  • Nell
  • NELL
  • Nell
  • Nell
  • |}
  • Nell – mieszkanka Przylesia Wielkiego, córka Nokesa, żona Kowala i matka Neda oraz Nan, bohaterka opowiadania J. R. R. Tolkiena Kowal z Przylesia Wielkiego. Nell brała udział w Uczcie Grzecznych Dzieci, w czasie której Kowal Kowalczyk połknął Gwiazdkę. Wcześniej chłopiec podarował jej srebrną monetę ze swojego kawałka tortu, gdyż dziewczynka sama nic nie znalazła. Po wielu latach od pamiętnej Biesiady, Nell pobrała się z Kowalem i razem doczekali się dwójki dzieci: chłopca Neda i dziewczynki Nan. Kobieta prawdopobnie zajmowała się domem i wychowywaniem dzieci, w szczególności córki, podczas gdy Kowal pracował w swoim warsztacie i podróżował. Nell wraz z dziećmi wiedziała o istnieniu Gwiazdki, gdyż czasami ukazywała się im na czole Kowala.
  • Nell was a male Human smuggler during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
  • Nell is the great-great-granddaughter of Clayton Brassey.
  • La banda NELL cuyo nombre hace referencia a la película del mismo nombre estrenada en el año 1994, se formo en 1999, esta consta de cuatro miembros: Lee Jae Kyung, Jung Jae Won, Lee Jung Hoon y Kim Jong Wan. En enero de 2001 lanzan su primer álbum llamado "Reflection Of Nell" y en septiembre sacan el segundo titulado "Speechless", estos dos bajo el genero indie.
  • Nell, is a level 70 horse located at the final Plagues Grain Crate in the Culling of Stratholme wing of the Caverns of Time. He, Pepper and Bartleby Battson arrived in Stratholme after receiving a grain shipment from Andorhal.
  • Nell (Japanese: キャサリン Catherine) is an Orange Star CO. She is also the player's instructor in field training and assists the player in Campaign by giving hints and strategical advice. Her little sister Rachel takes Nell's place as the player's advisor in Advance Wars: Dual Strike. Nell attended military school with Grit and Max.
  • Nell is a servant in Castle Britannia with a secret. Prior to Ultima VII, Nell had an affair with Lord British while she also was engaged to Carrocio. Once it became clear that she got pregnant, she and Lord British decided to keep the matter silent and let Carrocio be the father. Between Ultima VII and Underworld II, she did marry Carrocio in a big wedding in the castle and gave birth to a son. After her parents retired at the same time, she started to have much more duties.
  • Nell was a powerful witch who lived in the 1920s. She once created a painting with a latin incantation as underwriting to trick the warlock Malcolm into reading it with his power of X-Ray Vision, thus trapping him inside the painting.
  • Nell is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. He is a Hylian encountered by Link at the Akkala Bridge Ruins in the Akkala Highlands region. Link encounters Nell fighting a Moblin on the broken bridge leading to the Akkala Citadel Ruins. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Nell was released in 1994 and directed by Michael Apted. It stars Jodie Foster, Liam Neeson, and Natasha Richardson. The movie opens with Jerome Lovell (Neeson), a doctor, joining Sheriff Todd Peterson as they come upon a cabin in the woods and discover the passing of the only resident there. The cabin is located alone, deep up in the woods of North Carolina. While looking around, Jerome comes upon Nell (Foster), who has had no experience with humans other than her mother and dead twin sister. Nell speaks her own hybridized language and while she competently handles household tasks in the real world she is also living in a fantasy. Since she is of age, the local medical center want to have her come in and study her believing her to be a real Wild Child. (Technically, since she wears clothe
  • Nell ist ein NSC, eine der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar die Hapideidin des Teamgeistes. Elle fait en sorte que les membres d’un même groupe restent toujours soudés, même face aux difficultés. C’est donc grâce à elle s’ils partagent leur réussite autour de quelques bonnes chopines... ou s’ils se les balancent en chœur en cas de défaite ! Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Nell beschützt den 15. Maisial.
