  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • LUNA
  • LUNA
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Back-row physical attacker. She can deal a lot of damage to an enemy.
  • [[Categor%C3%ADa:Astrología]] [[Categor%C3%ADa:Astrología occidental]] [[Categor%C3%ADa:Planetas]] [[Categor%C3%ADa:Plantilla]]
  • L'article sur LOSTpedia EN
  • Sol systeem, Sol sector (Sector 001), Alfa kwadrant
  • Luna is one of the main protagonists of Zoey - The Pokemon Trainer who debuted in the fifth chapter, as a girl travelling to [[Morrow[[ from the Unova Region.
  • It is unknown if this moon was terraformed, had enclosed colonies or if it was just as simple as people needing space suits.
  • La Luna o Warth fatato è un satellite simile alla Luna del mondo reale.
  • Luna (commonly known as the Moon) is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter.
  • Luna is a diminutive sorceress, now the leader and chief strategist of the Lunataks. Because of her small form, she is carried around and cared for by Amok, her servant.
  • Czas świtu nadszedł A ona nadal świeci Piękna, zmysłowa, tajemnicza I smutna Otulona bólem... Jak najpiękniejsza z najpiękniejszych Niczym ten księżyc W górze, z marzeniami Siedziała zamyślona I zeszła na ziemię Po raz kolejny Styka się Z tą okrutną rzeczywistością I krwawi I przeklina siebie Choć dla mnie zawsze będzie idealna Image:CC-BY-SA icon.svg cc-by-sa
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural del planeta Tierra. Las horas están en UTC.
  • Desde la versión 1.2.4, la luna influye en el poder de la pesca, ya sea aumentándolo o reduciéndolo (mientras más llena esté, mejor para la pesca, y viceversa).
  • Las lunas aparecen en el juego como consecuencia de grandes batallas en un planeta. Los hay una pequeña proabilidad de que los escombros se junten para producir una luna.
  • Luna was seemingly a small child Ratchet and Clank met at the Jowai Resort on Pokitaru, whom was busy doing a school project on heroes. __TOC__
  • Luna was a human colony on Earth's moon. It was an independent government, and was home to the city of Imbrium, as well as the headquarters of Juke Limited.
  • Luna is the Mana Spirit of the moon. She resembles a fairy, with wings behind a teardrop-shape housing a female face holding a glowing sphere. Luna is mysterious and strange, She appears with little character development unlike the others, who have at least a personality associated with them. She tends to be dreamy at most.
  • Luna est l'une des protagonistes durant le jeu Ratchet & Clank: La Taille ça Compte où elle apparaît sous deux jougs différents malgré ces traits de jeune enfant. Elle est tout d'abord, une simple jeune fille qui se fait kidnappé, puis une série d'évênement la propulse au rang d'ennemi numéro 1.
  • Luna este singurul satelit natural al Pământului, și al cincilea ca mărime din Sistemul Solar. Este, totodată, cel mai mare satelit natural al unei planete din Sistemul Solar raportat la mărimile dintre acesta și planeta Pământ, având un sfert din diametrul Pământului și 1/81 din masă. Luna este al doilea satelit ca densitate din Sistemul Solar după Io, unul dintre sateliții lui Jupiter. În rotația sa sincronă în jurul Pământului, Luna prezintă aceeași față a sa, cu mici schimbări. Priveliștea selenară cuprinde conuri vulcanice întunecate, zone de pământ și cratere de impact.
  • Luna is a minor character appearing (to date) only in WarioWare: Touched! She is a young-looking girl with long blue hair tied in a bunch behind her head, who is the evident proprietor of Diamond City's local confectioner's shop, the Sweet Spot. Luna placed 4th for her singing in the weekly Top 5 chart list on Ear Candy, a popular music station on the Diamond Broadcasting System (DBS), suggesting that she may also uphold a musical career.
  • ​ Luna is a Peggle master introduced in Peggle 2.
  • Luna is an Aerial Beauty robo appeared in Custom Robo GX and Custom Robo Arena. She is a Normal Style robo in GX and a Speed Style robo in Arena. It is primarily used by Hitomi in GX, but general NPCs use her in Arena.
  • Luna (lat. für Mond) ist der einzige Trabant der die Erde umrundet. Dieser befindet sich im Sol-System .
  • Luna ist eine braun und rote Schildpattkätzin mit einer weißen Schwanzspitze und grünen Augen.
  • Es el único satélite natural de la Tierra y el quinto satélite más grande del Sistema Solar. Es el satélite natural más grande en el Sistema Solar en relación al tamaño de su planeta, un cuarto del diámetro de la Tierra y 1/81 de su masa, y es el segundo satélite más denso después de Ío.
  • La Luna es un sprite que aparece durante la Noche. La Hierba o los Brotes no crecen bajo la luz de la luna a menos que haya una Antorcha (regular o de Redstone) o de otra fuente de luz artificial cerca, sin embargo tampoco se marchitarán o secarán a la luz de la luna. La Luna ilumina los bloques más altos durante la noche de la misma manera que el Sol que los ilumina durante el día, pero la luna sólo los ilumina a una intensidad luminosa de 4, en lugar de intensidad luminosa de 15 en caso del sol.
  • Luna es probablemente un científico de Black Mesa que estaba alojado en los dormitorios del nivel 3 en el Ala Sur de Black Mesa. Allí él/ella comparte la habitación 304 con Reardon.
  • Ben 10:Revoluccion del Tiempo
  • Claro que es Chilena!
  • Luna's full name is Luna Paws and she trains cats for various shows. She lives in the center lodge in Westwood Lake with her 3 cats, Sunny, Starry and Spacey
  • Date of Death: February 28th, 1865
  • Luna is a planet in the Washu System. It is the only habitable planet in the system and is the only thoroughly explored one. It is home to the nations of Veridia, Sakandia, and Jamakuel. It has an estimated population of under 200,000,000. It is rich in Veridianum, an element used for power that is only found on Luna. It was discovered by Jim McCoy and the crew of Freedom's Journey, where they founded the nation of Veridia. Later, many corporations attempted to establish Veridianum mining operations on the planet, but were ordered off by a coalition of the three nations.
  • Luna znana także jako Księżyc jest jedynym naturalnym satelitą Ziemi. Ludzie zaczęli osiedlać się na Lunie w roku 2080. Ze względów gospodarczych nie został on terraformowany. Księżyc ma niską grawitacją i jest pozbawiony atmosfery. Osiedla na Lunie ma są szczelnie zamknięte i połączone ze sobą tunelami. Przed 2492 organem rządzącym na jedynym naturalnym satelicie Ziemi były Zjednoczone Stany Luny, państwo w morzu księżycowym Mare Nubium (Morze Chmur) , dopóki nie przekształciły się w Stan Mare Nubium . W morzu księżycowym jest położona Akademia OSC, znana także jako Akademia w Mare Nubium.
  • Image:Luna_01.JPG|Luna Maximoff (Earth-616)
  • Luna (also known as Black Boobs and Tuna) (born 2013) is the daughter of Poopyjohn and is the youngest dog currently kept at the Ridgway Residence.
  • Luna - serbska piosenkarka
  • Luna Firewatcher
  • Luna es un miembro del clan Legión Sagrada.
  • Luna is a character of Pokémon: Battle Frontier.
  • Luna is a house cat in Nuka-World in 2287.
  • Luna is the name of Earth's only moon.
  • Luna es una locación ficticia de la novela canónica "Bad Twin", escrita por el pasajero del 815, Gary Troup.
  • Nieve also has a pet rabbit named Luna.
  • Luna is a female Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus who appears in How to Fight a Dragon's Fury. She was Furious's second in command, but when he went away, he left Luna in charge. It is under her reign that the dragons disappear. She is white and glows, hence her name.
  • Luna (plural Lunaj, accusative singular Lunan, accusative plural Lunajn) 1. * (astronomy) lunar
  • Luna is a mistic lolkitten, a protagonist in Lolcats the Prequel, and the first deuteranogist in a lolcat film She appears in the final film as a new member of The LOLs and helps the team defeat Dunecat. She has mental powers so she can see a map to the lair, enemies's profiles and weaknesses, and dangers along the way, all in her mind
  • Una luna, è un qualunque corpo celeste che orbiti attorno ad un corpo diverso da una stella. Tipicamente, i giganti gassosi possiedono estesi sistemi di satelliti, mentre i pianeti terrestri ne hanno pochi. La maggior parte dei satelliti ha avuto origine nella stessa regione del disco protoplanetario in cui ha avuto luogo la formazione del suo corpo madre Tra le lune celebri della galassia di Star Wars spiccano le lune di Yavin ed Endor, su cui si consumò la disfatta dell'Impero Galattico.
  • Sistema Sol, Settore Sol (Settore 001), Quadrante Alfa
  • "Let's fly!" "I hope you know some tricks to steer." "Woah! Not good. Coming through! *Crashes*" "R-rocky P-portal pup I hope Y-you learned how to fly a flying scooter. and portal pup? Please be a good sister and aid the time team in their travels. G-good bye *Dies*"
  • In the year 2001, the first Monolith discovered by Humanity was discovered on the surface of the moon. The Lunar colonies were established in the later half of the 21st century.
  • Luna invariable [ˈluna] 1. * Catégorie:Astronomie Lune, satellite naturel de la Terre * Luna nueva nouvelle Lune * el halo de la Luna le halo de la Lune * Luna llena pleine Lune * Luna creciente o decreciente Lune croissante ou décroissante * ladrar a la Luna litt. 'aboyer à la Lune', manifester bêtement et vainement sa colère contre quelqu'un ou quelque chose que l'on ne peut offenser ou à qui on ne peut causer de tort références * , cartes 843, 844
  • "Tonight? I just woke up! Can't we relax for an hour?" -Luna complains to Fira about the light show Luna is a light-talent fairy who is friends with Fira. She is the glue that keeps Iridessa and Fira together. She appears at the beginning of Fira and the Full Moon.
  • Luna is the less parochial name for The Moon, Earth's only natural satellite. Luna is the fifth largest natural satellite of any celestial body in the Sol system, second only to Charon, relative to its primary. It is also the setting for many works of science fiction.
  • Ellen Ripley was born in Olympia on January 7, 2092.
  • ==== "Awarded to people who raised a dinomon dinosaur that eventually expressed the Space Division phenotype"==== ~Adoptable Guide The Luna is the Space Division Leader and could be awarded when a user got a space division Terasaur or Carnodon.It is now retired.
  • Luna is Commander Zion's wife who is presumed to be dead but Zion still knows that she's alive and living on Earth to guard the body of Le-ar. To stay alive, she communicates with her husband by a projection. She's a stepmother of Cervano, her husband's biological son. After the final battle, she stays on Planet Earth as she guards the destroyed tomb of body of Le-ar and she told Cervano that even after his father's death, he can stay on Earth.
  • "When magic was created, straight from the power of the essence of the universe, it was said to be cold, like space. That is why the Goddess Lunar, although very powerful in magic, was cold herself, and dotted her planet with ice and snow. It is said that Lunar has never known love, and that is why her people are in discord. As the Shamanists and the Eucar grew in their magical powers, so too, would they grow apart in ways. And the planet was renamed, from the plural Lunar (meaning: many love the goddess), to a simpler singular form of the Lunaris language Luna (meaning: only I love the goddess)."
  • The Moon is believed to have been created when a Mars-sized planetesimal (designated Theia by 20th century astrophysicists) collided with Earth in its early history. The first known Moon landing was in 1969. Goddard Moonbase was established in 1997, with permanent settlements established over the next decade. (Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology; TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky) In Star Trek Star Charts, the first lunar colony was establised in 2039.
  • [[Archivo:Jakku-TFA.png|thumb|250px|right|Las lunas de Jakku]] «No es luna luna. Es una estación espacial.» ―Obi-Wan Kenobi, observando la primera Estrella de la Muerte Una luna era un cuerpo celeste que daba vueltas alrededor de un planeta. Un planeta podía tener varias lunas orbitando alrededor de ella, como por ejemplo Hoth o Iego—que fue apodado el "Planeta de las Mil Lunas". Al igual que los planetas, las lunas tenían una variedad de terrenos, de roca estéril a bosques frondosos. Algunas lunas eran habitables, como las lunas de Naboo, que en algún momento tuvo minas de especias.
  • Luna is one of the six elemental witches in Luminous Arc 2: Will, carrying the title of Tide Witch(Witch of Affectionate Water in japanese version).
  • La Luna è l'unico satellite naturale della Terra. La Luna ha un diametro di 3476,2 km ed una gravita pari a 1/6g (sei volte inferiore alla gravità della Terra). L'uomo ha cominciato a stabilirsi sulla luna dal 2080 d.C.; al tempo delle battaglie della Terra venne evacuata; sulla superficie è presente una scuola militare dell'UNSC, l'Accademia della Marina. Nel 2492, la Luna è governata dagli Stati Confederati della Luna. Nella confederazione di stati è compreso pure lo Stato di Mare Nubium. L'Accademia di Mare Nubium è situata sul satellite.
  • Luna was the name of the sole moon orbiting Earth, the third planet in the Sol system. The human race referred to Luna as "the Moon" for many centuries. The first men landed on the moon in July 1969. The moon was colonized in the late 21st century. Mining operations took place at this time. Two of the well-known cities were Tycho City and New Berlin.
  • Luna (often simply referred to as "The Moon") is Earth's only natural satellite and the first extra-terrestial object reached by humans. Exploration of Luna has its origins in the mid-20th century, courtesy of the space race between the United States and USSR. While the subject of much study and manned exploration, these space programs had completely shut down by the late 22nd century due to drastically reduced budgets and incessant political sabotage. With the coming to power of the United Powers League however, interest in space exploration was renewed, ensuring that the moon had become colonized by the mid to late 23rd century.
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra. Es el astro más cercano a nosotros (la distancia media entre el centro de la Tierra y la Luna es de 384.400 km.) y el mejor conocido. Su diámetro es de menos de un tercio del terrestre (3.476 km), su superficie, una decimocuarta parte (37.700.000 km²), y su volumen alrededor de una quincuagésima parte (21.860.000 km³).
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Luna/preload editintro=Luna/editintro width=25
  • Früher wurde der Mond vor allem als Helium-3-Quelle genutzt. Heute werden dort Materialien für Weltraumstationen abgebaut. Mit den Material vom Mond wurden zwei Dutzend große Stationen an den L4- und L5-Lagrange-Punkten der Erde gebaut.
  • Luna, retratado por Sandra Blázquez, es un carácter en Cambio de Clase. Luna cuando empieza a hablar no puede detener lo que lleva a la canción Flight of the Bumblebee para jugar en el fondo y lleva a la persona(s) de que está hablando a dormirse. Ella es la persona más excenrica. Ella tiende a cualquier chismes alrededor.
  • Luna was a female human who managed the Selûne's Smile tavern in Waterdeep in the 1350s DR. Luna was in truth an avatar of the goddess Selûne, the Moonmaiden, who dwelled among mortals occasionally.
  • LUNA da sinistra Pollux 4c Abracadabra 5b Lost 5b La corda magica 6a+ Ugo petaso 5+ Cassiopea 5+ Mizar 5b Pleiadi 6a+ Cygnus 6a Antares 5+ Castor 5+ Delphinus 6b
  • Luna is the name of the moon in Bear in the Big Blue House.
  • Luna is the moon of Terra, a smaller astronomical body orbiting the planet. It has story significance in several settings.
  • 2492年当時、マレ・ヌビエムがこの衛星を統治していた。ルナ・OCS・アカデミーという施設があったが、これは別名「マレ・ヌビエム・アカデミー」として知られていた。
  • Luna nació bajo el nombre de Park Sun-Young en Seúl, Corea del Sur el 12 de Agosto de 1993. En 2006, SM Entertainment, contrató a Luna después de ver su presentación en el programa de televisión de SBS, “Truth Game”.
  • Luna (called Lil' Witch in GBA/DS versions) is a witch who is an unlockable character in the video game Shrek Super Slam. Her Super Slam is that she jumps on her broom and drops explosive magic bottles.
  • La Luna fu una delle creazioni del Vala Aulë costruito per preservare e conservare la radianza dell'ultimo frutto dorato di Telperion e in seguito posto come luminare del cielo, dopo l'Ottenebramento di Valinor. Il vascello della Luna è guidato da Tirion, un Maia di Oromë.
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra. Es el cuerpo más cercano y el mejor conocido. La distancia media entre el centro de la Tierra y la Luna es de 384.400 km. Su diámetro (3.476 km) es de menos de un tercio del terrestre, su superficie es una catorceava parte (37.700.000 km2), y su volumen alrededor de una cincuentava parte (21.860.000.000 km3).
  • In the 33rd Century, the moon was inhabited, covered with a series of domed cities. One such city was called Nowhere. Time Traveler Two visited there briefly, enjoying the low gravity. ("Beyond the Time Machine") Close to the end of Earth's habitable period, the moon had been broken into a series of shards, still orbiting the Earth, which collectively resembled Weena's flower. ("The Time Machine: A Sequel")
  • Luna is one of the villains of Testimonial Midgard 2. She is the leader of Dissonance. She was recruited by Hikaru shortly after he formed the guild at the beginning of the Asgard Era. Luna is an excellent programmer, however she was able to found and lead Dissonance due to her shrewd plotting tactics and her own philiosophy.
  • In the manga, Sailor Tin Nyanko says that Luna, Artemis and Diana are creatures of the planet Mau.
  • Tries to hide emotion, act as cold as ice (pun intended) but inside is really soft, hyper, and bubbly. Isn't willing to learn much. Cooperation isn't her strong point.
  • Kategoria:Szkic right|250px Luna Maximof - córka Quicksilvera i Crystal,jedna z Inhumans.
  • The Luna first appeared in the Star Trek novel "Titan".
