  • TzTok-Jad
  • TzTok-Jad
  • TzTok-Jad
  • TzTok-Jad
  • TzTok-Jad
  • Tztok-Jad
  • TZTOK-JAD on iso pimppimakkara jonka anuksesta lentää kuumaa höyryä aina välillä sen anus haisee mahamakkaroilta joskus se jopa piereskelee kusta omasta anaalistaan joskus kissat syövät sen kiveksiä
  • TzTok-Jad, vaker "Jad" of "702" genoemd, is het op twee na sterkste monster in RuneScape. Alleen Nex en het Corporeal Beast zijn sterker. TzTok-Jad was het sterkste monster in het spel voor bijna drie jaar. Zijn naam, TzTok-Jad, kan vertaald worden in Fire obsidian elemental.
  • jad on iso punainen kasa paskaa Luokka:Hirviöt Luokka:TzHaar hirviöt Luokka:Bossit
  • To add to the challenge, players must fight TzTok-Jad on their own, without the use of Summoning creatures or a dwarf multicannon for assistance. Players must also fight 271 other monsters before fighting him, resulting in a high usage of food, potions, ammunition, prayer, etc. TzTok-Jad is strong enough to pose a danger to any inexperienced or unprepared player, regardless of skill or equipment, and he is also immune to stuns.
  • TzTok-Jad, meistens nur "Jad" genannt, ist das fünftstärkste angreifbare Monster auf ganz Runescape. Er ist der End-Gegner in den Kampfgruben der Tz-Haar und es sind 62 Wellen zu bekämpfen um dem TzTok-Jad (63. Welle) gegenüber zu stehen.
  • left TzTok-Jad, popularmente conhecido como Jad, é o sétimo monstro mais forte do RuneScape, sendo superado pela Dragoa Negra Rainha, pela Fera corpórea, Nex, TokHaar-Jad, Har'Aken e pelo Rei Kalphita. Quando morto, o jogador ganhará a capa do fogo, uma das melhores capas do jogo. TzTok-Jad é o monstro final do minijogo Caverna de combate TzHaar, onde o jogador terá que vencer diversas ondas com muitos inimigos, sem poder usar o banco entre elas. TzTok-Jad vai aparecer na onda 63.
  • TzTok-Jad is the boss monster in the TzHaar Fight Cave, and appears in wave 63. He can easily kill a player in one hit with any of its three attacks: a melee attack with his fist slamming into the player, a blast of magic in the form of a fireball, and slamming his fists into the ground, causing a rock to drop from the ceiling as a ranged attack. To add to the challenge, players must fight TzTok-Jad single-handedly, without the use of Summoning creatures for assistance. Players must also fight 279 other monsters before fighting him, resulting in a high usage of food, potions, ammunition, prayer, etc. TzTok-Jad is strong enough to pose a danger to any inexperienced or unprepared player, regardless of skill or equipment. However, despite his very high level, he can be poisoned. A player may
  • To add to the challenge, players must fight TzTok-Jad on their own, without the use of Summoning creatures or a dwarf multicannon for assistance. Players must also fight 271 other monsters before fighting him, resulting in a high usage of food, potions, ammunition, prayer, etc. TzTok-Jad is strong enough to pose a danger to any inexperienced or unprepared player, regardless of skill or equipment, and he is also immune to stuns. However, despite his very high level, he can be poisoned, though it isn't very feasible to do so.
  • TzTok-Jad, commonly called Jad for short, is one of the strongest monsters in Old School RuneScape. With a combat level of 702, TzTok-Jad has a max hit of 97 and can easily kill most players in one hit with any of its three attacks: a Melee attack with its huge claws, a blast of Magic in the form of a fireball, and an avalanche of boulders falling from the ceiling as a Ranged attack. To add to the challenge, players must fight TzTok-Jad solo without being able to restock on supplies from the previous waves.
  • 702
  • 70
  • Yes
  • TzTok-Jad
  • 0
  • 0
  • 60
acc magic
  • 3031
  • 1486
aff magic
  • 40
  • 40000
  • 250
  • 0
  • Isso vai doer...
  • 0
  • Das wird weh tun...
  • This is going to hurt ...
  • This is going to hurt...
  • This is going to hurt...
