  • Alphabet
  • Alphabet
  • Alphabet
  • alphabet
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz oder ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Das Alphabet sind einfach alle Buchstaben, es ist aber keine Menge, sonst wäre es ja eine Zahl. Die richtige Schreibweise nach der reformierten neuen deutschen Rechtschreibung wäre eigentlich Alfabet, aber da es aus dem Griechischen kommt, macht man da eine Ausnahme.
  • "alphabet" is an original Japanese song featuring IA. The song was created as a demo to promote the Japanese voicebank's release. It was published on NicoNico Douga the day IA was put up for sale. This song is featured in the IA anniversary compilation album, IA/01 -BIRTH- and the smaller version of IA/01 -BIRTH-, IA/01 -BIRTH- MD. It is also featured featured in the IA compilation album, IA/1.0.0.
  • Robin recognized that Simeon Shamon's magnet looked like the letter U, and he said "Holy alphabet!" The Super Friends also have magnets in their Hall of Justice that look like letters of the Alphabet, which they use for their anagram board.
  • An alphabet is a standard set of letters (basic written symbols or graphemes) which is used to write one or more languages based on the general principle that the letters represent phonemes (basic significant sounds) of the spoken language.
  • \Alphabet h1és-ti pingōh2 qui dhəkjōnti klṇgōh2.
  • There is no distinction between upper- and lower-case letters, so proper nouns have no defining characteristic. There is also no punctuation in Aquarian writing, so the Image:Letter .png character is used to denote breaks between words.
  • An alphabet is a standardized set of letters—basic written symbols—each of which roughly represents a phoneme of a spoken language, either as it exists now or as it was in the past. There are other systems, such as logographies, in which each character represents a word, morpheme, or semantic unit, and syllabaries, in which each character represents a syllable. Alphabets are classified according to how they indicate vowels
  • An alphabet (vaṇṇamālā) is a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used for writing a language. The Buddha's discourses were first written in India, probably around the 2nd century BCE, in a script called Brahmi. The edicts of King Ashoka were written in this same script. Brāhmī has 72 letters and was written from left to right. All later Indian scripts evolved from Brahmī as did Sinhalese, Tibetan, Burmese, Thai and the ancient scripts of the Malay world.
  • An alphabet is a set of letters used in a language. In the Bajoran alphabet the analog of E was the seventh letter, while C was the forth. In 2376 Istani Reyla left a numeric code which corresponded to those letters which indicated the location she had hidden the Ohalu Prophecies on Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One)
  • Alphabet (アルファベット Alphabet) ist das zehnte Rätsel aus der US-Version sowie das neunte Wöchentliche Rätsel aus der japanischen Version von Professor Layton und das geheimnisvolle Dorf. Nach dem Lösen des Rätsels erhält man in der US-Version 30 Pikarat.
  • Das Alphabet beschreibt eine Sammlung von Buchstaben. Es grenzt sich gegenüber dem Buch in besonderer Weise dadurch ab, daß es wesentlich mehr Struktur und Inhalt aufweist. Während bei Büchern die Buchstaben alle durcheinander liegen, werden diese im Alphabet nacheinander aufsteigend niedergeschrieben. Trotzdem hat es das Alphabet immer noch nicht geschafft, die gesamte Welt zu unterjochen. Einige asiatische Länder bevorzugen mehr die gesamtheitliche Darstellung von Wortphrasen.
  • L'alphabet fut inventé par Bill Gates lors de l'invention de l'ordinateur. Bill Gates voulait inventer un moyen d'écrire sur l'ordinateur, il inventa le clavier, mais il ne savait pas comment inscrire les lettres et dans quel ordre. Il pris alors un jeu de Scrabble et lança les lettres sur le sol, il tomba ainsi sur la configuration suivante : QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM Il décida d'utiliser cette configuration pour créer son clavier, d’autant plus qu’il remarqua que cette configuration était super pénible : non seulement à retenir mais à utiliser.
