  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Twitter
  • Brodie
  • A song about a single girl who expresses her frustration through twitter. It is featured on the album 5150. This song has entered Hall of Fame.
  • Created in 2006 by developer Jack Dorsey as a tool to keep in touch with friends, Twitter is a web-based social networking service that allows users to send and read short messages. Also considered a microblogging site, Twitter users send tweets of up to 140 characters. These tweets are displayed on an author’s Twitter home page and on the pages of people subscribed to his or her RSS feed.
  • Twitter is a social website, see the articles that use the they are put into , and people who have been notified are put in
  • The purpose of Twitter is to follow people you don't know #stalker. While this is creepy in real life, this is the coolest thing you can do in the internet #popular. Twitter is also well known for turning the "#" symbol into something stupid people say in the real world #hashtag.
  • Twitter (рус. Тви́ттер) — система микроблогов, позволяющая делать записи длиной до 140 символов. Основана в 2006 году. Использовался в целях организации беспорядков в ряде стран и как инструмент проведения цветных революций. Запись в Твиттере называется твит. Подписчиков называют фолловерами. Твиттер удобен для того, чтобы делиться ссылками с подписчиками.
  • Twitter is a community based website where users post what they are doing at any given moment. The concept is deceptively simple, wickedly addictive and pure fun. Tell friends, colleagues or strangers what you are snacking on, your current interests, favorite websites or just plain goofy nonsense!
  • Lady Gaga created her account as "ladygaga", and tweeted for the first time on March 26, 2008. Actually, she's the second most followed female on this social network. "op rehearsing for my video just dance and am now at wmc to perform at the Armani and nervous records party. But I am no nervous record! ..." 11:56 PM - Mar 26, 2008
  • Twitter(官方中文译名推特)是一个社交网络和一个微博客服务,它可以让用户更新不超过140个字符的消息,这些消息也被称作“推文(Tweet)”。这个服务是由杰克·多西在2006年3月创办并在当年7月启动的。Twitter在全世界都非常流行,据Twitter现任CEO迪克·科斯特洛(Dick Costolo)宣布,截至2012年3月,Twitter共有1.4亿活跃用户,这些用户每天会发表约3.4亿条推文。同时,Twitter每天还会处理约16亿的网络搜索请求。Twitter被形容为“互联网的短信服务”。网站的非注册用户可以阅读公开的推文,而注册用户则可以通过Twitter网站、短信或者各种各样的应用软件来发布消息。Twitter公司设立在旧金山,其部分办公室及服务器位于纽约城。Twitter是互联网上访问量最大的十个网站之一。 同时,Twitter还被认为是阿拉伯之春以及其他的政治活动中的重要角色。 2013年9月,Twitter进行首次公开募股。11月7日,Twitter股票在纽约证券交易所挂牌,开盘45.1美元,较发行价大涨73.46%。
  • Created by NinjaZane
  • Great service for keeping in touch.
  • Home of all breaking news. Founded by bpapa.
  • Twitter is a microblogging service, allowing a user to create a large number of short "status" messages. * WHO Twitter - World Health Organization * Health Map Twitter - * CDC Emergency Twitter - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US)
  • The new "thing". No one knows what to do.
  • Twitter is a microblogging platform.
  • Twitter is a real life social networking website.
  • Twitter is one of the social media.
  • Twitter is a social networking company was founded by Jack Dorsey,Noah Glass, Evan Williams an d Biz Stone in July 15, 2006, their symbol resembles a Mountain Bluebird. In Ghostesses in the Slot Machine, the mascot of this company, which is the official logo of it, has made a brief appearance in one shot, in which he was given a letter by Princess Clara to give to Herashio, eventually, he got bitten by Herashio himself.
  • message "@peqi"
  • Twitter is a system that uses the Internet to relay short messages about users to other users who are interested in that person (or organization). This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
  • Shitter is a site founded two years after Facebook was born. It's really a pointless site because it is just nothing but hashtags and tweets, getting followers, retweeting, and favoriting. You can also post pictures on there as well. One notorious person that is known for being a member of the site is Eve Scumb.
  • Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as "Tweets." Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as "Followers." Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. While the service, itself, costs nothing to use, accessing it through SMS may incur phone service provider fees.
  • Twitter is a web-based communication tool. You can follow Freeciv on Twitter to get the latest news on releases and community happenings:
  • Twitter is a walled garden for microblogging. Although there is presently a wealth of third-party tools interfacing with Twitter, helping to make Twitter the most popular microblogging platform, it is still a centrally controlled platform, rendering the entire Twitter ecosystem subject to the whims of that central authority.
  • Alerta: Algumas contas podem ser falsas. Por favor, não faça perfis falsos.
  • Twitter is the deuteragonist of The Ruby Princess Runs Away, a short film adaptation of the first book of the Jewel Kingdom series. He is a dwarf-elf servant of the King and Queen of the Jewel Kingdom. He is supposed to search for a runaway Princess Roxanne, and ends up being a traveling companion. In the film, Twitter was played by the late Cork Hubbert.
  • thumb|250px|ツイッターのシンボルの青い鳥の「ラリー」(Larry) Twitter(ツイッター)とは、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコに本社があるソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービスの一つである。
  • Twitter è un sito dalla grafica minimalista, molto minimalista. Così minimalista che a stento si riesce a scriverci. Si è infatti costretti ad usare massimo 140 lettere per esprimere i propri pensieri più profondi. Per fortuna non c'è nessuno che abbia qualcosa di davvero profondo da dire, così il problema non si pone. Lo scopo di Twitter è... Oscuro. Il CICAP ci sta ancora lavorando. Sicuramente non serve a socializzare.
  • The Twitter account is used in essentially the same way as the Facebook account. The tweets' content is a mixture of stories, facts (found under the #MHFacts and‬ #FreakyFact‬ tags), character quotes, contest announcements, fanart appreciation, campaign promotion, webisode notifications, and an assortment of other topics. The most interesting bit of the Twitter account is that it is the unique source of most characters' birthdays.
  • Twitter or Twatter is a website full of stupid bullshit. It is probably one of the most unintelligent websites on the whole internet, in terms of the users on the site. A lot of people use this website, such as TJ and the Drunken Peasants.
  • Si bien jamás se ha oficializado una cuenta en Twitter de la Confederación Sigma, durante la organización del clan en el gobierno del Consejo, el Supremo Líder Klesk Araki y el Consejero; Comandante en Jefe del Ejército Black Aldrich se crearon una cuenta oficial de sus cargos en Twitter, el 20 de Diciembre de 2012, para luego proponer a la red social como una instancia en donde la Confederación pudiese estar presente. No obstante, dicha propuesta jamás se concretó, y la expansión en la red social quedó en el olvido.
  • Blizzard Entertainment has an official Twitter hashtag for World of Warcraft: #wowtag Besides many, many individual official Twitter accounts, the World of Warcraft development team has @WarcraftDevs.
