  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana (ディアーナ Diāna?) is one of four Kings (Queen, in her case) of celestial Mars. Diana can use the element of Wind.
  • Unter Diana versteht man eine Düsterdörflerin, die zusammen mit ihren drei Söhnen im ersten Haus von Düsterdorf wohnt.
  • Diana is the Roman goddess of hunting and the literal equivalent of the Greek goddess Artemis. She also represents wildlife and the woodlands, as well as being the symbol of female fertility. Her appearance in Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers may be a reference to the Diana of Ephesus.
  • Diana is the girlfriend of Lloyd Raleigh, Boomerang. She has no powers but is a champion archer.
  • Prinzessin Diana lebt von Prinz Charles getrennt. Sie will keine Scheidung, doch die Medien drängen sie zu einer Aussage über die gescheiterte Ehe. Gegen Anraten ihres PR-Teams gibt sie dem Sender "BBC" ein kontroverses Interview. Zur allgemeinen Überraschung sind die Reaktionen in der Bevölkerung überwiegend positiv und der Medienrummel um "Lady Di" steigert sich noch mal extrem. Als Diana sich in den Chirurgen Dr. Hasnat Khan verliebt, wird das schon bald zu einem großen Problem, denn ihm ist seine Privatsphäre extrem wichtig. Die Liebesbeziehung von Diana, die bald als die berühmteste Frau der Welt gilt und einem Mann, der sein Bild am liebsten niemals in der Zeitung sehen will muss von den beiden über Jahre geheim gehalten werden - bis die Prinzessin unbedingt seine Frau werden möchte.
  • Diana is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime. She is the guardian of the western tower where Lulu Obsidian was held.
  • Diana (jap. ダイアナ Daiana) – mówiąca mała szara kotka. Jest przyszłą córką Luny i Artemisa, a także towarzyszką Chibiusy. Podobnie jak Usagi i Luna, czy też Minako i Artemis, Chibiusę i Dianę łączyła dość bliską więź. Diana często przesiadywała na głowie Chibiusy.
  • Diana(ダイアナDaiana) is Willard H. Wright's pet cat. She is known to have digestive issues and due to this she can only drink warm milk. She is also believed to be rather vicious even though she has such a calm and cute demeanor.
  • Alicia (clone sister) Barbara (clone sister) Cynthia (clone sister) Clone Diclonii (clone sisters) Kurama (genetic father) Hiromi Kurama (genetic mother) Occupation Living weapon Chapter 80 Chapter 94 No information No information Diana was one of four wholly viable clones of Mariko along with Barbara, Alicia, and Cynthia all bred by Nousou.
  • Diana has short, pale blue hair. She wears earrings. She wears a baggy white jumpsuit with draping sleeves that bare her shoulders under a silver breastplate to which a baby blue cloak is attached. A dark blue belt around her waist is attached to a duster that falls to her calves, and she wears blue and brown boots. The dominant color in her various job costumes is light blue.
  • Diana jest żoną drwala Terry'ego, pochodzi ze Szkocji.
  • Diana is girl with Doll and mother named Zabba appears in What Goes Around
  • Diana è la segretaria che conferma l'appuntamento a Juliet con la Mittelos Bioscience. Non è mai apparsa sullo schermo. Potrebbe essere un membro degli Altri, sebbene ciò che i collaboratori della Mittelos Bioscience e la Herarat Aviation sanno sull'Isola è a noi sconosciuto.
  • Diana confirme à Juliet l'heure de son rendez vous avec Mittelos Bioscience en l'appellant sur son téléphone mobile. Elle n'est pas vue à l'écran. Elle est peut être une des Autres, cependant, on ne sait pas ce que les employés de Mittelos Bioscience et d'Herarat Aviation connaissent de l'île.
  • Diana appears in MySims Townies.
  • Diana is Claymore No. 44 of Clare's generation.
  • Diana is a friend of Barry Allen and Iris West.
  • Diana, Mépris de la Lune est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Le Diana était un vaisseau spatial.
  • Diana era la suma inquisidora de Labyrinthia, donde trabajó para liberar al pueblo de las brujas. También fue la única persona capaz de reunirse directamente con el "creador" de la ciudad, el misterioso Narrador. Hace su primera y única aparición en El profesor Layton vs. Ace Attorney.
  • On seaRO2, this NPC is known as Dipite.
  • En la primera temporada es la Jewelpet malvada contra la que Rinko y los demás deberán enfrentarse. Es sumamente orgullosa y vive en una gran mansión. Tiene al Escuadrón de las Hierbas a su servicio para complicarle la existencia a Ruby y Rinko.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__DianaKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Diana is easily the most Earth like object in the Solar system. The picture at the right shows an editing image of Diana, with the waters tinted blue.