  • Although just recently introduced, Luna has quickly become one of the central characters of the Fan-Ball stories. She is the wife of Revelian, and the two have a child. She tends to be a supporting character, helping out the others in their adventures. Her most important appearances are in Corruption and Wrapping Things Up.
  • Luna (ルナ Runa?) is a fictional character in Namco's Soul series of fighting games. She appears in Soulcalibur III's side-quest mode Chronicles of the Sword as the player's enemy and rival thorough the mode. She's also an unlockable Bonus Character in the main game. She represents the "Chinese Blade" Create-a-Fighter discipline.
  • thumb|La Luna. La Luna (月, Tsuki) o también conocida como Prisión de los Seis Caminos (六道の獄, Rikudō no Goku) es un cuerpo planetario que flota sobre la Tierra, y se muestra sólo en la noche. La luna fue creada por el primer Jinchūriki, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki y su hermano Hamura Ōtsutsuki, a través del Seis Caminos — Chibaku Tensei.
  • thumb|La Luna. La Luna (月, Tsuki) o también conocida como Prisión de los Seis Caminos (六道の獄, Rikudō no Goku) es un cuerpo planetario que flota sobre la Tierra, y se muestra sólo en la noche. La luna fue creada por el primer Jinchūriki, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki y su hermano Hamura Ōtsutsuki, a través del Seis Caminos — Chibaku Tensei.
  • Luna was a somewhat crazy warrior from Zimagrad who could shapeshift into a wolf. She was killed by Yamatian forces.
  • Luna est un personnage récurrent dans la troisième saison de The 100. Elle est interprétée par Nadia Hilker et fait ses débuts dans l'épisode "Join or Die".
  • La Luna (月 TsukiJap) gira alrededor de la tierra convirtiéndose entonces en su satélite en el universo de Dragon Ball al igual que su contraparte de la vida real. Es el habitat de muchos conejos blancos (haciendo alusión a "El Conejo en la Luna") y su importancia es que ha hecho que los Saiyajin con cola se transformaran en su forma de Ozaru.
  • LUNA steht für die Liga Unabhängiger Naturvölker. Dieses Bündnis auf Corigani ist wie der Bund der Blumen auf dem benachbarten Segment Karcanon ein neutrales Bündnis von Lichtreichen, das zunächst keine Anstalten machte, gegen die Heere der Finsternis in den Krieg zu ziehen. .
  • [Source] Luna était une Twi'lek qui se battait pour Cham Syndulla dans la Résistance Twi'lek durant la Guerre des Clones. Elle mourut pendant la bataille de Ryloth et fut enterrée dans une tombe avec son nom gravé en Aurebesh sur celle-ci.
  • Luna is a retired member of the Habbo Staff. Luna worked alongside Kedo, the former Hotel Manager. They were in fact "BFFs" (best friends forever). She was thought of as a talented pixel artist, and a great singer. She went to be on American Idol, with the hopes of winning. It is unknown whether she did or not, but it is probably a no.
  • The Moon (La Luna) es el personaje principal de las series Cheese Dreams
  • Luna is a plushie guardian whose mission was to gather the Sailor Scouts to battle the evil Queen Beryl. Eventually she becomes Sailor Luna after being close to Sailor Moon for too long, exposing her to the Silver Crystal's powers.
  • "Luna, lunae f." ist ein lateinisches Wort, das Mond bedeutet. Im Heiligtum von Sol bewachte Lunas Abbild den Eingang zu den Elementar-Sternen.
  • right|thumb|200px|Luna Satélite de la Tierra. A mediados del Siglo XXI se construyó la Colonia de Nueva Berlin
  • Luna, often referred to as the Moon, is the only natural satellite of Earth.
  • thumb|La Luna en spore vista desde La Tierra La Luna es el satélite natural de la Tierra en la vida real. En Spore tambien es el satélite de la Tierra. Posee especia amarilla y es de naturaleza rocosa por lo cual sus fenomenos serian: cometas y geiseres de rocas
  • Luna Weird is a fae, and a member of the Weird Sisters. She is the sister of Fate.
  • By the 22nd Century, Luna was an independent nation on the Earth's moon. It was wealthy enough to send a large team to Mimas, a moon of Saturn, for the Sixty-sixth Winter Games. They were also wealthy enough to have their athletes train there in the low-g environment prior to the Games.
  • La Luna es un lugar de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy. Es el satélite natural del planeta Tierra, habitado por Gente de la Luna y Lunarobots, siendo también el lugar donde se sitúa la Base Lunar del Comando KND. Actualmente, la mayor parte de su superficie se compone de queso después de que la mayor parte de su superficie original fuera destruida.
  • Luna is the Hex Girls' keyboardist and back-up singer along with Dusk.
  • Luna is Earth's one and only moon. It has no atmosphere, therefore it cannot support human life.
  • Luna (ルナ Runa?) is the Summon Spirit of Moon, one of several spirits who represent Light. Luna has appeared in several games of the series as a character and cameo, and is able to be summoned through the Luna arte. Luna is opposed by Shadow, the Summon Spirit of Darkness, and shares the element of Light with Aska and Rem. In Tales of Rebirth, Luna is replaced by Gilione, the Sacred Beast of Light. She appears as a woman in all incarnations, and in most incarnations, she appears riding atop a crescent moon.
  • Luna is a single appearing character. She appears in the episode "Attack of the Killer Kung-Fu Wolf Bitch". As a child, Luna grew up with a father who was abusive to her mother, and had multiple horrible relationships with abusive men throughout her adult life. Her best friend, Nicole (who never appears on-screen), constantly feeds the already emotionally unstable Luna bad advice, such as telling her the men are completely at fault and that they should be severely punished, even killed.
  • thumb|201px|Luna."Aber, ich konnte meinen Kumpels doch noch gar nichts von euch erzählen, von euren Heldentaten und so. Luna outet sich als Verräterin. Luna war ein Roboter der Technomiten, welcher sich als kleines Mädchen tarnte, um an Ratchets DNA zu kommen, damit Imperator Otto Zerstörer eine ganze Armee von Ratchets erschaffen konnte. Sie hatte eine Klappe in ihrem Hinterkopf, durch die die Technomiten in das Kommandozentrum gelangen konnten. Dank ihres eingebauten Repulsores konnten sie Luna auch als Schiff verwenden.
  • She is friends with Alexandra. 1661 heidiklum.jpg|Luna
  • Lunas are the elite versions of the Small Shield in Diablo II.
  • Luna – czarodziejka, człowiek, bohaterka standardowa w Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest. Czarodziejka, człowiek, bohaterka standardowa w Heroes of Might and Magic II. Elementalistka, człowiek, bohaterka standardowa w Heroes of Might and Magic III: Odrodzenie Erathii - w dodatku Heroes of Might and Magic III: Ostrze Armagedonu.
  • . Help help me! . Luna. Luna was a robot puppet made by the technomites. lookings. Luna has blue overalls , a pink baby t shirt , yellow shoes wich fire exits, an antenna and a teddy bear on her back.
  • Luna is a location that appears in Bad Twin, a metafictional novel written by Oceanic Flight 815 passenger Gary Troup.
  • Luna (シェリー, Sherī, Sherry en japonais, Shari en anglais, Montse en espagnol, Uta en allemand, Nini et italien) est un singe, plus précisément un singe saïmiri, présent dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer.
  • Adorkable Luna (Princess Luna) is a character in the "Adorkable Twilight & Friends" series.
  • The Fat Guy ultimately ate the moon, becoming larger than the Earth in the process. However, its added gravity caused him to fall in towards the Sun. (The Perfect One comic: "The Perfect One: His Own Story")
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra y el quinto satélite natural más grande del Sistema Solar. Las Fases y las sustancias de la Luna son muy útiles en el mundo mágico.
  • La Luna è un pianeta e la Terra è il suo satellite. In questo modo la Luna può captare i segnali di Sky in chiaro e vedersi anche i pornazzi criptati la notte (quando da noi è giorno).
  • La Luna es la sola luneta natural de la Tera. La distantia promedia de la Tera a la Luna es 384,399 cilometres, o sirca 30 veses la diametre de la Tera. A esta distantia, lus de la sol vade de un a la otra en 1.3 secondos. La diametre de la Luna es 3,474 km, o 3.7 veses plu poca ce la Tera, un numero ce fa la Luna la luneta la sinco plu grande en la sistem solal, ambos en diametre e en masa, pos Ganimede, Titan, Callisto, e Io. La atrae de gravita de la Luna es la cosa ce crea la mareas en la Tera. La Luna fa un orbita completa de la Tera cada 27.3 dias, e varias periodal en la jeometria de la Tera-Luna-Sol sistem es ce crea la fases de la Luna ce repete cada 29.5 dias.
  • Luna is the planet of Magic. The Shamanists of Rose Online live there. As opposed to Junon, Luna features a cold and freezing climate. Most monsters seem to be adapted to the tough climate with thick layers of furs such as Mammoths or Yetis. To travel here, you need to be at least level 41, but it's rather difficult to fight the monsters in Luna if you're level 49 or below.
  • File:Luna 2.png Luna is the fourteenth girl unlocked in the game. She is unlocked after having level 42 at both the Meditation (Wisdom) and Skydiving (Luck) hobbies. You encounter her via summoning her as a mistake. You mispronounced a word in a pie summoning spell and summoned her instead. The requirements listed here are from Steam version 0.48.
  • Luna is a girl who appeared in the 1979 anime episode Suneo's Romance. She is a movie actress who ran away from the set to see Mount Fuji and Suneo had agreed to take her there.
  • Luna ist ein Hund in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Sie ist einer der beiden Hunde der Bosmer Ganredhel und lebt mit dieser in ihrem Haus in Cheydinhal. Sie hat eine Partnerin namens Daisy.
  • thumb|130px|Logo TV Luna Luna bola slovenská televízna stanica. Vysielať začala 27.11.1999 Vysielanie ukončila 24.9.2001
  • Luna este regina de pe Solaria, fosta soţie a lui Radius şi mama Stellei.
  • Luna The Moon Wolf is a gigantic white wolf from the ‘Amulet of Avantia’ miniseries of books of BeastQuest. She is a female wolf-Beast that turns all the animals in the forest vicious on the full moon. She had several, small cubs. Tom retrieved her part of the Amulet after getting her to impale herself on a branch and slash near her eyes with is sword. She fell down, in a position that blocked the magical light of the full moon, and turned back to her ghost mode. Without her main source of power, Luna was defeated.
  • Location: Milky Way / Local Cluster / Sol System / Earth <default>Colony</default> Human Prerequisite: Level 20 (Mass Effect)
  • Luna (no original, Luna) é uma micronação, existente até hoje. Categoria:Micronações
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra. Los seres humanos comenzaron a establecerse en la Luna en 2080. Debido a su rostro aún estéril se puede decir que no había sido terraformada, probablemente a consecuencia de la baja gravedad de la Luna y a la falta de atmósfera en ella. En cambio, los hábitats de la Luna estaban sellados al vacío e interconectados por tubos. En 2492, el Consejo de Administración de la Luna era conocido como Estados Confederados de la Luna; Mare Nubium era uno de ellos. La Academia OCS de la Luna, también conocida como Academia en la Mare Nubium, se encontraba aquí.
  • Luna is major satellite of the planet Earth in the Sol System. Unlike most satellites it is comparably large when compared to the planet it orbits creating a system that's almost a binary planet. Also as the satellite of the human homeworld it was the first body reached and colonised by that race, first in 1969 by Neil Armstrong. It is the homeworld of the Lunites.
  • Because of its low gravity, lack of a magnetic field, and proximity to the sun, it is very problematic for the Moon to hold on to a dense atmosphere; nitrogen, which is the main "buffer gas" on Earth, would be blown away by the solar wind. The moon may have no water, and if it does it will have very little [3]. The only way to increase the amount of water is to redirect small, icy asteroids on a collision course with the Moon, which is also possible with current technology - on paper - but has not been demonstrated in the field.
  • As the largest-appearing celestial body visible from Earth's surface, Luna played an important role in just about every culture on the planet. Humans eventually managed to set foot on its surface in 1969 CE, within the first decades of the Space Age. Luna was colonized by humans in the first half of the 21st Century CE. Tensions between the colonists and the governments back on the homeworld eventually led to the outbreak of the Lunar Revolt in 2064 CE, or 38 Ante Diaspora. (HH8)
  • Quando una gran battaglia si verifica nei pressi di un pianeta, i detriti della/e navi (e nell’universo Hydra anche delle difese) distrutte, sono l’azione della forza di gravità si aggregano in un solido, freddo, piccolo corpo che orbiterà intorno al pianeta stabilmente: una luna. Sulla luna si possono costruire le seguenti strutture: § Fabbrica dei robot § Cantiere spaziale § Deposito di metallo § Deposito di cristalli § Cisterna di deuterio § Avamposto lunare § Falange di sensori § Portale iperspaziale Ci possono essere 4 risultati: 1. Luna distrutta, flotta sopravvissuta
  • La Luna es el hogar de los Lunarians y los conejos de la luna, y la tierra natal de Eirin Yagokoro, Kaguya Houraisan, y Reisen Udongein Inaba. En la era moderna los Lunarians y los conejos de la luna luchaban una guerra contra los humanos invasores de la tierra, pero basado en Silent Sinner in Blue esta invasión fue todo un fracaso. El camino entre la luna y la tierra solo existe durante la luna llena, y es por eso que Eirin y Kaguya conspiraron para ocultarla durante los sucesos de Imperishable Night. * Books and articles: * Perfect Memento in Strict Sense: Capital de la Luna
  • La Luna (Moon en la versión inglesa) es un lugar de The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Antes de los acontecimientos del juego, Skull Kid usó el poder de la Máscara de Majora para dirigir el curso de la Luna hacia Termina. La Luna se acerca lentamente, impactando en el Día Final. Algunos de los habitantes de la Ciudad Reloj intentan huir de la colisión, algunos no creen que caerá, y otros se resignan al cataclismo inminente. La Luna tiene una expresión facial furiosa o loca, haciendo que sea considerada el personaje más terrorífico que Nintendo haya creado. En una declaración de los Gemelos, ellos indican que la Luna no se parecía a como era antes de las acciones de Skull Kid. No se sabe si la Luna tenía una cara antes de los acontecimientos del juego.
  • Moon rocks fall into two main categories, based on whether they underlie the lunar highlands (terrae) or the maria. The lunar highlands rocks are composed of three suites: the ferroan anorthosite suite, the magnesian suite, and the alkali suite (some consider the alkali suite to be a subset of the mg-suite). The ferroan anorthosite suite rocks are composed almost exclusively of the mineral anorthite (a calic plagioclase feldspar), and are believed to represent plagioclase flotation cumulates of the lunar magma ocean. The ferroan anorthosites have been dated using radiometric methods to have formed about 4.4 billion years ago.
  • Satelite natural que orbita alrededor de la tierra. A pesar de ser el objeto más brillante en el cielo luego del Sol, su superficie es en realidad muy oscura, con una reflexión similar a la del carbón.
  • Luna was a mercenary who was part of Santana's team whom Santana considered his 'good luck charm'. He is very religious and unlike the rest of his crew, kind, showing empathy towards the female prisoner and sadness when she was killed. He is the youngest mercenary in Santana's crew and also the most inept at his job, judging by the way he combat glides and holds his weapon it is likely he has no military experience whatsoever and was brought on by Santana as just an extra body.
  • 200px|thumb|left|El modelo geocéntrico mostrado por el Clan Ohara Fue vista a menudo durante escenas de la noche. También es llamada Fairy Vearth por Enel. Aparece a través de la serie, pero la primera vez que la luna fue vista era el Capítulo 28 cuando Kuro la uso como señal de realizar sus plan de tres años. La luna sin embargo, era estéril y rocosa sin formas de vida pero los Piratas Espaciales escavaron aquí y los Autómatas intentaron combatirlos. La luna parece estar accesible en el mundo de One Pice. Enel logró ir allí, y cuatro Autómatas lograron ir allí al viajar en globos
  • Name: Luna Alter: unbekannt Identität: Beraterin von Prinzessin Serenity/Bunny/Sailor Moon(Katze) Familie: Eltern: unbekannt zukünftiger Mann: Kater Artemis zukünftige Tochter: Kätzchen Diana Frauchen: Bunny Tsukino Aussehen: Luna ist eine schwarze, elegante, sprechende Katze mit einem gelben Halbmond auf der Stirn und einem rosa Stubsnäschen. Sie hat ein weiches und gelänzendes Fell und wirkt sehr anmutig. Verwandlungszauber: gibt es keinen Zaubersprüche: gibt es keinen Abneigungen: Bunnys tolpaschigkeit und faulenzerei Krieg und Chaos Wenn Artemis anderen FRauen hinterherschaut
  • La Luna de la Tierra ha sido un símbolo para los humanos desde siempre. Sin embargo, para el siglo 31, la Luna es tratada como una aburrida roca arenosa. Está llena de animales como lagartos espaciales (1ACV02) y un Gusano Lunar (4ACV08), y lugares donde van los humanos como el parque de diversiones Luna Park y una granja hidrofónica donde se ordeñan buggalos. Todo lo que esté afuera del Luna Park es considerado aburrido.
  • 'This Utau is in for looking for a voice provider that's why there so many question marks and if you 'are intresed in have your vocie for this Utau please contect me on here or on DeviantArt (Shiro-Night) This article is a candidate for deletion because I don't want any more Utau's I rather stick with two Utau If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talk:Candidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {{<a href="/mediawiki/Template:Delete" title="Template:Delete">delete</a>}} tag.
