  • Hyrule
  • Hyrule
  • Hyrule
  • Hyrule
  • Hyrule
  • There is an ongoing debate as to whether or not the Hyrule in Captain N is the same one from the Zelda cartoon series, and there are many arguments that support both sides. For instance, Link, Zelda and Ganon have the same voice actors and general appearances in both shows, but the Triforces are separated all through the Zelda cartoon series with no negative effects to Princess Zelda, whereas in "Having a Ball" their separation nearly kills her.
  • Hyrule is the biggest part PHILIPS, full of castles, forests, deserts and kings. After Hyrulian Civil War it was split in two pats: West and East Hyrules. West Hyrule belongs to the King of Hyrule and East Hyrule belongs to Squadala Empire.
  • Fast alle Zelda Titel spielen im Königreich Hyrule, bis auf Mayora’s Mask, Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons und Phantom Hourglass.
  • In other words, it's mostly a cartoonish craphole. Hyrule was founded by Gandalf with Don Ramon's help during the war against Sauron and his army of Glutkos. It was destroyed in the fourth YTP War due to a combination of invading forces and economic collapse.
  • Le Royaume d'Hyrule est le monde imaginaire qui sert de cadre à la série de jeux vidéo The Legend of Zelda créé par Shigeru Miyamoto de la société japonaise Nintendo.
  • thumb Hyrule es un Reino ubicado en Otro universo, el cual aparece durante la serie Ben and Link Adventures como uno de lso lugares mas recurrentes. es un extenso terreno gobernado principalment pero la familia real, aunque con lideres terrenales como el rey Zora, para los terrenos de lso Zora y Ganondorf en el terreno de las ladronas Gerudo. Segun sus legendas este lugar fue creada por 3 diosas: Nayru, Din y Farore.
  • Hyrule ha aparecido en la mayoría de juegos de la saga The Legend of Zelda, así como en The Legend of Zelda: Ocarine of Time, The Legend of Zelda (juego) y The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, sufriendo casi siempre ligeras variaciones, mayoritaríamente el cambio de las localizaciones.
  • Hyrule is a fictional land in the Legend of Zelda series, and therefore, its fan-films.
  • A beautiful place where nothing bad ever happens. Oh, and Ganondorf and other Bad People tend to try to conquer it. But Link is usually there to save the day. Usually. Unless it's PIEDAY. Doesn't Hyrule look so pretty? Don't you see why Ganondorf wants it so badly?
  • Hyrule is the Name of Several kingdoms on different Continents of a world in The Legend of Zelda series. It first appeared in The Legend of Zelda for the NES in the 1980s, and has reappeared in most games of the series since then regardless of being unrelated Hyrules in different game worlds. At least being referenced to in the games in which it's not present. Outside of the series it has been featured in games such as Super Smash Bros. and its sequels Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • Hyrule is a magical kingdom 12 blocks from the Mushroom Kingdom. It is home to various races and provinces. It is famed for its creation by the three Golden Goddesses: Nayru, Din, and Farore. Also, it is the home of the famed Hero of Time, Link, his arch-nemesis Ganon, and the former Gerudo King Sage. Mario, Brock, and Gary travel to Hyrule in search of Link so they can use him to defeat Ganondorf. They hear the sound of a horse and choose to follow it.
  • Hyrule is the name of an alternate world from that of the PCG Universe. It is the setting of the Legend of Zelda series of video games, as well as a few paper computer games. Several elements from Hyrule have seeped into the PCG Universe.
  • The great kingdom of Hyrule stands as a recovering country after nearly a decade of darkness. It sports various regions, including a lush forest, volcanic mountain, and peaceful lake. Currently, the only accessible versions of Hyrule (without the help of the Wormhole) is the one from Twilight Princess and the adult timeline version from Ocarina of Time.
  • Hyrule è una terra bagnata a sud da un mare senza nome, a est coperta da milioni di monti sconosciuti, a ovest pure e a anche nord. È la terra principale dove sono state girate le vicende dei giochi della saga The Legend of Zelda. Nel 1946 venne svolto un referendum per scegliere tra monarchia e repubblica, che si concluse con la schiacciante vittoria della prima. Abitata da più di 29 persone, ha come capitale Quella città importantissima ma di cui nessuno ricorda mai il nome e ha come seconda città Kakariko, un villaggino popolato per lo più da mendicanti e fratelli che sono sempre gemelli. L'economia è principalmente di Coccò, polli squisiti ma che se provi a metterli in padella loro ti sbudellano in gruppo.
