  • Stella
  • Stella
  • Stella
  • Stella
  • Stella
  • Stella
  • Stella
  • Stella
  • Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
  • Stella is a bull terrier owned by Grace in the Nintendogs + Cats series. Stella is not usually friendly. But she can be with some dogs. Stella wears a pink fringed collar.
  • Stella è la principessa di Solaria e uno dei membri fondatori del Winx Club. Stella è il custode dell'anello Solaria e lei è la Fata Guardiana del brillante Sole, Luna e stelle. Lei è la seconda ragazza Winx essere introdotta, la prima è Bloom.
  • Stella is considered the mother of Trampoli. She lives in the Church, and is usually at the Snowstyle Tavern at night.
  • Stella ist die habgierige Königin der Sternschnuppen-Felder aus Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
  • Le porte-clef représente une lune, comme celles qui ornent le chapeau pointu du Magicien.
  • Stella is a NPC (non-playable character) in Fantage who works at Stellar Salon. She runs the shop with her sister Bella] who struts a similar style as her.
  • Stella is the secondary tritagonist in Over the Hedge. She is one of RJ friends and Tiger's girlfriend. She is a Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis).
  • Stella was a planet near Flora, that at one time hosted a Rebel Alliance base. A droid was discovered to have been transmitting information to the Galactic Empire.
  • Stella is Thaddeus and Thor's friend. She is the leader of the Waterside Girls. When she and Isabella met, the had a competition of who could sell the most cookies in 1 hour. She has a massive crush on Thaddius. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Stella is a Human in Xenoblade Chronicles X. She can be found at the BLADE Tower in the Administrative District of New Los Angeles. She is a BLADE officer.
  • Stella (ステラ Sutera?) era una esclava de la cual Gild Tesoro estaba enamorado, pero murió después de ser esclavizada por los Nobles Mundiales. Ella aparece en One Piece Film: Gold.
  • Stella fait sa première apparition auprès des personnages Mario dans ce jeu où elle est une des deux nouvelles-venues issues de la série Dragon Quest. Elle est de rang B. Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Personnages ne venant pas de la série Mario Catégorie:Course à la Fortune Catégorie:Personnages de Course à la Fortune Catégorie:Fées
  • Many Dragon Quest fans criticized Square Enix's decision to implement Stella in Dragon Quest IX because of her distinct resemblance of "gyarus" (or gals), a term used in Japan to refer to fashion-obsessed girls who often tan themselves. Several negative reviews posted on Japan's Amazon site are speculated to have been so negative due to Stella.
  • Stella is a character from Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem. She is the bassist of The Crescendolls, and the only female of the band. She also has a crush on the man who saved them both from the Earl of Darkwood which is Shep.
  • Stella (ステラ, Sutera, engl. Astrid) ist ein Mitglied der Königlichen Ritter Crimeas sowie ehemaliges Mitglied des in Begnion ansässigen Adelshauses Damiel.
  • Princess Stella is the princess of Solaria and one of the founding members of the Winx Club. Stella is the keeper of the Ring of Solaria and Guardian Fairy of Solaria. She is the second Winx girl to be introduced; the first being Bloom.
  • Stella est une humaine faisant partie d'un groupe de chasseur de prime du vaisseau Wayfarer. Sa fonction à bord du vaisseau semble être médecin et informaticienne, mais elle semble exercer plus que seulement ces fonctions.
  • Stella (シャンティ, Shanti en japonais, Soleil en anglais, Soraya en espagnol, Samira en allemand, Cettina en italien) est un hamster apparaissant comme villageoise dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • When you get to the waypoint you will be attacked by one of his friends (CL7). After dealing with him, converse with (but do not attack) Bent Spur (CL7). Award: 30 credits
  • Stella is an Aerial Beauty robo that appears in Custom Robo (Nintendo 64) and Custom Robo V2. It is a Speed Style robo that is primarily used by NPC characters.
  • Prinţesa Stella este prinţesa Solariei şi una dintre membrele fondatoare ale Clubului Winx. Stella este purtătoarea Inelului Solariei şi este Zâna Gardiană a Soarelui, Lunii şi Stelelor. Tatăl său este regele Radius al Solariei, şi mama sa este regina Luna. Ea este a doua membră Winx introdusă în serial, prima fiind Bloom.
  • Stella ist ein Afrikanisches Elefantenkuhkalb im Disney's Animal Kingdom, Bay Lake, Florida (USA). Sie wurde am 04.01.2017 als dritte Tochter ihrer Mutter Donna nach einer schnellen Geburt geboren. Die Herde und ihre Schwestern Nadirah (geboren 2005) und Luna (geboren 2010) haben sie gut aufgenommen. Stella erweitert die Herde in Disney’s Animal Kingdom nun auf 10 Elefanten, 3 männliche und nun 7 weibliche. Ihr Name wurde mit der Bekanntgabe ihrer Geburt vermeldet.
  • Stella appears in Genso Suikogaiden Vol. 2.
  • Stella is a character from the ALF Sitcom.
  • Stella is a character in IX.
  • Stella is a character of Pokémon: Indigo League.
  • Stella is a tank engine.
  • Stella was a gorilla office labourer.
  • Stella, wird von Amy Mussul in Kurze Pause.
  • thumb Stella ist die Prinzessin vom Planeten Solaria und ein Mitglied des Winx Club.
  • Stella (サンディーSandy) est une fée. Elle a les cheveux blonds et un bronzage très foncé. Elle parle comme une jeune fille. Stella est un personnage très important dans l'histoire de Dragon Quest IX. En fait, elle est le co-pilote de l'Orion Express.
  • Stella is the name Lorelai gives the baby chick that Rory must observe in episode 1.14 (That Damn Donna Reed). Lorelai returns home to find the chick missing and comedy ensues. Also known as "Case Study Number Twelve", and for a few seconds, "Stanley", based on Lorelai's initial assumption that the chick is male.
  • stella f. (plural stelle) 1. * a star
  • The very night of Terano's defeat, Stella was sent into action, burrowing into the ground under Tokyo and controlling the city's rats, sending them to devour sewer workers and chewing through electrical wires. Soon, the Izenborg team came to investigate and where attacked by a wriggling wave of rats, and soon, Stella joined the fight and fought the Tank Izenborg. After the failed attempt to destroy a nuclear power plant with his rats, he fought the flying Izenborg. He was defeated after a short battle, getting his head and tail sliced off completely, sending Ururu into a fit of rage.