  • You like twitter, errrrrrrrrr?!? * _Harmonica_ - * abiggeebabigee - * Agasonex - * beavis666x2 - * ChaosTonyV4 - * crazyisgood - * GDiff - * GTM - * Iamdead7 - * JeezyMiyagi - * Leebo86 - * MoreDinosaurs - * Nevest - * Ngamer - * Niorapth - * psychward - * shadosneko - * Snake5555555555 - * StifledSilence - * The Real Truth - * TsunamiXXVIII - * Vlado - * VItalV - * Warning_Crazy - * whatisurnameplz - * WiggumFan267 - * XIII_rocks -
  • In The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, all major characters have Twitter accounts. These Twitter accounts serve a dual purpose of both providing context to the story, as well as outlining the personality of the characters.
  • thumb|200px|Logo de Twitter. Twitter es un sitio web, propiedad de Twitter Inc., que ofrece un sistema de red social y microblogging.
  • Twitter is a Chinese (鳴叫她 in Spanish) website related to the KKK and Jesus. It is known for just recently being overly-used in news sessions, but mainly because the news can't hardly think of anything else to say other than "hey. guess what! Guess which little kid just went missing this time!" so they changed it to "tweeting".
  • Twitter(트위터)는 SNS 中 하나. Facebook과는 달리, 多少開放的인 形態의 SNS이다.
  • Twitter has been described as a "micro-blog" b/c each post has a limit of 140 typed characters. After creating an account, you can choose to "follow" others. ~Demetri
  • Twitter is een internetdienst waarbij gebruikers korte berichtjes publiceren. Het is een sociale netwerksite waarop je jezelf, zoals bij Facebook, een profiel en een avatar aanmeet. Jagex en de Nederlandse RuneScape Wiki hebben een speciaal account die bij worden gehouden.
  • The GM has set up a twitter account at where a 'bold adventurer, braving the wilds of Sryth in search of fame and fortune' keeps us updated on his adventures. There is a link to it on each Small windowless building with a blue door. * There is an associated . * The new forum archives the posts at a dedicated * The latest updates (automated through RSS) are below:
  • Twitter is a social networking website. The Indiana Jones franchise has had a Twitter presence since May 2012.
  • Twitter ist ein Kurznachrichtendienst, auf den Nachrichten und Mitteilungen, die teilweise mit Hashtags versehen sind, geteilt werden. Clara Oswald lässt ihre Schüler während ihrer Unterichtsstunde auf Twitter nach dem Hashtag #ThePlanesHaveStopped suchen, nachdem sie bemerkt hat, dass sich diverse Flugzeuge nicht mehr bewegen. So kommt sie Missy auf die Spur. (The Magician's Apprentice) Kategorie:Reale Welt
  • Unfezant, as a Pidove is Mio's fourth Pokémon she caught during the Festival. She was confirmed female.
  • In Safe Space, PC Principal gives Butters the job of filtering out nasty stuff on Cartman's Twitter account. This is then extended so he has to filter out celebrity accounts. Twitter becomes a main focus for the first few episodes of Season Twenty. Gerald, in the persona of Skankhunt42, bullies the girls over Twitter. This makes such an impact, the girls decide this is the views of all men and split up with their boyfriends.
  • Twitter was a social networking website on the Internet in the 21st century.
  • Twitter is a hummingbird and a good friend of Beck and Fawn. Twitter often overeacts to almost everything and has been known to make something seem bigger than it is. He often stutters because sometimes his brain can keep up with his mouth.
  • Twitter - viele tun's, noch mehr sind zwar angemeldet, nutzen's aber garnicht (siehe Rheinpfalz am Sonntag vom 21.06.09). Was ist aber "Twitter"? Taugt das auch was für die Schule? Zumindest gehört es zur Medienkompetenz von Lehrern, dass sie sich damit befassen! Was sonst noch? Wir werden ja sehen: Eine der Seminararbeitsgruppen befasst sich damit. --kuhnuniwiki 12:48, 21. Jun. 2009 (UTC) Eine ganz nette Diskussion um die Freuden und Tücken des Twitterns finden Sie hier: Allerdings erfahren Sie nicht wie's geht ;-) --kuhnuniwiki 05:45, 27. Jun. 2009 (UTC)
  • /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Witam cię Black Hood. Czy jesteś zainteresowany pewnym doświadczeniem? /Black Hood/ pisze: Hm... to znaczy jakim? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Chodzi o eksperyment psychologiczny. Badam jaka jest natura człowieka. /Black Hood/ pisze: Mam być królikiem doświadczalnym jakiejś obcej osoby!? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Spodziewałem się takiej reakcji. Nie każdy jest w stanie podjąć się tego doświadczenia /Black Hood/ pisze: Niech będzie. Co mam robić? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Eksperyment zaczniemy jutro. Dobrze się wyśpij... /Black Hood/ pisze: Zaczynamy ten eksperyment?
  • Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS, or mobile device app. Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco and has more than 25 offices around the world. The Wiggles, including Lachy, Emma and Dorothy the Dinosaur love to read messages from their friends on this website.
  • Twitter is a cross between instant messaging (texting), email and a blog. Twitter allows users to send out messages 140 characters or less containing text and URLs. Twitter also allows for both 'Followers' of you and 'Following' other users. So, people can follow your Twitter messages and you can follow your friend's Twitter messages.
  • Twitter has become a secondary social media location for some of the ZNG, due to the Nintendo Switch's inability to upload screenshots to Miiverse. As such, task such as posting Switch screenshots (e.g. from the Switch version of Breath of the Wild) and posting links to other web resources necessitate the use of Twitter or another similar website. Both Twitter and Facebook are compatible with the built-in screenshot upload feature on the Switch, but Twitter has seemingly emerged as a more popular option among the ZNG for this purpose.
  • Twitter is a "microblogging" service, where users post 140-character "tweets". They can be mundane reporting on their life, a wry one-liner, or the start of an Internet campaign that will snowball and end up with international media coverage. Really, for just 140 characters, there's lots of potential. The site's open, public API allows for its adaptation and use on many different platforms. Android, iPhone, browser extension, desktop software, mobile phone... you can tweet from just about every device going. Hell, you can even monitor tweets with a typewriter!
  • Zu Englisch Zwitscher. Twitter ist ein unfassbar kleines, mit freiem Auge nicht sichtbares Tagebuch. Unter dem Rasterelektronenmikroskop gelingt es geschickten Händen, bis zu 140 Zeichen am Stück einzukleben. Leerzeichen, Punkte, i-Tüpfelchen und Grammatik sind nicht erlaubt. Twitter wurde in der Pfarrbibliothek von San Francisco in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika gefunden und von Mitarbeitern vervielfältigt. Sogleich trat Twitter einen beispiellosen Siegeszug rund um die Welt an, seine Nützlichkeit ist jedoch umstritten. Twitter akzeptiert mehrere Sprachen, allerdings wie gesagt ohne Grammatik und nur mit den 12 wichtigsten Buchstaben des Alphabets.