  • Luna, junto con Apolo, son los lideres de los robots alienígenas que llegaron a la Tierra en busca de la energía de las plantas para traer de vuelta a su planeta. Cuando Luna y su grupo llegan a la Tierra, la primera persona a la que conocen es el Dr. Wily. Wily convence a los alienígenas para que lo ayuden a conquistar el mundo, diciéndoles que es la única forma de salvar su hogar. Mediante el uso de su tecnología alienígena, comienzan a drenar la energía de las plantas de todo el mundo, por lo que rápidamente crecen y se marchitan. Wily lo utiliza para chantajear al mundo, diciendoles que si no cumplen sus demandas, todas las plantas, y en el proceso, todos los seres vivos morirán.
  • Luna, die Mond-Reiterin, ist eine Agilitäts-Heldin aus DotA und Dota 2. Sie ist eine Fernkämpferin der Radiant und reitet auf ihrem Reittier Nova in die Schlacht. Zudem ist Luna die Heldin mit der höchsten Standardgeschwindigkeit des Spiels. Im Spiel kann Luna die Rolle einer Nukerin und eines Carrys übernehmen. Lucent Beam schädigt und betäubt Gegner und die passive Fähigkeit Moon Glaive lässt die Gleven von Luna bis zu fünf Mal innerhalb eines Radius zwischen Gegnern hin und her springen, um einen flächenartigen Schaden zu bewirken. Jedoch ist die Anzahl der getroffenen Gegner genauso begrenzt wie die Reichweite. Die ebenfalls passive Fähigkeit Lunar Blessing erhöht den Schaden umstehender Einheiten und erhöht zudem auch Lunas eigene Nachtsicht. Lunas Ultimate Eclipse verursacht um sie h
  • Luna was originaly used for Linden World, a theme park sponsored by Linden Lab for residents to build amusement rides in, along with Coney. When the Linden World idea was scrapped due to somewhat disinterest Luna was converted into a shopping sim. The trolly that runs through the city sims also makes a stop in Luna.
  • Luna is the moon of planet Earth. As such it was one of the first celestial bodies to be colonized by humans. An early station, the Luna Station was not constructed for a permanent settlement, nor with a possibility of an internally expanding population in mind. Ass all resources, space and time are valuable, apeople received living visas to come and were gene-typed. In the early 22nd century Luna was connected with other settlements on Mars and Titan thanks to the shuttle Sagan, one of the first Impulse engine ships. Luna Station was lost after 2219 during the Great Pandemics.
  • Categoria:LuoghiLa Luna in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask è manipolata dallo spietato Skull Kid che la vuol far precipitare su Termina in tre giorni. Se riuscirà nell'intento ed il satellite colliderà con il suolo si giungerà ad un Game Over Totale, ovvero si resetterà il gioco. Man mano che i giorni scorrono la luna si avvicinerà sempre più. La Luna ha un'espressione facciale perennemente arrabbiata e spaventosa: non si sa se questa sia la vera espressione della Luna o se sia dovuta all'influsso magico della Maschera di Majora.
  • thumb|La luna conocida como White Lady.‎ thumb|La luna conocida como Blue Child. [[Imagen:AzerothGlobe.jpg|thumb|El planeta de Azeroth visto desde Halls of Lightning con sus dos lunas.]] El mundo de Azeroth tiene dos lunas: Draenor también tiene sus propias lunas, una de ellas conocida como Pale Lady (la Dama Pálida).
  • Luna (jap. ルナ Runa) – mówiąca kotka i doradczyni Usagi Tsukino. To ona po raz pierwszy wykryła moc Usagi, ale w tym czasie nie zdawała sobie sprawy, że to właśnie ona była Księżycową Księżniczką. Luna i jej partner Artemis byli doradcami Królowej Serenity w Srebrnym Milenium, a gdy królestwo zostało zniszczone Serenity użyła mocy jej Srebrnego Kryształu, aby wysłać oba koty do przyszłości na Ziemię, aby obudziły wojowniczki, które miały chronić Księżniczkę. Luna przebudziła Ami Mizuno, Rei Hino i Makoto Kino i ich tożsamości jako wojowniczki, a także przebudziła Usagi jako Sailor Moon.
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre étymologie * du latin lūna(m)Catégorie:Issu du latin, protoroman */'lun‑a/ () * formes médiévales : (XIe s.) luna (, , en ligne)Catégorie:Occitan médiéval * : lunoCatégorie:graphie mistralienne * cognats ou correspondants dans d'autres langues : esp., it. id. ; cat. lluna ; pt. lua * singulier : luna [ˈlyno̞] * pluriel: lunas [ˈlyno̞s] prononciations et variantes * l., m., rh. : [ˈlyno̞] * niç., mtp. : [ˈlyna] * d. : [ˈlyno̞], [ˈlynə], [ˈlyna] * Béziers, Agde, Sallèles-d’Aude, Saint-Martin-Lalande : [ˈlœno̞] * fux. : lhuna * g. : lu
  • Luna ist eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im portugiesischen Zoo Lisboa (Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa). Luna wurde etwa 1990 im Krüger-Nationalpark in Südafrika geboren. Zusammen mit der gleichaltrigen Nina kam sie im Alter von ungefähr drei Jahren in den Zoo Lissabon, wo sie seitdem lebt. Mit ihnen reisten weitere Jungtiere aus Südafrika, die drei Kühe Reguila (gest. 1995), Saiwa und Etosha sowie der Bulle Shaka. Im Zoo lebten bei Ankunft von Luna und ihren Begleitern die ältere Afrikanerin Wanda, der junge Bulle Shorty sowie das im Jahr 1991 aus Südafrika geholte Kälberpaar John und Jane. Aufgrund der zunehmenden Platzknappheit durch Wachstum der jungen Elefanten auf einer ziemlich kleinen Anlage wurden 1996 Shaka und die Kühe Saiwa und Etosha nach Duisburg abgegeben, Wanda und Shorty reiste
  • thumb|left|116pxLuna ist ein kleines talentiertes aber schüchterndes Mädchen. Sie hat einen Zwillingsbruder Leo. Sie hat ein Drachenmal auf dem Arm (eine Kralle). Sie besitzt ein Feen-Deck.Sie lebt in einem riesigen Haus aber ihre Eltern sind nie da.Sie kümmert sich um Leo aber sie sagt es ihm nicht . Sie streiten sich fast immer. Sie hatte eine Einladung zum Fortune Cup aber sie wolllte sich nicht duellieren.Dann ist Leo eingesprunge verlor jedoch in der ersten Runde gegen Greiger. Dann gab es eine Jokerrunde. Goodwin beschloss dass zwei Verlierer noch einmal gegeneinander antreten. Der Gewinner darf im Cup bleiben. De Wahl fällt auf Luna und dem Professor dieses mal kann Luna nicht kneifen da Goodwin herrausfand dass Leo spielte.Sie hällt sich wacker gegen den Professor.Dann bringt er s
  • thumb|Luna, der Mond der Erde. Luna ist der einzige natürliche Trabant der Erde. Der Mond befindet sich im Sol-System, welches sich im Sektor 001 des Alpha-Quadranten befindet. Der Mond hat ungefähr das gleiche Alter wie die Erde. Die Oberfläche des Mondes ist von vielen Kratern übersät. Die Menschen auf der Erde sind schon immer vom Mond fasziniert gewesen und haben schon früh mit der Erforschung von Luna begonnen. Im 20. Jahrhundert beginnen die Menschen den Mond mit Sonden zu erforschen. (TOS: )
  • Luna und Leo waren bereits drei Jahren alt, da wurde Luna als Wunderkind, das sich gut mit dem Duellieren auskannte, bekannt. Sie ist dann während eines Duells in ein Koma gefallen. Einen Monat war Luna dann ohne Bewusstsein, aber nicht ohne Grund, denn sie war während dieser Zeit mit ihrem Bewusstsein in der Welt der Duellgeister. Dort lernte Luna Antiker Feendrachen kennen. Luna versprach diese Welt zu beschützen, doch hatte sie zu große Angst, die Welt der Duellgeister ganze alleine zu beschützen. Leo ruft ständig nach seiner Schwester und schien sie dadurch wieder zum Erwachen gebracht zu haben. Als sie wieder in ihre Welt zurückkehrte, hat sie ihre Erinnerungen verdrängt, damit sie mit der Schuld, den Antiker Feendrachen und die anderen Duellgeister in Stich gelassen zu haben, weiterl
  • Luna es el nombre tradicional de la luna de Terra y el hogar de miles de millones de personas que viven en los cráteres lunares. Los humanos empezaron a usar Luna como centro científico y como Manufactorum durante la Era Oscura de la Tecnología, para que después pasase a ser un punto de paso del hombre hacia otros planetas o estrellas. Pese a que en la Era de los Conflictos había quedado vacía y desolada, con la llegada del Emperador Luna había conocido un renacimiento.
  • Luna was a planetoid that was considered to be a moon of the planet Earth and was inhabited by over 50 million people. (TNG movie: Star Trek: First Contact) For much of Human history, Luna was referred to simply as "the Moon". This largely ceased in the era of interstellar travel, though many natives still used the archaic name. (DS9 episode: "Valiant") The TOS novel: Spock's World identifies Luna as the second member of a binary planet system with Earth, rather than simply being a moon. The Last Unicorn RPG module: A Cadet's Guide to Sector 001 Earth gives Luna's classification as class F.
  • Luna is the traditional name for the moon of Terra which the Imperium of Man classifies as both a Dead World and a Civilised World that is home to billions of people in hive cities built below the surface of the lunar regolith. Humans first landed on Luna in the year 969.M2, making it the first world ever explored by Mankind in the ancient past. In the subsequent centuries, it was one of the first worlds colonised by humanity, who erected great domed cities above and below its airless surface.
  • Luna ist ein Ort, der in dem metafiktiven Roman Bad Twin vorkommt, geschrieben von Gary Troup, einem Passagier des Oceanic Flug 815. Die Ortschaft liegt in einem Tal am Fusse eines Berges, der sich "mindestens 2 Stunden von der Küste entfernt" und "etliche Meilen landeinwärts" vom Flughafen Los Angeles befindet. Luna wird oft als "landumschlossene Insel" beschrieben, die auf einem Kontinent liegt, der ihre Existenz kaum wahrnimmt, und wurde schon von Kulten, Wahrsagern, Philosophen und einigen Organisationen, unter anderem "New Eden", "Spirit Friends", "Noahs Ark" und der "Helios Foundation" besiedelt.
  • The Moon is the only celestial body on which humans have landed. While the Soviet Union's Luna programme was the first to reach the Moon with unmanned spacecraft in 1959, the United States' NASA Apollo program achieved the only manned missions to date, beginning with the first manned lunar orbiting mission by Apollo 8 in 1968, and six manned lunar landings between 1969 and 1972—the first being Apollo 11. These missions returned over 380 kg of lunar rocks, which have been used to develop a detailed geological understanding of the Moon's origins (it is thought to have formed some 4.5 billion years ago in a giant impact event involving Earth), the formation of its internal structure, and its subsequent history.
  • Luna is the name of the moon on Bear in the Big Blue House (and also the literal Spanish and Italian translation of the word "moon.") At the end of every episode, Bear climbs to the attic (though, on occasion, he heads out to the Otter Pond) to talk to Luna about the day's events. Together they sing "The Goodbye Song" to close the show. More occasionally, other characters sometimes also talk with Luna and/or sing "The Goodbye Song." Bear and Luna are old friends. Luna often knows just what Bear's thinking and sometimes speaks in unison with him. Because she is very old, Luna is full of wise advice.
  • thumb|left|link=Luna ist eine sprechende schwarze Katze, die im Haus von Famile Tsukino lebt und sowohl über Sailor Senshi wacht, als auch als ihr Informant fungiert. Neben ihrem Partner Artemis war Luna eine Bewohnerin des Mondes, die im Silber Millennium eine Beraterin von Königin Serenity war. Beim Untergang des Mondreichs, schickte die Königin die Katzen mit Hilfe des Silberkristalls auf die Erde, so dass sie im Falle einer neuen Bedrohung die Sailorkriegerinnen wieder erwecken können. Luna fand Sailor Moon, Sailor Merkur, Sailor Mars und Sailor Jupiter.
  • Luna was a recurring character in the third and fourth seasons. She was portrayed by Nadia Hilker and debuted in Join or Die. However, Luna's character was first mentioned in Season One by Lincoln. Luna was a Nightblood and the leader of Boat People. She fled her Conclave, instead deciding to make a place for those done with fighting.
  • 4
  • 10
  • PC×1
  • Pokémon: Battle Frontier
  • Purple
Portrayed By
  • Nadia Hilker
Main Character
  • Luna Maximoff; Luna Maximoff from Son of M Vol 1 3.jpg
  • Arena: 100%
  • GX: 5
  • To be good to others
  • 0.167000
  • Subzero surface temp: -
  • Negligible atmosphere
  • stufenabhängig
  • É il frutto dell'albero Telperion che fu affidato al maia Tilion ed è posto su un vascello d'argento benedetto che lo conserva e gli permette di librarsi nel cielo
  • 5
vivant ou décédé
  • Vivante
Red Sky at Morning
  • Appears
Stealing Fire
  • Mentioned
relations sentimentales
  • Derrick - partenaire †
  • Féminin
temp companion
  • no
fr name
  • Luca
Planet Name
  • Luna
  • Dreams are but a reflection
  • of your unconscious self.
  • Argento e bianco
  • 1.620000
Primera aparición
  • 0
  • 0.165400
  • Luna
  • Kobieta
  • kobieta
  • +25 Angriffstempo
  • Humano
  • Planeta
perm companion
  • no
Row 4 info
  • Fira
  • Iridessa
  • Radius
  • Stella
  • Brandon
  • -Veridia - Sakandia - Jamakuel
  • Celestia Solaria Corona Revelian Zoshi Kuipter Mura Zero Cadance Shining Armor Twilight Sparkle Starbreeze
  • *Sun
  • * Speed World 2
  • * Ancient Forest * Emergency Assistance * Healing Wind * Horn of the Unicorn * Swords of Revealing Light * Synchro Monument
  • Doradczyni Sailor Moon
  • Yumemi
  • Luna
  • Dystopia
Romaji Name
  • Ruka
mieszka w
  • Azabu-Jūban, Minato-ku, Tokio
  • 8
  • 384403
Raza (Ej: Imperio de la Humanidad)
  • 200
  • Luna
items modified
  • -
  • Spazio
  • -53
  • &minus;53
Row 7 title
  • Most Recent
  • Voci de actori
  • +15 auf alle Attribute
  • Special
tuner monsters
  • * Sunny Pixie
  • * Nettles * Spore
  • -
  • AG167
  • ゆめみ
  • ルナ Luna
  • Back-row physical attacker. She can deal a lot of damage to an enemy.
Perverse Instantiation (Part 1)
  • mentioned
  • 6.400000
  • Erdtage
Première Apparition
  • "Join or Die"
Erster Auftritt
  • Gut getrickst, ist halb gewonnen - Teil 2
размер px
  • 150
  • Luna
  • Tuhottu
  • 721
  • Хлам из Пустоши: +58—66 %
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
Row 1 info
  • 3
  • Female
  • Alicorn
  • Regina Luna a Solariei
star, position
  • Sol, Earth, I
  • A cute bunny rabbit.
  • Noin Clankin kokoinen
  • Allianz
max condition
  • -
  • 2377
  • I'll leave it up to you!
  • Estudiante
  • * Ancient Sunshine * Twinkle Wall
  • * Fairy Breath * Fairy Wind * Oberon's Prank * Pixie Ring
  • Soraya Richter
  • Luna
  • ffffff
  • 3476
  • Erdtage
effect monsters
  • * Bird of Roses * Fairy Archer * Regulus * Sunlight Unicorn
  • * Armored White Bear * Dreamsprite * Fairy King Trusedale * Kuribon * Spirit of the Breeze * Sunlight Unicorn
  • Bamboo Stick 30 gp
  • Bundle of Cursed Straw 800 gp
  • Carniphila Seeds 50 gp
  • Lump of Dirt 10 gp
  • Lump of Earth 130 gp
  • Nettle Blossom 75 gp
  • Nettle Spit 25 gp
  • Swamp Grass 20 gp
  • Trollroot 50 gp
  • IslaColores
  • no
débil ante
  • Ninguna, aunque los ataques finales son eficaces
  • Inteligentny kot z planety Mau
  • no
Join or Die
  • Appears
  • Serena
  • Sonia
  • Alakama
  • Serenada
cure addiction
  • no
  • Nivel 3
technology tier
  • Tier 3
synchro monsters
  • * Ancient Fairy Dragon
  • Azul,Plateado
  • Robotit
Row 4 title
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Nations
  • Familie
  • Luna.jpg
nombre-ja latino
  • Tsuki
Most Viewed Video
  • My First Time Trying Lean
  • Saharah
  • 3
  • Domed colony
  • Isil, Rána, Ithil, Elfaron, Phanaikelūth
  • 3
  • Spacey
  • "Luna"
  • Luna
  • +15 Schaden
  • Bambini Lunari
patron deity
  • 129.231000
Otros nombres
  • Selene
  • Illumina la notte
  • Wiersz
  • 250
  • Ninguna
  • Frère Inconnu †
FG color
  • cyan
  • DR
  • Een Lunar mijnbouw faciliteit in 2155
  • Een Terran rijk astronaut landt op Luna
  • Luna zoals gezien in de database van de USS Enterprise in 2254
  • De USS Enterprise-D in een baan om de Aarde met op de achtergrond Luna
  • Yusei, Akiza, Jack, Crow, Trudge, Mina, Dexter, Yanagi, Tanner, Torenka, Bob, Patty
  • +40 Schaden mit Lucent Beam
Row 2 info
  • Female
  • Never Fairy
  • <200,000,000
  • Feminin
  • Científico
original upload date
  • Apr.1.2016
última Aparición
  • The Grim Adventures of the KND
Row 6 info
  • -4.0
  • The Cold Empress
  • ja
Row 1 title
  • Gender
  • Species
  • Satellites
  • Titlu
pierwsze wystąpienie
  • 0
  • +15 Bewegungstempo
  • 160
  • 27.300000
  • 273
JP Name
  • ルナルナ
cure radiation
  • no
  • 0
Row 5 info
  • Equestria
  • Puteri bazate pe forţele lunii
  • Amiibo_014_Luna.png
  • builder
  • designer
  • Masculino
  • Tsuki
  • Flowers:
  • Brown Mushroom 10 gp
  • Brown Mushroom 10 gp
  • Fern 24 gp
  • Fern 24 gp
  • Herbs:
  • Herbs:
  • Mushrooms:
  • Red Mushroom 12 gp
  • Red Mushroom 12 gp
  • Red Rose 11 gp
  • Red Rose 11 gp
  • Star Herb 21 gp
  • Star Herb 21 gp
  • Stone Herb 28 gp
  • Stone Herb 28 gp Mushrooms:
  • Tulip 9 gp
  • Tulip 9 gp
  • White Mushroom 6 gp
  • White Mushroom 6 gp Flowers:
Row 2 title
  • Gender
  • Population
  • Species
  • Gen
  • FoS LaPerm.png
Dernière Apparition
  • "Red Sky at Morning"
  • -
  • 5
  • Miles
comentario imagen
  • La Luna
  • La Luna en Majora's Mask.