  • Princess Stella is the princess of Solaria and one of the founding members of the Winx Club. Stella is the keeper of the Ring of Solaria and she is the Guardian Fairy of the Shining Sun, Moon and Stars. She is the second Winx girl to be introduced, the first being Bloom.
  • Stella has long strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair white skin. She wears a black dress with white frills at the bottom. Over the dress she wears a purple and white overcoat with puffed out sleeves that is held together by a star button below her neck. Her leg-wear consists of over the knee white socks with frills are the top and purple shoes that match her overcoat in design.
  • Stella is just like Pink Bird. She loves adventures and she wants to be careful for The Hooded Gale's perils. She is voiced by Heljä Heikkinen.
  • Stella is a song by Flanders in "A Streetcar Named Marge"
  • Principessa Stella è la principessa di Solaria e uno dei membri fondatori del Winx Club. Stella è il custode del Ring of Solaria e Guardiano Fata di Solaria. Lei è la seconda ragazza Winx da introdurre, il primo dei quali Bloom.
  • All set for a promising career as a pop singer, young Stella had a complete change of heart after coming across Guru Cr's theories of transdimensional transcendence. Ever since she’s been performing as the Kosmik Kantahtriz of the Volkahn band, in which she pushes her incredible voice to the limits of all human and extra-terrestrial understanding.
  • Stella is an alien and also Lala's manager who came to Earth to do a CD release, She is also the President of her fanclub, social circle and support group. She is a minor character appearing only in the anime episode 10.
  • Stella ist ein weibliches Schaf. Sie hat am 9. April Geburtstag und ist eine ausgeglichene Dorfbewohnerin.
  • Normalmente si definisce stella un corpo celeste che brilla di luce propria. Tuttavia ciò sarebbe un paradosso, in quanto come potrebbe tale corpo celeste pagare la bolletta all'Enel? Ecco allora che di fronte al paradosso serve fare il quadro della situazione: []. Purtroppo, essendo un rettangolo e non già un quadro non serve ad una beneamata cippa.
  • frame|Stella. Stella (アツコ Atsuko en japonés) es un personaje eventual del anime que apareció por primera y única vez en Es la hora de Mr. Mine (ES) / La hora de Mr. Mine (HA) ‹№›. Ella es dueña de un circo Pokémon.
  • Una stella è un corpo celeste di notevoli dimensioni che si differenzia per la caratteristica di brillare di luce propria; ciò è dovuto alle reazioni termonucleari che avvengono al suo interno e che portano la temperatura esterna a cifre elevatissime. Il contatto o l'avvicinamento con una stella è quasi sempre letale per un'astronave.
  • Stella ist eine ehemalige Schülerin des Albert-Einstein Gymnasium in Seelitz. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Jessica Zollondz.
  • Stella is a minor Seinfeld character appearing in “The Pen”. She is the wife (in that episode) of Uncle Leo. She is extremely friendly, but her name is riduculed by Elaine while she is under the influence of pain medication. Stella and Leo separate between 1992 and 1996.
  • Stella is a character introduced in The Legend of Heroes III: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch.
  • Le stelle si formano all'interno di enormi nebulose gassose. In queste nebulose si creano accumuli di alta densità che lentamente accrescono la loro massa sino a creare una protostella. La pressione al centro della protostella aumenta, incrementando la temperatura e la densità finché il gas non si trasforma in plasma, in questo stato i nuclei atomici sono dissociati dagli elettroni. Quando vengono raggiunti valori sufficienti di pressione e temperatura dal nucleo si innesca la fusione nucleare producendo la luce: la stella è nata..
  • Stella is voiced by Ellen-Ray Hennessy in the animated series.
  • Stella (conocida cómo la Pájara Rosa) es una ave que aparece por primera vez en Angry Birds Seasons en el episodio Back to School, publicado el 16 de agosto en iOS y el 20 de agosto en Android.
  • Stella (Played by Taylor Swift) is a lady in high school. Taylor Swift named her after Bella Swan in Twilight. Stella appeared in the "Firelight" (parody of Twilight) sketch Stella's ex is a Frankenstein named "Philip" (named after Edward, A prince name)
  • Stella is the daughter of a foreigner who built the city with his industry. Working in the factory itself, keeping her father's work alive with her trusty Magnitogre, Stella is a heavily Soviet-inspired steel worker, much like the city itself. Stella is one of two daughters. She manages the factory floor, while her sister manages the business side of things. Stella's gym is an industrial factory.
  • Stella (Japanese: ステラ) is a minor character in Phantasy Star Online Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution. She is an energetic humanoid part of the Hunters that can typically be found with Glustar. Despite having a rough early life and being a defective humanoid without a chance of ever becoming fully functional, explaining the occasional "nyah" sprinkled in her speech, Stella enjoys lightening the mood with jokes and a smile. Her specialties include analysis, agility on the battlefield, and locking onto targets with supposedly 100% accuracy.
  • Stella (stell-a) is a female adult black bear with reddish brown fur.
  • The Kingdom of Stella (ステラ王国 Sutera Ōkoku) is a kingdom on the continent of Ishgar that was under the control of King Animus.
  • Stella era la schiava di cui si era innamorato Gild Tesoro.
  • Stella es una guardia de caravanas de la Compañia de Caravanas Happy Trails en 2281.
  • "After the devastating atomic war that ravaged the Earth from 2248 to 2250, a group of veterans, tired of war, colonized an asteroid and named it Pax...they were determined to live in peace, but had not reckoned with...The Invaders!" Conrad and Stella consider the bright future for the settlers of the asteroid Pax. While they appreciate the view of the nearby planet Earth, Weber arrives to tell them of an approaching spacecraft.
  • Stella is one of the Digidestines from "Digimon Music Popstars!" She is the current leader of the original gang. She is characterized as a happy-go-lucky, Friendly and at times brave character who always wears yellow clothing. Instead of a set of goggles; Like every other Digimon leader she wears a set of Sunglasses given to her by her mom, who died.
