  • Absorb
  • Absorb
  • Absorb
  • Heals user of 1/2 damage dealt.
  • Absorb (すいとる, Absorb) is a damage-dealing Grass-type move introduced in the first generation.
  • Absorb (アブゾーブ, Abuzōbu) is a staff and a weapon skill introduced in Fire Emblem Heroes. It recovers 50% HP of damage dealt to the user.
  • Absorb is a technique which nullifies an attack.
  • Absorb is an unnamed Hair Magic Spell.
  • Absorb was an Aquos Defense on Bakugan Dimensions.
  • Tentacle Acres (series)
  • Absorb is a Restoration spell that transfers a portion of the target's Health, Magicka, Fatigue, Attributes, or Skills to the caster. Health, Magicka, and Fatigue are permanent, but will not go above the caster's maximum values. All Absorb spells are activated on Touch and the caster must be close enough to the target(s) or the spell will fail.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Absorb (すいとる Absorb) Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Absorb is a Grass-type move introduced in Generation I.
  • Absorption is a wide avoidance mechanic available to both NPCs and players. It is most commonly triggered by spells and items. Absorb can be general or school-specific. Spells such as Power Word: Shield, Sacrifice, or Ice Barrier allow general absorption (Physical and all spell schools). Items such as Fire Protection Potions and spells such as Frost Ward allow absorption of a specific spell school. Absorbing the effect of a spell does not make the player avoid the secondary effects of a spell such as snares, etc.
  • Absorption is a wide avoidance mechanic available to both NPCs and players. It is most commonly triggered by spells and items. Absorb can be general or school-specific. Spells such as Power Word: Shield, Sacrifice, or Ice Barrier allow general absorption (Physical and all spell schools). Items such as Fire Protection Potions and spells such as Frost Ward allow absorption of a specific spell school. Absorbing the effect of a spell does not make the player avoid the secondary effects of a spell such as snares, etc.
  • 15th Century, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Absorb]], from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Absorb]] absorbeō (“‘absorb’”), from ab (“‘from’”) + sorbeō (“‘suck in’”). Compare French absorber.
  • Absorb is an attribute, found on beings and equipment, especially armor, or granted by certain skills. It is also the name of a skill that does nothing else but carry out the functionality of this trait. It is also the name of status effects that add the trait to a character, most commonly to his or her armor. Related variables:
  • {| style="width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';" |- |rowspan=4 style="width:150px;"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style="width:60px;text-align:center;"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A  |rowspan=4|AbsorbNo description availible. |width=30% style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Strength:N/A |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Duration:N/A |- | style="padding-right: 6px;" |Range:N/A |} |} |}
  • Absorb is a very useful ability that eases the need to meditate or be healed. Attached to weapons and equipement (for example Wan Daye Weapons, this ability takes the amount of damage you do and gives you a certain amount of Life or Vital Energy, depending on the strength of the absorb, and the overall damage you can do. Shown below is a mathematical example for further clarification. If I have an absorb ability that absorbs 3/1000 damage into Life, the following will occur whenever I attack something (independent of whether it is a PvP or PvE situation).
  • I
  • 1
  • 2
  • 4
  • inanimate Rocky the rock
  • *Both the player and his/her allies can contribute to the damage absorbed, dramatically increasing damage output. **Explosive weapons contribute a high amount of damage incredibly quickly. Using these weapons will also drain your energy at a high rate. *It is not advisable to use this skill with the sentinel Shade. Shade will cloak Nyx during the Absorb period most of the time, whether the enemy is crowded around Nyx or not. As such, no damage will be absorbed as the enemy cannot see Nyx. During solo, the skill works fine still, as there are no teammates to draw enemy attention away. *Using this ability while on an Ice Trap in the void will greatly reduce energy drained. *If playing solo, this ability is a good candidate to combine Maximized Ability Efficiency and Maximized Ability Strength. When combined, the ability will: **Cost 12.5 energy to activate, 7 energy per second to channel, and 4 energy will be drained for every 1000 damage absorbed. **Deal 4260 damage to targets within 10 meters. **Ragdoll all enemies, throwing them backwards. *Alternatively, a solo player can utilize self-damage from weapons such as Penta, Stug or Castanas to quickly and dramatically increase Absorb's damage without relying on the passive damage gain. *Some user functions are still available even after Absorb is cast : **Weapon detonation can still be triggered, enabling Nyx to self-inflict absorb-able damage . **If knocked down or downed while casting, Nyx will be able to move and attack during the duration of the ability. ***This enables Nyx to self-inflict absorb-able damage . *Allies that stand inside the absorb bubble are shielded from incoming ranged damage to some degree. **This can be a useful way to assist resurrecting an ally in a party of 3 or more. *During this ability, Nyx will be in mid-air suspension, instantly stopping her fall speed. This can be an advantage in correcting improper fall timing or while performing coordinated Maneuvers. **If Absorb ends in mid-air, in can often perform headshots on nearby enemies.
derived ability
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
parent magic
  • 0
  • 4
  • 200
  • AbsorbModU15.jpeg
  • Nyx Absorb.png
  • 1.2
  • 1
Display Image
  • 200
Anime Debut
  • x
  • Special
  • 600.0
  • 25
  • Tom Kenny
  • A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
  • 25
  • 20
  • 456
  • Absorb
  • Grass
  • Staff
  • Defense
  • Attack
  • Nullification
  • Categories: Aquos, Defense
  • In-game model of a Absorb staff.
