  • Mordor Orc Bombardier
  • Mordor Orc Bombardiers are Mordor Orcs equipped with bombs. They are useful for wall-breaking and pave the way for other Mordor Orcs. They are the servants and soldiers of the Dark Lord Sauron. It is said that the first Orcs were created by Morgoth, made out of the Elves he tortured and bred in the First Age.
  • Orc bones, rotten flesh, Orc steel ingots, maggoty bread, Orc draughts, equipped weapons or armour
  • 19
  • 20
armour points
  • 15
alignment needed
  • +250 with Mordor
  • Mordor and surrounding biomes
added in
  • 3
  • Mordor Orc Bombardiers are Mordor Orcs equipped with bombs. They are useful for wall-breaking and pave the way for other Mordor Orcs. They are the servants and soldiers of the Dark Lord Sauron. It is said that the first Orcs were created by Morgoth, made out of the Elves he tortured and bred in the First Age. These bombardiers can spawn day and night in Mordor, due to ash clouds from Mount Doom that block out the sun. This cloud also protects the Mordor Orcs from the debuffs they normally receive from the sun. They can also spawn in the areas surrounding Mordor such as the Ithilien wasteland sub-biome, but they will only spawn there at night or underground. Mordor Orc bombardiers are at first equipped with an Orc bomb and an Orc torch, but once the bomb has been used they switch to an Orc scimitar. If you have hired bombardiers who have used up their bombs, interacting with the Orc while holding a bomb(Any kind of bombs, even fire bombs!) will give him the bomb you are holding.
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