  • Diplomat
  • Diplomat
  • Diplomat
  • Diplomat
  • Diplomat
  • Diplomat
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  • Ein Diplomat ist ein Repräsentant einer politischen Organisation. Unter Leitung des Botschafters schließt er Verträge und kümmert sich um diplomatische und rechtliche Angelegenheiten. Nach einem Glas Kanar mit Gift erklärt Weyoun, dass die Vorta resistent gegen Gifte sind, was sehr praktisch ist, wenn man Diplomat ist. (DS9: )
  • Diplomats are usually happy at first sight, so players tend to ally with them more than any other archetype empires, because Diplomats, Traders and Bards are easy to ally with.
  • Art by Marius Bota. * Role In social situations, Diplomats shine. They can open guarded doors with a smile, and assuage the curiosities of nosy town guards. In combat, a Diplomat plays a control and support role, helping to buff allies, disable enemies, and set up a more ideal battlefield with their tricks. * Alignment Diplomats can be of any alignment, but most tend towards Law, * Hit Die d8 * Starting Wealth 300 gp, plus an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
  • Diplomat is an achievement in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
  • Diplomat is a special ability. This character is not a legal target, and does not count as the nearest enemy, if an enemy without the Diploamt special ability is in line of sight. These restrictions apply even to adjacent attackers.
  • The diplomat has a regional heat benefit of 8. The diplomat also has a psycological attack that lowers loyalty.
  • Have a picture of this skill? Then please upload it! For more information please consult our image policies Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Shield Affinity is a racial passive skill available to Redguards and Imperials in The Elder Scrolls Online.
  • Diplomat ist eine Passive Fertigkeit der Kaiserlichen in The Elder Scrolls Online.
  • He just wants to eat and doesn't like peace, at first he came to eat everyone at the Jubilee, but because they were friendly, he didn't eat them, because he hasn't got friends at home. He ate them all, because he's hungry very often.
  • A diplomat is an official assigned by a government to conduct diplomacy with another state.
  • An alliances' diplomat is in charge of all diplomatic issues between alliances, such as war and NAPs. The diplomat makes sure that relationships are clear between alliances.
  • A diplomat is someone involved in diplomacy, the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. They were studious followers of politics and law. Some were devoted to free democracy. Others, like the Separatist senators, are more interested in their own needs. Jedi Master Adi Gallia's parents are noted Corellian diplomats.
  • An ambassador was a very high ranking diplomat who might speak for a samurai, creating contracts, and lending aid. They were considered part of the diplomatic corps.
  • Diplomat is a special unit available early in several Civilization games.
  • The Diplomat was a vehicle that was supposed to appear in Tiberian Incursion.
  • Diplomat is a scenario Heroes of Might and Magic V.
  • The Diplomat is a level 2 vehicle that lauches heavy rockets; the rockets that this unit fires do a significant amount of damage to enemy units if they hit and their range allows for attacking behind the front line, but the long reload time of these rockets prevent the Diplomat from being overpowered. Its ARM counterpart is the Merl. Diplomat's rockets do the same damage as those of the Missile Frigate / Ranger, but are fired at a slower rate. Given a radar or visual support, the Diplomat can outrange missle turrets (Defender or Pulverizer).