  • Diana, often known simply as Di, was a well-known princess. She was the wife of Prince Charles until their divorce. When Diana's marriage began to dissolve, she reportedly leaked details of their marital struggles and shared gossip with her close friends to ensure that the world at large heard her side of the story. (Findings at CTU) Martin Belkin claimed to have met Diana once, but said he never took her picture. ("Day 1: 12:00am-1:00am")
  • The Diana is a 12pd Frigate that will at some point in time come to Naval Action
  • Diana bestätigt Juliets Termin bei Mittelos Bioscience über ein Handy. Sie ist ein (bisher) ungesehener Charakter. („“) Juliet Burke Dargestellt von Elizabeth Mitchell
  • In the manga, Tin Nyanko says they are creatures from the planet Mau. This is never mentioned in the anime. Also never mentioned in the anime is that Diana, along with her parents, Artemis and Luna, can take human form due to Sailor Moon's power. In her human form, Diana's hair and most of her body resembles Chibi Chibi.
  • Diana, also known as Artemis, is the name of the goddess worshiped in Ephesus, whom a silversmith named Demetrius, who made silver shrines for Diana, feared would have her magnificence destroyed by Paul the apostle's preaching about Jesus Christ, and also possibly causing him and his fellow craftsmen to lose their businesses.
  • Diana was an employee of Mittelos BioScience who called Juliet Burke on her cell phone to confirm her meeting with Richard Alpert.
  • Diana was an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Diana was an abandoned oil rig which was occupied by squatters after the Atomic Wars. In 2139 the population was about five thousand humans, mutants and a few aliens. Its economy was based on fishing and, following discovery of new oil deposits, ten to twelve barrels of crude a week. Their enforcement was roughly based on the judge structure, with Marshals enforcing the law.
  • Las Dianas (Target en las versiones inglesas) son unos objetos que aparecen en Metroid Blast.
  • Diana is an Alchemy Master residing inside the Artisans Hall of Sanctum. She regards alchemy as a solemn technology. Her brother is the Alchemy Merchant Darius.
  • Diana es una operadora de Mittelos Bioscience. Ella contactó a Juliet para que ésta diera una entrevista con Richard Alpert.
  • Diana (Japanese: ダイアナ Daiana) is the Gym Leader of Fukui Town's Gym, officially known as the Fukui Gym. She hands out the Library Badge to Trainers that defeat her. She specializes in Dragon-type Pokémon. Her Slogan in "The Woman Bookworm".
  • Diana has been identified as DC Thomson's answer to Girl. In 1976 Romeo merged into it; later that year Diana itself merged into Jackie. Strips included... * "The Avengers" (Emilio Frejo, Juan Gonzalez Alacrojo) * "The Girls from N.O.O.D.L.E.S." * "Jane: Model Miss" (Pamela Chapeau) * "Jo and Co" (Brian Delaney) * "Mary Brown's Schooldays" * "Paula with the White Mask" * "The Sea Stars" * "Topspin Terry"
  • Diana refers to the tenth and last episode of spook's fourth series which aired for the first time on 10 November 2005.
  • Diana jest 15 letnią córką boga wojny Morthena i najmłodszą przedstawicielką jego rodu. Jako jedna z nielicznych nie była zainteresowana odziedziczeniem tronu Balmory i uznawała swoją siostrę Vermorę za godną następczynię Morthena. Czerwonowłosa, dość wątłej budowy potrafi po mistrzowsku władać swoją kataną i posługiwać się magią krwi. Obecnie razem z Viconią stara się dołączyć do ŁZM.
  • Diana confirmed Juliet's appointment for Mittelos Bioscience over her cell phone. She is never seen on-screen. It is possible she is a member of the Others, although which employees of Mittelos Bioscience and Herarat Aviation know about the Island is unknown.
  • Before moving to the Homestead, Diana resided with her family and Godfrey's on a small plot of land north of Champlain, New York, which she described as a "tangle of rock and bramble". After the Assassin Connor saved her husband from drowning in a nearby river, the families were invited to move to the Davenport Homestead.
  • Diana ist ein kleines graues Kätzchen und die zukünftige Tochter von Luna und Artemis.
  • Diana est une canette anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Valera Dynez was born to Brundt the Chieftain in Relleka. Exiled from her class, she becomes a barbarian and later joins the team.
  • Diana (ディアナ, Deiana) is a fictional character and major antagonist in the popular manga and anime series MÄR. She is the Queen of the Chess Pieces, through extension the second strongest member, the former queen of the Kingdom of Lestava, and the key opening all events in the series.
