  • Midna
  • Midna
  • Midna
  • Midna
  • Midna
  • Midna was confirmed as an Assist Trophy during the Super Smash Bros. Direct.
  • Midna è uno spiritello maligno femmina che si diverte a fare l'amazzone di lupi mannari e, che ci crediate o no, è una principessa nobile rampolla di una famiglia decaduta.
  • Midna, the Twilight Princess, is a main character in Twilight Princess plus, a monster. She is a resident of the Twilight Realm and a descendant of the ancient Twili people. At first she seems to be a dark monster with an agenda of her own and little regard for Link, but she ends up changing her attitude towards those who are willing to help her.
  • Midna is a minor character in the series.
  • Midna was on a boat!
  • Midna (ミドナ Midona) Es un personaje de The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Es la princesa del Crepúsculo.
  • Midna, the Twilight Princess, is a main character in Twilight Princess. She is a resident of the Twilight Realm and a descendant of the ancient Twili people. At first she seems to be a strange, dark creature with an agenda of her own and little regard for Link but she ends up changing her attitude towards those who are willing to help her. Midna is an imp that serves as Link's sidekick and adviser. A creature of the Twilight Realm, she is able to hide in Link's shadow in the light world of Hyrule, but her powers are much greater in the Twilight Realm. Her true form and identity are revealed as the story progresses.
  • Clearly, Midna is not a Sue in the formal sense. She is neither unrealistically perfect nor charming, but she does have shades of good and shades of evil, as well as strengths and weaknesses clearly defined as such. Thus, she may be a well-rounded character; her Suethor certainly hopes to portray her as such.
  • Midna is the princess of the Twili race that resides in the Twilight Realm, and the holder of the Fused Shadows. She appears in Nintendo Princesses and as a unlockable character in Super Smash Bros. Global Apocalypse.
  • Midna is one of the primary characters from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. She is best known for being the sidekick to Link in the game. Midna appeared in the Summer 2007 Contest. While she defeated Kratos Aurion and Agent 47, Midna still finished second to Scorpion. Then in round two, she finished dead last in a match featuring Samus, Scorpion, and Frog. She reappeared in the Summer 2008 Contest. In her first match, Midna (along with Cloud) defeated Axel Steel and Miles Edgeworth, then got edged out by Mewtwo against Cloud and Pac-Man.
  • Midna is a God-Tier waifu and official member of Neo Scary Godmother. Before her involvement in Halloween Themed Politics, she was responsible for giving Sora the Wind Waker in Ocarina of Ages.
  • Midna (ミドナ, Midona) is a playable character in Hyrule Warriors. A character that debuted in Twilight Princess, she is the ruler of her own kingdom and close friends with Link in her initial incarnation. Her true form is a separate playable DLC character called Twili Midna (真のミドナ, Shin no Midona; literally "True Midna"), based on Midna's true form revealed at the end of Twilight Princess.
  • Categoria:Personaggi Midna è un personaggio del videogioco The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Debutta in questo gioco e come Navi o Tael aiuta il giocatore con preziosi consigli. Il suo obbiettivo è distruggere Zant, usurpatore del trono nel Regno del Crepuscolo. Ha una natura maliziosa e oscura, ed ha una risatina malvagia che usa frequentemente. È l'unico personaggio della serie di Zelda a usare la voce in modo così frequente. Il nome Midna deriva da midnight (Mezzanotte).
  • Midna is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii and GameCube. She also is an assist trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • thumb|250px|La Verdadera Forma de Midna Midna es un personaje de ficción del videojuego La leyenda de Zelda: Twilight Princess , originaria del Reino del Crepúsculo .
  • Midna er en karakter som følger med Twilight Princess.
  • Throughout the game, Midna does virtually nothing to help Link other that free him from a cell that he, if it weren't for her, wouldn't have been trapped inside in the first place. By doing this and offering to "help" him rescue his friends, she placed herself in a position to make demands and disallow Link to get on with his life. You would think that Link, once freed, would tell her to piss off like any sensible person, but he instead went out to save Teh Werld and his friends all by himself. In the meantime, Midna just hides in his shadow, staring at his unsightly tighty whities and stopping the game every five minutes to tell him he's doing something wrong and how stupid he is.
