  • Blog
  • Blog
  • Blog
  • Blog
  • Blog
  • Blog
  • Blog
  • BLOG
  • Blog
  • Blog
  • Blog
  • Blog
  • You certainly have some agreeable opinions and views. Your blog provides a fresh look at the subject. You certainly have some agreeable opinions and views. Your blog provides a fresh look at the subject.
  • Blog Berzión reduzía der término "web log". Eh informazión ke un uzuario publika de forma fázil e inhtantánea en un zitio web. Eh orihinarmente kreáo pa ke muxoh uzuarioh (perzonah) puedan mantené un diario en la internet. Heneramente un blog ze lee en orden kronolóhiko.
  • Short for "weB LOG"; blogs are online journals or articles on just about any subject or topic. Many consider blogs pillars of the first amendment, since anyone can start writing a blog from the facets of free avenues that makes blogging openly available.
  • The word blog is a portmanteau of the term "web log." (Noun) A blog is (Verb) To blog means "to maintain or add content to a blog."
  • Para discuções sobre a saga:
  • Real Life Soap Wiki blog, that is the link you find on the first page of Real Life Soap as well.
  • from your interim administrator walt 1/13 for the time being please join me in adding content. when that starts to become unwieldly, we can add structure. that said, we do need someone who knows html(?) to redo Main Page. put requests for articles you'd like to see on 'needs' page by using Edit tab. thanks to whoever added Entrance.
  • Blogger Maybe Blogger's popularity (and cultlike adoration) came from the fact that it was one of the earliest and easiest blogging tools. But we like to think it was all about that cute logo. Either way, Blogger played a huge role in propelling personal publishing into the mainstream, pushing out a passel of hipster T-shirts, spawning endless imitators, and happily, paying off for creator Evan Williams when Google came along and swooped up the service.
  • Blogs on Fandom are pages written by one person that can be commented on and organized into a listing, like a typical blog found elsewhere on the internet. They are in the "User" namespace and can only be edited by the user who created it, or an administrator. Your blog can be found on your user page on any wiki with the Blogs feature enabled.
  • The blog is where information about is posted on their site. It includes a New!, a Works, a Preview, a News! a Fans, an Updates, a preview, a Vote, an iTrome, a Distribution, a Industry News!, a Memory Lane, and a Pixel Love banner section. On August 5, 2009 a Vote section was added. The entire blog was updated on February 25th 2011, dropping some old features while adding new ones. Two new banners were added with Nitrome 2.0: the Industry News banner, revealed on January 12th 2012, and the Memory Lane banner.
  • A blog was a type of journal maintained on the Internet on Earth. In 2020, Zoe Querez described herself as an "investigative blogger" and wrote blogs about the Human Extinction League and USS Lewis & Clark's mission, among other topics. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)
  • Blog – miejsce w którym dzieci i ludzie w jakimś stopniu niedorozwinięci psychicznie, dzielą się swoimi marnymi wypocinami z innymi użytkownikami sieci. Strony te są nadzwyczaj popularne ze względu że każdy może go założyć i prowadzić za"fRII xD". Posiadanie bloga w obecnych czasach jest wyznacznikiem bycia "cul haj skul gerl", stąd też spora grupa użytkowników właśnie w tym przedziale wiekowym (11-16 lat). Z tego też powodu strony te są poświęcone ulubionemu zespołowi autorki, aktora, piosenkarki, itp. Oczywiście możemy znaleźć także poważne blogi, traktujące o polityce, aktualnych wydarzeniach na świecie, ale są to zaledwie małe diamenciki pośród szamba (czyt. ok 10% ogółu).
  • A blog (short for Web log) is a Website in which items are posted and displayed with the newest at the top. Many blogs allow visitors to post responses to "blog postings" created by the founder of the blog or by other contributors who have been given posting privileges by the founder.
  • Un blog ou encore un égotarium est un site pour râleur fortement dyslexique et égocentrique (c'est-à-dire un Kevin ou une Vanessa). Son auteur a une opinion sur tout. Il ne pratique pas régulièrement le sexe (sauf en solitaire), et passe donc la plupart de son temps à raconter sa vie dénuée d'intérêt sur un site dont l'unique sujet est lui-même.
