Property | Value |
rdf:type | |
rdfs:label | - Camelot
- Camelot
- Camelot
- Camelot
- Camelot
- Camelot
- Camelot
- Camelot
- Camelot
- Camelot
- Camelot
rdfs:comment | - History of location is unknown.
- Camelot was created and named in Episode 9 of Sips and Sjin's Hardcore Minecraft series, and was used primarily as fort and outpost for some time, but then Sips and Sjin started upgrading it, replacing the stone with stone brick, adding bedrooms, lava decorations, and even installing a Jacuzzi, until it became their de facto home. After The Beaver Mafia attacked and destroyed Deep Space Nine, Sips and Sjin moved their base of operations to the newly built Fort Crappington in Beaverdale, but still continued to use Camelot for it's original purpose, as well as the occasional reflective soak in the Jaccuzi.
- Camelot is the property of Novatech (formerly Fuchi Orbital). It is a research facility that focuses on gravity-free materials science and molecular engineering. It also lauches and maintains satellites in geosynchronous orbit. No other corporation sublets the pod space at Camelot.
- Camelot on King Arthurin ja hänen pyöreän pöytänsä ritareiden linna Seers' Villagesta itään ja White Wolf Mountainista länteen. Camelotin linnassa on alttari jolla voit ladata rukouspisteet. thumb|right|Camelotin linna Muutama tehtävä alkaa linnasta:
* Merlin's Crystal
* Holy Grail
* King's Ransom
- Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection issue 63 gives an entirely different address for this planet (File:003.svgFile:0Ega.svgFile:013.svgFile:005.svgFile:012.svgFile:019.svg) which contains the point of origin for Earth. As this is overridden by visual evidence from the show, and the fact that addresses can not contain points of origin, we do not use it in this article.
- Camelot is a dark blue puffball and a member of the Galaxy warriors. She even sometimes appears alongside Hailey the hedgehog.
- Camelot is a city on ArteroPk. You can teleport to Camelot by doing ::item camelot or ::item 8010 then by clicking the tab or go to your spell book click on city teleport and clicking on Camelot. Follow the path South of Camelot to reach Cathbery where Hickton's fletching shop is located.
- Camelot was once the home of the Sinclair family. However, when the Knights of the Round Table came to Gielinor, Lord Sinclair gave the castle to them and moved to Sinclair Mansion. The castle cannot be accessed during King's Ransom.
- Het kasteel van Camelot ligt ten oosten van Seers' Village. King Arthur en zijn Ridders van de ronde tafel wonen in het kasteel. Het kasteel is ook het startpunt van de Holy Grail en Merlin's Crystal quests. Voor sommige clue scrolls moet je naar Camelot. Om de Camelot teleport te gebruiken zijn 5 air runes en een 1 law rune nodig en is een Magic level van 45 of hoger vereist. Je belandt hierdoor voor de poort van het kasteel.
- Camelot was a game designed and hosted by Contract Collector based on King Arthur It began on July 21, 2009 and ended in a Baddies win in N5 (August 4th, 2009).
- In romantic views of American history, the moniker "Camelot" has been applied to the presidency of John F. Kennedy, as his truncated term was said to have potential and promise for the future, and the period was symbolic of hope for many in the world. NOTE: There is a popular fringe theory that Camelot was only a model.
- Camelot is a kingdom in the Isle of Gramarye. It is the home Merlyn Ambrosius, Archimedes and king Arthur.
- Camelot Software Planning is a video game developer founded in 1990. They are best known for their role-playing titles that include games such as the Golden Sun franchise, the Mario Tennis and Golf franchise, and Shining Force, among others. Currently Camelot develops games exclusively for Nintendo platforms, though Nintendo doesn't necessarily publish every game they create, as is evident with We Love Golf! on the Wii (published by Capcom).
- Camelot was a castle in the Old England region of Great Britain. It is where King Arthur's Court is located.
- The Castle of Camelot is a stone's throw east from the famous city of Seers' Village. Catherby is the home to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
- Camelot is famous castle and court associated with King Arthur and the capital of his kingdom.
- ..allow me to welcome you to our fair city of Camelot. ~ Grand Druid Lunast
- The Castle of Camelot is just east of the famous city of Seers' Village. Home to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, the castle is the starting point for the Holy Grail and Merlin's Crystal quests. The Camelot Castle might also be a frequent venture for players following clue scrolls. Camelot was once the home of the Sinclair family. However, when the Knights of the Round Table came to Gielinor, Lord Sinclair gave the castle to them and moved to Sinclair Mansion. The castle cannot be accessed during King's Ransom.
- Camelot était un lieu mythique de la légende du Roi Arthur, souverain de Bretagne. Au 24ème siècle, Jadzia Dax et Kira Nerys visitèrent à plusieurs reprises, un programme holographique basé sur la cour d'Arthur à Camelot. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "The Muse")
- Camelot appeared in the episode Knighty Knight when Timmy wished himself and everyone at the Dimmsdale Camelot Fair back to the 15th century.
- Starts in the captured team. He seems to be the leader of the team he is in, and is also the person you play as in Episodes 4 and 6. Saved by the Mercenary Captain.
- Although several Autobots and Decepticons journeyed back to this time period, they did not visit Camelot. Perhaps they thought it was a silly place.
