  • Orthanc
  • Orthanc
  • Orthanc
  • Orthanc
  • Orthanc was the black, impenetrable tower of Isengard built by the Dúnedain. By the Great Years and the War of the Ring it was possessed by the wizard Saruman the White. It stood in the centre of the Ring of Isengard, surrounded by great defensive walls fortified by the early Men of Gondor.
  • Der Orthanc war ein 150 Meter hoher Turm, der sich im Mittelpunkt der Ebene von Isengart befand.
  • Orthanc is the late giant of Barmount Island, bludgeoned to death by Brandon Note after almost killing all the animals on the island. He fought with stone pillars chained together, much like a nunchuck. Yet when his nunchucks were broken, he was defenseless and was easily defeated. Not much is known about him, just that he's not from Elbaf.
  • Orthanc o la "Torre Nera" è il nome dell'alta struttura che si erge al centro di Isengard. Costruita dai Numenoreani nel periodo della loro massima potenza, venne usata da Saruman il bianco come propria dimora e, in seguito, come base operativa durante la Guerra dell'Anello per i suoi scopi, ovvero il ritrovamento dell'unico anello di Sauron e la conquista dei territori di Rohan che si trovavano vicini ad Isengard.
  • Orthanc is a blacksmith from Greyfell in SpellForce: The Order of Dawn.
  • Orthanc, is de 150 meter hoge toren in Isengardthumb Isengard was erg centraal gelegen. Het was door Gondor gebouwd om de kloof van Rohan in de gaten te houden. De toren was uit een magische zwarte steensoort gemaakt. Dat maakte de toren onverwoestbaar. In de toren lag ook een Palantir. De enten waren de gene die Isengard sloopten. Alleen de toren bleef staan. Toen Aragorn koning werd schonk hij Isengard aan de Enten. Omdat zij zo hadden geleden onder Saruman. De Enten gingen er wonen en noemden het Boomgaard. Categorie:Torens Categorie:Fort
  • The impregnable tower of Orthanc, fashioned by the Númenorean exiles of Gondor at the end of the Second Age, was one of the greatest architectural creations in all of Middle-earth.Over five hundred feet in height, the pinnacle was hewn out of a black adamantine substance rarely found in such quantity and the arts by which it was carved and shaped had since been lost to all but a very few.The rock of the tower, a volcanic mineral known as laen, was absolutely black, and appeared glassy and wet.In overall design, the tower of Orthanc was four huge conical piers of rock, fused together to form a single structure.Only near the very top did the tips of the piers flare out, forming four sharp and cruel spikes, slabbing upward into the heavens.After this overall form was achieved,Curugond of Lame
  • Carved black Tower of Isengard. Known for being the abode of Saruman.
altri nomi
  • Monte Zanna, Torre Nera
  • Torre che sorge al centro della fortezza di Isengard costruita nell'indistruttibile materiale numenoreano. Custodisce uno dei sette Palantír portati da Elendil e dal 2759 TE è la residenza di Saruman il Bianco
tipo luogo
  • Torre
  • Frühes Drittes Zeitalter
  • Wall um Isengart
  • Dúnedain, Menschen
  • Fortezza di Isengard
  • La torre di Orthanc in un'illustrazione
  • Isengart
  • Orthanc
  • Orthanc
  • Tower-fortification
  • Dúnedain, Men of Gondor, Saruman
  • Lotr-board_Orthanc.jpg
  • Orthanc.jpg
  • Orthanc was the black, impenetrable tower of Isengard built by the Dúnedain. By the Great Years and the War of the Ring it was possessed by the wizard Saruman the White. It stood in the centre of the Ring of Isengard, surrounded by great defensive walls fortified by the early Men of Gondor.
  • Der Orthanc war ein 150 Meter hoher Turm, der sich im Mittelpunkt der Ebene von Isengart befand.