  • Solar
Row 6 title
  • Debut
  • First Story Appearence
quests started
  • -
Join Date
  • 2014-04-27
  • #FFFF66
  • Leo
  • Mutter
  • Vater
  • Schwester
  • Brüder
  • Halbbrüder
  • Halbschwester
  • *UNSC *Consejo de Administración de la Luna
kanji / kana
  • Runa
  • ルナ
  • La luna in un'illustrazione di Darryl Elliott
ja trans name
  • Luca
  • -
  • Solar
  • Professor Frank, Sayer, Finstere Auserwählte, Lester, Primo, Jakob, Zone
  • Special
  • 96
  • Trace
  • No life
  • Tsuki
Nbr. Apparition
  • 2
  • Air Jump
Row 5 title
  • Homeland
  • Abilităţi
  • Luna
  • Ei tiedossa
  • No
Row 3 info
Row 3 title
  • Age
  • Talent
  • Origini
  • Surface Area
  • +150 Lebenspunkte
  • Stufe 3
  • Spielerstufe
related pages
  • Tortimer
  • 2005
  • 14
  • MaxHP
  • PhysicalAttack
  • PhysicalCriticalHit
  • PhysicalPenetration
  • LifeDrain
civilian name
  • Luna
  • Aglaranna, Evele, Istarion, Mirayaa
  • 1000
Row 7 info
  • Spark
  • Ilaria Giorgino
  • Megan Cavanagh, Kari Wahlgren
  • +10 % Magieresistenz
  • 124.960000
quests involved
  • -
The Four Horsemen
  • Appears
  • 14
  • 120
  • Luna in Fallout Shelter
  • Ciudades
  • Localización
  • Arena: 4
  • GX: 5
Box Title
  • Luna
  • Princess Luna Zeronius
  • 위성
  • 3
Latest Appearance
En Name
  • Luna
  • Somewhere in Unova
  • Riddick
  • Musician
  • Martial artist
  • Shopkeeper
  • Shopkeeper
  • Shopkeeper
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • La Luna
  • Water
  • Back
  • 3474.0
  • None
  • Unbekannt
  • Luna
  • Black
  • Blue
Full Name
  • Princess Luna
  • 12
  • Gender: Male
  • Sailor Luna
  • 1
  • 275
  • N/A
  • Arena: 4
  • GX: 5
  • 12
  • Imbrium
  • Junges
  • Hauskätzchen
  • Lunar or Selenic
  • Nightshade
  • Alicorn
  • 3
  • 10
  • 15
  • 17
  • 19
  • 20
  • 23
  • 27
  • 20.0
  • Young adult
  • * 11 * 12 * 13 * 21
  • Arena: 6
  • GX: 6
Name ja
  • 龍可
  • Singing, Talking with Bear, The Night
Name en
  • Luna
Voiced by
  • Staff
  • Fan
  • Chinese Blade
  • A
  • Alive
  • Dead
  • Deceased
  • Living
  • Active
  • Intact
  • Kind, trains cats for shows, circus's for a living
  • Birka
  • Espacio Exterior del Mundo de One Piece.
  • 2
  • 49
  • The Moon
  • Luminous Arc 2
First Appearance
  • Dog Oblivion.ogg
other media
  • *Twitch *Google+
  • Burrow Bomb D
  • Wall Bomb
  • Plate-forme Pétrolière
  • Polis
  • 0.1654
  • 0.164
  • •Tales of Symphonia
  • •Tales of Phantasia
  • •Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon
  • n/a
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Red
  • Blonde
  • White
  • Luna
  • Moon
  • Zoey
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • (Avatar of Selûne)
  • Black Boobs
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna
  • Luna Paws
  • Strafing Star
  • Untouchable Eagle
  • Alpha
  • Star Wars: Galactic Defense
  • "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" concept art gallery
  • "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" episode gallery
  • Energetic, Adventurous, Persistent
  • Wise, Kind, Understanding
  • A
  • 200
  • African American
  • -2910710
  • Planetary Map
  • Mondansicht
  • Luna in 2371.
  • Luna, appearing in WarioWare: Touched!
  • Regina Luna
  • Luna alongside "Ancient Fairy Dragon" and holding "Kuribon".
  • Merchant
  • Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost
Hair Color
  • Red
  • White
  • Light brilliant cobalt yellow
  • Local Cluster
  • Lokaler Cluster
appears in anime
  • * Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's * Evolving Duel! Stardust VS Red Demons * Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time
  • Niños Lunares y Majora
Native Species
  • None
  • Nessuna
Japanese seiyū
  • Akemi Misaki
  • To see Mt Fuji
previous organization
anime deck
  • Spirit
  • 75.0
  • 217
Points of Interest
  • *Plymouth *Olympia *Sea of Tranquillity
Color #
  • #FFBF00
  • #FF9933
  • 0
  • To be added....
  • 2
I Am Become Death
  • mentioned
  • 243
  • Attack
  • 155
  • 3
  • Close-mid-range ground stomp precedes quick aerial retreat.
  • Medium
  • 60.0
  • Arena: 8
  • 192
  • El alma
  • „Black” , Luna Tsukino , Sailor Luna
  • la casa
Periodo de tránsito por signo
  • 233
world image
  • LunaW.gif
  • Artemisa,Diana
  • 134
  • se asocia con la madre, onstintos maternales o la necesidad de nurturir, la casa, la necesidad de seguridad y el pasado, especialmiente las experiencias tempranas y la niñez.
  • LunarSettlement2155.jpg
  • Orpheus Mining Colony on Luna.jpg
Correspondencia médica
  • sistema digestivo, estómago, senos, los ovarios y la menstruación y los páncreas
world name
  • Luna
  • 130000000
Periodo de órbita
  • 275
  • formación emocional, hábitos inconcientes, ritmos, memorias y humores
  • 27
  • Lunes
Periodo zodiacal
  • Un mes
Rige a
  • 1
  • la abilidad de reaccionar y adaptarse a los alrededores de uno
We Are Grounders (Part 1)
  • mentioned
The Tinder Box
  • Mentioned
Wanheda (Part 1)
  • mentioned
A Lie Guarded
  • Appears
  • Humans
  • kg
  • Bear in the Big Blue House
  • 1574-10-08
  • --06-20
  • English
  • French
  • Chinese
  • Antiker Feendrache, Kuribon
  • Destroyed
Character Name
  • Luna
Alternate Name
  • The Moon
  • No
Skin Color
  • Peach
  • 98
  • 9012
  • 9997
  • 89721
  • white
  • moon
  • 101
  • 125.0
  • 35.0
  • Actress
  • 80
  • 300
  • AdiXXX
  • Pisces
  • Tuna
  • Black Boobs
  • Aerial Beauty
  • 7.347700
  • Rock
  • Urban
  • Rocky airless world
  • Lunaa
  • Heists
Voice Actor
  • Michelle Marie
  • 3
  • 96
  • 2183
  • 4100000
  • 50200000
  • Unbekannt
  • High
  • >1% other
  • Approx: 4,000,000
  • Daily
  • Achievement Diaries
  • -4300100
  • 3
  • 5
  • 2.0
  • 3.0
  • 146.0
  • No
  • Exploring
  • Headquarters of Juke Limited
  • Luna
  • Cat trainer
  • Curbing the Crimson Tide!
  • AardeMaanTimesArrowI.jpg
  • Luna, The Cage remastered.jpg
  • LunarSettlement2155.jpg
  • Moon.jpg
  • Terran Empire moon landing.jpg
  • Luna's Scizor was causing trouble in a city under the name and disguise, Red Lightning.
Cause of Death
  • Stabbed through the chest
  • Paper
  • Luna.png
  • Luna_Darryl_Elliott.jpg
Marital Status
  • Single
  • Hauskaetzchen
  • 392
  • Луна/Канон
Image size
  • 200
  • Warrior
  • M
  • Tide Witch
  • Corpo Celeste
  • AustinFFA
  • black
  • voice
  • puppeteer
Real Name
  • Luna
  • Can air-jump twice. Highly maneuverable in air and makes tight turns. Good dogfighter.
  • My name is Luna, sup?
  • Unknown
  • purple
  • black; color: #958D8A
  • Looney; Looney.jpg
  • This is a famous set made common by skilled commanders.
  • The best way to use this set is to use a charge to gain hight, fire an Eagle, jump, fire another Eagle and so on. Using Plus One lets you spread the rounds in a half circle, making it harder to dodge. The pod can block off strafing opponents and obtain huge damage. The bomb can easily hem in opponents and also block approaching opponents.
  • Shining Light, knows many languages
  • 2
  • --03-20
  • --02-29
  • Various
  • Winner
  • Did not place
  • Amiibo_card_back.png
  • Forest Guardians
Casa(s) que rige
  • Séptima Casa, gozo en la Tercera Casa
ihon/nahkan väri
  • Valkoinen, Punaiset posket
  • approx. 130-220 Kelvin
Favorite Food
  • Meat
  • Yuka Shioyama
  • 180
  • Sailorluna.jpg
previous team
  • Captain Luna; CL&!&.jpg
  • La Lunatica; La Lunatica 011.jpg
  • Luna; Luna .jpg
  • Deals in Herbs and Plants.
  • Deals in Herbs and Plants.
  • Deals in Herbs and Plants.
Last Appearance
  • Luna
  • 衛星/正史
  • 160
  • 220
  • High
  • Activo
  • Hand des Drachen
  • 1737
  • Mercenary
  • Pet
  • Figurehead
  • Tavernkeeper
  • Bounty Hunter, Mercenary
  • Advisor to Sailor Moon
  • Baker at the Sweet Spot
  • Leader du Boat People
  • Leader of the Boat People
  • •Summon Spirit of Light
  • •Summon Spirit of Moon
  • Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
  • Ref ID: 00078567 Base ID: 00078566
  • model
BG Color
  • cyan
  • Plata
  • Normal
  • Speed
  • Gaming commentary, life story
  • Hei Sheng Jian Shu
Killed by
  • Luna
  • 1997
  • /games-apps/star-wars-galactic-defense
  • tv-shows/clone-wars/mystery-of-a-thousand-moons-concept-art-gallery
  • tv-shows/clone-wars/mystery-of-a-thousand-moons-episode-gallery
  • Near vacuum
  • Airless
  • 2015-03-05
  • Edron
  • Luna
related places
  • "Welcome to Morytania", "Swamp Spirit", "Infection", "Murder in the Masses", "Dead Man Walking", "Operation Necrosis"
  • Courage
  • 365
  • 1993
  • Cat form, Human form
  • Unknown
  • 2
Eye Color
  • Black
  • Blue
  • 27.300000
  • 273
Image File
  • Luna.png
  • Female
  • Hembra
  • Planeta Tierra
  • 5
  • Good Health
  • Hiromi Konno
  • Unknown
Blood Type
  • A+
  • 0
  • Book
  • none
Japanese name
  • ルナ Luna
  • "I would love to, Bear".
  • Goddess of the Moon, I will hunt more minions for you!
  • "Hello, Bear. How was your day in the Big Blue House?"
  • -3456700
  • -
Date of Birth
  • 12
  • Eagle Gun
  • Homing Star Gun
  • Plus One Legs
  • Masasa Moyo
  • 2069
  • Gravely Grove
  • Luna.jpg
  • Luna.png
  • Paul Andrejco
  • ?
  • Sylar
  • American
  • 8
wikipage disambiguates
  • 5
  • Each arrow deals X Physical damage. Knockback deals Y Physical damage.
  • magic
  • physical
base star
  • 3
  • 22
  • Yin
  • This attack deals X Physical damage.
  • 3000
  • Revamp
Gift Preference
  • BewitchedJam
Silmien väri
  • Mustavalkoinen
  • Ściana Ognia
  • 5
  • Every enemy with Lunar Soul that dies increases your P. Attack by X.
  • passive
  • Lunar Arrow
  • Marksmen
  • Scare Tactic
  • Skillful
  • Rapid Fire
  • Special Tome
  • Moon.jpg
  • Moon.jpg
  • 5
  • Lunar Soul
  • 10
First Appeared
  • Sacrifice
  • "The moon has designated you as our target." Light up an enemy's soul, which increases the damage it receives for a short duration.
  • yes
  • Aulë costruì la nave d'argento per trasportare il fiore di Telperion
  • Gather energy from the moon and shoot an energy arrow that deals a lot of physical damage.
  • physical
  • Rage
Liked Trait
  • Badass
  • The moon blesses its warriors. If an enemy gets defeated by Lunar Soul's effect, Luna's Physical Attack increases.
Does the minion have Gear? (y/n)
  • y
Favorite Job
  • Wizard
  • 10
  • F
  • Todos
  • 5
  • 5
  • Target receives X% more damage.
  • Sacrifice
  • Shoot three arrows in quick succession. Each arrow deals physical damage and knocks the enemy back. If you only hit one enemy, you won't knock him back.
  • Bulk Up
  • yes
  • 1
va u
  • Xanthe Huynh
  • 160
va jp
  • Ai Nonaka
Voiced Actor
significant kills
  • Mentioned
  • Wave Pod
  • Double Wave Pod
We Will Rise
  • Appears
Die All, Die Merrily
  • Appears
God Complex
  • Appears
  • Verrà distrutta durante la Dagor Dagorath
  • Mentioned
Carta del Tarot
  • La Suma Sacerdotisa
  • 2.900000
Periodo de tiempo
  • Back-row physical attacker. She can deal a lot of damage to an enemy.
  • [[Categor%C3%ADa:Astrología]] [[Categor%C3%ADa:Astrología occidental]] [[Categor%C3%ADa:Planetas]] [[Categor%C3%ADa:Plantilla]]
  • Luna is major satellite of the planet Earth in the Sol System. Unlike most satellites it is comparably large when compared to the planet it orbits creating a system that's almost a binary planet. Also as the satellite of the human homeworld it was the first body reached and colonised by that race, first in 1969 by Neil Armstrong. It is the homeworld of the Lunites. Descended from 22nd Century Specialists who were liberated and given the ability to reproduce and live longer lives, the denizens of Luna now live under the oversight of Solar Republic, part of a unique political system that divides the government into two main parts, despite the massive size difference - Mars and Luna itself.
  • L'article sur LOSTpedia EN
  • Sol systeem, Sol sector (Sector 001), Alfa kwadrant
  • Luna is one of the main protagonists of Zoey - The Pokemon Trainer who debuted in the fifth chapter, as a girl travelling to [[Morrow[[ from the Unova Region.
  • Luna, die Mond-Reiterin, ist eine Agilitäts-Heldin aus DotA und Dota 2. Sie ist eine Fernkämpferin der Radiant und reitet auf ihrem Reittier Nova in die Schlacht. Zudem ist Luna die Heldin mit der höchsten Standardgeschwindigkeit des Spiels. Im Spiel kann Luna die Rolle einer Nukerin und eines Carrys übernehmen. Lucent Beam schädigt und betäubt Gegner und die passive Fähigkeit Moon Glaive lässt die Gleven von Luna bis zu fünf Mal innerhalb eines Radius zwischen Gegnern hin und her springen, um einen flächenartigen Schaden zu bewirken. Jedoch ist die Anzahl der getroffenen Gegner genauso begrenzt wie die Reichweite. Die ebenfalls passive Fähigkeit Lunar Blessing erhöht den Schaden umstehender Einheiten und erhöht zudem auch Lunas eigene Nachtsicht. Lunas Ultimate Eclipse verursacht um sie herum Schaden in Höhe ihres Lucent Beam und ruft eine 10-sekündige Sonnenfinsternis hervor, betäubt Gegner jedoch nicht. Mit Aghanim's Scepter kann die Anzahl der Strahlen und Treffer sowie die Dauer des Ultimates erhöht werden.
  • It is unknown if this moon was terraformed, had enclosed colonies or if it was just as simple as people needing space suits.
  • La Luna o Warth fatato è un satellite simile alla Luna del mondo reale.
  • 200px|thumb|left|El modelo geocéntrico mostrado por el Clan Ohara Fue vista a menudo durante escenas de la noche. También es llamada Fairy Vearth por Enel. Aparece a través de la serie, pero la primera vez que la luna fue vista era el Capítulo 28 cuando Kuro la uso como señal de realizar sus plan de tres años. La luna sin embargo, era estéril y rocosa sin formas de vida pero los Piratas Espaciales escavaron aquí y los Autómatas intentaron combatirlos. Hay una ciudad antigua en la luna, Birka, con muchos otros Spaceys y la tecnología de allí era muy avanzada. No obstante hay una pintura en la pared que muestra a los habitantes de Skypiea, los Autómatas y los Shandia. Cómo la civilización alcanzó la luna, sigue siendo un misterio. Durante un flashback de Nico Robin sobre Ohara pudo ser observado un modelo del Mundo de One Piece con seis satélites orbitando el planeta, la Luna incluida, en la Biblioteca al interior del Árbol del Conocimiento. Este fue destruido junto a la gran mayor parte de Ohara durante la Buster Call. En el Capítulo 392, aparece un Modelo Geocéntrico del mundo de One Piece con sus seis satélites (que incluye su luna principal) puede ser visto en el Árbol del Conocimiento de Ohara, mostrado por el Clan Ohara La luna parece estar accesible en el mundo de One Pice. Enel logró ir allí, y cuatro Autómatas lograron ir allí al viajar en globos
  • Luna (commonly known as the Moon) is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter.