  • Exemplo:
  • A blog is a website where entries appear in reverse chronological order. They often act like a user's diary. Many Second Life residents,including some Lindens have blogs. Other users may have websites that offer more information besides, or in addition to, a blog. Blogs are often used for announcements and to get feed back by groups, companies or organizations.
  • check out the blogging wiki.
  • Blogs are large aquatic beasts native to the Forest Moon of Endor. They are aggressive predators, and are known to attack land creatures. Blogs can use tree logs to build large dams in the rivers, resulting in a lake for them to live in.
  • Blogs (Web logs) are like public diaries. They are often only written by one person, but can be read or commented on by anyone.
  • Blog-wa “web log” dè suokxie da. “Web log” dè orijinol yiyǐ wa “Log on Web”. Soi, blog-ga orijinolli yusen bai pīpol für logiŋ en rekordiŋ wörk progres on web. Jigùm-wa pīpol yus blog für deili-rekordiŋ dè pörpùs.
  • A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
  • es un sitio web periódicamente actualizado que recopila cronológicamente textos o artículos de uno o varios autores, apareciendo primero el más reciente, donde el autor conserva siempre la libertad de dejar publicado lo que crea pertinente
  • A Blog is a regularly updated personal Website where the blogger can write what he/she likes and link where he/she likes so long as it stays legal. Blogs are very varied depending on the personality and wishes of the user. There are liberal blogs, Conservative blogs. There are blogs for Christianity or other Religions, there are blogs promoting Atheism and Science. Blogs are as varied as the interests of bloggers.
  • The blog records all of the game's updates and patches. See Game Updates.
  • Ein Blog, ist eine eine Art Tagebuch oder Magazin im Internet. (Auch auf verfügbar) Der große Unterschied zu einer »normalen« Webseite ist, dass auf einem Blog täglich neue Einträge, sogenannte Blog-Artikel geschrieben werden. Als Leser kann man so immer wieder etwas neues auf dem Blog lesen. Angefangen hat die Geschichte der Blogs in den 90er Jahren vor allem mit privaten Online-Tagebüchern. Inzwischen sind Blogs aber so beliebt, dass auch immer mehr große Magazine zu bestimmten Themen (z.B. Kochen oder Reisen) im Blog-Format gibt. Toll ist, dass jeder sich kostenlos einen eigenen Blog auf einer Blog-Plattform einrichten kann. So kannst du z.B. deine Texte, Fotos oder Videos auf deinem Blog ganz leicht mit anderen Menschen teilen.
  • Un blog (cuvânt provenit de la expresia engleză web log = jurnal pe Internet) este o publicație web (un text scris) care conține articole periodice sau și actualizate neîntrerupt ce au de obicei un caracter personal. Ca regulă, actualizarea blog-urilor constă în adăugiri de texte noi, asemenea unui jurnal, toate contribuțiile fiind afișate în ordine cronologică inversă (cele mai noi apar imediat, sus, la vedere). Acest gen de publicații web sunt în principiu accesibile publicului larg, însă unele pot fi contra cost.
  • Blog was a data archiving and analysis program that worked as an operative to Mandarin. Mandarin seems to trust him. The player is tasked to give him a business card from Mandarin.
  • Il primo blog fu quello di Leopardi, che decise di far sapere al mondo quanto fosse triste, solo e disperato tramite internet. Lo decorò con immagini di darkettone che si tagliano le vene, ragazzi con i capelli davanti alla faccia (tipo il cugino IT degli Addams), e vari angeli con ali da piccione. Vi scriveva delle sue disavventure sociali (quando ad esempio, a scuola, gli fecero uno sparticulo), aggiungendo di tanto in tanto qualche poesia senza senso riguardante la morte, l'oscurità e cretinate simili.
  • Blog ist ein Kunstwort und bezeichnet ein so genanntes Bibeltagebuch (Bibel Logbuch). Immer mehr junge Christenmenschen nutzen heute die moderne Art ein Tagebuch zu führen. Im vorgedruckten Teil des Blogs gibt es zu jedem Tag des Jahres eine kurze Bibelstelle und christliche Sinnsprüche. Darunter kann der Blog-Schreiber seine Tagebucheinträge machen. Der besondere Reiz liegt darin, dass das Tagebuch eben nicht nur stummer Zuhörer ist, sondern auch selbst etwas mitzuteilen hat.