- Camelot ist der Name einer britischen Sage. Jadzia Dax und Kira Nerys besuchen einige male ein Holoprogramm namens König Artus Hof, das innerhalb dieser Sage spielt. Lwaxana Troi verbindet mit Camelot betrogenen Herzen und Träume ohne Erfüllung. (DS9: )
- Camelot jest własnością Novatech (wcześniej Fuchi Orbital). Jest to ośrodek badawczy, który skupia się na nauką o materiałach pozbawionych masy oraz inżynierii molekularnej. Wystrzeliwuje też satelity na orbitę geostacjonarną i zajmuje się ich konserwacją. Inne korporacje nie korzystają z tej możliwości.
- Camelot bietet viele Einkaufs- und Handelsmöglichkeiten, vor allem aber viele kleine Händler.
- Camelot was a kingdom that existed on the island of Britannia in 507, somewhere in the region at the border of the modern countries of England and Wales.
- Camelot is a city in the kingdom of Britain ruled by King Arthur.
- Camelot is a location on the planet Earth, or at least it was in the year 543. It is considered to be a more cosmpolitan area than the rural lands ruled by Sir Aetheling the Red and Sir Wagend du Blackthorne, where such things as women's fashion lag at least a year behind. Although several Autobots and Decepticons journeyed back to this time period, they did not visit Camelot. Perhaps they thought it was a silly place. A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court
- Camelot is a World that Appeared in The Other Side.
- Summary A colony commited to low-tech and a pseudo-medieval lifestyle is preyed upon by pirates. Their solution is to purchase a damaged Bolo Mark XXIV , Unit 721 KNE. Kenny is more than a match for any mere pirate but what place can he have on a renaissance faire world?
- Camelot is where Morgan Le Fay and Merlin the Magician reside. Jack and Annie whisk themselves and the magic tree house to Camelot in the first Merlin Mission, Christmas in Camelot.
- Camelot is a legendary castle/citadel associated with King Arthur, becoming the capital of his kingdom. The castle was first mentioned by Chrétien de Troyes, though in his works, Caerleon, a village in Wales and the site of the Roman city Issa Augusta, was Arthur's capital. Eventually, during the 13th century, Camelot began to supersede Caerleon in importance and earlier descriptions of Caerleon were ascribed to Camelot. The castle was destroyed by King Mark of Cornwall after Arthur's death at Camlann.
- Camelot was the domain of the mythical human ruler, King Arthur. (PROSE: The Creation of Camelot)
- ...or : "Arthurian England", as the legendary castle & court of Camelot does not yet exist when Alex and Mother Goose enter the story. However, the map in the book Beyond the Kingdoms lists this world simply as 'Camelot'.
- In 2003, a Demonic Sorcerer named Mordaunt confirmed that Camelot did exist.
- Camelot is a star in the Terra Quadrant of the Sol Sector. It also provides a jump point to the Gemini Sector.
- Camelot was the castle of King Arthur, as well as being the home of Merlin, Jason Blood and Sir Justin during medieval times.
- Camelot is the the stronghold and keep built by King Arthur, the center of rule for the entire Summer Lands his kingdom.
- Camelot was de naam van een legendarische plaats op Aarde, waarvandaan Koning Arthur heerste over Groot Brittannië. Jadzia Dax en Kira Nerys bezochten vaak een holoprogramma in de holosuite dat gebaseerd was op Camelot. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior" • "The Muse") De Star Trek: The Next Generation aflevering "QPid" zou zich afspelen in Camelot, maar dit werd veranderd in Sherwood Forest om verder te borduren op het succes van Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
- Camelot, Κάμελοτ Ιδεατό "ιερό κάστρο".
- Camelot was a kingdom in Albion which was founded by the legendary King Bruta. From the time of the Great Purge, magic was all but wiped from the land after the death of Ygraine Pendragon. It has been ruled by the Pendragon family after being conquered by Uther Pendragon. In modern times, Camelot has been turned into myth.
- Camelot is a castle-city and court associated with the legendary King Arthur. Absent in the early Arthurian material, Camelot first appeared in 12th-century French romances and, after the Lancelot-Grail cycle, eventually came to be described as the fantastic capital of Arthur's realm and a symbol of the Arthurian world. The stories locate it somewhere in Great Britain and sometimes associate it with real cities, though more usually its precise location is not revealed. Most scholars regard it as being entirely fictional, its geography being perfect for romance writers; Arthurian scholar Norris J. Lacy commented that "Camelot, located no where in particular, can be anywhere". Nevertheless, arguments about the location of the "real Camelot" have occurred since the 15th century and continue t
- Camelot, även känd som PX1-767, är en planet bebodd av en medeltida nivå befolkning som en gång var styrdes av kung Arthur. Många av Arthur legender där skiljer sig från Tau'ri legender: Arthur besegrade Mordred i slaget vid Camlann, medan Merlin sågs som ett skadligt trickster. Planeten var där Merlin gömde sin forskning om Sangraal, för att förhindra att De gamla och Ori från att hitta den. Han låste sin forskning i ett bibliotek som innehöll en holografisk väktare, och spred rykten att biblioteket var förbannad (som skyddas av ett svarte riddare). Cameron Mitchell och Daniel Jackson kunde besegra Väktaren, som sedan visade en stor skatt de två gav folk Camelot. De lärde sig också att Arthur hade kvar att strävan efter Sangraal en av tre planeter: Castiana, Sahal och Vagonbrei. (SG1: "Ca
- Camelot refers to a kingdom, which in most realities is or was once under the rule of King Arthur. Commonalities between the realities seem to be the existence of knights held to a code of chivalry, overt existence of magic, and court intrigue. In An Incubus in King Arthur's Court, Dhiar found himself summoned back to Camelot by Morgaine, a sorceress. He had been there before and was known to Morgaine, and although he knew of her son Mordred, clearly the two had not met. He also interacted with a knight of Arthur's Round Table, Galahad.