  • __INDEX__ Stella ist die Prinzessin von Solaria, ein Planet, auf dem immer die Sonne scheint. Ihr Ring ist die größte Quelle der Magie auf Solaria. Sie kann ihn in ein Zepter verwandeln. Stella ist mächtig, sehr hübsch und dementsprechend mit Selbstbewusstsein ausgestattet. Außerdem ist sie extrem modebewusst und liebt nichts mehr als shoppen: Obwohl sie andauernd sagt, sie hätte nichts zum Anziehen, erzählt man sich von ihr, sie habe den größten Kleiderschrank in der bekannten magischen Dimension. Stella hat langes blondes Haar, leicht gebräunte Haut und braune Augen. Sie erscheint oft recht oberflächlich und manchmal sogar schnippisch, hat im Grunde aber ein gutes Herz. Darüber hinaus kann sie mit ihrem Charme wirklich jeden Mann um den Finger wickeln. Allerdings nimmt sie es mit den Vor
  • English | Japanese “O’ My Good Willed Sacred Master.""O’ Lord of Brightness who bestows all of his power, sanctity, and wisdom to me.”"See clearly my heart, my thoughts, and my skill.""Now, O’ being who created the moon and stars...""Behold my deeds, my death, my spenta armaiti which I must carry out.""────Stella!” —Archer, Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Blue and Silver English | Japanese “All right...!""Stellaaa!!” —Archer, Fate/Grand Order
  • Stella is a 17-year-old blonde. Even though she is usually proud and self-centered, Stella cares a lot about her friends. She will stick for her friends and do anything to keep them safe. Stella is always seen wearing a beautiful smile on her pretty face, or cracking jokes to cheer her friends when they are depressed. Basically, Stella has a cheerful and optimistic personality. Besides that, she is totally obsessed with fashion and which clothes look best on her and which dresses best matches her pretty face. Stella often gives fashion advice to people in Alfea, but gets spelled in return. She'd rather flirt with the boys than study and do work. The other girls sometimes get annoyed at Stella. The most intuitive of all of the members, Stella likes to matchmake and has often had problems wi
  • When Peter first meets her in "The Blind Side", he is surprised to find out how astute she is, but she explains that she knows how to read lips. Intrigued, Peter asks if her if without hearing, her other senses have been enhanced, such as if she can smell if he farts from across the room. She explains that she can't smell that, but that due to her extra reliance on vision, she can often notice subtle tells about a person, such as if they have farted, due to slight changes in their body movements. Peter then tries to give an example by uncontrollably spasming while he farts, to the point that she could have been legally blind and still seen it. When Quagmire meets her, he is inspired to hold a disabled ladies night at The Drunken Clam.
  • Stella est chanteuse de rebetiko dans un cabaret de Pláka, à Athènes, et tous les hommes tombent amoureux d'elle. Elle choisit ses amants et refuse le mariage. Elle préfère finalement mourir plutôt que de perdre sa liberté.
  • Stella is a Jungle or Tribal Guy (or rather Gal) who joins Kolorado on his quest for the crystals. She has to run away from her tribe because she refused to paint her mask and swapped her robe for a more comfertable purple robe, she was shunned by the tribe. She was the first female Shy Guy variant that Kolorado had ever seen, she was a fantastic scientific and historic find so he had to protect her from her tribe. To show her gratitude she vowed to stay with Kolorado and protect him.
  • B+
  • F
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 25
  • 27
  • Pokémon: Indigo League
Portrayed By
  • Good
  • +20
  • +18
  • V2: 95%
  • Professor
  • To forage food to survive
Disliked Gifts
  • Warrior Medal
Liked Gifts
  • Toy Herb
  • She and Tiffi are having fun by the magic cauldron, creating lots of magical bubbles.
Favorite Gifts
  • Four Leaf Clover
  • Féminin
  • Femelle
  • 89
  • 111
  • 158
Row 9 info
  • "100% Natural Fiber."
  • Humaine
  • Fée
  • Hamster
  • Unknown
Row 8 info
Initial Phrase
  • baa-dabing
  • Stella is a pink EXP Loader featured in the fourth headhunter pack Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre. She can be found in Rotgut Distillery
  • 140
  • Reality:
Row 4 info
  • --08-10
  • --08-18
  • Alex Toth, Bill Peppe
  • Cosmic Energies
  • Acryl
Romaji Name
  • Sutera-chan
  • Sternschnuppen-Felder
  • 38
Row 7 title
  • Puteri şi abilităţi
  • rhino
  • IL064
  • アクリル
  • アツコ Atsuko
  • Weiblich
Initial Clothes
  • Aurora Knit
  • Ausgeglichen
Row 1 info
  • Black bear
  • Green
  • NPC
  • Stella
  • Amy Birnbaum
  • Amy Gross
  • Jennifer Seguin , Valentina Carnelutti
  • Perla Liberatori
  • 23
  • 2266
  • Trueque: 30
  • Armas: 30/32
  • Conversación: 30
  • Student
  • ステラ
  • Película 13
  • ステラ
Row 8 title
  • Prima apariţie
Max. KP
  • 50
  • EsclavoColores
  • Stella
  • Merina
  • Bigoudi
  • 17
  • 0
  • A male being in her life , being called "Filthy"
Row 4 title
  • Powers
  • Created by
  • Zi de naştere
  • Humans
Row 9 title
  • Relaţii
  • Jessica Zollondz
  • Hornsby
  • Schiavitù
  • -
  • Michael Cacoyannis
  • et Iákovos Kambanéllis
  • Schiava
  • 5400.0
  • 5
Row 2 info
  • Pink
  • Unknown
  • Fantastic Worlds #5
  • Amore, Zânişoara a iubirii
  • Ginger pudelul
  • Illiris, Selkie a Porţii Oceanului Solariei
  • Stellar Salon
Movie debut
Row 6 info
  • Sheriff
  • Guardia de caravana
année de sortie
  • 1955
  • None
  • Bogen - D
  • Bogen - B
  • Humano, Caucásica
  • 2
  • 8
  • +1
  • +30
  • +35
Row 1 title
  • Species
  • Eye Color
  • Role
  • Real Name
  • Dublată de
  • 23
  • Schülerin
Row 5 info
  • 0
  • W Amiibo 07 Stella.png
  • 6
  • 13
  • Sutera
Row 2 title
  • Family
  • Hair Color
  • Location
  • First Appearance
  • Legături
Row 6 title
  • Occupation
  • Afilieri
  • She is sad she can't make fun with Tiffi.