  • A blog is a website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual although some focus on photographs (photoblog), sketchblog, videos (vlog), or audio (podcasting), and are part of a wider network of social media.
  • The blog is an important and recently introduced aspect of the much-lauded "Care in the Community" treatment for the mentally-handicapped. Mental patients (from the schizophrenic to the learning-disabled to the just-plain-weird) are invited to express their fears, suspicions, experiences and cravings by means of one of these occasionally-updated internet logs. The use of blogs as a general source of information and entertainment by a surprising number of Internet-users is therefore discouraged.
  • This newly emerging media outlet offers portfolio creators a chance to showcase their professional skills, network with other professionals in their field/s, explore the latest trends, research, and topics of professional interest in an open and interactive forum. Writers and reporters often create professional blogs and have taken great advantage of the ability to integrate image with text to further enrich the reading experience. Conversely, blogs are an ideal way for fine artists to showcase their images and further enhance the visual experience by writing descriptive narratives.
  • Blog is a Troll living in the dungeon below the Pits of Carnage, who has a big passion for games. Blog seemed to have made his home down in the Pits long before the prison started operating. He didn't mind them, but when Dorstag came with a number of men and attacked him, he slew them all and scarred Dorstag's left side of his face as a warning. Since then, no one dared to enter the lower levels. He was later found dreaming in the purple zone of the Ethereal Void, where he gave his new friend some tips on how to master this particular zone.
  • Les blogs peuvent adopter des formats bien différents, mais les principaux outils décrits dans ce paragraphe (outils que l'on retrouve sur la plupart des plates-formes de publication de blogs) ne peuvent être codés à la main dans un langage de balisage comme HTML sous peine de devoir affronter des tâches laborieuses et répétitives ; c'est pourquoi l'on utilise bien souvent un système de gestion de contenu qui permet d'automatiser la mise en page du site.
  • Natural stone has been used as a building material for thousands of years. It’s been used for flooring walls, and even roofing. Today, natural stone such as slate is still a popular choice for roof shingles, and for good reason. A slate roof is a smart choice for homeowners for a number of reasons. Not only will a slate roof save you money by being easy to maintain, slate saves you money each month on your heating and cooling costs. That’s because slate is an excellent insulator. Things to keep in mind
  • He is usually found circling the center of Paris, where we find the Louvre, a small park, as well as a fully functioning Ferris Wheel. By flashing your headlights he will direct you the the front of the Eiffel Tower.
  • frequent
  • None
  • Marrón
  • Negro
  • Blog
  • Rivers, Forests
  • Blog
  • Brown
  • File:Blog.gif
  • weblog
  • *Brown *Black
  • 250
  • None
  • Pits of Carnage
  • verhaal
  • You certainly have some agreeable opinions and views. Your blog provides a fresh look at the subject. You certainly have some agreeable opinions and views. Your blog provides a fresh look at the subject.
  • Blog Berzión reduzía der término "web log". Eh informazión ke un uzuario publika de forma fázil e inhtantánea en un zitio web. Eh orihinarmente kreáo pa ke muxoh uzuarioh (perzonah) puedan mantené un diario en la internet. Heneramente un blog ze lee en orden kronolóhiko.
  • Short for "weB LOG"; blogs are online journals or articles on just about any subject or topic. Many consider blogs pillars of the first amendment, since anyone can start writing a blog from the facets of free avenues that makes blogging openly available.
  • The word blog is a portmanteau of the term "web log." (Noun) A blog is (Verb) To blog means "to maintain or add content to a blog."
  • Para discuções sobre a saga:
  • Real Life Soap Wiki blog, that is the link you find on the first page of Real Life Soap as well.
  • from your interim administrator walt 1/13 for the time being please join me in adding content. when that starts to become unwieldly, we can add structure. that said, we do need someone who knows html(?) to redo Main Page. put requests for articles you'd like to see on 'needs' page by using Edit tab. thanks to whoever added Entrance.