  • Diana ist ein Charakter aus dem Manga Layton Kyōju to Mayoi no Mori. Sie kommt in der Geschichte „Luke und die rätselhafte Insel“ vor.
  • Diana is a powerful fairy who resides in the Amazon Rain Forest of South America and rules over it. She is the Major Fairy of Nature.
  • Diana vonakozhat: * Diana - a Kánok fegyvermestere * Diana - Óvoda Központi Számítógépe * Diana Sowle - szinkronhang
  • Diana war die Ehefrau von Terry und eine Bewohnerin der Davenport Siedlung.
  • Diana is a character from Celebi: Voice of the Forest and is the granddaughter of Towa.
  • Diana could refer to a number of things. * Hurricane Diana--a massive, penguin-made hurricane by the STINC that destroyed Old Town... OR... * Diana Family--a family of royal princesses, some of which were praised, some of which were controversial. OR... * The name Diana--its a name.
  • Although Diana has always fought for equal rights between men and women, she still realizes that when it comes to fighting, men are at a slight advantage. Not being a fan of heavy artillery, she's therefore invented some very special weapons that ever so gently help to even things up a bit and only work on men.
  • Diana (ダイアナ, Daiana) is a character of The King of Fighters series of fighting games developed in SNK. She was first introduced in The King of Fighters 2000 appearing in Kula Diamond's attacks, intro and winposes. According to the KOF 10th anniversary page, Diana was originally planned to be a playable character in 2001, and had most of her assets created, but was ultimately scrapped. __TOC__
  • Diana (ディアナ Diana) is a major character from the Jumi story arc of Legend of Mana. The leader of the Jumi, Diana possesses a core of diamond and functions as the Guardian of Rubens. Diana desperately attempts to keep the Jumi from extinction with a hard-headed dictatorship, one that sees her unfeelingly exploiting the Clarius Florina's ability to shed life-giving tears at the expense of the latter's life. This in turn spurs Sandra's decision to betray the Jumi by robbing them of their cores, heralding the near-extinction of the race.
  • Diana (pronounced DEE-anna,) also known as Lady Winter, is the previous emissary of the Realm of Mist, preceding Queen Elsa.
  • Diana este o zână cu părul roşu-roz închis şi lung prins în două cozi. Pe cap are o coroană mov, albastru şi verde. În ambele părţii ale capului două frunze îi ies din păr. Ochii ei sunt verzi şi pe pleoape are un fard roz deschis. Ca şi vestimentaţie, hainele au un design inspirat de către natură. Are un top mov deschis care îi lasă umeri şi abdomenul gol. Pe braţe are două brasiere dintr-un material transparent conectate cu topul, care se conectează şi cu o fustă verde deschis în partea de jos. În picioare poartă o pereche de sandale cu toc cu barete lungi care îi ajung până la genunchi.
  • Diana est une jeune Sans-Destin, qui s'occupe d'accueillir les infortunés réfugiés ayant perdu leur monde. Toujours prête à tendre une oreille compréhensive, elle explique jour après jour aux nouveaux arrivants ce que sera leur nouvelle vie. Très sensible, sa volonté de donner de l'aide à autrui l'a naturellement poussé vers ce poste.
  • Diana is one of four Red Wizards of Thay that can be found in the Spider Wood area. Along with Lasala and Brendan, she is part of Denak's group, which will attack your party if Edwin Odesseiron is not in it. Diana begins combat by casting Ghost Armor on herself, then attacking with Melf's Acid Arrow and Magic Missile.
  • Diana, labeled as The Morbid Goth, is a contestant on Total Drama Culture.
  • Diana is the Roman Goddess of the hunt. She is the Roman incarnation of Artemis. This article is a stub. You can help WikiPagan by [ expanding it].
  • Diana est une mage noire de Rang S de la guilde clandestine Silver Blissfull. Elle maîtrise une magie surpuissante, ce qui donne son surnom : 'La marionnettiste'
  • Diana or Dee Anna as she prefers to be known, is the blonde bombshell fiancee of Cousin Jimmy, who Jimmy is racing out to buy an engagement ring for in "Wedding Repercussions". Unfortunately, he leaves her in the "safe hands" of Bud, with inevitable consequences. Diana is played by former Playboy centerfold Barbara Ann Moore.
  • Diana usa permanentemente su armadura, por lo cual no es posible apreciar su rostro por la protección facial del mismo que impide ver más allá de la boca. Aún así su cabello queda a la vista, es largo y de un bello color celestino. Ella no lleva una capa como los demás reyes, pero una tela oscura adorna su cabello. Diana usa lápiz labial oscuro.