  • Omega was the last letter in the Greek alphabet. (VOY: "The Omega Directive") In 2152, a crewmember asked Captain Archer for the name of the first Vulcan ambassador to Earth for her crossword puzzle, consisting of six letters, the last one being an "R". (ENT: "The Catwalk") The musical notes on the Preservers obelisk on Amerind, when interpreted into tones, corresponded roughly to an alphabet. (TOS: "The Paradise Syndrome" ) The alphabet of the English language was displayed on the wall of the nursery on the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Child" )
  • An alphabet is main part for every language. Firstly any letter modification would be unconfortable to use. As most of languages, mainly all European languages use Latin alphabet or it's modification, it would be prefered if Europan alphabet consist from Latin or at least it neighbor alphabet's. As in anciet times, Latin alphabet were: Archaic: Modern Latin alphabet: As we see archaic alphabet is smaller and it does not use -J, -W, -Y letters, so why EP(Europan) should? Another aspect is that most of Rome's culture, also alphabet comes from Greece. So we have to take a look on their alphabet.
  • L'alphabet dans le monde de Hunter X Hunter est différent de ceux utilisés dans le monde actuel. En effet, il s'agit d'un alphabet créé par Yoshihiro Togashi à partir du japonais. Dans la langue japonaise, on distingue trois "alphabets" différents, utilisés dans diverses situations (Hiragana, Katakana et Kanji) et ici, Togashi traduit les Hiragana. Malheureusement, sans connaître le japonais, il est difficile de tout traduire avec un simple traducteur internet, d'autant qu'il faut d'une part traduire le mot de l'alphabet hunter en Hiragana, puis traduire l'Hiragana en Français.
  • Originally, all of human history, and most of human sex, was consummated orally. Minstrels advised each generation of all that past generations had accomplished. This was easy, as there wasn't much to tell, and the minstrels kept it more interesting than reading is. Minstrels who were the forerunners of Charles Osgood were simply killed after a boring storytelling session, an option unfortunately no longer available to us, and one or two of the listeners would try to tell it better in the future.
  • JP
  • US
  • no
  • 32000
  • no
  • "alphabet"
original upload date
  • Jan.27.2012
  • 33000
  • 2011-01-27
nnd id
  • sm16797454
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
  • no
  • ia
  • #A95B79; color: #F0E6D8
  • PL1JP-W09frage.png
  • PL1US-010frage.gif
  • alphabet
  • Write the first section of your page here.
  • L'alphabet dans le monde de Hunter X Hunter est différent de ceux utilisés dans le monde actuel. En effet, il s'agit d'un alphabet créé par Yoshihiro Togashi à partir du japonais. Dans la langue japonaise, on distingue trois "alphabets" différents, utilisés dans diverses situations (Hiragana, Katakana et Kanji) et ici, Togashi traduit les Hiragana. On peut voir cet alphabet un peu partout dans le manga, et il est très intéressant de voir le souci du détail. Ainsi, sur le Rental Pod de Leol (ou Leoru), on peut voir des signes qui signifient réellement les noms des techniques des personnes qu'il a empruntés. Malheureusement, sans connaître le japonais, il est difficile de tout traduire avec un simple traducteur internet, d'autant qu'il faut d'une part traduire le mot de l'alphabet hunter en Hiragana, puis traduire l'Hiragana en Français. En cliquant ici vous pourrez télécharger l'alphabet. Catégorie:Innovations
  • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz oder ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Das Alphabet sind einfach alle Buchstaben, es ist aber keine Menge, sonst wäre es ja eine Zahl. Die richtige Schreibweise nach der reformierten neuen deutschen Rechtschreibung wäre eigentlich Alfabet, aber da es aus dem Griechischen kommt, macht man da eine Ausnahme.
