  • Diclonius
  • Diclonius
  • Diclonius
  • Sensing other Diclonius Enhanced healing Secondary powers Disabling vectors Limited form of telepathy Origin Lucy Likely extinct, with some possible qualifiers The Diclonius are a newly evolved species, arising from and very similar to normal Humans, but possessing psychokinetic abilities far beyond any Human. For reasons that may be cultural as well as biological, they are often at odds with Humans to the point of threatening to replace them as Earth's dominant sentient species.
  • Diclonii haben die Fähigkeiten der Vektoren. Vektoren sind unsichbare Arme die in Länge und Stärke von Diclonius zu Diclonius variieren. Sepeliten sind Diclonius mit menschlichen Eltern,von denen einer mit dem "Vektor Virus" infiziert ist, der Vektor Virus wird von den Vektoren übertragen, wenn ein Diclonii seine Vektoren in den Kopf eines menschen Fährt.
  • Diclonii unterscheiden sich von Menschen äußerlich nur durch zwei kleine Hörner, die ihnen auf dem Kopf wachsen. Darüber hinaus verfügen sie über Arme, die so schnell vibrieren, dass sie für das normale Auge nicht sichtbar sind. Diese Arme können mühelos Körperteile durchtrennen und auch herumliegende Gegenstände wie Projektile verwenden. Die Anzahl, Länge und Stärke dieser Arme variiert dabei sehr stark von Diclonius zu Diclonius. Diese Arme werden auch als Vektoren bezeichnet.. Ein weiteres Charakteristikum der Diclonii ist die eingeschränkte Reproduktionsfähigkeit: Es wird hier unterschieden zwischen Diclonius und Silpeliten (Ein Silpelit ist ein von Menschen geborener Diclonius). Erstere verfügen über Fortpflanzungsorgane und können sich auch auf natürlichem Wege fortpflanzen. Silpelit
  • Diclonius (pl. diclonii) is the name given to a fictional subspecies of humanity from the Japanese manga and anime series Elfen Lied. The original manga once referred to them with the word "elf." They are characterised by two rounded horns emanating out of the skull (which resemble cat ears), and the telekinetic ability to manipulate solid matter, which is manifested through the use of limited range invisible or translucent non-corporeal arms extending out of their backs, known as "vectors". A diclonius' vectors can be several meters in length, and are many times stronger than the physical human body, allowing a diclonius to telekinetically lift objects many times their own weight and hurl them with tremendous force, or to dismember an enemy by pulling them limb from limb or simply punch t
  • Diclonius (pl. Diclonii) are an evolutionary offshoot of humanity, emerging in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries, though one group falsely believed itself to be part of this in ancient times. The Diclonii are noted for having small horns, almost resembling cat-ears, on both sides of their heads. They also possess powerful, deadly telekinetic abilities with molecular cutting force, manifesting as (mostly) invisible arms called vectors. One of the main premises of the anime and manga series Elfen Lied is that the Diclonii are almost always at odds with humanity, and at times, they threaten to destroy humanity and replace them. That said, Humanity's often cruel and bigoted treatment of these girls (almost all born are female) places the nurture versus nature debate in stark terms for the
  • Los diclonos (Nombre científico: Diclonius Sapiens) son unos seres similares a los humanos (Homo Sapiens Sapiens), ya que son su evolución, y sus raizes son los humanos, que a diferencia de los humanos, generalmente, los diclonos machos tienden a ser calvos en la cabeza, y los ejemplares hembra, tienen un cabello y ojos rosa fosforesente. Tienden a tener un mayor coeficiente intelectual que los humanos, y curiosamente, la figura ócea de los diclonos tiene dos cuernos con la forma de las orejas de una gata en la cabeza, que los diferencia mucho fisicamente de los humanos. Y lo que tienen más en especial, son sus Vectores, que son unos brazos invisibles controlados por el cerebro de los diclonius, que se activan cuando la criatura siente miedo, está en un ataque o necesita defenderse, estos
  • Diclonius (meaning "double sprout") is an extinct genus of hadrosaurid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period. The genus is based solely on the remains of fossilized teeth. Its fossils have been found in North America. The name is in reference to the tooth roots, which are doubled and in contrast to Monoclonius ("single stem"), which Cope named in the same paper. Although Cope referred several other batches of teeth to the genus, under several species, the name is considered a nomen dubium.
  • Los Diclonius son una especie recién evolucionada, muy similares en apariencia a los humanos, pero poseen habilidades basadas en la "Psicoquinesis". Por razones biológicas estos seres se crearon para la destrucción de la raza humana y ser la nueva especie dominante en el mundo. Este clan liderado por el Jefe Kakuzawa busca hacer renacer la raza diclonius, siendo que esta en el pasado había vuelto a aparecer pero los humanos habían sido capaces de extinguirla rápidamente.
