  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • To be added
  • Yeti is a type of monster in ADOM, that first appeared in v. 1.2.0. Many yetis are found in the Ice Queen Domain; it is unknown if they appear in any dungeons as well. They are immune to cold. They do not seem to have any other special powers.
  • [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:Characters by Name ]]
  • Monster Description and Picture Here.
  • Found in and around the Master Garu's Monastery in Tanvu.
  • Type Here
  • thumb|240px|YetiDer Yeti, auch Schneemensch genannt, ist ein zweibeiniges behaartes Fabelwesen des Himalaya-Gebirges.
  • Yeti is a character that appeared in LEGO Batman: The Videogame.
  • From the high reaches of the mountains come the Yeti who split from their power-mad kin to join the Beasts. An angry Yeti is to be feared, for many employ both strength and magic to defeat their foes.
  • "Yetis are relatively gentle creatures, and extremely hardy. Nature's training dummies!" -Gnarl Yetis are giant one-eyed ape-like creatures.They also have three-fingered claws. The Overlad befriended a Yeti by freeing it from a cage in the Empire Camp.
  • Es un alien de Ben 10:Perplemacia Alienigena. (Credits to Sss for the picture)
  • Yeti are giant-folk who dwell in the hills and mountains of Cantha. Like the real-world cryptid of the same name, these creatures resemble a large, bipedal mixture of human and ape. The yeti are just intelligent enough to form a hunter-gatherer society with a deep tradition of honor and courage (as the yeti understand these concepts). Yeti have been known on rare occasions to interact peaceably with humans, speaking a broken version of the common tongue. Usually, however, they will attack humans on sight. They also seem to possess a deep and mutual enmity toward all the Canthan Tengu tribes.
  • Summoned by Sedna's Horn of the Yeti skill. Higher versions of that skill produce stronger Yetis.
  • White Agent #OMG-445 a.k.a. "Yeti" was created by PDG on Y!Gallery for the club Rookie Mistakes.
  • A Yeti lives in the mountains near Danville. He assisted Phineas, Ferb and their friends in finding a Christmas tree after the town's Christmas tree was destroyed by Dr. Doofenshmirtz. He is also seen being pushed in a wheelbarrow, getting bathed by Phineas and Ferb, and putting the star on a Christmas tree in the opening title sequence for "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!".
  • A Yeti or Abominable Snowman is a mythical creature said to inhabit the Himalayan regions of Nepal, India and Tibet. Stories of the Yeti began in Western culture in the 19th century, with the legend of a Bigfoot or Sasquatch of North America.
  • The Yetis were all defeated when Sonic realised what the Tantaror was doing and ordered him to stop.
  • Teksti tutkittaessa: "He´s unconscious. That horn must have given him guite the fright!"
  • Der Yeti ist ein halbintelligentes Säugetier, dass in den Bergen von Alpinien lebt.
  • Yeti can be found east of icicle city, or south of Atlantis haven.
  • Yeti appears to be a mix between Snowy and Biggy. It is a Mutant Funghi.
  • Yeti – stworzenia zamieszkujące powierzchnię Lost Hex. Pojawiają się w grze Sonic Lost World, gdzie można je spotkać w drugim Zonie Frozen Factory, gdzie gracz toczy się pod postacią śnieżnej kuli.
  • Yeti (maď. Hima Lajos) je záhadný potvor žijúci v Himalájach, ktorého nenašiel ani Reinhold Messner. Podobá sa na mapinguaryho, big foota, saquatcha a trochu aj na orang pendega a veľkú opicu.
  • A Yeti is an level 4 unit belonging to the race of Monsters. It is a stand-alone unit and does not advance to or from anything. It does not belong to any faction. Yetis are extremely resilient and can strike their foes with bone-shattering force in close combat.
  • The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an ape-like humanoid, similar to the American Bigfoot, said to inhabit the Himalayan regions of Nepal, India and Tibet. The names Yeti and Meh-Teh, as well as many other local names, are commonly used by the people indigenous to the region. They are also Monsters in Maplestory. __TOC__
  • Note: this is written in lolspeak. if you want to learn it go to http:/ oh hai! teh yeti iz a beeg hary monstr dat livz in teh himalaiaz. he eetz ppl liek u and spitz owt der bonez. ( i told you its in lolspeak)
  • Forse lontano parente del Gurzo del Borneo Meridionale o di qualche mostro di Star Wars, lo Yeti venne avvistato la prima volta nell'Himalaya da un ubriacone che diceva di vedere degli scimmioni pelosi.
  • The yeti is a creature found in Glacies Terra only. This creature is very large and powerful. When approached they will go on the offensive as they see any non yeti as an enemy.
  • Yeti is a downloadable bonus animal from the Zoo Tycoon official website, and is also included in Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection. It is a larger version of the Bigfoot, but with white fur. This is inaccurate, as in real life, Sasquatch/Bigfoot is reported to be larger. Also, in the game the Yeti eats meat, while in real life it would be an omnivore.
  • Lo Yeti, comunemente detto anche Bigfoot o Abominevole Uomo delle Nevi, è una creatura nativa del Tibet. È alto fino a quattro metri e mezzo ed è ricoperto da un candido pelo bianco. Divora qualsiasi creatura che incotra ma teme il fuoco e un Mago veramente abile sa come cavarsela. Si crede che possa essere imparentato con i Troll , ma nessun Mago o Strega si avvicinato tanto per studiarlo. Classificato XXXX.
  • Yeti es un monstruo introducido en el videojuego Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow y más tarde aparecería también en el videojuego Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Es una criatura simiesca que es muy cobarde y por lo general se escapa si es descubierto por el jugador. Es uno de los tres monstruos ocultos basada en la criptozoología en el videojuego Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, los otros son Flying Humanoid y Mothman.
  • Yetis are furry creatures that live primarily in Hot Springs Haven, they enjoy rock music and Penguin Bowling. like Robgoblins, most Yetis are mostly enemies with a few rare NPC Yetis. At the moment there are no quests giving Yetis.
  • impide que conjelen al jugadorthumb
  • Es el protagonista del videojuego online Snow Drift.
  • Yetis are cryptids of cryptozoology, and have been rarely seen in the Crash Bandicoot games, where they always have the tendency to eat Crash Bandicoot.
  • Yeti are creatures that can be fought during or after the Glorious Memories quest. They can be only found in the Rellekka Hunter Area Dungeon. They are human adventurers corrupted by the Gnoeals. As the yeti are found in the same area as the Gnoeals, which use magic attacks, players wearing melee armour may find the area dangerous. Occasionally, the yeti and the Gnoeals attack each other, similar to the inhabitants of the God Wars Dungeon. Yetis and Gnoeals are good monsters for obtaining medium clues. They have a decent drop rate and low life points which makes obtaining clues from them quick.
  • Bear in mind that a yetis' threat-generation is a factor of its' p.atk (when using the Threatening Essence toggle) and that all of its skills have a positive threat modifier so do not neglect its' p.atk. The yetis' threat can be controlled by a skilled player, enabling it to tank instead of a tanking character class in a dungeon party in the early stages of the game. If you're a damage dealing or healing class in need of a bit more p.defence, a yeti is a recommended pet. Yeti cards may drop from any monster or boss in the game. As always dungeons and hard mode dungeons a.k.a secret dungeons have higher chance of dropping items.
  • The Yeti is a playable character released in the Christmas Update (2015). It is one of the mascots that cannot be unlocked by the Prize Machine as it is a secret mascot.
  • yeti fosters gif
  • Los Yeti son una raza de criaturas que aparecen en The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • El Yeti es un rumor que algunos creen que existe se podría decir que es Herbert pero eso no se sabe, es un gran secreto que se ha querido saber. En el 2009 hubo una fiesta donde tenías que buscar el escondite del Yeti por medio de un laberinto al final de encontrar la cueva encontrabas su traje. Cuando el Dojo seguía enterrado y los pinguinos lo desenterraban, se vio en un lado que pasó algo muy rápido, no se sabe que era, se han dado pruebas de esto ¿existirá este tal Yeti? Ustedes tienen la palabra. En el 01 de abril 2010 de la edición de Club Penguin, Herbert estaba vestido con un traje de Yeti.
  • Yeti is a visual kei band, which formed in December 2012. They had their first live on March 16th, 2013.
  • The Yeti, or "Abominable Snowman" (nicknamed Harold), is a cryptid said to live in the Himalayas of Central Asia. It is a relative of the North American Bigfoot. It has appeared in some Disney media, usually depicted as an evil, savage beast.
  • thumbEs una criatura que aparece en el opening de Phineas y Ferb, Especial de Navidad. Es un personaje que vive en los rincones mas helados del planeta.
  • [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Japanese lore::これまた目つきの悪いモンスター。さむいところに多く見かけるのだが、どうやらさむいのはニガテらしい。| ]] [[Japanese ability description::心を集中し、ものすごいパンチで敵を攻撃する。| ]] Main card page: "[[Main card page::]]" * [[Card Gallery : #|Gallery]] * [[Card Appearances : #|Appearances]] * [[Card Trivia : #|Trivia]]
  • The Yeti were ape-like beasts believed to prowl the Himalayas by night. They were photographed by Shipton and Ward in 1951. They were discovered and trained by the Kivu Lama and their existence confirmed by John Probe in or after 1988.
  • Yeti – prawowity mieszkaniec Himalajów, oficjalnie nieistniejący tj. nieposiadający numeru PESEL, NIP oraz konta na Naszej Klasie. Nosi się na biało, pierze się w Vanishu Oxy Action i od czasu do czasu gdzieś się pokaże.
  • The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an ape-like cryptid said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal and Tibet. It made its first appearance in The Kur Stone:Part One.
  • Yetis are best identified by their snow-white fur and berserk manner. Driven mad by their exodus into the valleys of Khanduras, they assault anything in their way.
  • During the Second Great War, Sarah Kerrigan led her nascent brood against them to collect their DNA while also reclaiming the Nafash Brood. Yeti were replaced by ursadons in the release version of Heart of the Swarm.
  • The yeti are the mysterious and terrifying inhabitants of the roof of Golarion. Found in small tribes in the highest peaks, these creatures are naturally stealthy and immensely strong, and are largely believed to be myth.
  • The Yeti, also known as the Abominable Snowman, is purported to live in the Himalayan regions of Tibet and Nepal. It is a large cryptid, generally portrayed as being covered in white fur or hair. The Yeti entered popular Western culture in the 19th century, but was originally a part of the culture and mythology of the inhabitants of the Himalayas, with some groups worshipping or revering the Yeti as a nature spirit. It is also referred to as the Abominable Snowman, a term first coined in 1921 by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Howard-Bury, leader of the joint Alpine Club and Royal Geographical Society "Everest Reconnaissance Expedition".
  • Yetin kallas även för Storfot och Snöman. Den härstammar från Tibet och man tror att den är besläktad med troll. Yetin kan bli upp till 10 meter hög och har kritvit päls som täcker hela kroppen. Djuret slukar hänsynslöst allt som kommer i dess väg, men kan fördrivas av eld och skickliga trollkarlar.
  • Yetin kallas även för Storfot och Snöman. Den härstammar från Tibet och man tror att den är besläktad med troll. Yetin kan bli upp till 10 meter hög och har kritvit päls som täcker hela kroppen. Djuret slukar hänsynslöst allt som kommer i dess väg, men kan fördrivas av eld och skickliga trollkarlar.
  • When Wonder Dog was transformed into a giant by Shamonite, he was mistaken for a yeti by Doctor Shamon, who ran in fear, finding and begging Batman and Robin to protect them from the abominable mountain creature. When Wonder Dog covers himself in snow in an attempt to get Batman, Robin, Marvin and Wendy's attention, once again he is mistaken for an abominable snowman by Marvin.
  • Yeti (som også er kjent som Storfot og Den avskylige snømannen) er navnet på en skikkelse som har sitt hjemmsted i Tibet. Man antar at den er i slekt med troll (selv om ingen har kommet på nært nok hold til å ta de nødvendige prøver). Yetien kan bli opptil 4,5 meter høy og er dekket fra topp til fotsåle av kritthvit pels.Yetien angriper og spiser alt som kommer i veien for den, men frykter ild og kan slås tilbake av en dyktig trollmann.
  • The company name and logo are based on the Japanese high end urban clothing brand BAPE (A Bathing Ape). Its name and logo are also an obvious reference to the popular GTA myth of the Bigfoot. The name can also be a reference to the snow monster, the Yeti. The player is able to purchase Yeti tops at Sub Urban stores. The brand is also featured in the Leopolds store in Rockford Hills.
  • The Yeti or Abominable Snowman was a hairy creature that inhabited the Himalayas and appeared to be a relative of Bigfoot. In 1934, Marion Ravenwood found Yeti footprints running through a Tibetan village while tracking a thief who had stolen her medallion. A group of Yeti made their lair in a cave complex in Tibet under a chief. → This article is a stub. You can help us by adding to it. Check out the talk page for hints on what needs to be done.
  • El Yeti es una criatura mágica originaria del Tíbet.