  • Član saveza sa statusom diplomata zadužen je za diplomatska pitanja saveza. U mirnodopskom razdoblju diplomat osigurava dobre odnose sa prijateljskim savezima i time brine o ugledu saveza. Korist takvih odnosa najbolje se očituje u slučaju rata kada pomoć saveznika dobro dođe a može donijeti i prevagu. Kategorija:Savez
  • Diplomat är en person som som företräder sitt lands regering för att bedriva diplomati med en annan stat. Elizabeth Weir var en skicklig diplomat. (SG1: "SG-1 (däck)") kategori:Titlar
  • Pris: 30 - Vedligeholdelse: 0 Kræver teknologi: Writing Forældes af: Spion Angreb: 0 - Forsvar: 0 Liv: 10 - Skudstyrke: 1 Bevægelse: 2 Synsfelt: 1 * Kan opløses i en by og du kan dermed genbruge 50 % af dens produktionsomkostning. * Kan befæste et område og modtager dermed en 50 % forsvarsbonus. * Kan ødelægge infrastruktur. * Kan foretage diplomatiske handlinger. * Ignorerer kontrolzoner. * En civil enhed (kan ikke angribe; ingen undtagelsestilstand). * Kan blive veteran igennem træning eller kamp. * En diplomat kan etablere ambassader med andre civilisationer ved at flytte ind i en anden spillers by. * En diplomat kan saboterer en fjendes produktion, eller stjæle et fremskridt fra en fjendlig by. (Dette kan kun gøres en gang per by). * En diplomat ka
  • H5
  • 0
  • 101
required tech
vision range
  • 1
cost food
  • 0
cost unhappy
  • 0
cost shields
  • 0
obsoleted by
  • no
  • Nichts
Tech Level
  • 2
  • He doesn't look very diplomatic.
  • no
Build Time
  • 9002
  • Non-Giftable
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • No
Turn Rate
  • 71
  • 0
  • 173
  • Diplomat
  • The Secrets of Long Snoot
  • Change of Heart
  • Raymus
  • Unknown
  • 2012-04-16
  • 35
  • vehicle
  • Diplomat
  • Diplomat
  • * Kann in einer Stadt aufgelöst werden, um die Hälfte der Produktionskosten zu erhalten. * Kann sich eingraben, ergibt 50% Verteidigungsbonus. * Kann brandschatzen, um Infrastruktur zu zerstören. * Kann diplomatische Tätigkeiten erledigen. * Ignoriert Kontrollzonen. * Nicht-militärische Einheit . * Kann durch Training oder Kampf zum Veteran werden.
  • Außer eine Botschaft zu bauen, kann dein Diplomat versuchen, zu bestechen oder eine Rebellion anzuzetteln, sowie Spionage und Sabotage betreiben; lies den Abschnitt über Diplomatie. Diplomaten können... * Botschaften einrichten. * die feindliche Produktion sabotieren. * Forschungsergebnisse stehlen . * feindliche Einheiten bestechen. * eine Revolte auslösen und die Stadt übernehmen.
Built by
  • 200
  • A diplomat trained minion.
  • 1
  • 0
  • 0
  • no
  • No
  • 2
Unit Name
  • Diplomat
  • Queen Black Dragon, Diamond Jubilee and Clue Fest
  • No
  • 0.190000
  • 0
  • no
  • TANK
  • Allow the Wizards to get the Pendant first
  • Attack any Wizard
  • Lose Godric
  • 30
  • Superior
  • Get the Pendant of Mastery in the Dragon Utopia
  • Scare the troops posted at the garrison
  • 10
  • 3
  • 2012-05-29
Image File
  • Male
  • None
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • Shield Affinity.png
  • Normal
wikipage disambiguates
  • Diplomat map un.jpg
Metal Cost
  • 427
Energy Cost
  • 2470
Max Velocity
  • 13.200000
  • Zurück zu Übersicht der Einheiten
  • Back to Units manual page
  • Ein Diplomat ist ein Repräsentant einer politischen Organisation. Unter Leitung des Botschafters schließt er Verträge und kümmert sich um diplomatische und rechtliche Angelegenheiten. Nach einem Glas Kanar mit Gift erklärt Weyoun, dass die Vorta resistent gegen Gifte sind, was sehr praktisch ist, wenn man Diplomat ist. (DS9: )
  • Diplomats are usually happy at first sight, so players tend to ally with them more than any other archetype empires, because Diplomats, Traders and Bards are easy to ally with.
  • Art by Marius Bota. * Role In social situations, Diplomats shine. They can open guarded doors with a smile, and assuage the curiosities of nosy town guards. In combat, a Diplomat plays a control and support role, helping to buff allies, disable enemies, and set up a more ideal battlefield with their tricks. * Alignment Diplomats can be of any alignment, but most tend towards Law, * Hit Die d8 * Starting Wealth 300 gp, plus an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
  • Diplomat is an achievement in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
  • Diplomat is a special ability. This character is not a legal target, and does not count as the nearest enemy, if an enemy without the Diploamt special ability is in line of sight. These restrictions apply even to adjacent attackers.
