salamander was followed with an official sequel in 1996 entitled Salamander 2.
  • Salamander is an 8th-level Red Element.
  • Salamanders are elemental creatures of fire.
  • The Salamander is a Creature in Dungeon Keeper 2.
  • Salamander is the first month of summer in Ancardia.
  • Salamanders are enemies in Shining in the Darkness.
  • Types of salamanders included the Jandoonian salamanders native to Jandoon, mucous salamanders native to Yavin 4, and Piluvian salamanders, which moved in massed packs. Salamanders also existed on the planet Belsavis.
  • This will spawn along with regular claw vipers in the Claw Viper Temple. On Hell in Claw Viper Temple, Salamanders are immune to Cold. On Hell in Act V's Infernal Pits Salamander are immune to Fire and are able to cast something like shortened Inferno, but with increased range and damage, that kills 1500+ HP hirelings in 1-2 seconds. Claw Viper Tomb Viper • Claw Viper • Salamander • Pit Viper • Serpent Magus Image:Act1Q6.gif This monster article is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it.
  • Salamander is the name for a belt in the video game No More Heroes. After ranking eighth in the United Assassins Association, it can be purchased from Area 51 for LB$6,800.
  • Salamander is one of the 400 demon puppets created by Sugimori Nobumori. It takes the form of a red Salamander on it's back is two tubes that hold fuel to increse it's fire attacks. It is note as being one of the fastest demon puppets created. It is able to use the flame on its tail to spit ignite things on fire. Like all his other puppets Mangetsu is able to control it without the use of Chakra Threads
  • Salamander / Tokageroid - One of Needle's three chief lieutenants. In human form, he is a Peruvian assassin codenamed "Salamander." He is sent to kidnap a young cyborg, Victor, and lure him to Badan with promises of command over the Last Battalion. When that plan fails, he was turned into the Giant Tokageroid, a mindless Dinosaur-like monster by Needle and killed by Amazon later.
  • A Salamander is a summon spirit that can be contracted with by Summoners.
  • Salamander (山椒魚) was a yōkai who was sealed by a monk years ago within a painting of the Buddhist deity Kannon.
  • The Salamander is the Stage 2 magic form of the Spark group.
  • Salamanders are creatures that live in the Wasteland Sanctuary Depths. Reds can ride them as mounts.
  • A Salamander is a spirit of Fire appears as a tenuous Lizard-like creature armed with a short trident. It can be summoned by magic to act as a guardian, but it will only attack those unable to answer its riddle. It is said that a Salamander Ring, described in literature as a flame-red jewel set in a gold ring, will bestow upon its wearer the answer to such a riddle. A Salamander cannot be harmed by fire-based attacks.
  • Salamander is a common name of approximately 500 species of amphibians. They are typically characterized by their slender bodies, short noses, and long tails. All known fossils and extinct species fall under the order Caudata, while sometimes the extant species are grouped together as the Urodela. Most salamanders have four toes on their front legs and five on their rear legs. Their moist skin usually makes them reliant on habitats in or near water, or under some protection (e.g., moist ground), often in a wetland. Some salamander species are fully aquatic throughout life, some take to the water intermittently, and some are entirely terrestrial as adults. Uniquely among vertebrates, they are capable of regenerating lost limbs, as well as other body parts.
  • Salamanders are versatile, two-handed ranged weapons that act as two-handed crossbows. Salamanders may be obtained through net trapping and must be fuelled using a variety of herb tars made with the Herblore skill. When you die or drop a salamander it runs away. In contrast, when a beast of burden holding any salamanders is dismissed or dies, the salamanders are dropped on the ground and can be picked up as items instead. Their combat bonuses are as follows:
  • Agent Salamander is a member of the Department of Bad Slash. He is written by Huinesoron.
  • A salamander has the torso of a man atop the body of a great snake. They are generated with a spear (6/7 chance) or a trident (2/21 chance) or a stiletto (1/21 chance). They are not the salamanders from real life but rather are based on the monsters from D&D. Salamanders appear in large numbers on the Plane of Fire. When #chat-ted to, the salamander will mumble incomprehensibly.
  • BT03 0005.jpg Swordsman_of_Exploding_Flames,_Palomides.jpg Crimson_Butterfly,_Brigitte.jpg Flame_of_Hope,_Aermo.jpg Unit_kg31.jpg The Salamanders are a shared Race of creatures found in the Angel Feather, Gold Paladin, Kagero and Royal Paladin Clans. Salamanders are transmitted in the fire and the myth originate in Europe, the beast looked like a phantom spirit that of lizard or human. The medieval alchemist Paracelsus, four elements of "fire" is mentioned as one of four major governing spirit in the myths. There are no effects related to this specific race so far.
  • Salamanders are large reptiles found in the Dungeons of Fate.
  • Their standard equipment is a laser gun and energy cell.
  • Salamander is a fire-element based monster of which may be located within the Volcano Villude.
  • Salamander (サラマンダー号 Saramandā-go?) es el barco usado por los Piratas de Gasparde. Es el barco de Gasparde y lo conserva desde que era Marine modificándolo al hacerse pirata.
  • Die Salamander (火妖精族(サラマンダー), Saramandā?, lit. Feuer Elfen Familie) sind eine der neun Rassen in ALfheim Online.
  • There is more than one type of creature called a salamander or fire salamander in Warcraft Lore. Flamewakers are not to be confused with salamanders (even if they drop [Cape of the Fire Salamander] and [Salamander Scale Pants]) nor diemetradon.
  • The elemental, Salamander was summoned by Sandor Fane aka the The Overlord to inhabit the body of Gotham City fashion designer, Ginger O'Shea. Sandor also created a hooded costume for Ginger to wear. This costume was not conceived well. __TOC__
  • The Salamanders (火妖精族(サラマンダー), Saramandā?, lit. "Fire fairy race") are one of the nine races in «ALfheim Online».
  • Salamander (サラマンダー Saramandā) is a character who is briefly in the background story of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. He is the fire dragon who blood-bonded with the Crusader Fala during the Miracle of Darna, bestowing upon her the magic tome of Valflame. According to legends, Salamander appeared in the guise of an elderly man, reminiscent of Bantu from the Archanea Series. "Salamander" is also the name of the Fire Dragon tribe of Archanea. The tribe may have been named after the Legendary figure or vice a versa. This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
  • Salamander Runt, Salamander Hatchling, Adolescent Salamander, Big Salamander, Large Salamander, Huge Salamander, Enormous Salamander, Humongous Salamander.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Sylvasaur | Poltergeist File:LightIcon.png Light: Bright Blight File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Bahamut | Slash | Gilles de Rais File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Carnage)
  • Salamanders of the Narnian world were dragon-like reptilian sentient beings that lived only in the lava rivers of Bism. They lived far beneath the Narnian earth and were too white-hot to look at, and they shared their habitat with flowering gems and the Earthmen. Salamanders were wonderfully clever with their tongues since they possessed the ability of speech and were very witty and eloquent. During the last days of Narnia, salamanders also assisted the dragons in destroying the world.
  • A salamander is a small, legged amphibian. Because it sometimes emerged from burning wood, where it had been resting, there arose the mistaken belief that it was a fiery creature with unusual powers. Over time, the name became associated with an elemental spirit of fire. In Dungeons & Dragons, a salamander is a powerful, magical creature of the Elemental Plane of Fire.
  • The Salamander was the ship used by Gasparde Pirates. It was Gasparde's Marine ship which he stole and modified.
  • Salamander is a Raven seen in Armored Core: Project Phantasma. He is ranked #43 in the Arena.
  • thumb|200px|SalamanderSalamanderen er en liten øgle som lever av og i ild. Den er egentlig kritthvit, men kan virke blå eller rød, avhengig av temperaturen i flammene hvor den dukker opp. Salamanderen kan overleve opptil seks timer utenfor ilden, så lenge den får nok næring av pepper. Den lever ikke lenger enn ilden den oppstod i. Salamanderblod har sterk legende og styrkende virkning.