  • Originally, all of human history, and most of human sex, was consummated orally. Minstrels advised each generation of all that past generations had accomplished. This was easy, as there wasn't much to tell, and the minstrels kept it more interesting than reading is. Minstrels who were the forerunners of Charles Osgood were simply killed after a boring storytelling session, an option unfortunately no longer available to us, and one or two of the listeners would try to tell it better in the future. In ancient Babylonia, the first scribe took the place of a minstrel. Finding a large stone wall, he set out to set down the national history in characters, chiefly fellow Babylonians in full battle gear on the march. Archaeologists have uncovered a sad truth: this primeval scribe was unable to draw the human body, like so many of us. The first scribe was also killed, by the first environmentalists, on the claim that the stone wall had stood unpainted for eons and that the new work of history was at odds with preservation (and in any case, had not received planning permission). The written word was put on hold for centuries. It was the Greeks who deviated from the oral tradition, as they did in so many things, and next tried to set words down on paper. Unfortunately, they made a total botch of it, as they wrote more than half the characters wrong: So much for that. Happily, we have adopted the Greeks' advances in democracy and sodomy while discarding their alphabet, except for those in advanced degree programs who have no other ways to get attention. The Romans produced the first successful alphabet. In the old days, each letter of the alphabet had a symbolism that it no longer has. For example, the "Y" stood for the "yoke" that you would make an enemy chieftain stoop and walk through before you disemboweled him. The "W" described the move on that other yoke en route to making an omelet (the "M" being the same gesture, for left-handed people). The term alphabet itself comes from this rich period of history. It is an abbreviation of the term alphabetical order, which is a concept introduced by monks in Medieval Europe to maximize the number of pages they could copy by hand in their short, brutish lives before their eyesight gave out or the next plague hit. For example, if one monk began with the A's and another began with the N's, the gaps in the finished work would be small ones in different places.
  • "alphabet" is an original Japanese song featuring IA. The song was created as a demo to promote the Japanese voicebank's release. It was published on NicoNico Douga the day IA was put up for sale. This song is featured in the IA anniversary compilation album, IA/01 -BIRTH- and the smaller version of IA/01 -BIRTH-, IA/01 -BIRTH- MD. It is also featured featured in the IA compilation album, IA/1.0.0.
  • Robin recognized that Simeon Shamon's magnet looked like the letter U, and he said "Holy alphabet!" The Super Friends also have magnets in their Hall of Justice that look like letters of the Alphabet, which they use for their anagram board.
  • An alphabet is a standard set of letters (basic written symbols or graphemes) which is used to write one or more languages based on the general principle that the letters represent phonemes (basic significant sounds) of the spoken language.
  • \Alphabet h1és-ti pingōh2 qui dhəkjōnti klṇgōh2.
  • An alphabet is main part for every language. Firstly any letter modification would be unconfortable to use. As most of languages, mainly all European languages use Latin alphabet or it's modification, it would be prefered if Europan alphabet consist from Latin or at least it neighbor alphabet's. As in anciet times, Latin alphabet were: Archaic: Modern Latin alphabet: As we see archaic alphabet is smaller and it does not use -J, -W, -Y letters, so why EP(Europan) should? Another aspect is that most of Rome's culture, also alphabet comes from Greece. So we have to take a look on their alphabet. Main diference from latin is, last -O, -PH, -CH, -PS and -TH. Mean while -TH and -CH great provides English language support. In this case -TH coul stand for -D or -TT and -CH for -CC. In some of languages -X many times is replaced with -KS, so it lose it necesarity, also as -W(for -V) and -Q(for kj[:u] or kju) and -Y(for -V or -J). So my prefered EP alphabet would be: Or it's any fallowing modification: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V Z(More simplfied it can not be, which I prefer)
  • There is no distinction between upper- and lower-case letters, so proper nouns have no defining characteristic. There is also no punctuation in Aquarian writing, so the Image:Letter .png character is used to denote breaks between words.
  • Das Alphabet beschreibt eine Sammlung von Buchstaben. Es grenzt sich gegenüber dem Buch in besonderer Weise dadurch ab, daß es wesentlich mehr Struktur und Inhalt aufweist. Während bei Büchern die Buchstaben alle durcheinander liegen, werden diese im Alphabet nacheinander aufsteigend niedergeschrieben. Trotzdem hat es das Alphabet immer noch nicht geschafft, die gesamte Welt zu unterjochen. Einige asiatische Länder bevorzugen mehr die gesamtheitliche Darstellung von Wortphrasen. Eine Abwandlung des hier verwendeten Alphabets, mit dem sich interessante Spielereien betreiben lassen, wurde schon im antiken Grichenland verwendet. Man nennt es griechisches Alphabet.