  • The scientific community has generally regarded the Yeti as a legend, given the lack of conclusive evidence, and it remains one of the most famous creatures of cryptozoology.
  • They have more recently come to international attention by attacking Nepal along side metahuman shamans. They seem to have a greater propensity for magic than their brethren. Some like the Meh-Teh Lama have converted to Buddism.
  • A Metahuman, Hu Wei discovered how to trigger his own atavistic gene enabling him to transform into a lumbering, chaotic beast. He was taken in by the Great Ten who supplied him with an electronic medallion, which could be used to control his transformations.
  • "The roads are pretty bad in the Himalayas, so it's good the Yeti mobile can plow through even the highest snow drifts. Always on the look out for stranded motorists, the Yeti mobile doesn't just help dig them out of the snow, he also likes to offer them a delicious snow cone or two while they wait."
  • Kategoria:Bez kodu Yeti – potwór, występujący w modyfikacji Bigfeet in colony do Gothic. Jest to daleki, nieucywilizowany krewniak orków, zamieszkujący lasy w pobliżu klifów w Górniczej Dolinie.
  • A Yeti is a pre-alpha enemy from Spikes Peak. Due to Spikes Peak being scrapped early on in the development of LEGO Universe, little is known about the Yeti's role in the game. While they have been artificially spawned by GMs many times, they did not react to players in any way, and simply stood idle in one location.
  • Yeti is a playable character in LEGO Batman: The Videogame.
  • A retaliation to Circular Fist Something equally inane. The Yeti is a action that the Blue team's character on Ouendan 2 multiplayer, on Countdown performs in the image.
  • Yeti is one of the 31 animal orbs available for players to find in the game Castle Crashers.
  • Yeti is an abominable snowman who lives with Betty in Betty and the Yeti. He is based on the mythical creature, the Yeti.
  • The Yetis are a race that appeared in the original Spyro series, and later appeared in the Skylanders series.
  • The Yeti is a large ape-like creature said to inhabit the Himalayan regions of Nepal, and Tibet.
  • A Yeti is one of a race of ape-like humanoids native to high altitudes. They are bipedal and covered in white fur that serves as a camouflage in the snow-topped peaks that form their habitat. Yetis are a primitive race of Therians who employ very little technology. They have no known social divisions. Yetis are related to the brown-furred Bigfoots of the woodlands. Yetis are part of the Bandar-log, the greater community of monkeyfolk of which the Sasquatch (and other apes) are also part.
  • Yeti is a creature that appears in MySims (Mobile). There is also a yeti (named Paul Wisnewski) in MySims Agents. It is unknown if it is the same Yeti. In MySims (Mobile) the yeti plays a small purpose just can be randomly seen. If you go on you can play their own minigame canniball
  • Yeti lives on Mt. Everest and is suggested to be the father of Moe Szyslak. This is strengthened when Moe says in Lisa Goes Gaga that he is half monster. He is seen in the episode Moe Goes from Rags to Riches. Moe once said that his father was a circus freak.
  • The Yeti is a mysterious creature mentioned by polar bears. Yeti are not found in the Antarctic, but some mysterious sightings have been made. Yetis only live in the Arctic. There is no picture of the Yeti.
  • Go to the Himalayas. Head to the top of the left mountain and find the young-looking man. Ask him to be your sherpa and he will take you up the mountain. To get up the mountain without getting blown off, you have to jump ahead of the sherpa and tie your rope to one of the rings. You can skip rings if you're fast enough. If you fall off but your sherpa is tied on, you can climb back up the rope when it stiffens.
  • Yeti, also known as tundra yeti, were large, white-furred creatures that could be found in arctic climates. They were the cold-climate version of the dire ape.
  • The Yeti, known colloquially as Abominable Snowmen by some, were a species of humanoid ape-like creatures that resided in the Himalayan Mountain region in Tibet.
  • The Yeti, sometimes referred to as the Abominable Snowman, is a humanoid cryptid associated with the Himalaya. The names Yeti or Meh-Teh are commonly used by people indigenous to the Himalayas, and are part of their history and mythology. Most mainstream scientists, explorers and writers with experience of the area, consider current evidence of the Yeti's existence to be weak and better explained as hoax, legend, or misidentification of known species. Nevertheless, the yeti remains one of the most famous creatures of cryptozoology.
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Tengu File:LightIcon.png Light: Jack | Cabaletta File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Dong Zhuo File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Carnage) | Dark (Time)
  • Die Yeti kamen aus dem Zaubertier-Tor auf diese Welt.
  • Yeti may refer to: * An Enemy from Grandia * An Enemy from Grandia II
  • The ice-dwelling Yeti is the guardian of the Ice Domain and lives in an old, icy cavern. He is powerless against the Parchment of Fire found in the Venomous Spire/Haunted Cemetery of the Forsaken Province. He also uses his claws in battle and holds in his possession the seventh Shard in Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, and is one of the guardians of Skorne.
  • The Yeti (also known as the Abominable Snowman) of Arctic legend, is a mysterious creature which has been rumored to have first made an appearance in the Dig Out The Dojo project at the Dojo Courtyard. It was said to have disappeared a few days after its arrival. During The Great Snow Maze, some of the jokes told were about yetis. There was a Yeti Costume for those who completed The Great Snow Maze. In the April 1, 2010 edition of the Club Penguin Times, Herbert was dressed up in a Yeti Costume.
  • Yeti ist eine 7cm grosse LEGO Kreatur von Lego Orient Expedition(2003). Die Figur ist im Set 7412(Versteck des Yetis )erschienen.Die Kreatur ist eine von drei Kreaturen der Orient Expedition-Reihe (Yeti, Tygurah und Jun Chi).
  • Yeti (イエティ Ieti?) is an UMA character from Mega Man Star Force 2 based on the mythological creature Yeti, which is also known as "Abominable Snowman". Yeti that can EM Wave Change with Rich Dotcom to become Yeti Blizzard and cause a blizzard in Grizzly Peak. Later, Le Mu creates multiple Yetis, and one of them uses EM Wave Change with a Murian to fight against Mega Man.
  • The Yeti is an ape-like mythological creature, said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal, India and Tibet.
  • Special Part(s): Title_Barrel_Maliwan_TechBoost_Incendiary [Yeti Variants] Yeti is the title of a group of common submachine guns in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. They are manufactured exclusively by Dahl and use the cryo version of the Maliwan barrel, thus only available in green rarity or higher. The Yeti is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source.
  • The Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, is a mythical creature and an ape-like cryptid said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal and Tibet. The names Yeti and Meh-Teh are commonly used by the people indigenous to the region, and are part of their history and beliefs. Stories of the Yeti first emerged as a facet of Western popular culture in the 19th century.
  • Location: Matterhorn (Fantasyland) Credits (First Visit): 40 Credits (Daily): 20 Pin: The Yeti
  • The Yeti is a magical creature native to Tibet. Standing up to 15 feet tall, it is a snowy-white furred humanoid that may be related to the troll. The Yeti fears fire allowing for skilled wizards to repel it. However, the Yeti will attack and eat anything that it meets, so no witch or wizard has had the opportunity to study it up close yet.
  • El Yeti es una criatura mencionada en varios episodios de la saga, aparece finalmente en "Escapando de Aggregor", donde es controlado por el Dr. Animo con una banda de control mental.
  • They appeared in the WOAT story The Aboringable Snowmen and the GOAT story The Smeg of Fear, as well as in BBVPornStudio's 100% canon spin-off production Down syndrome time. Yet(i) for some reason, they didn't return with their intellectual overlord in Series 7, having been instead replaced by snowmen, spoons, and Slender Man in a top hat (probably because those are less likely to be a target for DeviantArt furry porn). Still, at least Briggs Finish is bringing them back... in that spinoff series centered around that army group from Remembrance of the Daleks... I mean, that's something, right?
  • Beim Yeti handelt es sich wahrscheinlich um Wolfgang Thierse, der hin und wieder im Gebirgsmassiv des Himalaya versucht, Beachtung zu finden. Als besonders hervorzuhebende Eigenschaft des Yeti gilt seine Fähigkeit, sich - sogar mitten in Berlin - unsichtbar machen zu können. Dadurch ist es ihm weitestgehend gelungen, von den Segnungen der modernen Zivilisation, z. B. Coiffeuren, verschont zu bleiben.
  • A sensible theory of its existence could be that a less evolved human lain cases of its inexplicable size. The well adapted primate lived on through the ice age and those in the artic regions breed on into present day hiding in mountains and some times known to attack humans. Yeti to be discovered. They have found a scalp of a yeti or bigfoot like creature before in the past.omg just spotted big foot
  • Yetis sind Monster in Azria die sehr nah aneinander stehen (gut für AoE).Sie haben ca. 31.285 HP und sind Typ Erde (mit 1on1 am besten mit Wind zu bekämpfen, bei AoE eigentlich egal da Elemente nicht für Skills gelten. Die Yetis sind Level 73 und sie bringen 1.2fach so viel EXP wie Small Carrierbombs (zum Beispiel statt 0,2% 0,24%) die erhöhten EXP gelten allerdings für ganz Azria. Es gibt keine Aggros, also keine Gefahr für den Leecher bzw. für den FS.
  • The yeti, wintery cousin of the sasquatch, is a dangerous beast, to be dealt with as carefully as a carnivorous ape. Though it cannot grab the player, the yeti moves quicker than the largest ape, and does extra damage by biting. A yeti corpse has a 33% chance to provide the player with cold resistance. When eating a yeti corpse confers cold resistance, the player receives the message "You feel full of hot air." This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
  • The Yetis(Ursus saxum.) are solitary and adapted to the cold. They avoid humans if possible.
  • Yetis are one of the strongest type of creature in the game, they appear at the tenth floor and upward. They attack by smashing their giant snow white fist into the ground usually where your hero is standing their brute strength is only matched by that of the Ogre who actually commits more damage from time to time.
  • The Yeti (a.k.a. the Abominable Snowman) was a monster who worked at the Monsters, Inc. mailroom until he was banished to the Himalayas. Despite being banished, he likes living in the human world.
  • Yeti es una empresa de ropa que aparece en Grand Theft Auto IV y Grand Theft Auto V. El jugador puede comprar ropa Yeti en las tiendas SubUrban.
  • thumb|250px|Yeti w piątej edycji D&D thumb|250px|Yeti Yeti.
  • Владелец: Главный исполнительный директор: BAWSAQ: Слоган(-ы): Тип: Стабильность: Основано: Локации: Отсылается к: Штаб-квартира: Категория:Бизнес Yeti — компания по производству одежды в играх Grand Theft Auto IV и Grand Theft Auto V.
  • This Yeti is an Earth creature, believed by many to be a myth.
  • Yetis are large, furry humanoid animals that usually live in or near caves. Some of the varieties in colder regions breathe ice breath. Yetis are skinnable, unlike most humanoids. Yetis can be found in Feralas, the Hillsbrad Foothills, Winterspring, and the Alterac Mountains. They can also be found in Northrend. Yetis are cousins to wendigos. They live in colder climates, far away from civilized communities. Yeti are far more territorial and aggressive than wendigo, usually attacking intruders on sight. A yeti begins combat with its breath weapon and then closes into melee, attacking fiercely.
  • Yetis are a race from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. They inhabit the Peak Province of Hyrule, the coldest locale throughout the entire land. Yetis have white fur and only their hands, feet and faces are exposed. Their fur is implied to retain heat well, as Ashei is seen wearing a Yeti pelt to shield herself from the cold. They are able to speak Hylian, but the ones that are shown can not do so fluently. Their being man-eating monsters is a huge misconception, as both Yetis shown are actually kindhearted and generous. It is notable however, that Yeto seemingly has a tendency to push down Link at times, hinting they can somewhat be rough towards others.
  • Yetis are not at all uncommon in the higher elevations of the great mountains of Daventry. The fact that there are records of Graham and Alexander encountering these creatures in their journeys would tend to support this assertion. Yetis are said to live solitary lives until they mate, at which time the male and female of the species stay together until death. They make their Daventry homes in deep caves that they ferociously guard from all intruders. Yetis while being common in the world of Daventry are at least known of about in the Realm of Eldritch as well.
  • As a type of beastman that lives in snowy mountain areas they are clad in layers of fluffy white fur. Despite their naturally high body temperatures, it is impossible for them to not feel the frigid cold of their homes. Despite this, they are still able to continue moving about in even the most furious of blizzards. During these girls’ lifetimes they will help save the lives of many people, if however, a human male raises a “flag” by responding to her fluffy hugs and having sex with her, she will become his wife.