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  • Disabling vectors
  • Limited form of telepathy
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  • Varies in the manga, uniformly pinkish-red in anime
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  • Status at end of series
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  • Primary powers
Row 1 info
  • Newly emergent evolutionary offshoot of Homo sapiens
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  • Secondary powers
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  • Hair Color
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  • Origin
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  • Displacing/replacing current Humanity
Row 1 title
  • Classification
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  • Varies in the manga, uniform reddish anime
type of hostile species
  • Mutants, Outcasts, Homicidal
Row 2 title
  • Primary Series Examples
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  • Purpose
Row 10 info
  • Likely extinct, with some possible qualifiers
Row 5 title
  • Eye Color
Row 3 info
  • Throughout entire series, both manga and anime
Row 3 title
  • Appearances
Row 7 info
  • Vectors
  • Enhanced healing
  • Sensing other Diclonius
Box Title
  • Diclonius
  • Become the dominant species.
  • Wipe out humanity.
  • Elfen Lied
  • Diclonius
  • High intelligence
  • Enhanced healing
  • Destructive instincts
  • Disabling vectors
  • Limited form of telepathy
  • Psychokinesis known as Vectors
  • Sensing other Diclonius
  • Alicia
  • Cynthia
  • Lucy
  • Nana
  • Barbara
  • Mariko
  • Diana
  • Male Diclonius
  • Number 3
  • Silpelits
fossil range
  • None
  • Butchering nearby humans
  • * ?D. pentagonus * ?D. calamarius * ?D. perangulatus
  • Diclonius
  • (Cope, 1876)
  • Earth
  • Diclonii
Image File
  • File:Diclonius.jpg
  • Dinosauria
  • 300
  • Diclonius (pl. diclonii) is the name given to a fictional subspecies of humanity from the Japanese manga and anime series Elfen Lied. The original manga once referred to them with the word "elf." They are characterised by two rounded horns emanating out of the skull (which resemble cat ears), and the telekinetic ability to manipulate solid matter, which is manifested through the use of limited range invisible or translucent non-corporeal arms extending out of their backs, known as "vectors". A diclonius' vectors can be several meters in length, and are many times stronger than the physical human body, allowing a diclonius to telekinetically lift objects many times their own weight and hurl them with tremendous force, or to dismember an enemy by pulling them limb from limb or simply punch them. They can also be used to telekinetically shield a diclonius from projectile weapons, rendering most guns useless against them (with the exception of heavy-caliber armor-piercing ammunition). Vectors can pass through living flesh without causing harm, but if a diclonius wills it their vectors can become unbelievably sharp (by causing it to vibrate at a microscopic level), capable of effortlessly slicing through just about anything - including human flesh and bone. Further physical traits associated with the Diclonius mutation are red irises and pink hair. Diclonii also possess a limited psychic ability, in that they can sense a fellow diclonius' presence via telepathy over short distances. Diclonius mutants are theorized to be an emergent new race, in direct evolutionary conflict with normal humans, each possessing the innate drive to exterminate the human race so their new race can thrive (though as the series progresses, this is called into question).
  • Los Diclonius son una especie recién evolucionada, muy similares en apariencia a los humanos, pero poseen habilidades basadas en la "Psicoquinesis". Por razones biológicas estos seres se crearon para la destrucción de la raza humana y ser la nueva especie dominante en el mundo. Kaede/Lucy era en realidad la primera diclonius y la "reina" de estos; de hecho, su madre era la fuente del virus de la mutación por lo cual le traspasaba dichas cualidades congénitas a sus hijos como pasó con Lucy. El nacimiento de Kaede/Lucy cumplió con las espectativas del clan Kakuzawa cuyos miembros poseían una mutación genética que les dio cuernos (sin embargo no eran parecidos a los de un diclonius ni tenian vectores). Este clan liderado por el Jefe Kakuzawa busca hacer renacer la raza diclonius, siendo que esta en el pasado había vuelto a aparecer pero los humanos habían sido capaces de extinguirla rápidamente. Kakusawa tenía la creencia de que los Onis (demonios) de los que se hablaban en la mitología japonesa eran en realidad los diclonius quienes profesaban que iban a reemplazar a los humanos y que su especie iba a ser la nueva raza en controlar al mundo.
