  • Kooper
  • Kooper
  • Kooper
  • Kooper
  • Kooper (カメキKameki?) es el segundo miembro del grupo de Mario en Paper Mario. Es un Koopa azul, amante de las aventuras y es de edad adolescente, que sueña con convertirse en un arqueólogo como su héroe de la infancia Kolorado. Es exactamente lo contrario de su sucesor, Koops, Kooper es de personalidad sabia y valiente. Sin embargo, en batalla, los dos tienen habilidades muy similares en sus respectivos juegos. En Super Smash Bros. Brawl es un sticker que aumenta el poder de ataque de un jugador ×10.
  • En temps normal, Kooper peut aider Mario en lançant sa carapace pour attraper les objets à distance, activer des interrupteurs lointains et toucher des ennemis. Il vivait au Village Koopa, et c'est ici qu'il rencontra le célèbre plombier moustachu. Dans Paper Mario : La Porte Millénaire, Koopek est un nouveau partenaire de Mario, et il est similaire à Kooper.
  • Kooper ist der zweite Partner, der sich in Paper Mario deinem Team anschließt und gehört zur Spezies Koopa.
  • Kooper is a Koopa Troopa that decides to join Mario's party after he retrieves his shell for him in the game Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64. Kooper can do many attacks both in battles and out. The two moves Kooper can do when you get him are an attack where he shoots his shell at one enemy. His second attack is very similar but it attacks all of the enemy on the ground. Kooper can't attack enemies hanging on the ceiling or flying enemies. He has the ability to retrieve items by shooting his shell across gaps.
  • Kooper is Mario's second party member in Paper Mario. He is an adventure-loving (and seemingly young) Koopa who dreams of becoming an archaeologist like his childhood hero Kolorado throughout the course of Paper Mario. He is the exact opposite of his successor, Koops, personality-wise. But in the battlefield, they are both similar to each other.
  • Kooper has four different shell-based attacks. He can retract into his shell and hit the first enemy. Much like the first attack, the second attack also allows him to retract into his shell and attack, although this attack will harm all ground enemies. While the first two attacks are default, the last two require the use of a Super Block to be used. After using a Super Block once, Kooper is able to use his shell to create a tornado to attack the enemies with it. If Mario uses the Ultra Stone and another Super Block on Kooper, he will have the ability to transform into a fire shell to do an attack to the ground enemies.
  • Kooper is a Koopa Troopa from Koopa Village in the Mushroom Kingdom. He grew up next door to the koopa troopa Kolorado and had a lust for adventure which he finally got to exploit when Mario came to his village asking for help. After the events of the original Paper Mario Kooper signed himself up as Kolorado's protege and soon found that archaeology is more paper work than anything else however when Kolorado had a mission to go to the Dry Dry Ruins in the Dry Dry Desert Kooper signed himself up immediatly. When the mission was done, Kooper moved to Koopasburg.
  • Masculin
Primera aparición
  • 150
Erster Auftritt
  • Paper Mario
última Aparición
  • 150
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Bislang letzter Auftritt
  • Super Paper Mario
comentario imagen
  • Kooper
  • Yes
  • Koopa Village, Mushroom Kingdom Koopasburg
  • Kooper
  • Shell
  • Kooper
  • Artwork of Kooper
  • Artwork of Kooper from Paper Mario.
  • Paper Mario
  • Art conceptuel de Kooper pour Paper Mario.
  • 242
  • Shell Toss, Power Shell, Dizzy Shell, Fire Shell
Nombre Completo
  • Kooper
  • D
  • Partner
  • Protege
  • Mr. Kooper
  • Paper Mario
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Male
  • Paper Mario
  • Masculino
  • Kooper mit seinem blauen Panzer und seinen Bandagen
  • PM Artwork Kooper.gif
  • Kooper (カメキKameki?) es el segundo miembro del grupo de Mario en Paper Mario. Es un Koopa azul, amante de las aventuras y es de edad adolescente, que sueña con convertirse en un arqueólogo como su héroe de la infancia Kolorado. Es exactamente lo contrario de su sucesor, Koops, Kooper es de personalidad sabia y valiente. Sin embargo, en batalla, los dos tienen habilidades muy similares en sus respectivos juegos. En Super Smash Bros. Brawl es un sticker que aumenta el poder de ataque de un jugador ×10.
  • En temps normal, Kooper peut aider Mario en lançant sa carapace pour attraper les objets à distance, activer des interrupteurs lointains et toucher des ennemis. Il vivait au Village Koopa, et c'est ici qu'il rencontra le célèbre plombier moustachu. Dans Paper Mario : La Porte Millénaire, Koopek est un nouveau partenaire de Mario, et il est similaire à Kooper.
  • Kooper ist der zweite Partner, der sich in Paper Mario deinem Team anschließt und gehört zur Spezies Koopa.
  • Kooper is a Koopa Troopa that decides to join Mario's party after he retrieves his shell for him in the game Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64. Kooper can do many attacks both in battles and out. The two moves Kooper can do when you get him are an attack where he shoots his shell at one enemy. His second attack is very similar but it attacks all of the enemy on the ground. Kooper can't attack enemies hanging on the ceiling or flying enemies. He has the ability to retrieve items by shooting his shell across gaps.
  • Kooper has four different shell-based attacks. He can retract into his shell and hit the first enemy. Much like the first attack, the second attack also allows him to retract into his shell and attack, although this attack will harm all ground enemies. While the first two attacks are default, the last two require the use of a Super Block to be used. After using a Super Block once, Kooper is able to use his shell to create a tornado to attack the enemies with it. If Mario uses the Ultra Stone and another Super Block on Kooper, he will have the ability to transform into a fire shell to do an attack to the ground enemies. He is a big fan of the archaeologist, Kolorado, and leads his expedition crew to Shiver City during the ending of the game.
  • Kooper is Mario's second party member in Paper Mario. He is an adventure-loving (and seemingly young) Koopa who dreams of becoming an archaeologist like his childhood hero Kolorado throughout the course of Paper Mario. He is the exact opposite of his successor, Koops, personality-wise. But in the battlefield, they are both similar to each other.
  • Kooper is a Koopa Troopa from Koopa Village in the Mushroom Kingdom. He grew up next door to the koopa troopa Kolorado and had a lust for adventure which he finally got to exploit when Mario came to his village asking for help. After the events of the original Paper Mario Kooper signed himself up as Kolorado's protege and soon found that archaeology is more paper work than anything else however when Kolorado had a mission to go to the Dry Dry Ruins in the Dry Dry Desert Kooper signed himself up immediatly. When the mission was done, Kooper moved to Koopasburg. Kooper is eager to explore and go on adventures and is very loyal to his friends. He has the ability to hit far away switches with his shell or bring far away items closer.
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is Habitant of
is Kindred of
is Utilisateur of
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