  • Hyrule is a small country in Europe, full of castles, forests, deserts, volcanoes, mountains and kings. After Hyrulian Civil War it was split in four parts: West, East, North and South Hyrule. West Hyrule belongs to the The King and East Hyrule belongs to Squadala Empire. North Hyrule belongs to Bowser. South Hyrule belongs to Fake Bowser ,Fake Robotnik and Somebody.
  • In the beginning there was nothing but a nebula where three goddesses, Din, Nayru and Farore hanged out and played Frisbee golf to pass the time. Eventually they got bored of that because it isn’t even a real sport and shouldn’t have even been invented, let alone played, so Din created a big ball of dirt and called it art. Din was very proud of her art project and thought it deserved an A so she showed it to her art teacher. Unfortunately Din had taken the coarse pass/fail, so she didn’t get that precious A, just a pass, and since an A is capitalized and a pass is not, that proves that an A is more important and totally awesomer then a simple boring pass.
  • Hyrule è il regno immaginario in cui prende parte la maggioranza degli episodi della serie The Legend of Zelda. I giochi in cui non compare sono: Link's Awakening, ambientato nell'Isola di Koholint; Majora's Mask, ambientato a Termina; Oracle of Seasons, a Holodrum; Oracle of Ages, a Labrynna; Phantom Hourglass, nell'Oceano del Re Mar; Tri Force Heroes, a Hytopia.
  • thumb|330px|Karte von Hyrule aus OOT. Hyrule (ハイラル Hairaru?) ist das sagenumwobene, fiktive Land in dem sich die meisten Spiele der Videospielserie The Legend of Zelda abspielen. Der Name kommt aus dem Englischen "High rule" also hohe (höhere) Regel, bzw. Ordnung. Was das zu bedeuten hat, weiss wohl niemand außer Shigeru Miyamoto, der Erschaffer von Zelda, er hatte den Namen in seiner Kindheit in Geschichten, die er sich selbst erfand, benutzt.
  • The Kingdom of Hyrule is a very large and older nation at more than 200 days old with citizens primarily of Caucasian ethnicity whose religion is Confucianism. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Hyrule work diligently to produce Oil and Pigs as tradable resources for their nation. It is a mostly neutral country when it comes to foreign affairs. It will usually only attack another nation if attacked first. Hyrule is currently researching nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but believes nuclear weapons should be banned. The military of Hyrule has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting a
  • Hyrule is the area the the Zelda series takes place in. Hyrule's areas are different from game to game, but almost always has these areas: Hyrule Castle, Hyrule Castle Town, Kakariko Village, Lake Hylia and Hyrule Field. It is home to various races including the Hylians which mainly live in Hyrule Castle Town and Kakariko village, the Zoras which predomiatly live in Zora's River, the Gorons which live on Death Mountain, the Gerudo which live in the Gerudo desert, the Kokiri which live in the Kokiri forest and the humans which live in Ordon Village.
  • El reino de Hyrule es el principal lugar ficticio dentro de la serie de videojuegos de Nintendo, La leyenda de Zelda. Hyrule es un próspero Reino creado por las Diosas Din, Nayru y Farore. De acuerdo a la leyenda relatada en La leyenda de Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Din, con su fuego rojo creo y esculpio toda la Tierra e Hyrule, Nayru, creo las leyes de la naturaleza y de la justicia que la regirían, mientras que Farore, se ocupó de habitarla creando, diversas razas y vegetación. Una vez que finalizaron su creación, ascendieron por las alturas para desaparecer temporalmente, no sin antes dejar tras de sí, tres piezas triangulares. En dichas piezas colocaron su poder íntegro para gobernar el reino y todas las cosas. Posteriormente, este triangulo fue llamado Trifuerza. En Hyrule habitan habitan
  • The King
  • Quella città che c'è sempre ma non ha un nome
technology tier
  • Tier 8 - Metal Working Technology
comentario imagen
  • Vista de Hyrule
  • Monarquía
  • Hyrule Field, as it appears in Twilight Princes
  • Hyrule
First Appearance
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Hyrule
  • Location
  • Territory
Location name
  • Hyrule
  • thumb
  • A Map of Hyrule from Ocarina of Time
  • Map of Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
  • Map of Hyrule, circa Ocarina of Time
  • Episode 70
Immagine stemma
  • 120
Lingue ufficiali
  • *Hylian *Dipende dove esce il videogioco. Nella versione italiana, italiano.
