  • Termina
  • Termina
  • Termina
  • Termina
  • Link's journey through Termina begins at the main gates of the Clock Tower. It's the capital city of the country and most of the Hylian population resides here. There are four main gates that point towards various locations of Termina. The North Gate aims toward Snowhead and the Goron Shrine, the South Gate leads to Romani Ranch and Woodfall, the West Gate heads towards Great Bay and Zora Hall, and the East Gate beholds the haunted Ikana Valley.
  • Termina is the setting of Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
  • Termina is an alternate version of Hyrule that was created through tiny cracks in space from which the energy that the three goddesses used to create Hyrule escaped. It is said that there are millions of these alternate worlds. Link comes here after pursuing the Skull Kid wearing Majora's Mask, an ancient and evil mask filled with great power that the Skull Kid stole from the Happy Mask Salesman. After falling into a hole, Link finds himself in the Clock Tower, the very center of Termina's central community, Clock Town. Link soon discovers that he has been transformed into a deku scrub by the Skull Kid. He then embarks on a journey to transform himself back into a human and later to save Termina from a falling moon.
  • A parallel universe to Hyrule, Termina is the setting for Majora's Mask. A solitary clocktower stands in the middle of the central town, and many Hylian-like races live here. A great festival is supposed to be held here, but there are strange rumors about the moon.
  • Termina is a nation located near to Minecraftia and the worst enemy of Hyrule, North Korea and many other nations. Termina is a place of darkness, death and destruction governed by Majora since it achieved to rule Termina after crashing the moon on it.
  • Termina is some place no one cared about somewhere far away that was attacked by a floating mask that threatened to crash the moon into it but was saved by Link. It was destroyed by a comet 3 days later. 'Who knew the moon had a face?'
  • Termina est l'environnement où le joueur se retrouve plongé au cours de ses péripéties dans le jeu The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. C'est la seconde fois dans la série des jeux Zelda, après Link's Awakening, que l'action ne se déroule pas dans les contrées d'Hyrule. Le scénario raconte le fait que la lune menace de s'écraser sur ces terres au terme de 72 heures. Ce monde est principalement divisé en 5 parties :
  • Die heiligen drei Göttinnen erschuffen das Land Hyrule, Termina und andere Länder. Die Göttinnen haben die gesamte Lebenswelt erschaffen, nicht nur Termina und Hyrule. Eine Geschichte berichtet von den vier Giganten, die Götter der Sümpfe, der Berge, des Meeres, des Canyons und des gesamten Landes von Termina. Diese Vier sind die jeweiligen Beschützer ihrer Territorien und des gesamten Landes. Der Schutzgott (einer der vier Giganten) der Sümpfe ist gleichzeitig der Anführer. Sie erschufen das gesamte Land und erbauten mithilfe einiger Menschen Unruh-Stadt. Zu Ehren der vier Giganten feiern die Einwohner von Unruh-Stadt einmal im Jahr ein Maskenkarneval, an dem die meisten Einwohner Terminas teilnehmen. Und das lief seit sehr vielen Jahren. Unruh-Stadt wurde von den Vier Giganten erbaut wor
  • Termina (タルミナ Tarumina?, Talmina) is the land where the story of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask unfolds. After the events of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link searches for Navi in the Lost Woods. However, he is ambushed by a Skull Kid wearing a strange mask known as Majora's Mask. Chasing after the Skull Kid, Link falls down a hole inside a tree, and wakes up in Termina.
  • Termina (タルミナ Tarumina) est le pays dans lequel se déroule l'histoire de Majora's Mask. Après les évènements du jeu Ocarina of Time, Link pars a la recherche de Navi (la fée qui accompagne Link dans Ocarina of Time) et rencontre Skull Kid dans ce qui semble être les bois Perdus. Skull Kid s'empare d'Epona ainsi que de l'ocarina du Temps, et alors que Link tente de les récupérer, il tombe dans un trou à l'intérieur d'un arbre et se retrouve à Termina.