  • The Yeti are a race that live in the Peak Province of Hyrule. They have white fur and only their hands, feet and faces are furless. The males are quite big, roughly two times the size of a Human, and have big, beaverlike tails. The males are very strong and can easily knock members of other races down. The females, on the other hand, are only slightly bigger than Humans (roughly half the height of their possible mates) and have no tails. They seem to lack arms, although this could be because the only female Yeti that had been spotted wears some sort of armless sweater, and so her arms may be tucked inside it out of sight. It is unknown how strong the females are. It is to be noted that as Link encounters only two Yetis in the game, they may not all look the same and so the known descriptio
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ to bestia przypominająca legendarnego Człowieka Zimy z legend i opowiastek, podobno zamieszkującym Himalaje oraz Góry Ural. W grze jest bestią tankującą, której głównymi atutami są: wysoka obrona (PDef) oraz duża witalność (Vitality), która przekłada się na wysoką ilość HP. Atak jest słaby nawet przy rozwiniętych umiejętnościach ataku, przez co nie może być traktowany jako DD (Damage Dealer). Ten ubytek rekompensuje umiejętność podnoszenia poziomu zagrożenia (Threat), zwracająca potwory na . Doświadczony gracz może kontrolować poziom zagrożenia, jaki robi .
  • De Yeti komt uit Tibet. Hij komt tot wel 5 meter hoog, en is een sneeuwwitte, bonte mensachtige, die verwant is aan de Bergtrol. Hij is bang voor vuur. De Yeti zal alles wat hij tegenkomt aanvallen en opeten, dus tot dusver is er nog geen tovenaar of heks geweest die hem van dichtbij heeft kunnen bestuderen. Yeti's zijn een van de slechtst bewaarde geheimen van de toverwereld; er zijn zóveel signalementen door Dreuzels dat het Internationaal Overlegorgaan van Heksenmeesters een permanente Internationale Taakeenheid in de bergen heeft moeten aanstellen. Daarnaast is in Tibet de toverwereld het slechtst geheimgehouden, aangezien continu artikel 73 van het Statuut van Geheimhouding van het Internationaal Overlegorgaan van Heksenmeesters wordt geschonden. De Yeti staat ook wel bekend als de Ve
  • De Yeti komt uit Tibet. Hij komt tot wel 5 meter hoog, en is een sneeuwwitte, bonte mensachtige, die verwant is aan de Bergtrol. Hij is bang voor vuur. De Yeti zal alles wat hij tegenkomt aanvallen en opeten, dus tot dusver is er nog geen tovenaar of heks geweest die hem van dichtbij heeft kunnen bestuderen. Yeti's zijn een van de slechtst bewaarde geheimen van de toverwereld; er zijn zóveel signalementen door Dreuzels dat het Internationaal Overlegorgaan van Heksenmeesters een permanente Internationale Taakeenheid in de bergen heeft moeten aanstellen. Daarnaast is in Tibet de toverwereld het slechtst geheimgehouden, aangezien continu artikel 73 van het Statuut van Geheimhouding van het Internationaal Overlegorgaan van Heksenmeesters wordt geschonden. De Yeti staat ook wel bekend als de Ve
  • History: The Yeti or Abominable Snowman as he is known in the west is one of the most famous cryptozoological animals in the world, seconded by only Bigfoot and Nessie. However to the Sherpas, the Yeti has always been a very real and very alive creature. Since 1951 when the first physical evidence of this animal becan coming out of the Himalayas, several Western explorers have found convincing evidence that the Sherpas may be right. Expeditions into the Himalayas have uncovered mystifying stories of strange human-like creatures who live in the region. In 1951, Eric Shipton, a world-famous mountaineer, came across a curious set of tracks. One footprint was 13 inches long and 8 inches wide. It didn't look like it was made by a man or an ape. Loren Coleman is an expert on cryptozoological ani
  • <default>Yeti</default> Status Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii Naturalne występowanie Pokrewne gatunki Alternatywne nazwy gatunku Pokarm Skóra Oczy Włosy Pióra Wzrost Długość Rozpiętośc skrzydeł Śmiertelność Cechy szczególne Przynależność Uzyskiwane składniki eliksirów Yeti (znany również jako Wielka Stopa i Śnieżny Człowiek) — magiczne stworzenie pochodzące z Tybetu. Podejrzewano, że był spokrewniony z trollem, jednak nikomu nie udało się do niego zbliżyć na tyle, aby przeprowadzić odpowiednie obserwacje, które by to potwierdziły. Osiągał piętnaście stóp wzrostu, cały porośnięty był śnieżnobiałym futrem. Yeti pożerał wszystko, co stanęło mu na drodze, a że bał się ognia, mógł zostać nim odparty przez wprawionych czarodziejów.
  • The Yeti is a large hairy bipedal creature, like a bigfoot, sometimes described as white other times as brown haired and seen mainly in high mountain ranges such as the Himalayas. The Himalayan mountain range straddles the border between India, Nepal, and Tibet. The Range includes the tallest land based mountain in the world, Mount Everest, which is about 29,000 feet high. The high ranges are snow bound most of the year and few people live there. The search to find the Yeti is not a modern one, in the time of Alexander the Great, around 326 BC he set out to conquer the Indus Valley and having heard the stories of the yeti asked to see one. Apparently, the locals told him the creature could not survive in the lower atmosphere and could not be brought down the mountain. Legend perhaps but re
  • Yeti is a large, hairy humanoid (or possibly just a human with a condition) who is a member of Master Payne's Circus of Adventure. His duties in the Circus are unclear, but he is a minor Spark and owns, or at least [ wields] [[Chronology - Volume #|✣ ]], a gravity engine -- whatever that is. Although it's not his regular role (apparently), he steps in and plays the role of Punch in what's arguably the [ most important] [[Chronology - Volume #|✣ ]] Heterodyne show ever staged. His performance can reasonably be described as... convincing.
  • Yetis are an ancient species of ape-like animals that live in the hidden Valley of the Yetis. They are very aggressive and feared creatures that will attack anything that provokes them with extremely powerful attacks and can endure any heavy weapon. Ajay first encounters a yeti after escaping the prison, but passes out before the creature gets closer. Ajay is sent north to find a relic called the Elixir to use against Pagan Min but his helicopter crashes ending up in the hidden valley. Ajay wakes up from the wreckage to find his pilot is missing and starts hearing strange noises from a cult group known as the disciples and caves with luminescent fungi with ape-like statues known as Yalung. After rescuing the pilot, Ajay is knocked out and first encounters the Yetis eating human flesh being
  • thumb|right|200px|Série de selos do Butão com representações tradicionais do yeti O yeti (do tibetano yeh-teh, "urso das rochas"), ou abominável homem das neves (abominable snowman, em inglês), é um ser humanóide e peludo referido por crenças e tradições do Nepal e Tibete. Outros nomes locais para esse ser ou outros similares incluem:
  • Voor de yeti die zich voordoen bij Myths of the White Lands, zie Yeti (Myths of the White Lands) Yeti zijn wezens die kunnen worden uitgevochten tijdens of na de Glorious Memories zoektocht. Zij kan slechts worden gevonden in de Trollweiss Dungeon. Ze zijn de mens avonturiers bedorven door de Gnoeals. Zoals de yeti zijn gevonden in hetzelfde gebied als de Gnoeals, die magische aanvallen, de spelers dragen melee armor gebruik kan vinden op het gebied gevaarlijk. Af en toe, de yeti's en de Gnoeals elkaar aanvallen, vergelijkbaar met de bewoners van de God Wars Dungeon. Ze hebben een ongewoon hoge drop rate voor niveau 2 Clue scrolls, en daarom zijn ze een goede NPC om ze te verkrijge
  • The Yeti is the final animal to be unlocked in Carnivores Ice Age, kept hidden as the "secret animal" or "Bonus" until the player earns 1000 points. Despite the fact it is seen as the most dangerous animal in the game, in the original PC version it is very shy and mindless, and will run away at extreme speeds if the player is detected at a distance. The Yeti kills the hunter by grabbing his legs and repeatedly smashing him against the ground. It is incorrectly given the stats of the Tyrannosaurus on the hunt menu. The Yeti also has a similar AI and same call as the bear. This could indicate it may have been a late addition to the game. The Yeti has white fur and red skin.
  • 5
  • 15
  • 31
  • 63
  • 85
  • 90
  • 93
  • 94
  • 117
  • 120
  • Modern
  • New 52
Main Character
  • Yeti; Yeti from Black Panther Vol 1 5.jpg
  • Good
  • Neutral
  • Bad/Neutral
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
  • 45
  • 69
  • 70
  • Archers
  • Throwing Snowballs
  • Roaring
cia length
  • 4.500000
cia smell
  • 0.950000
cia hear
  • 1
cia health
  • 18
cia basescore
  • 50
cia encounters
  • no
cia look
  • 0.950000
cia mass
  • 1.500000
cia cost
  • 1000
  • File:1023.png
  • Two arms and legs
  • 5
  • Gracza
  • 2
АТК за ур
  • 30
Row 9 info
  • N/A
  • IV
  • Monsters University
  • Monsters, Inc.
  • Grand Theft Auto IV y Grand Theft Auto V
  • Posiblemente en el dojo
  • Wit
  • Wit
Sub Bump
  • 30
  • Attacks upward with a medium-sized elemental laser.
  • Neander
Attack Type
  • Physical
Row 8 info
  • N/A
  • Suffers from Psychosis, smiley face tattooed on rear
  • 213
  • 15
Базовые ХП
  • 1498
  • Monsters, Inc.
  • Monsters University
  • Yeti Runners.png
  • Yeti
  • Helardianoo
  • Tibet
Row 4 info
  • 5
  • 3.0
  • 7.0
  • No
  • Yeti
  • Ricardo Brust
Romaji Name
  • Ieti
Rare Steal
  • An impressively hairy ape-like creature.
  • He's sleeping like a baby.
  • He's unconscious. That horn must have given him quite fright fright!
Battle Start
  • I wanna go home...
ja lore
  • さむいところに多く見かけるのだが、どうやら
  • これまた目つきの悪いモンスター。
  • さむいのはニガテらしい。
Row 10 title
  • Icon
  • Ei
  • There doesn't appear to be any effects from eating yetis besides satiation, though apparently they taste like rotten meat.
  • 250
  • Masculino
acc magic
  • 0
  • Semi-sapient
  • None.
  • 1830
Row 7 title
  • Alignment
  • Significant Other
  • Hypertrichosis appearance.
  • Frost bite
  • +150
  • +210
  • +90
  • difficile
aff magic
  • 65
  • yes
  • 3770
  • 4147
  • N/A
  • 7.400000
  • 70
  • Blanco
  • Single
  • Friendly
  • A Yeti will fight until death.
  • Yetis fight until death.
  • Wszystkie yeti
  • 300
  • 2250
  • Yeti
Luck Skill
  • 25
  • -
  • Forgol Statystyki Poziom 150 +25 STW 0
  • Kosmaty Yeti Statystyki Poziom 60 +10 STW 0
  • Yeti Statystyki Bazowe STW 0
  • Yeti Statystyki Bazowe STW 1
  • Yeti Statystyki Bazowe STW 2
  • Yeti Przywódca Statystyki Poziom 115 +25 STW 0
  • Yeti Przywódca Statystyki Poziom 60 +10 STW 0
  • no pero se rumora
skill lv
  • 【Autoskill】
  • Own ATK 30% up after every attack / Max 5 times
  • Own ATK 40% up after every attack / Max 5 times
  • 1400
  • 6
  • 14
  • 27
  • 34
  • 45
  • Frost Giant
  • Giants
  • Giants
  • Mammals
  • Mammals
  • Mammals
  • Drop
movie appearances
  • Cars
Row 1 info
  • Monsters
  • America
Max Luck
  • 90
  • 99
  • 5
Inne wystąpienia
  • 4070
  • Weiß
  • no
  • Aww, aren't the little ones cute?
  • Look at those Calws! or Warning:May kill if to close!
  • 1
  • Deslizarse
  • Elevadas habilidades de evasión
  • Saltar o embestir contra el jugador
  • 10
  • Yeti-GTAV-Logo.png
  • Biały, ciemnoniebieski, różowy
  • 0
  • no
  • no
  • no
Row 8 title
  • Notes
  • Advances from:
cars toons appearances
  • None
  • 142
  • 93
max hit
  • 89
  • 180
  • XXXX
  • 75
  • 100
  • 110.0
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • no
  • 10
  • None
  • 4
  • 3110
  • 8
  • No
  • Yeti.PNG
max magic
  • 0
  • 0
  • 30
Row 4 title
  • Movement
  • Height
  • 100
  • 100.0
Row 9 title
  • Advances to:
  • 100
  • 100.0
  • yes
max spec
  • 0
  • N/A
  • 6
  • Yeti
  • N/A
  • 1850
  • skinning
attack speed
  • 6
acc melee
  • 732
aff weakness
  • 90
Podpis pod obrazkiem
  • Yeti w lesie na klifie po drodze do Nyrasa
  • Yeti
  • Yetis fight until death.
  • 9
  • Yes
  • 4630
  • 16
  • Aggregor vs Vilgax
  • "Escapando de Aggregor "
  • 5.0
  • 0
  • Bounce
  • 4810
  • 250
  • Ungrrr!
  • 6
  • Hu Wei
  • 4120
  • hinterland hymalaiano
Цена в колоде
  • 19
Bump Combo
  • 30
  • Attacks with a large, non-elemental blast around the user.
  • Attacks with a massive, non-elemental blast around the user.
  • Attacks with a very large non-elemental blast around the user.