  • Diana was a "smart" artificial intelligence unit created by an unsanctioned Office of Naval Intelligence program under the direction of Dr. Leonard Church during the final years of the Human-Covenant War. Forged directly from brain patterns of the living test subject Adeline Harding, Diana was one of two "twin" AIs given life by Dr. Church's experiment. The unorthodox nature of her conception allowed her to break free of the standard protocols and limitations imposed on artificial intelligence and she quickly began operating outside the boundaries of the tasks imposed on her by ONI. Diana was soon assimilated into the AI collective known as "The Assembly," which aimed to guide and protect humanity as it struggled against the Covenant onslaught. Following the war, Diana abandoned the UNSC o
  • In 2364, the location of the Diana was labeled in a star chart. This chart was stored in the USS Enterprise-D library computer. Later that year, the chart was scanned by Outpost 63. (TNG: "The Naked Now" , production art; TNG: "The Last Outpost" )
  • Diana nacio en el Polo Norte con una madre y un hermano, su padre habia muerto en un viaje para recolectar alimento, Diana con 6 años ayudaba a su madre a cazar animales, la escaces de alimento atacaba, y no se podia hacer nada al repecto. ya han pasado 2 años y la escaces continuaba, hasta que a Diana se le ocurrio la idea de empezar a plantar, su madre no tenia ezperanzas, por que la tierra de ese lugar no es muy fertil, pero ella no perdio la esperanza, continuo cosechando, al principio no crecia nada pero una noche toda la huerta que ella habia plantado habia crecido. pero ellos no solo vivian de vegetales, nesecitaban cazar. Una noche el hermano de Diana estaba muy enfermo y nesecitaba alimento y nutrientes, asi que Diana se fue de caza. Ella se fue durante dos dias y no regresaba, l
  • Diana (ダイアナ Daiana?): She is 18 years old and Spielban's partner fighting as Diana Lady (ダイアナレディ Daiana Redii?) by performing the same techniques as Spielban to activate her own white and red suit. Like Spielban, Diana is quite capable in a fight both in and out of uniform and carries with her the Lady Sniper which acts as her own personal weapon. She primarily serves as a backup for Spielban when they battle the mechanoids or when the Waller send out assault vehicles. There have been times when the Waller have turned their attention towards her once they recognized how much of a threat to them she can be. A running gag on the show was that she would use her charm and sex appeal on the Kinclons, distracting them from their duties while she made her move. Another gag is that she sometimes u
  • Diana is the second planet in the Veneris system, home to the Garko among other species. It is a planet with a T-score of T3, making it a perfect habitat for life. Diana is home to somewhat 30 000 000 species, most prominently the Garko, the Horg-Horg, the feet-horns and the Gargantuan. The surface of the planet is covered in green, lush plains, although some forests dot the land. Blue oceans cover about 20% of the planet's surface. The planet's atmosphere is green, with some blue, pink and yellow tones. The gases within this atmosphere are not entirely defined. (PAGE UNDER EDITING)
  • Name: Diana Alter: unbekannt Identität: Tochter von Luna und Artemis und Freundin von Kleine Lady/Chibiusa Familie: Mutter: Luna Vater: Artemis Frauchen: Kleine Lady/Chibiusa Aussehen: Das kleine Kätzchen Diana hat lila Augen und rosafarbendes,glänzendes und kuzhaariges Fell. Mit ihrem kleinen Gesicht und der süßen rosafarbendes Stubsnäßchen ist sie richtig zum knuddeln. Verwandlungsspruch: gibt es keinen Zaubersprüche: gibt es keine Stärken und Schwächen: Stärken: Tapfer Süß recht intelligent Schwächen: schnell aufbrausend noch kindisch tut für ihre Freunde alles
  • La semana pasada compré un nuevo armario blanco para mi habitación, lo que me obligó a sacar el viejo armario negro que tenía pero antes de hacerlo, tendría que bajar las cajas polvorientas que estaban sobre el mueble, eso me llevó a curiosear un poco, ciertamente, no recordaba que guardaba en esas cajas de cartón; como sorpresa, en la mas grande de ellas, estaban algunas de mis muñecas. En mi infancia tuve varias muñecas, pero una vieja muñeca de trapo a la que llamaba Diana fue mi favorita. Cuando era pequeña, mis padres no tenían las posibilidades económicas para darnos gusto a todas mis hermanas y a mi, así que hay una bonita historia en como conseguí cada una de mis muñecas, más, no podría decir lo mismo de Diana.
  • Diana is one of the orphans at Rose Garden Orphanage and a member of the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club. Ranked Duchess, she has the highest social placement in the Aristocracy, and is also the highest ranking member of the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club, under the Princess of the Red Rose. She is usually seen with Meg and Eleanor. She is the oldest member of the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club (when the events of the game actually occurred, instead of in a surreal mental memory).