  • In the world of Termina, are two continents. Both of them are inhabited by humans, but neither continent knows that the other existed. Desch, the Wintry Nation, has become the most powerful country on West (West is the name of the Western Continent). And the time has come for the Prime Minister to pass on his Sorceror powers to his successor. Once he chose his successor he passed his powers to him. But that was a mistake. The new leader, Bliz has new plans for the country. He doesn't plan on being kind and caring to his people. He wants to rule West. So he then launches a war on the bordering two countries, Omaph to the south, and Yimr to the east. And soon after he conquers both countries, he sends out the air force to explore the "endless" ocean for islands to annex to Desch. And while t
  • Termina is a location in Chrono Cross. It is the crowning city of El Nido, constructed on the northeastern corner of the isle after the settlement of the islands by colonists from mainland Zenan. To villagers in Arni, it was considered an affluent, gleaming city. A stark contrast to the wooden, natural town of Guldove, it was sculpted out of white stone and concrete in a terraced slope approaching the sea. At the base of the sea, where the superstructure met the water, several docks allowed quick access to the sea, while provisions were made above for many types of commercial shops and residential housing. Termina was also constructed to allow a stream descending from mountains to allow intercity travel and add to the stunning scenery of the sea; one could see the shore and visions of sun
  • Fierce Deity Majora
Race(s) dominante(s)
Première Apparition
Erster Auftritt
  • Majora's Mask
technology tier
  • Tier 8 - Metal Working Technology
  • Hylia, Cespugli Deku, Goron, Zora ecc.
Spin Off
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Termina
  • Termina
  • Termina
  • Location
  • Territory
  • Termina
  • Ein Artwork aus Majora's Mask
  • A map of the location.
  • A map of Termina
  • Possibly a democratic association of independent city-states
  • 0
  • Varied
  • 6
  • B
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • Majora's Mask
  • Termina
  • 950000
  • Terminan
  • Terminian
  • Varied
  • Termina's Map
related places
  • Clock Town
  • 0
  • Play with us if you can!
  • yes
  • Rubine
"Majora's Mask 3D"
  • 250
faction control
  • Lords of Midnight
cluster location
  • Legend of Zelda
magic classification
  • Class 6.5 - Bare/Rudimentary Magic
  • Link's journey through Termina begins at the main gates of the Clock Tower. It's the capital city of the country and most of the Hylian population resides here. There are four main gates that point towards various locations of Termina. The North Gate aims toward Snowhead and the Goron Shrine, the South Gate leads to Romani Ranch and Woodfall, the West Gate heads towards Great Bay and Zora Hall, and the East Gate beholds the haunted Ikana Valley.
  • Die heiligen drei Göttinnen erschuffen das Land Hyrule, Termina und andere Länder. Die Göttinnen haben die gesamte Lebenswelt erschaffen, nicht nur Termina und Hyrule. Eine Geschichte berichtet von den vier Giganten, die Götter der Sümpfe, der Berge, des Meeres, des Canyons und des gesamten Landes von Termina. Diese Vier sind die jeweiligen Beschützer ihrer Territorien und des gesamten Landes. Der Schutzgott (einer der vier Giganten) der Sümpfe ist gleichzeitig der Anführer. Sie erschufen das gesamte Land und erbauten mithilfe einiger Menschen Unruh-Stadt. Zu Ehren der vier Giganten feiern die Einwohner von Unruh-Stadt einmal im Jahr ein Maskenkarneval, an dem die meisten Einwohner Terminas teilnehmen. Und das lief seit sehr vielen Jahren. Unruh-Stadt wurde von den Vier Giganten erbaut worden.
  • Termina is the setting of Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
  • Termina (タルミナ Tarumina) est le pays dans lequel se déroule l'histoire de Majora's Mask. Après les évènements du jeu Ocarina of Time, Link pars a la recherche de Navi (la fée qui accompagne Link dans Ocarina of Time) et rencontre Skull Kid dans ce qui semble être les bois Perdus. Skull Kid s'empare d'Epona ainsi que de l'ocarina du Temps, et alors que Link tente de les récupérer, il tombe dans un trou à l'intérieur d'un arbre et se retrouve à Termina. On considère en général Termina comme étant un monde parallèle à celui d'Hyrule, notamment parce que les habitants de Termina sont les sosies de ceux d'Hyrule, que l'on rencontre dans Ocarina of Time. Termina est technologiquement plus avancé qu'Hyrule, possédant des caractéristiques modernes telles qu'un groupes de rock, un maire, une horloge, des boutiques touristiques, une loterie, la photographie, et même des plans pour voyager dans le pays.