- Camelot is created from desert lands after Merlin receives magic. He becomes a well-known healer and falls in love with a woman called Nimue, who ends up becoming the first Dark One. ("Nimue") Nimue uses Merlin's tear to turn him into a tree. ("Dreamcatchers") Jefferson travels to Camelot in order to rob the castle's treasury. There, he meets fellow thief Priscilla, and upon escaping together, the two run off, in love. ("Out of the Past") Merlin, still a tree, gives prophecies to the young orphan Arthur, who's told that he's going to pull a sword named Excalibur from its stone one day and become king. ("The Broken Kingdom") This comes to pass, but Arthur and his friends Lancelot and Percival are shocked to see that the sword has a broken-off tip. ("The Dark Swan") Arthur hides this from hi
- camelot periodo: tutto l'anno (sole fino alle 16 in inverno) roccia molto varia: placche, strapiombi, tetti, fessure arrampicata: tecnica e di dita alla falesia destra; di forza alla falesia sinistra difficoltà: 5c - 7b altezza delle vie: 20 - 30 m camelot 1 - falesia destra 1 actiontest 6b atletica 2 mezze verità 6b atletica 3 masomanie 6a atletica 4 bombs away 6b+ atletica; ribaltamento delicato 5 pau-rosy movimenti 6a bella 6 solingo 6c splendida 7 sandro saba 6a chiodatura vecchia, sconsigliata 8 il fiore di berlino 6b varia 9 un giorno di quiete 6b+ varia 11 le pinetane 6a+ varia 1 tequila 6b
- leftO Castelo de Camelot é um castelo situado a este da famosa Aldeia dos Videntes. [[Ficheiro:Castelo Camelot.png|frame|O Castelo de Camelot situa-se a leste da Aldeia dos Videntes.]]Lar do Rei Arthur e dos seus cavaleiros, o castelo é também o ponto de partida para as missões link=Missões|21px| O Santo Graal e link=Missões|21px| O Cristal de Merlin.
- Camelot was the legendary castle of King Arthur's realm from where he ruled, and the symbol of the Arthurian legends. It was a mythical location from which Arthur hosted elaborate feasts and surrounded himself with brave knights in shining armor operating under an honorable code of chivalry. Jadzia Dax and Kira Nerys often visited a holosuite program based on King Arthur's Court in Camelot. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "The Muse")
- The Camelot (キャメロット, Kyamerotto) or the Britannian Special Research Division is an Irregular team founded by Schneizel el Britannia and led by Lloyd Asplund. It has been given an autonomy outside of the Jurisdiction of the Britannian Military by Prince Clovis la Britannia. The Camelot team was responsible for the creation of the first seventh generation Knightmare Frames, the Lancelot series. The Britannian Military managed to create the Vincent and the Vincent Ward from the data obtained from said Knightmare. The Camelot is also responsible for creating the first ninth generation Knightmare Frame the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. Eight-Elements Type and her sister unit, the Lancelot Albion. Other inventions that they have created included the VARIS, Float System, Hadron Cannon and as well as the Ene
- The idea for a realm called Camelot was first posited by a man named Martin Nowles on the night before he was burned at the stake for witchcraft. As his last meal, Marty-Elvis-Richard-Lysander-Ingrid-Nowles (abbreviated as MERLIN on court records), demanded no food, instead asking for as much wine/booze/Jack Daniels/beer as he could drink. Shortly before passing out and after belching out the tune to "Good King Wencesles" MERLIN regaled the guards with a tale of a perfect land he had visited for a time in his youth (or old age, his drunken state made it difficult to precisely determine the facts of the case) where he befriended many rather forwardly women. Of this idyllic world MERLIN said, "I loved it there. .... Lotsa loose womens. .... Came-a-lot." Because of MERLIN's drunken slurs this
- The Castle of Camelot is a stone's throw east from the famous city of Seers' Village. Home to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, the castle is also the starting point for the Holy Grail and Merlin's Crystal quests. The Camelot Castle might also be a frequent venture for players following clue scrolls. Camelot was once the home of the Sinclair family. However, when the Knights of the Round Table came to Gielinor, Lord Sinclair gave the castle to them and moved to another place known as Sinclair Mansion. You can't access the castle if you're in middle of doing King's Ransom.
- Camelot is a location in England that is legendary for being the center of the kingdom of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, existing in peaceful harmony as long as the king holds the magic sword Excalibur. It appears in the Season 9 episode "The Smurfs Of The Round Table".