  • Blogger Maybe Blogger's popularity (and cultlike adoration) came from the fact that it was one of the earliest and easiest blogging tools. But we like to think it was all about that cute logo. Either way, Blogger played a huge role in propelling personal publishing into the mainstream, pushing out a passel of hipster T-shirts, spawning endless imitators, and happily, paying off for creator Evan Williams when Google came along and swooped up the service.
  • Blogs on Fandom are pages written by one person that can be commented on and organized into a listing, like a typical blog found elsewhere on the internet. They are in the "User" namespace and can only be edited by the user who created it, or an administrator. Your blog can be found on your user page on any wiki with the Blogs feature enabled.
  • The blog is where information about is posted on their site. It includes a New!, a Works, a Preview, a News! a Fans, an Updates, a preview, a Vote, an iTrome, a Distribution, a Industry News!, a Memory Lane, and a Pixel Love banner section. On August 5, 2009 a Vote section was added. The entire blog was updated on February 25th 2011, dropping some old features while adding new ones. Two new banners were added with Nitrome 2.0: the Industry News banner, revealed on January 12th 2012, and the Memory Lane banner.
  • A blog was a type of journal maintained on the Internet on Earth. In 2020, Zoe Querez described herself as an "investigative blogger" and wrote blogs about the Human Extinction League and USS Lewis & Clark's mission, among other topics. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)
  • Les blogs peuvent adopter des formats bien différents, mais les principaux outils décrits dans ce paragraphe (outils que l'on retrouve sur la plupart des plates-formes de publication de blogs) ne peuvent être codés à la main dans un langage de balisage comme HTML sous peine de devoir affronter des tâches laborieuses et répétitives ; c'est pourquoi l'on utilise bien souvent un système de gestion de contenu qui permet d'automatiser la mise en page du site. Ce logiciel spécialisé met en forme le texte et les illustrations sous la direction du blogueur, il construit des archives automatiquement, il offre des moyens de recherche au sein de l'ensemble des billets et enfin gère les commentaires des internautes lecteurs. Ces outils permettent ainsi à chacun de publier du contenu, sans connaissances techniques préalables relatives à la conception de sites Web. Cette facilité d'utilisation a contribué pour une grande partie à l'explosion de l'utilisation des blogs depuis quelques années. Les blogs sont en fait majoritairement édités grâce à des systèmes de gestion de contenu hébergés et administrés par des entreprises dont les services très populaires allègent considérablement les étapes techniques relatives à la conception de sites Web. Un blogueur autorise souvent ses utilisateurs à laisser des commentaires, mêmes les plus critiques, suivant un formulaire Web automatisé. Cependant, le blogueur est, selon la législation française, légalement responsable de ce qui est affiché sur son site[2] et doit donc, dès qu'il a connaissance de commentaires non conformes à la législation, supprimer les commentaires en question. Tout blogueur peut également choisir de censurer a priori les commentaires en publiant lui-même ceux qu'il juge valides, ou de censurer totalement tout commentaire (sur un billet ou sur le blog entier). Ce type de solution radicale est essentiellement adopté suite à de trop nombreux trolls ou à du pollupostage. Bien souvent il est également possible de bloquer temporairement l'ajout de nouveaux commentaires, par exemple si l'auteur du blog n'a pas la possibilité de les modérer pendant quelques jours. De plus en plus de blogs deviennent le centre d'échanges approfondis au sujet duquel se passionnent auteurs et lecteurs (notamment au sujet de l'actualité ou du Web). Certains blogueurs accordent une place prépondérante aux commentaires laissés sur leur blog, qu'ils considèrent comme la raison d'existence de leurs écrits. Chaque billet revient alors à un nouvel espace public : le blog se transforme en une sorte de forum électronique et peut même recueillir une suite de commentaires sans queue ni tête, l'anonymat aidant au blogo-squat, c'est-à-dire à un bavardage qui s'entretient tout seul, sans rapport avec le billet d'origine. Les blogs sont souvent centrés sur la publication d'opinions. Ce n'est pas pour rien que c'est l'instrument favori de beaucoup de journalistes ou d'hommes politiques. Sur ce plan, c'est un intermédiaire entre la page perso (l'auteur parle et personne ne répond), et le forum de discussion (tout le monde parle à égalité).