  • Diana era a deusa romana da caça e das florestas, assimilada às deusas gregas Ártemis, Hécate e Selene. Seu culto nasceu às margens do lago Nemi, perto de Roma. Ali, seu sacerdote permanecia no posto, com o título de Rex Nemorensis, até ser morto pelo próximo pretendente, usualmente um escravo fugido, que viesse a colher um "ramo dourado" no bosque sagrado. Uma tentativa de explicar esse costume é o fio condutor de um dos mais belos e ambiciosos (mas não dos mais rigorosos) tratados de mitologia já escritos, O Ramo de Ouro, de Sir James George Frazer.
  • Diana - staroitalska bogini światła, przyrody i narodzin (Lucina). Główny jej przybytek znajdował się w gaju koło Arycji (łac. nemus, stąd Diana Nemorensis lub Arycyjska) nad jeziorem w Nemi (lacus Nemorensis, zwane „zwierciadłem Diany"). Kapłanem wyższym był zawsze zbiegły niewolnik, który musiał przedtem zabić swego poprzednika konarem pewnego określonego drzewa. W Rzymie, gdzie Diana miała świątynię na Awentynie, utożsamiono ją zupełnie z grecką Artemidą. Prócz tego była w Italii sławna świątynia Diany koło góry Tifala (teraz Sant Angelo w Formis koło Kapui). Jako boginię czarów utożsamiano Dianę z Hekatą i oddawano jej cześć jeszcze w czasach chrześcijańskich.(Encyklopeda Powszechna Gutenberga)Kategoria:Stare encyklopedie kategoria:mity greckie i rzymskie Kategoria:Religie i wierzenia
  • Princess Diana was the daughter of King Lias and a recurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess". She is a Xena look alike, which has gotten her into a few tough situations over the years. In both of her appearances, she was the target for assassins, which was the reason why Xena protected her. She appeared in "Warrior... Princess" and in "Warrior... Princess... Tramp". In Warrior... Princess, Diana's father asks Xena for help with his daughter's marriage etc. Diana was played by Lucy Lawless.
  • Diana use to live on Venus where her husband and little girl resides. She joined the Earth Resistance in the first year of the neosapien war. When she found out that the neosapiens had captured her family she made a deal with the Neosapien Shiva. If she could find out where the resistance and Exo-Fleet had taken Xenobius and gave away their locations she would be given in return her family with a transport to Venus. She betrayed the resistance and Exo-Fleet giving to locations. Shiva kept to his word about the transport yet it was not going to Venus it was sent to the Sun. She was saved by Marsala who disguised as a shuttle pilot and turned the transport back away from the sun.
  • The Realm of Mist
  • 100
  • 3
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 40
  • 41
  • 42
  • 52
  • 58
  • Jikuu Senshi Spielban
  • * *Post-War Era
  • 11
  • 9
  • 40
  • Dermatologist
  • To live in solitude, to pass on the Gift
  • Unknown
  • On entend sa voix dans
Forte in Sports
  • Fencing
  • Conferma a Juliet un appuntamento
Measurements (Bust, Waist, Hip)
  • 86
  • Féminin
  • Fille
  • keine
  • Weak
  • -
  • 100
  • Sometimes you have to lose to win.
  • drei Söhne
  • Divorced
  • Tierra
Primera aparición
  • Jura Lealtad
  • Inconnu
Row 8 info
  • Ostrze Księżycowej Poświaty to bierna umiejętność, nakładająca dwa efekty. Jeden zapewnia ulepszenie do prędkości ataku, a drugi to umiejętność obszarowa, zadająca dodatkowe obrażenia pobliskim wrogom.
  • Księżycowa Kaskada to umiejętność celowana na siebie, zapewniająca tymczasową tarczę i trzy pociski detonujące się w kontakcie z celem.
  • Lunarny Skok to pojedynczy ślizg.
  • Zew Księżyca to umiejętność obszarowa.
  • Cios Półksiężyca to zakrzywiona umiejętność mierzona.