Monster Memory
  • A huge lumbering humanoid covered in icy white fur stares at you with bestial eyes. It's breath is visible and you can read the rancid stink of long rotten flesh. Its square face and huge forehead belies a primitive intelligence, almost more than the huge curved claws springing from muscular forearms. It lumbers forward with an apish gait, flexing its powerful muscles.
aff melee
  • 55
  • --
  • --
  • --
  • no
  • 0
  • V
Row 2 info
  • 80
  • Original
  • Scott Ivy
  • Rare
Row 6 info
  • 4
  • Neon Orange
  • Ei
Punkty Doświadczenia
  • 150
  • 100
Weak Against
  • Element Wind, Beast Killer Rings
  • N/A
  • 100
  • 100.0
  • Yeti
  • 100
  • 100.0
  • 200
  • 100
  • 100.0
Row 1 title
  • Games
  • Race
  • Country of Origin
  • 5
  • Fizyczny
max ranged
  • 0
  • 0
  • Yeti
  • 9
  • --03-20
  • Low
  • No
Always Drops
  • Tres vidas
Row 5 info
  • 200
  • Blue
  • 2
  • 110
  • Masculino
  • 555
  • 1500
  • 8
Row 2 title
  • Libraries
  • Cost
  • Real Name
aff ranged
  • 45
Attack style
  • Melee
acc ranged
  • 0
  • No
  • siehe links
  • No
comentario imagen
  • El logo de Yeti
  • Yeto y Yeta, los únicos Yeti conocidos.
ХП за ур
  • 43
Row 6 title
  • Hair
  • Level
  • 100
  • 101
  • 120.0
  • Mies
  • Usually neutral
  • 11
  • 3980
  • 4378
  • 15897
  • 18184
  • 22810
  • no
  • Białe
Базовая АТК
  • 465
friendship max
  • Please don't ever leave. It's
  • so warm when you're here.
  • Cold
Strike shot
  • Increases Speed.
  • Bombards all enemies on contact with giant acorns.
  • A-OK Avalanche - 30 Turns
  • Hullabaloo - 12 Turns
  • Kick for the Ages - 28 Turns
  • Calls upon nature to attack enemies on contact with boulders.
video game appearances
  • None
  • 9
  • no
  • Bueno
  • Uno Yeti che sta correndo al bagno
  • Yeti
  • Yeti II
  • Yeti Watch
  • Yeti Watch II
Pie de Foto
  • Sprite en Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.
Row 10 info
  • no
  • no
  • no
  • Pospolite
  • 2160
Row 5 title
  • Eyes
  • XP
  • XXXX
  • XXXX
  • 0.600000
  • 9
  • 180.070000
  • 241.070000
  • 298.730000
friendship event
  • I'm normally scared of
  • You melt the ice that has
  • kept my heart cold.
  • people, but not you.
  • Raid
battle end
  • I knew people were scary.
variants link
  • on
  • Yeti F.png
max melee
  • 180
Row 3 info
  • 23
  • 142
  • 8
  • 70
  • Common
  • Rare
  • Uncommon
  • SR
  • Always
  • Very rare
Row 3 title
  • Age
  • HP
  • NP Value
  • 14
  • 33
  • 63
  • 79
  • 103
  • 100
  • no
  • Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
  • Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
  • Yes
  • yes
  • freezing
  • Yeti
  • N/A
Row 7 info
  • Neutral
  • Seems to be affectionate towards Squint
  • 170
  • 10
  • N/A
  • Mammals
  • Apes
  • Apes
  • Yetis
  • 2080
  • Restoration 9
  • Bellow
  • Tempest 9
immune to poison
  • No
Alternatywne nazwy gatunku
  • * Wielka Stopa * Śnieżny Człowiek
  • 84
  • 300
  • Desconocido
  • Yeto & Yeta, a Yeti couple
  • Robert Kirkman; Benito Cereno; Ransom Getty
  • Animal
  • Frozen North
  • 3
  • Melee
  • 30
  • 90
  • *Immune to cold
Box Title
  • Yeti
image2 width
  • How big
  • Sons: Moe and Stringfellow Szyslak
  • Wife: Mrs. Szyslak
  • Rock
  • 200
  • Abominable Snowplow
  • Yeti
  • 4
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Kinect Disneyland Adventures
  • ''Grand Theft Auto IV
  • Disney INFINITY series
  • Disney Emoji Blitz
  • Female
  • siehe links
  • 1048
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Wherever the Circus is.
  • Throws snowballs and shakes the screen.
  • Tokyo
  • First Strike
  • Cheerful, gentle, honest
  • Mammalia
  • Human-like traits
  • Unknown
  • -50
  • 4
  • 6
  • 15
  • 1
  • 287
Voiced by
  • None
  • 0
  • Tierwesen
  • Alive
  • Zwierzę
  • Pointable
  • indies, active
  • HT
  • Wymarłe
  • 2
  • "Moe Goes from Rags to Riches"
  • Muscular, white hair, large feet
  • 1
First Appearance
  • Tintin in Tibet
  • The Kur Stone:Part One
  • Beano #2633
  • [[w:c:zelda:The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • ja
  • yetilogo
  • 3
  • 10
  • Enemy
  • Ally
  • Pico Nevado
  • Whole of Zamonia
  • Himalayan region
  • Mountains and Ice
  • Peak Province, Hyrule
  • Snowy region, snowy mountains
  • yes
  • Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
  • 45
  • A yeti: * is an animal. * is a humanoid. * is a carnivore. * is always hostile. * is strong. * is visible by infravision.
  • Cemetery
  • Special Dungeons 29
  • Special Dungeons 30
  • Black
  • White
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • 7
  • 0
  • 1
  • Coins
  • Yeti
  • Swordfish
  • Yeti
  • Blood rune
  • Earth rune
  • Chaos rune
  • Clue scroll
  • Earth talisman
  • Nature rune
  • Spirit emerald
  • Spirit ruby
  • Spirit sapphire
  • Starved ancient effigy
  • Adamant helm
  • Big bones
  • Curved bone
  • Long bone
  • Super restore
  • Uncut emerald
  • Uncut sapphire
  • Gold ore
  • Law rune
  • Mithril sq shield
  • Prayer potion
  • Steel arrow
  • Super defence
  • Yeti
  • Silver ore
  • Iron arrow
  • Mithril warhammer
  • Fire talisman
  • Chilli potato
  • Steel throwing axe
  • Super attack
  • Lava rune
  • Half a wild pie
  • イエティ
  • Antipoison+
  • Separated Yeti
  • Transformed Yeti
  • Yeti
  • left|MMSF2right|SSR2 Yeti
  • 29
  • 3000
  • Ferocious, dangerous, mean
  • 150
  • File:Yeti Species 001.png
  • Yeto & Yeta
  • 0
  • Good
  • Ice
  • Rare
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • A super close-up of the shadow from Dig Out The Dojo.
  • An atlantian guard
  • The Yeti as it appears in Castle Crashers
  • The Yeti putting a star on the Christmas tree.
  • The Yeti, as drawn by Robert Nixon
  • Yeti with young
  • Yeto and Yeta, the only known Yetis
  • Guarding the Globe Vol 1 1
  • "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!"
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
  • Escape from Aggregor
  • Fire
  • Fire spells
  • Deep Blue
  • 7
  • 9
  • 17
  • 22
  • 31
  • 39
  • 51
  • 52
  • 66
  • 19
  • 20
  • 46
  • 86
  • 109
  • 140
hell act
  • 1
nightmare act
  • 1
normal type
  • Animal
  • Rasgos parecidos a los humanos
hell type
  • Animal
immune to stun
  • No
immune to deflect
  • No
nightmare type
  • Animal
immune to drain
  • No
  • 3
  • Ropa
normal act
  • 1
  • Christmas Event and Quest
  • Unknown; possibly sentient to an unknown degree
  • Large monstrous humanoid
  • 10
  • 24
  • 45
  • 56
  • 74
Stolen Items
тип бизнеса
  • Компания по производству одежды
  • Yeti
  • Tíbet
  • Cold
  • Desconocida, posiblemente sensible en un grado desconocido
  • Unbekannt; möglicherweise empfindungsfähig bis zu einem unbekannten Grad
Dropped Items
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
  • DLC
animal type
  • Fantastic Creature
exhibit size
  • 85
  • 6520
  • Phineas and Ferb
  • Mickey Mouse
  • 67
  • 230
  • 460
  • 3339
  • 4000
  • 5412
  • 6678
  • 12000
  • -
  • Hielo
  • Kabisous Navadidi
  • Null Damage Wall
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Hammer Punch
  • Makes player resistant to ice, and can not be frozen
  • Yes
  • 1
  • Tank
  • Leave me alone!
  • Eek! Stranger danger!
  • 400
  • 1600
  • Snowplow
  • 130
  • 250
  • 500
  • Yeti
Image caption
  • The caption
  • Mammalia
  • Abominable Snowman
  • *Yetti *Bigfoot *Grässlicher Schneemensch
  • *Yetti *Bigfoot *The Abominable Snowman
  • Harold the Yeti
  • Meh-Teh
  • Migou
  • *Yetti *Pie Grande *El Abominable Hombre de las Nieves
  • Yeti
  • Agile
  • 64839.0
  • Asian
  • 1
  • 4
  • 6
  • 10
  • 12
  • 13
  • 15
  • 20
  • 99
  • 272
  • 323
  • 2122
range map caption
  • The caption
  • -
  • N/A
  • -
  • 9
  • 8.0
  • 15.0
  • About two stories high
  • Yeti
  • Yeti
  • Dahl
range map width
  • How big
  • 10
  • Bapasadou
  • 0
  • Title_Barrel_Maliwan_TechBoost_Incendiary
  • *Melting Cheese *Sunrise Dew *Yeti Familiar
Marital Status
  • Single and available
  • 9
  • 298
  • 3960
  • 4356
  • Icy blue or colorless
  • Earth
  • 750
  • 5
  • Media
  • Pandemonium
  • Bufu
  • Blade Break 2
  • Diarahan
  • Healmax
  • Heal All
  • Bufula
  • Purinpa
  • Polarburst
  • Polar
  • Cold Voice
  • Snowball Strike
Image size
  • thumb
  • Nepal
  • Nepali
  • 732
  • Beast
  • General
  • Melee
  • Beast
  • XXXX
  • Etherean
  • 6
  • 11
Average Height
  • Approx. four metre
  • The Yeti is Hu Wei, a Chinese super-hero and a member of the Great Ten. He is a metahuman with the ability to turn into a gigantic powerful beast. This caused problems when he lost his humanity and began wandering the Himalayas. Hu Wei was killed by Black Adam during World War III. Yeti was created by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, Keith Giffen, and Pat Olliffe, first appearing in 52 Week #32.
  • Yeti is a type of monster in ADOM, that first appeared in v. 1.2.0. Many yetis are found in the Ice Queen Domain; it is unknown if they appear in any dungeons as well. They are immune to cold. They do not seem to have any other special powers.
  • This shy maiden hides in the mountains, but hates the cold. Some think she's a monster.
  • fire
  • 1021
  • 1022
  • 1023
  • Monster
  • Blanco
  • water
image2 caption
  • caption
  • * *
  • Speed, strength
  • Twilight Princess
  • 45
  • 39
  • 47
  • 10000
  • 10.0
  • 20.0
  • 6.0
  • 12.0
  • 5.0
  • 20.0
Creature Name
  • Yeti
  • White fur
  • Large bodies
  • F
  • I'm too scared to go buy warm
  • clothes. Brrrrrr... Ahh-choo!
  • 0
  • 484
  • slash aanval
  • nee
  • 2013
  • Solitary
  • 150
  • Another image
  • Base=File:1021.png
  • Liberty City y Los Santos
  • 2
  • Level: 2, DV: 17, PV: 7, Hits: 62, Attacks: 2, Damage: 6-20. Speed: 100.
  • Yeti (Earth-295)
  • Yeti (Weapon P.R.I.M.E.) (Earth-616)
  • Yeti; Yeti from Spidey Super Stories Vol 1 16 0001.jpg
  • Ben Goldendawn; Ben Goldendawn from First X-Men Vol 1 2 page --.jpg
  • Chosen; Cold-People.gif
  • Guardian of the Gateway; Extraordinary X-Men Vol 1 2 Kirby Monster Variant Textless.jpg
  • Abominable Snowman; Tales to Astonish Vol 1 13 012.jpg
  • Hairball 2;Hairball 2 from Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers Unleashed Vol 1 2 0001.jpg
  • Sasquatch; Sasquatch -Alpha Flight Vol 2 6 004.jpg
  • Inhuman; Yeti from Marvel The Lost Generation Vol 1 12 0001.jpg
  • Lizard Men; Lizard Men from Marvel Universe Vol 1 6 001.jpg
  • 0
  • N/A
  • Very rare monsters, not considered a boss, although they spawn irregularly and don't appear on the Tibian Library. They spawn in small groups, from 1 to 3. One Yeti group spawns close to the shovel hole, second group spawns little bit north east of the shovel hole and the third group spawns east of the shovel hole.