  • After Susie was resurrected by unknown forces and ultimately adopted a more evil persona, Mapp was forced to take up arms against the powerful followers she was gathering. He felt guided to Midna after witnessing Susie illustrate her new strength by destroying a system of small moons and using their debris to craft herself a new world in the eye of a blood-red nebula, which she dubbed 'New Gallifrey'. This was the last time anyone heard anything from Mapp for roughly 50 years, an era which saw the construction of The Triangle and the rise of its resistance.
  • Midna ist eine freundliche Person, die ganz gerne öfters grinst oder lächelt, wenn man sie trifft oder anspricht (siehe Szenen). Wenn man sie missversteht, wird ihr Sprechton lauter. Zu Link und Prinzessin Zelda verhält sich Midna, wie eine gute und vertrauenswürdige Freundin. Anfangs kannte sie Link gar nicht und schleppte ihn quer durch Hyrule, um die Schattenkristalle zu finden. Nach dem Sieg über Oktapesco, entschuldigte sie sich bei ihm für das Herumkommandieren und gab offen zu, dass sie diese Kristalle braucht. Sie hatte nicht die Absicht gehabt, ihn auszunutzen. Aber sie erkannte, dass er in Wolfgestalt ein starkes Wesen sei. Während sie mit ihm ein Abenteuer durchlebte, zeigte sie sich als eine hilfsbereite Person und half Link, indem sie ihn Tipps gab oder ihm beim Voranschreiten
  • Midna is the current Twilight Princess and is the namesake of the only game she has taken place in. In TP Midna takes the place of Link's partner, starting off as uncaring and sarcastic she makes it perfectly clear that the only think she wants is the power the insane usurper King Zant took from her when he trapped her in the form of an unattractive imp. While Midna starts off as cold and vindictive, she soon begins to feel guilty for the way she treats Link after seeing just how couragous and self-sacrificing he and Zelda are. At the end of Twilight Princess, Midna reverts back to her true form, that of a beautiful and powerful ruler. There is heavy speculation as to Midna's view of Link at the end of the game, mostly due to her sentance of "Link, I um... see you later." many people beliv
  • Midna(ミドナMidona) is one of the main characters of the 2006 Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. She is a member of the Twili, a fictional race of magic-wielders, who chooses Link to help her accomplish her goals. While appearing as a diminutive imp monster, her actual form is human-shaped. She was voiced by Akiko Koumoto and illustrated by Yusuke Nakano. She has also appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a collectible item. Midna's first appearance was in a trailer for Twilight Princess at the E3 2005. At the time, her gender was unknown, leaving some journalists confused about it.
  • Midna's role is similar to Navi, Tatl, or Ezlo in that she is a supernatural companion who assists Link. Unlike these, she takes a more active role in the action. Unlike the fairy companions, she does not offer information on enemies and talking to her will give Link a small tip on what the player must do to progress or defeat a boss. When Link is in human form, and in early parts of the game in the light world, she hides in Link's shadow and only appears as a somewhat ghostly silhouette out of his shadow. Whilst Link is in wolf form, she usually rides on his back and assists him with an attack that creates a field of dark energy, allowing Link to lock onto any enemies within it and charge at all of them consecutively. When her icon appears, she can assist Wolf Link with jumps the player n
  • Midna (ミドナ Midona?, Hylian MHylian IHylian DHylian NHylian A) is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Midna, a Twili, teams up with the protagonist, Link, to battle a "greater evil" that she alone cannot overcome. In fitting with her initial dark nature, she has a playfully mischievous sense of humor, and showed a somewhat cynical demeanor during most of the game. She also has some of the most extensive voice acting found in the series, as all of her dialogue is represented by audible (though unintelligible) vocalization. Midna's voice is provided by Akiko Koumoto.