  • Salamanderit ovat aseita joissa on Magic, Ranged sekä Slash iskutyylit joten niillä voi kehittää Strengthiä,Rangedia sekä Magicia. Salamanderilla ei voi ampua pitkän matkan päähän,mutta esimerkiksi aidan yli voi. Salamandereita voi pyydystä Hunter-taidolla. Salamandereiden ammuksia saa tehtyä Herblore taidolla.
  • The Salamander is an enemy encounter in Suikoden III.
  • Salamanders (火蜥蜴 (サラマンダー) Saramandā) are flame-based Demons that possess lizards. They are classified as kin of Iblis.
  • The salamander can survive outside out of the flames that birthed it for up to six hours if fed on pepper. Salamander blood has powerful regenerative and curative properties. Muggle world salamanders are amphibians, not lizards, and have no affinity for fire. It's unknown if salamanders can shed their skin like Muggle world salamanders. There are different types of salamanders, such as the blue and the scarlet variety. The maximum number of hours a salamander can survive out of fire and the amount of legs most salamanders have is used in the runic alphabet to represent the number six.
  • Volk Volk Echsen Art Wildtier Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Salamander sind riesige, echsenartige Wesen. Sie können 40 m lang und 4t schwer werden. Sie kämpfen mit ihrem feurigen Atem und ihren Zähnen und Klauen. Sie leben hauptsächlich unter Tage, sind nur während der Paarungszeit nicht allein und immer hungrig.
  • Classificatie Ministerie van Toverkunst: XXX - Mag geen problemen opleveren voor kundig tovenaar De Salamander is een kleine hagedis die in het vuur leeft en zich voedt met vlammen. Hij is meestal stralend wit, maar kan ook blauw of scharlakenrood zijn, afhankelijk van de hitte van het vuur waarin hij verschijnt. Salamanders kunnen tot zes uur lang overleven zonder vuur, als ze regelmatig rode pepers te eten krijgen. Ze bestaan slechts zolang het vuur waaruit ze zijn voortgekomen brandt. Salamanderbloed heeft krachtige genezende en versterkende eigenschappen.
  • Classificatie Ministerie van Toverkunst: XXX - Mag geen problemen opleveren voor kundig tovenaar De Salamander is een kleine hagedis die in het vuur leeft en zich voedt met vlammen. Hij is meestal stralend wit, maar kan ook blauw of scharlakenrood zijn, afhankelijk van de hitte van het vuur waarin hij verschijnt. Salamanders kunnen tot zes uur lang overleven zonder vuur, als ze regelmatig rode pepers te eten krijgen. Ze bestaan slechts zolang het vuur waaruit ze zijn voortgekomen brandt. Salamanderbloed heeft krachtige genezende en versterkende eigenschappen.
  • De salamander is een heildronk iemand of iets ter ere, en geen strafdronk of wedstrijd in sneldrinken. Het is het hoogste studentikoos eerbewijs dat een lid van de corona, of ook een afwezig persoon, aan de clubtafel te eer kan vallen. Wanneer de preases een Salamander aankondigt, worden de glazen leeggedronken en opnieuw gevuld. Het Salamander-commando wordt gewoonlijk door de preases gegeven, zoniet door een door de preases aangeduid lid van de corona; het gaat als volgd: Corona: -staat recht en heft glas op- Surgimus! Corona: Hier! Preases: Waar zijn de pompiers? Corona: Hier! Corona: Ja!
  • Salamanders zijn tweehandige magic, melee, of ranged wapens. Ze kunnen niet, zoals andere magic en ranged wapens wel kunnen, van een afstand aanvallen. Echter wel over een hekje of andere obstakel, zelfs met melee. Salamanders kun je vangen met Net trapping in de Hunter skill en moeten gevoed worden met zogenaamde tars die je maakt in de herblore skill. Elke salamander kan zowel met Magic, als ranged als melee aanvallen, afhankelijk van de stijl van aanvallen die de speler selecteert. Black salamander wordt vaak gebruikt bij Barrows.
  • I came up to catch you On the big hill Down by the road Near Niagara University. During the winter We all sled here But now it's September And it's just starting to get cold. I rode my banana seat bike All the way from my house And then I parked it in the mud Under the mudslide. You should see yourself Peeking out From under the rock Into my eyes. You think that you might Scramble away And slither through the mud But I am faster. I've got you now In my Cool Whip bowl And I stuck some grass inside So that you can play. You can slide around In my aquarium Because you're cool And purple.
  • The Salamander is an amphibious vehicle used by Mr. Curtain and the Ten Men. It makes it's first appearance in The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey and also in the Prisoners Dilemma. On page 320 in the Perilous Journey it says: '"...That's all I- wait, do you hear that?" Reynie heard it, all right. A rumbling sound, again like thunder, only softer this time and steadier. It traveled from the direction of the meadow, growing louder and louder until the rumbling seemed to come from the ground all around them. Then the Salamander rolled into view. It was coming down the village path. Rennie and Kate crouched behind the fallen roof and peeked out. A great armored beast thirty feet long and ten feet wide, the Salamander surged forward on heavy revolving treads. Its sides wer
  • Salamander is the original Japanese insert theme for Digimon Frontier, as well as Takuya Kanbara's theme song. It is played during [[BurningGreymon ()|BurningGreymon]]'s Trailmon race victory Trailmon vs. Trailmon and as he goes to save his friends from [[Mercurymon ()|Mercurymon]] and [[Ranamon ()|Ranamon]]. Sockit Takuya
  • __noeditsection__ A salamander is a kind of amphibian. It is the only amphibian in existence that is unable to breathe in or out of water, although they can breathe in deep space. They are typically characterized by their slender bodies, long tails and general look of discomfort. All known fossils and extinct species fall under the order Jellybelly, while the others are grouped together as the Authors of Pain. Most salamanders have eighteen faces on their front legs and five on their rear face. Their moist skin and predictable nature means they generally live in small houses underneath discarded pieces of bread, although some prefer crumpets. Uniquely among vertebrates, they are capable of complex emotions such as happiness, fear, guilt and jealousy - but not anger.
  • A variant of lizardman with red scales that appear as if burning. They inhabit places with comparatively high temperatures such as volcanic regions, etc. They have frank, and hot-blooded personalities, and they are genuine warriors that seek out battles that burn as hotly as flames. They travel in search of humans that are worthy opponents. Then, while retaining their intensity, the flames of combat arousal change form into the flames of a monster's carnal lust for a human man, making their body flush hotly. |-|Old Encyclopedia Pages= Salamander.jpg|1st Revision English Encyclopedia Page
  • Salamanders are giant, predatory creatures that stalk the swamplands and estuaries of the Lustrian jungles. Propelled by four thickly muscled legs and a powerful tail, they are swift-moving creatures whether on land or in water. Salamanders are voracious hunters, and their favoured method of catching prey is to swiftly close the distance, moving through underbrush or even submerged under water. Once within range, they launch a burst of highly corrosive liquid from their gullets, a substance so volatile that it bursts into flames upon contact with the air.[1a]
  • Salamander (Salamox in the second game) is an Optional Boss encountered on 8F in Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard and its remake. This fire breathing lizard resides in the Auburn Thicket. Being far more powerful than the other monsters that reside the area, avoiding combat with this creature is a must in order to continue the exploration of the forest. However, the Duchy has interest in the monster, specifically its plumes, an vital ingredient of the Panacea sought by the princess High Lagaard, in order to heal her father from a deadly malady. Thus, a mission is issued, and the adventurers must obtain said item while avoiding combat with this fearsome beast.
image name
  • Salamander_true_form.jpg
  • -
  • 1
  • 8
  • 20
  • 28
  • 30
  • 32
  • 36
  • 38
  • 40
  • 42
  • 50
  • 60
  • 70
  • 129
  • Kamen Rider Spirits
  • 6
  • 10
  • 11
  • 18
  • 34
  • 40
  • Bad
  • Light-Neutral
  • 24.100000
  • Mortimer
  • 83
  • File:1104.png
  • 88
  • 4
  • 140
  • Weak
  • -
  • -
  • no
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Fires three 16-way sprays of massive elemental pass-through shots.