  • An alphabet is a standardized set of letters—basic written symbols—each of which roughly represents a phoneme of a spoken language, either as it exists now or as it was in the past. There are other systems, such as logographies, in which each character represents a word, morpheme, or semantic unit, and syllabaries, in which each character represents a syllable. Alphabets are classified according to how they indicate vowels
  • An alphabet (vaṇṇamālā) is a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used for writing a language. The Buddha's discourses were first written in India, probably around the 2nd century BCE, in a script called Brahmi. The edicts of King Ashoka were written in this same script. Brāhmī has 72 letters and was written from left to right. All later Indian scripts evolved from Brahmī as did Sinhalese, Tibetan, Burmese, Thai and the ancient scripts of the Malay world.
  • Omega was the last letter in the Greek alphabet. (VOY: "The Omega Directive") In 2152, a crewmember asked Captain Archer for the name of the first Vulcan ambassador to Earth for her crossword puzzle, consisting of six letters, the last one being an "R". (ENT: "The Catwalk") The musical notes on the Preservers obelisk on Amerind, when interpreted into tones, corresponded roughly to an alphabet. (TOS: "The Paradise Syndrome" ) The alphabet of the English language was displayed on the wall of the nursery on the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Child" ) After a Federation starship with a particular name and registry was phased out or destroyed, subsequent ships could have letters of the alphabet attached to the pre-existing registry. (TNG: "Relics" ) After hearing Jean-Luc Picard call out to Q in 2364, Worf asked Tasha Yar what a Q was. She replied that it was a letter of the alphabet, at least to her knowledge. (TNG: "All Good Things..." ) In 2367, in a game Geordi La Forge played with the computer of the Onizuka, it asked La Forge to list the resonances of the subquantum states associated with transitional relativity in twenty seconds, a task which he initially considered easy until the computer clarified that it was to be in alphabetical order. He made it up to four before time ran out, though he knew the final answer. (TNG: "The Mind's Eye" ) An artifact, stolen by the crew of Baran's mercenary vessel from Calder II in 2370, had an alphabet and symbology much closer to early Vulcan language than the Romulan language according to Jean-Luc Picard. (TNG: "Gambit, Part II" ) After Captain Picard had initiated the auto-destruct of the USS Enterprise-E in 2373, Beverly Crusher asked him if Starfleet would build a new Enterprise. Picard replied optimistically as there were "plenty of letters left in the alphabet". (Star Trek: First Contact)
  • An alphabet is a set of letters used in a language. In the Bajoran alphabet the analog of E was the seventh letter, while C was the forth. In 2376 Istani Reyla left a numeric code which corresponded to those letters which indicated the location she had hidden the Ohalu Prophecies on Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One)
  • L'alphabet fut inventé par Bill Gates lors de l'invention de l'ordinateur. Bill Gates voulait inventer un moyen d'écrire sur l'ordinateur, il inventa le clavier, mais il ne savait pas comment inscrire les lettres et dans quel ordre. Il pris alors un jeu de Scrabble et lança les lettres sur le sol, il tomba ainsi sur la configuration suivante : QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM Il décida d'utiliser cette configuration pour créer son clavier, d’autant plus qu’il remarqua que cette configuration était super pénible : non seulement à retenir mais à utiliser. Un an plus tard, Barney acheta un ordinateur et un super nouveau clavier. C'était tellement dur de se rappeler de tous les touches du clavier! « Yé où le la lettre q? Yes, bingo, yé là la patante! ARGH! Ma main est trop grosse! » disait notre très chère Barney. Il essaya ensuite de trouver un super truc en utilisant ses petits méninges et EURÊKA, MI F-A-OU-N-DE I-TE. Le truc fameuse chanson des alphabet! Yay, quelle découverte.
  • Alphabet (アルファベット Alphabet) ist das zehnte Rätsel aus der US-Version sowie das neunte Wöchentliche Rätsel aus der japanischen Version von Professor Layton und das geheimnisvolle Dorf. Nach dem Lösen des Rätsels erhält man in der US-Version 30 Pikarat.
is Type of
is demo of
is track20title of