Initial Phrase
  • no doy
  • Unknown
  • Diana
  • Kobieta
Row 4 info
  • Female
  • L.B. Cole & Alex Schomburg
Erscheint in
  • 100
  • 12
  • * Polymerization
  • Doradczyni Sailor Chibi Moon, tymczasowa strażniczka Drzwi Czasoprzestrzeni
  • Sekretarka
  • Natarī
Romaji Name
  • Diana
Battle Start
  • I'll drive you mad!
mieszka w
  • Kryształowe Tokio; później Azabu-Jūban, Minato-ku, Tokio
  • %
  • Femenino
  • 100
  • 53.040000
  • ~~
Row 7 title
  • First appearance
  • Hamster
  • 100
  • Very bright things
  • mana
  • mana
  • 36
  • 35
  • ナタリー
  • ミク Miku
  • Death
  • 4480
  • weiblich
  • Morado
Erster Auftritt
  • Paper Mario: Die Legende vom Äonentor
  • -
  • Cios Półksiężyca
  • Księżycowa Kaskada
  • Lunarny Skok
  • Ostrze Księżycowej Poświaty
  • Zew Księżyca
  • Diana
  • Rasa
  • Wiek
  • Klasa
  • Miejsce pobytu
Initial Clothes
  • Natty Tee
  • 192
  • 495
skill lv
  • Deal 250% DMG to all enemies / 15% chance
  • Deal 350% DMG to all enemies / 20% chance
Efekty czarów
  • Nie
  • Obszarowe
  • Pojedyncze
Row 1 info
  • Diana
  • ダイアナ
  • 10
  • Gris
  • Sconosciuta
  • 2013
  • A tranquil sanctuary
  • Receptionist
  • AJ
  • * Admiration of the Keepers
  • Diana
no of attacks
  • 1
Row 8 title
  • Last appearance
effect monsters
  • * Guardian Baou * Penumbral Soldier Lady
  • 297.200000
  • Lightning Magis
  • 44
  • 72
  • 10
  • Potomkini inteligentnych kotów z planety Mau
Kinostart DE
  • 2014-01-09
  • Diana
  • Didi
  • Bambina
  • Vroni
  • Diana.png
  • Vivante
  • College boys. She's self-made.
  • Elite management ; [she's a self-made woman]
  • The breaking of traditions
Row 4 title
  • Gender
  • Created by
  • Diana.jpg
Date de naissance
  • ~~
Hit points
  • 14
  • Clay
Précédente Affiliation
  • Aucune
  • 12
  • N/A
  • 6
  • Darklaw Eve Belduke
  • EeRQ-mUUau$naf9a CWQ%yT3%aXBAaf0r
  • "Diana"
  • single foe/1/Physical/none
Dodatkowe informacje
  • * Księżycowa Kaskada nie posiada czasu rzucania.
  • * Ostrze Księżycowej Poświaty zadaje 50% obrażeń strukturom. * Ostrze Księżycowej Poświaty w przeciwieństwie do czy nie posiada licznika. * Obszar działania dotyczy Diany, a nie celu.
  • * Cios Półksiężyca nie ujawnia niewidzialnych celów.
  • * Lunarny Skok może zostać przerwany podczas lotu efektami kontroli tłumu. * Czas odnowy zostanie skrócony nawet wtedy, gdy skok Diany zostanie przerwany.
  • * Cele w zasięgu umiejętności są przyciągane do Diany przez 0.5 sek. * Zew Księżyca przerywa ładowane umiejętności.
  • no
  • 10
  • sek.
okres historyczny
  • Rewolucja amerykańska
  • 18
  • 52
  • 57
  • ► Lightning Magic
  • Großbritnnien, Frankreich, Schweden, Belgien
  • Metroid Blast
  • Sconosciuto
  • : Diana wykonuje zamach swym ostrzem, tworząc pocisk księżycowej energii w kształcie łuku, który zadaje obrażenia magiczne, a następnie wybucha. Przeciwnicy trafieni Ciosem Półksiężyca zostają naznaczeni Światłem Księżycowym oraz ujawnieni na 3 sekund. 830 100
  • Jeśli wybuchną trzy kule, tarcza aktywuje się ponownie, a czas odnowy jest odświeżany. Druga tarcza posiada takie same statystyki co pierwsza. 400
  • : Diana tworzy tymczasową tarczę i trzy orbitujące kule utrzymujące się przez 5 sekund, które wybuchają w zetknięciu z wrogami, zadając magiczne obrażenia obszarowe.
  • Co trzeci cios zadaje dodatkowych obrażeń magicznych pobliskim przeciwnikom. Licznik umiejętności resetuje się, gdy Diana nie atakuję przez 3.5 sekund. Dodatkowo Diana zyskuje 20% premii do prędkości ataku.