Attack Type
  • Physical
Response Center
  • RC #145
  • 90
  • Magisches Feuer
unnamed tool
  • No
  • -
  • Lv.4 - Spit
  • Lv.8 - Fireball
  • Zwart
  • Zwart
Battle Start
  • The battle is heating up!
debut shippuden
  • No
  • -
  • 1110
  • -
  • 22
  • Energy, Fire, Poison
  • yes
  • 21
  • サラマンダー号
  • Ice
  • Ice, Curse
  • 2500
  • 2750
  • N/A
  • 9.800000
  • 40
tool classification
  • Offensive, Defensive
  • 88
  • Null
  • -
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • 60
  • 19
  • 59
  • 60
  • 283
skill lv
  • Deal 150% DMG to all enemies / battle start 20% chance
  • Deal 250% DMG to all enemies / battle start 30% chance
  • 890
  • Amphibians
  • Hatcher
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • 2780
  • Glatze
  • no
  • 1
  • 454
  • 850
  • 1132
  • 1486
  • サラマンダー号
Boarder's Name
  • 15
  • 26
  • 56
  • 60
  • 63
  • 91
  • Amphibic
  • no
  • no
  • 80
  • Red/Green
  • GaspardeColores
  • GaspardePiratesColors
  • 14
  • 42
  • 135
  • 166
  • 100.0
  • --
  • 3
  • 2220
  • Vuur
  • Vuur
  • 30
  • 100.0
  • 100.0
tool media
  • Manga
Zoid name
  • Salamander
  • N/A
  • 11
  • 13
  • N/A
  • 1340
Zoid type
  • Pterosaur
  • #H9F7$qOQXWO72ZH
  • %2Y%7J%XM2WOMX9O
  • Fights in close combat.
  • None.
  • Single Foe/1/Physical/None
  • 2140
  • 1
  • 7
  • 10
  • 14
  • 16
  • 20
  • 42
  • Pierce
  • Bounce
  • Salamander is a member of the Lizard League. Although slight of stature, he is a formidable opponent and a member of the League's team of superhumanly powered enforcers. Confrontations with heroes like Invincible, Atom Eve and Shapesmith have all ended badly for the Salamander resulting in a steady cycle of incarceration quickly followed by a break out repeated over and over again. He is believed to have escaped imprisonment most recently during a botched breakout attempt by Doc Seismic. Those individuals who might face him would do well to remember that Salamander is a ruthless individual who would not hesitate to use his deadly powers to achieve his or the League's criminal goals. How Salamander acquired his powers is at this time unknown.
  • 2380
  • Fwooooorrr!
  • Accessory
  • 3350
  • Feuer
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks the nearest enemies with a wide, non-elemental strike.
  • --
  • -
  • salamander
  • LotR
  • 30
  • Uncommon
  • Yes
  • 100
  • N/A
  • Echsen
  • 100.0
  • 100.0
  • 80.0
  • 1.400000
  • 30
  • 53
  • 132
  • -
  • 100.0
  • N/A
  • 1
  • -
  • --03-28
  • 9
  • 12
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 20
  • 23
  • 42
  • 49
  • 133
  • 140
  • 0
  • 4
  • 8
  • 15
  • 42
  • 10
  • Arena
  • 0
  • 133
  • 100.0
  • 90.0
  • Usually evil
  • 12
  • 14
  • 17
  • 23
  • 54
  • 86
  • 88
  • 93
  • 3100
  • 3410
  • 13861
  • 19295
  • 25228
low mp
  • none
  • Yes
friendship max
  • Burn! With the flames of desire!
  • Easy
  • True
Strike shot
  • Blaze of Glory - 16 Turns
  • Lava Storm - 16 Turns
  • Sacred Flame - 14 Turns
  • Bashes the first contacted enemy and attacks with a flame laser.
Home Continuum
  • 860
  • 7
  • 9
  • 11
  • 15
Japanese Voice
  • No
  • 29
  • 48
  • Salamander
  • Salamander II
  • 80
  • 94
  • Saramandā-go
  • 9
  • 10
  • 13
  • 17
  • 25
  • Gowen
  • no
  • 149
  • 950
  • 8
  • 10
  • 20
  • Schwarz
  • XXX
  • XXX
  • 7
  • 8
  • 11
  • 17
  • 50
  • 228.370000
  • 243.800000
  • 265.530000
  • The Salamander is a creature that is quite common in swamp areas. In this harsh environment only the most aggressive and capable individuals can survive, so that the relatively harmless Salamander has evolved into a creature that can scare off at least some attackers. However, a Salamander is still an easy prey and so it often relies on the protection granted by its colouring. The diet of the Salamanders are smaller insects that are often found in abundance in their habitat. Only this allows for the continued survival of the Salamander species while surrounded by more powerful predators. The Salamanders are considered very distant relatives of the dragons, an assumption that is based solely on the fact that they are lizards and have a penchant to collect hoards. The so-called 'hoards' of the Salamanders usually consist only of a few shiny things they have gathered in the swamp, typically junk discarded or lost by adventurers in the area. Still, sometimes they are hunted by foolhardy soldiers of fortune who dream about an easy way to acquire some exotic treasure. Due to their tasting odd, Salamanders are hunted by trolls and orcs for food when times are dire. Sometimes local witches breed Salamanders as familiars, or as ingredients for their cooking or even alchemical usage.
friendship event
  • It burns! Burns! Damn!
  • It seems you have somehow set my heart alight!
battle end
  • You bummed me out.
  • salamander
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 12
  • 17
  • 28
  • 42
  • 49
  • R
  • Epic
  • N
  • Uncommon
  • *
Anime Debut
  • 131
  • -
  • Salamander
  • Mortimer
  • 100
  • no
  • Salamander
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Today's a great day for a battle! It's decided!
  • Salamanders
  • 860
  • サラマンダー
  • 1
  • 127
  • 9.0
  • JAP 3
  • Mangetsu Hyūga, Amerashi
  • Robert Kirkman; Ryan Ottley
  • 1
  • Melee
  • Fire; Weapons handling, offensive attacks
  • 7
  • 8
  • 15
  • 25
  • 6
  • Salamander
  • N/A
  • 6
  • Arcade
  • 120
  • a
  • Male
  • Creatures
  • Helic Republic
  • 4595726
  • Saramandā-go
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • Black
  • Yellow
  • 2010-06-17
  • Giant Tokageroid
  • Tokageroid
  • 110
  • Breath, Tail, Blood Cry
  • Avarice Claw, Crushing Tail, Hellfire Breath, Heal Cry Inferno Rounds
  • Frank, strong-willed, passionate
  • 1
  • Typically on fire
  • 60
  • 214
  • Air: Mach 2.0
  • Training and Gambling
  • 240
  • 3
  • 3
  • N/a
  • Swamp lizard
  • Black salamander
  • Orange salamander
  • Red salamander
  • Salamander Icon.svg
  • 50
  • Null
  • Repel
  • Lord of the Rings
  • -
  • Salamander
  • Caves, volcanic regions, etc.