Nome nazione
  • Hyrule
Immagine mappa
  • 220
Sport nazionale
  • Essere invasi da mostri oscuri.
cent value
  • Chip
  • Absolute Monarchy, although a little bit of Communism
Immagine bandiera
  • 120
  • *Tanto non lo capiresti*
Nome del capo
  • Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule
  • A map of Hyrule and the surrounding nations.
Maggiori città
  • Villaggio Kakariko. E basta.
Tipo di governo
  • [Monarchia]
Sito internet
  • Sito che?
Commento mappa
  • Immagine satellitare
  • Deidad, Deku, Gerudo, Goron, Hadas, Humanos, Hylian, Kokiri, Sheikah y Zora
  • 250
  • 10
  • 250
  • Hylians, Zoras, Gerudos, Gorons, Kokiri, Humans and Sheikah
  • Varied
  • 148
  • Re
  • B
  • The Legend of Zelda
exchange rate
  • 1
  • 293000000000000000
  • 5736713
  • = 800.780.900.450.258 sprite.
  • Hylian, Hyrulian
  • Hyrulean
  • 290
  • yes
  • Temperate, with variations from region to region
  • Map of Hyrule, circa Twilight Princess
  • Twelve blocks from the Mushroom Kingdom
  • Our Dinner is your Dinner
  • «Link, salvaci ancora, ti scongiuriamo!»
  • The Gods of Hyrule
  • The Seal of the Royal Family of Hyrule
  • Oui
  • Una trentina. Il resto è pianura.
  • Bosque Perdido, Castillo de Hyrule, Dominios Zora, Lago Hylia, Montaña de la Muerte, Pradera de Hyrule y Kakariko
faction control
  • Lords of Midnight
cluster location
  • Legend of Zelda
magic classification
  • Class 6.5 - Bare/Rudimentary Magic
  • Hyrule è il regno immaginario in cui prende parte la maggioranza degli episodi della serie The Legend of Zelda. I giochi in cui non compare sono: Link's Awakening, ambientato nell'Isola di Koholint; Majora's Mask, ambientato a Termina; Oracle of Seasons, a Holodrum; Oracle of Ages, a Labrynna; Phantom Hourglass, nell'Oceano del Re Mar; Tri Force Heroes, a Hytopia. Questo regno vanta un enorme varietà di biomi, da immensi deserti a lussureggianti foreste. Numerose sono anche le razze che lo abitano, tra cui i nativi Hylia oppure la popolazione montana, i Goron, I primi insediati nella città del Castello di Hyrule o in altri piccoli insediamenti come il Villaggio Calbarico, mentre i secondi residenti nel Monte Morte Il Re ha una figlia, la Principessa Zelda, portatrice della Triforza della Saggezza, reliqua agognata dal malvagio Ganondorf, anch'esso portatore di un pezzo di Triforza: la Triforza della Forza. Quest'uomo, proveniente dal Deserto Gerudo, ha spesso portato Hyrule in rovina, ma comunque è stato sconfitto dal legendario eroe Link, portatore della Triforza del Coraggio. Sparsi per il regno si trovano dei Dungeon, intricati labirinti governati da un Boss, ma ricchi da ricompense. Esistono, nel mondo di Zelda, altri regni oltre a Hyrule, come per esempio le versioni parallele di quest'ultimo, Termina e Lorule. Nella Linea Temporale del Link Adulto Hyrule, passati secoli dagli eventi di Ocarina of Time, è stata sommersa dall'oceano, e ciò che ne rimane sono solo delle isole. In Skyward Sword il mondo di Hyrule non viene mai nominato, ma, essendo il gioco un prequel della serie, questo accade perché il nome verrà dato al mondo terrestre dopo gli eventi del gioco. Categoria:Luoghi Categoria:The Legend of Zelda (NES) Categoria:Zelda II: The Adventure of Link Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Categoria:The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Categoria:Luoghi di The Legend of Zelda Categoria:Luoghi di The Adventure of Link Categoria:Luoghi di A Link to the Past Categoria:Luoghi di Ocarina of Time Categoria:Luoghi di Four Swords Categoria:Luoghi di The Wind Waker Categoria:Luoghi di Four Swords Adventures Categoria:Luoghi di The Minish Cap Categoria:Luoghi di Twilight Princess Categoria:Luoghi di Skyward Sword Categoria:Luoghi di A Link Between Worlds
