  • Democracy
  • Democracy
  • A democracy is a form of government in which the people (civilians, clan members) vote who is to be leader. Whomever has the most votes, becomes the leader. Democracies can be done a variety of different ways including a total democracy, representative democracy, and limited democracy. While most clans and unions start off as a dictatorship or monarchy, eventually, as the need for control and civilian appreciation grows, they shift into a democratic form of government. Democracy is not without flaws though it is likely one of the best types of clan governments that is available. In democracy, lies, rogue voting, and using multiple accounts becomes a larger issue.
  • Democracy is the farfetched idea that people should be able to vote on policies and such. Only could come up with such a thing. It holds Americans, among others, hostage with the ability to vote on things. Luckily, good clean Americans have fixed the incredibly flawed system by letting corporations and very wealthy people rule over it.
  • The Guardians made Asylia a partial democracy.
  • A group of thieves on Chloris acted as a democracy, casting a vote to decide Romana II's fate. Despite a majority voting to kill her, she convinced them otherwise. Even though they were governed in this way, Torvin acted as the group's unofficial leader. (TV: The Creature from the Pit) Democracy ended in the United Kingdom in 2268. (AUDIO: Antidote to Oblivion)
  • Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία, Dēmokratia literally "rule of the commoners") . . . is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament.
  • A pre fall political movement now viewed as heresy by the Church and as sedition by the Noblity. Though its beliefs linger among the Merchant League and al-Malik. Its strongest activists are the Third Era, Newtopia and the Hidden Fellowship.
  • Democracy is a computer game that was first developed by Positech Games in 2005, with a sequel released in December 2007. The player plays as if he/she is the president or prime minister of a democratic government. The player must introduce and alter policies in seven areas - tax, economy, welfare, foreign policy, transport, law and order, and public services. Each policy has an effect on the happiness of various voter groups, as well as affecting factors such as Crime and Air Quality. The player has to deal with "situations", which are typically problems such as Petrol Protests or Homelessness, and also has to make decisions on dilemmas that arise each turn.
  • There are various theories and understandings about democracy. One of them is termed the Third Universal Theory and is introduced in The Green Book.
  • Democracy is the freedom of not being able to wear shoes. Democracy dates back to the year 4972 BC, and still goes on today. The shoe indrusty is very mad at democracy and loves it.
  • Democracy is reign by the public and for the public. Representative Democracy is a distorsion of this Ideal by giving specific people the powers to reign.
  • An old colleague of Charlie's asks for help because of the untimely deaths of some coworkers, but when she also turns up dead Don and Charlie are started on a trail that may threaten the very democracy they've vowed to protect.
  • Democracy was a favored form of government for the Assassin Order. However, the Templar Order heavily opposed democracy, often manipulating and sabotaging the voting system of the United States to plant their own puppets in the position of President. One such notable occasion was during the 2000 election, where the Templars succeeded in installing George W. Bush as their puppet in the White House.
  • A pure democracy is a form of government in which every citizen votes on every decision made by the government. There is not national government which functions as a pure democracy today, though Switzerland comes close. Athens exercised pure democracy at one time.
  • The Democracy provides various bonuses to all kinds of nations: Peaceful nations profit from reduced cost for build upgrades as well as the patriot's building bonus to complete wonders in less time (the Patriot needs to be close to the wonder's construction site). Warring nations can use the patriot's production bonus to field a large army more quickly. However, warring nations making heavy use of cavalry and/or artillery units should consider picking the Democracy's counterpart, the Monarchy.
  • The rise of the fascist Galactic Empire effectively ended the rule of democracy on the galactic level. However, the self-anointed Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine tolerated the continued existence of the Senate—reformed as the Imperial Senate—for two decades in order to maintain control over the thousands of star systems that composed the Empire. Following the completion of the first Death Star in 0 BBY, the Emperor formally dissolved the Senate and transferred control of the Empire's territories to the regional governors. As a result, the last remnant of the democratic Republic was removed from the Empire.
  • "The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them." -Karl Marx Democracy is a form of government, invented by ancient Greeks. in ancient Athens. Democracy allows the people to have some degree of say in how their government is run. This happens either by people directly voting on matters, or by electing people's representatives to make the law. At its best Democracy promotes good Human beings. Democracy is what didn't happen in the 2000 US presidential election. (I'm looking at you, Florida.)