  • Los diclonos (Nombre científico: Diclonius Sapiens) son unos seres similares a los humanos (Homo Sapiens Sapiens), ya que son su evolución, y sus raizes son los humanos, que a diferencia de los humanos, generalmente, los diclonos machos tienden a ser calvos en la cabeza, y los ejemplares hembra, tienen un cabello y ojos rosa fosforesente. Tienden a tener un mayor coeficiente intelectual que los humanos, y curiosamente, la figura ócea de los diclonos tiene dos cuernos con la forma de las orejas de una gata en la cabeza, que los diferencia mucho fisicamente de los humanos. Y lo que tienen más en especial, son sus Vectores, que son unos brazos invisibles controlados por el cerebro de los diclonius, que se activan cuando la criatura siente miedo, está en un ataque o necesita defenderse, estos brazos son capaces de destruir materiales duros como la piedra con solo tocarlos, curiosamente, estos vectores no se activan si el diclonius está sintiendo dolor o algo que concentre su energía en otra parte del cuerpo. Los diclonius son capaces de 'Actualizar' a los humanos, osea, hacer que estos evolucionen y hacer más diclonius, si los vectores atraviesan el cuerpo de un humano, su ADN y genética se actualiza, haciendo que todos los hijos que tenga este, sean diclonius.
  • Diclonii unterscheiden sich von Menschen äußerlich nur durch zwei kleine Hörner, die ihnen auf dem Kopf wachsen. Darüber hinaus verfügen sie über Arme, die so schnell vibrieren, dass sie für das normale Auge nicht sichtbar sind. Diese Arme können mühelos Körperteile durchtrennen und auch herumliegende Gegenstände wie Projektile verwenden. Die Anzahl, Länge und Stärke dieser Arme variiert dabei sehr stark von Diclonius zu Diclonius. Diese Arme werden auch als Vektoren bezeichnet.. Ein weiteres Charakteristikum der Diclonii ist die eingeschränkte Reproduktionsfähigkeit: Es wird hier unterschieden zwischen Diclonius und Silpeliten (Ein Silpelit ist ein von Menschen geborener Diclonius). Erstere verfügen über Fortpflanzungsorgane und können sich auch auf natürlichem Wege fortpflanzen. Silpeliten sind jedoch unfruchtbar, da ihnen die Fortpflanzungsorgane fehlen. Beide Arten sind in der Lage, einen Menschen mit ihren Vektoren mit einem so genannten Virus zu infizieren, der zur Folge hat, dass das nächste von der infizierten Person gezeugte Kind ein Silpelit wird. Es existieren nur wenige echte Diclonii. Beide Arten – Diclonius und Silpelit – besitzen einen zusätzlichen Sinn, der es ihnen erlaubt, sich über eine größere Entfernung hinweg aufzuspüren.
  • Diclonius (meaning "double sprout") is an extinct genus of hadrosaurid dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Period. The genus is based solely on the remains of fossilized teeth. Its fossils have been found in North America. The name is in reference to the tooth roots, which are doubled and in contrast to Monoclonius ("single stem"), which Cope named in the same paper. The type species, Diclonius pentagonus, is a nomen nudum discovered by Cope in 1876. Other formally undescribed species include D. calamarius and D. perangulatus. A "fourth" species has been reclassified as Anatotitan. They are all tooth taxa, known only from teeth and one jaw. Although Cope referred several other batches of teeth to the genus, under several species, the name is considered a nomen dubium.
  • Diclonius (pl. Diclonii) are an evolutionary offshoot of humanity, emerging in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries, though one group falsely believed itself to be part of this in ancient times. The Diclonii are noted for having small horns, almost resembling cat-ears, on both sides of their heads. They also possess powerful, deadly telekinetic abilities with molecular cutting force, manifesting as (mostly) invisible arms called vectors. One of the main premises of the anime and manga series Elfen Lied is that the Diclonii are almost always at odds with humanity, and at times, they threaten to destroy humanity and replace them. That said, Humanity's often cruel and bigoted treatment of these girls (almost all born are female) places the nurture versus nature debate in stark terms for the series. As a result of their appearance, Diclonii tend to be discriminated against. This was most evident in the anime and manga series during the childhood of their foremost member and queen, a girl who came to be called Lucy. After a particularly traumatic and cruel event, young Lucy grew to distrust Humans entirely, a cynicism almost averted but ultimately strengthened due to a mistake involving a true Human friend. While on the run following the fallout of the misguided revenge against her friend, young Lucy fell ever more under the influence of an internal voice whose true nature is not entirely known, but which urged her to both kill Humans and infect the males with a virus that caused them to sire more Diclonius. Unlike Lucy and another later revealed, these new Diclonius were themselves sterile, but capable of further spreading the birth virus. The government of Japan was both frightened and intrigued by these births, an interest which spiked when, at the age of three, these girls developed vectors like those of Lucy, almost always lashing out at their families. While the tender age of these children, even with physical ageing that ran about double that of normal children, called into question their motives in harming others, their potential threat was undeniable. An effort was made to learn of the origin of this outbreak of births and possibly make use of them, but this was undermined from the start