  • : Diana przyciąga pobliskich wrogów i spowalnia ich na 2 sekundy. 500
  • : Diana teleportuje się do wroga i zadaje mu obrażenia magiczne. Lunarny skok nie ma czasu odnowienia, jeśli zostaje użyty do teleportowania się do celu, naznaczonego . 825
  • -
  • 4
fusion monsters
  • * Penumbral Keeper
Row 2 info
  • 1.57788E8
  • Terrific Comics #3
zdjęcie postaci
  • DianaHomestead.png
original upload date
  • Feb.8.2016
Row 6 info
  • Living weapon
gry w których się pojawia
Nom Usuel
  • Diana
  • ~~
  • Englisch
  • 250
Row 1 title
  • Kana
  • Real Name
Fighting Style
  • Swordsmanship derived from fencing
  • Infinite
pierwsze wystąpienie
  • 16
  • 20
  • ~~
  • 100
  • Rezeptionistin
  • 55
  • 70
  • Verdes
  • 18
Row 5 info
  • Mariko
  • Alicia
  • Cynthia
  • Kurama
  • Barbara
  • Clone Diclonii
  • Hiromi Kurama
  • 250
  • DianaNVL-C-MADS-USZ-F0089.png
  • 11
  • 42
  • 48
  • Femenino
  • Former Officer of NESTS
  • 10
  • 42
  • 48
  • 1997-09-21
  • Red
Row 2 title
  • Age
  • First Appearance
  • unbekannt
  • 32.100000
Bislang letzter Auftritt
  • Paper Mario: Die Legende vom Äonentor
Efekty przy trafieniu
  • Nie
  • Wręcz
  • 15
  • Człowiek
  • Szermierka
  • W podróży
  • 6780.0
Row 6 title
  • Occupation
  • 200
  • 250
  • 825
  • 830
  • Tak
  • ミク
  • 12
  • 4840
  • #FFFF66
friendship max
  • Okay, let us indulge together.
  • Until the moon is no longer lit up.
  • active
  • active
  • Magiczne
  • 10
kanji / kana
  • Daiana
  • ダイアナ
xp value
  • 600
  • 9
  • {{{!
  • 7.425000
  • Elephant
Pie de Foto
  • Towa y Diana.
  • 126
Row 5 title
  • Relatives
  • 11
friendship event
  • Good, let it overwhelm you,
  • until this light dims......
  • Aah, I can feel that the moon is full. You can too can't you?
battle end
  • The moon, it grows dark...
Row 3 info
  • Diclonius
  • Holyoke/Continental
  • 55
  • 70
  • many
  • Noir/Gris/Blanc
  • 12
  • 22
  • 44
  • 47
  • Rare
  • SR
Row 3 title
  • Species
  • Original Publisher
  • 19
  • 100
related pages
  • Diana
  • 26.048000
  • Axel
Tarcze czarów
  • blokują umiejętność.
  • blokują obrażenia.
  • blokują umiejętność i efekt światła księżycowego.
  • blokują pojedynczą detonacje.
  • blokują umiejętność, przyciągnięcie i .
nazwa postaci
  • Diana
  • Umeka Shōji
  • ジョドーラ
  • 20
  • ~~
Row 7 info
  • Tonight is a full moon. What do you expect this evening?
  • 10
opis pod zdjęciem
  • (Diana w Assassin's Creed III)
  • 10
  • function
  • 10
  • 89
  • File:Diana_-_Comic_-137.jpg
  • 81
  • 589.200000
  • Early concept art of Elsa the Snow Queen
  • Yes
  • 8
Box Title
  • Diana
En Name
  • Diana
  • Nicht vorhanden
  • Omega: Animation
  • Diana.jpg
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Diana Frost
  • Selene Belduke
  • Dark
  • Water
  • Makoto Sumikawa
  • F
  • Sans-Destin
  • Earth Resistance, Chicago Branch
  • Leader of Jumi and Guardian
  • Magical Whatnot File:Dianaa.PNG
  • AttractionLunaire.png
  • AttractionLunaire.png
  • CorpsCélestes.png
  • CorpsCélestes.png
  • CroissantLunaire.png
  • CroissantLunaire.png
  • RushLunaire.png
  • RushLunaire.png
Full Name
  • Diana
  • Diana Lady
  • 5
  • Diana
  • Diana en Tinkle
  • Kilimanjaro,
  • The regular amount of milk,
  • Two spoonfuls of sugar
  • unbekannt
  • Diana
  • Nature Manipulation
  • Animal Manipulation
  • Forest Manipulation
  • Plant Transmutation
  • The Sacred Bud/Sacred Sprout
  • Teenager
  • Unknown
  • 7.8894E8
  • Over one-hundred
  • Her powers, reverence, luxury
  • The syndicate and her underlings
  • 4
  • Todas
Voiced by
  • None
  • Rapier
  • Alive
  • Dead
  • Deceased
  • Unknown
  • Active
  • am Leben
  • Viva
  • 44
  • Beautiful, tall, pale, almost blue skin, long white hair, blue eyes, white fur coat and hat
First Appearance
  • Tara Strong
  • -
  • Resist
Taille image
  • 150
  • 100
  • 14
  • profession trainer
  • Black
  • Blue
  • 41
  • Nicht vorhanden
  • unkown
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • ダイアナ
  • Diana
  • 60
  • 162
  • 174
  • 252
  • Deer
  • Unknown
  • Daeva
  • playable
  • Snooty
  • Cold, determined, serious, traditional, proud
  • 95
  • Yes
  • 2005-11-10
  • Rachele Paolelli
  • Diana
  • Daiana
  • Diāna
  • Diāna
  • ダイアナ
  • Diana
  • Rejected art depicting Kula Diamond and Diana.