  • thumb|Yeti on Folda (Harmonia) Very rare monsters, not considered a boss, although they spawn irregularly and don't appear in the Tibian Library. On Folda, they spawn in small groups, from 1 to 3. One Yeti group spawns close to the shovel hole, second group spawns little bit north east of the shovel hole and the third group spawns east of the shovel hole.
  • A very rare creature, though not a boss it still spawns irregularly and does not appear on the Tibian Library.
  • Lives in the mountains of Shivernorth, which is only accessible during The Dawn of Joy Christmas event.
  • On Chyllfroest, they spawn very rarely on the fourth floor of the mountain.
  • Asian cryptid
  • DC
  • Invincible
  • Tibetan mythology
Last Appearance
  • 1021
  • 1022
  • 1023
  • climb
  • 1
  • 86400.0
  • 1495667
  • Brown fur
  • White fur ;
  • circus performer
  • Kabasaodti
  • "Yooodelaaahooohooo".
  • "Yooodelaaahooohooo".
  • Mysterious Monster
  • 333
  • 73797380
  • Physical
  • melee
  • 67
  • 78
  • 143
  • 170
  • 400
  • 950
  • 2790
  • 8500
  • 12258
  • 16076
  • 17500
  • 17833
  • 406890
  • 453600
  • Unknown
  • Yeti
  • cold
  • 2009-04-01
Image width
  • How big
  • 7
Ja Name
  • イエティ
Home world
  • Grey
  • 1
  • 30
  • Omnivorous
  • carnivore
Image File
  • yetiprofile.jpg
  • Male
  • O
  • Two known to be Male
  • Fast
  • 810
  • 59
  • 131
  • 132
  • Yeti
  • Yes
  • イエティ
  • Yetii
  • Yeti
  • Hu Wei
  • A Yeti Vs a Nordberg Hunter.
  • 0
  • 1
  • 3
  • Ascension: 6.0
  • Evolution: 6.5
  • 1200
  • 2250
  • Chordata
  • passo
  • None
  • Animalia
  • Medium dmg. 1 Foe
  • Full HP recovery. 1 Ally
  • Minor HP recovery. Party
  • Confuse. 1 Foe
  • Small dmg + Freeze. 1 Foe
  • Small dmg + Mute. 1 Foe
  • 1507
  • 1626
  • 1700
  • Yeti.jpg
  • American
  • 100
  • Large
  • While blocking Yetis, try to keep at one of their diagonals to avoid the Snow Wave. Paladins can kill them with Assassin Stars and Ethereal Spear. Mages should use Magic Shield and Sudden Death Runes to take them down quickly.
  • While blocking Yetis, try to keep at one of their diagonals to avoid the Snow Wave. Paladins can kill them with Assassin Stars and Ethereal Spear. Mages should use Magic Shield and Sudden Death Runes to take them down quickly.
  • Vast majority of the damage is kiteable. Can deal up to 1500 damage in a combo when stunned in melee and when kiting the combo is 400 max.
  • While blocking it, try to keep at one of his diagonals to avoid the Snow Wave. Paladins can solo it with bolts and sudden death runes. Mages should use mana shield and sudden death runes to take it down quickly.
wikipage disambiguates
ja ability desc
  • する。
  • 心を集中し、ものすごいパンチで敵を攻撃
  • Hu Wei
Pokrewne gatunki
  • Troll
Naturalne występowanie
  • Unfriendly
ja ability
  • ハンマーパンチ
  • Wszystkożerny
  • Pravdepodobne ide o maďarského občana menom Hima Lajos
Cechy szczególne
  • Cechy podobne do człowieka
  • 1
  • Verschrikkelijke Sneeuwman
  • Verschrikkelijke Sneeuwman
  • Yeti
  • 116
  • XXXX
  • Yeti.jpg
  • Large Claws and Bite
Veľkosť obrázku
  • 220
  • Szarżowanie
Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii
  • XXXX
  • Dungeons
Popis obrázku
  • Yeti ako ho všetci poznáme
  • Yes
resistances conveyed
  • Cold
  • 700
Famous Members
  • Large
  • Troll
  • None
  • 395
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Drop only
  • 216
  • Trol
  • Trol
  • 250
other drops
  • see below
  • Menschen-ähnliche Eigenschaften
  • White
  • 54
  • ja
  • nee
  • melee
  • To be added
  • Yeti is a type of monster in ADOM, that first appeared in v. 1.2.0. Many yetis are found in the Ice Queen Domain; it is unknown if they appear in any dungeons as well. They are immune to cold. They do not seem to have any other special powers.
  • [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:/Creator]] [[Category:Characters by Name ]]
  • Monster Description and Picture Here.
  • Found in and around the Master Garu's Monastery in Tanvu.
  • Type Here
  • Yetis are not at all uncommon in the higher elevations of the great mountains of Daventry. The fact that there are records of Graham and Alexander encountering these creatures in their journeys would tend to support this assertion. Yetis are said to live solitary lives until they mate, at which time the male and female of the species stay together until death. They make their Daventry homes in deep caves that they ferociously guard from all intruders. Yeti's are huge and fearsome creatures, human-shaped (but several times larger), covered with coarse and pungent fur, and overly equipped with long claws and fangs. It is said that their intellectual capacity is nil, but no known person has ever survived initiating a conversation with a yeti. A yeti was guarding a cave entrance to the crystal cavern of Queen Icebella. Queen Icebella was even less fond of the yeti who had invaded her territory than she was of Graham and Cedric. She offered Graham a chance to save himself and Cedric's life if he somehow removed the yeti from her realm. It was defeated by King Graham, who throws a pie in his face. Prince Alexander-Gwydion also encountered an abominable snowman after his return to Daventry, after escaping Llewdor. He had to escape the the snowman at all costs. He was able to avoid him with some of the magical spells he made back in Mannannan's laboratory. A creature similar to Yeti is also said to exist in parts of Siberia, and Bigfoot is yet another similar creature. Many say Bigfoot roams the forests of North America, but it lives at a lower altitude, and in a much more temperate climate. Yetis while being common in the world of Daventry are at least known of about in the Realm of Eldritch as well.
  • thumb|240px|YetiDer Yeti, auch Schneemensch genannt, ist ein zweibeiniges behaartes Fabelwesen des Himalaya-Gebirges.
  • Yeti is a character that appeared in LEGO Batman: The Videogame.
  • From the high reaches of the mountains come the Yeti who split from their power-mad kin to join the Beasts. An angry Yeti is to be feared, for many employ both strength and magic to defeat their foes.
  • "Yetis are relatively gentle creatures, and extremely hardy. Nature's training dummies!" -Gnarl Yetis are giant one-eyed ape-like creatures.They also have three-fingered claws. The Overlad befriended a Yeti by freeing it from a cage in the Empire Camp.
  • Es un alien de Ben 10:Perplemacia Alienigena. (Credits to Sss for the picture)
  • Yeti are giant-folk who dwell in the hills and mountains of Cantha. Like the real-world cryptid of the same name, these creatures resemble a large, bipedal mixture of human and ape. The yeti are just intelligent enough to form a hunter-gatherer society with a deep tradition of honor and courage (as the yeti understand these concepts). Yeti have been known on rare occasions to interact peaceably with humans, speaking a broken version of the common tongue. Usually, however, they will attack humans on sight. They also seem to possess a deep and mutual enmity toward all the Canthan Tengu tribes.
  • Summoned by Sedna's Horn of the Yeti skill. Higher versions of that skill produce stronger Yetis.
  • White Agent #OMG-445 a.k.a. "Yeti" was created by PDG on Y!Gallery for the club Rookie Mistakes.
  • A Yeti lives in the mountains near Danville. He assisted Phineas, Ferb and their friends in finding a Christmas tree after the town's Christmas tree was destroyed by Dr. Doofenshmirtz. He is also seen being pushed in a wheelbarrow, getting bathed by Phineas and Ferb, and putting the star on a Christmas tree in the opening title sequence for "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!".
  • A Yeti or Abominable Snowman is a mythical creature said to inhabit the Himalayan regions of Nepal, India and Tibet. Stories of the Yeti began in Western culture in the 19th century, with the legend of a Bigfoot or Sasquatch of North America.
  • The Yetis were all defeated when Sonic realised what the Tantaror was doing and ordered him to stop.
  • Teksti tutkittaessa: "He´s unconscious. That horn must have given him guite the fright!"
  • Der Yeti ist ein halbintelligentes Säugetier, dass in den Bergen von Alpinien lebt.
  • Yeti can be found east of icicle city, or south of Atlantis haven.
  • The Yeti are a race that live in the Peak Province of Hyrule. They have white fur and only their hands, feet and faces are furless. The males are quite big, roughly two times the size of a Human, and have big, beaverlike tails. The males are very strong and can easily knock members of other races down. The females, on the other hand, are only slightly bigger than Humans (roughly half the height of their possible mates) and have no tails. They seem to lack arms, although this could be because the only female Yeti that had been spotted wears some sort of armless sweater, and so her arms may be tucked inside it out of sight. It is unknown how strong the females are. It is to be noted that as Link encounters only two Yetis in the game, they may not all look the same and so the known description may not apply to the whole species. Yeti speak Hylian, but not very fluently. Despite the perspective of them being large man-eating monsters, the Yeti are actually kindhearted and generous.
  • Yeti appears to be a mix between Snowy and Biggy. It is a Mutant Funghi.
  • Yeti – stworzenia zamieszkujące powierzchnię Lost Hex. Pojawiają się w grze Sonic Lost World, gdzie można je spotkać w drugim Zonie Frozen Factory, gdzie gracz toczy się pod postacią śnieżnej kuli.
  • Yeti (maď. Hima Lajos) je záhadný potvor žijúci v Himalájach, ktorého nenašiel ani Reinhold Messner. Podobá sa na mapinguaryho, big foota, saquatcha a trochu aj na orang pendega a veľkú opicu.
  • As a type of beastman that lives in snowy mountain areas they are clad in layers of fluffy white fur. Despite their naturally high body temperatures, it is impossible for them to not feel the frigid cold of their homes. Despite this, they are still able to continue moving about in even the most furious of blizzards. A friendly, cheerful and kind hearted race, if they see a traveler in distress during a snowstorm they’ll approach his frozen body and hug him, using their high body temperature to warm him back up. Even in subzero temperatures, those held in the gentle arms of these girls won’t feel the cold, even if they were buck naked to the elements. During particularly fierce snowstorms many of these monsters have also invited humans back to their homes and shelters, this kind act saving the lives of many travelers. No matter whom their companion is, these girls have a strong desire to hug those around them and will get their cuddles one way or another, they being the sorts that use their body to express their emotions, from joy to arousal. Those around them will find these girls to be very affectionate and cuddly. When embracing a human male, their hugs are even tenderer, hugging the man close to themselves, though not only to provide him with warmth. For them, these hugs are a form of courtship. Generally, they are fairly proactive when pursuing a man since they’re monsters, targeting men depending on their reaction to being embraced and cuddled by their fluffy arms. If, while embracing a man, their hug is returned, these girls will become happy and declare their intentions to the man. If he doesn’t struggle or try to leave, they will become more active with their courting behavior and hug the man even tighter against themselves. During this time her body’s temperature will rise due to her arousal, this heat, combined with her gentle embrace, causes many men to get an erection, a sign these girls will take to mean it is time to have sexual intercourse. While tenderly holding the aroused human male, her thoughts will begin to turn to having his child before she gleefully begins to have sexual intercourse with him. While these girls are gentle and quite docile, you must remember that they are still monsters. They always dream of finding a man who won’t struggle and reject them. While these girls have amazing physical strength and could easily pin a man down, something anyone hugged by them would know, they would rather use their natural charm and body heat to fascinate and seduce a human male before coupling with him. During these girls’ lifetimes they will help save the lives of many people, if however, a human male raises a “flag” by responding to her fluffy hugs and having sex with her, she will become his wife.