  • 248
  • Ranged Attack
  • Fire Breath
  • Power Breath
  • Cemetery
  • The Fern Sea
  • Ubo Abo Bog
  • Gates of Gala
  • None
  • black
  • 12
  • 20
  • 30
  • 1
  • 14
  • Undine
  • Lightning
  • Gnome
  • Sylph
  • Pyromania
  • Salamander
  • Salamander
  • サラマンダー
  • Scorching Blast
  • Elemental Bond
  • Fireproof
  • salamander
  • J. Ali Harlow
  • Salamox
  • 42
  • 50
  • 55
  • 56
  • 75
  • 76
  • 85
  • 99
  • 140
  • 144
  • 164
  • 215
  • 264
  • Placeholder
  • Elemental
  • Dragon
  • Unit
  • Summon
  • Kaijin
  • Outsider
  • Pyro
  • Belt
  • Balanced
  • Damage dealer
  • --07-04
  • EU 1986
  • Fire
  • Light-Neutral
  • Saramandā
  • Sanshō̄o
  • Salamander
  • Salamander
  • Agent Salamander
  • OER Krark, Prince of Darkness
  • Movie 4
  • Invincible #9
  • The mighty salamanders of Lore were thought long extinct. If it were not for the intelligence of the dragons, salamanders would be the deadliest fire beasts of all.
  • Deal [4+Magic] damage to an enemy and Burn them.
  • Use salamander's breath to incinerate enemies. Inflicts Burns.
  • Eidechsen
  • Superb
  • Superb
  • Superb
  • Medium to large
  • Superb
  • Superb
  • Little
  • Bolt
  • Superb
  • 153
  • 3
  • Superb
  • Superb
  • 20
  • Superb
  • Superb
  • 397
  • 662
  • 765
  • 892
  • Salamander
  • anime
Name (Romaji)
  • Saramandā
  • Saramandā
  • 92
  • 2580
  • 0
  • 25
  • 50
  • 115
  • -
  • -
  • Fiend Slayer M
  • 139
  • Null Gravity Barrier
  • Fiend Slayer L
  • None
  • Sun Rhapsody
  • 288
  • 20
  • I am the incarnation of flames, let's heat things up!
  • -
  • 10
  • 100
  • 160.0
  • 250
  • 300
  • 13
  • 30
  • 60
  • 85
  • 33
  • -
  • 83
  • Michihiko Ohta
  • Flame Bone, Flame Puff
  • Flame Marrow, Flame Breath
  • 13
  • -
  • -
  • N/A
  • 山椒魚
  • サンショウウオ
  • yes
  • ge
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 17.100000
  • 9.0
  • Yōkai
  • Human
  • Elemental Spirit
  • Human and
  • Salamander
  • 63
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • Agent Kayleigh Leonard
  • Secret
  • 6
  • 11
  • 12
  • 15
  • 17
  • 23
  • 27
  • 38
  • 43
  • 74
  • 84
  • 2500
  • 2750
  • Plasma Flamethrower, Vulcan Phalanx , Double Hyper Laser Guns , Small Bore Lasers , Dual Tactical missiles
  • 384
  • 88
  • Ranged
  • Breath of Flame
  • Agi
  • Maragion
  • Agiraon
  • High Fire Pleroma\Innate Panic Voice\37 Life Gain\40
  • Agi Fire Breath Mite Rakunda Agilao Dekunda
  • Agi Fire Breath Mite Rakunda Maha agi Dekunda
  • Agilao Agilaon Maragi
  • Agilao Loyal Fire
  • Agilao Maharagi Estoma
  • Agilao Maragion Estoma
  • Agilao Maragion Estoma Paraladi
  • Agilao Maragion Paraladi Estoma
  • Agirama Zio Tetraja
  • Bottora Kande Tetraja
  • Flare 1 Blaze 2
  • Hell fire
  • Pyro Fire Breath TNT Defdrain Pyrodeus Purge
  • Agilao Maha Agira Flame Fang Agidaion Blaze Breath Wall of Flame
  • 43
Image size
  • 250
  • 300
  • Spell_Salamander.png
  • A giant creature that wears flames itself as armor! It seeks to incinerate its foes.
  • A tribe of flame apparitions. They appear in flammable situations like oil added to a fire
  • Wears a layer of flame as armor. Inexperienced explorers are advised not to attempt it.
  • 83
  • Fire\+5 Ailment\+1 Ice\-7
  • 1102
  • 1103
  • 1104
  • Lizards
Literal Meaning
  • Salamander
  • Volt
  • -
  • Reflects Expel, nulls Curse
  • Repel: Fire; Weak: Ice
  • Stun, Fear, Panic, Paralyze, Arm bind, Leg bind
  • *
  • 13
  • 27
  • 32
  • LB$6,800
  • 0
  • 50
  • 80
  • 140
  • 100
  • BURN!
  • Morphology: Salamander. Phazon-based bioform. Dangerous in large numbers.
  • salamanders
  • Base=File:1102.png
  • 470
  • 11
  • 100
  • 0
  • 5
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 11
  • 12
  • 15
  • 22
  • 88
  • 250
  • 300
  • 1102
  • 1103
  • 1104
  • Krark.jpg
  • Earth
  • 80
  • studiofake
  • 2
  • Existing worldwide
  • 53
  • -
  • 10
  • 50
  • 64
  • 70
  • 115
  • 133
  • 160
  • 180
  • 209
  • 230
  • 245
  • 261
  • 282
  • 290
  • 311
  • 317
  • 322
  • 326
  • 327
  • 345
  • 404
  • 1240
  • 4100
  • 12344
  • 18613
  • 19401
  • 23000
  • 41.0
  • JAP 40
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 90
  • -
  • Magnesser Falcon Wings, Multi-Blade Radar
  • 10
  • All Enemies
  • Raven
  • 152
  • Red
  • Gattan
  • Carnivorous, wild animals, etc.
  • Female
  • Male
  • M
  • Fast
  • Junko Takeuchi
  • Element
  • Frog
  • Prime
  • Lizardman‎
  • AC Back Fire
  • DBS
  • 17
  • Wildtier
  • Hiroshi Ymada
  • Ginger O'Shea
  • 2
  • Michihiko Ohta
  • Red riding a Salamander.
  • 30
  • 0
  • "Marshmallows not included."
  • Evolution: 6.5
  • Ascension: 7.0
  • 1
  • Killed by Inuyasha's Wind Scar
  • 83
  • yes
Model Number
  • RZ-045
  • 1
  • 2
  • 2
  • -
  • -
  • Red wings, and styled in red.
  • 150
  • Hiroyasu Machiguchi
  • 10
  • Similar to but considerably weaker than Larvas.
wikipage disambiguates
  • Expel
  • 1
  • "Zerfetzte Flügel", Roter-Style
  • 15
  • 21
  • 44
  • 54
  • 58
  • 62
  • 1
  • 44
  • 88
  • Agidyne Tarunda
  • 28
  • 32
  • 88
  • 88
  • None
  • -
  • 10
MAG Summon
  • 445
  • Hostile
  • -
  • 5
  • 80
  • 86
  • 141
  • 88
  • 88
  • 20
  • 88
  • 24
  • 88
  • 8
  • y
  • Null
  • -
  • Phys x1, 1 enemy
  • Physical, one hit, one enemy
  • -
  • 12
Move Type
  • Walk
  • 88
  • 88
  • 92
MAG Per Step
  • -
  • 500
  • 29
  • 16
  • 17
  • 88
  • XXX
  • Fire
  • Fire, Instant Death, Petrify, Blind
  • -
  • 9
  • 10
  • 25
  • 16
  • 18
  • Fire Flare\Punkin Holy Attack\Vrtra
  • 153
  • 10
  • 88
  • -
  • 11
  • 88
  • Fire
  • 8
  • Wild
  • Impatient
  • 136
  • 88
  • 149
  • 2
  • Mortal
  • 5
  • Large
  • Large
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Drop only
  • 250
  • Feuer-Magie, Physische Stärke
  • 250
  • Nothing
  • N/A
  • 88
  • 79
  • Flaming tails
  • Vulcans, Magma Rocks
  • [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:Characters by Name ]]
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Dauer: 3.53 min. Interpret: Noel Pix
  • While salamanders are real creatures, amphibians who reside on land near water and in shallow waters, it may seem strange how these creatures of moisture can be associated with fire. There is a mythological Salamander. In Medieval occultism (specifically that from Paracelsus, a 16th Century alchemist and occultist), the Salamander is the elemental of Fire. They are depicted as lizards which resemble the real salamanders, but which reside in fires. The Salamander was not invented by Paracelsus. It appeared in heraldry, usually sitting in a fire. The other elementals were: Undine (Water), Gnome (Earth), Sylph (Air).