  • Singing Competion
  • Tentacle Acres
English Title
  • Absorb
  • Absorb
  • *Nyx enters a meditative state that allows her to absorb incoming damage and become completely immune to all forms crowd control. A passive damage threshold is created that increases by 160 / 170 / 180 / 200 every second . This threshold has a minimum damage potential of 800 / 900 / 1000 / 1500. If the total amount of absorbed damage is greater than the damage threshold when Nyx leaves her meditative state, all absorbed damage is inflicted as damage to every enemy in a 5 / 7 / 8 / 10 meter explosion of psychic energy. Otherwise, the damage threshold is inflicted as damage over the same area. **Minimum damage and passive damage gain are affected by Ability Strength but absorbed damage is not. **Only 10% of all incoming Magnetic damage can be absorbed. **Explosion damage bypasses obstacles in the environment and diminishes with distance. Affected enemies suffer a Knockdown. **Explosion radius is affected by Ability Range. *Absorb drains 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 energy per second, and will remain active so long as Nyx has energy. An additional 8 energy is drained for every 1000 damage that's absorbed. Absorb will end if Nyx runs out of energy, or if deactivated by pressing the ability key again . **Activation energy cost and drain cost from damage are affected by Ability Efficiency, and the channeling energy cost is affected by Ability Efficiency and Ability Duration. **Energy Siphon is deactivated while Absorb is being channeled. *Nyx is immune to all effects by enemies. This does not include the energy drain from Energy Leech Eximus, which can still constantly drain energy as they are near. *Casting Absorb in the air will cause Nyx to stay suspended until the skill is deactivated. **Absorb will stop any movement achieved prior to casting the skill when used in the air. **Even after deactivation, no momentum will carry over. Instead, you will drop straight down. **This does reset the directional melee, however, and it may be used again to regain some momentum. Used in this manner, Nyx is able to "fly" across tiles so long as she has energy to cast Absorb. *After not receiving damage for a short amount of time, the damage counter resets. This will not reset Absorb's total accumulated damage, however. *Nyx's threat level is raised while Absorb is active. *Shields are allowed to recharge freely while in the absorb state, whether Nyx is being attacked or not. *If cast while falling off a ledge, Nyx will return from her original location and release Absorb immediately.
  • N/A
  • E
  • Energy Drain: 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 s-1
  • A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
  • Nyx absorbs all incoming damage and channels that collected energy into an explosive radial discharge.
  • Smart
  • Clever
  • すいとる Absorb
  • Absorb.jpg
  • former vet
  • 100.0
  • singing
  • 160
  • 800
  • male
  • Heal
  • 0
  • Irish
wikipage disambiguates
  • 100.0
  • 0
  • 3
  • Startles the Pokémon that appealed before the user.
  • Quite an appealing move.
  • Earn +3 if two Pokémon raise the Voltage in a row.
  • Heals user of 1/2 damage dealt.
  • Absorb (すいとる, Absorb) is a damage-dealing Grass-type move introduced in the first generation.
  • {| style="width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';" |- |rowspan=4 style="width:150px;"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style="width:60px;text-align:center;"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A  |rowspan=4|AbsorbNo description availible. |width=30% style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Strength:N/A |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Duration:N/A |- | style="padding-right: 6px;" |Range:N/A |} {| style="width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';" |- |rowspan=4 style="width:150px;"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style="width:60px;text-align:center;"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A  |rowspan=4|AbsorbNo description availible. |width=30% style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Strength:N/A |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Duration:N/A |- | style="padding-right: 6px;" |Range:N/A |} {| style="width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';" |- |rowspan=4 style="width:150px;"|File:Mod Card image |rowspan=4 style="width:60px;text-align:center;"|File:Ability image in gameENERGYEnergy requiredKEYDefault hotkey for ability  |rowspan=4|Ability nameIn-game Description of ability |width=30% style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Strength:Effectivenss of the ability (generally whatever is effected by Ability Strength) |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Duration:Duration of the ability (generally whatever is effected by Ability Duration) |- | style="padding-right: 6px;" |Range:Range of the ability (generally whatever is effected by Ability Range) |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-top:1px solid white;" |Misc:Every statistic that is not affect by Ability Strength/Duration/Range |} {| style="width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';" |- |rowspan=4 style="width:150px;"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style="width:60px;text-align:center;"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A  |rowspan=4|AbsorbNo description availible. |width=30% style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Strength:N/A |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Duration:N/A |- | style="padding-right: 6px;" |Range:N/A |}
  • Absorb (アブゾーブ, Abuzōbu) is a staff and a weapon skill introduced in Fire Emblem Heroes. It recovers 50% HP of damage dealt to the user.