  • History: The Yeti or Abominable Snowman as he is known in the west is one of the most famous cryptozoological animals in the world, seconded by only Bigfoot and Nessie. However to the Sherpas, the Yeti has always been a very real and very alive creature. Since 1951 when the first physical evidence of this animal becan coming out of the Himalayas, several Western explorers have found convincing evidence that the Sherpas may be right. Expeditions into the Himalayas have uncovered mystifying stories of strange human-like creatures who live in the region. In 1951, Eric Shipton, a world-famous mountaineer, came across a curious set of tracks. One footprint was 13 inches long and 8 inches wide. It didn't look like it was made by a man or an ape. Loren Coleman is an expert on cryptozoological animals; he comments that the Shipton footprint is "a very big peice of evidence because it showed toes, individual toes. It showed a squat, square footprint, which a lot of the other expeditions had found." Unfortunately, he adds, Shipton did not have very good photographic equipment with them for better detailed images. In 1957, a Texas oilman named Tom Slick and explorer Peter Byrne set off for the Arun Valley in northeastern Nepal in search of Yeti. Byrne believed that since the Sherpas knew the Yeti was a real animal that it had to be real. They called him "hairy man" that lived separate from them. Shown 8x10 pictures of a chimpanzee, a gorilla, primitive man and other humanoids, the Sherpas would always point to the primitive man and declare that that was the Yeti. They described the Yeti as being man-like in form, and about 5-foot-6, 5-foot-7, 5-foot-8 and totally covered with hair. The face would be bare of hair, and it walked fully erect. In another part of the valley, Tom Slick and his Sherpa guides discovered a set of tracks in mud, which were unique because they knew melting and shifting anow could alter tracks. They measured 10 inches long and 7 inches wide. According to anthropologist Dr. George Agogino, it was similar to the footprint discovered by Eric Shipton six years earlier. Byrne took another trip to the area in February of 1958 and met a Buddhist monk who knew of a Yeti hand preserved in a nearby temple. It was the size of a human hand, cut off at the wrist. Peter took photos of it since the lama would not allow it to leave the temple; scientists had never seen anything like these before. The next year, Peter Byrne returned to the monastery with a bottle of Scotch for the monk and an outrageous plan to cut a finger off and rplace it with a fake. As he recalled: "It took quite a long time to wire the whole thing together and put it all back together and put it back in the box, and nobody ever knew anything about it. Everything, everybody, actually was perfectly happy. They still had the hand, and it still had its fingers." The finger was brought back to London and sent to Dr. George Agogino who shared it with twenty experts who were about equally divided over whether it was human or whether it was some type of primate known or unknown. Meanwhile, Dr. Agogino put a tissue sample from the bone fragment in an envelope in his desk, and it remained there for more than thirty years. When Unsolved Mysteries learned of the bone fragment in Dr. Agogino's desk drawer, they had the University of California to analyze it. The results were inconclusive, but seemed to indicate that the tissue probably came from a human hand. Dr. Jerry Lowenstein, Professor of Nuclear Medicine analyzed the fragment, but came to realize that any result would still neither confirm or deny the Yeti's existence. Meanwhile, Yeti reports continued. A photographer named Kurt Fritler at a campsite at 16,500 feet in the Himalayas heard a very loud piercing call from the night. He claimed it moved around and circled his campsite, getting closer and farther away from him. Reinhold Messner says he got a good look at the creature from about thirty feet away. He called it "quite hairy and strong with short legs. The body was quite dark, dark brown, black hair, long, long hairs." Background: None Investigations: None Extra Notes: This case originally ran on the February 12, 1992 episode. The Yeti has also been featured on "Sightings," "Destination Truth" and "Monster Quest." Results: Unresolved. In December of 2011, DNA testing was done on the bone fragment that Peter Byrne took. The tests confirmed that the bone was actually from a human, not from a Yeti. Still, many believe that the Yeti is a real creature. Links: * The Yeti on * The Yeti on Wikipedia
  • The Yeti is the final animal to be unlocked in Carnivores Ice Age, kept hidden as the "secret animal" or "Bonus" until the player earns 1000 points. Despite the fact it is seen as the most dangerous animal in the game, in the original PC version it is very shy and mindless, and will run away at extreme speeds if the player is detected at a distance. The Yeti kills the hunter by grabbing his legs and repeatedly smashing him against the ground. It is incorrectly given the stats of the Tyrannosaurus on the hunt menu. The Yeti also has a similar AI and same call as the bear. This could indicate it may have been a late addition to the game. The Yeti has white fur and red skin. The Yeti's idle animations consist of it crouching and scratching its hindquarters then sniffing its fingers afterwords and it beating its chest like an ape and raising it's arms. When wandering around the map, it will use the stereotypical Sasquatch walking pose with it swinging its arms by its side and walking in an almost stealthiest looking movement. When it notices the Hunter, it will run away on all fours using its long arms to move much faster. In fact, when running, it tends to never let its feet touch the ground and leaves most of the work to its powerful arms and hands. The Yeti's speed is so great that it is able to scale many mountains and other obstructions relatively easily. Like most of the dangerous animals in Carnivores Ice Age, the Yeti doesn't like going into the water but may occasionally pursue the player in the water if close enough. The Yeti is more aggressive in the iOS version, running towards you at the sound of a gun shot, making more of the them in an area a threat.
  • A Yeti is an level 4 unit belonging to the race of Monsters. It is a stand-alone unit and does not advance to or from anything. It does not belong to any faction. Yetis are extremely resilient and can strike their foes with bone-shattering force in close combat.
  • The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an ape-like humanoid, similar to the American Bigfoot, said to inhabit the Himalayan regions of Nepal, India and Tibet. The names Yeti and Meh-Teh, as well as many other local names, are commonly used by the people indigenous to the region. They are also Monsters in Maplestory. __TOC__
  • Note: this is written in lolspeak. if you want to learn it go to http:/ oh hai! teh yeti iz a beeg hary monstr dat livz in teh himalaiaz. he eetz ppl liek u and spitz owt der bonez. ( i told you its in lolspeak)
  • Forse lontano parente del Gurzo del Borneo Meridionale o di qualche mostro di Star Wars, lo Yeti venne avvistato la prima volta nell'Himalaya da un ubriacone che diceva di vedere degli scimmioni pelosi.
  • The yeti is a creature found in Glacies Terra only. This creature is very large and powerful. When approached they will go on the offensive as they see any non yeti as an enemy.
  • Yeti is a downloadable bonus animal from the Zoo Tycoon official website, and is also included in Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection. It is a larger version of the Bigfoot, but with white fur. This is inaccurate, as in real life, Sasquatch/Bigfoot is reported to be larger. Also, in the game the Yeti eats meat, while in real life it would be an omnivore.
  • Lo Yeti, comunemente detto anche Bigfoot o Abominevole Uomo delle Nevi, è una creatura nativa del Tibet. È alto fino a quattro metri e mezzo ed è ricoperto da un candido pelo bianco. Divora qualsiasi creatura che incotra ma teme il fuoco e un Mago veramente abile sa come cavarsela. Si crede che possa essere imparentato con i Troll , ma nessun Mago o Strega si avvicinato tanto per studiarlo. Classificato XXXX.
  • Yeti is a large, hairy humanoid (or possibly just a human with a condition) who is a member of Master Payne's Circus of Adventure. His duties in the Circus are unclear, but he is a minor Spark and owns, or at least [ wields] [[Chronology - Volume #|✣ ]], a gravity engine -- whatever that is. Although it's not his regular role (apparently), he steps in and plays the role of Punch in what's arguably the [ most important] [[Chronology - Volume #|✣ ]] Heterodyne show ever staged. His performance can reasonably be described as... convincing. While Zeetha was with the circus, he was her boyfriend, but they presumably separated without drama when Zeetha decided to follow Agatha instead of going to England with the rest of the Circus. Barring unexpectedness (always a possibility in this world), that's where he is now and will be for the foreseeable future. With the second novelization, Yeti gets some more characterization and development, such as his stage fright. His backstory is also fleshed out a bit more; he claims to be a member of a utopian society of sparky individuals hidden away in the Himalayan Mountains near Tibet. This doesn't seem to be supported by his accent, however, which sounds the same as immigrants in the Chinese quarter of Istanbul. Also, the gravity engine becomes "the gravity equations", which, when correctly contemplated, allow him to strengthen the force of gravity in a selected area; he successfully slows down the Monster Horse Beastie in this fashion.
  • Yeti es un monstruo introducido en el videojuego Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow y más tarde aparecería también en el videojuego Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Es una criatura simiesca que es muy cobarde y por lo general se escapa si es descubierto por el jugador. Es uno de los tres monstruos ocultos basada en la criptozoología en el videojuego Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, los otros son Flying Humanoid y Mothman.
  • The Yeti is a large hairy bipedal creature, like a bigfoot, sometimes described as white other times as brown haired and seen mainly in high mountain ranges such as the Himalayas. The Himalayan mountain range straddles the border between India, Nepal, and Tibet. The Range includes the tallest land based mountain in the world, Mount Everest, which is about 29,000 feet high. The high ranges are snow bound most of the year and few people live there. The search to find the Yeti is not a modern one, in the time of Alexander the Great, around 326 BC he set out to conquer the Indus Valley and having heard the stories of the yeti asked to see one. Apparently, the locals told him the creature could not survive in the lower atmosphere and could not be brought down the mountain. Legend perhaps but reports continue. In 1925 a Greek photographer, N. A. Tombazi, was working as a member of a British geological expedition in the Himalayas, when a creature was pointed out to him. It was moving in the distance across some lower slopes. "Unquestionably, the figure in outline was exactly like a human being, walking upright and stopping occasionally to uproot or pull at some dwarf rhododendron bushes," said Tombazi, "It showed up dark against the snow and, as far as I could make out wore no clothes." The creature disappeared before a photograph could be taken but as he went through his descent Tombazi found footprints in the snow. "They were similar in shape to those of a man, but only six to seven inches long by four inches wide at the broadest part of the foot. The marks of five distinct toes and the instep were perfectly clear, but the trace of the heel was indistinct." There were 15 prints which were 12 inches (30 cms) to two feet (60 cms) distance apart . Tombazi asked the locals about the creature he'd seen and they said it was a demon. In 1938 another encounter with a Yeti was reported. Captain d'Auvergue, the curator of the Victoria Memorial in Calcutta, India, was travelling the Himalayas alone when he became snow blind.( This is where the reflection of the snow causes temporary blindness and is the reason people wear snow goggles these days to cut down the glare) As he lay fearing death from exposure he was rescued. He claimed he was found by a nine foot tall ( 3 metres) Yeti and that he/ she /it nursed him back to health. Captain d'Auvergue was then able to descend the mountain and return home. In 1951 Two British mountaineers Eric Shipton and Michael Ward found and photographed some tracks in the snow. They were on the south western slopes of the Menlung Glacier, which lies between Tibet and Nepal, at an altitude of 20,000 feet. The footprints were 13 inches( 32.5 cms) wide and 18 inches( 45 cms) long. Shipton and Ward followed the prints for a about a mile before the trail disappeared on hard ice. They have been accused of a hoax but it seems unlikely that anyone would be walking about in those temperatures in their bare feet. In 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and his Sherpa guide, Tenzing Norgay, on their record ascent to the top of Mount Everest, in 1953, saw giant foot prints on the way up. Hillary however later said he did not believe in the Yeti. In 1970, British mountaineer Don Whillans claimed to have witnessed a creature when scaling Annapurna. Whillans was scouting for a campsite when he heard some odd cries which his Sherpa guide said were a Yeti's call. That night, he saw a dark shape moving near his camp. The next day, saw some large human-like footprints in the snow, and later that same day viewed a bipedal, ape-like creature for 20 minutes through binoculars. In 1972, footprints were found by Edward Cronin and Dr Howard Emery around Everest base Camp. They followed these to a steep incline. They said a person could not have climbed the slope. A mould of the footprint was taken for Jeffrey McNeely. 1978 Lord Hunt, also known as John Hunt, who led the successful 1953 expedition to climb Mount Everest, took a photograph of what some thought could be Yeti tracks. In 1984, mountaineer David P. Sheppard of Hoboken, New Jersey, claims to have been followed by a large, furry man over the course of several days while he was on the southern side of Everest. No proof has been found and a photograph proved inconclusive. More recently : Dec 12, 2007 In the past weeks, world media have had another Yeti frenzy - with Reuters this time breaking the news of supposed Yeti tracks found in Nepal. In a later report, there was also news of a runaway elephant in the area. Late last week, Ang Tshering shot over a report with his own take on current events, including the Yeti and a stay with Everest climber Prague mayor Bem who just recently released a book about his eventful climb. On October 20th, 2008 seven Japanese adventurers photographed prints possibly made by a Yeti. The leader, Yoshiteru Takahashi claims to he saw a Yeti on a 2003 expedition, and wants to record a Yeti in action on camera. The Yeti is also reported in Siberia and several expeditions have attempted to find it.
  • Yetis are furry creatures that live primarily in Hot Springs Haven, they enjoy rock music and Penguin Bowling. like Robgoblins, most Yetis are mostly enemies with a few rare NPC Yetis. At the moment there are no quests giving Yetis.
  • impide que conjelen al jugadorthumb
  • Es el protagonista del videojuego online Snow Drift.
  • Yetis are a race from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. They inhabit the Peak Province of Hyrule, the coldest locale throughout the entire land. Yetis have white fur and only their hands, feet and faces are exposed. Their fur is implied to retain heat well, as Ashei is seen wearing a Yeti pelt to shield herself from the cold. They are able to speak Hylian, but the ones that are shown can not do so fluently. Their being man-eating monsters is a huge misconception, as both Yetis shown are actually kindhearted and generous. It is notable however, that Yeto seemingly has a tendency to push down Link at times, hinting they can somewhat be rough towards others. The males are quite big, roughly twice the size of a Human, and have big, beaver-like tails. They possess incredible strength, and can knock down others with ease. The females, on the other hand, are only slightly bigger than Humans (roughly half the height of their possible mates) and have no tails. They seem to lack arms, although this could be because the only female Yeti that appears, Yeta, wears some sort of armless sweater, and so her arms may be tucked inside it out of sight. It is to be noted that as Link encounters only two Yetis in the game, they may not all look the same and so the known description may not apply to the whole species. While they do not seem to prey on sapient creatures who mean no harm, they apparently do consume meat such as Reekfish and comments made by Yeto when talking to Wolf Link even suggests that they occasionally eat Wolf meat (which may also extend to the White Wolfos living on Snowpeak). It is notable however, that the White Wolfos that reside in Snowpeak (and the Wolfos race in general) are seemingly feral, and Yeto simply assumed Wolf Link to be the same as them and thus okay to eat. It is quite likely that the race are omnivorous in nature, as Yeto uses Ordon Pumpkin and Ordon Goat Cheese in his Soup.