  • As a Pidove, she was very energetic when hearing festival music and as a result, she appears from her PokeBall with hearts surrounding it, she evolved into Tranquill in A Sky Battle Of Tranquility during a battle against Ash's Talonflame and learned Aerial Ace in the process, in a fierce battle, the match was a tie due to both Talonflame and Tranquill knocking each other out. As an Unfezant, Like Pidove and Tranquill, she kept her personality, kind and caring to the other Pokémon Mio has on her team, and will try and shield Mio when threatened.
  • Twitter (de latina tvittō, tvittere, tvīti, tvictum) estas kontraŭsocia-reta kaj mafieta servo, kiu ebligas al uzurantoj sendi ĝisdatigojn ("pepojn"), kiuj enhavas 140 signojn proksimume al la Pepservo, per TTT-ejo, tujmesaĝilo, poŝtelefono aŭ alia programo kiel Facebook por havi bezonatan interhoman kontakton.
  • <default><i>Unknown</i></default> TypeUnknown LevelUnknown LocationUnknown InhabitantsUnknown Twitter is a website that exists for the sole purpose of bullshit. And without bullshit, Twitter wouldn't exist. Twitter is a very common medium for Class of 2018 and Class of 2017 students to interact with each other on. Most beefs happen of this platform, and for the most part, they're complete bullshit and just end in everyone deleting their tweets.
  • Twitter is a social networking website used on Planet Earth. It allows users to send messages to each other and post statuses about themselves, all within a certain character limit. Many celebrities use the service, allowing them to keep in touch with their fans. Many former and current Sonic the Comic staff have Twitter accounts. Finally, there are accounts on Twitter pretending to be set up by STC characters such as Doctor Ivo Robotnik.
  • In November 2009 The Muppets Studio established an official Twitter presence. The studio shares updates on Muppet appearances, events, news, and other announcements. * @TheMuppets - The Muppets Studio (originally @MuppetsStudio) * @MissPiggy - Miss Piggy (September 2012) (originally @RealMissPiggy) * @SpicyPrawn - Pepe the King Prawn (January 2014) * @KermitTheFrog - Kermit the Frog (March 2014) * @TheMuppetsABC - The Muppets ABC (May 2015) * @FozzieBear - Fozzie Bear (May 2012) (originally @FozzieJokes) * @ElectricMayhem - The Electric Mayhem (August 2015) * @Rizzo - Rizzo the Rat (August 2015) * @GonzotheGreat - Gonzo (August 2015) * @GoferScooter - Scooter (November 2015) * @unclebydeadly - Uncle Deadly (January 2016) * @StatlerWaldorf - Sta
  • A few Penny T's that the characters wear allude to the creator of the show's username on Twitter, such as "DanWarp Tweets" or "Follow DanWarp". In the episode iSpeed Date, we learn that iCarly has a Twitter account that Spencer follows after Sam tweets about Carly's spitting in the eye of a boy she knows from school (Nate) when she asked him to the Girls' Choice dance. Spencer also learned the reason why Sam had to go to juvie in the episode iWon't Cancel The Show, because the man who Sam attacked, (by stuffing a hot chili dog down his pants) Señor Gutierrez, tweeted about the incident. Freddie questions why Spencer is following a foreign dignatory. In iPsycho, Sam asks Carly how they get the word out that they are at Nora's party, and Carly tells her that they will tweet that they are doi
  • For other uses, see Twitter (disambiguation)."Tweeted" redirects here. For other uses, see Tweet (disambiguation). Twitter (/ˈtwɪtər/) is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS, or mobile device app. Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco and has more than 25 offices around the world. On June 10, 2015, Twitter announced its CEO Dick Costolo will resign on July 1, 2015.
  • Alors petit singe, toi aussi tu as entendu parler de Twitter et tu te demandes à quoi peut bien servir ce machin. Eh bien figure toi petit ignorant que ce sentiment est normal pour un débutant comme toi. Cet article est crée dans la lignée des plus grandes découvertes en matière de désinformation pour t'apprendre à devenir un super bogoss professionnel de la communication à travers les réseaux sociaux. Autrement dit après tu te fera plein de meufs nouveaux amis super cool ! Prenons donc le cas d'un bon ami à moi que j'ai très récemment converti à Twitter, je le nomme : Jean Michel Michel
  • 2007
  • keyboard, computermuis
  • Mio
Row 4 info
  • 521.0
  • Pidove
  • Mio
  • 520
Row 1 info
  • Male
  • Chinami Nishimura
  • マフォクシー
Row 4 title
  • Notable Appearances
  • by Natryndon 19/03/2012 16:10
  • 384000
  • "twitter"
  • 18
  • 24
Row 2 info
original upload date
  • Dec.09.2011
  • A Sky Battle Of Tranquility
Row 1 title
  • Gender
  • Kenhollow
Row 2 title
  • Species
  • Flying To A Double Evolution!
  • Tranquill
  • ヒロト
  • Unfezant
Row 3 info
Row 3 title
  • Friends
  • 519
  • Yes,
  • VOCALOID COVER; succeeding version
  • Official Support &gt; Customer Support forum
Box Title
  • Twitter
location country
  • 5567410
  • 2011-12-09
  • 2012-08-23
  • Java Platform: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD
  • right
  • "Bart Gets a "Z""
  • This article wasn't just featured on the Main Page, it became the Main Page.
  • 96
  • Twitter
  • no
  • Twitter
  • Twitter, Inc.
  • Website
  • flying
  • normal
  • bnetwoweu
  • Digital realm
num employees
  • 900
  • 3900
  • Current homepage of Twitter.
  • Twitter's homepage as of August 2015
  • Twitter, Mio's Unfezant
  • (Note: Visitor age 15+, home and work locations. Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs.)
Area served
  • Worldwide
  • Twitter
  • no
  • Private onderneming
  • Twitter
Current status
  • Active
  • 300
location city
  • Sewing With Mio!
  • Devilish-P
  • 2
  • 2006-03-21
Company Name
  • Twitter, Inc.
Key people
  • Über-Featured Article
  • #dddddddddd
  • *
  • no
  • Twitter
  • HGS Edition
  • "twitter"
  • Top5 Global Markets by Reach
  • Twitter
  • Social website
  • Required to post, follow, or be followed
  • twitter
  • High gain street album.png
Image size
  • 200
  • Percent
  • A remastered version with GUMI that was featured on the album High Gain Street
  • gumi
  • #A7CECD; color:#444851
Website Type
company type
  • With Mio
  • 9
  • 10
programming language
Num users
  • 332000000
  • 500000000
  • no
  • no
  • Devilish-P * hellipa * Nano * 7@ * Keisuke.N
Launch date
  • 2006-07-15
  • A depiction of the cybernetic monstrosity known as Twitter
  • Onbekend
  • 1.4E8
  • 1.4E9
  • Yes
Image File
  • Twitter Profile.JPG
  • Female
  • Twitter
  • Twitter's logo
  • Country
company logo
  • 100
  • no
  • Poké
  • TBA
  • The Internet
  • Erica Schroeder
  • 2006
  • Brodie
  • A song about a single girl who expresses her frustration through twitter. It is featured on the album 5150. This song has entered Hall of Fame.