- [[Datei:Knights_from_the_Coconut.jpg|thumb|387px|Camelot vor der Zerstörung. Unten links im Bild König Affus.]] Camelot war die stolzeste frühmittelalterliche Burg Westeuropas. Dort residierte auf französischem Boden der König Affus von der Affeninsel mit seinen Rittern der Kokosnuss. Damals hieß sie Chateau Coconu. Als jedoch die Mauren nach Westeuropa eindrangen, war es die erste und einzige wichtige Burg, die platt gemacht wurde - ihre Mauern hielten den Mauren nicht stand. Das war den Europäern so peinlich, dass die Franzosen sie fortan Chateau inconnu nannten, und die Inselaffen nannten sie Camellost, abgeleitet von Lost by camel cavalry attack (Verloren durch Kamelangriff). Historiker francophonisierten das zu Camelot, doch die genaue Verortung des historischen Burgenstandortes zwisc
- Camelot es un planeta habitado por una población a nivel de la Edad Media que una vez fueron gobernados por King Arthur.thumb|El castillo de camelot Muchas de las leyendas del rey Arturo no difieren de las leyendas Tau'ri: Arthur Mordred derrotado en la Batalla de Camlann, mientras que Merlín fue visto como un tramposo maliciosos. El planeta fue donde Merlin ocultó su investigación sobre la Sangraal, para evitar que los antiguos y los Ori de encontrarlo. Cerró su investigación en una biblioteca que contenía un tutor holográficas, y corrieron rumores de que la biblioteca fue maldecido (protegido por un Caballero Negro). Cameron Mitchell y Daniel Jackson fueron capaces de derrotar al tutor, el cual reveló un gran tesoro de los dos dio a la gente de Camelot. También se enteró de que Arthur ha
owl:sameAs | |
Products | - Mario Golf
- Golden Sun
- Mario Tennis
Leader | |
Institutions | |
Appeared | |
Alignment | |
Sips | |
OtherNotes | |
mergedwith | |
toform | |
dcterms:subject | |
galax | |
Sjin | |
totalnations | |
Mentions | |
totalnukes | |
intresse | |
AvgStrength | |
domination | |
foundedon | |
teknikperiod | |
Jump | |
Ally | |
inhab | |
Kraj | |
Ghosts | |
percentactive | |
Totalstrength | |
statsdate | |
activenations | |
Ras | |
forumurl | |
Wielders | |
Sijainti | |
Guild | |
teamsenate | |
Framträdanden | |
joinurl | |
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Appearances | |
Games | - Kingdom Hearts: The Other Side
- Kingdom Hearts: Adventures of Krystal
Team | |
Date | |
Origin | |
East | |
Last | |
West | |
Status | |
Kingdom | |
I | - 50139
- 50226
- 51039
- Merlin 505.png
- Arthur 501.png
Affiliation | |
Residents | - * King Arthur
* Queen Guinevere
* Merlin
* Sir Lancelot
* Sir Galahad
* Sir Justin
* Sir Bors
* Sir Gawain
* Sir Bedivere
* Morgaine le Fey
OfficialName | |
Country | |
Name | - Camelot
- Camelot Software Planning
- Camelot
Type | |
Location name | |
ImgSize | |
Galaxy | |
Languages | - English
- Irish
- Scots
- Welsh
- Latin
- Scottish Gaelic
- Cornish
- Ulster Scots
Caption | - Image caption
- Company's logo.
- Idylls of the King
First | |
Function | |
Region | |
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winningfaction | |
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MVP | |
Continent | |
Government | |
Currency | |
Military | |
Score | |
Members | |
Aliases | - Arthur's Castle and Court
GDP | |
roster | - #, player
#Joe's Student
Sector | |
W | |
imagewidth | |
Link | |
Tech | |
Inhabitants | |
quad | |
Founder | |
Mythology | |
Planet | |
startdate | |
Links | |
Population | - Unknown
- -
- brak danych
- *Excelling over 2 million
Kanji | |
Ruler | |
Rōmaji | |
Species | |
Interest | |
GDP per capita | |
Title | |
Use | |
A | |
Music | - 1
- "Flying on My Father's Wings"
Awards | |
Headquarters | |
Image size | |
Host | |
Note | |
Color | |
Neighbors | |
Namn | |
Cabinet | - The Ruling Council
: King - Londo Mollari
: Magician - Lightningdelta
: Prince - Panfilo
The Lord Knights
: Regent - PurpleBadgerino
: Warlord - Dristamia
: Chamberlain - Cadaver
: Financier - Frijo
: Merchant - Farinah Lavalis
: Courtier - Tuculito
: Jester - Manbearpig
: Scribe - Jack the great
AKA | - Cammy, Camelot castle, Cammy castle
Film | |
Symbol | |
dbkwik:nintendo-ds/property/wikiPageUsesTemplate | |
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Affiliations | |
Area | |
Universe | |
Acronym | |
Show | |
Inactive | |
url | |
City | |
Battle | |
mapcaption | |
Capital | |
Place | |
Motto | - Honour, Glory, Victory. Ride with us.
Gender | |
Race | |
World | |
Flag | |
North | |
Owner | |
South | |
Founded | |
Birth | |
C | - Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone.
- A ball goes awry.
- A curse consumes Camelot.
- Merlin is freed from the tree.
- The residents of Storybrooke are welcomed into Camelot.
Location | |
Size | |
flagwidth | |
zuiden | |
noorden | |
Westen | |
etelä | |
itä | |
StarSystem | |
Tele | |
oosten | |
altar | |
länsi | |
Bank | |
pohjoinen | |
Locatie | |
flagImage | |
locimage | |
abstract | - History of location is unknown.
- Camelot was created and named in Episode 9 of Sips and Sjin's Hardcore Minecraft series, and was used primarily as fort and outpost for some time, but then Sips and Sjin started upgrading it, replacing the stone with stone brick, adding bedrooms, lava decorations, and even installing a Jacuzzi, until it became their de facto home. After The Beaver Mafia attacked and destroyed Deep Space Nine, Sips and Sjin moved their base of operations to the newly built Fort Crappington in Beaverdale, but still continued to use Camelot for it's original purpose, as well as the occasional reflective soak in the Jaccuzi.
- Camelot is the property of Novatech (formerly Fuchi Orbital). It is a research facility that focuses on gravity-free materials science and molecular engineering. It also lauches and maintains satellites in geosynchronous orbit. No other corporation sublets the pod space at Camelot.
