  • Lucy Perranoi
  • Lucy is a member of Team Neo. she was kidnapped by the Leader of Team Neo.there she broadcasted on tv her boss's intent to take over the world and for everyone to be on the lookout for Darius Mcsweet[the hero of the Pokemon Poison game].you battle her for the first time in Team Neo's Maknorin town hideout. after that incident she is never seen Pokemon Umbreon Vileplume Honckrow Gengar Houndoom
  • Lucy is a member of Team Neo. she was kidnapped by the Leader of Team Neo.there she broadcasted on tv her boss's intent to take over the world and for everyone to be on the lookout for Darius Mcsweet[the hero of the Pokemon Poison game].you battle her for the first time in Team Neo's Maknorin town hideout. after that incident she is never seen Pokemon Umbreon Vileplume Honckrow Gengar Houndoom