  • El reino de Hyrule es el principal lugar ficticio dentro de la serie de videojuegos de Nintendo, La leyenda de Zelda. Hyrule es un próspero Reino creado por las Diosas Din, Nayru y Farore. De acuerdo a la leyenda relatada en La leyenda de Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Din, con su fuego rojo creo y esculpio toda la Tierra e Hyrule, Nayru, creo las leyes de la naturaleza y de la justicia que la regirían, mientras que Farore, se ocupó de habitarla creando, diversas razas y vegetación. Una vez que finalizaron su creación, ascendieron por las alturas para desaparecer temporalmente, no sin antes dejar tras de sí, tres piezas triangulares. En dichas piezas colocaron su poder íntegro para gobernar el reino y todas las cosas. Posteriormente, este triangulo fue llamado Trifuerza. En Hyrule habitan habitan distintas razas: los Zora, los Goron, los Kokiri, los Sheikah, los Hylianos, los Gerudo, los Minish, los Tokay, Subrosios y otras razas. Todas ellas conforman diferentes autonomías y reinos, dentro de una gran tierra destacándose la Familia Real Hyliana (a la que pertenece la Princesa Zelda), que gobierna de manera justa y bondadosa. La moneda oficial de Hyrule es la Rupia (pequeñas piedras preciosas hexagonales que, dependiendo de su color, tienen diferente valor en el mercado).Las verdes valen una rupia, las azules 5, las amarillas 10, las rojas 20, las púrpuras 50, las naranjas 100 y plateadas 200.
  • There is an ongoing debate as to whether or not the Hyrule in Captain N is the same one from the Zelda cartoon series, and there are many arguments that support both sides. For instance, Link, Zelda and Ganon have the same voice actors and general appearances in both shows, but the Triforces are separated all through the Zelda cartoon series with no negative effects to Princess Zelda, whereas in "Having a Ball" their separation nearly kills her.
  • In the beginning there was nothing but a nebula where three goddesses, Din, Nayru and Farore hanged out and played Frisbee golf to pass the time. Eventually they got bored of that because it isn’t even a real sport and shouldn’t have even been invented, let alone played, so Din created a big ball of dirt and called it art. Din was very proud of her art project and thought it deserved an A so she showed it to her art teacher. Unfortunately Din had taken the coarse pass/fail, so she didn’t get that precious A, just a pass, and since an A is capitalized and a pass is not, that proves that an A is more important and totally awesomer then a simple boring pass. So then Din went crying to Farore about how totally unfair this all was, and then Farore, to teach Din a lesson in humility, created a bunch of little critters to live on the ball of dirt. Then Farore declared “I rule!” and the little critters misheard it as “Hyrule,” so that’s what they named the ball of dirt they lived upon. Din was obviously angry about Farore covering her precious art project with annoying little creatures, for some of them, the Gorons, actually ate dirt. Then Din and Farore started slapping and pulling each other’s hair out, but then Nayru stepped in and created the Law to stop the fighting. Then the little creatures lived by themselves for a while and even created a few civilizations and war monuments on their own. Then this cool dude whose name was, coincidentally, King of Hyrule, decided to become the king of Hyrule. To accomplish that he created an army. Unfortunately, they could only move in geometric patterns and could only see three yards in front of them and couldn’t stop a boy dressed up like a paranoid elf from sneaking into the castle garden, but they were the best he could find. Then the King took his self-fashioned army and conquered the fair city-states of the Zoras and the Gorons, and created for himself the Kingdom of Hyrule so he could rule it and feel good about himself. At first Din was happy about this, for it would be the end of the ferocious and brutal Gorons who threaten the very existence of her art project, but then the King decided to live in perpetual harmony with his newly-conquered people and Din was a tad furious about it all. Then, with the fate of her work of art in mind, Din decided to do something about the Goron problem. To elaborate on her scheme she paid a geometry professor from Kakariko University to design a cool triangular energy contraption to be used for her own mischievous designs. Thus the legendary golden trio of triangles was created: the Triforce!
