  • Professor Von Ziflin
  • Professor Von Ziflin had a laboratory in San Francisco. There he had placed a recently discovered dinosaur egg in a specially built incubation chamber. He had already come to the conclusion that the dinosaur inside the egg was a brontosaurus. So, the Ghostbusters used the time turbo in Ghost Buggy to take the egg back to prehistoric San Francisco just in time before it hatched.
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  • Professor Von Ziflin
  • Professor Von Ziflin had a laboratory in San Francisco. There he had placed a recently discovered dinosaur egg in a specially built incubation chamber. He had already come to the conclusion that the dinosaur inside the egg was a brontosaurus. Haunter stole the egg while Jessica Wray and her newsteam were interviewing the professor but the Ghostbusters managed to retrieve it. Afterwards, Von Ziflin announced that the egg would be hatching within the hour and admitted that he had no idea what to feed the baby nor how to raise it properly. He then wondered if there was only some way to take the egg back in time. So, the Ghostbusters used the time turbo in Ghost Buggy to take the egg back to prehistoric San Francisco just in time before it hatched.