  • Blog – miejsce w którym dzieci i ludzie w jakimś stopniu niedorozwinięci psychicznie, dzielą się swoimi marnymi wypocinami z innymi użytkownikami sieci. Strony te są nadzwyczaj popularne ze względu że każdy może go założyć i prowadzić za"fRII xD". Posiadanie bloga w obecnych czasach jest wyznacznikiem bycia "cul haj skul gerl", stąd też spora grupa użytkowników właśnie w tym przedziale wiekowym (11-16 lat). Z tego też powodu strony te są poświęcone ulubionemu zespołowi autorki, aktora, piosenkarki, itp. Oczywiście możemy znaleźć także poważne blogi, traktujące o polityce, aktualnych wydarzeniach na świecie, ale są to zaledwie małe diamenciki pośród szamba (czyt. ok 10% ogółu).
  • A blog (short for Web log) is a Website in which items are posted and displayed with the newest at the top. Many blogs allow visitors to post responses to "blog postings" created by the founder of the blog or by other contributors who have been given posting privileges by the founder.
  • Un blog ou encore un égotarium est un site pour râleur fortement dyslexique et égocentrique (c'est-à-dire un Kevin ou une Vanessa). Son auteur a une opinion sur tout. Il ne pratique pas régulièrement le sexe (sauf en solitaire), et passe donc la plupart de son temps à raconter sa vie dénuée d'intérêt sur un site dont l'unique sujet est lui-même.
  • Exemplo:
  • A blog is a website where entries appear in reverse chronological order. They often act like a user's diary. Many Second Life residents,including some Lindens have blogs. Other users may have websites that offer more information besides, or in addition to, a blog. Blogs are often used for announcements and to get feed back by groups, companies or organizations.
  • check out the blogging wiki.
  • Blogs are large aquatic beasts native to the Forest Moon of Endor. They are aggressive predators, and are known to attack land creatures. Blogs can use tree logs to build large dams in the rivers, resulting in a lake for them to live in.
  • Blogs (Web logs) are like public diaries. They are often only written by one person, but can be read or commented on by anyone.
  • This newly emerging media outlet offers portfolio creators a chance to showcase their professional skills, network with other professionals in their field/s, explore the latest trends, research, and topics of professional interest in an open and interactive forum. Writers and reporters often create professional blogs and have taken great advantage of the ability to integrate image with text to further enrich the reading experience. Conversely, blogs are an ideal way for fine artists to showcase their images and further enhance the visual experience by writing descriptive narratives. Blogs can be quickly updated and added to throughout a career, act as a sort of database or catalogue of the artist's work, and also allow the (re)viewer to gain a sense of one's artistic style and interests. While many professional blogs will avoid social commentary and personal narratives, some have found that creating a bridge between professional and personal interests can often increase your market, build name and product recognition, demonstrate the full depth and breadth of your knowledge and expertise, and create more networking opportunities.
  • Blog-wa “web log” dè suokxie da. “Web log” dè orijinol yiyǐ wa “Log on Web”. Soi, blog-ga orijinolli yusen bai pīpol für logiŋ en rekordiŋ wörk progres on web. Jigùm-wa pīpol yus blog für deili-rekordiŋ dè pörpùs.
  • He is usually found circling the center of Paris, where we find the Louvre, a small park, as well as a fully functioning Ferris Wheel. By flashing your headlights he will direct you the the front of the Eiffel Tower. In Blogs first race, properly named Eiffel Visions, you race against five other racers. There is absolutely no significant obstacles in this course. This race introduces you to the streets of Paris, which have a more unstable feel than those of Los Angeles. Your race ends directly after a small monument, which mimics that of the Arc de Triomph (although this one has three arches instead of one). In his second and final race, penned Rooftop Vistas, has you square off against five racers. The many obstacles found on this course: A police car darting out of an alleyway as you approach the church, a four-door sedan making a left turn to exit a small alley, a parked car (similar to the Smart ForTwo) which blocks a part of your path when you race by the building containing one of the tunnels used as a jump, a car resembling a Pugeot 206 attempting to enter a tunnel leading to the road nearest the Paris river, as well as a Mail Delivery Van attempting to make a turn near the church. The end of the race is found directly after the south church doors.Upon completing both of Blogs races, he will surrender his Boost (Ford Puma) calmly.