  • Democracy is a form of government prevalent in the Western World where majority rules and where 51 people can vote to take away things belonging to the other 49, such as money, ponies, and jet packs. That means for 49% of people in a Democracy, Democracy really, really sucks. Democracy, is like having a "Demolition" Expert who is crazy and finds it funny to make a large capitalist world. Democrazy sounds weird, lets change it Democracy! After those poor saps have lost everything, the ones who gained everything find some other divisive issue to split themselves over. The entire country then forms a totally new majority over this issue. Lots of the new minority members got rich from being in the previous majority, so the process repeats itself.
  • A democracy is a form of government, which literally means "rule by the people," by the means of achieving a consensus through casting votes. In a representative democracy, also known as a representative republic, holders of political office excise control of and make laws for those who elected them. According to a PADD prop created for Star Trek: Insurrection but not readably seen in the movie, the Evora (refered to as the Bartisi) system of government was a semifeudal democracy.
  • 3
  • Research: Government Formation
  • Research: Market
  • 18
  • 2007-03-09
  • People
wikipage disambiguates
  • Democracy
  • A democracy is a form of government in which the people (civilians, clan members) vote who is to be leader. Whomever has the most votes, becomes the leader. Democracies can be done a variety of different ways including a total democracy, representative democracy, and limited democracy. While most clans and unions start off as a dictatorship or monarchy, eventually, as the need for control and civilian appreciation grows, they shift into a democratic form of government. Democracy is not without flaws though it is likely one of the best types of clan governments that is available. In democracy, lies, rogue voting, and using multiple accounts becomes a larger issue.
  • Democracy is the farfetched idea that people should be able to vote on policies and such. Only could come up with such a thing. It holds Americans, among others, hostage with the ability to vote on things. Luckily, good clean Americans have fixed the incredibly flawed system by letting corporations and very wealthy people rule over it.
  • The Guardians made Asylia a partial democracy.
  • The rise of the fascist Galactic Empire effectively ended the rule of democracy on the galactic level. However, the self-anointed Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine tolerated the continued existence of the Senate—reformed as the Imperial Senate—for two decades in order to maintain control over the thousands of star systems that composed the Empire. Following the completion of the first Death Star in 0 BBY, the Emperor formally dissolved the Senate and transferred control of the Empire's territories to the regional governors. As a result, the last remnant of the democratic Republic was removed from the Empire. During the Age of the Empire, the Alliance to Restore the Republic was formed as a rebellious movement against the Emperor's rule. The Alliance's primary objective was to achieve the overthrow of the Empire and the restoration of democracy, consequently resulting in the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War. By the war's end in 5 ABY, the Emperor was dead and his Empire shattered into various political and military remnants. The Alliance reorganized itself as the New Republic and revived democracy through the restoration of the Galactic Senate.
  • A group of thieves on Chloris acted as a democracy, casting a vote to decide Romana II's fate. Despite a majority voting to kill her, she convinced them otherwise. Even though they were governed in this way, Torvin acted as the group's unofficial leader. (TV: The Creature from the Pit) Democracy ended in the United Kingdom in 2268. (AUDIO: Antidote to Oblivion)
  • Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία, Dēmokratia literally "rule of the commoners") . . . is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament.
  • A pre fall political movement now viewed as heresy by the Church and as sedition by the Noblity. Though its beliefs linger among the Merchant League and al-Malik. Its strongest activists are the Third Era, Newtopia and the Hidden Fellowship.
  • Democracy is a form of government prevalent in the Western World where majority rules and where 51 people can vote to take away things belonging to the other 49, such as money, ponies, and jet packs. That means for 49% of people in a Democracy, Democracy really, really sucks. Democracy, is like having a "Demolition" Expert who is crazy and finds it funny to make a large capitalist world. Democrazy sounds weird, lets change it Democracy! After those poor saps have lost everything, the ones who gained everything find some other divisive issue to split themselves over. The entire country then forms a totally new majority over this issue. Lots of the new minority members got rich from being in the previous majority, so the process repeats itself. Americans have the most perverse version of democracy ever to grace the Earth. In certain political circles it is commonly used as a code word to mean a brutal dictatorship, as in Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. In these situations the amount of democracy declines in inverse proportion to the number of pre-modifiers to the word democracy.