  • yes
  • Anny.png
  • MagnitogreCLeg.png
  • Metalhighlights_fixed_lighting_on_claws.png
  • Stellla.png
  • 3
  • 17
  • Bubblegum-Hut.png
  • tiger
  • Sutera
  • 4
  • Air Jump
  • None
Row 5 title
  • Alignment
  • Origine
  • 30
Row 3 info
  • 17
  • Standard
  • "Hey ya'll! I'm Stella now let me tell you about myself. I'm a designer and I love making things look good. I'm busy getting ready for the fashion show, but in my spare time I love to go dancing and go shopping. Mmmm, shiny! One of my models just broke a heel, gotta run!"
  • Glowing neon blue katana; glowing neon green shuriken
  • Lusa's Tale, The Quest Begins, Smoke Mountain, The Last Wilderness
  • Rare
Row 3 title
  • Weapons
  • Description
  • Book Appearances
  • Original Publisher
  • Vârstă
Anime Debut
  • D+
  • Tybalt
  • Schaf
  • 9
  • 15
  • 30
  • x
Row 7 info
  • Zbor
  • Magie şi vrăji bazate pe soare/luna/stele
  • Teleportare pe distanţe mari
  • Vrăji Fotokinetice
  • Împuternicire Lunară
  • Împuternicire Solară
  • Împuternicire Stelară
  • 7
  • File:Stella Comics Profile.png
  • Shiny the Shinygreed
  • 1
  • CR1: 3
  • V2: 3
  • 5
Box Title
  • Stella
  • Jade Jungle, Lavalava Island
  • *Mad Moxxi and the Wedding Day Massacre
  • BLADE Officer
  • Stella
  • Physique
  • Stella
  • Black
  • S-17
  • 3
  • Kilimanjaro,
  • Lots of milk,
  • CR1: 3
  • V2: 3
  • Clothing Generation
  • Esoteric/Light Manipulation
  • Fashion Intuition
  • Rainbow/Color Manipulation
  • Sunlight/Moonlight/Starlight Magic
  • 17
  • 19
  • 34
  • Unknown
  • ??
  • CR1: 7
  • V2: 7
  • Tiger, her family, food, a male being in her life
  • Spear
  • Destroyed
  • Unborn S4
  • Alive S1,S2
  • Unknown S5, S3
  • Ginger the poodle
  • None
  • Employee of the Month (video game)
  • Slender skunk with black and white striped fur
  • Amy Gross
  • Dragon Quest IX
  • Borderlands 2
  • Keine
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Stella
Video Game
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2
  • Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3
  • Stella
  • Kingdom of Stella
  • Princess Stella
  • Beschützender Ritter
  • Prinţesa Stella
  • Stella
  • Spear Guy
  • Character
  • Water
  • Steel
  • fairy
  • psychic
  • Anti-Army
  • Normal
  • Sassy, sharp, feisty, sweet, surprisingly romantic, somewhat bossy, kind, friendly, caring, brave, self-loathing , selfless
  • スターシーカー
  • スターシーカー+
  • Yes
  • Unknown
  • Perla Liberatori
  • Sutera
  • Sandii
  • A mysterious figure who receives all-record orders from Chausson. Issues missions to operatives.
  • 3240
  • ???
  • Arme qui permet de mieux se focaliser sur l'ennemi pendant les combos aériens.
  • Permet d'effectuer un coup en plus lors d'un combo aérien.
  • Version améliorée de Stella. Permet de mieux se focaliser sur l'ennemi pendant les combos aériens.
  • Star Seeker
Character Type
  • Enemy
  • NPC
  • Jessica Paquet
  • No
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Arrogante
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --08-09
  • Copilote de l'Orion Express
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Opponent is sent flying diagonally.
  • 2
  • N/A
  • Attack
  • 150
erstes kapitel
  • Moderate range bounce attack.
  • Medium
  • N/A
  • CR1: 9
  • V2: 9
  • N/A
  • C
World of Winx
  • Stella KHII.png
  • Stella KHII.png
  • +1
  • +5
  • Mickey
  • +1
  • +5
  • Saison 2
  • +10
  • N/A
  • Felistella
  • +1
  • +5
  • 7
  • 8
  • +1
  • +5
  • Stella KHII.png
  • +1
  • +5
  • +15
  • 45.0
  • 55.0
  • 20.0
  • 25.0
  • 50.0
  • 7
  • 15
  • 40.0
  • 50.0
  • 40.0
  • 70.0
  • 40.0
  • 45.0
  • 55.0
  • 30.0
  • - Pointy ears
  • - Yellow skin
  • Starts a relationship with Tiger
  • Sniper
  • Battle Armor
  • Motor Drive
  • +8 Attack
  • STELLA!!!: Elaine Aunt Stella: Jerry Seinfeld
  • Merina
  • 8
  • 9
  • Recycle
  • Spikes
  • Focus Energy
  • Shield Bash
  • Water Pulse
  • Bulldoze
  • Metal Claw
  • Bullet Seed
  • Iron Defense
  • Brace
  • Forge Press
  • Mirror Shot
  • Only Me
  • Unknown
  • 100
  • 300
  • Stella
  • Stella to Lusa and Yogi
  • Aerial Beauty
  • Mountainous
  • Milas film
  • Aparece en su circo. Es capturado por el Team/Equipo Rocket pero luego es liberado. Se desconoce cuando lo capturó.
  • Es su Pokémon más usado. Mr. Mime se volvió perezoso por el duro entrenamiento de Stella. Viendo como Mimey crea barreras decide ayudarlo y ambos derrotan al Team/Equipo Rocket. El único movimiento que se le ve es barrera.
  • Lo utiliza para sus espectáculos. Es capturado por el Team/Equipo Rocket pero luego es liberado. Se desconoce cuando lo capturó.
  • Lo utiliza en su circo. Es capturado por el Team/Equipo Rocket pero luego es liberado. Se desconoce cuando lo capturó.
Voice Actor
  • None
  • Unknown
  • ステラ王国
Located In
  • Sutera Ōkoku
Controlled By
  • Unknown
  • ???cm
  • Rebel Alliance base
  • Maker
  • Copilot of the Starlight Express
  • It's Mr. Mime Time
  • Princess Stella of Solaria
  • Fairy of the Sun and Moon / Fairy of the Shining Sun
  • Due to her intense training, Stella's Mr. Mime disobeyed her. When Mimey attempted to stand against Team Rocket, Stella's Mr. Mime helped it.
