  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • Kilo is one of Yuya Sakaki's pet dogs in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime.
  • Sawyer utilized Kilo's resources in his con of Jessica. Sawyer used Kilo's money to convince Jessica's husband to give him an equal amount, as part of an elaborate long con. Kilo met Sawyer in a dark pool hall, where they discussed the progress of the con. Kilo then cornered Sawyer, and menacingly told him that he expected to get his entire investment back, plus a percentage of Sawyer's take. When Sawyer had a change of heart about the con, he left Kilo's briefcase at Jessica's house, thus, Kilo did not get any of his money back. It is not known if Sawyer faced any retribution because of this.
  • Kilo was a loan shark who was also a grifter. When he lent Sawyer $160,000 for use in one of his cons and learned that he’d left the money in the hands of a man Sawyer was conning, Kilo informed him that he knew how to make people suffer, and that if he didn’t provide him with his money plus 50% by noon of the next day, that he’d find out what he meant. When Sawyer could not go through with his con, he left Kilo’s money in the hands of David and Jessica who he was planning to con when he backed out at the last second.
  • thumb Kilo je nebezpečná a mocná zbraň používáná zejména armádou USA. V ČR je na jeho vlastnictví nutný zbrojní průkaz. Kilo je především hodná a úderová zbraň, to znamená že ji můžeme protivníka buď zmlátit nebo ho s ním trefit.
  • Template for Lima
  • thumb|270px|El Escuadrón Kilo.Kilo es un escuadrón de la Armada de la Coalición de Gobiernos Ordenados en la Cuarta Infantería Ligera de Ephyra. Kilo era dirigido por el Teniente Damon Baird. Este escuadrón peleo en algunas batallas de la Guerra Locust.
  • Kilo was an Active for the L.A. Dollhouse, and was notable for her small frame, which Topher Brink joked made her name fitting. Kilo was used as a test subject by Topher Brink on multiple occasions, and had become one of Anthony Ceccoli's Tech Heads by 2020,
  • Sawyer utilizó las fuentes de Kilo en su estafa a Jessica. Sawyer usó el dinero de Kilo para convencer al marido de Jessica de que le diera una cantidad igual, como parte de su elaborada estafa. Kilo se reunió con Sawyer en una oscura sala de billar, donde discutieron el progreso de la estafa. Kilo le dijo, de manera amenazante, que quería su dinero de vuelta, además de un porcentaje de la parte de Sawyer.
  • Kilo è uno strozzino dal quale Sawyer prende in prestito del denaro ne "Il truffatore". Apparentemente è un criminale molto ben ammanicato, che è in possesso di grandi quantità di denaro e sembra essere a capo di un'organizzazione criminale (o almeno relativamente in alto sulla scala gerarchica). Quando Sawyer cambia idea rispetto alla truffa, lascia la valigetta con i soldi di Kilo a casa di Jessica, quindi Kilo non ha avuto indietro i suoi soldi. Non sappiamo se Sawyer ha dovuto affrontare le conseguenze del suo gesto.
  • "Kilo" était un associé de Sawyer et un criminel très bien informé. Il possède des affaires juteuses et est le leader (ou a un niveau élevé de la hiérarchie) d'une organisation criminelle. Sawyer a utilisé l'argent de Kilo pour convaincre le mari de Jessica de lui donner une part équivalente et l'entrainer dans une grande arnaque. Lors d'une discussion entre Sawyer et Kilo concernant l'arnaque Kilo prévient de manière menaçante qu'il veut revoir la totalité de son argent plus un pourcentage sur la part de Sawyer.
  • Kilo é visto em um hall com Sawyer, dizendo a ele para pegar seu dinheiro de volta. Sawyer utiliza os recursos de Kilo no seu golpe em Jessica. Usa o dinheiro de Kilo para convencer o marido de Jessica e dar a ele uma parcela igual, como parte de um grande golpe. Kilo encontra Sawyer em uma sala de sinuca, onde eles discutem o progresso do golpe. Kilo diz para ele estar esperando o retorno de seu investimento, mais uma porcentagem do que conseguir com o golpe.