  • Yetis are cryptids of cryptozoology, and have been rarely seen in the Crash Bandicoot games, where they always have the tendency to eat Crash Bandicoot.
  • Yeti are creatures that can be fought during or after the Glorious Memories quest. They can be only found in the Rellekka Hunter Area Dungeon. They are human adventurers corrupted by the Gnoeals. As the yeti are found in the same area as the Gnoeals, which use magic attacks, players wearing melee armour may find the area dangerous. Occasionally, the yeti and the Gnoeals attack each other, similar to the inhabitants of the God Wars Dungeon. Yetis and Gnoeals are good monsters for obtaining medium clues. They have a decent drop rate and low life points which makes obtaining clues from them quick.
  • Bear in mind that a yetis' threat-generation is a factor of its' p.atk (when using the Threatening Essence toggle) and that all of its skills have a positive threat modifier so do not neglect its' p.atk. The yetis' threat can be controlled by a skilled player, enabling it to tank instead of a tanking character class in a dungeon party in the early stages of the game. If you're a damage dealing or healing class in need of a bit more p.defence, a yeti is a recommended pet. Yeti cards may drop from any monster or boss in the game. As always dungeons and hard mode dungeons a.k.a secret dungeons have higher chance of dropping items.
  • The Yeti is a playable character released in the Christmas Update (2015). It is one of the mascots that cannot be unlocked by the Prize Machine as it is a secret mascot.
  • yeti fosters gif
  • Los Yeti son una raza de criaturas que aparecen en The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • El Yeti es un rumor que algunos creen que existe se podría decir que es Herbert pero eso no se sabe, es un gran secreto que se ha querido saber. En el 2009 hubo una fiesta donde tenías que buscar el escondite del Yeti por medio de un laberinto al final de encontrar la cueva encontrabas su traje. Cuando el Dojo seguía enterrado y los pinguinos lo desenterraban, se vio en un lado que pasó algo muy rápido, no se sabe que era, se han dado pruebas de esto ¿existirá este tal Yeti? Ustedes tienen la palabra. En el 01 de abril 2010 de la edición de Club Penguin, Herbert estaba vestido con un traje de Yeti.
  • Yeti is a visual kei band, which formed in December 2012. They had their first live on March 16th, 2013.
  • The Yeti, or "Abominable Snowman" (nicknamed Harold), is a cryptid said to live in the Himalayas of Central Asia. It is a relative of the North American Bigfoot. It has appeared in some Disney media, usually depicted as an evil, savage beast.
  • thumbEs una criatura que aparece en el opening de Phineas y Ferb, Especial de Navidad. Es un personaje que vive en los rincones mas helados del planeta.
  • thumb|right|200px|Série de selos do Butão com representações tradicionais do yeti O yeti (do tibetano yeh-teh, "urso das rochas"), ou abominável homem das neves (abominable snowman, em inglês), é um ser humanóide e peludo referido por crenças e tradições do Nepal e Tibete. Outros nomes locais para esse ser ou outros similares incluem: * Dzu-teh - "urso do gado", identificado por zoólogos como o urso vermelho do Himalaia * Meh-teh ou Metoh - "homem-urso" * Migoi ou Mi-go, "homem selvagem" * Mirka - "homem selvagem" * Kang Admi ou Kangmi - "homem da neve" * Jo-bran - "homem-fera" * Bonmanche - "homem selvagem" * Kanchanjunga rachyyas - "demônio do Kanchanjunga"
  • [[English name::| ]][[English name (linked)::| ]][[Card image::| ]] [[Japanese lore::これまた目つきの悪いモンスター。さむいところに多く見かけるのだが、どうやらさむいのはニガテらしい。| ]] [[Japanese ability description::心を集中し、ものすごいパンチで敵を攻撃する。| ]] Main card page: "[[Main card page::]]" * [[Card Gallery : #|Gallery]] * [[Card Appearances : #|Appearances]] * [[Card Trivia : #|Trivia]]
  • The Yeti were ape-like beasts believed to prowl the Himalayas by night. They were photographed by Shipton and Ward in 1951. They were discovered and trained by the Kivu Lama and their existence confirmed by John Probe in or after 1988.
  • Yeti – prawowity mieszkaniec Himalajów, oficjalnie nieistniejący tj. nieposiadający numeru PESEL, NIP oraz konta na Naszej Klasie. Nosi się na biało, pierze się w Vanishu Oxy Action i od czasu do czasu gdzieś się pokaże.
  • The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an ape-like cryptid said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal and Tibet. It made its first appearance in The Kur Stone:Part One.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ to bestia przypominająca legendarnego Człowieka Zimy z legend i opowiastek, podobno zamieszkującym Himalaje oraz Góry Ural. W grze jest bestią tankującą, której głównymi atutami są: wysoka obrona (PDef) oraz duża witalność (Vitality), która przekłada się na wysoką ilość HP. Atak jest słaby nawet przy rozwiniętych umiejętnościach ataku, przez co nie może być traktowany jako DD (Damage Dealer). Ten ubytek rekompensuje umiejętność podnoszenia poziomu zagrożenia (Threat), zwracająca potwory na . Doświadczony gracz może kontrolować poziom zagrożenia, jaki robi . jest polecany jako bestia dla postaci dużym atakiem fizycznym lub leczącej. Dzięki podniesieniu zagrożenia skupia na sobie uwagę potworów, podczas gdy postać może atakować nie przejmując się swoim życiem.
  • Yetis are best identified by their snow-white fur and berserk manner. Driven mad by their exodus into the valleys of Khanduras, they assault anything in their way.
  • During the Second Great War, Sarah Kerrigan led her nascent brood against them to collect their DNA while also reclaiming the Nafash Brood. Yeti were replaced by ursadons in the release version of Heart of the Swarm.
  • The yeti are the mysterious and terrifying inhabitants of the roof of Golarion. Found in small tribes in the highest peaks, these creatures are naturally stealthy and immensely strong, and are largely believed to be myth.
  • The Yeti, also known as the Abominable Snowman, is purported to live in the Himalayan regions of Tibet and Nepal. It is a large cryptid, generally portrayed as being covered in white fur or hair. The Yeti entered popular Western culture in the 19th century, but was originally a part of the culture and mythology of the inhabitants of the Himalayas, with some groups worshipping or revering the Yeti as a nature spirit. It is also referred to as the Abominable Snowman, a term first coined in 1921 by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Howard-Bury, leader of the joint Alpine Club and Royal Geographical Society "Everest Reconnaissance Expedition".
  • Yetin kallas även för Storfot och Snöman. Den härstammar från Tibet och man tror att den är besläktad med troll. Yetin kan bli upp till 10 meter hög och har kritvit päls som täcker hela kroppen. Djuret slukar hänsynslöst allt som kommer i dess väg, men kan fördrivas av eld och skickliga trollkarlar.
  • Yetin kallas även för Storfot och Snöman. Den härstammar från Tibet och man tror att den är besläktad med troll. Yetin kan bli upp till 10 meter hög och har kritvit päls som täcker hela kroppen. Djuret slukar hänsynslöst allt som kommer i dess väg, men kan fördrivas av eld och skickliga trollkarlar.
  • When Wonder Dog was transformed into a giant by Shamonite, he was mistaken for a yeti by Doctor Shamon, who ran in fear, finding and begging Batman and Robin to protect them from the abominable mountain creature. When Wonder Dog covers himself in snow in an attempt to get Batman, Robin, Marvin and Wendy's attention, once again he is mistaken for an abominable snowman by Marvin.
  • Yeti (som også er kjent som Storfot og Den avskylige snømannen) er navnet på en skikkelse som har sitt hjemmsted i Tibet. Man antar at den er i slekt med troll (selv om ingen har kommet på nært nok hold til å ta de nødvendige prøver). Yetien kan bli opptil 4,5 meter høy og er dekket fra topp til fotsåle av kritthvit pels.Yetien angriper og spiser alt som kommer i veien for den, men frykter ild og kan slås tilbake av en dyktig trollmann.
  • The company name and logo are based on the Japanese high end urban clothing brand BAPE (A Bathing Ape). Its name and logo are also an obvious reference to the popular GTA myth of the Bigfoot. The name can also be a reference to the snow monster, the Yeti. The player is able to purchase Yeti tops at Sub Urban stores. The brand is also featured in the Leopolds store in Rockford Hills.
  • The Yeti or Abominable Snowman was a hairy creature that inhabited the Himalayas and appeared to be a relative of Bigfoot. In 1934, Marion Ravenwood found Yeti footprints running through a Tibetan village while tracking a thief who had stolen her medallion. A group of Yeti made their lair in a cave complex in Tibet under a chief. → This article is a stub. You can help us by adding to it. Check out the talk page for hints on what needs to be done.
  • El Yeti es una criatura mágica originaria del Tíbet.
  • The scientific community has generally regarded the Yeti as a legend, given the lack of conclusive evidence, and it remains one of the most famous creatures of cryptozoology.
  • They have more recently come to international attention by attacking Nepal along side metahuman shamans. They seem to have a greater propensity for magic than their brethren. Some like the Meh-Teh Lama have converted to Buddism.
  • A Metahuman, Hu Wei discovered how to trigger his own atavistic gene enabling him to transform into a lumbering, chaotic beast. He was taken in by the Great Ten who supplied him with an electronic medallion, which could be used to control his transformations.
  • "The roads are pretty bad in the Himalayas, so it's good the Yeti mobile can plow through even the highest snow drifts. Always on the look out for stranded motorists, the Yeti mobile doesn't just help dig them out of the snow, he also likes to offer them a delicious snow cone or two while they wait."
  • Kategoria:Bez kodu Yeti – potwór, występujący w modyfikacji Bigfeet in colony do Gothic. Jest to daleki, nieucywilizowany krewniak orków, zamieszkujący lasy w pobliżu klifów w Górniczej Dolinie.
  • A Yeti is a pre-alpha enemy from Spikes Peak. Due to Spikes Peak being scrapped early on in the development of LEGO Universe, little is known about the Yeti's role in the game. While they have been artificially spawned by GMs many times, they did not react to players in any way, and simply stood idle in one location.
  • Yeti is a playable character in LEGO Batman: The Videogame.
  • A retaliation to Circular Fist Something equally inane. The Yeti is a action that the Blue team's character on Ouendan 2 multiplayer, on Countdown performs in the image.
  • Yeti is one of the 31 animal orbs available for players to find in the game Castle Crashers.
  • Yeti is an abominable snowman who lives with Betty in Betty and the Yeti. He is based on the mythical creature, the Yeti.
  • The Yetis are a race that appeared in the original Spyro series, and later appeared in the Skylanders series.
  • The Yeti is a large ape-like creature said to inhabit the Himalayan regions of Nepal, and Tibet.
  • A Yeti is one of a race of ape-like humanoids native to high altitudes. They are bipedal and covered in white fur that serves as a camouflage in the snow-topped peaks that form their habitat. Yetis are a primitive race of Therians who employ very little technology. They have no known social divisions. Yetis are related to the brown-furred Bigfoots of the woodlands. Yetis are part of the Bandar-log, the greater community of monkeyfolk of which the Sasquatch (and other apes) are also part.
  • Yeti is a creature that appears in MySims (Mobile). There is also a yeti (named Paul Wisnewski) in MySims Agents. It is unknown if it is the same Yeti. In MySims (Mobile) the yeti plays a small purpose just can be randomly seen. If you go on you can play their own minigame canniball
  • Yeti lives on Mt. Everest and is suggested to be the father of Moe Szyslak. This is strengthened when Moe says in Lisa Goes Gaga that he is half monster. He is seen in the episode Moe Goes from Rags to Riches. Moe once said that his father was a circus freak.
  • The Yeti is a mysterious creature mentioned by polar bears. Yeti are not found in the Antarctic, but some mysterious sightings have been made. Yetis only live in the Arctic. There is no picture of the Yeti.
  • Go to the Himalayas. Head to the top of the left mountain and find the young-looking man. Ask him to be your sherpa and he will take you up the mountain. To get up the mountain without getting blown off, you have to jump ahead of the sherpa and tie your rope to one of the rings. You can skip rings if you're fast enough. If you fall off but your sherpa is tied on, you can climb back up the rope when it stiffens.
  • Yeti, also known as tundra yeti, were large, white-furred creatures that could be found in arctic climates. They were the cold-climate version of the dire ape.
  • The Yeti, known colloquially as Abominable Snowmen by some, were a species of humanoid ape-like creatures that resided in the Himalayan Mountain region in Tibet.