  • Stella.png
  • 5
  • 10
  • +0
  • Sakrohm
  • Wind
  • Rossy Aguirre
  • 6
  • 16
  • Magic tricks
  • B++
  • Vincent, Gladys Sharp, Dwayne LaFontant, Tiger
  • To be added....
  • "The very person that made Trampoli what it is today. Considered the town's mother."
  • Dark brownish-gray
  • Unknown
  • A
  • 5
  • 1994
  • Unknown
  • --04-09
  • --08-10
  • --08-18
  • Summer 27
  • Bigoudi
  • Stella
  • Illiris, Keeper of Solarian ocean gate
  • Stella
  • Stella+
  • ステラ
  • Stella.png
  • EP064 Dodrio.png
  • EP064 Machoke.png
  • EP064 Pokémon del circo.png
  • EP064 Rapidash y Ponyta.png
  • EP064.png
  • Stella.png
  • 雪乃五月 Satsuki Yukino
  • アクリル
  • anime
  • Bubblegum Hut
  • 3
  • Amore, Pixie of Love
  • Manager
  • Princess, Student
  • Talent Scout
  • Speed
  • Merina
  • Victoria Angulo
  • Celestria
  • Zenus
  • Luna and Radius
  • Husband: Uncle Leo Son: Jeffrey Nephew: Jerry Seinfeld
  • 20
  • 33
  • Stella of Solaria
  • 4
  • 14
  • 2011-04-22
  • 900
  • Legal
  • Over the Hedge
  • Stella, femme libre
  • Stella
  • +3
  • +125
  • +115
  • Unknown
Image File
  • Stella.jpg
  • stellarsalon-vendor-stella.png
  • Female
  • female
  • male
  • Weiblich
  • "gnognotte"
  • Assasin
  • Unknown
  • Course à la Fortune
  • Dragon Quest IX
  • Sitrus Berry
  • Metal Coat
  • Scope Lens
Japanese name
  • サンディー
  • ステラちゃん
  • ステラ
  • "Fire in the hole!"
  • Wait for it... I am the supreme, stupendous Stella, stunning skipper of the sky-soaring Starflight Express! Ta daa!
  • "A long time ago, this whole land was covered in forest, and bears roamed freely wherever they wanted to go."
  • Dodrio
  • Ponyta
  • Mr. Mime
  • Machoke
  • Tangela
  • Exeggcute
  • Rapidash
  • Stella
  • Femenino
  • The Quest Begins, page 26
  • 36
  • Esclava
  • Medium
  • Megan Hollingshead
wikipage disambiguates
  • 2
  • Tour de Yen Sid, donnée par les trois fées.
  • Lion
  • Blue
  • Neutral
  • 3
  • 6
  • Crawglock
  • Magnitogre
  • Anvelid
  • Status
  • Physical
  • Normal
  • Steel
  • Water
  • Ground
  • Steel
  • Ground
  • Steel
  • Special
  • Status
  • Physical
  • Special
  • Status
  • Physical
  • -
  • Status
  • Physical
  • Grass
  • Normal
  • Steel
Winx Club
  • Lisa Adams
  • #F9D910
  • Jennifer Seguin
  • Becca Ordonez-Zagorin
  • Valentina Carnelutti
  • Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
  • "After the devastating atomic war that ravaged the Earth from 2248 to 2250, a group of veterans, tired of war, colonized an asteroid and named it Pax...they were determined to live in peace, but had not reckoned with...The Invaders!" Conrad and Stella consider the bright future for the settlers of the asteroid Pax. While they appreciate the view of the nearby planet Earth, Weber arrives to tell them of an approaching spacecraft. The Mercurian spacecraft lands. The Mercurians are welcomed, but their leader Gunta makes it obvious that they did not come in peace. With their electronic Robot Dogs and Mercurian force, Gunta says they will use the peace-loving planet to launch an attack on the Earth. Being weaponless, the Paxians are defenseless to halt the plans. The Mercurians take Paxians as slaves to serve their needs. Gunta's presumptions are soon challenged. Conrad, Stella, and Weber lead a resistance against the Mercurians. The rebels take weapons from the Mercurians whenever possible. In a skirmish, Stella is captured. Gunta tries to make Stella his bride, but she replies she'd rather die. Gunta imprisons her as the Mercurians complete a rocket and plan the invasion. Word reaches the rebels that the Mercurians are to have a celebratory Bacchanal and get drunk on wine before the invasion. The Paxians are to be fed to the Robot Dogs. Conrad and Weber plan to rescue Stella, who is to be thrown to the dogs. The battle goes south for the drunken Mercurians. Conrad rescues Stella. As Gunta's ship flees Pax, Conrad fires off the missile and destroys their ship. He says they need to remain diligent and prepared to defend the peace of Pax. He and Stella kiss as Weber arranges to dismantle the rocket launcher.
  • Stella is a bull terrier owned by Grace in the Nintendogs + Cats series. Stella is not usually friendly. But she can be with some dogs. Stella wears a pink fringed collar.
  • Stella è la principessa di Solaria e uno dei membri fondatori del Winx Club. Stella è il custode dell'anello Solaria e lei è la Fata Guardiana del brillante Sole, Luna e stelle. Lei è la seconda ragazza Winx essere introdotta, la prima è Bloom.
  • Stella is considered the mother of Trampoli. She lives in the Church, and is usually at the Snowstyle Tavern at night.
  • Stella ist die habgierige Königin der Sternschnuppen-Felder aus Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
  • Le porte-clef représente une lune, comme celles qui ornent le chapeau pointu du Magicien.
  • Stella is a NPC (non-playable character) in Fantage who works at Stellar Salon. She runs the shop with her sister Bella] who struts a similar style as her.
  • Stella is the secondary tritagonist in Over the Hedge. She is one of RJ friends and Tiger's girlfriend. She is a Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis).
  • Stella was a planet near Flora, that at one time hosted a Rebel Alliance base. A droid was discovered to have been transmitting information to the Galactic Empire.
  • Stella is Thaddeus and Thor's friend. She is the leader of the Waterside Girls. When she and Isabella met, the had a competition of who could sell the most cookies in 1 hour. She has a massive crush on Thaddius. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Stella is a Human in Xenoblade Chronicles X. She can be found at the BLADE Tower in the Administrative District of New Los Angeles. She is a BLADE officer.
  • Stella (ステラ Sutera?) era una esclava de la cual Gild Tesoro estaba enamorado, pero murió después de ser esclavizada por los Nobles Mundiales. Ella aparece en One Piece Film: Gold.
