  • Draisine
  • Draisine
  • Draisine
  • La draisine est un véhicule de l'extension The Pitt de Fallout 3.
  • [[Datei:Draisine or Laufmaschine, around 1820. Archetype of the Bicycle. Pic 01.jpg|left|thumb|Draisine um 1820 im Kurpfälzischen Museum in Heidelberg ausgestellt.]] thumb|right|Die Draisine als Briefmarkenmotiv Eine der größten Entdeckungen in der Menschheitsgeschichte war zweifellos die des Rades 1817. Diese Entdeckung blieb dem 1785 geborenen Freiherr Karl-Friedrich von Drais vorbehalten. Am 12.01.1818 erhielt Drais sein Patent auf die Draisine, ein zunächst viel belächeltes Laufrad.
  • The eponymous term is derived from German Baron Karl Christian Ludwig Drais von Sauerbronn, who invented his Laufmaschine (German for "running machine") in 1817, that was called Draisine (German) or Draisienne (French) by the press. It is the first reliable claim for a practically used bicycle, basically the first commercially successful two-wheeled, steerable, human-propelled machine commonly called a velocipede, nicknamed hobby-horse or dandy horse.
  • FO3TP, FNV
  • Les draisines sont utilisées principalement par le Service de la Voie pour les besoins de ce Service
  • *Draisine, subst. fém. CH. DE FER. Wagonnet léger utilisé pour l'entretien et la surveillance des voies ferrées.
  • Instruction gén. de sécurité no 17, SNCF, Paris, 1950, p. 8.
  • La draisine est un véhicule de l'extension The Pitt de Fallout 3.
  • The eponymous term is derived from German Baron Karl Christian Ludwig Drais von Sauerbronn, who invented his Laufmaschine (German for "running machine") in 1817, that was called Draisine (German) or Draisienne (French) by the press. It is the first reliable claim for a practically used bicycle, basically the first commercially successful two-wheeled, steerable, human-propelled machine commonly called a velocipede, nicknamed hobby-horse or dandy horse. Later, the name draisine came to be applied only to versions used on rails and was extended to similar vehicles, even when not human-powered. Because of their low weight and small size, they can be put on and taken off the rails at any place, allowing trains to pass. In the United States, motor-powered draisines are known as speeders while human-powered ones are referred as handcars. Vehicles that can be driven on both the highway and the rail line are called hy-rails, or more properly, road-rail vehicles.
  • [[Datei:Draisine or Laufmaschine, around 1820. Archetype of the Bicycle. Pic 01.jpg|left|thumb|Draisine um 1820 im Kurpfälzischen Museum in Heidelberg ausgestellt.]] thumb|right|Die Draisine als Briefmarkenmotiv Eine der größten Entdeckungen in der Menschheitsgeschichte war zweifellos die des Rades 1817. Diese Entdeckung blieb dem 1785 geborenen Freiherr Karl-Friedrich von Drais vorbehalten. Am 12.01.1818 erhielt Drais sein Patent auf die Draisine, ein zunächst viel belächeltes Laufrad.