  • File:SfTheSalamanderfdm2.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Ein Salamander ist eine Art Grill mit stärkerer Oberhitze. Er ermöglicht zum Beispiel das Gratinieren von Speisen
  • Salamanders are bipedal reptilians from Volkenon Lava Pits.
  • Salamander können bis zu sechs Stunden außerhalb eines Feuers überleben, wenn man sie regelmäßig mit Pfeffer füttert. Sie leben nur so lange, wie das Feuer, dem sie entsprungen sind, brennt. Salamanderblut hat mächtige heilende und wiederherstellende Eigenschaften.
  • Temporada Cantante Álbum Categoría:Canciones Es el theme song de Takuya Kanbara. Se puede escuchar en el capítulo 19 de Digimon Frontier, en la carrera de Trailmons , Cuando Agunimon pasa a ser BurningGreymon y saca de la competencia a BlackWereGarurumon y gana. Y tambien en el capítulo 23 Cuando va a luchar con Ranamon y Mercurymon , aparece un pequeño segmento que luego es reemplazado por With The Will
  • Gender: FemaleRace: Fire elementalThe Salamanders all come with a high STR, high CON, and bludgeon + martial arts skills. They heal with fire magic ambience. They also come with the Red Heat Scalemail, which makes them effectively immune to fire damage as well. This means that when you need to take on someone like Wagnas or pre-Rocbouquet Noel, you'll have at least one character who is immune to all the fire based attacks they throw out. During the second Komulune volcano scenario, you have a choice between saving them, or obtaining dark magic. The Salamanders are all named after volcanoes.
  • Volk Volk Echsen Art Wildtier Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Salamander sind riesige, echsenartige Wesen. Sie können 40 m lang und 4t schwer werden. Sie kämpfen mit ihrem feurigen Atem und ihren Zähnen und Klauen. Sie leben hauptsächlich unter Tage, sind nur während der Paarungszeit nicht allein und immer hungrig. Sie sollen mit den Kodos verwandt sein und sich durch den Kontakt mit der Ebene des Feuers zu etwas anderem entwickelt haben. Manche glauben, dass sie aus der Verbindung zwischen Kodos und der Drachenkönigin Alexstrasza entstammen, was auch die Vorliebe dieser Wesen zu Drachen erklären würde. Andere glauben, sie seien Elementare, die sich in Kodos niedergelassen haben. Auf alle Fälle ist der Salamander, wie die Donnerechse, ein weiteres Beispiel für die Verbundenheit der Kodos mit der Natur. Sie sind enge Verbündete des Roten Drachenschwarms und, obwohl nicht die klügsten, sind sie auch von den Drachen geschätzt. (Quelle: Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos)
  • The salamander is a tiny, deceptively agreeable creature resembling its amphibious namesake. It can withstand extreme heat, and when threatened, the salamander will ignite, creating a white-hot flame around its body. Regardless, its skin is cool no matter how hot the temperature around it.
  • Attack Informationen: Die Waffen QL entspricht dem Level des Salamanders.
  • Salamanders speak Ignan. Some average salamanders and all nobles also speak Common.
  • A variant of lizardman with red scales that appear as if burning. They inhabit places with comparatively high temperatures such as volcanic regions, etc. They have frank, and hot-blooded personalities, and they are genuine warriors that seek out battles that burn as hotly as flames. They travel in search of humans that are worthy opponents. They have similar traits to the lizardmen and they don't attack human men, but in the case that a human man is a warrior just like them, it will ignite their fighting spirit, and they'll challenge the man to a bout. When the fight begins, their battle-lust swells and their tail lights aflame, blazing with intensity corresponding to their arousal. The more they get into the battle they are having with the man and the longer it drags on and the more tension there is, the more rapidly their arousal swells and the intensity of their tail flame is strengthened. In most cases, if the battle ends, their arousal subsides and along with that, the flames of their tail die down in intensity, but regardless of whether or not they won the fight, if they considered that fight to be their best fight ever, then their arousal from battle won't subside no matter how much time passes. Instead, the flames on their tail will also keep burning bigger and more violently the whole time. This is proof that they've acknowledged a human man as their most worthy opponent. After finding a worthy opponent, as a warrior, they feel a joy that can't be topped, and experience arousal like they've never felt before. And then, this arousal soon turns into another kind. Just looking at the face of the man who turned out to be a worthy opponent will make their face grow hot, and at the same time, they'll feel a new kind of violent throbbing in their chest, something completely different from battle, unlike anything they've ever felt until then. Then, while retaining their intensity, the flames of combat arousal change form into the flames of a monster's carnal lust for a human man, making their body flush hotly. Driven by these emerging feelings of yearning for the man, and an urge, they will shout and declare their love for the man on the spot, seeking for him to become their husband and have sex with them. Even if the man refuses, once the flames have flared up, they will never disappear. They'll chase the man even to the ends of the earth, continuing to shout about love. The more the man runs from them, the more violently the flames will blaze, and eventually, they'll grow so huge and hot that not even they themselves can control them. Once that happens, they'll be unable to stand the arousal and desire that's burning their body. They'll let the monster's female urge that blazes hotly take over, and they'll try to push the man over and forcibly have sex with him. After obtaining a husband, no matter how much time passes, the flames of love for their husband never disappear. They continue to convey hot words of love to their husband, and before they even think, their hands will be reaching for their husband. If pleased by their husband's words, they'll spontaneously embrace him firmly, and if they see their beloved husband's face, they'll become unable to bear it. They'll kiss so deeply that their tongue is licking around inside his mouth, and if their body flushes seeking their husband's body, unable to bear it, they'll knock him down and straddle him, wildly shaking their hips. |-|Old Encyclopedia Pages= Salamander.jpg|1st Revision English Encyclopedia Page |-|Official MGE Artwork= Salamander-HD.jpg|Salamander HD |-|Fan Artwork= Salamder screen 1.jpg|Artwork by Sudeo Salamander 1.jpg|Artwork by Butter-T bad5e5194964f4a5e68c37e8f3d8d7fb.png A5DxGgO.png Rose (by Butter-T).png|Art by Butter-T. Rose from Anonymoose Saga Salamander_02.jpg|Demonic Salamander 1b330cc47e440abd3434f382364187f2.jpeg|Art by Whistle Frog 1454257606980.png 1456684284069.png 1456601644570.png tumblr_o3by1wUZRQ1sk31cyo1_540.png|By Monorus 52194096_p0.png __NOEDITSECTION__
  • Salamanders zijn tweehandige magic, melee, of ranged wapens. Ze kunnen niet, zoals andere magic en ranged wapens wel kunnen, van een afstand aanvallen. Echter wel over een hekje of andere obstakel, zelfs met melee. Salamanders kun je vangen met Net trapping in de Hunter skill en moeten gevoed worden met zogenaamde tars die je maakt in de herblore skill. Elke salamander kan zowel met Magic, als ranged als melee aanvallen, afhankelijk van de stijl van aanvallen die de speler selecteert. Black salamander wordt vaak gebruikt bij Barrows. De attack stijl die je selecteert bepaald de expierence die je krijgt.