  • Stella fait sa première apparition auprès des personnages Mario dans ce jeu où elle est une des deux nouvelles-venues issues de la série Dragon Quest. Elle est de rang B. Catégorie:Personnages Catégorie:Personnages ne venant pas de la série Mario Catégorie:Course à la Fortune Catégorie:Personnages de Course à la Fortune Catégorie:Fées
  • Many Dragon Quest fans criticized Square Enix's decision to implement Stella in Dragon Quest IX because of her distinct resemblance of "gyarus" (or gals), a term used in Japan to refer to fashion-obsessed girls who often tan themselves. Several negative reviews posted on Japan's Amazon site are speculated to have been so negative due to Stella.
  • Stella is a character from Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem. She is the bassist of The Crescendolls, and the only female of the band. She also has a crush on the man who saved them both from the Earl of Darkwood which is Shep.
  • Stella (ステラ, Sutera, engl. Astrid) ist ein Mitglied der Königlichen Ritter Crimeas sowie ehemaliges Mitglied des in Begnion ansässigen Adelshauses Damiel.
  • Princess Stella is the princess of Solaria and one of the founding members of the Winx Club. Stella is the keeper of the Ring of Solaria and Guardian Fairy of Solaria. She is the second Winx girl to be introduced; the first being Bloom.
  • When Peter first meets her in "The Blind Side", he is surprised to find out how astute she is, but she explains that she knows how to read lips. Intrigued, Peter asks if her if without hearing, her other senses have been enhanced, such as if she can smell if he farts from across the room. She explains that she can't smell that, but that due to her extra reliance on vision, she can often notice subtle tells about a person, such as if they have farted, due to slight changes in their body movements. Peter then tries to give an example by uncontrollably spasming while he farts, to the point that she could have been legally blind and still seen it. When Quagmire meets her, he is inspired to hold a disabled ladies night at The Drunken Clam. In "Peter Problems", Peter tries to find out if she is related to Def Leppard. When Angela needs to have a private word with Peter, she makes Stella face the wall. When Peter finds out that Stella gets cigarette breaks in "Secondhand Spoke", he takes up smoking so he too can have extra time from working. Peter takes over a business trip to Chicago for Stella in "The Most Interesting Man in the World" when she can't attend due to the Deaf Games. She attends Peter's roast in "Roasted Guy". After Peter becomes deaf in "Peter's Def Jam", he turns to Stella for advice on how to cope with his condition. Stella is voiced by Marlee Matlin.
  • Stella est une humaine faisant partie d'un groupe de chasseur de prime du vaisseau Wayfarer. Sa fonction à bord du vaisseau semble être médecin et informaticienne, mais elle semble exercer plus que seulement ces fonctions.
  • Stella (シャンティ, Shanti en japonais, Soleil en anglais, Soraya en espagnol, Samira en allemand, Cettina en italien) est un hamster apparaissant comme villageoise dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • When you get to the waypoint you will be attacked by one of his friends (CL7). After dealing with him, converse with (but do not attack) Bent Spur (CL7). Award: 30 credits
  • Stella is an Aerial Beauty robo that appears in Custom Robo (Nintendo 64) and Custom Robo V2. It is a Speed Style robo that is primarily used by NPC characters.
  • __INDEX__ Stella ist die Prinzessin von Solaria, ein Planet, auf dem immer die Sonne scheint. Ihr Ring ist die größte Quelle der Magie auf Solaria. Sie kann ihn in ein Zepter verwandeln. Stella ist mächtig, sehr hübsch und dementsprechend mit Selbstbewusstsein ausgestattet. Außerdem ist sie extrem modebewusst und liebt nichts mehr als shoppen: Obwohl sie andauernd sagt, sie hätte nichts zum Anziehen, erzählt man sich von ihr, sie habe den größten Kleiderschrank in der bekannten magischen Dimension. Stella hat langes blondes Haar, leicht gebräunte Haut und braune Augen. Sie erscheint oft recht oberflächlich und manchmal sogar schnippisch, hat im Grunde aber ein gutes Herz. Darüber hinaus kann sie mit ihrem Charme wirklich jeden Mann um den Finger wickeln. Allerdings nimmt sie es mit den Vorschriften nicht allzu genau. In der ersten Staffel erfährt man, dass Stella bereits ein Jahr auf Alphea war und das Zauberlabor aus Versehen in die Luft gesprengt hat. Griselda hätte es am liebsten gesehen, wenn Stella von der Schule geflogen wäre, aber Stella kehrt nach Alphea zurück, um das erste Schuljahr zu wiederholen. Sie ist in der ersten Folge auf der Flucht vor einem Troll, den die Trix auf sie angesetzt haben, um an ihr Zepter zu kommen. Dabei gelangt sie auf die Erde und erhält überraschend Hilfe von Bloom. Sie überredet Bloom, mit ihr nach Alphea zu kommen und sich zur Fee ausbilden zu lassen. Bloom und sie sind beste Freundinnen. Seit Anfang der zweiten Staffel, als die Feen ihre Herzbandelfen bekommen, gehört Amore zu Stella. Amore hegt zwar aufgrund von Stellas leichten Charakterschwächen hin und wieder Zweifel, ob sie die richtige Fee gewählt hat, aber Ende der zweiten Staffel stellt sie fest, dass Stella eine absolute Romantikerin ist und daher ideal zu ihr passt. Stellas Eltern, das Königspaar von Solaria, hat sich im Verlauf von Staffel 1 scheiden lassen. Das hat Stella sehr mitgenommen, und sie wünscht sich nichts sehnlicher, als dass ihre Eltern wieder zusammenkommen. Staffel 3, Folge 1: 'Der Prinzessinnenball' verkündet ihr Vater ihr, dass er eine große Überraschung für sie hat. Stella glaubt, dass ihre Eltern sich versöhnt haben, und ist schockiert, als sie erfahren muss, dass ihr Vater Gräfin Cassandra heiraten wird. Deren Tochter Chimära kennt Stella nämlich schon; die beiden sind sich von ihrer ersten Begegnung an spinnefeind. Nachdem sie herausgefunden hat, dass Cassandra und Chimära gemeinsame Sache mit Valtor machen, kämpft Stella schließlich gegen sie und setzt sie gefangen.