- Camelot is a location in England that is legendary for being the center of the kingdom of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, existing in peaceful harmony as long as the king holds the magic sword Excalibur. It appears in the Season 9 episode "The Smurfs Of The Round Table". In the story, King Arthur's nemesis Morgan le Fey stole Excalibur and used it to turn the king and everything in Camelot into wax, turned Merlin into a rock, shrunk Sir Lancelot down to Smurf size, and cast a spell on the sun to burn hotter so that everything in Camelot will melt away. The time-lost Smurfs who showed up on the day that it happened took it upon themselves to get Excalibur back from the evil sorceress with the help of Merlin and his magic wand Sir Will. Upon their successful return, with everything restored to normal, the king honored his guests for their bravery by naming them "the Smurfs of the Round Table".
- Camelot on King Arthurin ja hänen pyöreän pöytänsä ritareiden linna Seers' Villagesta itään ja White Wolf Mountainista länteen. Camelotin linnassa on alttari jolla voit ladata rukouspisteet. thumb|right|Camelotin linna Muutama tehtävä alkaa linnasta:
* Merlin's Crystal
* Holy Grail
* King's Ransom
- [[Datei:Knights_from_the_Coconut.jpg|thumb|387px|Camelot vor der Zerstörung. Unten links im Bild König Affus.]] Camelot war die stolzeste frühmittelalterliche Burg Westeuropas. Dort residierte auf französischem Boden der König Affus von der Affeninsel mit seinen Rittern der Kokosnuss. Damals hieß sie Chateau Coconu. Als jedoch die Mauren nach Westeuropa eindrangen, war es die erste und einzige wichtige Burg, die platt gemacht wurde - ihre Mauern hielten den Mauren nicht stand. Das war den Europäern so peinlich, dass die Franzosen sie fortan Chateau inconnu nannten, und die Inselaffen nannten sie Camellost, abgeleitet von Lost by camel cavalry attack (Verloren durch Kamelangriff). Historiker francophonisierten das zu Camelot, doch die genaue Verortung des historischen Burgenstandortes zwischen Carcassonne und Burgenland gelang bis heute nicht, und im Grunde genommen wollen die sich in christlicher Leitkultur geborgen wähnenden Europäer es auch garnicht wissen. Ausnahme sind die Serben, welche den Amselfelder erfanden, um auch die Erinnerung an ihre Niederlagen gegen die Muselmanen ertragen zu können. Folgen:
* Der Franke Karl Martell erfand das Hammerwerfen. Das heutige Sportgerät Wurfhammer, eine schwarze Gußeisen-Kugel mit Schleuder-Seil, wirkte damals als Abschreckungswaffe gegen die Morgenländischen Halbmond-Krieger. Sie ergriffen die Flucht beim Anblick der ihnen von den Ungläubigen entgegengeschleuderten Neumonde. Wegen der frappierenden Wirkung nennt die französische Armee noch heute ihr Abschreckungswaffen-Arsenal force de frappe.
* Die erste EU-Norm hieß Camelot 1 und regelte die notwendigen Grade der Maurenfestigkeit von Mauern. Nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer wurde sie als Camelot 2 aktualisiert.
* Um die nicht mehr verortbare Burg entstand eine Legende von einem ganzen Land Camelonia, dessen Hauptort Camelot gewesen sein soll. Kamelopedia etwa beschreibt es als Kamelonien (siehe da). Dieser Artikel ist
- Camelot es un planeta habitado por una población a nivel de la Edad Media que una vez fueron gobernados por King Arthur.thumb|El castillo de camelot Muchas de las leyendas del rey Arturo no difieren de las leyendas Tau'ri: Arthur Mordred derrotado en la Batalla de Camlann, mientras que Merlín fue visto como un tramposo maliciosos. El planeta fue donde Merlin ocultó su investigación sobre la Sangraal, para evitar que los antiguos y los Ori de encontrarlo. Cerró su investigación en una biblioteca que contenía un tutor holográficas, y corrieron rumores de que la biblioteca fue maldecido (protegido por un Caballero Negro). Cameron Mitchell y Daniel Jackson fueron capaces de derrotar al tutor, el cual reveló un gran tesoro de los dos dio a la gente de Camelot. También se enteró de que Arthur había dejado a la búsqueda de la Sangraal a uno de los tres planetas: Castiana, Sahal, y Vagonbrei. (SG1: "Camelot") Categoría:Stargate
- Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection issue 63 gives an entirely different address for this planet (File:003.svgFile:0Ega.svgFile:013.svgFile:005.svgFile:012.svgFile:019.svg) which contains the point of origin for Earth. As this is overridden by visual evidence from the show, and the fact that addresses can not contain points of origin, we do not use it in this article.
- Camelot is a dark blue puffball and a member of the Galaxy warriors. She even sometimes appears alongside Hailey the hedgehog.
- Camelot, även känd som PX1-767, är en planet bebodd av en medeltida nivå befolkning som en gång var styrdes av kung Arthur. Många av Arthur legender där skiljer sig från Tau'ri legender: Arthur besegrade Mordred i slaget vid Camlann, medan Merlin sågs som ett skadligt trickster. Planeten var där Merlin gömde sin forskning om Sangraal, för att förhindra att De gamla och Ori från att hitta den. Han låste sin forskning i ett bibliotek som innehöll en holografisk väktare, och spred rykten att biblioteket var förbannad (som skyddas av ett svarte riddare). Cameron Mitchell och Daniel Jackson kunde besegra Väktaren, som sedan visade en stor skatt de två gav folk Camelot. De lärde sig också att Arthur hade kvar att strävan efter Sangraal en av tre planeter: Castiana, Sahal och Vagonbrei. (SG1: "Camelot")
- Camelot is a city on ArteroPk. You can teleport to Camelot by doing ::item camelot or ::item 8010 then by clicking the tab or go to your spell book click on city teleport and clicking on Camelot. Follow the path South of Camelot to reach Cathbery where Hickton's fletching shop is located.