  • A mythological elemental being first appearing in the alchemical works of Paracelsus. The salamander is an amphibian. As with many real creatures, pre-modern authors often ascribed fantastic qualities to it, and in recent times some have come to identify a legendary salamander as a distinct concept from the real organism. This idea is most highly developed in the occult. Where the two concepts can be distinguished, the legendary salamander is most often depicted much like a typical salamander in shape, with a lizard-like form, but it is usually ascribed an affinity with fire.
  • Salamander (sometimes called Salamando) is the Mana Spirit of fire. He appears as a fiery reptilian creature wielding a spear. Salamander's powers are perhaps the most destructive, sporting attacks like rains of magma, explosions, fireballs, walls of flame, and a weapon enchantment that burns opponents. Despite his reign of destruction, the Fire Elemental has only one beneficial spell in both Seiken Densetsu 3 and Sword of Mana which temporarily boosts the target's attack power. Salamander is very hot-headed, thus his element and enthusiastic. He seems to harbor a bit of dislike for Gnome.
  • Salamanders were large elemental, reptilian humanoids.
  • É a representação da especies * Salamandra algira Bedriaga, 1883 * Salamandra atra Laurenti, 1768 * Salamandra corsica (Savi, 1838) * Salamandra infraimmaculata Martens, 1885 * Salamandra lanzai Nascetti, Andreone, Capula et Bullini, 1988 * Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) e como salamandra tambem significa elemental do fogo, criaram esse duplo sentido em um monstro
  • Salamandern är till utseendet identisk med mugglarnas salamander. Den magiska salamandern föds och lever i en eld. Ödlan är vit, men skiftar färger mellan blå och röd, beroende på eldens temperatur. Om man matar den med peppar kan salamandern klara sig utanför elden i maximalt sex timmar innan den dör. Väl inne i elden lever salamandern bara så länge som den eld de föddes i fortfarande brinner. Salamanderblod påstås ha en helande och stärkande egenskap.
  • Salamandern är till utseendet identisk med mugglarnas salamander. Den magiska salamandern föds och lever i en eld. Ödlan är vit, men skiftar färger mellan blå och röd, beroende på eldens temperatur. Om man matar den med peppar kan salamandern klara sig utanför elden i maximalt sex timmar innan den dör. Väl inne i elden lever salamandern bara så länge som den eld de föddes i fortfarande brinner. Salamanderblod påstås ha en helande och stärkande egenskap.
  • thumb|Ein Salamander im Feuer Der mythologische Salamander oder Feuersalamander ist ein Tier, das oft für einen Drachen gehalten wird, da es mit dem Feuer assoziert wird. Er ähnelt einer Echse und lebt im Feuer. Die Haut des Salamanders soll so kalt sein, dass er im Feuer überleben kann, nach manchen Quellen wird er sogar aus Feuer geboren. Deshalb wird der Salamander als Feuergeist bezeichnet. Reale Salamander sind jedoch Amphibien, die mit dem Feuer nichts zu tun haben. Sie ähneln auch nur äußerlich Echsen, sind jedoch nicht näher damit verwandt.
  • Salamanders are versatile, two handed weapons that facilitate the training of all combat styles, namely the Ranged, Magic and Strength skills. Salamanders may be obtained through net trapping and must be fuelled using a variety of herb-tars made with the Herblore skill. The black salamander is commonly used by Players with a low budget to kill the Barrows brothers.
  • The Salamander (RZ-045) is a Pterasaur-Type Zoid, and one of over 200 species of bio-mechanical lifeforms that form the Zoid race depicted in TOMY's Zoids Franchise.
  • Salamander Lv 69 Type: Magic Aggro: Long Drops: Ornamental Philosopher's Gloves Tear of the spirit Moonlight Assence Fairy feather piece Moonstone piece Elephant's Jupiter Hammer Ornamental Philosopher's Robe
  • Salamander is a scrolling shooter arcade game by Konami. Released in 1986 as a spin-off to Gradius, Salamander introduced a simplified power-up system, two-player cooperative gameplay and both horizontally and vertically scrolling stages. Some of these would later become the norm for future Gradius games. The game was later re-titled Life Force in North America and the story and levels were changed. Salamander was followed with an official sequel in 1996 entitled Salamander 2.
  • Salamander is an 8th-level Red Element.
  • Salamanders are elemental creatures of fire.
  • The Salamander is a Creature in Dungeon Keeper 2.
  • Classificatie Ministerie van Toverkunst: XXX - Mag geen problemen opleveren voor kundig tovenaar De Salamander is een kleine hagedis die in het vuur leeft en zich voedt met vlammen. Hij is meestal stralend wit, maar kan ook blauw of scharlakenrood zijn, afhankelijk van de hitte van het vuur waarin hij verschijnt. Salamanders kunnen tot zes uur lang overleven zonder vuur, als ze regelmatig rode pepers te eten krijgen. Ze bestaan slechts zolang het vuur waaruit ze zijn voortgekomen brandt. Salamanderbloed heeft krachtige genezende en versterkende eigenschappen. Hagrid behandeld de Salamander met de lessen Verzorging van Fabeldieren. Fred en George expirimenteren op deze feloranje, in het vuur levende hagedis. Ze willen kijken wat er gebeurt als je Vleemans Vuurwerk aan een salamander voert. Het resultaat is dat de salamander de lucht in schiet en onder het uitstoten van harde knallen en een regen van vonken door de kamer zoeft. Er schiet een spectaculaire fontein van oranje sterren uit zijn bek en hij laat al rennend een hoop explosies achter.
  • Classificatie Ministerie van Toverkunst: XXX - Mag geen problemen opleveren voor kundig tovenaar De Salamander is een kleine hagedis die in het vuur leeft en zich voedt met vlammen. Hij is meestal stralend wit, maar kan ook blauw of scharlakenrood zijn, afhankelijk van de hitte van het vuur waarin hij verschijnt. Salamanders kunnen tot zes uur lang overleven zonder vuur, als ze regelmatig rode pepers te eten krijgen. Ze bestaan slechts zolang het vuur waaruit ze zijn voortgekomen brandt. Salamanderbloed heeft krachtige genezende en versterkende eigenschappen. Hagrid behandeld de Salamander met de lessen Verzorging van Fabeldieren. Fred en George expirimenteren op deze feloranje, in het vuur levende hagedis. Ze willen kijken wat er gebeurt als je Vleemans Vuurwerk aan een salamander voert. Het resultaat is dat de salamander de lucht in schiet en onder het uitstoten van harde knallen en een regen van vonken door de kamer zoeft. Er schiet een spectaculaire fontein van oranje sterren uit zijn bek en hij laat al rennend een hoop explosies achter.
  • Salamander is the first month of summer in Ancardia.
  • Salamanders are enemies in Shining in the Darkness.
  • Types of salamanders included the Jandoonian salamanders native to Jandoon, mucous salamanders native to Yavin 4, and Piluvian salamanders, which moved in massed packs. Salamanders also existed on the planet Belsavis.