  • 70
  • Advance Wars, Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising, Advance Wars: Dual Strike.
  • Bibliotempel
  • [-4,-24]
  • 1743.750000
  • * Reden
  • Willfull Students
  • Beast
  • Alive
  • N/A A&F2
  • Nell
  • Criminal
  • File:Nell.gif
  • Where The River Meets The Sea, Part Three
  • Ebene von Cania
CO power
  • Lucky Star
S CO power
  • Lady Luck
Power Meter
  • File:AdWar-Sml.pngFile:AdWar-Sml.pngFile:AdWar-Sml.pngFile:AdWar-Med.pngFile:AdWar-Med.pngFile:AdWar-Med.png
  • High Luck
  • See Slayer
  • Breath of the Wild
  • Quest
  • 27911
  • Moors of Ykesha
  • LU56
  • Downtime
  • Im Tempel
  • 8982
  • |}
  • Nell was released in 1994 and directed by Michael Apted. It stars Jodie Foster, Liam Neeson, and Natasha Richardson. The movie opens with Jerome Lovell (Neeson), a doctor, joining Sheriff Todd Peterson as they come upon a cabin in the woods and discover the passing of the only resident there. The cabin is located alone, deep up in the woods of North Carolina. While looking around, Jerome comes upon Nell (Foster), who has had no experience with humans other than her mother and dead twin sister. Nell speaks her own hybridized language and while she competently handles household tasks in the real world she is also living in a fantasy. Since she is of age, the local medical center want to have her come in and study her believing her to be a real Wild Child. (Technically, since she wears clothes, cooks her food and lives in a house, she's not.) A judge holds a hearing after Jerome spends some time observing Nell from afar. He decides to grant a three month continuance to further clarify whether Nell can live by herself in the cabin or has to go to a medical hospital. The center sends Paula Olsen (Richardson), a psychology student, as a representative to observe and study Nell while Jerome takes it upon himself to continue to observe and study her as well. Gradually, Jerome begins to interact with Nell and Nell soon begins to interact with both Jerome and Paula. They eventually learn from Nell that she had a twin sister who died when she was young. When a newspaper reporter learns of, and comes upon Nell in her cabin, Jerome and Paula decide it is safest to take Nell to the medical hospital. This decision is forced when a helicopter representing a television crew comes upon the cabin. When she arrives at the medical center, things go bad for Nell. The movie resolves in a court room scene where the argument of Nell belonging in the medical center or being able to live in her cabin comes to a head.
  • Nell – mieszkanka Przylesia Wielkiego, córka Nokesa, żona Kowala i matka Neda oraz Nan, bohaterka opowiadania J. R. R. Tolkiena Kowal z Przylesia Wielkiego. Nell brała udział w Uczcie Grzecznych Dzieci, w czasie której Kowal Kowalczyk połknął Gwiazdkę. Wcześniej chłopiec podarował jej srebrną monetę ze swojego kawałka tortu, gdyż dziewczynka sama nic nie znalazła. Po wielu latach od pamiętnej Biesiady, Nell pobrała się z Kowalem i razem doczekali się dwójki dzieci: chłopca Neda i dziewczynki Nan. Kobieta prawdopobnie zajmowała się domem i wychowywaniem dzieci, w szczególności córki, podczas gdy Kowal pracował w swoim warsztacie i podróżował. Nell wraz z dziećmi wiedziała o istnieniu Gwiazdki, gdyż czasami ukazywała się im na czole Kowala.
  • Nell was a male Human smuggler during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
  • Nell is the great-great-granddaughter of Clayton Brassey.