  • Kilo ist ein Kredithai, von dem sich Sawyer Geld geliehen hat. Es scheint als habe er gute kriminelle Beziehungen und ist der Boss oder wenigstens ein Mitglied höheren Ranges einer kriminellen Organisation. Sawyer benutzt Kilos Geld um Jessica zu betrügen. Er will damit Jessicas Mann David überzeugen, ihm Geld zu leihen. Kilo trifft Sawyer später in einer dunklen Billardhalle, wo sie den Fortschritt des Betrugs besprechen. Kilo macht Sawyer verständlich, dass er bis zum nächsten Tag sein gesamtes geliehenes Geld plus fünfzig Prozent wiederhaben wolle.
  • Brown
  • 2020
  • Kilo/Billy Mayo
  • E' lo strozzino che presta il denaro a Sawyer per una truffa
  • "Confidence Man"
  • United States
  • Kilo
  • Mężczyzna
  • Kilo.jpg
  • Kryminalista
  • Kilo
  • Sconosciuta
  • Loan Shark
  • Vivant
  • Billy Mayo
  • Sconosciuto
  • Desconocida
  • * Yoko Sakaki * Yuya Sakaki
En Name
  • Kilo
  • Desconocido
  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • unbekannt
  • Desconhecida
  • Criminal
  • Alive
  • Żyje
  • Vivo
  • am Leben
  • Vivo
  • Desconocido
  • Black
  • Billy Mayo
  • Billy Mayo
  • Billy Mayo
  • Billy Mayo
  • Billy Mayo
  • Kilo
  • Kiley
  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • 150
  • Female
appears in anime
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
  • Wspólnik Sawyera
  • Compañero de Sawyer
  • Parceiro de Sawyer
  • Sawyer's partner
  • Sawyers Partner
  • 3
  • Kiley
  • Kilo
  • Kilo
  • Kilo.jpg
  • Kilo
  • Criminal
  • Criminel
  • Criminoso
  • Krimineller
  • Vivo
  • Kilo
  • unbekannt
  • Desconhecido
  • Louisiana, USA
  • Male
  • Billy Mayo als Kilo
  • Billy Mayo como Kilo
  • Criminale
  • Billy Mayo
  • Tilo Schmitz
  • Complice de Sawyer
  • Kilo is one of Yuya Sakaki's pet dogs in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime.
  • Sawyer utilized Kilo's resources in his con of Jessica. Sawyer used Kilo's money to convince Jessica's husband to give him an equal amount, as part of an elaborate long con. Kilo met Sawyer in a dark pool hall, where they discussed the progress of the con. Kilo then cornered Sawyer, and menacingly told him that he expected to get his entire investment back, plus a percentage of Sawyer's take. When Sawyer had a change of heart about the con, he left Kilo's briefcase at Jessica's house, thus, Kilo did not get any of his money back. It is not known if Sawyer faced any retribution because of this.
  • Kilo was a loan shark who was also a grifter. When he lent Sawyer $160,000 for use in one of his cons and learned that he’d left the money in the hands of a man Sawyer was conning, Kilo informed him that he knew how to make people suffer, and that if he didn’t provide him with his money plus 50% by noon of the next day, that he’d find out what he meant. When Sawyer could not go through with his con, he left Kilo’s money in the hands of David and Jessica who he was planning to con when he backed out at the last second.
  • "Kilo" était un associé de Sawyer et un criminel très bien informé. Il possède des affaires juteuses et est le leader (ou a un niveau élevé de la hiérarchie) d'une organisation criminelle. Sawyer a utilisé l'argent de Kilo pour convaincre le mari de Jessica de lui donner une part équivalente et l'entrainer dans une grande arnaque. Lors d'une discussion entre Sawyer et Kilo concernant l'arnaque Kilo prévient de manière menaçante qu'il veut revoir la totalité de son argent plus un pourcentage sur la part de Sawyer. Suite a un changement d'avis sur la tournure de l'arnaque Sawyer laisse la malette dans la maison de Jessica, ainsi Kilo ne récupère pas son argent. On ne sait pas si Sawyer a ensuite été puni pour avoir fait cela. (Transfert d'identité)
  • thumb Kilo je nebezpečná a mocná zbraň používáná zejména armádou USA. V ČR je na jeho vlastnictví nutný zbrojní průkaz. Kilo je především hodná a úderová zbraň, to znamená že ji můžeme protivníka buď zmlátit nebo ho s ním trefit.