- Camelot was once the home of the Sinclair family. However, when the Knights of the Round Table came to Gielinor, Lord Sinclair gave the castle to them and moved to Sinclair Mansion. The castle cannot be accessed during King's Ransom.
- Het kasteel van Camelot ligt ten oosten van Seers' Village. King Arthur en zijn Ridders van de ronde tafel wonen in het kasteel. Het kasteel is ook het startpunt van de Holy Grail en Merlin's Crystal quests. Voor sommige clue scrolls moet je naar Camelot. Om de Camelot teleport te gebruiken zijn 5 air runes en een 1 law rune nodig en is een Magic level van 45 of hoger vereist. Je belandt hierdoor voor de poort van het kasteel.
- Camelot was a game designed and hosted by Contract Collector based on King Arthur It began on July 21, 2009 and ended in a Baddies win in N5 (August 4th, 2009).
- In romantic views of American history, the moniker "Camelot" has been applied to the presidency of John F. Kennedy, as his truncated term was said to have potential and promise for the future, and the period was symbolic of hope for many in the world. NOTE: There is a popular fringe theory that Camelot was only a model.
- Camelot is a kingdom in the Isle of Gramarye. It is the home Merlyn Ambrosius, Archimedes and king Arthur.
- Camelot Software Planning is a video game developer founded in 1990. They are best known for their role-playing titles that include games such as the Golden Sun franchise, the Mario Tennis and Golf franchise, and Shining Force, among others. Currently Camelot develops games exclusively for Nintendo platforms, though Nintendo doesn't necessarily publish every game they create, as is evident with We Love Golf! on the Wii (published by Capcom).
- leftO Castelo de Camelot é um castelo situado a este da famosa Aldeia dos Videntes. [[Ficheiro:Castelo Camelot.png|frame|O Castelo de Camelot situa-se a leste da Aldeia dos Videntes.]]Lar do Rei Arthur e dos seus cavaleiros, o castelo é também o ponto de partida para as missões link=Missões|21px| O Santo Graal e link=Missões|21px| O Cristal de Merlin. Jogadores com nível 45 de Magia podem usar o feitiço Teleporte a Camelot para rapidamente chegar em frente ao castelo. Ou podem usar a pedra de feitiço de Teleporte a Camelot, caso não tenham nível ou runas. É um meio de acesso à região Ocidental de Gielinor.
- Camelot was a castle in the Old England region of Great Britain. It is where King Arthur's Court is located.
- The Castle of Camelot is a stone's throw east from the famous city of Seers' Village. Catherby is the home to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
- Camelot is a castle-city and court associated with the legendary King Arthur. Absent in the early Arthurian material, Camelot first appeared in 12th-century French romances and, after the Lancelot-Grail cycle, eventually came to be described as the fantastic capital of Arthur's realm and a symbol of the Arthurian world. The stories locate it somewhere in Great Britain and sometimes associate it with real cities, though more usually its precise location is not revealed. Most scholars regard it as being entirely fictional, its geography being perfect for romance writers; Arthurian scholar Norris J. Lacy commented that "Camelot, located no where in particular, can be anywhere". Nevertheless, arguments about the location of the "real Camelot" have occurred since the 15th century and continue to rage today in popular works and for tourism purposes.
- The idea for a realm called Camelot was first posited by a man named Martin Nowles on the night before he was burned at the stake for witchcraft. As his last meal, Marty-Elvis-Richard-Lysander-Ingrid-Nowles (abbreviated as MERLIN on court records), demanded no food, instead asking for as much wine/booze/Jack Daniels/beer as he could drink. Shortly before passing out and after belching out the tune to "Good King Wencesles" MERLIN regaled the guards with a tale of a perfect land he had visited for a time in his youth (or old age, his drunken state made it difficult to precisely determine the facts of the case) where he befriended many rather forwardly women. Of this idyllic world MERLIN said, "I loved it there. .... Lotsa loose womens. .... Came-a-lot." Because of MERLIN's drunken slurs this last part left the guards with the confused impression that MERLIN had referred to a place called "Camelot." Desirous to learn more of this mystical land, the guards were sorely disappointed when MERLIN remained unconscious long enough to sleep through being burned at the stake. Many of these guards and their comrades decided to become knights errant and left on holy quest to search for Camelot. Because the land was never found it has been speculated that either it does not exist, or Camelot is not its true name. Despite the failure of every quest in search of Camelot, over the thousand plus years since MERLIN's drunken ramblings, tales of such a land are still told and sung in taverns and pubs worldwide.
- Camelot is famous castle and court associated with King Arthur and the capital of his kingdom.
- ..allow me to welcome you to our fair city of Camelot. ~ Grand Druid Lunast
- The Castle of Camelot is just east of the famous city of Seers' Village. Home to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, the castle is the starting point for the Holy Grail and Merlin's Crystal quests. The Camelot Castle might also be a frequent venture for players following clue scrolls. Camelot was once the home of the Sinclair family. However, when the Knights of the Round Table came to Gielinor, Lord Sinclair gave the castle to them and moved to Sinclair Mansion. The castle cannot be accessed during King's Ransom.