  • The Yeti, sometimes referred to as the Abominable Snowman, is a humanoid cryptid associated with the Himalaya. The names Yeti or Meh-Teh are commonly used by people indigenous to the Himalayas, and are part of their history and mythology. Most mainstream scientists, explorers and writers with experience of the area, consider current evidence of the Yeti's existence to be weak and better explained as hoax, legend, or misidentification of known species. Nevertheless, the yeti remains one of the most famous creatures of cryptozoology.
  • Voor de yeti die zich voordoen bij Myths of the White Lands, zie Yeti (Myths of the White Lands) Yeti zijn wezens die kunnen worden uitgevochten tijdens of na de Glorious Memories zoektocht. Zij kan slechts worden gevonden in de Trollweiss Dungeon. Ze zijn de mens avonturiers bedorven door de Gnoeals. Zoals de yeti zijn gevonden in hetzelfde gebied als de Gnoeals, die magische aanvallen, de spelers dragen melee armor gebruik kan vinden op het gebied gevaarlijk. Af en toe, de yeti's en de Gnoeals elkaar aanvallen, vergelijkbaar met de bewoners van de God Wars Dungeon. Ze hebben een ongewoon hoge drop rate voor niveau 2 Clue scrolls, en daarom zijn ze een goede NPC om ze te verkrijge Categorie:Monsters Categorie:Monsters Categorie:Stubs Categorie:Infobox onvolledig en:Yeti
  • File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Tengu File:LightIcon.png Light: Jack | Cabaletta File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Dong Zhuo File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Carnage) | Dark (Time)
  • Die Yeti kamen aus dem Zaubertier-Tor auf diese Welt.
  • Yeti may refer to: * An Enemy from Grandia * An Enemy from Grandia II
  • The ice-dwelling Yeti is the guardian of the Ice Domain and lives in an old, icy cavern. He is powerless against the Parchment of Fire found in the Venomous Spire/Haunted Cemetery of the Forsaken Province. He also uses his claws in battle and holds in his possession the seventh Shard in Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, and is one of the guardians of Skorne.
  • The Yeti (also known as the Abominable Snowman) of Arctic legend, is a mysterious creature which has been rumored to have first made an appearance in the Dig Out The Dojo project at the Dojo Courtyard. It was said to have disappeared a few days after its arrival. During The Great Snow Maze, some of the jokes told were about yetis. There was a Yeti Costume for those who completed The Great Snow Maze. In the April 1, 2010 edition of the Club Penguin Times, Herbert was dressed up in a Yeti Costume.
  • Yeti ist eine 7cm grosse LEGO Kreatur von Lego Orient Expedition(2003). Die Figur ist im Set 7412(Versteck des Yetis )erschienen.Die Kreatur ist eine von drei Kreaturen der Orient Expedition-Reihe (Yeti, Tygurah und Jun Chi).
  • Yeti (イエティ Ieti?) is an UMA character from Mega Man Star Force 2 based on the mythological creature Yeti, which is also known as "Abominable Snowman". Yeti that can EM Wave Change with Rich Dotcom to become Yeti Blizzard and cause a blizzard in Grizzly Peak. Later, Le Mu creates multiple Yetis, and one of them uses EM Wave Change with a Murian to fight against Mega Man.
  • The Yeti is an ape-like mythological creature, said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal, India and Tibet.
  • Special Part(s): Title_Barrel_Maliwan_TechBoost_Incendiary [Yeti Variants] Yeti is the title of a group of common submachine guns in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. They are manufactured exclusively by Dahl and use the cryo version of the Maliwan barrel, thus only available in green rarity or higher. The Yeti is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source.
  • The Yeti, or Abominable Snowman, is a mythical creature and an ape-like cryptid said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal and Tibet. The names Yeti and Meh-Teh are commonly used by the people indigenous to the region, and are part of their history and beliefs. Stories of the Yeti first emerged as a facet of Western popular culture in the 19th century.
  • Location: Matterhorn (Fantasyland) Credits (First Visit): 40 Credits (Daily): 20 Pin: The Yeti
  • The Yeti is a magical creature native to Tibet. Standing up to 15 feet tall, it is a snowy-white furred humanoid that may be related to the troll. The Yeti fears fire allowing for skilled wizards to repel it. However, the Yeti will attack and eat anything that it meets, so no witch or wizard has had the opportunity to study it up close yet.
  • El Yeti es una criatura mencionada en varios episodios de la saga, aparece finalmente en "Escapando de Aggregor", donde es controlado por el Dr. Animo con una banda de control mental.
  • They appeared in the WOAT story The Aboringable Snowmen and the GOAT story The Smeg of Fear, as well as in BBVPornStudio's 100% canon spin-off production Down syndrome time. Yet(i) for some reason, they didn't return with their intellectual overlord in Series 7, having been instead replaced by snowmen, spoons, and Slender Man in a top hat (probably because those are less likely to be a target for DeviantArt furry porn). Still, at least Briggs Finish is bringing them back... in that spinoff series centered around that army group from Remembrance of the Daleks... I mean, that's something, right?
  • Yetis are an ancient species of ape-like animals that live in the hidden Valley of the Yetis. They are very aggressive and feared creatures that will attack anything that provokes them with extremely powerful attacks and can endure any heavy weapon. Ajay first encounters a yeti after escaping the prison, but passes out before the creature gets closer. Ajay is sent north to find a relic called the Elixir to use against Pagan Min but his helicopter crashes ending up in the hidden valley. Ajay wakes up from the wreckage to find his pilot is missing and starts hearing strange noises from a cult group known as the disciples and caves with luminescent fungi with ape-like statues known as Yalung. After rescuing the pilot, Ajay is knocked out and first encounters the Yetis eating human flesh being worshipped and feared by the disciples who they call The Awakened. Ajay encounters the creatures the more he explores the valley, proving to be more powerful than any animal he's ever fought.
  • Beim Yeti handelt es sich wahrscheinlich um Wolfgang Thierse, der hin und wieder im Gebirgsmassiv des Himalaya versucht, Beachtung zu finden. Als besonders hervorzuhebende Eigenschaft des Yeti gilt seine Fähigkeit, sich - sogar mitten in Berlin - unsichtbar machen zu können. Dadurch ist es ihm weitestgehend gelungen, von den Segnungen der modernen Zivilisation, z. B. Coiffeuren, verschont zu bleiben.
  • A sensible theory of its existence could be that a less evolved human lain cases of its inexplicable size. The well adapted primate lived on through the ice age and those in the artic regions breed on into present day hiding in mountains and some times known to attack humans. Yeti to be discovered. They have found a scalp of a yeti or bigfoot like creature before in the past.omg just spotted big foot
  • Yetis sind Monster in Azria die sehr nah aneinander stehen (gut für AoE).Sie haben ca. 31.285 HP und sind Typ Erde (mit 1on1 am besten mit Wind zu bekämpfen, bei AoE eigentlich egal da Elemente nicht für Skills gelten. Die Yetis sind Level 73 und sie bringen 1.2fach so viel EXP wie Small Carrierbombs (zum Beispiel statt 0,2% 0,24%) die erhöhten EXP gelten allerdings für ganz Azria. Es gibt keine Aggros, also keine Gefahr für den Leecher bzw. für den FS.
  • The yeti, wintery cousin of the sasquatch, is a dangerous beast, to be dealt with as carefully as a carnivorous ape. Though it cannot grab the player, the yeti moves quicker than the largest ape, and does extra damage by biting. A yeti corpse has a 33% chance to provide the player with cold resistance. When eating a yeti corpse confers cold resistance, the player receives the message "You feel full of hot air." This page is a . You could probably [ expand this page] should you wish to do so.
  • The Yetis(Ursus saxum.) are solitary and adapted to the cold. They avoid humans if possible.
  • Yetis are one of the strongest type of creature in the game, they appear at the tenth floor and upward. They attack by smashing their giant snow white fist into the ground usually where your hero is standing their brute strength is only matched by that of the Ogre who actually commits more damage from time to time.
  • The Yeti (a.k.a. the Abominable Snowman) was a monster who worked at the Monsters, Inc. mailroom until he was banished to the Himalayas. Despite being banished, he likes living in the human world.
  • Yeti es una empresa de ropa que aparece en Grand Theft Auto IV y Grand Theft Auto V. El jugador puede comprar ropa Yeti en las tiendas SubUrban.
  • thumb|250px|Yeti w piątej edycji D&D thumb|250px|Yeti Yeti.
  • Владелец: Главный исполнительный директор: BAWSAQ: Слоган(-ы): Тип: Стабильность: Основано: Локации: Отсылается к: Штаб-квартира: Категория:Бизнес Yeti — компания по производству одежды в играх Grand Theft Auto IV и Grand Theft Auto V.
  • De Yeti komt uit Tibet. Hij komt tot wel 5 meter hoog, en is een sneeuwwitte, bonte mensachtige, die verwant is aan de Bergtrol. Hij is bang voor vuur. De Yeti zal alles wat hij tegenkomt aanvallen en opeten, dus tot dusver is er nog geen tovenaar of heks geweest die hem van dichtbij heeft kunnen bestuderen. Yeti's zijn een van de slechtst bewaarde geheimen van de toverwereld; er zijn zóveel signalementen door Dreuzels dat het Internationaal Overlegorgaan van Heksenmeesters een permanente Internationale Taakeenheid in de bergen heeft moeten aanstellen. Daarnaast is in Tibet de toverwereld het slechtst geheimgehouden, aangezien continu artikel 73 van het Statuut van Geheimhouding van het Internationaal Overlegorgaan van Heksenmeesters wordt geschonden. De Yeti staat ook wel bekend als de Verschrikkelijke Sneeuwman. Gladianus Smalhart heeft zijn tweedejaars geleerd over de Yeti, waarschijnlijk door middel van zijn boek Jaar met de Yeti.
  • De Yeti komt uit Tibet. Hij komt tot wel 5 meter hoog, en is een sneeuwwitte, bonte mensachtige, die verwant is aan de Bergtrol. Hij is bang voor vuur. De Yeti zal alles wat hij tegenkomt aanvallen en opeten, dus tot dusver is er nog geen tovenaar of heks geweest die hem van dichtbij heeft kunnen bestuderen. Yeti's zijn een van de slechtst bewaarde geheimen van de toverwereld; er zijn zóveel signalementen door Dreuzels dat het Internationaal Overlegorgaan van Heksenmeesters een permanente Internationale Taakeenheid in de bergen heeft moeten aanstellen. Daarnaast is in Tibet de toverwereld het slechtst geheimgehouden, aangezien continu artikel 73 van het Statuut van Geheimhouding van het Internationaal Overlegorgaan van Heksenmeesters wordt geschonden. De Yeti staat ook wel bekend als de Verschrikkelijke Sneeuwman. Gladianus Smalhart heeft zijn tweedejaars geleerd over de Yeti, waarschijnlijk door middel van zijn boek Jaar met de Yeti.
  • <default>Yeti</default> Status Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii Naturalne występowanie Pokrewne gatunki Alternatywne nazwy gatunku Pokarm Skóra Oczy Włosy Pióra Wzrost Długość Rozpiętośc skrzydeł Śmiertelność Cechy szczególne Przynależność Uzyskiwane składniki eliksirów Yeti (znany również jako Wielka Stopa i Śnieżny Człowiek) — magiczne stworzenie pochodzące z Tybetu. Podejrzewano, że był spokrewniony z trollem, jednak nikomu nie udało się do niego zbliżyć na tyle, aby przeprowadzić odpowiednie obserwacje, które by to potwierdziły. Osiągał piętnaście stóp wzrostu, cały porośnięty był śnieżnobiałym futrem. Yeti pożerał wszystko, co stanęło mu na drodze, a że bał się ognia, mógł zostać nim odparty przez wprawionych czarodziejów. Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii: XXXX Yeti, ze względu na swoją wielkość, często widywane były przez mugoli, dlatego też Tybet miał duże problemy z przestrzeganiem Klauzury 73 Międzynarodowego Kodeksu Tajności do tego stopnia, że musiały być tam na stałe przeniesione jednostki Międzynarodowych Sił Ochrony, aby pomóc kontrolować sytuację. Gilderoy Lockhart napisał książkę pt.: Rok z yeti. Wszystkie dokonania zostały zapewne uczynione przez innych czarodziejów, którym Lockhart zmodyfikował pamięć, a sobie przywłaszczył ich osiągnięcia. W 1992 roku na lekcji obrony przed czarną magią w Szkole Magii i Czarodziejstwa w Hogwarcie Gilderoy kazał odgrywać Harry'emu yeti z przerzniętą głową, kiedy odtwarzał swoje największe "dokonania".
  • This Yeti is an Earth creature, believed by many to be a myth.
  • Yetis are large, furry humanoid animals that usually live in or near caves. Some of the varieties in colder regions breathe ice breath. Yetis are skinnable, unlike most humanoids. Yetis can be found in Feralas, the Hillsbrad Foothills, Winterspring, and the Alterac Mountains. They can also be found in Northrend. Yetis are cousins to wendigos. They live in colder climates, far away from civilized communities. Yeti are far more territorial and aggressive than wendigo, usually attacking intruders on sight. A yeti begins combat with its breath weapon and then closes into melee, attacking fiercely.
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