  • Orthanc, is de 150 meter hoge toren in Isengardthumb Isengard was erg centraal gelegen. Het was door Gondor gebouwd om de kloof van Rohan in de gaten te houden. De toren was uit een magische zwarte steensoort gemaakt. Dat maakte de toren onverwoestbaar. In de toren lag ook een Palantir. Het ging er aardig vredig aan toe en de funktie van de toren verzwakte. Toen bood de tovenaar Saruman aan Gondor om te gaan wonen in Orthanc. Hij zou alles in de gaten houden. Gondor stemde hier mee in, en gaf hem de sleutel van de toren. Maar Saruman beschadigde hun vertrouwen. Hij heulde samen met de vijand. Isengard werd van een groen park omgezet in een grote industrie. De enten waren de gene die Isengard sloopten. Alleen de toren bleef staan. Toen Aragorn koning werd schonk hij Isengard aan de Enten. Omdat zij zo hadden geleden onder Saruman. De Enten gingen er wonen en noemden het Boomgaard. Categorie:Torens Categorie:Fort
  • Orthanc is the late giant of Barmount Island, bludgeoned to death by Brandon Note after almost killing all the animals on the island. He fought with stone pillars chained together, much like a nunchuck. Yet when his nunchucks were broken, he was defenseless and was easily defeated. Not much is known about him, just that he's not from Elbaf.
  • The impregnable tower of Orthanc, fashioned by the Númenorean exiles of Gondor at the end of the Second Age, was one of the greatest architectural creations in all of Middle-earth.Over five hundred feet in height, the pinnacle was hewn out of a black adamantine substance rarely found in such quantity and the arts by which it was carved and shaped had since been lost to all but a very few.The rock of the tower, a volcanic mineral known as laen, was absolutely black, and appeared glassy and wet.In overall design, the tower of Orthanc was four huge conical piers of rock, fused together to form a single structure.Only near the very top did the tips of the piers flare out, forming four sharp and cruel spikes, slabbing upward into the heavens.After this overall form was achieved,Curugond of Lamedon, designer of Orthanc turned inward, carving out the interior of the mass as they saw fit.Running up the height of each of the piers was a 'service shaft', which contained in its center a chimney, and either toilet facilities or a cistern network, depending which lower (two of each).Winding around this shaft was a stairway, so that each spike had a spiraling stair running from top to bottom —but in many cases the stairs did not run unbroken and the unwary intruder could quiet come to a dead end or possibly bypass levels, even the floor which he seeked.There were myriad windows cut through the walls of Orthanc, all narrow, but they were especially so near the bottom an grew wider in the upper rooms as they were completely inaccessible to attackers at that height.The windows were in deeply cut embrasures most deep on the interior, with usually only small insets from the outside.Interior lighting in addition to that provided by the fireplaces was by many lamps of wrought iron with crystal faces.These were either mounted on the walls, as in the stairwells, halls, and some rooms, or in groups suspended from the ceiling.The lamps burned very cleanly and were kept filled by the servants.Nearly all of the inside fixtures of the citadel were of an iron alloy, absolutely black and unrusting.That was not say that there were not rich furnishings of fine fabrics and woods ; quite the contrary. But the overall feeling one got while inside most of the areas of the tower — especially after Saruman had made it his abode — was one of dark, hard surfaces, endless echoes and winding shadowed passages and stairs.All interior doors in Orthanc, unless otherwise noted, were of polished dark oak, hinged and bound with straps of the same black, non-corroding iron and equipped with locks which were Hard to pick.All of these doors were eight feet high at the apex of their gothic-arched top and swung into the room which they served.Each of these locks was different.However, there was one key, the Key of Orthanc, which had very unusual properties.Not only was it the only key to the main door of the tower, but it would act as a master key, operating any door in the tower.The master of Orthanc traditionally wore this key around his neck at all times.When Saruman controlled Orthanc, he kept the key himself.The other keys were distributed to the servants and guards as needed.
  • Orthanc o la "Torre Nera" è il nome dell'alta struttura che si erge al centro di Isengard. Costruita dai Numenoreani nel periodo della loro massima potenza, venne usata da Saruman il bianco come propria dimora e, in seguito, come base operativa durante la Guerra dell'Anello per i suoi scopi, ovvero il ritrovamento dell'unico anello di Sauron e la conquista dei territori di Rohan che si trovavano vicini ad Isengard.
  • Orthanc is a blacksmith from Greyfell in SpellForce: The Order of Dawn.
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