  • The diplomat has a regional heat benefit of 8. The diplomat also has a psycological attack that lowers loyalty.
  • Have a picture of this skill? Then please upload it! For more information please consult our image policies Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Shield Affinity is a racial passive skill available to Redguards and Imperials in The Elder Scrolls Online.
  • Diplomat ist eine Passive Fertigkeit der Kaiserlichen in The Elder Scrolls Online.
  • He just wants to eat and doesn't like peace, at first he came to eat everyone at the Jubilee, but because they were friendly, he didn't eat them, because he hasn't got friends at home. He ate them all, because he's hungry very often.
  • A diplomat is an official assigned by a government to conduct diplomacy with another state.
  • An alliances' diplomat is in charge of all diplomatic issues between alliances, such as war and NAPs. The diplomat makes sure that relationships are clear between alliances.
  • A diplomat is someone involved in diplomacy, the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. They were studious followers of politics and law. Some were devoted to free democracy. Others, like the Separatist senators, are more interested in their own needs. Jedi Master Adi Gallia's parents are noted Corellian diplomats.
  • An ambassador was a very high ranking diplomat who might speak for a samurai, creating contracts, and lending aid. They were considered part of the diplomatic corps.
  • Diplomat is a special unit available early in several Civilization games.
  • The Diplomat was a vehicle that was supposed to appear in Tiberian Incursion.
  • Diplomat is a scenario Heroes of Might and Magic V.
  • Pris: 30 - Vedligeholdelse: 0 Kræver teknologi: Writing Forældes af: Spion Angreb: 0 - Forsvar: 0 Liv: 10 - Skudstyrke: 1 Bevægelse: 2 Synsfelt: 1 * Kan opløses i en by og du kan dermed genbruge 50 % af dens produktionsomkostning. * Kan befæste et område og modtager dermed en 50 % forsvarsbonus. * Kan ødelægge infrastruktur. * Kan foretage diplomatiske handlinger. * Ignorerer kontrolzoner. * En civil enhed (kan ikke angribe; ingen undtagelsestilstand). * Kan blive veteran igennem træning eller kamp. * En diplomat kan etablere ambassader med andre civilisationer ved at flytte ind i en anden spillers by. * En diplomat kan saboterer en fjendes produktion, eller stjæle et fremskridt fra en fjendlig by. (Dette kan kun gøres en gang per by). * En diplomat kan bestikke en fjendtlig enhed (kræver dog at enheden står alene på et felt). * En diplomat kan starte en revolution i en fjendlig by og gøre det til din egen hvis du har pengene! * I nogle spilstrategier, kan store mængder af diplomater bruges til at skabe panik hos fjenden; så det er ikke mærkeligt at diplomater opfattes med mistro og frygt!
  • The Diplomat is a level 2 vehicle that lauches heavy rockets; the rockets that this unit fires do a significant amount of damage to enemy units if they hit and their range allows for attacking behind the front line, but the long reload time of these rockets prevent the Diplomat from being overpowered. Its ARM counterpart is the Merl. Diplomat's rockets do the same damage as those of the Missile Frigate / Ranger, but are fired at a slower rate. Given a radar or visual support, the Diplomat can outrange missle turrets (Defender or Pulverizer).
  • Član saveza sa statusom diplomata zadužen je za diplomatska pitanja saveza. U mirnodopskom razdoblju diplomat osigurava dobre odnose sa prijateljskim savezima i time brine o ugledu saveza. Korist takvih odnosa najbolje se očituje u slučaju rata kada pomoć saveznika dobro dođe a može donijeti i prevagu. Kategorija:Savez
  • Diplomat är en person som som företräder sitt lands regering för att bedriva diplomati med en annan stat. Elizabeth Weir var en skicklig diplomat. (SG1: "SG-1 (däck)") kategori:Titlar
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