  • Good
  • 10
First game
  • Hero
  • None
Empresa creadora
  • Nintendo
  • Bien
  • Twili
  • Weiblich
Erster Auftritt
Weitere Auftritte
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
type of hero
  • Princess, Alternative/True Form Heroine
  • Femenino
  • Saga Zelda
comentario imagen
  • Midna en sus diversas formas
  • Shigeru Miyamoto
Pie de Foto
  • Artwork de Midna en The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
  • Midna's imp form
  • Twilight Princess
  • Cree Summer
  • English: Cindy Robbinson
  • Japanese: Akiko Koumoto
  • Ruler of the Twilight Realm
  • Help Link destroy Zant and Gannondorf
  • Midna
  • Light
  • Darkness
  • Lightning
  • Legend Warriors
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess
  • Faction
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Summon Twilight Wolves, create twilight portals, Creating waves of energy
  • None
  • Twilight Princess
  • 18
  • None
  • 8
  • Mirror
  • Shackle
  • Twilight Shackle
  • Mirror of Silence
  • Sol Shackle
  • Mirror of Twilight
  • Cursed Shackle
  • Darklight Mirror
  • Mirror of Shadows
  • Thunderhead Shackle
  • Twilight "Magic"
  • Alive
  • Status
  • Princesa del Crepúsculo
  • Midna
  • Midna
  • Midna
  • Princess Midna
  • Character
  • Brave, Funny, Kindness and Amazing
  • Artwork of Midna from Twilight Princess HD
  • Midna as her human forme!
  • The monster Midna's artwork from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Midna, as depicted in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
  • Light
  • Psychochenisis
Voice actor(s)
  • Akiko Koumoto
  • Akiko Komoto
  • 170
  • 175
  • 200
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Gibberish
  • Midna
  • Black
  • None
  • Twilight Princess
  • Teasing Link
  • 17.800000
  • 26.600000
  • Twili
  • Twili
  • Humanoid, Twili
  • Title
  • Twilight Princess
  • Midna
  • Principessa del Crepuscolo
  • Ruler of Twilight
  • Twili
  • VS Twilight
  • None
  • B
  • Princess of Twilight
  • Magenta
  • A sacred treasure that amplifies Twilight magic and can summon objects from the Twilight Realm. Its powerful Strong Attack takes a long time to cast, though filling up the Twilight gauge speeds it up.
  • A cursed shackle, originating from the Twilight Realm. Use the Strong Attack button to grab and hurl an enemy with your hair. You'll also be temporarily imbued with the power of darkness.
  • CBA9F5
  • FFC18B
  • FFFB8B
  • Midna
  • Imp =200px
  • Mirror - 1st Weapon .png
  • Mirror - 2nd Weapon .png
  • Mirror - 3rd Weapon .png
  • Shackle - 1st Weapon .png
  • Shackle - 2nd Weapon .png
  • Shackle - 3rd Weapon .png
  • Shackle - 4th Weapon .png
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Princess of the Twilight Realm
  • Live Hand
  • Ruler
  • A resident of the Twilight Realm and a descendant of the ancient Twili people
  • Midna
  • The Legend of Zelda Film
  • Prinzessin der Schatten
  • Female
  • 100
  • Twili
  • Race/species
  • [[w:c:zelda:Twili
  • "You don't have to look so sad! We actually find it to be quite livable! I mean, is perpetual twilight really all that bad?"