  • Natural stone has been used as a building material for thousands of years. It’s been used for flooring walls, and even roofing. Today, natural stone such as slate is still a popular choice for roof shingles, and for good reason. A slate roof is a smart choice for homeowners for a number of reasons. Of all of the roofing materials to choose from, a slate roof will outlast them all. Not only can it outlive you, but it will most likely outlive your children and their children as well. Slate roofs typically last between 100 and 150 years. That’s quite a long time compared to asphalt shingle roofs which might last 20-30 years. Slate’s longevity is connected to its durability. Unlike other materials that will wear down over time as a result of hot and cold temperatures, strong wind, rain, and snow, slate is virtually impervious to all of these elements. You won’t need to worry about mold, rot, or pests either if you invest in a slate roof. Because slate is so durable, it will require very little maintenance over the years. Not only will a slate roof save you money by being easy to maintain, slate saves you money each month on your heating and cooling costs. That’s because slate is an excellent insulator. Slate is also a popular choice because of its appearance. Slate roofs can come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Slate gives your home a natural, and beautiful look that no other roofing material can duplicate. If you’re looking for a material that will be both durable and aesthetically pleasing, then slate is a great choice. Things to keep in mind Remember that a slate roof will cost you more up front than most other roofing options. Making tiles out of slate is rather expensive and slate roofs are harder to install. If you have an older home, your roof deck may not even be able to support the weight of a slate roof without an extensive amount of work. But if you can handle the higher initial cost, your new slate roof will begin paying for itself right away. As with other roofing materials, not all slate tiles are created equally. Make sure your roofing contractor is using a high quality slate tile for your roof. While it might be tempting to save a little money by going with a cheaper material, it’s unlikely you’ll get as much life out of your new roof. Home improvement news brought to you by Source:
  • A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
  • es un sitio web periódicamente actualizado que recopila cronológicamente textos o artículos de uno o varios autores, apareciendo primero el más reciente, donde el autor conserva siempre la libertad de dejar publicado lo que crea pertinente
  • The blog is an important and recently introduced aspect of the much-lauded "Care in the Community" treatment for the mentally-handicapped. Mental patients (from the schizophrenic to the learning-disabled to the just-plain-weird) are invited to express their fears, suspicions, experiences and cravings by means of one of these occasionally-updated internet logs. The use of blogs as a general source of information and entertainment by a surprising number of Internet-users is therefore discouraged. The concept of "blogging" (not to be confused with flogging) is said to have originated in the Amazonian rainforest, where European explorers observed the native hunter-gatherers communicating by means of high-pitched whining and long-drawn-out musical glossolalia. Although no actual information was ever conveyed by this meaningless prancing, the locals appeared to enjoy the sight and sound of each other's attempts and dancing along with them. The native Amazonians knew this practice in their own language as the "Surkull Juirc", but the name never really caught on in European circles.
  • A Blog is a regularly updated personal Website where the blogger can write what he/she likes and link where he/she likes so long as it stays legal. Blogs are very varied depending on the personality and wishes of the user. There are liberal blogs, Conservative blogs. There are blogs for Christianity or other Religions, there are blogs promoting Atheism and Science. Blogs are as varied as the interests of bloggers.
  • The blog records all of the game's updates and patches. See Game Updates.
  • Ein Blog, ist eine eine Art Tagebuch oder Magazin im Internet. (Auch auf verfügbar) Der große Unterschied zu einer »normalen« Webseite ist, dass auf einem Blog täglich neue Einträge, sogenannte Blog-Artikel geschrieben werden. Als Leser kann man so immer wieder etwas neues auf dem Blog lesen. Angefangen hat die Geschichte der Blogs in den 90er Jahren vor allem mit privaten Online-Tagebüchern. Inzwischen sind Blogs aber so beliebt, dass auch immer mehr große Magazine zu bestimmten Themen (z.B. Kochen oder Reisen) im Blog-Format gibt. Toll ist, dass jeder sich kostenlos einen eigenen Blog auf einer Blog-Plattform einrichten kann. So kannst du z.B. deine Texte, Fotos oder Videos auf deinem Blog ganz leicht mit anderen Menschen teilen.
