  • Enel
  • Enel
  • Enel
  • Enel
  • Enel
  • Enel
  • Enel
  • Enel
  • Enel (PQ."Three"; Av."Nelû") was one of the first three Elves, the three fathers of the Elves, to awaken at Cuivienen. He became the leader of the third host of the Elves, the Nelyar, ancestors of the Teleri. He seems to not have taken part in the Great Journey and possibly became an Avar (though the Nelyarin Avari were said to have been led by a Morwe).
  • Enel was an Elf of Cuiviénen.
  • Enel is the former "God" of Skypiea and the main antagonist of the Skypiea Arc, as well as the major antagonist of the Sky Island Saga. Two years ago, after his defeat by the Straw Hat Pirates, he arrived at the moon and became its new ruler.
  • ENEL este o companie italiană implicată în producția și furnizarea energiei electrice. Enel este cea mai mare companie energetică din Italia, este cotată pe piețele din Milano și New York și are o capitalizare bursieră de circa 41 miliarde de euro. La nivel european, Enel este pe locul 4 în topul companiilor energetice. Statul italian controlează direct o participație de 20,9% din capital și indirect circa 10% din titlurile grupului, restul acțiunilor fiind tranzacționate la bursă.
  • Enel (エネル Eneru?) fue el "Dios" de Skypiea y el antagonista principal durante el Arco de Skypiea. Hace dos años, tras ser derrotado por los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja, él llegó a la Luna y se convirtió en su nuevo gobernante.
  • Enel is the former "God" of Skypiea and the main antagonist of the Skypiea Arc. Two years ago, after his defeat by the Straw Hat Pirates, he arrived at the moon and became its new ruler.
  • Enel – ojciec trzeciej z grup elfów obudzonych nad zatoką Cuiviénen - Nelyarów. Jego żoną została Enelyë. Obudził trzecią grupę, składającą się z 24 elfów. Potem zostały obudzone jeszcze 2 grupy. Imin odmówił ponownego dobierania, dlatego 4 gupa dołączyła do Tatyarów a piąta 48 elfów do Nalyarów. Znaczna część tej grupy pozostała w Cuivienen stając się Avari. Część nie dołączyła do wędrówki jednak potem zmieniła zdanie - Ci zostali Teleri.
  • Enel ist ein ehemaliger Bewohner der Sorajima und galt dort aufgrund seiner Teufelskräfte der Goro Goro no Mi als Gott.
  • Enel was de derde elf die bij het Meer van Cuiviénen ontwaakte, hij werd gewekt door Imin en Tata, nadat die zelf waren ontwaakt. Enel nam de elf Enelyë tot vrouw. Toen alle Elfen ontwaakt waren bleek zijn groep de grootste te zijn, die bestond uit 13 paren. Hij werd de heer van de Nelyar, later de Teleri. Uit de Teleri ontstonden ook de Nandor en de Sindar. De reden waarom hij niet was gekozen om naar Valinor te gaan is onbekend. Zijn lot is ook niet bekend, mischien leeft hij nog steeds in Valinor.
  • Il nome Enel deriva dall'arcaico linguaggio dei Quendi e significa "Terzo".
  • L'impiegato Enel medio è riconoscibile per la sua vocazione al cazzeggio, pari alla propensione che ha un mandrillo a trombare. Quelli al call center si rendono poi particolarmente odiosi per spirito di menefreghismo, tono di voce irritante e musichetta d'attesa infilata nelle orecchie dell'utente per circa 39 minuti a telefonata. * Elettricista * Stradino * Raccomandato
  • Enel (エネル Eneru?) Adalah mantan "Dewa" dari Skypiea dan antagonis utama dari Arc Skypiea. Dua tahun lalu, setelah kekalahannya oleh Straw Hat Pirates, ia tiba di bulan dan menjadi penguasa baru itu.250px fufufugigivi Bisa ngalirin listrik
  • Enel (エネル) is the false god of Skypiea. Years ago, he was born a normal human on Birka. When he ate the Goro Goro no Mi devil fruit, he gained the power of lightning. He destroyed his former land and overthrew the throne of Skypiea with his army of followers. His next goal was to build the Ark Maxim to reach a desert named Fairy Vearth. Players can unlock him in the third game's Dream Log Mode.