  • Termina is an alternate version of Hyrule that was created through tiny cracks in space from which the energy that the three goddesses used to create Hyrule escaped. It is said that there are millions of these alternate worlds. Link comes here after pursuing the Skull Kid wearing Majora's Mask, an ancient and evil mask filled with great power that the Skull Kid stole from the Happy Mask Salesman. After falling into a hole, Link finds himself in the Clock Tower, the very center of Termina's central community, Clock Town. Link soon discovers that he has been transformed into a deku scrub by the Skull Kid. He then embarks on a journey to transform himself back into a human and later to save Termina from a falling moon.
  • In the world of Termina, are two continents. Both of them are inhabited by humans, but neither continent knows that the other existed. Desch, the Wintry Nation, has become the most powerful country on West (West is the name of the Western Continent). And the time has come for the Prime Minister to pass on his Sorceror powers to his successor. Once he chose his successor he passed his powers to him. But that was a mistake. The new leader, Bliz has new plans for the country. He doesn't plan on being kind and caring to his people. He wants to rule West. So he then launches a war on the bordering two countries, Omaph to the south, and Yimr to the east. And soon after he conquers both countries, he sends out the air force to explore the "endless" ocean for islands to annex to Desch. And while the air force is gone, Bliz walks over to the elderly Ex-Prime Minister and kills him. Once the air force returns they tell him about a "new" continent. And so then Bliz aims to control Termina.
  • Termina est l'environnement où le joueur se retrouve plongé au cours de ses péripéties dans le jeu The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. C'est la seconde fois dans la série des jeux Zelda, après Link's Awakening, que l'action ne se déroule pas dans les contrées d'Hyrule. Le scénario raconte le fait que la lune menace de s'écraser sur ces terres au terme de 72 heures. Ce monde est principalement divisé en 5 parties : Le Nord, pouvant être associé à la Glace ; L'Est, pouvant être associé à la Terre ; Le Sud, pouvant être associé à la Forêt ; L'Ouest, pouvant être associé à l'Eau ; Le Centre où l'on trouve Bourg-Clocher, la ville dans laquelle l'aventure débute.
  • A parallel universe to Hyrule, Termina is the setting for Majora's Mask. A solitary clocktower stands in the middle of the central town, and many Hylian-like races live here. A great festival is supposed to be held here, but there are strange rumors about the moon.
  • Termina is a location in Chrono Cross. It is the crowning city of El Nido, constructed on the northeastern corner of the isle after the settlement of the islands by colonists from mainland Zenan. To villagers in Arni, it was considered an affluent, gleaming city. A stark contrast to the wooden, natural town of Guldove, it was sculpted out of white stone and concrete in a terraced slope approaching the sea. At the base of the sea, where the superstructure met the water, several docks allowed quick access to the sea, while provisions were made above for many types of commercial shops and residential housing. Termina was also constructed to allow a stream descending from mountains to allow intercity travel and add to the stunning scenery of the sea; one could see the shore and visions of sun and sand from nearly anywhere in the establishment. At the head of the tallest echelon, with back to the sea, stood a statue of Lord Viper, cleaned daily by the Statue Cleaner. Under the leadership and protection of the Acacia Dragoons, the town flourished for one hundred years. In 1020 A.D., it prepared to celebrate its 100th anniversary; during that year, the city was host to Van and Gogh, a miser and painter, Zappa and Zippa, the blacksmith and his wife, John and his friends, a hero in training, Greco and Romana, caretakers of the cemetery, Lisa and her father, Elements salespeople, the Barkeep of the Dragon's Tail bar, famous for its squid-gut pasta, and many other colorful citizens. The festival was also slated to feature the rocking Magical Dreamers group, with Nikki and Miki at the helm. Once Kid traveled back in time to save Serge and the dimensions split, the history of Termina took a different turn. In Home World, the Acacia Dragoons were led on a doomed expedition to the Dead Sea by Lynx and perished; this left Termina for the taking. Porre capitalized on their disappearance and invaded El Nido, placing Termina under martial control. The