  • Hyrule is the biggest part PHILIPS, full of castles, forests, deserts and kings. After Hyrulian Civil War it was split in two pats: West and East Hyrules. West Hyrule belongs to the King of Hyrule and East Hyrule belongs to Squadala Empire.
  • Fast alle Zelda Titel spielen im Königreich Hyrule, bis auf Mayora’s Mask, Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons und Phantom Hourglass.
  • In other words, it's mostly a cartoonish craphole. Hyrule was founded by Gandalf with Don Ramon's help during the war against Sauron and his army of Glutkos. It was destroyed in the fourth YTP War due to a combination of invading forces and economic collapse.
  • The Kingdom of Hyrule is a very large and older nation at more than 200 days old with citizens primarily of Caucasian ethnicity whose religion is Confucianism. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Hyrule work diligently to produce Oil and Pigs as tradable resources for their nation. It is a mostly neutral country when it comes to foreign affairs. It will usually only attack another nation if attacked first. Hyrule is currently researching nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but believes nuclear weapons should be banned. The military of Hyrule has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. Hyrule allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest law breakers. It has an open border policy, but in order for the immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. Hyrule believes in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizens right to speak freely about their government. The government gives foreign aid when it can, but looks to take care of its own people first. Hyrule will not make deals with another country that has a poor history of inhuman treatment of its citizens.
  • Le Royaume d'Hyrule est le monde imaginaire qui sert de cadre à la série de jeux vidéo The Legend of Zelda créé par Shigeru Miyamoto de la société japonaise Nintendo.
  • thumb Hyrule es un Reino ubicado en Otro universo, el cual aparece durante la serie Ben and Link Adventures como uno de lso lugares mas recurrentes. es un extenso terreno gobernado principalment pero la familia real, aunque con lideres terrenales como el rey Zora, para los terrenos de lso Zora y Ganondorf en el terreno de las ladronas Gerudo. Segun sus legendas este lugar fue creada por 3 diosas: Nayru, Din y Farore.
  • Hyrule ha aparecido en la mayoría de juegos de la saga The Legend of Zelda, así como en The Legend of Zelda: Ocarine of Time, The Legend of Zelda (juego) y The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, sufriendo casi siempre ligeras variaciones, mayoritaríamente el cambio de las localizaciones.
  • Hyrule is a fictional land in the Legend of Zelda series, and therefore, its fan-films.
  • A beautiful place where nothing bad ever happens. Oh, and Ganondorf and other Bad People tend to try to conquer it. But Link is usually there to save the day. Usually. Unless it's PIEDAY. Doesn't Hyrule look so pretty? Don't you see why Ganondorf wants it so badly?
  • Hyrule is the Name of Several kingdoms on different Continents of a world in The Legend of Zelda series. It first appeared in The Legend of Zelda for the NES in the 1980s, and has reappeared in most games of the series since then regardless of being unrelated Hyrules in different game worlds. At least being referenced to in the games in which it's not present. Outside of the series it has been featured in games such as Super Smash Bros. and its sequels Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
  • Hyrule is a magical kingdom 12 blocks from the Mushroom Kingdom. It is home to various races and provinces. It is famed for its creation by the three Golden Goddesses: Nayru, Din, and Farore. Also, it is the home of the famed Hero of Time, Link, his arch-nemesis Ganon, and the former Gerudo King Sage. Mario, Brock, and Gary travel to Hyrule in search of Link so they can use him to defeat Ganondorf. They hear the sound of a horse and choose to follow it.
  • Hyrule is the area the the Zelda series takes place in. Hyrule's areas are different from game to game, but almost always has these areas: Hyrule Castle, Hyrule Castle Town, Kakariko Village, Lake Hylia and Hyrule Field. It is home to various races including the Hylians which mainly live in Hyrule Castle Town and Kakariko village, the Zoras which predomiatly live in Zora's River, the Gorons which live on Death Mountain, the Gerudo which live in the Gerudo desert, the Kokiri which live in the Kokiri forest and the humans which live in Ordon Village. They are traditionally ruled by the Hyrule Royal family which consists of Princess Zelda and usually her father the king allthough she has been shown to have a brother before. Sometimes it is also ruled by a tribunal with each race having their own monarchy such as Princess Ruto of the Zoras.