  • Maschio
  • 3
  • Enel
  • Enels 200 Millionen Volt Form
  • ゴロゴロの実
  • 688.0
  • C6E2FF
  • Donner-Frucht
  • Logia
Fruta del Diablo
  • si
  • Fuerzas del Dios
  • エネル
  • männlich
  • エネル
  • EnelColores
  • EnelsWarriorsColors
  • Sonido del Trueno
  • Alto
  • Il Terzo
  • Masculino
  • エネル
  • 279
  • Sconosciuta, probabilmente si risvegliò tra il 1000 - 1050 AA
  • Eneru
  • Bilkaner
  • Eneru
  • #321414
  • Enel's Warriors
  • Eneru
  • 182
  • Enel
  • Nonosama Bo
  • lebendig
  • God's Army ; Automata
  • Toshiyuki Morikawa
  • Enel
  • c279
  • Enel
  • Chapter 254; Episode 167
  • Wiederspricht den Richtlinien für Inhalte.
4kids eva
  • #FFBA00
  • Eneru
  • 6
  • 55
  • TRon69-SAO
  • 467
  • 468
  • 470
  • 472
  • 473
  • 474
  • God of Skypiea
  • Male
  • #321414
  • Unknown
  • Nelyar-elves
  • Enel.jpg
  • EnelDonner.jpg
  • --05-06
  • Unknown, Awakened in the Years of the Trees
  • Dios
  • Gobernante de la Luna
Funi eva
  • Padre degli Elfi, Capo dei Nelyar, Il Terzo Elfo
colore capelli
  • Probabilmente argentati
  • blond
colore occhi
  • Grigi
  • Goro Goro no Mi
  • Rumble-Rumble Fruit
  • Sound of lightning
  • blond
  • Goro Goro no Mi
  • Enel (PQ."Three"; Av."Nelû") was one of the first three Elves, the three fathers of the Elves, to awaken at Cuivienen. He became the leader of the third host of the Elves, the Nelyar, ancestors of the Teleri. He seems to not have taken part in the Great Journey and possibly became an Avar (though the Nelyarin Avari were said to have been led by a Morwe).
  • L'impiegato Enel medio è riconoscibile per la sua vocazione al cazzeggio, pari alla propensione che ha un mandrillo a trombare. Quelli al call center si rendono poi particolarmente odiosi per spirito di menefreghismo, tono di voce irritante e musichetta d'attesa infilata nelle orecchie dell'utente per circa 39 minuti a telefonata. * Elettricista Curvo in avanti e con la tuta da lavoro deformata dalla panza da Spritz, l'elettricista arriva con il fido apprendista (magro e con gli occhi acquosi di un tonno) circa 43 giorni dopo la chiamata (se è urgente). Sistema un guasto da 20 minuti in 3 ore, ovviamente non per spiegare all'apprendista cosa sta facendo, ma per parlare con il telefono aziendale alla moglie in Congo. Inaffidabile. * Stradino Esteticamente simile all'Elettricista fatta eccezione per la Diana Rossa in bocca, questo tipo di Omino Enel lavora con calma nei cantieri Enel e seppellisce a lavori ultimati i Grandi Vecchi e un paio di persone a caso. La peculiarità dello Stradino è quella di provarci con qualsiasi tipo di essere umano femminile, di passaggio o durante la pausa pranzo al bar. * Raccomandato Sempre vestito bene e con un sorriso ortopedico stampato sulla sua faccia da culo, questo è il tipico dirigente Enel. Non vado oltre nella descrizione altrimenti chi legge potrebbe avere la tentazione di ucciderne qualcuno (anche se male non farebbe).
  • Enel was an Elf of Cuiviénen.