  • Luna is a diminutive sorceress, now the leader and chief strategist of the Lunataks. Because of her small form, she is carried around and cared for by Amok, her servant.
  • thumb|Luna, der Mond der Erde. Luna ist der einzige natürliche Trabant der Erde. Der Mond befindet sich im Sol-System, welches sich im Sektor 001 des Alpha-Quadranten befindet. Der Mond hat ungefähr das gleiche Alter wie die Erde. Die Oberfläche des Mondes ist von vielen Kratern übersät. Die Menschen auf der Erde sind schon immer vom Mond fasziniert gewesen und haben schon früh mit der Erforschung von Luna begonnen. Im 20. Jahrhundert beginnen die Menschen den Mond mit Sonden zu erforschen. (TOS: ) 1969 schickt die NASA mit Apollo 11 die ersten Menschen zum Mond. Kurz darauf setzt Neil Armstrong als erster Mensch seinen Fuß auf Luna. Ihm folgt Astronaut Edwin „Buzz“ Aldrin. Im Jahr 2143 erwähnt Captain Archer die beiden Astronauten gegenüber Ruby. Jeder erinnere sich an die Worte Armstrongs als er den Mond betrat. An die Worte Aldrins jedoch erinnere sich niemand. Im Jahr 2152 deutet T'Pol an, dass Neil Armstrong möglicherweise nicht der erste Mensch auf den Mond gewesen ist. (ENT: , ; TOS: ; VOY: ) T'Pols Satz ist eine Anspielung auf die (unsinnige) Verschwörungstheorie zur Mondlandung. Demnach soll die Landung auf dem Mond niemals stattgefunden haben und sei mit Hilfe filmtechnischer Inszenierungen vorgetäuscht worden. Nach dem dritten Weltkrieg beginnen die Menschen mit der Besiedelung Lunas. Ab den 2060ern gibt es erste Kolonien auf den Mond. 2090 wird die Orpheus-Bergbaukolonie auf dem Mond errichtet. (ENT: , ) In der Mitte des 22. Jahrhunderts ist der Mond eine bevorzugte Bastion fremdenfeindlicher Erdenbewohner. Dies gilt insbesondere für die von John F. Paxton geleitete Orpheus-Bergbaukolonie. Er nutzt die Orpheus-Bergbaukolonie für seine Organisation Terra Prime, in der er viele fremdenfeindliche Reden hält. Um seinen Plan, alle Außerirdischen von der Erde zu vertreiben, zu vollenden, lässt Paxton ein Mischlingskind dort klonen. Das Baby ist aus menschlicher und vulkanischer DNS entstanden. Paxton will mit diesem Kind verdeutlichen, dass durch solch genetische Verunreinigung fremder Spezies die Menschheit aussterbe. Später fliegt Paxton mit der Orpheus-Bergbaukolonie von Luna zum Mars. Die Orpheus-Bergbaukolonie wird an die Verteron-Phalanx gekoppelt und aus der Phalanx wird eine mächtige Waffe, mit der Paxton auf jeden Ort der Erde feuern kann. Paxton übermittelt seine Forderungen zur Erde und gibt einen Warnschuß mit der Phalanx ab, welcher zwar sein Ziel verfehlt, aber dennoch einen größeren Schaden auf der Erdoberfläche verusacht. (ENT: , ) Im 23. Jahrhundert sammeln die Talosianer Daten aus dem Computer der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701). Darunter sind auch Daten über Luna und Sonden, die den Mond erforscht haben. (TOS: ) Als sich 2273 V'Ger der Erde nähert, melden die Leitstellen auf Luna der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), dass V'Ger den Orbit der Erde erreicht hat. (Star Trek: Der Film) Im 24. Jahrhundert leben etwa 50 Millionen Menschen auf Luna. Die Bewohner auf den Mond werden auch Lunar Schooner genannt. Zu der Zeit wird der Mond zum größten Teil nur noch Luna genannt, nur wenige Menschen bezeichnen den Mond noch als „Mond“. Obwohl es auf dem Mond im 24. Jahrhundert viele Kolonien gibt, kann man die Mondoberfläche außerhalb der Kolonien nur mit Raumanzug betreten. (DS9: ; Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt) Eine der größten Veranstaltung auf Luna, ist das Mazurka-Festival, welches in New Berlin gefeiert wird. (DS9: ) Die Flugbahnen vieler Schiffe führen relativ nahe am Mond vorbei. So fliegen z. B. die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A), die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) und die USS Defiant (NX-74205) auf ihren Wegen zur Erde relativ nahe am Mond entlang. (TNG: ; DS9: ; Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums) Als 2374 die Träume der Crew der USS Voyager von der Traumspezies kontrolliert werden, nutzt Commander Chakotay die Erscheinung von Luna um zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit zu unterscheiden. (VOY: )
  • Czas świtu nadszedł A ona nadal świeci Piękna, zmysłowa, tajemnicza I smutna Otulona bólem... Jak najpiękniejsza z najpiękniejszych Niczym ten księżyc W górze, z marzeniami Siedziała zamyślona I zeszła na ziemię Po raz kolejny Styka się Z tą okrutną rzeczywistością I krwawi I przeklina siebie Choć dla mnie zawsze będzie idealna Image:CC-BY-SA icon.svg cc-by-sa
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural del planeta Tierra. Las horas están en UTC.
  • Desde la versión 1.2.4, la luna influye en el poder de la pesca, ya sea aumentándolo o reduciéndolo (mientras más llena esté, mejor para la pesca, y viceversa).
  • Luna was originaly used for Linden World, a theme park sponsored by Linden Lab for residents to build amusement rides in, along with Coney. When the Linden World idea was scrapped due to somewhat disinterest Luna was converted into a shopping sim. Now a shopping sim owned by the Lindens, the shopping mall itself being called Luna Oaks. Short term (3 month?) leases are awarded via a lottery for stalls and small stores in the sim, which has generous prim usage and great FPS. Larger stores are auctioned via the Linden auction website. Luna Oaks is one of the few (if not the only) Linden owned and run shopping malls in SL. It features work by Xenon Linden and Ben Linden (scripting for the fountain). The trolly that runs through the city sims also makes a stop in Luna.
  • Las lunas aparecen en el juego como consecuencia de grandes batallas en un planeta. Los hay una pequeña proabilidad de que los escombros se junten para producir una luna.
  • Luna was seemingly a small child Ratchet and Clank met at the Jowai Resort on Pokitaru, whom was busy doing a school project on heroes. __TOC__
  • Luna was a human colony on Earth's moon. It was an independent government, and was home to the city of Imbrium, as well as the headquarters of Juke Limited.
  • 'This Utau is in for looking for a voice provider that's why there so many question marks and if you 'are intresed in have your vocie for this Utau please contect me on here or on DeviantArt (Shiro-Night) This article is a candidate for deletion because I don't want any more Utau's I rather stick with two Utau If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talk:Candidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {{<a href="/mediawiki/Template:Delete" title="Template:Delete">delete</a>}} tag. Remember to check what links here and the the page history before deleting.
  • Luna is the Mana Spirit of the moon. She resembles a fairy, with wings behind a teardrop-shape housing a female face holding a glowing sphere. Luna is mysterious and strange, She appears with little character development unlike the others, who have at least a personality associated with them. She tends to be dreamy at most.
  • Luna est l'une des protagonistes durant le jeu Ratchet & Clank: La Taille ça Compte où elle apparaît sous deux jougs différents malgré ces traits de jeune enfant. Elle est tout d'abord, une simple jeune fille qui se fait kidnappé, puis une série d'évênement la propulse au rang d'ennemi numéro 1.
  • Luna este singurul satelit natural al Pământului, și al cincilea ca mărime din Sistemul Solar. Este, totodată, cel mai mare satelit natural al unei planete din Sistemul Solar raportat la mărimile dintre acesta și planeta Pământ, având un sfert din diametrul Pământului și 1/81 din masă. Luna este al doilea satelit ca densitate din Sistemul Solar după Io, unul dintre sateliții lui Jupiter. În rotația sa sincronă în jurul Pământului, Luna prezintă aceeași față a sa, cu mici schimbări. Priveliștea selenară cuprinde conuri vulcanice întunecate, zone de pământ și cratere de impact.
  • thumb|La luna conocida como White Lady.‎ thumb|La luna conocida como Blue Child. [[Imagen:AzerothGlobe.jpg|thumb|El planeta de Azeroth visto desde Halls of Lightning con sus dos lunas.]] El mundo de Azeroth tiene dos lunas: * La más grande y brillante se conoce como White Lady (la Dama Blanca) por su blanca luz. Los elfos nocturnos la conocen como Elune mientras que los Tauren se refieren a ella como Mu'sha (el ojo izquierdo de la Madre Tierra) en la Mitología Tauren. * La más pequeña es una luna azulada-verdosa conocida como Blue Child (Niña Azul o también Niña Triste). Esta luna era visible en las primeras versiones del juego pero tras Image:Icono bc.gif fue eliminada, posiblemente por alguna clase de error gráfico que todavía no se ha subsanado. Draenor también tiene sus propias lunas, una de ellas conocida como Pale Lady (la Dama Pálida).
  • thumb|left|link=Luna ist eine sprechende schwarze Katze, die im Haus von Famile Tsukino lebt und sowohl über Sailor Senshi wacht, als auch als ihr Informant fungiert. Neben ihrem Partner Artemis war Luna eine Bewohnerin des Mondes, die im Silber Millennium eine Beraterin von Königin Serenity war. Beim Untergang des Mondreichs, schickte die Königin die Katzen mit Hilfe des Silberkristalls auf die Erde, so dass sie im Falle einer neuen Bedrohung die Sailorkriegerinnen wieder erwecken können. Luna fand Sailor Moon, Sailor Merkur, Sailor Mars und Sailor Jupiter. Zu Beginn der Serie fungiert sie als Gewissen von Bunny, die ihre Pflichten als Sailor Senshi noch nicht erkannt hat.
  • Luna is a minor character appearing (to date) only in WarioWare: Touched! She is a young-looking girl with long blue hair tied in a bunch behind her head, who is the evident proprietor of Diamond City's local confectioner's shop, the Sweet Spot. Luna placed 4th for her singing in the weekly Top 5 chart list on Ear Candy, a popular music station on the Diamond Broadcasting System (DBS), suggesting that she may also uphold a musical career.
  • ​ Luna is a Peggle master introduced in Peggle 2.
  • Moon rocks fall into two main categories, based on whether they underlie the lunar highlands (terrae) or the maria. The lunar highlands rocks are composed of three suites: the ferroan anorthosite suite, the magnesian suite, and the alkali suite (some consider the alkali suite to be a subset of the mg-suite). The ferroan anorthosite suite rocks are composed almost exclusively of the mineral anorthite (a calic plagioclase feldspar), and are believed to represent plagioclase flotation cumulates of the lunar magma ocean. The ferroan anorthosites have been dated using radiometric methods to have formed about 4.4 billion years ago. The mg- and alkali-suite rocks are predominantly mafic plutonic rocks. Typical rocks are dunites, troctolites, gabbros, alkali anorthosites, and more rarely, granite. In contrast to the ferroan anorthosite suite, these rocks all have relatively high Mg/Fe ratios in their mafic minerals. In general, these rocks represent intrusions into the already-formed highlands crust (though a few rare samples appear to represent extrusive lavas), and they have been dated to have formed about 4.4–3.9 billion years ago. Many of these rocks have high abundances of, or are genetically related to, the geochemical component KREEP. The lunar maria consist entirely of mare basalts. While similar to terrestrial basalts, they have much higher abundances of iron, are completely lacking in hydrous alteration products, and have a large range of titanium abundances. Astronauts have reported that the dust from the surface felt like snow and smelled like spent gunpowder. The dust is mostly made of silicon dioxide glass (SiO2), most likely created from the meteors that have crashed into the Moon's surface. It also contains calcium and magnesium. Every once and a while, there is a lunar eclipse. During the eclipse, the sun goes in front of the moon, and the moon changes from black to red.
  • Luna es el nombre tradicional de la luna de Terra y el hogar de miles de millones de personas que viven en los cráteres lunares. Los humanos empezaron a usar Luna como centro científico y como Manufactorum durante la Era Oscura de la Tecnología, para que después pasase a ser un punto de paso del hombre hacia otros planetas o estrellas. Pese a que en la Era de los Conflictos había quedado vacía y desolada, con la llegada del Emperador Luna había conocido un renacimiento. En el Milenio 31, Luna no había sido terraformada por los seres humanos; sino que seguía sin atmósfera como en nuestros días y tenía numerosas plataformas comerciales en su órbita. Contaba con un punto llamado La Grange donde se anulaba la gravedad mútua entre Terra y la Luna; donde la Eisenstein siguió la misma órbita del satélite alrededor del mundo principal cuando volvió para dar la noticia de la Herejía de Horus llevando consigo a Nathaniel Garro. En el ecuador de la esfera de piedra gris se abría, partiéndola por la mitad, un valle creado por la humanidad que tenía bastantes kilómetros de ancho. Se trataba del Circuito, un cañón artificial que dejaba al descubierto la piedra y la roca bajo la polvorienta superficie lunar. A todo lo largo de aquel abismo se abrían entradas que conducían al interior del satélite, con unas enormes puertas que llevaban a la colmena de espacios excavados por la humanidad en el corazón de la Luna.
  • La Luna (Moon en la versión inglesa) es un lugar de The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Antes de los acontecimientos del juego, Skull Kid usó el poder de la Máscara de Majora para dirigir el curso de la Luna hacia Termina. La Luna se acerca lentamente, impactando en el Día Final. Algunos de los habitantes de la Ciudad Reloj intentan huir de la colisión, algunos no creen que caerá, y otros se resignan al cataclismo inminente. La Luna tiene una expresión facial furiosa o loca, haciendo que sea considerada el personaje más terrorífico que Nintendo haya creado. En una declaración de los Gemelos, ellos indican que la Luna no se parecía a como era antes de las acciones de Skull Kid. No se sabe si la Luna tenía una cara antes de los acontecimientos del juego. El astrónomo Shikashi se ha enamorado de la Luna desde su infancia, y afirma que la Luna ha sido considerada como un cuerpo místico que la gente ha adorado y temido. Poco antes de la llegada de Link a Termina, unas piedras muy valiosas llamadas Lágrima de Luna, comienzan a caer desde el "ojo" de la Luna. Hay algunos planes experimentales en viajar a la Luna, que se pueden encontrar en el interior de la Tienda de Bombas en la esquina de la tienda, donde se encuentra un Goron.
  • Luna is an Aerial Beauty robo appeared in Custom Robo GX and Custom Robo Arena. She is a Normal Style robo in GX and a Speed Style robo in Arena. It is primarily used by Hitomi in GX, but general NPCs use her in Arena.
  • Categoria:LuoghiLa Luna in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask è manipolata dallo spietato Skull Kid che la vuol far precipitare su Termina in tre giorni. Se riuscirà nell'intento ed il satellite colliderà con il suolo si giungerà ad un Game Over Totale, ovvero si resetterà il gioco. Man mano che i giorni scorrono la luna si avvicinerà sempre più. La Luna ha un'espressione facciale perennemente arrabbiata e spaventosa: non si sa se questa sia la vera espressione della Luna o se sia dovuta all'influsso magico della Maschera di Majora. Durante lo scontro finale contro lo Skull Kid, alla mezzanotte del Terzo Giorno, per arrestare la caduta della Luna bisognerà suonare l'Ode alla Promessa, evocando così i Quattro Giganti. La Maschera di Majora, abbandonando il corpo dello Skull Kid si rifugerà all'interno di essa, assumendone il diretto controllo, e annunciando la sua intenzione di "consumare ogni cosa". Link è dunque costretto a seguire la Maschera sulla Luna, dove si troverà davanti uno scenario inaspettato.
  • Luna und Leo waren bereits drei Jahren alt, da wurde Luna als Wunderkind, das sich gut mit dem Duellieren auskannte, bekannt. Sie ist dann während eines Duells in ein Koma gefallen. Einen Monat war Luna dann ohne Bewusstsein, aber nicht ohne Grund, denn sie war während dieser Zeit mit ihrem Bewusstsein in der Welt der Duellgeister. Dort lernte Luna Antiker Feendrachen kennen. Luna versprach diese Welt zu beschützen, doch hatte sie zu große Angst, die Welt der Duellgeister ganze alleine zu beschützen. Leo ruft ständig nach seiner Schwester und schien sie dadurch wieder zum Erwachen gebracht zu haben. Als sie wieder in ihre Welt zurückkehrte, hat sie ihre Erinnerungen verdrängt, damit sie mit der Schuld, den Antiker Feendrachen und die anderen Duellgeister in Stich gelassen zu haben, weiterleben kann.
  • Luna (lat. für Mond) ist der einzige Trabant der die Erde umrundet. Dieser befindet sich im Sol-System .
  • Luna ist eine braun und rote Schildpattkätzin mit einer weißen Schwanzspitze und grünen Augen.
  • Es el único satélite natural de la Tierra y el quinto satélite más grande del Sistema Solar. Es el satélite natural más grande en el Sistema Solar en relación al tamaño de su planeta, un cuarto del diámetro de la Tierra y 1/81 de su masa, y es el segundo satélite más denso después de Ío.