  • Palace of Twilight
  • Femenino
  • Location
  • 250
Primera Aparicion
  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
latest game
  • Midna ist eine freundliche Person, die ganz gerne öfters grinst oder lächelt, wenn man sie trifft oder anspricht (siehe Szenen). Wenn man sie missversteht, wird ihr Sprechton lauter. Zu Link und Prinzessin Zelda verhält sich Midna, wie eine gute und vertrauenswürdige Freundin. Anfangs kannte sie Link gar nicht und schleppte ihn quer durch Hyrule, um die Schattenkristalle zu finden. Nach dem Sieg über Oktapesco, entschuldigte sie sich bei ihm für das Herumkommandieren und gab offen zu, dass sie diese Kristalle braucht. Sie hatte nicht die Absicht gehabt, ihn auszunutzen. Aber sie erkannte, dass er in Wolfgestalt ein starkes Wesen sei. Während sie mit ihm ein Abenteuer durchlebte, zeigte sie sich als eine hilfsbereite Person und half Link, indem sie ihn Tipps gab oder ihm beim Voranschreiten seines Abenteuers half. Als Herrscherin ist sie eine schlaue Person, die man nicht so leicht übers Ohr hauen kann. Im Schattenreich unterstützt sie ihr Volk, wo sie nur kann. Man kann auch davon ausgehen, dass sie sich bei den Schattenwesen blicken lässt, um zu schauen, ob es ihnen gut gehe. Genau das selbe Verhalten besitzt auch Prinzessin Zelda in Hyrule. Beide zeigen Hilfsbereitschaft, Verständnis, Mitleid und Liebe zu ihrem Volk. Midna ist nicht nur freundlich, sie hat sogar einen gut ausgeprägten Sinn für Gerechtigkeit. Obwohl sie die Nachfahrin der Verbannten aus Hyrule ist, besitzt nur Midna diese Eigenschaften. Andere Schattenwesen sind zwar gütig geworden, aber sie haben nicht die selben Eigenschaften, wie Midna. Das liegt daran, dass Midna zu den Auserwählten, wie Link, gehört, die alle eine reinherzige Einstellung haben. Zanto, auch ein Nachfahre der Verbannten, hingegen wollte nur an die Macht kommen, um das Land Hyrule anzugreifen. Das Königshaus fürchtete, dass Zanto dasselbe wiedererfahren würde, wie ihre Vorfahren selbst, als sie die heiligen Städte Hyrules angriffen. thumb|150px|Midnas wahre, menschliche Form. Hier im Bild erkennt man ihre Freundlichkeit auf ihr glückliches Gesicht.Also wählte das Königshaus Midna als die nächste Herrscherin über das Schattenreich, weil Midna die ganz besonderen Persönlichkeiten einer guten Königin hat. Während des Abenteuers zeigt Midna nur an wenige Stellen Mitgefühl. Sie sieht Link und Zelda als ihre besten Freunde, die sie hat. Bei ihrem Abschied von Link und Zelda war sie traurig und vergoss Tränen, die den Schattenspiegel zerstörten. Ihr selbst tat es weh, sich von ihren Freunden zu trennen.
  • Midna was confirmed as an Assist Trophy during the Super Smash Bros. Direct.
  • Midna è uno spiritello maligno femmina che si diverte a fare l'amazzone di lupi mannari e, che ci crediate o no, è una principessa nobile rampolla di una famiglia decaduta.
  • Midna, the Twilight Princess, is a main character in Twilight Princess plus, a monster. She is a resident of the Twilight Realm and a descendant of the ancient Twili people. At first she seems to be a dark monster with an agenda of her own and little regard for Link, but she ends up changing her attitude towards those who are willing to help her.
  • Midna (ミドナ Midona?, Hylian MHylian IHylian DHylian NHylian A) is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Midna, a Twili, teams up with the protagonist, Link, to battle a "greater evil" that she alone cannot overcome. In fitting with her initial dark nature, she has a playfully mischievous sense of humor, and showed a somewhat cynical demeanor during most of the game. She also has some of the most extensive voice acting found in the series, as all of her dialogue is represented by audible (though unintelligible) vocalization. Midna's voice is provided by Akiko Koumoto. Midna, like all creatures from the Twilight Realm, cannot tolerate light. She hides in Link's shadow when he is in the Light World. The only time she takes her physical form is when Link is in the Twilight. After being exposed to light during the game and later being healed from the resulting injury, Midna is able to take on her physical form even in the Light World, though she still chooses to remain in Link's shadow most of the time, telling him she wants to keep a "low profile." When asked if Midna would return for a future game or not in an interview with Game Informer, Eiji Aonuma stated: "Because of the way Twilight Princess ended, I don’t see her making a reappearance, but who knows? If we hear enough voices for her to come back, how can we not?" Midna returns to the Legend of Zelda series in the non-canon Hyrule Warriors. It has been confirmed that she will also be in Hyrule Warriors Legends.