  • Prinţesa Stella este prinţesa Solariei şi una dintre membrele fondatoare ale Clubului Winx. Stella este purtătoarea Inelului Solariei şi este Zâna Gardiană a Soarelui, Lunii şi Stelelor. Tatăl său este regele Radius al Solariei, şi mama sa este regina Luna. Ea este a doua membră Winx introdusă în serial, prima fiind Bloom.
  • Stella ist ein Afrikanisches Elefantenkuhkalb im Disney's Animal Kingdom, Bay Lake, Florida (USA). Sie wurde am 04.01.2017 als dritte Tochter ihrer Mutter Donna nach einer schnellen Geburt geboren. Die Herde und ihre Schwestern Nadirah (geboren 2005) und Luna (geboren 2010) haben sie gut aufgenommen. Stella erweitert die Herde in Disney’s Animal Kingdom nun auf 10 Elefanten, 3 männliche und nun 7 weibliche. Ihr Name wurde mit der Bekanntgabe ihrer Geburt vermeldet.
  • Stella appears in Genso Suikogaiden Vol. 2.
  • Stella is a character from the ALF Sitcom.
  • Stella is a character in IX.
  • Stella is a character of Pokémon: Indigo League.
  • Stella is a tank engine.
  • Stella was a gorilla office labourer.
  • Stella, wird von Amy Mussul in Kurze Pause.
  • thumb Stella ist die Prinzessin vom Planeten Solaria und ein Mitglied des Winx Club.
  • English | Japanese “O’ My Good Willed Sacred Master.""O’ Lord of Brightness who bestows all of his power, sanctity, and wisdom to me.”"See clearly my heart, my thoughts, and my skill.""Now, O’ being who created the moon and stars...""Behold my deeds, my death, my spenta armaiti which I must carry out.""────Stella!” —Archer, Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Blue and Silver Stella: Lone Meteor (流星一条ステラ, Ryūsei IchijōSutera?) is an "Ultimate Shot" used by Arash. A famous legend of an arrow shot with all of Arash's might. It is a maximum range, long-range attack that literally "Divides the Earth" and ends all strife. Said to have divided the land to create the national borders between Persia and Turan, the ultimate arrow's shooting range was 2500 km, but it was said that he lost his life in exchange for this special move that exceeds the limits of humans and had his body scattered in all directions. English | Japanese “All right...!""Stellaaa!!” —Archer, Fate/Grand Order Though classified as Anti-Army, it in fact has the power of an Anti-Fortress and Anti-Country Noble Phantasm when taking into consideration its range. However, it can only be used once for its usage always results in Arash's death, simultaneously destroying him and the Noble Phantasm, and is by all means a "Double Broken Phantasm".
  • Stella is a 17-year-old blonde. Even though she is usually proud and self-centered, Stella cares a lot about her friends. She will stick for her friends and do anything to keep them safe. Stella is always seen wearing a beautiful smile on her pretty face, or cracking jokes to cheer her friends when they are depressed. Basically, Stella has a cheerful and optimistic personality. Besides that, she is totally obsessed with fashion and which clothes look best on her and which dresses best matches her pretty face. Stella often gives fashion advice to people in Alfea, but gets spelled in return. She'd rather flirt with the boys than study and do work. The other girls sometimes get annoyed at Stella. The most intuitive of all of the members, Stella likes to matchmake and has often had problems with understanding why her friends don't always like getting set up. However, despite her intuition, Stella can be rather oblivious at times. As she is one year older than the other girls, Stella often takes up the role of a leader. She was sent to Alfea to become a stronger fairy, but this didn't mean so much to her. She uses her magic for anything but she mostly wants to help her friends as deep inside she is a generous and helpful girl. Although she might disagree with her friends, Stella is very supportive and protective and will not hesitate to help them. She learns to accept that love and friendship are far more important than royalty, fashion and shopping. Sometimes she hides her true personality because of her upbringing. Her signature color varies from yellow to bright orange. She can send text messages to her friends in Philadelphia.
  • Stella (サンディーSandy) est une fée. Elle a les cheveux blonds et un bronzage très foncé. Elle parle comme une jeune fille. Stella est un personnage très important dans l'histoire de Dragon Quest IX. En fait, elle est le co-pilote de l'Orion Express.
  • Stella is the name Lorelai gives the baby chick that Rory must observe in episode 1.14 (That Damn Donna Reed). Lorelai returns home to find the chick missing and comedy ensues. Also known as "Case Study Number Twelve", and for a few seconds, "Stanley", based on Lorelai's initial assumption that the chick is male.
  • stella f. (plural stelle) 1. * a star
  • The very night of Terano's defeat, Stella was sent into action, burrowing into the ground under Tokyo and controlling the city's rats, sending them to devour sewer workers and chewing through electrical wires. Soon, the Izenborg team came to investigate and where attacked by a wriggling wave of rats, and soon, Stella joined the fight and fought the Tank Izenborg. After the failed attempt to destroy a nuclear power plant with his rats, he fought the flying Izenborg. He was defeated after a short battle, getting his head and tail sliced off completely, sending Ururu into a fit of rage.
  • Princess Stella is the princess of Solaria and one of the founding members of the Winx Club. Stella is the keeper of the Ring of Solaria and she is the Guardian Fairy of the Shining Sun, Moon and Stars. She is the second Winx girl to be introduced, the first being Bloom.
  • Stella has long strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair white skin. She wears a black dress with white frills at the bottom. Over the dress she wears a purple and white overcoat with puffed out sleeves that is held together by a star button below her neck. Her leg-wear consists of over the knee white socks with frills are the top and purple shoes that match her overcoat in design.
  • Stella is just like Pink Bird. She loves adventures and she wants to be careful for The Hooded Gale's perils. She is voiced by Heljä Heikkinen.
  • Stella is a song by Flanders in "A Streetcar Named Marge"
  • Stella is a Jungle or Tribal Guy (or rather Gal) who joins Kolorado on his quest for the crystals. She has to run away from her tribe because she refused to paint her mask and swapped her robe for a more comfertable purple robe, she was shunned by the tribe. She was the first female Shy Guy variant that Kolorado had ever seen, she was a fantastic scientific and historic find so he had to protect her from her tribe. To show her gratitude she vowed to stay with Kolorado and protect him. After the game she came to the public showing that there are indeed female Shy Guys, she was viewed as a scientific break through for Human/Toad and Shy Guy relations. She never returns to her tribe on Lava Lava Island.