  • Enel (エネル Eneru?) Adalah mantan "Dewa" dari Skypiea dan antagonis utama dari Arc Skypiea. Dua tahun lalu, setelah kekalahannya oleh Straw Hat Pirates, ia tiba di bulan dan menjadi penguasa baru itu.250px Enel adalah manusia berotot tinggi yang memiliki rambut pirang/putih yang dalam peradaban kuno Amerika Selatan dianggap suci. Rambutnya ditutupi oleh bandana putih sederhana, dan menurut Oda , jika Enel melepas bandana rambutnya akan ditata dalam sebuah perm. Ia memiliki telinga panjang yang aneh membentang sampai ke dadanya. Dia berpenampilan dengan cara yang sangat mewah , walo bertelanjang dada memamerkan otot2nya untuk menekankan " kesuciannya" nya : dia memakai celana longgar berwarna oranye dengan pola hitam, dan di pinggang ada selendang berwarna biru muda. Dia memakai gelang emas di kedua lengan dan kakinya , berlian berbentuk anting-anting emas di ujung telinga ekstra - panjang , dan dua cincin emas kecil di sekitar jari-jari kakinya lebih besar . Enel lebih memilih untuk pergi bertelanjang kaki . Dia selalu membawa staf emas dengan dia yang kadang-kadang ia gunakan dalam pertempuran . Dengan menggunakan kekuatan Buah Iblis nya , Enel bisa berubah menjadi Raijin dewa guntur raksasa yang terbuat dari listrik murni . Hidungnya memiliki banyak jalur horizontal di atasnya . Lobus telinga -Nya sangat panjang , berakhir ke tubuhnya . Dia juga memegang empat besar Tomoe drum terpasang melalui cincin besar di punggungnya , bukan sayap Skypiean / Birkan biasa, yang memberinya penampilan yang mirip dengan Raijin, bahkan lebih menonjol ketika ia menggunakan " 200.000.000 Volt Amaru " transformasi . fufufugigivi Bisa ngalirin listrik
  • Enel is the former "God" of Skypiea and the main antagonist of the Skypiea Arc, as well as the major antagonist of the Sky Island Saga. Two years ago, after his defeat by the Straw Hat Pirates, he arrived at the moon and became its new ruler.
  • ENEL este o companie italiană implicată în producția și furnizarea energiei electrice. Enel este cea mai mare companie energetică din Italia, este cotată pe piețele din Milano și New York și are o capitalizare bursieră de circa 41 miliarde de euro. La nivel european, Enel este pe locul 4 în topul companiilor energetice. Statul italian controlează direct o participație de 20,9% din capital și indirect circa 10% din titlurile grupului, restul acțiunilor fiind tranzacționate la bursă.
  • Enel (エネル Eneru?) fue el "Dios" de Skypiea y el antagonista principal durante el Arco de Skypiea. Hace dos años, tras ser derrotado por los Piratas de Sombrero de Paja, él llegó a la Luna y se convirtió en su nuevo gobernante.
  • Enel is the former "God" of Skypiea and the main antagonist of the Skypiea Arc. Two years ago, after his defeat by the Straw Hat Pirates, he arrived at the moon and became its new ruler.
  • Enel – ojciec trzeciej z grup elfów obudzonych nad zatoką Cuiviénen - Nelyarów. Jego żoną została Enelyë. Obudził trzecią grupę, składającą się z 24 elfów. Potem zostały obudzone jeszcze 2 grupy. Imin odmówił ponownego dobierania, dlatego 4 gupa dołączyła do Tatyarów a piąta 48 elfów do Nalyarów. Znaczna część tej grupy pozostała w Cuivienen stając się Avari. Część nie dołączyła do wędrówki jednak potem zmieniła zdanie - Ci zostali Teleri.
  • Enel ist ein ehemaliger Bewohner der Sorajima und galt dort aufgrund seiner Teufelskräfte der Goro Goro no Mi als Gott.
  • Enel was de derde elf die bij het Meer van Cuiviénen ontwaakte, hij werd gewekt door Imin en Tata, nadat die zelf waren ontwaakt. Enel nam de elf Enelyë tot vrouw. Toen alle Elfen ontwaakt waren bleek zijn groep de grootste te zijn, die bestond uit 13 paren. Hij werd de heer van de Nelyar, later de Teleri. Uit de Teleri ontstonden ook de Nandor en de Sindar. De reden waarom hij niet was gekozen om naar Valinor te gaan is onbekend. Zijn lot is ook niet bekend, mischien leeft hij nog steeds in Valinor.
  • Il nome Enel deriva dall'arcaico linguaggio dei Quendi e significa "Terzo".
  • Enel (エネル) is the false god of Skypiea. Years ago, he was born a normal human on Birka. When he ate the Goro Goro no Mi devil fruit, he gained the power of lightning. He destroyed his former land and overthrew the throne of Skypiea with his army of followers. His next goal was to build the Ark Maxim to reach a desert named Fairy Vearth. He staged a brawl called the Survival Game to see who would follow him to Fairy Vearth. He destroyed Angel Island and planned to do the same to Skypiea. At the end of the Survival Game, Enel finds out he cannot kill the rubber Luffy and lost against him. He later moved to the Moon to rule absolute. Players can unlock him in the third game's Dream Log Mode.
is lider of
is Usuario of
is GegessenVon of
is Combatientes of
is Líder of
is Extra of
is Affiliation of
is Spouse of
is User of
is capitan of
is Owner of
is Erfinder of