  • 285
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  • 285
  • 285
  • El dos cientos ochenta y cinco (285) es el número natural que sigue al 284 y precede al 286. Categoría:Números
  • Victoria Winters, listening to Josette's music box, sits by an open window in her bedroom. She is so entranced by the melody that she fails to hear Carolyn Stoddard knocking on her door. Finally, she is snapped out of her trance when Carolyn calls her name. Carolyn expresses concern about Victoria, who confesses she thought she saw Maggie Evans the other day.
  • Julians romantische Pläne für Diana werden durch Tims Spritztour ordentlich durchkreuzt. Zudem stellt sich Tim als knallharter Verhandlungspartner heraus, der seinen Anteil am Erbe verlangt. Trotzdem will Julian Diana eine Freude machen. Deniz hadert weiter mit seiner sexuellen Besinnung. Als Roman Deniz fast schon überzeugt hat, sich mit seinen Gefühlen ernsthaft auseinander zu setzen, bekommt Deniz mit, dass sein Vater Probleme mit einem schwulen Sohn haben würde... Maximilian erschleicht sich weiterhin das Vertrauen der Steinkamps und schließt erfolgreich einen Kaufvertrag über die Siedlung ab. Lena, die langsam Interesse an dem gut aussehenden jungen Mann bekommt, entdeckt ein asiatisches Tattoo auf dessen Wade. Maximilians Erklärung der Bedeutung kommt ihr allerdings komisch vor. Sie
  • 285
  • 1967-07-11
  • 281
  • 1967
  • 1967-07-28
  • 285
  • Julians romantische Pläne für Diana werden durch Tims Spritztour ordentlich durchkreuzt. Zudem stellt sich Tim als knallharter Verhandlungspartner heraus, der seinen Anteil am Erbe verlangt. Trotzdem will Julian Diana eine Freude machen. Deniz hadert weiter mit seiner sexuellen Besinnung. Als Roman Deniz fast schon überzeugt hat, sich mit seinen Gefühlen ernsthaft auseinander zu setzen, bekommt Deniz mit, dass sein Vater Probleme mit einem schwulen Sohn haben würde... Maximilian erschleicht sich weiterhin das Vertrauen der Steinkamps und schließt erfolgreich einen Kaufvertrag über die Siedlung ab. Lena, die langsam Interesse an dem gut aussehenden jungen Mann bekommt, entdeckt ein asiatisches Tattoo auf dessen Wade. Maximilians Erklärung der Bedeutung kommt ihr allerdings komisch vor. Sie erschrickt, als sie die Wahrheit herausfindet...
  • Victoria Winters, listening to Josette's music box, sits by an open window in her bedroom. She is so entranced by the melody that she fails to hear Carolyn Stoddard knocking on her door. Finally, she is snapped out of her trance when Carolyn calls her name. Carolyn expresses concern about Victoria, who confesses she thought she saw Maggie Evans the other day. When Carolyn learns that Victoria visited Eagle Hill Cemetery to place flowers on Josette Collins' grave, she believes the governess is still under the influence of the séance at Barnabas Collins' costume party. It seems Victoria has forgotten her date with Burke Devlin, who is waiting downstairs for her. Carolyn picks up the music box, and learns that Victoria received it as a gift from Barnabas. Although she's not interested in going out with Burke tonight, Victoria agrees to see him. While Carolyn goes to tell Burke Victoria will be downstairs soon, Victoria plays the music box as she brushes her hair. She is mesmerized by the melody again. Barnabas has come to call at Collinwood, and he speaks with Burke in the Drawing room. Burke acts rudely toward Barnabas, who has brought Victoria another gift: a book. Carolyn wonders if it is a good thing to be so interested in the past. She and Burke tell Barnabas about Victoria's visit to Josette's grave, and Barnabas is pleased to hear of her "lovely and thoughtful" gesture. Burke rails at Barnabas, shouting at him over the "mistake" of having worn the costumes. It seems that Victoria's fascination with the past is causing her to see things: for the little girl at the party, then Maggie at the cemetery. Barnabas, alarmed by the latter, is relieved to hear Burke saw nothing. Still, it raises concern for Victoria suddenly imagining things. Victoria, having come downstairs, talks to Barnabas about Julia Hoffman and her interest in writing a book concerning the history of the Collins Family. To her disappointment, Barnabas isn't enthused about the idea of a stranger delving into his family's background. However, he promises Victoria he will think about it. Barnabas excuses himself as a storm threatens to break over Collinwood. Before he can leave, Victoria notices the book in his hands. After having been bullied by Burke, Barnabas is hesitant to show it to her. She finds that Barnabas has inscribed the book to her, and is furious to learn Burke didn't want her to have it. Barnabas excuses himself, and Victoria expresses her gratitude for the gift. Once Barnabas has gone, Victoria refuses to go out with Burke who leaves in an angry huff. Later, Victoria has braved the storm to visit Barnabas at the Old House. She apologizes for the behavior he was subjected to at Collinwood. He says there is nothing to forgive, and tries to persuade her into staying. The storm worsens, and Victoria has no choice but to accept. He offers her Josette's room, and Victoria is immediately taken with the idea.
  • El dos cientos ochenta y cinco (285) es el número natural que sigue al 284 y precede al 286. Categoría:Números
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