  • Created in 2006 by developer Jack Dorsey as a tool to keep in touch with friends, Twitter is a web-based social networking service that allows users to send and read short messages. Also considered a microblogging site, Twitter users send tweets of up to 140 characters. These tweets are displayed on an author’s Twitter home page and on the pages of people subscribed to his or her RSS feed.
  • Twitter is a social website, see the articles that use the they are put into , and people who have been notified are put in
  • As a Pidove, she was very energetic when hearing festival music and as a result, she appears from her PokeBall with hearts surrounding it, she evolved into Tranquill in A Sky Battle Of Tranquility during a battle against Ash's Talonflame and learned Aerial Ace in the process, in a fierce battle, the match was a tie due to both Talonflame and Tranquill knocking each other out. As a Tranquill, she maintained her personality but she is very kind to the Light Music Club, since it evolved, she is very fast and very curious upon Mio's singing, she loves being taken care of by Bonnie. When she was a Pidove, she used her beak to pull Bonnie away and brought over to Clemont when she proposed to Mio to be her wife which embarraseed her. She is often a straight-man despite being female which occurred in Dancing With Graceful Fairies. After a fierce battle against wild Tropius, she evolved into Unfezant, and learned Sky Attack in the process. She is easily embarrassed just like her Trainer, however, she will often risk her life for Mio. She can be alert when Mio has a problem and she'd often ask what the problem is. As an Unfezant, Like Pidove and Tranquill, she kept her personality, kind and caring to the other Pokémon Mio has on her team, and will try and shield Mio when threatened. In "What's In a Nickname?", she was officially nicknamed Twitter by Mio, and even nicknamed the other Pokemon she has. Unfezant's known moves are: Sky Attack, Night Slash, Heat Wave, Roost and her ability is Super Luck.
  • The purpose of Twitter is to follow people you don't know #stalker. While this is creepy in real life, this is the coolest thing you can do in the internet #popular. Twitter is also well known for turning the "#" symbol into something stupid people say in the real world #hashtag.
  • Twitter (рус. Тви́ттер) — система микроблогов, позволяющая делать записи длиной до 140 символов. Основана в 2006 году. Использовался в целях организации беспорядков в ряде стран и как инструмент проведения цветных революций. Запись в Твиттере называется твит. Подписчиков называют фолловерами. Твиттер удобен для того, чтобы делиться ссылками с подписчиками.
  • Zu Englisch Zwitscher. Twitter ist ein unfassbar kleines, mit freiem Auge nicht sichtbares Tagebuch. Unter dem Rasterelektronenmikroskop gelingt es geschickten Händen, bis zu 140 Zeichen am Stück einzukleben. Leerzeichen, Punkte, i-Tüpfelchen und Grammatik sind nicht erlaubt. Twitter wurde in der Pfarrbibliothek von San Francisco in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika gefunden und von Mitarbeitern vervielfältigt. Sogleich trat Twitter einen beispiellosen Siegeszug rund um die Welt an, seine Nützlichkeit ist jedoch umstritten. Twitter akzeptiert mehrere Sprachen, allerdings wie gesagt ohne Grammatik und nur mit den 12 wichtigsten Buchstaben des Alphabets. Soziologisch betrachtet handelt es sich um ein System für digitales und web-basiertes Furzen mit der Möglichkeit zum Abonnement.
  • /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Witam cię Black Hood. Czy jesteś zainteresowany pewnym doświadczeniem? /Black Hood/ pisze: Hm... to znaczy jakim? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Chodzi o eksperyment psychologiczny. Badam jaka jest natura człowieka. /Black Hood/ pisze: Mam być królikiem doświadczalnym jakiejś obcej osoby!? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Spodziewałem się takiej reakcji. Nie każdy jest w stanie podjąć się tego doświadczenia /Black Hood/ pisze: Niech będzie. Co mam robić? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Eksperyment zaczniemy jutro. Dobrze się wyśpij... Po tym e-mailu Mystery Camera wylogował się ze strony. Tak jak powiedział od razu po wyłączeniu komputera udałem się na spoczynek. Następnego dnia około godziny 19 zalogowałem się na twitterze. Mystery Camera też był obecny na stronie. Szybko napisałem do niego wiadomość: /Black Hood/ pisze: Zaczynamy ten eksperyment? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Oczywiście. Najpierw podaj mi swoje imię. /Black Hood/ pisze: Czy to istotne jak mam na imię? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Bez imienia nie zaczniemy doświadczenia Nie zdziwi was, że nie ufałem mu, więc postanowiłem podać mu fałszywe imię. /Black Hood/ pisze: Wojtek /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Nie masz tak na imię /Black Hood/ pisze: Właśnie, że mam! /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Kłamiesz! /Black Hood/ pisze: C-co!? Nie kłamie. /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Łatwo to wyczuć, że kłamiesz. Masz szybkie tempo pisania, a przy imieniu napisałeś dopiero po 30 sekundach. /Black Hood/ pisze: No dobrze. Mam na imię Bartek /Mystery Camera/ pisze: W porządku... Rozpocznijmy eksperyment. Proszę kliknij w dany link 'd#%g>> Po kliknięciu w podany mi link przeniosłem się na stronę Youtube, na której odtwarzał się film. Film pokazywał chłopca w wieku nastoletnim, który spacerował wokół pokoju. Po 10 sekundach napisałem na czacie: /Black Hood/ pisze: Co to ma być? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Film jest tworzony na żywo. Obejrzyj go do końca. /Black Hood/ pisze: No dobra Wróciłem do oglądanie audycji na żywo. Chłopiec wędrował i wędrował, ale co raz wolniej. Po dwóch minutach na filmie chłopak co jakiś czas podpiera się o krzesło czy o ścianę. Dziwne uczucia zaczęły mną sterować. Czułem w sobie dziwny niepokój. Po upływie 5 minut postać co jakiś czas kaszlała. 8 minut później zatrzymał się i zwymiotował. Było to okropne. Chłopak zrzygał się ciemnofioletową mazią. Przez następne 3 minuty filmu opierał się o ścianę i wymiotował dalej co jakiś czas. 2 minuty później chłopiec upadł na podłogę. Znowu zrzygał się ale tym razem czarnym, gęstym płynem. Na następnych 30 sekundach chłopak płakał. Później krzyknął : Why! - po tych słowach z jego ust wypłynął olbrzymi strumień krwi. To był koniec filmu. Po moim ciele przeszły ogromne dreszcze. Swoim drżącymi palcami napisałem na czacie: /Black Hood/ pisze: T-to był-o dziw-ne! /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Cóż się stało? /Black Hood/ pisze: Ten film to audycja czyjegoś samobójstwa?! /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Nie. /Black Hood/ pisze: To co to w ogóle jest!? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: To popis umiejętności /Black Hood/ pisze: Jakich znowu umiejętności!? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Twoich... Wylogowałem się z Twittera i wyłączyłem komputer. Położyłem się spać by jak najszybciej zapomnieć o tym filmie. Po 2 godzinach wiercenia w łóżku na lewo i prawo, nareszcie zasnąłem. Śniło mi się, że jestem w swoim domu przed komputerem, a na moim biurku leżała tajemnicza paczka. Kolejnego dnia siadłem przed komputerem w celu znalezienia autora filmu. Film został usunięty, a kiedy próbowałem wejść na kanał wykonawcy , to przeniosło mnie na stronę http// Zanim przyjrzałem się stronie, usłyszałem sygnał nowej wiadomości na czacie. /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Żyjesz jeszcze? /Black Hood/ pisze: Tak. Jak znalazłeś ten film? /Mystery Camera/ pisze: To nie istotne. Przygotuj się na ostatnią fazę eksperymentu... Czekałem przerażony na kolejny etap doświadczenia. Byłem kłębkiem nerwów. Każdy dźwięk, każdy powiew wiatru wprowadzał mnie w stan paniki. Po tygodniu dostałem przesyłkę kurierską. Byłem zbyt przerażony by ją otworzyć, więc położyłem paczkę na biurku i znowu siadłem przed komputerem (jestem typowym NO-LIFE). Wszedłem z powrotem na stronę http// Przejrzałem tam wszystkie pliki. Na ogół były to zdjęcia zwłok na drzewach, bądź rysunków na drzewach przedstawiające zdeformowane twarze. Nagle z moich głośników wydobył się głośny szum, brzmiący tak samo jak z telewizora. Na ekranie mojego komputera wyświetlił się obraz z kamerki internetowej. Przedstawiał on fioletowo-czerwono-czarną postać z czaszką kozy na szyi. Był "On" na tle poszarpanego mięsa (przynajmniej tak mi się wydawało). Postać na mnie patrzyła ciężko dysząc. Po chwili dostałem wiadomość na Twitterze: /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Otworzyłeś przesyłkę? /Black Hood/ pisze: Jeszcze nie. /Mystery Camera/ pisze: Otwórz ją jak najszybciej. Dla swojego dobra... Obraz z kamerki internetowej znikł gdy otworzyłem paczkę. W przesyłce był martwy, mały, blado-biały ptaszek. Nie wiem czemu, ale wziąłem go do ręki. Czując zimno jego ciałka uśmiechnąłem się i wróciłem do czata : /Black Hood/ pisze: Dzięki od razu mi lepiej. HA ha ha!!! /Mystery Camera/ pisze: No to moja rola skończona. Zobaczyłem, że Mystery Camera usunął konto, ale zanim to zrobił wysłał mi linka mówiąc, że będę wiedział co dalej. W linku była kolejna audycja na żywo przedstawiającego mężczyznę z białą, nawieszoną na szyi tablicą z napisem "Mystery Camera". Z sufitu zwisał węzeł szubienicy, na którym osoba na filmie się powiesiła. Natomiast ja... Co dalej powiadacie? Usunąłem konto Black Hood i założyłem nowe... o nicku...
  • Twitter is a community based website where users post what they are doing at any given moment. The concept is deceptively simple, wickedly addictive and pure fun. Tell friends, colleagues or strangers what you are snacking on, your current interests, favorite websites or just plain goofy nonsense!
  • Lady Gaga created her account as "ladygaga", and tweeted for the first time on March 26, 2008. Actually, she's the second most followed female on this social network. "op rehearsing for my video just dance and am now at wmc to perform at the Armani and nervous records party. But I am no nervous record! ..." 11:56 PM - Mar 26, 2008
  • In November 2009 The Muppets Studio established an official Twitter presence. The studio shares updates on Muppet appearances, events, news, and other announcements. * @TheMuppets - The Muppets Studio (originally @MuppetsStudio) * @MissPiggy - Miss Piggy (September 2012) (originally @RealMissPiggy) * @SpicyPrawn - Pepe the King Prawn (January 2014) * @KermitTheFrog - Kermit the Frog (March 2014) * @TheMuppetsABC - The Muppets ABC (May 2015) * @FozzieBear - Fozzie Bear (May 2012) (originally @FozzieJokes) * @ElectricMayhem - The Electric Mayhem (August 2015) * @Rizzo - Rizzo the Rat (August 2015) * @GonzotheGreat - Gonzo (August 2015) * @GoferScooter - Scooter (November 2015) * @unclebydeadly - Uncle Deadly (January 2016) * @StatlerWaldorf - Statler and Waldorf (June 2017) A series of trailer and TV spots for Muppets Most Wanted spoofed movie trailers that use tweets as praise for the movie they are promoting with comments from "critics across the Internet." Disney's marketing team set up a number of Twitter accounts before the promos debuts which include Muppet-related content and the quotes in the ads. MMW-twitter-mustlovecats11.png|@mustlovecats11 MMW-twitter-greightgonzo.png|@greightgonzo MMW-twitter-yolofantastic.png|@yolofantastic MMW-twitter-jimbobuk.png|@jimbobuk MMW-twitter-kermitrules17.png|@kermitrules17 MMW-twitter-moviesareawsm.png|@moviesareawsm MMW-twitter-superdisney19.png|@superdisney19 MMW-twitter-wockawocka23.png|@wockawocka23 MMW-twitter-FuzzyBen4375.png|@fuzzyben4375 MMW-twitter-poppafreshness.png|@poppafreshness MMW-twitter-ihearthorses214.png|@ihearthorses214 MMW-twitter-babybean1128.png|@babybean1128 MMW-twitter-hotfudge1218.png|@hotfudge1218 MMW-twitter-richplaya33.png|@richplaya33 MMW-twitter-kevkoast315.png|@kevkoast315 MMW-twitter-pleaseusemeinad.png|@pleaseusemeinad MMW-twitter-telahdode56.png|@telahdode56 MMW-twitter-zoneyardqsw.png|@zoneyardqsw MMW-twitter-samethingcli.png|@samethingcli MMW-twitter-asmaattak777.png|@asmaattak777 MMW-twitter-sbk174.png|@sbk174 MMW-twitter-krysikrysi321.png|@krysikrysi321 MMW-twitter-mansanthaberg.png|@mansanthaberg MMW-twitter-dgrantgonzo818.png|@dgrantgonzo818 MMW-twitter-johnnyshortz05.png|@johnnyshortz05 MMW-twitter-sfrozenrulz736.png|@sfrozenrulz736 MMW-twitter-barinda43.png|@barinda43 MMW-twitter-mizgoode2shoes.png|@mizgoode2shoes MMW-twitter-rebeccamana310.png|@rebeccamana310 MMW-twitter-stingray225.png|@stingray225 MMW-twitter-daplumma717.png|@daplumma717 MMW-twitter-allbetsysroff.png|@allbetsysroff
  • Twitter - viele tun's, noch mehr sind zwar angemeldet, nutzen's aber garnicht (siehe Rheinpfalz am Sonntag vom 21.06.09). Was ist aber "Twitter"? Taugt das auch was für die Schule? Zumindest gehört es zur Medienkompetenz von Lehrern, dass sie sich damit befassen! Was sonst noch? Wir werden ja sehen: Eine der Seminararbeitsgruppen befasst sich damit. --kuhnuniwiki 12:48, 21. Jun. 2009 (UTC) Eine ganz nette Diskussion um die Freuden und Tücken des Twitterns finden Sie hier: Allerdings erfahren Sie nicht wie's geht ;-) --kuhnuniwiki 05:45, 27. Jun. 2009 (UTC) Etwas ausführlicher beschrieben wird es auch auf der Seite --kuhnuniwiki 05:55, 27. Jun. 2009 (UTC)
  • Twitter(官方中文译名推特)是一个社交网络和一个微博客服务,它可以让用户更新不超过140个字符的消息,这些消息也被称作“推文(Tweet)”。这个服务是由杰克·多西在2006年3月创办并在当年7月启动的。Twitter在全世界都非常流行,据Twitter现任CEO迪克·科斯特洛(Dick Costolo)宣布,截至2012年3月,Twitter共有1.4亿活跃用户,这些用户每天会发表约3.4亿条推文。同时,Twitter每天还会处理约16亿的网络搜索请求。Twitter被形容为“互联网的短信服务”。网站的非注册用户可以阅读公开的推文,而注册用户则可以通过Twitter网站、短信或者各种各样的应用软件来发布消息。Twitter公司设立在旧金山,其部分办公室及服务器位于纽约城。Twitter是互联网上访问量最大的十个网站之一。 同时,Twitter还被认为是阿拉伯之春以及其他的政治活动中的重要角色。 2013年9月,Twitter进行首次公开募股。11月7日,Twitter股票在纽约证券交易所挂牌,开盘45.1美元,较发行价大涨73.46%。