colorful posters and banners that once hung around the city's architecture were replaced by artillery and gun emplacements, and the air of the city become one of militaristic dullness. The disappearance of Karsh in the Dead Sea adversely affected Zappa, who eventually closed up shop by 1020 A.D. Gogh also became a painter instead of a financier, leading his son to explore ways of making money. Serge eventually visited the city to find Norris; while there, he recruited Zappa and Van into his party. Norris eventually loaned them his boat. In Another World, Serge found the city as it made preparations for the Viper Festival. He talked to Guile, Pierre, and later Nikki, eventually selecting one of them to infiltrate Viper Manor with. He also helped a salesman of Viper Churros set the price of his good, and witnessed a Mermaid trapped by an enterprising exploitation artist. Serge met Korcha as well; the boy later saved him after the Viper Manor raid turned sour. Serge then returned in a matter of days after Kid was found to be poisoned; he met Glenn, Zappa, and Greco at this time, and also contended with an overseer who complained about his docking there. After Serge's body was switched with Lynx, he found Karsh and Zoah hiding at the Dragon's Tail bar; they related the story of Lynx's doublecrossing Lord Viper, and concocted a plan to rescue his daughter Riddel and reunite with the others. Porre had erstwhile conquered the city in the absence of the Dragoons; though it was not converted to represent its depressing counterpart in Home World, the activities of the Viper festival were nonetheless frozen to a halt by the presence of armed soldiers in every part of the city. The citizens did not take kindly to the soldiers, as the barkeep who shielded the Devas attested. Porre tried and failed to shut down Zappa's smithy as well; Serge later returned with Zappa from Home World so that the two could learn how to forge Rainbow Shell items.
  • Termina (タルミナ Tarumina?, Talmina) is the land where the story of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask unfolds. After the events of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link searches for Navi in the Lost Woods. However, he is ambushed by a Skull Kid wearing a strange mask known as Majora's Mask. Chasing after the Skull Kid, Link falls down a hole inside a tree, and wakes up in Termina. Because many of the people and creatures Link meets in Termina are almost identical in appearance to certain inhabitants of Hyrule, Termina is often thought of as a parallel world to Hyrule. This is never directly stated in the game, though the manual does call Termina a parallel world. In-game legends state that the land was created by the Four Giants. In the official Hyrule Encyclopedia, it is stated that Termina is nothing more than a figment of the Skull Kid's imagination brought to life by the mask, and that once the mask was defeated and Link left, Termina ceased to exist. In Termina, the races do not have a common king who governs the entire land, but instead have individual leaders. The Terminans are arguably more technologically advanced than contemporary Hyruleans, to the point of developing photography and plans for prototype rockets. Every year the Terminan races celebrate the Carnival of Time in the central settlement of Clock Town. They do this in honor of the Four Giants who, according to legend, created the land and still guard it. The Triforce and the Hylian pantheon are apparently not worshiped and may not be known of at all. However, the builders of Stone Tower would appear to know of the Triforce, as depictions of it can be found on the underside of the floating blocks in the tower. The Triforce symbol can also be found on pillars in Ikana and the side of Termina Field closest to the tower. Their origin is never confirmed, but they are covered in markings identical to those found in Stone Tower.
  • Termina is a nation located near to Minecraftia and the worst enemy of Hyrule, North Korea and many other nations. Termina is a place of darkness, death and destruction governed by Majora since it achieved to rule Termina after crashing the moon on it.
  • Termina is some place no one cared about somewhere far away that was attacked by a floating mask that threatened to crash the moon into it but was saved by Link. It was destroyed by a comet 3 days later. 'Who knew the moon had a face?'
is Terre Natale of
is Lieu of
is Homeland of
is Found of
is Town of
is Origin of
is Country of
is vendor of
is Region of
is Aufenthaltsort(e) of
is Pays of
is Land of
is related places of
is Location of
is Se trouve dans of