  • Hyrule is the name of an alternate world from that of the PCG Universe. It is the setting of the Legend of Zelda series of video games, as well as a few paper computer games. Several elements from Hyrule have seeped into the PCG Universe.
  • The great kingdom of Hyrule stands as a recovering country after nearly a decade of darkness. It sports various regions, including a lush forest, volcanic mountain, and peaceful lake. Currently, the only accessible versions of Hyrule (without the help of the Wormhole) is the one from Twilight Princess and the adult timeline version from Ocarina of Time.
  • thumb|330px|Karte von Hyrule aus OOT. Hyrule (ハイラル Hairaru?) ist das sagenumwobene, fiktive Land in dem sich die meisten Spiele der Videospielserie The Legend of Zelda abspielen. Der Name kommt aus dem Englischen "High rule" also hohe (höhere) Regel, bzw. Ordnung. Was das zu bedeuten hat, weiss wohl niemand außer Shigeru Miyamoto, der Erschaffer von Zelda, er hatte den Namen in seiner Kindheit in Geschichten, die er sich selbst erfand, benutzt. Was allerdings merkwürdig ist, ist, dass Hyrule in allen bisherigen Spielen eine andere Anordnung von meist bekannten Stellen hat: viele immer wieder kehrende Spielelemente sind: der Hylia-See, das Dorf Kakariko, Schloss Hyrule und die umgebende Stadt, der Todesberg, auf dem Goronen leben, der verwunschene Wald (oft Verlorene Wälder genannt), das Habitat der Dekus und Kokiris und der Zorafluss, von dem das Trinkwasser in Hyrule kommt, und in dem (meistens) die Zoras leben. Manchen Spiele wie Link's Awakening oder Majora's Mask spielen nicht in Hyrule, sondern in anderen Ländern oder sogar Welten, allerdings gibt es dort auch Zoras, Goronen, Dekus, und (im Falle von The Wind Waker) Ornis. Aber in diesen Ländern gibt es keine Hylianer, welche sich von "normalen" Menschen nur darin unterscheiden, dass sie spitze Ohren haben. (Ausnahme dazu ist Majora's Mask, da in diesem Spiel die selben 3D-Charactermodels benutzt wurden wie in Ocarina of Time, welches in Hyrule spielt.
  • Hyrule è una terra bagnata a sud da un mare senza nome, a est coperta da milioni di monti sconosciuti, a ovest pure e a anche nord. È la terra principale dove sono state girate le vicende dei giochi della saga The Legend of Zelda. Nel 1946 venne svolto un referendum per scegliere tra monarchia e repubblica, che si concluse con la schiacciante vittoria della prima. Abitata da più di 29 persone, ha come capitale Quella città importantissima ma di cui nessuno ricorda mai il nome e ha come seconda città Kakariko, un villaggino popolato per lo più da mendicanti e fratelli che sono sempre gemelli. L'economia è principalmente di Coccò, polli squisiti ma che se provi a metterli in padella loro ti sbudellano in gruppo.
  • Hyrule is a small country in Europe, full of castles, forests, deserts, volcanoes, mountains and kings. After Hyrulian Civil War it was split in four parts: West, East, North and South Hyrule. West Hyrule belongs to the The King and East Hyrule belongs to Squadala Empire. North Hyrule belongs to Bowser. South Hyrule belongs to Fake Bowser ,Fake Robotnik and Somebody.
is Heimatland of
is Heimat of
is Región of
is Fundort of
is Orte of
is Dislikes of
is encontrado en of
is greaterloc of
is Verbindungen of
is Procedencia of
is Homeland of
is Found of
is Town of
is Origin of
is Affiliation of
is Habitat of
is Lugar of
is País of
is Country of
is Region of
is Hometown of
is fundado en of
is Known Affiliations of
is Aufenthaltsort(e) of
is encontrados en of
is Localización of
is Land of
is Home of
is Homeworld of
is lugar nacimeinto of
is Ubicación of
is related places of
is Nationality of
is Location of