  • Twitter is a social networking website used on Planet Earth. It allows users to send messages to each other and post statuses about themselves, all within a certain character limit. Many celebrities use the service, allowing them to keep in touch with their fans. Many former and current Sonic the Comic staff have Twitter accounts. From Issue 253, a link to Twitter has appeared in every issue's Control Zone. This sends readers to Megadroid's profile, where the droid posts messages about Sonic the Comic Online releases. Updates that appear on Twitter are also shown on the Facebook counterpart page. In preparation for The Tale of Cream the Rabbit, a story in Sonic the Easter Special, an account named @Creamabit was set up for Cream the Rabbit. Her updates chronicle her discovery of The Internet on her new Strawberry mobile phone, before starting her life with the Sky Pirates. In story, these updates appear on Mobius' Chirpafriend service, although many are repeated verbatim on Twitter. A second account created for the story, @SonicRecruits, implied that the Sky Pirates used Chirpafriend to recruit Cream (and attempt to recruit others). However, this one was "seized" by G.U.N. after suspicions of piracy and the solicitation of minors. Finally, there are accounts on Twitter pretending to be set up by STC characters such as Doctor Ivo Robotnik.
  • Created by NinjaZane
  • Great service for keeping in touch.
  • Home of all breaking news. Founded by bpapa.
  • Twitter is a "microblogging" service, where users post 140-character "tweets". They can be mundane reporting on their life, a wry one-liner, or the start of an Internet campaign that will snowball and end up with international media coverage. Really, for just 140 characters, there's lots of potential. The site's open, public API allows for its adaptation and use on many different platforms. Android, iPhone, browser extension, desktop software, mobile phone... you can tweet from just about every device going. Hell, you can even monitor tweets with a typewriter! The site is popular and trendy. The real-time search function, which allows you to search all (public) tweets being made for any word or phrase you wish, is one of the most popular aspects of the site. This is combined with the "trending topics", a list of the ten most popular topics at the moment, based on how much they're being tweeted about. This list of trending topics will almost always include Justin Bieber, at least until Twitter supposedly banned his name from trending and his fans made "let Bieber trend" a trend instead. When they were no longer able to do that, they resorted to trends like "Bustin Jieber". Still, Justin Bieber related topics trend almost every day, and in 2012, they were joined by topics about British-Irish boy band One Direction. Twitter has gotten a lot of media attention. Major events tend to be covered rapidly through the system, and it has become hip in Hollywood for a celebrity to have a Twitter account. Twitter nicknames get given out like email addresses. In fact, despite the Biebermania, Twitter appears to be the first Friending Network type site (aside from work-oriented LinkedIn) in which thirtysomething media professionals outnumber teenagers. You can follow All The Tropes on Twitter, or browse All The Tropes Twitter-style with the Laconic. * Beige Prose: Though it's still impressive how much you can say within 140 characters. * Character Blog - Many fictional characters have a presence as well. Most are roleplayed (look for the telltale "[RP]" or "role-played" somewhere in their profile), but some are 'genuine' in the sense that their origin company controlled them. You can see a list of some of them here. * Colbert Bump: A big part of why Twitter is so popular has to do with celebrities having taken to it so enthusiastically. And unlike most trendy things celebrities do, there's a (semi-)practical benefit to ordinary people following suit: People can now address their tweets directly to them and, supposedly, even get their attention this way. * Fan Girl: Many. Why do you think Justin Bieber never stops trending? * The Jonas Brothers, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga get plenty of trends, too. * Practically everyday, One Direction seems to get at least one trend. * Food Porn: Look at this awesome sandwich I just made! @everyone * Game Breaking Bug: As of August 31st, 2010, this has happened to any Twitter application only using Basic Authentication. * Additionally, the new OAuth implementation is broken itself. It basically requires the identification keys to be hard-coded into the clients, and Twitter has announced they are going to be de-authenticating compromised keys. And, yeah, the keys to the official Twitter client for Android are a string dump away. * As if they weren't already suffering from an overly severe buttmonkeydom, Zune users had to wait 2 weeks for their official app to be fixed after the switchover. * I Am Spartacus: After Paul Chambers lost his appeal against his conviction for tweeting a joke about blowing up Robin Hood airport, people began retweeting the original message en masse with this attached as a hashtag. * New Media Are Evil: Subverted to hell and back by old media's reaction to Twitter. They are crazy for it, and pretty much every old-media organization had set up multiple Twitter accounts (plus dozens of individual personal accounts for employees) before it even really caught on. See also Small Reference Pools, below. * But played straight by younger media -- for example, read the hilariously hypocritical message board rants against it. Boo, any interpersonal e-communication that isn't e-mail... wait... * Orwellian Editor: The ability to delete tweets allows a user to be one. * Please Select New City Hashtag: Sometimes hashtags collide. For instance, #btv had been used primarily for discussions pertaining to Burlington, Vermont (from the city's airport code), until a massive influx of Arabic-language posts in early 2011 referring to Bahrain Television, after which the Burlington folks switched to #bvt. * Small Reference Pools: The BBC, in particular, is obsessed to an indescribable degree with Twitter. Any news that can possibly be related to anything to do with technology or society in general, never mind the Internet, is determinedly dragged around by its news interviewers to the subject of Twitter, often leading to the more net-savvy interviewees becoming bewildered. * CNN has a Twitter problem. The Daily Show has recently taken to mocking them for it. * The Tetris Effect: The practice of "@-replies" has spread to other blog comments and forums. * From Cheezburger Network's "Failbooking"; * Unperson: Twitter's "recalibration" of their Trending Topics algorithm was obviously meant to do this to Justin Bieber.