- Camelot était un lieu mythique de la légende du Roi Arthur, souverain de Bretagne. Au 24ème siècle, Jadzia Dax et Kira Nerys visitèrent à plusieurs reprises, un programme holographique basé sur la cour d'Arthur à Camelot. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "The Muse")
- The Castle of Camelot is a stone's throw east from the famous city of Seers' Village. Home to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, the castle is also the starting point for the Holy Grail and Merlin's Crystal quests. The Camelot Castle might also be a frequent venture for players following clue scrolls. Camelot was once the home of the Sinclair family. However, when the Knights of the Round Table came to Gielinor, Lord Sinclair gave the castle to them and moved to another place known as Sinclair Mansion. You can't access the castle if you're in middle of doing King's Ransom. The Camelot Teleport is a common method of transportation to Camelot and its surrounds.
- Camelot appeared in the episode Knighty Knight when Timmy wished himself and everyone at the Dimmsdale Camelot Fair back to the 15th century.
- The Camelot (キャメロット, Kyamerotto) or the Britannian Special Research Division is an Irregular team founded by Schneizel el Britannia and led by Lloyd Asplund. It has been given an autonomy outside of the Jurisdiction of the Britannian Military by Prince Clovis la Britannia. The Camelot team was responsible for the creation of the first seventh generation Knightmare Frames, the Lancelot series. The Britannian Military managed to create the Vincent and the Vincent Ward from the data obtained from said Knightmare. The Camelot is also responsible for creating the first ninth generation Knightmare Frame the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. Eight-Elements Type and her sister unit, the Lancelot Albion. Other inventions that they have created included the VARIS, Float System, Hadron Cannon and as well as the Energy Wing System. Later in the series, the Camelot's role changes to a personal R&D team under the new Knight of Seven, Suzaku Kururugi.
- Camelot refers to a kingdom, which in most realities is or was once under the rule of King Arthur. Commonalities between the realities seem to be the existence of knights held to a code of chivalry, overt existence of magic, and court intrigue. In An Incubus in King Arthur's Court, Dhiar found himself summoned back to Camelot by Morgaine, a sorceress. He had been there before and was known to Morgaine, and although he knew of her son Mordred, clearly the two had not met. He also interacted with a knight of Arthur's Round Table, Galahad. Dhiar has, in the past, fought on the side of good against a common foe with his friend Hawkye L. Narasumas.
- Starts in the captured team. He seems to be the leader of the team he is in, and is also the person you play as in Episodes 4 and 6. Saved by the Mercenary Captain.
- camelot periodo: tutto l'anno (sole fino alle 16 in inverno) roccia molto varia: placche, strapiombi, tetti, fessure arrampicata: tecnica e di dita alla falesia destra; di forza alla falesia sinistra difficoltà: 5c - 7b altezza delle vie: 20 - 30 m accesso da Finale Marina prendere le strada per Calvisio; proseguire per qualche chilometro, fino alla pizzeria Cornei, quindi parcheggiare. Imboccare la strada sterrata che passa dietro la pizzeria (indicazione del sentiero per val Cornei) e che poco dopo diventa sentiero ripido; seguire il sentiero fino al terzo tra i sentieri che si staccano sulla destra, segnalati ciascuno da un ometto di pietre (il primo conduce al tempio del vento, il secondo alla falesia dell'orso); si sale ripidamente fino alla falesia destra, proseguire per la falesia sinistra (15 min dall'auto). camelot 1 - falesia destra 1 actiontest 6b atletica 2 mezze verità 6b atletica 3 masomanie 6a atletica 4 bombs away 6b+ atletica; ribaltamento delicato 5 pau-rosy movimenti 6a bella 6 solingo 6c splendida 7 sandro saba 6a chiodatura vecchia, sconsigliata 8 il fiore di berlino 6b varia 9 un giorno di quiete 6b+ varia 10 muliebris dignitatem 6b+ chiodatura vecchia, sconsigliata 11 le pinetane 6a+ varia 12 è ora di finirla 6b+ varia 13 diamante 6a+ diedro caratteristico, uscita faticosa 14 schwarz-gelb 7a+ muro delicato, poi tetto ostico 15 sliced pinneaple 7a tecnica, poi tetto violento 16 demoe 6b+ splendida 17 artigli sul futuro 7b tecnica 18 frio 7a tecnica, su buchetti 19 etilica 5c bel riscaldamento camelot 2 - falesia sinistra alcuni nomi scritti alla base delle vie 1 tequila 6b 2 refugium peccatorum 6b 3 rache fur wanda 6c+ continuità iniziale, tetto ostico in catena 4 trippuk 6c 5 dream 6b+ 6 angst 6b 7 halloween 6c strapiombo poi continuità 8 trazione fatale 6c+ strapiombo poi continuità 9 metallica 6c+ 10 tirami su 7a boulder iniziale 11 guns'n roses 6c 12 tienimi tienimi 6a+ faticosa 13 missing 6b leggero strapiombo poi placca 14 muy pamplona 6b leggero strapiombo poi placca 15 esquimia 6a+ varia 16 carry on 6b+ leggero strapiombo con uscita delicata 17 hispavox 6c+ movimenti di dita all'inizio 18 con le mani 6c+ movimenti di dita all'inizio 19 mesoterapia digitale 6b 20 calimba 6a tecnica 21 ginevra 5c piccolo boulder iniziale
- Although several Autobots and Decepticons journeyed back to this time period, they did not visit Camelot. Perhaps they thought it was a silly place.