  • Midna is a minor character in the series.
  • Midna was on a boat!
  • Midna (ミドナ Midona) Es un personaje de The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Es la princesa del Crepúsculo.
  • Midna, the Twilight Princess, is a main character in Twilight Princess. She is a resident of the Twilight Realm and a descendant of the ancient Twili people. At first she seems to be a strange, dark creature with an agenda of her own and little regard for Link but she ends up changing her attitude towards those who are willing to help her. Midna is an imp that serves as Link's sidekick and adviser. A creature of the Twilight Realm, she is able to hide in Link's shadow in the light world of Hyrule, but her powers are much greater in the Twilight Realm. Her true form and identity are revealed as the story progresses.
  • Clearly, Midna is not a Sue in the formal sense. She is neither unrealistically perfect nor charming, but she does have shades of good and shades of evil, as well as strengths and weaknesses clearly defined as such. Thus, she may be a well-rounded character; her Suethor certainly hopes to portray her as such.
  • Midna is the princess of the Twili race that resides in the Twilight Realm, and the holder of the Fused Shadows. She appears in Nintendo Princesses and as a unlockable character in Super Smash Bros. Global Apocalypse.
  • Midna is one of the primary characters from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. She is best known for being the sidekick to Link in the game. Midna appeared in the Summer 2007 Contest. While she defeated Kratos Aurion and Agent 47, Midna still finished second to Scorpion. Then in round two, she finished dead last in a match featuring Samus, Scorpion, and Frog. She reappeared in the Summer 2008 Contest. In her first match, Midna (along with Cloud) defeated Axel Steel and Miles Edgeworth, then got edged out by Mewtwo against Cloud and Pac-Man.
  • Midna is a God-Tier waifu and official member of Neo Scary Godmother. Before her involvement in Halloween Themed Politics, she was responsible for giving Sora the Wind Waker in Ocarina of Ages.
  • Midna(ミドナMidona) is one of the main characters of the 2006 Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. She is a member of the Twili, a fictional race of magic-wielders, who chooses Link to help her accomplish her goals. While appearing as a diminutive imp monster, her actual form is human-shaped. She was voiced by Akiko Koumoto and illustrated by Yusuke Nakano. She has also appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a collectible item. Midna's first appearance was in a trailer for Twilight Princess at the E3 2005. At the time, her gender was unknown, leaving some journalists confused about it. Since appearing in Twilight Princess, she has had some merchandise, and has been generally well received by the public and press alike. She is an important character in Twilight Princess and has been compared to an earlier character called Navi, amongst other similar characters, the former having accompanied Link in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
  • Midna (ミドナ, Midona) is a playable character in Hyrule Warriors. A character that debuted in Twilight Princess, she is the ruler of her own kingdom and close friends with Link in her initial incarnation. Her true form is a separate playable DLC character called Twili Midna (真のミドナ, Shin no Midona; literally "True Midna"), based on Midna's true form revealed at the end of Twilight Princess.
  • Midna's role is similar to Navi, Tatl, or Ezlo in that she is a supernatural companion who assists Link. Unlike these, she takes a more active role in the action. Unlike the fairy companions, she does not offer information on enemies and talking to her will give Link a small tip on what the player must do to progress or defeat a boss. When Link is in human form, and in early parts of the game in the light world, she hides in Link's shadow and only appears as a somewhat ghostly silhouette out of his shadow. Whilst Link is in wolf form, she usually rides on his back and assists him with an attack that creates a field of dark energy, allowing Link to lock onto any enemies within it and charge at all of them consecutively. When her icon appears, she can assist Wolf Link with jumps the player normally cannot perform. Early in the game, Midna will allow Wolf Link to instantly teleport to Twilight portals across the world. Once Link obtains the Master Sword, calling Midna will allow Link to freely transform into wolf form and vice versa (except for when in the presence of people, where Midna will then forbid transforming to avoid startling them). Her hair can form into a hand, allowing Link to jump to faraway locations, open doors, or catch charging enemies.