  • La Luna es un sprite que aparece durante la Noche. La Hierba o los Brotes no crecen bajo la luz de la luna a menos que haya una Antorcha (regular o de Redstone) o de otra fuente de luz artificial cerca, sin embargo tampoco se marchitarán o secarán a la luz de la luna. La Luna ilumina los bloques más altos durante la noche de la misma manera que el Sol que los ilumina durante el día, pero la luna sólo los ilumina a una intensidad luminosa de 4, en lugar de intensidad luminosa de 15 en caso del sol.
  • Luna es probablemente un científico de Black Mesa que estaba alojado en los dormitorios del nivel 3 en el Ala Sur de Black Mesa. Allí él/ella comparte la habitación 304 con Reardon.
  • Ben 10:Revoluccion del Tiempo
  • Luna is the moon of planet Earth. As such it was one of the first celestial bodies to be colonized by humans. An early station, the Luna Station was not constructed for a permanent settlement, nor with a possibility of an internally expanding population in mind. Ass all resources, space and time are valuable, apeople received living visas to come and were gene-typed. Stationers who applied for parenting permits were again gene-typed and cross-checked for potential problems. A few weeks after conception, the embryo was checked for genetic imperfections, and any "unviable" embryos were either aborted or returned in vivo to Earth. Such routines were adopted universally to later stations when they went on-line. In the early 22nd century Luna was connected with other settlements on Mars and Titan thanks to the shuttle Sagan, one of the first Impulse engine ships. In the mid of that century, Luna (along with Phobos) supported the Olympia Station, the first permanent settlement. It was noted in the early days of colonization that despite the gene-typing to prevent mutations, the number of such occurrences, called Space Syndrome, was unusual. Statistics varied from station to station. In 2189 Dr. Synatschk reported that the combination of alien conditions such as lower gravity, stress, and a lack of dietary trace minerals, contributed to a heightened level of pre-birth defects. Luna Station was lost after 2219 during the Great Pandemics. After the Pandemics ended and Terrans repopulated the Sol system, a heavily armed sloship from the Pilgrim Alliance entered orbit around Luna. The summit with Terran leaders resulted to the Treaty of Luna.
  • Claro que es Chilena!
  • Luna's full name is Luna Paws and she trains cats for various shows. She lives in the center lodge in Westwood Lake with her 3 cats, Sunny, Starry and Spacey
  • Date of Death: February 28th, 1865
  • Luna is a planet in the Washu System. It is the only habitable planet in the system and is the only thoroughly explored one. It is home to the nations of Veridia, Sakandia, and Jamakuel. It has an estimated population of under 200,000,000. It is rich in Veridianum, an element used for power that is only found on Luna. It was discovered by Jim McCoy and the crew of Freedom's Journey, where they founded the nation of Veridia. Later, many corporations attempted to establish Veridianum mining operations on the planet, but were ordered off by a coalition of the three nations.
  • Luna znana także jako Księżyc jest jedynym naturalnym satelitą Ziemi. Ludzie zaczęli osiedlać się na Lunie w roku 2080. Ze względów gospodarczych nie został on terraformowany. Księżyc ma niską grawitacją i jest pozbawiony atmosfery. Osiedla na Lunie ma są szczelnie zamknięte i połączone ze sobą tunelami. Przed 2492 organem rządzącym na jedynym naturalnym satelicie Ziemi były Zjednoczone Stany Luny, państwo w morzu księżycowym Mare Nubium (Morze Chmur) , dopóki nie przekształciły się w Stan Mare Nubium . W morzu księżycowym jest położona Akademia OSC, znana także jako Akademia w Mare Nubium.
  • Image:Luna_01.JPG|Luna Maximoff (Earth-616)
  • Luna (also known as Black Boobs and Tuna) (born 2013) is the daughter of Poopyjohn and is the youngest dog currently kept at the Ridgway Residence.
  • Luna - serbska piosenkarka
  • Luna Firewatcher
  • Luna es un miembro del clan Legión Sagrada.
  • Luna is a character of Pokémon: Battle Frontier.
  • Luna is a house cat in Nuka-World in 2287.
  • Luna is the name of Earth's only moon.
  • Luna es una locación ficticia de la novela canónica "Bad Twin", escrita por el pasajero del 815, Gary Troup.
  • Luna (jap. ルナ Runa) – mówiąca kotka i doradczyni Usagi Tsukino. To ona po raz pierwszy wykryła moc Usagi, ale w tym czasie nie zdawała sobie sprawy, że to właśnie ona była Księżycową Księżniczką. Luna i jej partner Artemis byli doradcami Królowej Serenity w Srebrnym Milenium, a gdy królestwo zostało zniszczone Serenity użyła mocy jej Srebrnego Kryształu, aby wysłać oba koty do przyszłości na Ziemię, aby obudziły wojowniczki, które miały chronić Księżniczkę. Luna przebudziła Ami Mizuno, Rei Hino i Makoto Kino i ich tożsamości jako wojowniczki, a także przebudziła Usagi jako Sailor Moon. Ona i Artemis w przyszłości pobrali się i mieli córkę o imieniu Diana, która stała się doradcą Chibiusy. Chibiusa posiada także zabawkę Luna P, która wzorowana była na Lunie.
  • Nieve also has a pet rabbit named Luna.
  • Luna is a female Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus who appears in How to Fight a Dragon's Fury. She was Furious's second in command, but when he went away, he left Luna in charge. It is under her reign that the dragons disappear. She is white and glows, hence her name.
  • The Moon is the only celestial body on which humans have landed. While the Soviet Union's Luna programme was the first to reach the Moon with unmanned spacecraft in 1959, the United States' NASA Apollo program achieved the only manned missions to date, beginning with the first manned lunar orbiting mission by Apollo 8 in 1968, and six manned lunar landings between 1969 and 1972—the first being Apollo 11. These missions returned over 380 kg of lunar rocks, which have been used to develop a detailed geological understanding of the Moon's origins (it is thought to have formed some 4.5 billion years ago in a giant impact event involving Earth), the formation of its internal structure, and its subsequent history. After the Apollo 17 mission in 1972, the Moon has been visited only by unmanned spacecraft, notably by the final Soviet Lunokhod rover. Since 2004, Japan, China, India, the United States, and the European Space Agency have each sent lunar orbiters. These spacecraft have contributed to confirming the discovery of lunar water ice in permanently shadowed craters at the poles and bound into the lunar regolith. Future manned missions to the Moon have been planned, including government as well as privately funded efforts. The Moon remains, under the Outer Space Treaty, free to all nations to explore for peaceful purposes.
  • Luna (plural Lunaj, accusative singular Lunan, accusative plural Lunajn) 1. * (astronomy) lunar
  • Luna is a mistic lolkitten, a protagonist in Lolcats the Prequel, and the first deuteranogist in a lolcat film She appears in the final film as a new member of The LOLs and helps the team defeat Dunecat. She has mental powers so she can see a map to the lair, enemies's profiles and weaknesses, and dangers along the way, all in her mind
  • Una luna, è un qualunque corpo celeste che orbiti attorno ad un corpo diverso da una stella. Tipicamente, i giganti gassosi possiedono estesi sistemi di satelliti, mentre i pianeti terrestri ne hanno pochi. La maggior parte dei satelliti ha avuto origine nella stessa regione del disco protoplanetario in cui ha avuto luogo la formazione del suo corpo madre Tra le lune celebri della galassia di Star Wars spiccano le lune di Yavin ed Endor, su cui si consumò la disfatta dell'Impero Galattico.
  • Sistema Sol, Settore Sol (Settore 001), Quadrante Alfa
  • "Let's fly!" "I hope you know some tricks to steer." "Woah! Not good. Coming through! *Crashes*" "R-rocky P-portal pup I hope Y-you learned how to fly a flying scooter. and portal pup? Please be a good sister and aid the time team in their travels. G-good bye *Dies*"
  • Quando una gran battaglia si verifica nei pressi di un pianeta, i detriti della/e navi (e nell’universo Hydra anche delle difese) distrutte, sono l’azione della forza di gravità si aggregano in un solido, freddo, piccolo corpo che orbiterà intorno al pianeta stabilmente: una luna. Sulla luna non c’è atmosfera, perchè la sua forza di gravità non riesce a fare in modo che dei gas vengano trattenute; per cui è necessario costruire come primo edificio, la base lunare. Questa è in grado di fornire un ambiente vivibile, perché al suo interno viene generata artificialmente sia l’atmosfera, che la gravità. Questo occupa il primo spazio lunare e ne genera 3, per le altre costruzioni e il successivo livello della base lunare. La luna è l’unico posto dove si può edificare la falange di sensori e il portale iperspaziale. La luna è spiabile, ma non falangiabile, quindi le flotte dirette ad una luna non vengono rivelate dalla falange di un’altra luna. Sulla luna si possono costruire le seguenti strutture: § Fabbrica dei robot § Cantiere spaziale § Deposito di metallo § Deposito di cristalli § Cisterna di deuterio § Avamposto lunare § Falange di sensori § Portale iperspaziale I depositi sono inutili, in quanto le risorse vengono depositate anche in loro assenza. Le miniere, il laboratorio di ricerca, la fabbrica dei naniti, il terraformer e la base missilistica, non possono essere costruiti su una luna, limitando fortemente lo sviluppo della luna, in quando i tempi di costruzione raddoppiano ad ogni livello, diventando rapidamente proibitivi. Costruendo il cantiere navale, del livello richiesto, è possibile costruire le difese sulla luna. Le lune possono essere attaccate con i missili interplanetari e i missili antibalistici sparati dal pianeta, se presenti, li potranno intercettare. Le difese non occupano alcuno spazio e, se ci sono risorse, possono essere costruite a migliaia, anche se c’è un solo spazio libero. Non è possibile costruire ad oltranza, perchè il diametro condiziona il livello massimo dell'avamposto, in quando il numero massimo di spazi, non aumentabili dal terraformer, è il quadrato di un millesimo del diametro. Considerando che una luna può avere un diametro da 5 000 a 10 000 Km, il numero di spazi varia da 25 (avamposto 8) a 100 (avamposto 33). La luna, e soprattutto la falange che ci si può costruire, è una cosa molto desiderabile, per cui alcuni giocatori chiedono ad amici/alleati di attaccare il pianeta, per sperare di avere una luna. Oppure lasciano una flotta consistente, ma debole (ad esempio, caccia leggeri, carghi leggeri, sonde spia, satelliti solari), sul pianeta, facendo in modo che qualcuno li attacchi. Per ogni 100 000 unità di detriti (metallo + cristallo) c’è l’1% di probabilità che si formi la luna, per valori superiori a 2 000 000 la probabilità rimane al 20%. Ci vuole un po’ di fortuna. Dato che l’ammontare dei detriti è il 30% del costo delle navi, si può facilmente calcolare, quante ne servono per avere una certa probabilità. I casi particolari sono l'Universo 40, nel quale i detriti sono il 40% del costo di costruzione (per cui servono solo i 3/4 dei valori scritti) e l'Universo Jupiter, dove i detriti sono il 50% del costo di costruzione Tipicamente o si sfruttano le migliaia di satelliti solari costruiti per la ricerca della tecnologia gravi tonica o usano 1 667 (1 250 in uni40) carghi leggeri, in quanto non richiedono deuterio per la costruzione oppure 6 667 (5 000 su uni40) sonde spia, che non avendo difesa possono essere distrutti da una flotta relativamente debole, senza che l’attaccate abbia perdite, per cui il nostro amico/alleato non chiederà pagamento. Di solito altre navi non si usano, perché il deuterio verrebbe sprecato. In molti casi la luna si forma in caso una flotta di 100 corazzate attacca un pianeta su cui è appena arrivata una sola morte nera (attacco con la falange), oppure una flotta molto consistente distrugge le 61 (o più) corazzate che si trovano sul pianeta. Così come nel lancio di un dado, la probabilità che escano i numeri da 1 a 5 è dell’83% in ogni lancio, ma la probabilità che quest’evento si ripeta due volte di fila cala al 69%, e quattro volte al 48%, così anche la probabilità di non avere la luna cala, ricevendo più attacchi consecutivi, sebbene ogni volta è al massimo 20%. Dato che ogni volta possono succedere solo due cose: o si forma la luna o non si forma, per cui se la probabilità che non si formi in quell’attacco cala (come la probabilità di fare da 1 a 5 col dado), la probabilità che si formi cresce. A meno che non sì è proprio sfortunatissimi, la luna si forma quasi di sicuro dopo 15 – 20 attacchi consecutivi,ognuno con 2 000 000 o più detriti (circa 99% di probabilità dopo 20 attacchi). La luna può essere distrutta, al contrario dei pianeti, fisicamente non solo le difese e la flotta. L’unica nave che ce la può fare è la Morte Nera, che con una singola cannonata con il cannone gravitonico, la potrebbe distruggere. Però prima di poterlo fare deve combattere contro le difese (35 cannoni al plasma, 60 corazzate o 150 incrociatori da battaglia distruggono una Morte Nera senza navi di protezione) e contro la flotta, poi se vince può tentare di distruggere la luna, ma i frammenti sparati dalla sua direzione possono colpire la Morte Nera facendola distruggere o perdere la strada per il ritorno. È possibile usare più Morti Nere ed è possibile che queste siano accompagnate da altre navi, ma a prescindere dal numero e dal tipo, o torneranno tutte o nessuna, al pianeta che le ha lanciate. Ci possono essere 4 risultati: 1. Luna distrutta, flotta sopravvissuta 2. Luna distrutta, flotta distrutta 3. Luna sopravvissuta, flotta sopravvissuta 4. Luna sopravvissuta, flotta distrutta Key:S = dimensione luna D = numero di Morti Nere Probabilità di distruggere la luna = [2] Probabilità di perdere la flotta = [3] La probabilità di perdere la flotta è di solito molto maggiore di quella di distruggere la luna e va dal 35% al 47%, perché per avere una probabilità di distruzione superiore al 47%, bisogna usare almeno 100 morti nere (luna da 9 000 Km). Attenzione: Un numero pari o superiore a 340 Morti Nere (= 1 700 000 000 metallo, 1 360 000 000 cristallo, 340 000 000 deuterio + 1 anno di tempo con cantiere al livello 12 e naniti al livello 7), dà la certezza di distruggere la luna, ma non quella di non perdere la flotta! Sulla base di questa formula è impossibile distruggere una luna di 10 000 e oltre Km di diametro.
  • In the year 2001, the first Monolith discovered by Humanity was discovered on the surface of the moon. The Lunar colonies were established in the later half of the 21st century.
  • Luna invariable [ˈluna] 1. * Catégorie:Astronomie Lune, satellite naturel de la Terre * Luna nueva nouvelle Lune * el halo de la Luna le halo de la Lune * Luna llena pleine Lune * Luna creciente o decreciente Lune croissante ou décroissante * ladrar a la Luna litt. 'aboyer à la Lune', manifester bêtement et vainement sa colère contre quelqu'un ou quelque chose que l'on ne peut offenser ou à qui on ne peut causer de tort références * , cartes 843, 844
  • "Tonight? I just woke up! Can't we relax for an hour?" -Luna complains to Fira about the light show Luna is a light-talent fairy who is friends with Fira. She is the glue that keeps Iridessa and Fira together. She appears at the beginning of Fira and the Full Moon.
  • Luna is the name of the moon on Bear in the Big Blue House (and also the literal Spanish and Italian translation of the word "moon.") At the end of every episode, Bear climbs to the attic (though, on occasion, he heads out to the Otter Pond) to talk to Luna about the day's events. Together they sing "The Goodbye Song" to close the show. More occasionally, other characters sometimes also talk with Luna and/or sing "The Goodbye Song." Bear and Luna are old friends. Luna often knows just what Bear's thinking and sometimes speaks in unison with him. Because she is very old, Luna is full of wise advice. Luna undergoes a slight appearance change in the fourth season of the show. Her coloring is more yellow. Luna was recast for the stage show Bear in the Big Blue House Live: Surprise Party (which was also released as the DVD Bear in the Big Blue House Live!.) For that show, Carol Dennis recorded the voice of Luna.
  • Luna is the less parochial name for The Moon, Earth's only natural satellite. Luna is the fifth largest natural satellite of any celestial body in the Sol system, second only to Charon, relative to its primary. It is also the setting for many works of science fiction.
  • Ellen Ripley was born in Olympia on January 7, 2092.
  • ==== "Awarded to people who raised a dinomon dinosaur that eventually expressed the Space Division phenotype"==== ~Adoptable Guide The Luna is the Space Division Leader and could be awarded when a user got a space division Terasaur or Carnodon.It is now retired.
  • Luna is Commander Zion's wife who is presumed to be dead but Zion still knows that she's alive and living on Earth to guard the body of Le-ar. To stay alive, she communicates with her husband by a projection. She's a stepmother of Cervano, her husband's biological son. After the final battle, she stays on Planet Earth as she guards the destroyed tomb of body of Le-ar and she told Cervano that even after his father's death, he can stay on Earth.
  • Luna was a mercenary who was part of Santana's team whom Santana considered his 'good luck charm'. He is very religious and unlike the rest of his crew, kind, showing empathy towards the female prisoner and sadness when she was killed. He is the youngest mercenary in Santana's crew and also the most inept at his job, judging by the way he combat glides and holds his weapon it is likely he has no military experience whatsoever and was brought on by Santana as just an extra body. Throughout the manhunt Luna expresses an uneasiness with every close call, even going so far as to suggest that Santana's incident with his anti-personnel lock is a sign from God for both teams to forget the bounty and leave the planet ASAP. Proven right, Luna is one of the three mercenaries to survive in the film, Riddick, and the only survivor of his crew.