  • Democracy is a computer game that was first developed by Positech Games in 2005, with a sequel released in December 2007. The player plays as if he/she is the president or prime minister of a democratic government. The player must introduce and alter policies in seven areas - tax, economy, welfare, foreign policy, transport, law and order, and public services. Each policy has an effect on the happiness of various voter groups, as well as affecting factors such as Crime and Air Quality. The player has to deal with "situations", which are typically problems such as Petrol Protests or Homelessness, and also has to make decisions on dilemmas that arise each turn.
  • There are various theories and understandings about democracy. One of them is termed the Third Universal Theory and is introduced in The Green Book.
  • Democracy is the freedom of not being able to wear shoes. Democracy dates back to the year 4972 BC, and still goes on today. The shoe indrusty is very mad at democracy and loves it.
  • Democracy is reign by the public and for the public. Representative Democracy is a distorsion of this Ideal by giving specific people the powers to reign.
  • A democracy is a form of government, which literally means "rule by the people," by the means of achieving a consensus through casting votes. In a representative democracy, also known as a representative republic, holders of political office excise control of and make laws for those who elected them. Following the fall of the Second Dynasty in the 16th century, the Klingon Empire was ruled by a council elected by the people. This was the first and only experiment in Klingon democracy and was known for producing several notable reforms. 24th century Klingon historians were critical of the period, naming it "The Dark Time". The experiment ended after ten years with the beginning of the Third Dynasty. (DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited") The inhabitants of Platonius followed the teachings of Plato, with a few adaptations, however, their society was, according to Parmen, "the most democratic society conceivable." He further stated that "anyone can, at any moment, be or do anything he wishes, even to becoming ruler of Platonius if his mind is strong enough." (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren" ) The Federation itself was of a democratic body. During the first Klingon-Federation War, Commander Kor told Captain James T. Kirk that he felt that the people of the Federation were much like the Klingons. Kirk noted that unlike the Klingon Empire, the Federation was a democracy, however, Kor clarified that he was not referring to "minor ideological differences," but instead meant similar "as a species". (TOS: "Errand of Mercy" ) When the USS Enterprise was cornered by a First Federation buoy, the panicked Lieutenant Dave Bailey exclaimed to Captain Kirk that they had phaser weapons, and that he voted they "blast it." Kirk, however, felt otherwise, stating, "I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Bailey, when this becomes a democracy." (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" ) During Captain Kathryn Janeway's plan to form an alliance with the Kazon, Commander Chakotay voiced his opinion about how "a lot of the crew feel they haven't had the chance to voice their opinions" about the situation. Janeway, however, held to her decision, stating, "this isn't a democracy, Chakotay. I can't run this ship by consensus." (VOY: "Alliances") According to a PADD prop created for Star Trek: Insurrection but not readably seen in the movie, the Evora (refered to as the Bartisi) system of government was a semifeudal democracy.
  • An old colleague of Charlie's asks for help because of the untimely deaths of some coworkers, but when she also turns up dead Don and Charlie are started on a trail that may threaten the very democracy they've vowed to protect.
  • Democracy was a favored form of government for the Assassin Order. However, the Templar Order heavily opposed democracy, often manipulating and sabotaging the voting system of the United States to plant their own puppets in the position of President. One such notable occasion was during the 2000 election, where the Templars succeeded in installing George W. Bush as their puppet in the White House.
  • A pure democracy is a form of government in which every citizen votes on every decision made by the government. There is not national government which functions as a pure democracy today, though Switzerland comes close. Athens exercised pure democracy at one time.
  • "The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them." -Karl Marx Democracy is a form of government, invented by ancient Greeks. in ancient Athens. Democracy allows the people to have some degree of say in how their government is run. This happens either by people directly voting on matters, or by electing people's representatives to make the law. At its best Democracy promotes good Human beings. Democracy is useful in preventing despots from taking power, as it would be difficult to get people to vote for a tyrant. Still, many nations, such as the United States, try to pass themselves off as being democratic, when in fact they are illiberal democracies that give too much power to the rich. Democracy appeals to Liberals because it promotes equality and freedom. Democracy is what didn't happen in the 2000 US presidential election. (I'm looking at you, Florida.)
  • The Democracy provides various bonuses to all kinds of nations: Peaceful nations profit from reduced cost for build upgrades as well as the patriot's building bonus to complete wonders in less time (the Patriot needs to be close to the wonder's construction site). Warring nations can use the patriot's production bonus to field a large army more quickly. However, warring nations making heavy use of cavalry and/or artillery units should consider picking the Democracy's counterpart, the Monarchy.
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