  • Throughout the game, Midna does virtually nothing to help Link other that free him from a cell that he, if it weren't for her, wouldn't have been trapped inside in the first place. By doing this and offering to "help" him rescue his friends, she placed herself in a position to make demands and disallow Link to get on with his life. You would think that Link, once freed, would tell her to piss off like any sensible person, but he instead went out to save Teh Werld and his friends all by himself. In the meantime, Midna just hides in his shadow, staring at his unsightly tighty whities and stopping the game every five minutes to tell him he's doing something wrong and how stupid he is. Later, Midna "warmed up" to Link, but was only acting nicer because she wanted him to keep doing things for her. She still did not give a damn about him and did not reward him.
  • Midna is the current Twilight Princess and is the namesake of the only game she has taken place in. In TP Midna takes the place of Link's partner, starting off as uncaring and sarcastic she makes it perfectly clear that the only think she wants is the power the insane usurper King Zant took from her when he trapped her in the form of an unattractive imp. While Midna starts off as cold and vindictive, she soon begins to feel guilty for the way she treats Link after seeing just how couragous and self-sacrificing he and Zelda are. At the end of Twilight Princess, Midna reverts back to her true form, that of a beautiful and powerful ruler. There is heavy speculation as to Midna's view of Link at the end of the game, mostly due to her sentance of "Link, I um... see you later." many people belive that Midna developed a love interest in Link.
  • Categoria:Personaggi Midna è un personaggio del videogioco The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Debutta in questo gioco e come Navi o Tael aiuta il giocatore con preziosi consigli. Il suo obbiettivo è distruggere Zant, usurpatore del trono nel Regno del Crepuscolo. Ha una natura maliziosa e oscura, ed ha una risatina malvagia che usa frequentemente. È l'unico personaggio della serie di Zelda a usare la voce in modo così frequente. Il nome Midna deriva da midnight (Mezzanotte).
  • After Susie was resurrected by unknown forces and ultimately adopted a more evil persona, Mapp was forced to take up arms against the powerful followers she was gathering. He felt guided to Midna after witnessing Susie illustrate her new strength by destroying a system of small moons and using their debris to craft herself a new world in the eye of a blood-red nebula, which she dubbed 'New Gallifrey'. Mapp landed and discovered an immediately hazardous terrain, complete with smouldering ruins, toxic rivers and an unpredictable radioactive climate. He sheltered the Cantina within a large abandoned warehouse and was sought out by a pair of 'ghosts', who seemed to blame him for the current condition of Midna. They explained to him that the Time Lords came to their tropical world and stamped over their exotic wilderness with industry and construction, thereby killing the natural flora and fauna present for their own mutual, selfish lust for power. As Mapp was distracted by this somewhat personal revelation, Susie had become the 'Empress' and was constructing herself a new empire in the name of The Chosen using New Gallifrey as her new homeworld. Mapp, ignorant to the plea's of the ghosts, broke into several hidden cache's and transformed the Cantina into a makeshift warship. This was the last time anyone heard anything from Mapp for roughly 50 years, an era which saw the construction of The Triangle and the rise of its resistance.
  • Midna is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii and GameCube. She also is an assist trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • thumb|250px|La Verdadera Forma de Midna Midna es un personaje de ficción del videojuego La leyenda de Zelda: Twilight Princess , originaria del Reino del Crepúsculo .
  • Midna er en karakter som følger med Twilight Princess.
is Found of
is recent of
is Members of
is Allies of
is Enemies of
is Groups of
is People of
is Famous Members of