  • Blog ist ein Kunstwort und bezeichnet ein so genanntes Bibeltagebuch (Bibel Logbuch). Immer mehr junge Christenmenschen nutzen heute die moderne Art ein Tagebuch zu führen. Im vorgedruckten Teil des Blogs gibt es zu jedem Tag des Jahres eine kurze Bibelstelle und christliche Sinnsprüche. Darunter kann der Blog-Schreiber seine Tagebucheinträge machen. Der besondere Reiz liegt darin, dass das Tagebuch eben nicht nur stummer Zuhörer ist, sondern auch selbst etwas mitzuteilen hat. Wie nicht anders zu erwarten, erschienen auch bald Blog-Varianten im Internet (Web-Log), die jedoch nicht an die Popularität des Originals heranreichen. Erste Blog-Schreiber schrieben damals einfach in eine ausrangierte Bibel an den Rand. Einige dieser historischen Exemplare sind heute im Bibelmuseum zu bewundern.
  • Il primo blog fu quello di Leopardi, che decise di far sapere al mondo quanto fosse triste, solo e disperato tramite internet. Lo decorò con immagini di darkettone che si tagliano le vene, ragazzi con i capelli davanti alla faccia (tipo il cugino IT degli Addams), e vari angeli con ali da piccione. Vi scriveva delle sue disavventure sociali (quando ad esempio, a scuola, gli fecero uno sparticulo), aggiungendo di tanto in tanto qualche poesia senza senso riguardante la morte, l'oscurità e cretinate simili. Vedendo che l'idea ebbe successo, molti seguirono il suo esempio, e spiattellarono i loro affaracci in rete (ad esempio quando si è scoperto il proprio amante a letto col prozio, quando si è mestruato sul tappeto buono, quando si ha avuto la sciolta).
  • Blog is a Troll living in the dungeon below the Pits of Carnage, who has a big passion for games. Blog seemed to have made his home down in the Pits long before the prison started operating. He didn't mind them, but when Dorstag came with a number of men and attacked him, he slew them all and scarred Dorstag's left side of his face as a warning. Since then, no one dared to enter the lower levels. Meeting the Avatar in Ultima Underworld II in his "House of Games", Blog was happy to finally have someone to play his game with. Blog explained the rules of his game, which involved white and black stones, to the Avatar. However, the Avatar had something even better for Blog: a gray stone. Blog was so happy that he now could create many new games with that one, that he declared the Avatar his friend. Should Dorstag still have the Blackrock Gem, the Avatar could now ask Blog to help in the matter. Returning to Dorstag, the Avatar demanded the gem. Right then, Blog showed up and forced Dorstag to surrender it to his new friend. He was later found dreaming in the purple zone of the Ethereal Void, where he gave his new friend some tips on how to master this particular zone.
  • A blog is a website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual although some focus on photographs (photoblog), sketchblog, videos (vlog), or audio (podcasting), and are part of a wider network of social media. The term "blog" is derived from "Web log." "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog. As of November 2006, blog search engine Technorati was tracking nearly 60 million blogs.
  • Un blog (cuvânt provenit de la expresia engleză web log = jurnal pe Internet) este o publicație web (un text scris) care conține articole periodice sau și actualizate neîntrerupt ce au de obicei un caracter personal. Ca regulă, actualizarea blog-urilor constă în adăugiri de texte noi, asemenea unui jurnal, toate contribuțiile fiind afișate în ordine cronologică inversă (cele mai noi apar imediat, sus, la vedere). Acest gen de publicații web sunt în principiu accesibile publicului larg, însă unele pot fi contra cost.
  • Blog was a data archiving and analysis program that worked as an operative to Mandarin. Mandarin seems to trust him. The player is tasked to give him a business card from Mandarin.