  • Principessa Stella è la principessa di Solaria e uno dei membri fondatori del Winx Club. Stella è il custode del Ring of Solaria e Guardiano Fata di Solaria. Lei è la seconda ragazza Winx da introdurre, il primo dei quali Bloom.
  • All set for a promising career as a pop singer, young Stella had a complete change of heart after coming across Guru Cr's theories of transdimensional transcendence. Ever since she’s been performing as the Kosmik Kantahtriz of the Volkahn band, in which she pushes her incredible voice to the limits of all human and extra-terrestrial understanding.
  • Stella is an alien and also Lala's manager who came to Earth to do a CD release, She is also the President of her fanclub, social circle and support group. She is a minor character appearing only in the anime episode 10.
  • Stella ist ein weibliches Schaf. Sie hat am 9. April Geburtstag und ist eine ausgeglichene Dorfbewohnerin.
  • Normalmente si definisce stella un corpo celeste che brilla di luce propria. Tuttavia ciò sarebbe un paradosso, in quanto come potrebbe tale corpo celeste pagare la bolletta all'Enel? Ecco allora che di fronte al paradosso serve fare il quadro della situazione: []. Purtroppo, essendo un rettangolo e non già un quadro non serve ad una beneamata cippa.
  • Stella est chanteuse de rebetiko dans un cabaret de Pláka, à Athènes, et tous les hommes tombent amoureux d'elle. Elle choisit ses amants et refuse le mariage. Elle préfère finalement mourir plutôt que de perdre sa liberté. Ce mélodrame est un hommage à la tragédie grecque antique et à la culture populaire traditionnelle. Le film aborde les contradictions qui déchirent la Grèce au début des années 1950 : le désir de changement et de modernisation face à la peur de l'instabilité et de perte de l'identité nationale. Stella incarne ces contradictions : elle cherche, sans succès, à moderniser son numéro ; elle triomphe sur scène avec des chansons grecques ; elle refuse la domination patriarcale traditionnelle. Cacoyannis a demandé à Manos Hadjidakis une bande son qui exprime ces tiraillements entre culture traditionnelle (bouzouki de Vassílis Tsitsánis) et modernité (jazz). Cependant, comme dans la tragédie antique, Stella est condamnée par le destin mais aussi par une société patriarcale dans laquelle elle ne peut trouver sa place.
  • frame|Stella. Stella (アツコ Atsuko en japonés) es un personaje eventual del anime que apareció por primera y única vez en Es la hora de Mr. Mine (ES) / La hora de Mr. Mine (HA) ‹№›. Ella es dueña de un circo Pokémon.
  • Una stella è un corpo celeste di notevoli dimensioni che si differenzia per la caratteristica di brillare di luce propria; ciò è dovuto alle reazioni termonucleari che avvengono al suo interno e che portano la temperatura esterna a cifre elevatissime. Il contatto o l'avvicinamento con una stella è quasi sempre letale per un'astronave.
  • Stella ist eine ehemalige Schülerin des Albert-Einstein Gymnasium in Seelitz. Gespielt wurde die Rolle von Jessica Zollondz.
  • Stella is a minor Seinfeld character appearing in “The Pen”. She is the wife (in that episode) of Uncle Leo. She is extremely friendly, but her name is riduculed by Elaine while she is under the influence of pain medication. Stella and Leo separate between 1992 and 1996.
  • Stella is a character introduced in The Legend of Heroes III: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch.
  • Le stelle si formano all'interno di enormi nebulose gassose. In queste nebulose si creano accumuli di alta densità che lentamente accrescono la loro massa sino a creare una protostella. La pressione al centro della protostella aumenta, incrementando la temperatura e la densità finché il gas non si trasforma in plasma, in questo stato i nuclei atomici sono dissociati dagli elettroni. Quando vengono raggiunti valori sufficienti di pressione e temperatura dal nucleo si innesca la fusione nucleare producendo la luce: la stella è nata..
  • Stella is one of the Digidestines from "Digimon Music Popstars!" She is the current leader of the original gang. She is characterized as a happy-go-lucky, Friendly and at times brave character who always wears yellow clothing. Instead of a set of goggles; Like every other Digimon leader she wears a set of Sunglasses given to her by her mom, who died. She is at times or most of the time very jump to-person which may bring a lot of trouble to her and the group. She also speaks her mind but without realizing the consequences of her actions. As a true leader, however, she manages to do whatever is necessary to rectify the situation, and in times of need, save friends and family from certain doom. She is the Popstar of Surprise. ("S&M", "Disturbia" & "Only Girl (In the World)") Her evil pop-song is "Hard" and her lost spirit song is "What's My Name?"
  • Stella is voiced by Ellen-Ray Hennessy in the animated series.
  • Stella (conocida cómo la Pájara Rosa) es una ave que aparece por primera vez en Angry Birds Seasons en el episodio Back to School, publicado el 16 de agosto en iOS y el 20 de agosto en Android.
  • Stella (Played by Taylor Swift) is a lady in high school. Taylor Swift named her after Bella Swan in Twilight. Stella appeared in the "Firelight" (parody of Twilight) sketch Stella's ex is a Frankenstein named "Philip" (named after Edward, A prince name)
  • Stella is the daughter of a foreigner who built the city with his industry. Working in the factory itself, keeping her father's work alive with her trusty Magnitogre, Stella is a heavily Soviet-inspired steel worker, much like the city itself. Stella is one of two daughters. She manages the factory floor, while her sister manages the business side of things. Stella's gym is an industrial factory.
  • Stella (Japanese: ステラ) is a minor character in Phantasy Star Online Episode III C.A.R.D. Revolution. She is an energetic humanoid part of the Hunters that can typically be found with Glustar. Despite having a rough early life and being a defective humanoid without a chance of ever becoming fully functional, explaining the occasional "nyah" sprinkled in her speech, Stella enjoys lightening the mood with jokes and a smile. Her specialties include analysis, agility on the battlefield, and locking onto targets with supposedly 100% accuracy.
  • Stella (stell-a) is a female adult black bear with reddish brown fur.
  • The Kingdom of Stella (ステラ王国 Sutera Ōkoku) is a kingdom on the continent of Ishgar that was under the control of King Animus.
  • Stella era la schiava di cui si era innamorato Gild Tesoro.
  • Stella es una guardia de caravanas de la Compañia de Caravanas Happy Trails en 2281.
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