  • Twitter is a microblogging service, allowing a user to create a large number of short "status" messages. * WHO Twitter - World Health Organization * Health Map Twitter - * CDC Emergency Twitter - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US)
  • The new "thing". No one knows what to do.
  • Twitter is a microblogging platform.
  • Twitter is a real life social networking website.
  • Twitter is one of the social media.
  • Twitter is a social networking company was founded by Jack Dorsey,Noah Glass, Evan Williams an d Biz Stone in July 15, 2006, their symbol resembles a Mountain Bluebird. In Ghostesses in the Slot Machine, the mascot of this company, which is the official logo of it, has made a brief appearance in one shot, in which he was given a letter by Princess Clara to give to Herashio, eventually, he got bitten by Herashio himself.
  • A few Penny T's that the characters wear allude to the creator of the show's username on Twitter, such as "DanWarp Tweets" or "Follow DanWarp". In the episode iSpeed Date, we learn that iCarly has a Twitter account that Spencer follows after Sam tweets about Carly's spitting in the eye of a boy she knows from school (Nate) when she asked him to the Girls' Choice dance. Spencer also learned the reason why Sam had to go to juvie in the episode iWon't Cancel The Show, because the man who Sam attacked, (by stuffing a hot chili dog down his pants) Señor Gutierrez, tweeted about the incident. Freddie questions why Spencer is following a foreign dignatory. In iPsycho, Sam asks Carly how they get the word out that they are at Nora's party, and Carly tells her that they will tweet that they are doing a webcast about the party. Twitter is one of the few real life websites to appear on the show.
  • For other uses, see Twitter (disambiguation)."Tweeted" redirects here. For other uses, see Tweet (disambiguation). Twitter (/ˈtwɪtər/) is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS, or mobile device app. Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco and has more than 25 offices around the world. Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass and launched by July 2006. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with more than 100 million users who in 2012 posted 340 million tweets per day. The service also handled 1.6 billion search queries per day. In 2013 Twitter was one of the ten most-visited websites, and has been described as "the SMS of the Internet." As of May 2015, Twitter has more than 500 million users, out of which more than 302 million are active users. On June 10, 2015, Twitter announced its CEO Dick Costolo will resign on July 1, 2015.
  • message "@peqi"
  • Twitter is a system that uses the Internet to relay short messages about users to other users who are interested in that person (or organization). This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
  • Shitter is a site founded two years after Facebook was born. It's really a pointless site because it is just nothing but hashtags and tweets, getting followers, retweeting, and favoriting. You can also post pictures on there as well. One notorious person that is known for being a member of the site is Eve Scumb.
  • Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as "Tweets." Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as "Followers." Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. While the service, itself, costs nothing to use, accessing it through SMS may incur phone service provider fees.
  • <default><i>Unknown</i></default> TypeUnknown LevelUnknown LocationUnknown InhabitantsUnknown Twitter is a website that exists for the sole purpose of bullshit. And without bullshit, Twitter wouldn't exist. Twitter is a very common medium for Class of 2018 and Class of 2017 students to interact with each other on. Most beefs happen of this platform, and for the most part, they're complete bullshit and just end in everyone deleting their tweets. Twitter is the among the highest causes of autism in the upper grades at Camas High School. It is recommended to all newcomers to the school to stay off the platform at all costs, regardless of Instagram dying miserably.
  • Twitter is a web-based communication tool. You can follow Freeciv on Twitter to get the latest news on releases and community happenings:
  • Twitter is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called "tweets". Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS, or mobile device app. Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco and has more than 25 offices around the world. Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass and by July 2006 the site was launched. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with more than 100 million users who in 2012 posted 340 million tweets per day. The service also handled 1.6 billion search queries per day. In 2013 Twitter was one of the ten most-visited websites, and has been described as "the SMS of the Internet." The Wiggles, including Lachy, Emma and Dorothy the Dinosaur love to read messages from their friends on this website.
  • Twitter is a walled garden for microblogging. Although there is presently a wealth of third-party tools interfacing with Twitter, helping to make Twitter the most popular microblogging platform, it is still a centrally controlled platform, rendering the entire Twitter ecosystem subject to the whims of that central authority.
  • Alerta: Algumas contas podem ser falsas. Por favor, não faça perfis falsos.
  • Twitter is the deuteragonist of The Ruby Princess Runs Away, a short film adaptation of the first book of the Jewel Kingdom series. He is a dwarf-elf servant of the King and Queen of the Jewel Kingdom. He is supposed to search for a runaway Princess Roxanne, and ends up being a traveling companion. In the film, Twitter was played by the late Cork Hubbert.
  • Twitter (de latina tvittō, tvittere, tvīti, tvictum) estas kontraŭsocia-reta kaj mafieta servo, kiu ebligas al uzurantoj sendi ĝisdatigojn ("pepojn"), kiuj enhavas 140 signojn proksimume al la Pepservo, per TTT-ejo, tujmesaĝilo, poŝtelefono aŭ alia programo kiel Facebook por havi bezonatan interhoman kontakton. Ĝisdatigoj malaperas el paĝo de profilo de droguzanto kaj samtempe drogoj estas menditaj al aliaj uzurantoj kiuj abonis por ricevi ilin. La mendanto povas limigi trafikantojn nur al siaj malamikoj (mendi al ĉiuj estas la defaŭlta). Droguzantoj ricevas ĝisdatigojn per TTT-ejo, tujmesaĝilo, SMS, RSS, ritadreso aŭ per programo.50px|right
  • thumb|250px|ツイッターのシンボルの青い鳥の「ラリー」(Larry) Twitter(ツイッター)とは、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコに本社があるソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービスの一つである。
  • Twitter è un sito dalla grafica minimalista, molto minimalista. Così minimalista che a stento si riesce a scriverci. Si è infatti costretti ad usare massimo 140 lettere per esprimere i propri pensieri più profondi. Per fortuna non c'è nessuno che abbia qualcosa di davvero profondo da dire, così il problema non si pone. Lo scopo di Twitter è... Oscuro. Il CICAP ci sta ancora lavorando. Sicuramente non serve a socializzare.