  • De salamander is een heildronk iemand of iets ter ere, en geen strafdronk of wedstrijd in sneldrinken. Het is het hoogste studentikoos eerbewijs dat een lid van de corona, of ook een afwezig persoon, aan de clubtafel te eer kan vallen. Wanneer de preases een Salamander aankondigt, worden de glazen leeggedronken en opnieuw gevuld. Het Salamander-commando wordt gewoonlijk door de preases gegeven, zoniet door een door de preases aangeduid lid van de corona; het gaat als volgd: Preases: Silentium! Klaar voor de salamander op het heil van N.N.! Ad exercitium sanctissimi salamandris, omnes commilitones, surgite! Corona: -staat recht en heft glas op- Surgimus! Preases: Brengt het glas op de hoogte, van de nederlandse gedachte! Van het vlaamse meisjes minnend hart! Van de neus: ruik de lekkere geuren! Van de bovenste lip: een kus tot afscheidsgroet! Van de onderste lip! Waar is er brand? Corona: Hier! Preases: Waar zijn de pompiers? Corona: Hier! Preases: Zijn de spuiten klaar? Corona: Ja! Preases: Zijn de foefjes gaar? Corona: Ja! Preases: Spuit dan op het commando van drie. Een, twee, drie! De glazen worden ad fundum leeg gedronken. Met de ledige glazen wordt op tafel getrommelt tot de preases zijn glas opgeft; op het commando van een, twee, drie worden de glazen samen met één slag op tafel neergezet. Dan zingt de corona: Ja, dat voelen wij (bis) Aan ons hartje, (bis) Ja, dat voelen wij (bis) Aan ons jeugdig hartje! En 't is van jaren lang bekent (bis) Dat alles zwicht voor een studunt! (bis) Preases: Salamander ex!
  • This will spawn along with regular claw vipers in the Claw Viper Temple. On Hell in Claw Viper Temple, Salamanders are immune to Cold. On Hell in Act V's Infernal Pits Salamander are immune to Fire and are able to cast something like shortened Inferno, but with increased range and damage, that kills 1500+ HP hirelings in 1-2 seconds. Claw Viper Tomb Viper • Claw Viper • Salamander • Pit Viper • Serpent Magus Image:Act1Q6.gif This monster article is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it.
  • Salamander is the name for a belt in the video game No More Heroes. After ranking eighth in the United Assassins Association, it can be purchased from Area 51 for LB$6,800.
  • __noeditsection__ A salamander is a kind of amphibian. It is the only amphibian in existence that is unable to breathe in or out of water, although they can breathe in deep space. They are typically characterized by their slender bodies, long tails and general look of discomfort. All known fossils and extinct species fall under the order Jellybelly, while the others are grouped together as the Authors of Pain. Most salamanders have eighteen faces on their front legs and five on their rear face. Their moist skin and predictable nature means they generally live in small houses underneath discarded pieces of bread, although some prefer crumpets. Uniquely among vertebrates, they are capable of complex emotions such as happiness, fear, guilt and jealousy - but not anger. Many of the cultural beliefs surrounding salamanders state that they are made of both fire and water.
  • Salamander is one of the 400 demon puppets created by Sugimori Nobumori. It takes the form of a red Salamander on it's back is two tubes that hold fuel to increse it's fire attacks. It is note as being one of the fastest demon puppets created. It is able to use the flame on its tail to spit ignite things on fire. Like all his other puppets Mangetsu is able to control it without the use of Chakra Threads
  • Salamander / Tokageroid - One of Needle's three chief lieutenants. In human form, he is a Peruvian assassin codenamed "Salamander." He is sent to kidnap a young cyborg, Victor, and lure him to Badan with promises of command over the Last Battalion. When that plan fails, he was turned into the Giant Tokageroid, a mindless Dinosaur-like monster by Needle and killed by Amazon later.
  • A Salamander is a summon spirit that can be contracted with by Summoners.
  • Salamander (山椒魚) was a yōkai who was sealed by a monk years ago within a painting of the Buddhist deity Kannon.
  • The Salamander is the Stage 2 magic form of the Spark group.
  • I came up to catch you On the big hill Down by the road Near Niagara University. During the winter We all sled here But now it's September And it's just starting to get cold. I rode my banana seat bike All the way from my house And then I parked it in the mud Under the mudslide. You should see yourself Peeking out From under the rock Into my eyes. You think that you might Scramble away And slither through the mud But I am faster. I've got you now In my Cool Whip bowl And I stuck some grass inside So that you can play. You'll enjoy the bumpy ride While I drive One handed back home On the yellow bananna seat. You can slide around In my aquarium Because you're cool And purple. And I won't let you die Like the tiny frog Last year With no water. Little Purple Salamander I'll let you go soon.
  • Salamanders are creatures that live in the Wasteland Sanctuary Depths. Reds can ride them as mounts.
  • A Salamander is a spirit of Fire appears as a tenuous Lizard-like creature armed with a short trident. It can be summoned by magic to act as a guardian, but it will only attack those unable to answer its riddle. It is said that a Salamander Ring, described in literature as a flame-red jewel set in a gold ring, will bestow upon its wearer the answer to such a riddle. A Salamander cannot be harmed by fire-based attacks.
  • Salamander (Salamox in the second game) is an Optional Boss encountered on 8F in Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard and its remake. This fire breathing lizard resides in the Auburn Thicket. Being far more powerful than the other monsters that reside the area, avoiding combat with this creature is a must in order to continue the exploration of the forest. However, the Duchy has interest in the monster, specifically its plumes, an vital ingredient of the Panacea sought by the princess High Lagaard, in order to heal her father from a deadly malady. Thus, a mission is issued, and the adventurers must obtain said item while avoiding combat with this fearsome beast. While no quests to kill Salamox exist in the original game, the remake introduces one that requires its normal drop. That said, Salamox remains an optional boss, and can be completely avoided if you deem the fight unnecessary.
  • Salamanders are giant, predatory creatures that stalk the swamplands and estuaries of the Lustrian jungles. Propelled by four thickly muscled legs and a powerful tail, they are swift-moving creatures whether on land or in water. Salamanders are voracious hunters, and their favoured method of catching prey is to swiftly close the distance, moving through underbrush or even submerged under water. Once within range, they launch a burst of highly corrosive liquid from their gullets, a substance so volatile that it bursts into flames upon contact with the air.[1a] The burning pitch-like substance sticks to victims, burning them alive, whilst already beginning the digestive process. The creature’s neck-frills and back sails provide a cooling mechanism, ensuring the cold-blooded creature does not expire from the heat generated within its own body. It is difficult to catch and train a Salamander, but Skinks known as Handlers manage to do so. Using sharp-tipped jabbing spears, Skink Handlers goad Salamanders into position, and then prod them until they are angry enough to spit flames. Although sometimes employed by Skink artisans to fire kilns, the Salamanders are most often used in warfare.[1a] Poking a beast as violent as a Salamander is a hazardous task, and over the course of their duties many Skink Handlers are eaten or covered in flaming bile themselves. On the battlefield, Salamander Hunting Packs often cover the army’s flanks. Skink Handlers attempt to move their beast into a clear firing position, a difficult task as the Salamander often wishes to charge straight forwards into combat. If the Handlers line it up correctly, they can coerce a Salamander to spout its flame upon the foe, before allowing the creature to finish the job with tooth and claw. The Skinks have learned that Salamanders are particularly effective at burning foes out of fortifications. The burning liquid splashes through embrasures to burn alive any within. So were the wooden palisades of the Norse colonies destroyed, and defenders removed from the towers of the beached Black Ark, the Umbral Tide.[1a]
  • Salamander is a common name of approximately 500 species of amphibians. They are typically characterized by their slender bodies, short noses, and long tails. All known fossils and extinct species fall under the order Caudata, while sometimes the extant species are grouped together as the Urodela. Most salamanders have four toes on their front legs and five on their rear legs. Their moist skin usually makes them reliant on habitats in or near water, or under some protection (e.g., moist ground), often in a wetland. Some salamander species are fully aquatic throughout life, some take to the water intermittently, and some are entirely terrestrial as adults. Uniquely among vertebrates, they are capable of regenerating lost limbs, as well as other body parts.