  • Kilo ist ein Kredithai, von dem sich Sawyer Geld geliehen hat. Es scheint als habe er gute kriminelle Beziehungen und ist der Boss oder wenigstens ein Mitglied höheren Ranges einer kriminellen Organisation. Sawyer benutzt Kilos Geld um Jessica zu betrügen. Er will damit Jessicas Mann David überzeugen, ihm Geld zu leihen. Kilo trifft Sawyer später in einer dunklen Billardhalle, wo sie den Fortschritt des Betrugs besprechen. Kilo macht Sawyer verständlich, dass er bis zum nächsten Tag sein gesamtes geliehenes Geld plus fünfzig Prozent wiederhaben wolle. Sawyer jedoch überlegt es sich anders, steigt aus dem geplanten Deal mit David aus und lässt Kilos Koffer voll Geld in Jessicas Haus zurück. Kilo erhält sein Geld nicht zurück. Es ist nicht bekannt, ob Sawyer je wieder Kontakt zu Kilo hat oder je für das verlorene Geld büßen muss. („“) James „Sawyer“ Ford Dargestellt von Josh Holloway
  • Template for Lima
  • thumb|270px|El Escuadrón Kilo.Kilo es un escuadrón de la Armada de la Coalición de Gobiernos Ordenados en la Cuarta Infantería Ligera de Ephyra. Kilo era dirigido por el Teniente Damon Baird. Este escuadrón peleo en algunas batallas de la Guerra Locust.
  • Sawyer utilizó las fuentes de Kilo en su estafa a Jessica. Sawyer usó el dinero de Kilo para convencer al marido de Jessica de que le diera una cantidad igual, como parte de su elaborada estafa. Kilo se reunió con Sawyer en una oscura sala de billar, donde discutieron el progreso de la estafa. Kilo le dijo, de manera amenazante, que quería su dinero de vuelta, además de un porcentaje de la parte de Sawyer. Cuando Sawyer cambió de opinión respecto a la estafa, dejó el maletín de Kilo en la casa de Jessica, con lo que Kilo no recuperó su dinero. No se sabe si Sawyer se enfrentó a alguna reprimenda por esto.
  • Kilo was an Active for the L.A. Dollhouse, and was notable for her small frame, which Topher Brink joked made her name fitting. Kilo was used as a test subject by Topher Brink on multiple occasions, and had become one of Anthony Ceccoli's Tech Heads by 2020,
  • Kilo è uno strozzino dal quale Sawyer prende in prestito del denaro ne "Il truffatore". Apparentemente è un criminale molto ben ammanicato, che è in possesso di grandi quantità di denaro e sembra essere a capo di un'organizzazione criminale (o almeno relativamente in alto sulla scala gerarchica). Sawyer utilizza le risorse di Kilo nella sua truffa a Jessica. Sawyer utilizza i soldi di Kilo per convincere il marito di Jessica a consegnargli una somma equivalente. Kilo incontra Sawyer in buia sala da biliardo, dove discutono i progressi della truffa. Kilo then cornered Sawyer, and lo minaccia dicendogli che si aspetta di veder tornare indietro il suo investimento, più il 50% per il giorno successivo a mezzogiorno, altrimenti gli farà vedere. Quando Sawyer cambia idea rispetto alla truffa, lascia la valigetta con i soldi di Kilo a casa di Jessica, quindi Kilo non ha avuto indietro i suoi soldi. Non sappiamo se Sawyer ha dovuto affrontare le conseguenze del suo gesto.
  • Kilo é visto em um hall com Sawyer, dizendo a ele para pegar seu dinheiro de volta. Sawyer utiliza os recursos de Kilo no seu golpe em Jessica. Usa o dinheiro de Kilo para convencer o marido de Jessica e dar a ele uma parcela igual, como parte de um grande golpe. Kilo encontra Sawyer em uma sala de sinuca, onde eles discutem o progresso do golpe. Kilo diz para ele estar esperando o retorno de seu investimento, mais uma porcentagem do que conseguir com o golpe. Quando Sawyer se arrepende do golpe, ele deixa a mala de Kilo na casa de Jessica, e com isso, Kilo não consegue nada de volta. Não é conhecida alguma vingança por parte dele.
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