  • No
max hit
  • 97
  • 970
  • 8000
  • No
  • Nee
  • Nein
max magic
  • 8000
  • 0
max spec
  • 0
attack speed
  • 2
  • 3
acc melee
  • 3031
aff weakness
  • 40
  • 702
  • Sim
aff melee
  • 40
  • 40
max ranged
  • 8000
Always Drops
  • Nothing
  • Nichts
  • Niets
  • 960
  • 702
aff ranged
  • 40
Attack style
  • 4
acc ranged
  • 3031
  • 1
max melee
  • 8000
  • 0
  • Rare
assigned by
  • kuradal
  • 0
  • Yes
  • Ja
  • Ja
  • 0
  • 0
immune to poison
  • No
  • Nee
  • Nein
  • 960
  • 4
  • TzHaar
  • Jadmage.ogg
  • Jadrange.ogg
  • 70
  • 70
  • TzTok-Jad
  • TzTok-Jad
  • TzTok-Jad
  • Tzrek-jad
  • Corpo a corpo, à distância, Magia
  • Yes
  • Yes
immune to stun
  • Yes
  • 1309
  • 25000
  • 25250
immune to deflect
  • No
immune to drain
  • No
  • Volcanic creatures
  • Yes
  • 1000
  • 26442
  • Yes
  • Ja
  • Ja
  • 1
  • TzHaar Fight Caves
  • TzTok-Jad's magic attack sound
  • TzTok-Jad's ranged attack sound
  • 640
  • 480
  • 300
  • 1486
  • Jad
  • Jad, 702
  • 2745
  • melee,magic,ranged
  • 2550
  • 2005-10-04
  • 2644.200000
  • 70
  • 2500
  • 40000
imune dano de recuo
  • Não
afinidade distância
  • 40
dano magia
  • 2240
imune atordoamento
  • Sim
precisão corpo
  • 3031
afinidade magia
  • 40
nível defesa
  • 70
imune drenar estatísticas
  • Não
dano corpo
  • 2240
nível distância
  • 70
precisão distância
  • 3031
  • Não
  • Sim
dano distância
  • 2240
afinidade fraqueza
  • -
dano especial
  • 6000
afinidade corpo
  • 40
nível corpo
  • 70
imune veneno
  • Não
precisão magia
  • 3031
  • Nenhuma
nível magia
  • 70
  • Not immune
  • Poisons instead
  • 0
  • 480
  • 0
  • 0
other drops
  • Niets
  • TzTok-Jad, commonly called Jad for short, is one of the strongest monsters in Old School RuneScape. With a combat level of 702, TzTok-Jad has a max hit of 97 and can easily kill most players in one hit with any of its three attacks: a Melee attack with its huge claws, a blast of Magic in the form of a fireball, and an avalanche of boulders falling from the ceiling as a Ranged attack. To add to the challenge, players must fight TzTok-Jad solo without being able to restock on supplies from the previous waves. Players can pay 100 slayer reward points to have Duradel, Nieve, or Chaeldar assign TzHaar as a slayer assignment. When players have TzHaar as a slayer task, they will be prompted with an option to be assigned 1 TzTok-Jad. Players who succeed in defeating it will receive 25,250 slayer experience.
  • To add to the challenge, players must fight TzTok-Jad on their own, without the use of Summoning creatures or a dwarf multicannon for assistance. Players must also fight 271 other monsters before fighting him, resulting in a high usage of food, potions, ammunition, prayer, etc. TzTok-Jad is strong enough to pose a danger to any inexperienced or unprepared player, regardless of skill or equipment, and he is also immune to stuns. However, despite his very high level, he can be poisoned, though it isn't very feasible to do so. A player may receive a task of TzHaar monsters from Kuradal, with the challenge to "Upgrade" your task. Doing so will result in a task of Volcanic Creatures. With this, you can opt to kill through the Fight Cave all the way to TzTok-Jad for a special reward of 25,250 Slayer experience (250 based on TzTok-Jad's LP and 25,000 bonus xp), in addition to any experience gained during the Caves. Likewise, a player may receive 1-4 TzTok-Jads as a Soul Reaper task. This will grant 10,000 Slayer experience.
  • TzTok-Jad, meistens nur "Jad" genannt, ist das fünftstärkste angreifbare Monster auf ganz Runescape. Er ist der End-Gegner in den Kampfgruben der Tz-Haar und es sind 62 Wellen zu bekämpfen um dem TzTok-Jad (63. Welle) gegenüber zu stehen. * Wenn er seinen Kopf senkt, ist es ein Magie-Angriff. * Wenn er seine Vorderbeine hebt und auf den Boden schlägt, ist es ein Fernkampf-Angriff. * Wenn ihr die Hälfte der Lebenspunkte vom TzTok-Jad abgezogen habt, kommen die Heiler ins Spiel. * Wenn die Heiler kommen, solltet ihr jeden Heiler einmal angreifen, damit sie nicht mehr den TzTok-Jad heilen, dann greifen die Heiler euch an und heilen nicht mehr den TzTok-Jad. * Aber die Heiler könnten euch töten, also braucht ihr dabei auch ein bisschen von eurem Essen (besser Saradomin-Tränke) oder ihr tötet den TzTok-Jad mit Nahkampf und habt den Nahkampfschutzgebet an (wenn man Nahkampf gegen den TzTok-Jad einsetzt, macht der TzTok-Jad auch fast nur Nahkampf).