  • The Twitter account is used in essentially the same way as the Facebook account. The tweets' content is a mixture of stories, facts (found under the #MHFacts and‬ #FreakyFact‬ tags), character quotes, contest announcements, fanart appreciation, campaign promotion, webisode notifications, and an assortment of other topics. The most interesting bit of the Twitter account is that it is the unique source of most characters' birthdays.
  • Twitter or Twatter is a website full of stupid bullshit. It is probably one of the most unintelligent websites on the whole internet, in terms of the users on the site. A lot of people use this website, such as TJ and the Drunken Peasants.
  • Si bien jamás se ha oficializado una cuenta en Twitter de la Confederación Sigma, durante la organización del clan en el gobierno del Consejo, el Supremo Líder Klesk Araki y el Consejero; Comandante en Jefe del Ejército Black Aldrich se crearon una cuenta oficial de sus cargos en Twitter, el 20 de Diciembre de 2012, para luego proponer a la red social como una instancia en donde la Confederación pudiese estar presente. No obstante, dicha propuesta jamás se concretó, y la expansión en la red social quedó en el olvido.
  • Blizzard Entertainment has an official Twitter hashtag for World of Warcraft: #wowtag Besides many, many individual official Twitter accounts, the World of Warcraft development team has @WarcraftDevs.
  • You like twitter, errrrrrrrrr?!? * _Harmonica_ - * abiggeebabigee - * Agasonex - * beavis666x2 - * ChaosTonyV4 - * crazyisgood - * GDiff - * GTM - * Iamdead7 - * JeezyMiyagi - * Leebo86 - * MoreDinosaurs - * Nevest - * Ngamer - * Niorapth - * psychward - * shadosneko - * Snake5555555555 - * StifledSilence - * The Real Truth - * TsunamiXXVIII - * Vlado - * VItalV - * Warning_Crazy - * whatisurnameplz - * WiggumFan267 - * XIII_rocks -
  • In The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, all major characters have Twitter accounts. These Twitter accounts serve a dual purpose of both providing context to the story, as well as outlining the personality of the characters.
  • thumb|200px|Logo de Twitter. Twitter es un sitio web, propiedad de Twitter Inc., que ofrece un sistema de red social y microblogging.
  • Twitter is a Chinese (鳴叫她 in Spanish) website related to the KKK and Jesus. It is known for just recently being overly-used in news sessions, but mainly because the news can't hardly think of anything else to say other than "hey. guess what! Guess which little kid just went missing this time!" so they changed it to "tweeting".
  • Twitter(트위터)는 SNS 中 하나. Facebook과는 달리, 多少開放的인 形態의 SNS이다.
  • Twitter has been described as a "micro-blog" b/c each post has a limit of 140 typed characters. After creating an account, you can choose to "follow" others. ~Demetri
  • Twitter has become a secondary social media location for some of the ZNG, due to the Nintendo Switch's inability to upload screenshots to Miiverse. As such, task such as posting Switch screenshots (e.g. from the Switch version of Breath of the Wild) and posting links to other web resources necessitate the use of Twitter or another similar website. Both Twitter and Facebook are compatible with the built-in screenshot upload feature on the Switch, but Twitter has seemingly emerged as a more popular option among the ZNG for this purpose. Nonetheless, the ZNG, for the most part, currently remains firmly anchored to Miiverse, due to its ease of use and slick integration with both Wii U and 3DS.
  • Twitter is een internetdienst waarbij gebruikers korte berichtjes publiceren. Het is een sociale netwerksite waarop je jezelf, zoals bij Facebook, een profiel en een avatar aanmeet. Jagex en de Nederlandse RuneScape Wiki hebben een speciaal account die bij worden gehouden.
  • The GM has set up a twitter account at where a 'bold adventurer, braving the wilds of Sryth in search of fame and fortune' keeps us updated on his adventures. There is a link to it on each Small windowless building with a blue door. * There is an associated . * The new forum archives the posts at a dedicated * The latest updates (automated through RSS) are below:
  • Twitter is a social networking website. The Indiana Jones franchise has had a Twitter presence since May 2012.
  • Alors petit singe, toi aussi tu as entendu parler de Twitter et tu te demandes à quoi peut bien servir ce machin. Eh bien figure toi petit ignorant que ce sentiment est normal pour un débutant comme toi. Cet article est crée dans la lignée des plus grandes découvertes en matière de désinformation pour t'apprendre à devenir un super bogoss professionnel de la communication à travers les réseaux sociaux. Autrement dit après tu te fera plein de meufs nouveaux amis super cool ! Prenons donc le cas d'un bon ami à moi que j'ai très récemment converti à Twitter, je le nomme : Jean Michel Michel « Oué LOL xptdr ! C 1 big N00B !!! » ~ Kévin à propos de Jean Michel Michel ou éventuellement de toi
  • Twitter ist ein Kurznachrichtendienst, auf den Nachrichten und Mitteilungen, die teilweise mit Hashtags versehen sind, geteilt werden. Clara Oswald lässt ihre Schüler während ihrer Unterichtsstunde auf Twitter nach dem Hashtag #ThePlanesHaveStopped suchen, nachdem sie bemerkt hat, dass sich diverse Flugzeuge nicht mehr bewegen. So kommt sie Missy auf die Spur. (The Magician's Apprentice) Kategorie:Reale Welt
  • Unfezant, as a Pidove is Mio's fourth Pokémon she caught during the Festival. She was confirmed female.
  • In Safe Space, PC Principal gives Butters the job of filtering out nasty stuff on Cartman's Twitter account. This is then extended so he has to filter out celebrity accounts. Twitter becomes a main focus for the first few episodes of Season Twenty. Gerald, in the persona of Skankhunt42, bullies the girls over Twitter. This makes such an impact, the girls decide this is the views of all men and split up with their boyfriends.
  • Twitter was a social networking website on the Internet in the 21st century.
  • Twitter is a hummingbird and a good friend of Beck and Fawn. Twitter often overeacts to almost everything and has been known to make something seem bigger than it is. He often stutters because sometimes his brain can keep up with his mouth.
  • Twitter is a cross between instant messaging (texting), email and a blog. Twitter allows users to send out messages 140 characters or less containing text and URLs. Twitter also allows for both 'Followers' of you and 'Following' other users. So, people can follow your Twitter messages and you can follow your friend's Twitter messages. When someone you're following posts a message, you will see this message in your 'Recent' list. So, when a new message arrives from someone you are following, it will appear in order in this list (with your messages and everyone else's). The idea behind Twitter is for you to update your Twitter account with whatever you feel is relevant at that point in time. It appears that most people tend to use Twitter for idle banter and various commentary. You can also use Twitter like private messaging by prefixing the user's handle before the message. For example, "@acedtect Hi!". Twitter is used by the BOL hosts to give out various tidbits information which is sometimes show related. CNET also uses it to dish out bits of news information from Crave and other sources.
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