  • "When magic was created, straight from the power of the essence of the universe, it was said to be cold, like space. That is why the Goddess Lunar, although very powerful in magic, was cold herself, and dotted her planet with ice and snow. It is said that Lunar has never known love, and that is why her people are in discord. As the Shamanists and the Eucar grew in their magical powers, so too, would they grow apart in ways. And the planet was renamed, from the plural Lunar (meaning: many love the goddess), to a simpler singular form of the Lunaris language Luna (meaning: only I love the goddess)."
  • The Moon is believed to have been created when a Mars-sized planetesimal (designated Theia by 20th century astrophysicists) collided with Earth in its early history. The first known Moon landing was in 1969. Goddard Moonbase was established in 1997, with permanent settlements established over the next decade. (Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology; TOS novel: Strangers from the Sky) In Star Trek Star Charts, the first lunar colony was establised in 2039.
  • La Luna de la Tierra ha sido un símbolo para los humanos desde siempre. Sin embargo, para el siglo 31, la Luna es tratada como una aburrida roca arenosa. Está llena de animales como lagartos espaciales (1ACV02) y un Gusano Lunar (4ACV08), y lugares donde van los humanos como el parque de diversiones Luna Park y una granja hidrofónica donde se ordeñan buggalos. Todo lo que esté afuera del Luna Park es considerado aburrido. El lugar del primer aterrizaje en la Luna estuvo perdido por años, pero Fry y Leela lo encontraron mientras escapaban del frío del lado oscuro de la Luna, el cual avanzaba rápidamente.
  • [[Archivo:Jakku-TFA.png|thumb|250px|right|Las lunas de Jakku]] «No es luna luna. Es una estación espacial.» ―Obi-Wan Kenobi, observando la primera Estrella de la Muerte Una luna era un cuerpo celeste que daba vueltas alrededor de un planeta. Un planeta podía tener varias lunas orbitando alrededor de ella, como por ejemplo Hoth o Iego—que fue apodado el "Planeta de las Mil Lunas". Al igual que los planetas, las lunas tenían una variedad de terrenos, de roca estéril a bosques frondosos. Algunas lunas eran habitables, como las lunas de Naboo, que en algún momento tuvo minas de especias.
  • Luna is one of the six elemental witches in Luminous Arc 2: Will, carrying the title of Tide Witch(Witch of Affectionate Water in japanese version).
  • La Luna è l'unico satellite naturale della Terra. La Luna ha un diametro di 3476,2 km ed una gravita pari a 1/6g (sei volte inferiore alla gravità della Terra). L'uomo ha cominciato a stabilirsi sulla luna dal 2080 d.C.; al tempo delle battaglie della Terra venne evacuata; sulla superficie è presente una scuola militare dell'UNSC, l'Accademia della Marina. Nel 2492, la Luna è governata dagli Stati Confederati della Luna. Nella confederazione di stati è compreso pure lo Stato di Mare Nubium. L'Accademia di Mare Nubium è situata sul satellite.
  • Luna was the name of the sole moon orbiting Earth, the third planet in the Sol system. The human race referred to Luna as "the Moon" for many centuries. The first men landed on the moon in July 1969. The moon was colonized in the late 21st century. Mining operations took place at this time. Two of the well-known cities were Tycho City and New Berlin.
  • Luna ist eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im portugiesischen Zoo Lisboa (Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa). Luna wurde etwa 1990 im Krüger-Nationalpark in Südafrika geboren. Zusammen mit der gleichaltrigen Nina kam sie im Alter von ungefähr drei Jahren in den Zoo Lissabon, wo sie seitdem lebt. Mit ihnen reisten weitere Jungtiere aus Südafrika, die drei Kühe Reguila (gest. 1995), Saiwa und Etosha sowie der Bulle Shaka. Im Zoo lebten bei Ankunft von Luna und ihren Begleitern die ältere Afrikanerin Wanda, der junge Bulle Shorty sowie das im Jahr 1991 aus Südafrika geholte Kälberpaar John und Jane. Aufgrund der zunehmenden Platzknappheit durch Wachstum der jungen Elefanten auf einer ziemlich kleinen Anlage wurden 1996 Shaka und die Kühe Saiwa und Etosha nach Duisburg abgegeben, Wanda und Shorty reisten im Jahr 2000 in den Zoo d'Amnéville (Frankreich). Luna lebte fortan also mit dem Bullen John und den etwa gleichaltrigen Kühen Nina und Jane im Zoo Lissabon, die sich auch einige Jahre später zu paaren begannen. John deckte die Kühe viermal erfolgreich. Zweimal gebar Nina ein Kalb und zog ihre Tochter Primavera auf, die heute noch bei ihr lebt. Jane gebar den kleinen Bullen Trombinhas, der mit knapp drei Jahren gestorben ist. Luna war die letzte der drei verbliebenen Kühe, die ein Kalb gebar. Sie brachte am 25.05.2006 eine Tochter zur Welt, die Assunção genannt wurde. Auch diese lebt noch mit ihrer Mutter in Lissabon. Nach dem frühen Tod des Bullen John im Oktober 2010 traf im April 2011 ein jüngerer Nachfolger ein, der 1997 geborene Bulle Jassa aus dem Howletts Wild Animal Park. Damit wird auch die Zucht von Jassa mit den Elefantentöchtern des Zoos, Primavera und Assunção möglich.
  • Luna (often simply referred to as "The Moon") is Earth's only natural satellite and the first extra-terrestial object reached by humans. Exploration of Luna has its origins in the mid-20th century, courtesy of the space race between the United States and USSR. While the subject of much study and manned exploration, these space programs had completely shut down by the late 22nd century due to drastically reduced budgets and incessant political sabotage. With the coming to power of the United Powers League however, interest in space exploration was renewed, ensuring that the moon had become colonized by the mid to late 23rd century.
  • La Luna es el hogar de los Lunarians y los conejos de la luna, y la tierra natal de Eirin Yagokoro, Kaguya Houraisan, y Reisen Udongein Inaba. En la era moderna los Lunarians y los conejos de la luna luchaban una guerra contra los humanos invasores de la tierra, pero basado en Silent Sinner in Blue esta invasión fue todo un fracaso. El camino entre la luna y la tierra solo existe durante la luna llena, y es por eso que Eirin y Kaguya conspiraron para ocultarla durante los sucesos de Imperishable Night. En el pasado distante la gente de la luna trató de controlar a la gente de la tierra creando monstruos, de acuerdo a lo que dice Kaguya en Imperishable Night. Ademas, según ella, cosas tales como la magia tienen su origen en la luna "La luna dio muchos poderes a los seres de la tierra. Muchos de ellos, como la magia, eran originalmente poderes de la luna." Hace más de mil años Yukari Yakumo dirigió una invasión fallida a la luna luego de haber armado un ejercito de Youkais. Las razones por la que hizo esto son desconocidas. * Books and articles: * Perfect Memento in Strict Sense: Capital de la Luna
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra. Es el astro más cercano a nosotros (la distancia media entre el centro de la Tierra y la Luna es de 384.400 km.) y el mejor conocido. Su diámetro es de menos de un tercio del terrestre (3.476 km), su superficie, una decimocuarta parte (37.700.000 km²), y su volumen alrededor de una quincuagésima parte (21.860.000 km³).
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Luna/preload editintro=Luna/editintro width=25
  • Früher wurde der Mond vor allem als Helium-3-Quelle genutzt. Heute werden dort Materialien für Weltraumstationen abgebaut. Mit den Material vom Mond wurden zwei Dutzend große Stationen an den L4- und L5-Lagrange-Punkten der Erde gebaut.
  • Luna, retratado por Sandra Blázquez, es un carácter en Cambio de Clase. Luna cuando empieza a hablar no puede detener lo que lleva a la canción Flight of the Bumblebee para jugar en el fondo y lleva a la persona(s) de que está hablando a dormirse. Ella es la persona más excenrica. Ella tiende a cualquier chismes alrededor.
  • Luna was a female human who managed the Selûne's Smile tavern in Waterdeep in the 1350s DR. Luna was in truth an avatar of the goddess Selûne, the Moonmaiden, who dwelled among mortals occasionally.
  • LUNA da sinistra Pollux 4c Abracadabra 5b Lost 5b La corda magica 6a+ Ugo petaso 5+ Cassiopea 5+ Mizar 5b Pleiadi 6a+ Cygnus 6a Antares 5+ Castor 5+ Delphinus 6b
  • Luna is the name of the moon in Bear in the Big Blue House.
  • Luna is the moon of Terra, a smaller astronomical body orbiting the planet. It has story significance in several settings.
  • 2492年当時、マレ・ヌビエムがこの衛星を統治していた。ルナ・OCS・アカデミーという施設があったが、これは別名「マレ・ヌビエム・アカデミー」として知られていた。
  • Luna nació bajo el nombre de Park Sun-Young en Seúl, Corea del Sur el 12 de Agosto de 1993. En 2006, SM Entertainment, contrató a Luna después de ver su presentación en el programa de televisión de SBS, “Truth Game”.
  • Luna (called Lil' Witch in GBA/DS versions) is a witch who is an unlockable character in the video game Shrek Super Slam. Her Super Slam is that she jumps on her broom and drops explosive magic bottles.
  • La Luna fu una delle creazioni del Vala Aulë costruito per preservare e conservare la radianza dell'ultimo frutto dorato di Telperion e in seguito posto come luminare del cielo, dopo l'Ottenebramento di Valinor. Il vascello della Luna è guidato da Tirion, un Maia di Oromë.
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra. Es el cuerpo más cercano y el mejor conocido. La distancia media entre el centro de la Tierra y la Luna es de 384.400 km. Su diámetro (3.476 km) es de menos de un tercio del terrestre, su superficie es una catorceava parte (37.700.000 km2), y su volumen alrededor de una cincuentava parte (21.860.000.000 km3).
  • In the 33rd Century, the moon was inhabited, covered with a series of domed cities. One such city was called Nowhere. Time Traveler Two visited there briefly, enjoying the low gravity. ("Beyond the Time Machine") Close to the end of Earth's habitable period, the moon had been broken into a series of shards, still orbiting the Earth, which collectively resembled Weena's flower. ("The Time Machine: A Sequel")
  • Luna is one of the villains of Testimonial Midgard 2. She is the leader of Dissonance. She was recruited by Hikaru shortly after he formed the guild at the beginning of the Asgard Era. Luna is an excellent programmer, however she was able to found and lead Dissonance due to her shrewd plotting tactics and her own philiosophy.
  • In the manga, Sailor Tin Nyanko says that Luna, Artemis and Diana are creatures of the planet Mau.
  • Tries to hide emotion, act as cold as ice (pun intended) but inside is really soft, hyper, and bubbly. Isn't willing to learn much. Cooperation isn't her strong point.
  • Kategoria:Szkic right|250px Luna Maximof - córka Quicksilvera i Crystal,jedna z Inhumans.
  • The Luna first appeared in the Star Trek novel "Titan".
  • Although just recently introduced, Luna has quickly become one of the central characters of the Fan-Ball stories. She is the wife of Revelian, and the two have a child. She tends to be a supporting character, helping out the others in their adventures. Her most important appearances are in Corruption and Wrapping Things Up.
  • Luna (ルナ Runa?) is a fictional character in Namco's Soul series of fighting games. She appears in Soulcalibur III's side-quest mode Chronicles of the Sword as the player's enemy and rival thorough the mode. She's also an unlockable Bonus Character in the main game. She represents the "Chinese Blade" Create-a-Fighter discipline.
  • thumb|La Luna. La Luna (月, Tsuki) o también conocida como Prisión de los Seis Caminos (六道の獄, Rikudō no Goku) es un cuerpo planetario que flota sobre la Tierra, y se muestra sólo en la noche. La luna fue creada por el primer Jinchūriki, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki y su hermano Hamura Ōtsutsuki, a través del Seis Caminos — Chibaku Tensei.
  • thumb|La Luna. La Luna (月, Tsuki) o también conocida como Prisión de los Seis Caminos (六道の獄, Rikudō no Goku) es un cuerpo planetario que flota sobre la Tierra, y se muestra sólo en la noche. La luna fue creada por el primer Jinchūriki, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki y su hermano Hamura Ōtsutsuki, a través del Seis Caminos — Chibaku Tensei.
  • As the largest-appearing celestial body visible from Earth's surface, Luna played an important role in just about every culture on the planet. Humans eventually managed to set foot on its surface in 1969 CE, within the first decades of the Space Age. Luna was colonized by humans in the first half of the 21st Century CE. Tensions between the colonists and the governments back on the homeworld eventually led to the outbreak of the Lunar Revolt in 2064 CE, or 38 Ante Diaspora. (HH8) By the 3rd Century PD, Luna was firmly under the control of the Earth Union. Its inhabitants, commonly called "Loonies", were among the wealthiest "Upsiders" (non-Earth citizens) within the Union. (HHA6.1: BTB) Some of the genetically engineered bio weapons used during Earth's Final War got through the "firewalls" between the planet and its moon, and affected the Lunar population as well. (CS3)
  • Luna was a somewhat crazy warrior from Zimagrad who could shapeshift into a wolf. She was killed by Yamatian forces.
  • Luna est un personnage récurrent dans la troisième saison de The 100. Elle est interprétée par Nadia Hilker et fait ses débuts dans l'épisode "Join or Die".
  • La Luna (月 TsukiJap) gira alrededor de la tierra convirtiéndose entonces en su satélite en el universo de Dragon Ball al igual que su contraparte de la vida real. Es el habitat de muchos conejos blancos (haciendo alusión a "El Conejo en la Luna") y su importancia es que ha hecho que los Saiyajin con cola se transformaran en su forma de Ozaru.
  • LUNA steht für die Liga Unabhängiger Naturvölker. Dieses Bündnis auf Corigani ist wie der Bund der Blumen auf dem benachbarten Segment Karcanon ein neutrales Bündnis von Lichtreichen, das zunächst keine Anstalten machte, gegen die Heere der Finsternis in den Krieg zu ziehen. .
  • [Source] Luna était une Twi'lek qui se battait pour Cham Syndulla dans la Résistance Twi'lek durant la Guerre des Clones. Elle mourut pendant la bataille de Ryloth et fut enterrée dans une tombe avec son nom gravé en Aurebesh sur celle-ci.
  • Luna is a retired member of the Habbo Staff. Luna worked alongside Kedo, the former Hotel Manager. They were in fact "BFFs" (best friends forever). She was thought of as a talented pixel artist, and a great singer. She went to be on American Idol, with the hopes of winning. It is unknown whether she did or not, but it is probably a no.
  • The Moon (La Luna) es el personaje principal de las series Cheese Dreams
  • Luna is a plushie guardian whose mission was to gather the Sailor Scouts to battle the evil Queen Beryl. Eventually she becomes Sailor Luna after being close to Sailor Moon for too long, exposing her to the Silver Crystal's powers.
  • "Luna, lunae f." ist ein lateinisches Wort, das Mond bedeutet. Im Heiligtum von Sol bewachte Lunas Abbild den Eingang zu den Elementar-Sternen.
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre étymologie * du latin lūna(m)Catégorie:Issu du latin, protoroman */'lun‑a/ () * formes médiévales : (XIe s.) luna (, , en ligne)Catégorie:Occitan médiéval * : lunoCatégorie:graphie mistralienne * cognats ou correspondants dans d'autres langues : esp., it. id. ; cat. lluna ; pt. lua * singulier : luna [ˈlyno̞] * pluriel: lunas [ˈlyno̞s] prononciations et variantes * l., m., rh. : [ˈlyno̞] * niç., mtp. : [ˈlyna] * d. : [ˈlyno̞], [ˈlynə], [ˈlyna] * Béziers, Agde, Sallèles-d’Aude, Saint-Martin-Lalande : [ˈlœno̞] * fux. : lhuna * g. : lua 1. * Catégorie:Astronomie lune 2. * lunaison → lunason références * R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, , , en ligneCatégorie:MontpelliérainCatégorie:languedocien, , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien, , 1. * REDIRECTION * R3 : 1. * REDIRECTION , , carte 5Catégorie:Languedocien occidental, , carte 74 Chercher "luna" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • right|thumb|200px|Luna Satélite de la Tierra. A mediados del Siglo XXI se construyó la Colonia de Nueva Berlin
  • Luna was a recurring character in the third and fourth seasons. She was portrayed by Nadia Hilker and debuted in Join or Die. However, Luna's character was first mentioned in Season One by Lincoln. Luna was a Nightblood and the leader of Boat People. She fled her Conclave, instead deciding to make a place for those done with fighting. In Season Four, Luna travelled to Arkadia with some of her people when they became ill from radiation poisoning. Luna was the only one that survives due to being a Nightblood. Realizing that Nightblood could save everyone from the death wave, Sky People try to figure out how to turn people into Nightbloods. Luna travelled with Abby's team to Becca's Island where they tried to reverse engineer her blood. Unfortunately, after the death of all her clan, she was consumed by darkness and promised that if she won the final conclave, humanity will perish. She was killed by Octavia Blake during the final conclave.
  • Luna, often referred to as the Moon, is the only natural satellite of Earth.
  • thumb|La Luna en spore vista desde La Tierra La Luna es el satélite natural de la Tierra en la vida real. En Spore tambien es el satélite de la Tierra. Posee especia amarilla y es de naturaleza rocosa por lo cual sus fenomenos serian: cometas y geiseres de rocas
  • Satelite natural que orbita alrededor de la tierra. A pesar de ser el objeto más brillante en el cielo luego del Sol, su superficie es en realidad muy oscura, con una reflexión similar a la del carbón. La Luna es el único cuerpo celeste en el que el hombre ha realizado un descenso tripulado. Aunque el programa Luna de la Unión Soviética fue el primero en alcanzar la Luna con una nave espacial no tripulada, el programa Apolo de EE.UU. consiguió las únicas misiones tripuladas hasta la fecha, comenzando con la primera órbita lunar no tripulada por el Apolo 8 en 1968, y seis alunizajes tripulados entre 1969 y 1972, siendo el primero el Apolo 11 en 1969. Estas misiones regresaron con más de 380 kg de roca lunar, que han sido utilizadas para desarrollar una detallada comprensión geológica de los orígenes de la Luna (se cree que se ha formado hace 4.5 mil millones de años en un gran impacto), la formación de su estructura interna y su posterior historia.