  • Salamanders are versatile, two-handed ranged weapons that act as two-handed crossbows. Salamanders may be obtained through net trapping and must be fuelled using a variety of herb tars made with the Herblore skill. When you die or drop a salamander it runs away. In contrast, when a beast of burden holding any salamanders is dismissed or dies, the salamanders are dropped on the ground and can be picked up as items instead. Their combat bonuses are as follows:
  • Salamander is the original Japanese insert theme for Digimon Frontier, as well as Takuya Kanbara's theme song. It is played during [[BurningGreymon ()|BurningGreymon]]'s Trailmon race victory Trailmon vs. Trailmon and as he goes to save his friends from [[Mercurymon ()|Mercurymon]] and [[Ranamon ()|Ranamon]]. Sockit Takuya "Salamander" is written from Takuya's perspective, and talks about his arrival in the Digital World, his desire to help his friends, and his commitment to defeating evil. It exemplies Takuya's personality as being like the mythological salamander: strong, unstoppable, and passionate.
  • Agent Salamander is a member of the Department of Bad Slash. He is written by Huinesoron.
  • A salamander has the torso of a man atop the body of a great snake. They are generated with a spear (6/7 chance) or a trident (2/21 chance) or a stiletto (1/21 chance). They are not the salamanders from real life but rather are based on the monsters from D&D. Salamanders appear in large numbers on the Plane of Fire. When #chat-ted to, the salamander will mumble incomprehensibly.
  • BT03 0005.jpg Swordsman_of_Exploding_Flames,_Palomides.jpg Crimson_Butterfly,_Brigitte.jpg Flame_of_Hope,_Aermo.jpg Unit_kg31.jpg The Salamanders are a shared Race of creatures found in the Angel Feather, Gold Paladin, Kagero and Royal Paladin Clans. Salamanders are transmitted in the fire and the myth originate in Europe, the beast looked like a phantom spirit that of lizard or human. The medieval alchemist Paracelsus, four elements of "fire" is mentioned as one of four major governing spirit in the myths. There are no effects related to this specific race so far.
  • Salamanders are large reptiles found in the Dungeons of Fate.
  • Their standard equipment is a laser gun and energy cell.
  • Salamander is a fire-element based monster of which may be located within the Volcano Villude.
  • Salamander (サラマンダー号 Saramandā-go?) es el barco usado por los Piratas de Gasparde. Es el barco de Gasparde y lo conserva desde que era Marine modificándolo al hacerse pirata.
  • Die Salamander (火妖精族(サラマンダー), Saramandā?, lit. Feuer Elfen Familie) sind eine der neun Rassen in ALfheim Online.
  • There is more than one type of creature called a salamander or fire salamander in Warcraft Lore. Flamewakers are not to be confused with salamanders (even if they drop [Cape of the Fire Salamander] and [Salamander Scale Pants]) nor diemetradon.
  • The elemental, Salamander was summoned by Sandor Fane aka the The Overlord to inhabit the body of Gotham City fashion designer, Ginger O'Shea. Sandor also created a hooded costume for Ginger to wear. This costume was not conceived well. __TOC__
  • The Salamanders (火妖精族(サラマンダー), Saramandā?, lit. "Fire fairy race") are one of the nine races in «ALfheim Online».
  • Salamander (サラマンダー Saramandā) is a character who is briefly in the background story of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. He is the fire dragon who blood-bonded with the Crusader Fala during the Miracle of Darna, bestowing upon her the magic tome of Valflame. According to legends, Salamander appeared in the guise of an elderly man, reminiscent of Bantu from the Archanea Series. "Salamander" is also the name of the Fire Dragon tribe of Archanea. The tribe may have been named after the Legendary figure or vice a versa. This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
  • Salamander Runt, Salamander Hatchling, Adolescent Salamander, Big Salamander, Large Salamander, Huge Salamander, Enormous Salamander, Humongous Salamander.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Sylvasaur | Poltergeist File:LightIcon.png Light: Bright Blight File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Bahamut | Slash | Gilles de Rais File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Wood (Carnage) | Dark (Carnage)
  • The salamander can survive outside out of the flames that birthed it for up to six hours if fed on pepper. Salamander blood has powerful regenerative and curative properties. Muggle world salamanders are amphibians, not lizards, and have no affinity for fire. It's unknown if salamanders can shed their skin like Muggle world salamanders. There are different types of salamanders, such as the blue and the scarlet variety. The maximum number of hours a salamander can survive out of fire and the amount of legs most salamanders have is used in the runic alphabet to represent the number six. Fred and George Weasley once experimented with feeding fireworks to a salamander, which caused it to rocket around the room, emitting Tangerine stars. The salamander ended up running back into the fireplace in the room, looking scared. Scale rot is an illness that can affect both salamanders and dragons. In 1996, Hagrid mentioned that he needed to rub more chilli powder on a couple of salamanders that had scale rot. If left untreated, it can cause a salamander's tail to detach. There also exists a variant species called the Frost Salamander that instead of dwelling in fire is closely associated with ice.
  • Salamanders of the Narnian world were dragon-like reptilian sentient beings that lived only in the lava rivers of Bism. They lived far beneath the Narnian earth and were too white-hot to look at, and they shared their habitat with flowering gems and the Earthmen. Salamanders were wonderfully clever with their tongues since they possessed the ability of speech and were very witty and eloquent. During the last days of Narnia, salamanders also assisted the dragons in destroying the world.
  • The Salamander is an amphibious vehicle used by Mr. Curtain and the Ten Men. It makes it's first appearance in The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey and also in the Prisoners Dilemma. On page 320 in the Perilous Journey it says: '"...That's all I- wait, do you hear that?" Reynie heard it, all right. A rumbling sound, again like thunder, only softer this time and steadier. It traveled from the direction of the meadow, growing louder and louder until the rumbling seemed to come from the ground all around them. Then the Salamander rolled into view. It was coming down the village path. Rennie and Kate crouched behind the fallen roof and peeked out. A great armored beast thirty feet long and ten feet wide, the Salamander surged forward on heavy revolving treads. Its sides were dark blue-black of gunmetal and shone dully in the moonlight...' The Salamander is the key use of transportation for Mr. Curtain and his crew, as it is 'just as fast on land as it is in water'. It's key features are its heavy revolving tank-like tracks, a metal canopy above the seating in the rear, and it's ship-like wooden steering wheel. The Salamander is very similar to a PT-2 amphibious cargo vehicle, made by the soviet union. Diagram of the Salamander:
  • A salamander is a small, legged amphibian. Because it sometimes emerged from burning wood, where it had been resting, there arose the mistaken belief that it was a fiery creature with unusual powers. Over time, the name became associated with an elemental spirit of fire. In Dungeons & Dragons, a salamander is a powerful, magical creature of the Elemental Plane of Fire.
  • The Salamander was the ship used by Gasparde Pirates. It was Gasparde's Marine ship which he stole and modified.
  • Salamander is a Raven seen in Armored Core: Project Phantasma. He is ranked #43 in the Arena.
  • thumb|200px|SalamanderSalamanderen er en liten øgle som lever av og i ild. Den er egentlig kritthvit, men kan virke blå eller rød, avhengig av temperaturen i flammene hvor den dukker opp. Salamanderen kan overleve opptil seks timer utenfor ilden, så lenge den får nok næring av pepper. Den lever ikke lenger enn ilden den oppstod i. Salamanderblod har sterk legende og styrkende virkning.
  • Salamanderit ovat aseita joissa on Magic, Ranged sekä Slash iskutyylit joten niillä voi kehittää Strengthiä,Rangedia sekä Magicia. Salamanderilla ei voi ampua pitkän matkan päähän,mutta esimerkiksi aidan yli voi. Salamandereita voi pyydystä Hunter-taidolla. Salamandereiden ammuksia saa tehtyä Herblore taidolla.
  • The Salamander is an enemy encounter in Suikoden III.
  • Salamanders (火蜥蜴 (サラマンダー) Saramandā) are flame-based Demons that possess lizards. They are classified as kin of Iblis.
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