by the corruption and mania of the family overseeing it, the Kakuzawas. Many Diclonius girls were taken from their families at birth, to be brought to and experimented on at the Institute, but as time went on, most were euthanized and a false issuance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or crib death as the cause of death covered this up. Many of these euthanizing efforts were performed or overseen by the assistant head of operations, Doctor Kurama. At first, the DRI was headed up by the son of Director Kakuzawa, the cold genius Professor Kakuzawa. Later, Kurama assumed this role himself, as the Professor withdrew to openly try and create a method of containing the Diclonius (allies or no, they wanted control) and secretly, to supplant his Father, who seemed to know of this, holding son and effort in contempt. Ultimately, two discoveries placed the Diclonius directly under the microscope. One was the finding that it was infected males who carried the virus, caused tragically by Kurama's own daughter being born a Diclonius. The second was the discovery and apprehension of Lucy herself, wherein her hatred of Humans was sealed when Kurama ended up killing only the second Human friend she'd ever had. For three years, Lucy remained under tight security, till Professor Kakuzawa, gaining a misread inkling of his father's secret plans, enabled Lucy's escape. During this same time period, Kurama himself added to the riddle about Diclonius nature when he bonded with and became close to a young Diclonius named Number 7, or Nana. Contrary to belief about Diclonius, Nana became a gentle girl devoted to her 'Papa' and unwilling to hurt anyone, Human or Diclonius. However, neither Kurama nor anyone else saw the escaped Lucy as anything but a potential disaster for Humankind. Ironically, Lucy spent very little time active in the intervening months, as first an injury and then a conscious choice kept her hostile persona suppressed in favor of a sweet gentle one, called Nyu by her childhood friend Kouta who now suffered traumatic amnesia as a result of her actions. In love with Kouta, Lucy killed very few (comparatively speaking) during the series proper, and seemingly infected even fewer. However, after successive efforts to find and recapture Lucy failed, Kurama's own daughter Mariko, shown to be very powerful, was sent out. During the course of their battle, Director Kakuzawa's true plan was unleashed. Believing his family to have ancient connections to the Diclonius, he disseminated by air a weaponized form of the Diclonius birth virus, enough to eventually cover the Earth and ensure the extinction of non-horned Humans. It was Lucy herself who ended Kakuzawa's delusions along with his life, revealing that he and his persecuted ancestors were in fact Human, merely possessing a scalp mutation. Lucy herself died not long after this, but the legacy she and Kakuzawa left would haunt the world. A combination of the Diclonius Lucy had seeded (who had not been found out or killed) and the many created by Kakuzawa's deliberate pandemic infection joined with a Human birth ban to push Humanity's numbers to the edge of viability. However, the efforts of the late Professor Kakuzawa joined with those of his assistant, Doctor Arakawa, to create a vaccine (described as a vaccine, true nature unknown) against Diclonius births, allowing Humans to have children again without fearing their nature. The timeframe of this conflict is hard if not impossible to determine, but by the tenth anniversary of Lucy's death, her would-be lover Kouta had a fully Human daughter who seemed about seven to eight years old. It is believed, though without direct evidence, that only Nana survived the war and purge that followed. Many unknowns persist about the Diclonius, including whether the drive to kill Humans was truly inborn or a result of discrimination and cruelty. Another is what their threat might have been, if any, had the man in charge of containing them didn't have a hidden sinister agenda. A most pressing one is whether the very young age (three chronologically, three to six mentally) caused those Diclonius who killed their families to act out in a childish way or if they were in fact driven by the voice of their genetics. Barring further Elfen Lied-related works of the mangaka, these seem likely to remain unanswered.
  • Diclonii haben die Fähigkeiten der Vektoren. Vektoren sind unsichbare Arme die in Länge und Stärke von Diclonius zu Diclonius variieren. Sepeliten sind Diclonius mit menschlichen Eltern,von denen einer mit dem "Vektor Virus" infiziert ist, der Vektor Virus wird von den Vektoren übertragen, wenn ein Diclonii seine Vektoren in den Kopf eines menschen Fährt. Außerdem besitzen sie äußerliche Unterschiede zum Menschen. Sie besitzen Hörner, die wie Katzenohren aussehen. Diclonii sind meist weiblich und wenn sie mal männlich sind besitzen sie keine Vektoren. Oft ähneln sich Diclonius und Sepeliten im aussehen und haben meist pinke haare und rote oder pinke augen. Kategorie:Elfen Lied
  • Sensing other Diclonius Enhanced healing Secondary powers Disabling vectors Limited form of telepathy Origin Lucy Likely extinct, with some possible qualifiers The Diclonius are a newly evolved species, arising from and very similar to normal Humans, but possessing psychokinetic abilities far beyond any Human. For reasons that may be cultural as well as biological, they are often at odds with Humans to the point of threatening to replace them as Earth's dominant sentient species.
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