  • Nell is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. He is a Hylian encountered by Link at the Akkala Bridge Ruins in the Akkala Highlands region. Link encounters Nell fighting a Moblin on the broken bridge leading to the Akkala Citadel Ruins. Link can assist him by defeating the Moblin and Nell will reward with a random item. Then if Link talks to Nell, he reveals that he came to Akkala to visit the Akkala Citadel Ruins. He explains that during the Great Calamity after the fall of Hyrule Castle, the remaining Knights of Hyrule and Hyrulean Soldiers fell back to the Akkala Citadel where they made their valiant last stand against Calamity Ganon's force of monsters and Guardians. One of the soldiers was Nell's ancestor. He had come to pay homage to him, but was unable to reach the citadel due to the broken bridge and the patrolling Guardians. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Nell ist ein NSC, eine der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar die Hapideidin des Teamgeistes. Elle fait en sorte que les membres d’un même groupe restent toujours soudés, même face aux difficultés. C’est donc grâce à elle s’ils partagent leur réussite autour de quelques bonnes chopines... ou s’ils se les balancent en chœur en cas de défaite ! Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Nell beschützt den 15. Maisial. Wenn du mit dem Geist von Nell sprechen möchtest, dann musst du ihr eine Opfergabe darbringen.Nell ist Hauptdarstellerin in der Quest "Opfergabe für Nell". Eine Übersicht aller 365 Opfergaben-Quests findet sich unter Almanax.
  • La banda NELL cuyo nombre hace referencia a la película del mismo nombre estrenada en el año 1994, se formo en 1999, esta consta de cuatro miembros: Lee Jae Kyung, Jung Jae Won, Lee Jung Hoon y Kim Jong Wan. En enero de 2001 lanzan su primer álbum llamado "Reflection Of Nell" y en septiembre sacan el segundo titulado "Speechless", estos dos bajo el genero indie.
  • Nell is a servant in Castle Britannia with a secret. Prior to Ultima VII, Nell had an affair with Lord British while she also was engaged to Carrocio. Once it became clear that she got pregnant, she and Lord British decided to keep the matter silent and let Carrocio be the father. She first spoke about her duties, then her family. Her father was Benny, the head butler, her mother Boots, the kitchen chef, and her brother Charles, another servant. When mentioning her child, she almost revealed her secret but then composed herself and said that she and Carrocio wanted to marry as soon as he could afford a marriage ring. She asked the Avatar to keep her pregnancy secret from her brother. Between Ultima VII and Underworld II, she did marry Carrocio in a big wedding in the castle and gave birth to a son. After her parents retired at the same time, she started to have much more duties. In Ultima Underworld II she was locked into the castle with the others, hoping that her son, who was with her husband, was all right. Nell reported to the Avatar, that she had heard a male voice chanting a spell in the throne room at 4:00AM, shortly before the Blackrock Dome locked in the castle. She also took part in Nanna's servant strike, until the Avatar solved the situation.
  • Nell, is a level 70 horse located at the final Plagues Grain Crate in the Culling of Stratholme wing of the Caverns of Time. He, Pepper and Bartleby Battson arrived in Stratholme after receiving a grain shipment from Andorhal.
  • Nell was a powerful witch who lived in the 1920s. She once created a painting with a latin incantation as underwriting to trick the warlock Malcolm into reading it with his power of X-Ray Vision, thus trapping him inside the painting. His warlock girlfriend, Jane Franklin, then spent seventy years trying to free him, eventually bringing the painting to Prue Halliwell. After Prue became trapped inside the painting, Malcolm tricked her and her sisters into releasing him. However, he and Jane were later sucked back into the painting along with Phoebe after Jane set the painting on fire. While the sisters escaped, the warlocks remained trapped and burned to death along with the painting.
  • Nell (Japanese: キャサリン Catherine) is an Orange Star CO. She is also the player's instructor in field training and assists the player in Campaign by giving hints and strategical advice. Her little sister Rachel takes Nell's place as the player's advisor in Advance Wars: Dual Strike. Nell attended military school with Grit and Max.
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