- Camelot ist der Name einer britischen Sage. Jadzia Dax und Kira Nerys besuchen einige male ein Holoprogramm namens König Artus Hof, das innerhalb dieser Sage spielt. Lwaxana Troi verbindet mit Camelot betrogenen Herzen und Träume ohne Erfüllung. (DS9: )
- Camelot jest własnością Novatech (wcześniej Fuchi Orbital). Jest to ośrodek badawczy, który skupia się na nauką o materiałach pozbawionych masy oraz inżynierii molekularnej. Wystrzeliwuje też satelity na orbitę geostacjonarną i zajmuje się ich konserwacją. Inne korporacje nie korzystają z tej możliwości.
- Camelot bietet viele Einkaufs- und Handelsmöglichkeiten, vor allem aber viele kleine Händler.
- Camelot was a kingdom that existed on the island of Britannia in 507, somewhere in the region at the border of the modern countries of England and Wales.
- Camelot is a city in the kingdom of Britain ruled by King Arthur.
- Camelot is a location on the planet Earth, or at least it was in the year 543. It is considered to be a more cosmpolitan area than the rural lands ruled by Sir Aetheling the Red and Sir Wagend du Blackthorne, where such things as women's fashion lag at least a year behind. Although several Autobots and Decepticons journeyed back to this time period, they did not visit Camelot. Perhaps they thought it was a silly place. A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court
- Camelot is a World that Appeared in The Other Side.
- Summary A colony commited to low-tech and a pseudo-medieval lifestyle is preyed upon by pirates. Their solution is to purchase a damaged Bolo Mark XXIV , Unit 721 KNE. Kenny is more than a match for any mere pirate but what place can he have on a renaissance faire world?
- Camelot is where Morgan Le Fay and Merlin the Magician reside. Jack and Annie whisk themselves and the magic tree house to Camelot in the first Merlin Mission, Christmas in Camelot.
- Camelot is a legendary castle/citadel associated with King Arthur, becoming the capital of his kingdom. The castle was first mentioned by Chrétien de Troyes, though in his works, Caerleon, a village in Wales and the site of the Roman city Issa Augusta, was Arthur's capital. Eventually, during the 13th century, Camelot began to supersede Caerleon in importance and earlier descriptions of Caerleon were ascribed to Camelot. The castle was destroyed by King Mark of Cornwall after Arthur's death at Camlann.
- Camelot was the domain of the mythical human ruler, King Arthur. (PROSE: The Creation of Camelot)
- ...or : "Arthurian England", as the legendary castle & court of Camelot does not yet exist when Alex and Mother Goose enter the story. However, the map in the book Beyond the Kingdoms lists this world simply as 'Camelot'.
- In 2003, a Demonic Sorcerer named Mordaunt confirmed that Camelot did exist.
- Camelot is a star in the Terra Quadrant of the Sol Sector. It also provides a jump point to the Gemini Sector.
- Camelot was the castle of King Arthur, as well as being the home of Merlin, Jason Blood and Sir Justin during medieval times.
- Camelot is the the stronghold and keep built by King Arthur, the center of rule for the entire Summer Lands his kingdom.
- Camelot was the legendary castle of King Arthur's realm from where he ruled, and the symbol of the Arthurian legends. It was a mythical location from which Arthur hosted elaborate feasts and surrounded himself with brave knights in shining armor operating under an honorable code of chivalry. Jadzia Dax and Kira Nerys often visited a holosuite program based on King Arthur's Court in Camelot. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "The Muse") Camelot was to be the setting for the TNG: "Qpid" , but this was changed to Sherwood Forest to build on the popularity of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion)
- Camelot was de naam van een legendarische plaats op Aarde, waarvandaan Koning Arthur heerste over Groot Brittannië. Jadzia Dax en Kira Nerys bezochten vaak een holoprogramma in de holosuite dat gebaseerd was op Camelot. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior" • "The Muse") De Star Trek: The Next Generation aflevering "QPid" zou zich afspelen in Camelot, maar dit werd veranderd in Sherwood Forest om verder te borduren op het succes van Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
- Camelot is created from desert lands after Merlin receives magic. He becomes a well-known healer and falls in love with a woman called Nimue, who ends up becoming the first Dark One. ("Nimue") Nimue uses Merlin's tear to turn him into a tree. ("Dreamcatchers") Jefferson travels to Camelot in order to rob the castle's treasury. There, he meets fellow thief Priscilla, and upon escaping together, the two run off, in love. ("Out of the Past") Merlin, still a tree, gives prophecies to the young orphan Arthur, who's told that he's going to pull a sword named Excalibur from its stone one day and become king. ("The Broken Kingdom") This comes to pass, but Arthur and his friends Lancelot and Percival are shocked to see that the sword has a broken-off tip. ("The Dark Swan") Arthur hides this from his people, and his wife Guinevere grows sad when he obsesses over finding the sword's other half - the Dark One's dagger. This leads to her and Lancelot setting off on a quest to find it, using Merlin's gauntlet to track it down. They find it, after falling in love on the way, and are instead handed the Sands of Avalon by Rumplestiltskin in exchange for the gauntlet; they can make broken things appear fixed again. Disgraced for having kissed the Queen, Lancelot leaves Camelot while Guinevere refuses to use the sand on the sword, wanting to leave her husband instead. However, he uses the sand on their marriage, making her the perfect supporting wife, and then on Camelot itself, transforming Merlin's meek tower into a grand castle. ("The Broken Kingdom")
- Camelot, Κάμελοτ Ιδεατό "ιερό κάστρο".
- Camelot was a kingdom in Albion which was founded by the legendary King Bruta. From the time of the Great Purge, magic was all but wiped from the land after the death of Ygraine Pendragon. It has been ruled by the Pendragon family after being conquered by Uther Pendragon. In modern times, Camelot has been turned into myth.
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