  • Absorb is a very useful ability that eases the need to meditate or be healed. Attached to weapons and equipement (for example Wan Daye Weapons, this ability takes the amount of damage you do and gives you a certain amount of Life or Vital Energy, depending on the strength of the absorb, and the overall damage you can do. Shown below is a mathematical example for further clarification. If I have an absorb ability that absorbs 3/1000 damage into Life, the following will occur whenever I attack something (independent of whether it is a PvP or PvE situation). The attack succeeds and 4000 damage is dealt to your enemy. Following this, I will gain 4000/1000 x 3 Life back (12 HP). While this may seem small per hit, while grinding the difference adds up, especially when one has to deal 50,000 damage to a mob to kill it (following this logic, the player will get back 150HP PER mob, a large amount of HP). The advantages of this are obvious - if you can do enough damage, the time in-between meditations or heals increases which prolongs grind time and thus, levels you quicker.
  • Absorb is a technique which nullifies an attack.
  • Absorb is an unnamed Hair Magic Spell.
  • Absorb was an Aquos Defense on Bakugan Dimensions.
  • Tentacle Acres (series)
  • Absorb is an attribute, found on beings and equipment, especially armor, or granted by certain skills. It is also the name of a skill that does nothing else but carry out the functionality of this trait. It is also the name of status effects that add the trait to a character, most commonly to his or her armor. Absorb functions to reverse incoming damage into HP (or other) gain. It can be (and commonly is) limited to certain damage types; such as a fire-elemental creature fully absorbing Fire damage. Absorb is a cluster of settings within the larger frame of "Alternated Reaction" to effects applied on an actor. While there are some traits similar to Absorb, such as Flesh Golems gaining Haste from taking Bolt damage, the terminology "Absorb" is only used when incoming damage is fully or partially negated and instead turned into a numerical increase of HP and/or MP (or its setting-specific equivalent). * Absorb - A counter used by C.O.O.L. against incoming attacks. Absorbs the energy invested in them, negates all damage and adds the attack to C.O.O.L.'s skill repertoire. * Absorb - A skill used by C.O.O.L., used directly after an attack by Cool kills something, onto that something. It is also used directly after transforming something, onto that transformed something. It negates the absorbed actor for the remained of the fight and adds all stats and skills to Cool's. Related variables: * Damage Absorption Ratio: Defines the percentage of incoming damage that gets absorbed. The rest of the damage gets applied (unless a Reflect effect, or different Absorb effect is in place). Example: if this is set to 50%, and an incoming attack would inflict 1,000 damage, the amount absorbed would be 500, while the rest of the damage would be applied. * Damage Absorption Ratio can be defined as an array of possible ratios, each with its own propability of taking effect. * Damage Absorption Rate is said propability. * Absorption Type: What damage type(s) does this absorption effect apply to? * Absorption Charge Type: Which stat is increased by absorbed damage? Can be multiple. * Absorption Charge Ratio: The amount by which the stat defined in Absorption Charge Type is increased for each point of damage absorbed. Example: If this was set to 0.2, and an incoming attack would inflict 10 points of damage (assuming a Damage Absorption Ratio of 100%), the entire attack would get nullified, but only 10*0.2=2 would be added to the HP of the absorber.
  • Absorb is a Restoration spell that transfers a portion of the target's Health, Magicka, Fatigue, Attributes, or Skills to the caster. Health, Magicka, and Fatigue are permanent, but will not go above the caster's maximum values. All Absorb spells are activated on Touch and the caster must be close enough to the target(s) or the spell will fail.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Absorb (すいとる Absorb) Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Absorb is a Grass-type move introduced in Generation I.
  • Absorption is a wide avoidance mechanic available to both NPCs and players. It is most commonly triggered by spells and items. Absorb can be general or school-specific. Spells such as Power Word: Shield, Sacrifice, or Ice Barrier allow general absorption (Physical and all spell schools). Items such as Fire Protection Potions and spells such as Frost Ward allow absorption of a specific spell school. Absorbing the effect of a spell does not make the player avoid the secondary effects of a spell such as snares, etc.
  • Absorption is a wide avoidance mechanic available to both NPCs and players. It is most commonly triggered by spells and items. Absorb can be general or school-specific. Spells such as Power Word: Shield, Sacrifice, or Ice Barrier allow general absorption (Physical and all spell schools). Items such as Fire Protection Potions and spells such as Frost Ward allow absorption of a specific spell school. Absorbing the effect of a spell does not make the player avoid the secondary effects of a spell such as snares, etc.
  • 15th Century, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Absorb]], from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Absorb]] absorbeō (“‘absorb’”), from ab (“‘from’”) + sorbeō (“‘suck in’”). Compare French absorber.
is M4P of
is M1P of
is Abilities of
is Enchantment of
is M3P of
is M2P of
is additionaleffects of