  • TZTOK-JAD on iso pimppimakkara jonka anuksesta lentää kuumaa höyryä aina välillä sen anus haisee mahamakkaroilta joskus se jopa piereskelee kusta omasta anaalistaan joskus kissat syövät sen kiveksiä
  • To add to the challenge, players must fight TzTok-Jad on their own, without the use of Summoning creatures or a dwarf multicannon for assistance. Players must also fight 271 other monsters before fighting him, resulting in a high usage of food, potions, ammunition, prayer, etc. TzTok-Jad is strong enough to pose a danger to any inexperienced or unprepared player, regardless of skill or equipment, and he is also immune to stuns. A player may receive a task of TzHaar monsters from Kuradal, with the challenge to "Upgrade" your task. Doing so will result in a task of Volcanic Creatures. With this, you can opt to kill through the Fight Cave all the way to TzTok-Jad for a special reward of 25,000 Slayer experience (not including its base reward of 1,309 experience), in addition to any experience gained during the Caves. Likewise, a player may receive 1-4 TzTok-Jads as a Soul Reaper task. As the Fight Caves may take a long time for players, the TokHaar version of TzTok-Jad may be killed in its place.
  • TzTok-Jad, vaker "Jad" of "702" genoemd, is het op twee na sterkste monster in RuneScape. Alleen Nex en het Corporeal Beast zijn sterker. TzTok-Jad was het sterkste monster in het spel voor bijna drie jaar. Zijn naam, TzTok-Jad, kan vertaald worden in Fire obsidian elemental.
  • left TzTok-Jad, popularmente conhecido como Jad, é o sétimo monstro mais forte do RuneScape, sendo superado pela Dragoa Negra Rainha, pela Fera corpórea, Nex, TokHaar-Jad, Har'Aken e pelo Rei Kalphita. Quando morto, o jogador ganhará a capa do fogo, uma das melhores capas do jogo. TzTok-Jad é o monstro final do minijogo Caverna de combate TzHaar, onde o jogador terá que vencer diversas ondas com muitos inimigos, sem poder usar o banco entre elas. TzTok-Jad vai aparecer na onda 63. Um jogador pode receber uma tarefa de extermínio dos monstros Tzhaar de Kuradal, com o desafio de "Aumentar" sua tarefa. Fazendo isso resultará numa tarefa de criaturas da cidade Tzhaar. Com isso, você pode optar por matar todos os monstros da Caverna de combate TzHaar e matar Jad por um prêmio especial de 25.000 de experiência em link=Extermínio| Extermínio, somado com qualquer experiência ganha no decorrer do minijogo.
  • jad on iso punainen kasa paskaa Luokka:Hirviöt Luokka:TzHaar hirviöt Luokka:Bossit
  • TzTok-Jad is the boss monster in the TzHaar Fight Cave, and appears in wave 63. He can easily kill a player in one hit with any of its three attacks: a melee attack with his fist slamming into the player, a blast of magic in the form of a fireball, and slamming his fists into the ground, causing a rock to drop from the ceiling as a ranged attack. To add to the challenge, players must fight TzTok-Jad single-handedly, without the use of Summoning creatures for assistance. Players must also fight 279 other monsters before fighting him, resulting in a high usage of food, potions, ammunition, prayer, etc. TzTok-Jad is strong enough to pose a danger to any inexperienced or unprepared player, regardless of skill or equipment. However, despite his very high level, he can be poisoned. A player may receive a task of TzHaar monsters from Kuradal, with the challenge to "Upgrade" your task. Doing so will result in a task of Volcanic Creatures. With this, you can opt to kill through the Fight Cave all the way to TzTok-Jad for a special reward of 25,000 Slayer experience, in addition to any experience gained during the Caves. Contrary to popular belief, he does not drop the Fire cape; it is a reward given on completion of the cave.
is Monster of
is q5b of
is Location of
is wikipage disambiguates of