  • K9 Mark IV
  • K9 Mark IV was the fourth in the line of K9 robots. He was based upon the original K9 Mark I designed by Professor Marius in 5000, and which travelled with the Fourth Doctor and Leela. (TV: The Invisible Enemy) Sometime after she had stopped travelling with him, the Doctor had gifted K9 Mark III, an improved version of the first two K9s, to his former companion, Sarah Jane Smith. (TV: A Girl's Best Friend) K9 said that the Tenth Doctor rebuilt him with "new omniflexible hyperlink capabilities". (TV: School Reunion)
  • K9 Mark IV drawing
  • School Reunion
Voice Actor
  • John Leeson
  • Robot
  • K9 Mark IV was the fourth in the line of K9 robots. He was based upon the original K9 Mark I designed by Professor Marius in 5000, and which travelled with the Fourth Doctor and Leela. (TV: The Invisible Enemy) Sometime after she had stopped travelling with him, the Doctor had gifted K9 Mark III, an improved version of the first two K9s, to his former companion, Sarah Jane Smith. (TV: A Girl's Best Friend) Mark III was eventually destroyed fighting off a Krillitane invasion, and so Mark IV was presented to Sarah Jane as a replacement by the Doctor, by then in his tenth incarnation. (TV: School Reunion) The Eighth Doctor had previously mentioned a Mark IV version. (PROSE: Interference - Book Two) K9 said that the Tenth Doctor rebuilt him with "new omniflexible hyperlink capabilities". (TV: School Reunion) Sarah Jane wasn't able to enjoy Mark IV's company for long. Soon after being presented to her (approximately a year-and-a-half before Sarah Jane first met Maria Jackson), K9 Mark IV was forced to enter deep space in order to stabilise a dangerous artificial black hole in space which had been created in Switzerland. She lamented being all alone. (TV: Invasion of the Bane) K9 was able to maintain occasional communication with Sarah Jane via a cabinet with a space-time link when the orbit of the black hole intersected with that of Earth. (TV: Invasion of the Bane) At times he was capable of returning to Earth briefly, and did so on several later occasions in order to render vital assistance. He fought Mr Smith in pitched battle to allow Sarah Jane to upload the Armageddon virus. (TV: The Lost Boy) He was later called back in order to quickly upload the TARDIS' base code to Mr Smith, thereby assisting the Tenth Doctor in returning Earth to its correct location in space. (TV: Journey's End) After each of these events, K9 went back into space to continue monitoring the black hole. Some time later, a member of the Slitheen family attempted to steal him as part of a revenge plot against Sarah Jane. K9 banished the Slitheen, after reversing one of its attacks. (TV: From Raxacoricofallapatorius With Love) Later, Sarah Jane transferred the black hole into fuel for Eve's Ship. K9 then triumphantly returned to the Smith house (13 Bannerman Road, Ealing) to stay. He greeted Mr Smith — who held something of a resentment towards him — and had a photograph taken with Luke Smith, Clyde Langer and Rani Chandra. In 2059, Rani still had that photo. (TV: The Mad Woman in the Attic) He then helped defeat Travist Polong and the Trickster after reuniting with the Tenth Doctor. (TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith) A drawing of him by Clyde was animated by alien energy and defeated the Abomination. (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge) He later assisted in tracking down a pair of Slitheen, locating them with his "olfactory sensors". (TV: The Gift) When Luke Smith was trapped in a nightmare by the Nightmare Man, K9, with the help of Cention Concrete, managed to transport himself into Luke's nightmare. Soon after, K9 was temporarily damaged by the Nightmare Man. (TV: The Nightmare Man) He aided invaluably in the defeat of Ruby White by resetting the Qetesh's artificial intelligence, allowing Luke to take control of it. (TV: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith) Although Sarah Jane had appeared unconcerned with K9 Mark III being seen when they lived together twenty-five years earlier, she restricted Mark IV to their house except in the case of emergencies or as needed, lest she have to explain him. Luke covered by claiming K9 to be a Japanese robot toy with pre-programmed phrases. (TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith) Nevertheless, she sent him to care for Luke when the latter left for the University of Oxford. (TV: The Nightmare Man) He stayed in Oxford when Luke returned home in 2011, but Luke had taken K9's whistle just in case. Luke later used the whistle to contact Mr Smith, which helped defeat John Harrison. (TV: The Man Who Never Was)
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is Featuring of