  • Because of its low gravity, lack of a magnetic field, and proximity to the sun, it is very problematic for the Moon to hold on to a dense atmosphere; nitrogen, which is the main "buffer gas" on Earth, would be blown away by the solar wind. The only way to create a stable atmosphere is to fill it with heavy inert gases (like xenon and krypton). As these gases only exist in trace amounts, the only efficient way to create them in large amounts is by nuclear fission, which is beyond our current technology. Because of its proximity to the sun, green house gases would not be necessary in large amounts. The ultraviolet radiation would be very strong, so at least small amounts of oxygen would be needed to form an ozone layer. The moon may have no water, and if it does it will have very little [3]. The only way to increase the amount of water is to redirect small, icy asteroids on a collision course with the Moon, which is also possible with current technology - on paper - but has not been demonstrated in the field. However, moon rock appears to have oxygen and H 2, so it may be possible to refine that, to make water and oxygen, potentially speeding up a terraforming or pre-terraforming colonization process.
  • Luna Weird is a fae, and a member of the Weird Sisters. She is the sister of Fate.
  • By the 22nd Century, Luna was an independent nation on the Earth's moon. It was wealthy enough to send a large team to Mimas, a moon of Saturn, for the Sixty-sixth Winter Games. They were also wealthy enough to have their athletes train there in the low-g environment prior to the Games.
  • La Luna es un lugar de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy. Es el satélite natural del planeta Tierra, habitado por Gente de la Luna y Lunarobots, siendo también el lugar donde se sitúa la Base Lunar del Comando KND. Actualmente, la mayor parte de su superficie se compone de queso después de que la mayor parte de su superficie original fuera destruida.
  • Luna is the Hex Girls' keyboardist and back-up singer along with Dusk.
  • Luna, junto con Apolo, son los lideres de los robots alienígenas que llegaron a la Tierra en busca de la energía de las plantas para traer de vuelta a su planeta. Cuando Luna y su grupo llegan a la Tierra, la primera persona a la que conocen es el Dr. Wily. Wily convence a los alienígenas para que lo ayuden a conquistar el mundo, diciéndoles que es la única forma de salvar su hogar. Mediante el uso de su tecnología alienígena, comienzan a drenar la energía de las plantas de todo el mundo, por lo que rápidamente crecen y se marchitan. Wily lo utiliza para chantajear al mundo, diciendoles que si no cumplen sus demandas, todas las plantas, y en el proceso, todos los seres vivos morirán. El Dr. Light envía a Mega Man, Auto, Eddie y Beat a investigar la situación y detener al Dr. Wily. Despues de descubrir la participación de los alienígenas, Mega Man trata de hablar con ellos. Los alienígenas no desean hacer ningún daño, y cuando le preguntan si hay una mejor solución al problema, Wily toma el control de Apolo y Luna, forzándolos a luchar de nuevo contra los héroes. En batalla, Luna es acompañado por Sword Man y Skull Man. El elemento de Luna es el viento. Después de su derrota, todos se van después del Dr. Wily, poniendo fin a su régimen, y los dos alienigenas son enviados al Laboratorio del Dr. Light. Meses mas tarde, el Dr Light termino las reparaciones de ambos. Ellos aprenden varios métodos de cultivo y se les dan semillas, lo que les permite mejorar la vida de la flora en su planeta. Categoría:Robot Master Categoría:Robot Master no Canónico
  • Luna is Earth's one and only moon. It has no atmosphere, therefore it cannot support human life.
  • Luna (ルナ Runa?) is the Summon Spirit of Moon, one of several spirits who represent Light. Luna has appeared in several games of the series as a character and cameo, and is able to be summoned through the Luna arte. Luna is opposed by Shadow, the Summon Spirit of Darkness, and shares the element of Light with Aska and Rem. In Tales of Rebirth, Luna is replaced by Gilione, the Sacred Beast of Light. She appears as a woman in all incarnations, and in most incarnations, she appears riding atop a crescent moon.
  • Luna is a single appearing character. She appears in the episode "Attack of the Killer Kung-Fu Wolf Bitch". As a child, Luna grew up with a father who was abusive to her mother, and had multiple horrible relationships with abusive men throughout her adult life. Her best friend, Nicole (who never appears on-screen), constantly feeds the already emotionally unstable Luna bad advice, such as telling her the men are completely at fault and that they should be severely punished, even killed.
  • thumb|201px|Luna."Aber, ich konnte meinen Kumpels doch noch gar nichts von euch erzählen, von euren Heldentaten und so. Luna outet sich als Verräterin. Luna war ein Roboter der Technomiten, welcher sich als kleines Mädchen tarnte, um an Ratchets DNA zu kommen, damit Imperator Otto Zerstörer eine ganze Armee von Ratchets erschaffen konnte. Sie hatte eine Klappe in ihrem Hinterkopf, durch die die Technomiten in das Kommandozentrum gelangen konnten. Dank ihres eingebauten Repulsores konnten sie Luna auch als Schiff verwenden.
  • She is friends with Alexandra. 1661 heidiklum.jpg|Luna
  • Lunas are the elite versions of the Small Shield in Diablo II.
  • Luna – czarodziejka, człowiek, bohaterka standardowa w Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest. Czarodziejka, człowiek, bohaterka standardowa w Heroes of Might and Magic II. Elementalistka, człowiek, bohaterka standardowa w Heroes of Might and Magic III: Odrodzenie Erathii - w dodatku Heroes of Might and Magic III: Ostrze Armagedonu.
  • . Help help me! . Luna. Luna was a robot puppet made by the technomites. lookings. Luna has blue overalls , a pink baby t shirt , yellow shoes wich fire exits, an antenna and a teddy bear on her back.
  • Luna is the traditional name for the moon of Terra which the Imperium of Man classifies as both a Dead World and a Civilised World that is home to billions of people in hive cities built below the surface of the lunar regolith. Humans first landed on Luna in the year 969.M2, making it the first world ever explored by Mankind in the ancient past. In the subsequent centuries, it was one of the first worlds colonised by humanity, who erected great domed cities above and below its airless surface. Luna became a center of scientific research and zero-gravity manufacturing during the Dark Age of Technology, when it was the home of the Selenar gene-cults who saw the perfection of advanced genetic engineering techniques as a necessary component of a faith similar in some ways to that of the Cult Mechanicus of the Mechanicum of Mars. The Emperor of Mankind conquered and united Old Earth during the Unification Wars following the Age of Strife in the middle of the 30th Millennium and then sent his forces to occupy the human colonies on Luna. It was in the lunar gene-laboratories of the Selenar that the Emperor began the Primarch Project, the massive genetic engineering research initiative necessary to create the Primarchs from his own genome. However, the Primarchs' actual gestation was carried out in his secret gene-laboratories beneath the Himalazian (Himalyan) Mountains to provide greater protection from the interference of the Dark Gods of Chaos. Unfortunately, these arcane protections ultimately proved inadequate and the Primarchs, still developing infants locked into their gestation capsules, were scattered across the galaxy after the Ruinous Powers opened a Warp Rift within the Imperial laboratories. Yet from the Primarchs' remaining genetic material the Emperor was able to create the first Space Marine Legions, using the organs cultured from the Primarchs' gene-seed to transform ordinary human men into transhuman warriors.
  • Luna is a location that appears in Bad Twin, a metafictional novel written by Oceanic Flight 815 passenger Gary Troup.
  • Luna (シェリー, Sherī, Sherry en japonais, Shari en anglais, Montse en espagnol, Uta en allemand, Nini et italien) est un singe, plus précisément un singe saïmiri, présent dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer.
  • Luna was a planetoid that was considered to be a moon of the planet Earth and was inhabited by over 50 million people. (TNG movie: Star Trek: First Contact) For much of Human history, Luna was referred to simply as "the Moon". This largely ceased in the era of interstellar travel, though many natives still used the archaic name. (DS9 episode: "Valiant") The TOS novel: Spock's World identifies Luna as the second member of a binary planet system with Earth, rather than simply being a moon. The Last Unicorn RPG module: A Cadet's Guide to Sector 001 Earth gives Luna's classification as class F. In Earth slang people who lived on the moon were called "Lunar Schooners". (DS9 episode: "Valiant")
  • Adorkable Luna (Princess Luna) is a character in the "Adorkable Twilight & Friends" series.
  • Name: Luna Alter: unbekannt Identität: Beraterin von Prinzessin Serenity/Bunny/Sailor Moon(Katze) Familie: Eltern: unbekannt zukünftiger Mann: Kater Artemis zukünftige Tochter: Kätzchen Diana Frauchen: Bunny Tsukino Aussehen: Luna ist eine schwarze, elegante, sprechende Katze mit einem gelben Halbmond auf der Stirn und einem rosa Stubsnäschen. Sie hat ein weiches und gelänzendes Fell und wirkt sehr anmutig. Verwandlungszauber: gibt es keinen Zaubersprüche: gibt es keinen Charaktereigenschaften allgemein: Luna ist eine sehr liebevolle Seele die immer Sailor Moon zur Seite steht. Sie geht sehr sorgsam mit anderen um und versucht zu helfen wo sie nur kann. Sie ist Sailor Moons Beraterin die schon in Früheren Silberjahrtausend auf dem Mond nicht nur eine enge Freundin war sondern auch dort schon Sailor Moon stehts lorial diente. Sie ärgert sich oft wegen Bunny die wegen ihrer schusseligkeit oft ärger im Kampf bekommt oder ihre Sache als Prinzessin oder Sailor Kriegerin nicht so richtig ernst nimmt und doch schaft sie es aus Bunny eine herforagende SailorKriegerin zu machen. Auch was ihre Schulischen Leistungen angeht muss sich Luna Bunnys Problemen annehmen und ihr manchmal einen gehörigen Tritt verpassen. Ansonsten liebt sie Bunny wie ihre eigene Tochter. Sie kann magische Gegenstände herbei zaubern wie zum Beipiel die magischen Verwandlungs Items der Sailors oder den Computer von Sailor Merkur die ihnene schon oft das Leben gerettet haben. Sie hat eine kleine Tochter die ab und zu aus der Zukunft kommt um sie zu besuchen. Doch Mutter zu sein kann auch nicht immer leicht sein aber sie freut sich immer wie ein kleines Kätzchen. Luna kann manchmal sehr zickig sein was ihr zukünftiger Mann, der Kater Artemis ab und zu am eigenem Leib feststellen muss und doch lieben sie Luna über alles was man oft in den TV Folgen sehen kann. Im großen und ganzen liebt sie jeder weil sie so warmherzig und sampft ist. Stärken und Schwächen: Stärken: Mutig Sampfte und liebevolle Ausstrahlung hilft Bunny oft mit Raat Technische fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Computern erschaft magische Gegenstände Schwächen: regt sich zu schnell auf wenn ihr Halbmot verdeckt ist kann sie nicht sprechen hat stehts Angst um Bunny Hat ne Schwäche für Yaten Kou *gg* Vorlieben und Abneigungen: Vorlieben: mit Artemis zusammen sein die Sailorkriegerinnen lachen sehen Mit Yaten zusammen sein wenn ihre Tochter Diana bei ihr ist schlafen Abneigungen: Bunnys tolpaschigkeit und faulenzerei Krieg und Chaos Wenn Artemis anderen FRauen hinterherschaut
  • The Fat Guy ultimately ate the moon, becoming larger than the Earth in the process. However, its added gravity caused him to fall in towards the Sun. (The Perfect One comic: "The Perfect One: His Own Story")
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra y el quinto satélite natural más grande del Sistema Solar. Las Fases y las sustancias de la Luna son muy útiles en el mundo mágico.
  • Luna ist ein Ort, der in dem metafiktiven Roman Bad Twin vorkommt, geschrieben von Gary Troup, einem Passagier des Oceanic Flug 815. Die Ortschaft liegt in einem Tal am Fusse eines Berges, der sich "mindestens 2 Stunden von der Küste entfernt" und "etliche Meilen landeinwärts" vom Flughafen Los Angeles befindet. Luna wird oft als "landumschlossene Insel" beschrieben, die auf einem Kontinent liegt, der ihre Existenz kaum wahrnimmt, und wurde schon von Kulten, Wahrsagern, Philosophen und einigen Organisationen, unter anderem "New Eden", "Spirit Friends", "Noahs Ark" und der "Helios Foundation" besiedelt. Nicht nur aufgrund des mineralreichen Wassers, welches aus den Quellen entspringt, und der Tatsache, dass die Indianischen Ureinwohner des Chumashstammes dort früher lebten, bevor sie vor langer Zeit urplötzlich verschwanden, werden dem Ort "Spezielle Eigenschaften" und "Heilende Kräfte" zugesprochen.
  • thumb|left|116pxLuna ist ein kleines talentiertes aber schüchterndes Mädchen. Sie hat einen Zwillingsbruder Leo. Sie hat ein Drachenmal auf dem Arm (eine Kralle). Sie besitzt ein Feen-Deck.Sie lebt in einem riesigen Haus aber ihre Eltern sind nie da.Sie kümmert sich um Leo aber sie sagt es ihm nicht . Sie streiten sich fast immer. Sie hatte eine Einladung zum Fortune Cup aber sie wolllte sich nicht duellieren.Dann ist Leo eingesprunge verlor jedoch in der ersten Runde gegen Greiger. Dann gab es eine Jokerrunde. Goodwin beschloss dass zwei Verlierer noch einmal gegeneinander antreten. Der Gewinner darf im Cup bleiben. De Wahl fällt auf Luna und dem Professor dieses mal kann Luna nicht kneifen da Goodwin herrausfand dass Leo spielte.Sie hällt sich wacker gegen den Professor.Dann bringt er sie in die Welt der Monster und ging mit ihr mit.Das Duel geht Unentschieden aus , sodass keiner der beiden weitermachen darf.Ihr Drache der ihr das Mal verleiht ist der Antike Feendrache. Ihre Lieblingskarte ist Kuribon. Kategorie:Yu-Gi-Oh! 5 D's Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Auserwählter Kategorie:Die Guten
  • La Luna è un pianeta e la Terra è il suo satellite. In questo modo la Luna può captare i segnali di Sky in chiaro e vedersi anche i pornazzi criptati la notte (quando da noi è giorno).
  • La Luna es la sola luneta natural de la Tera. La distantia promedia de la Tera a la Luna es 384,399 cilometres, o sirca 30 veses la diametre de la Tera. A esta distantia, lus de la sol vade de un a la otra en 1.3 secondos. La diametre de la Luna es 3,474 km, o 3.7 veses plu poca ce la Tera, un numero ce fa la Luna la luneta la sinco plu grande en la sistem solal, ambos en diametre e en masa, pos Ganimede, Titan, Callisto, e Io. La atrae de gravita de la Luna es la cosa ce crea la mareas en la Tera. La Luna fa un orbita completa de la Tera cada 27.3 dias, e varias periodal en la jeometria de la Tera-Luna-Sol sistem es ce crea la fases de la Luna ce repete cada 29.5 dias.
  • Luna is the planet of Magic. The Shamanists of Rose Online live there. As opposed to Junon, Luna features a cold and freezing climate. Most monsters seem to be adapted to the tough climate with thick layers of furs such as Mammoths or Yetis. To travel here, you need to be at least level 41, but it's rather difficult to fight the monsters in Luna if you're level 49 or below.
  • File:Luna 2.png Luna is the fourteenth girl unlocked in the game. She is unlocked after having level 42 at both the Meditation (Wisdom) and Skydiving (Luck) hobbies. You encounter her via summoning her as a mistake. You mispronounced a word in a pie summoning spell and summoned her instead. The requirements listed here are from Steam version 0.48.
  • Luna is a girl who appeared in the 1979 anime episode Suneo's Romance. She is a movie actress who ran away from the set to see Mount Fuji and Suneo had agreed to take her there.
  • Luna ist ein Hund in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Sie ist einer der beiden Hunde der Bosmer Ganredhel und lebt mit dieser in ihrem Haus in Cheydinhal. Sie hat eine Partnerin namens Daisy.
  • thumb|130px|Logo TV Luna Luna bola slovenská televízna stanica. Vysielať začala 27.11.1999 Vysielanie ukončila 24.9.2001
  • Luna este regina de pe Solaria, fosta soţie a lui Radius şi mama Stellei.
  • Luna The Moon Wolf is a gigantic white wolf from the ‘Amulet of Avantia’ miniseries of books of BeastQuest. She is a female wolf-Beast that turns all the animals in the forest vicious on the full moon. She had several, small cubs. Tom retrieved her part of the Amulet after getting her to impale herself on a branch and slash near her eyes with is sword. She fell down, in a position that blocked the magical light of the full moon, and turned back to her ghost mode. Without her main source of power, Luna was defeated.
  • Location: Milky Way / Local Cluster / Sol System / Earth <default>Colony</default> Human Prerequisite: Level 20 (Mass Effect)
  • Luna (no original, Luna) é uma micronação, existente até hoje. Categoria:Micronações
  • La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra. Los seres humanos comenzaron a establecerse en la Luna en 2080. Debido a su rostro aún estéril se puede decir que no había sido terraformada, probablemente a consecuencia de la baja gravedad de la Luna y a la falta de atmósfera en ella. En cambio, los hábitats de la Luna estaban sellados al vacío e interconectados por tubos. En 2492, el Consejo de Administración de la Luna era conocido como Estados Confederados de la Luna; Mare Nubium era uno de ellos. La Academia OCS de la Luna, también conocida como Academia en la Mare Nubium, se encontraba aquí.
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