  • Diana, played by Barbara Ann Moore, stalks Bud in the MWC episode titled "Wedding Repercussions".
  • 2520
  • 7800
  • 250
  • Female
Hair Color
  • White
  • Auburn red
  • Johto
  • Negro Blanco
  • Encanto
  • Negra
  • Cristal
appears in anime
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
  • Rozmawiała z Juliet w sprawie pracy w Mittelos Bioscience
  • 277
  • 37
apparence physique
  • Fillette aux longs cheveux blonds
dans story code inducks
  • I DMR 31-8
  • Carte stellaire où apparaît le nom du vaisseau
  • The leader of the Jumi, and a Jumi of Diamond herself. She tried to keep the Jumi from extinction, but her hard-headed dictatorship caused her to lose support.
  • A venir.
  • Gris azulado
ja voice
  • .
  • *Battlefield support *Cyber-warfare *System infiltration
  • 0.625000
  • 90
  • --11-18
  • 1
  • Dies after bequeathing the Gift to an unborn Elsa
  • +3 Life
  • Red/White
  • Princess Diana
  • The Proud Leader
  • Nicht vorhanden
  • I'm the moon goddess Diana.
  • Stale Cupcakes
  • Busty
  • Fifi Duck rêvant de Diana.
  • 69.0
  • 320
  • N/A
  • Confirmed Juliet's Appointment
  • Contacta a Juliet para la entrevista.
  • 13
  • 16
  • Mage Robe of Fire Resistance , scroll of Blindness, scroll of Agannazar's Scorcher, Quarter Staff
  • Diana
  • La Marionettiste.
  • Objetivos que deben ser disparados
  • Strong
  • -
  • 100
  • 2550
  • Daiana
  • ダイアナ
  • ディアーナ
  • ディアーナ
  • 6
  • 188.0
Played By
  • Barbara Ann Moore in the MWC episode "Wedding Repercussions" Season 7, episode 25
  • Deer
  • Boss
  • Cat of Mau descent
  • None
  • Diana
  • Alchemy Expert
  • Leader of the Jumi
  • Major Fairy of Nature
  • The Jumi of Diamond
  • The Strong-Willed Princess
  • Paper
  • Femmeinconnu.jpg
  • -36.0
Marital Status
  • Married to Grieving Husband
  • 11
  • 4960
  • Pussycats
  • Jessica Ortiz
  • Playing poker
  • Eternal darkness
  • Maragidyne Blight Grand Tack
  • Yabusame Shot Frolic Rakukaja Samerecarm
  • Cold Voice Media Makafuji Marin Karin Tarunda Bufula
  • Madness Needle\Innate Blast Arrow\Innate Gun Pleroma\42 Grand Tack\43
  • Madness Needle\Innate Blast Arrow\Innate Gun Pleroma\43 Myriad Arrows\45
  • 2
  • 44
  • Duchess
  • fighter
  • L'amoureux
  • Diana devient l'incarnation vivante de la lune vengeresse et fonce vers sa cible, infligeant pts de dégâts magiques. Rush Lunaire n'a pas de délai de récupération s'il est utilisé sur une cible affectée par Clair de Lune.
  • Diana devient l'incarnation vivante de la lune vengeresse et fonce vers sa cible, infligeant pts de dégâts magiques. Rush Lunaire n'a pas de délai de récupération s'il est utilisé sur une cible affectée par Clair de Lune.
  • *Pale young woman clad in dark armor; known to alternate appearances at her whim.
  • Diana libère une vague incurvée d'énergie lunaire, infligeant pts de dégâts magiques aux ennemis touchées. Croissant Lunaire inflige Clair de Lune aux ennemis touchés, les révélant pendant 3 secondes.
  • Diana libère une vague incurvée d'énergie lunaire, infligeant pts de dégâts magiques aux ennemis touchées. Croissant Lunaire inflige Clair de Lune aux ennemis touchés, les révélant pendant 3 secondes.
  • A goddess who controls the moon, the embodiment of beauty and fascination.
  • Diana attire tous les ennemis proches vers elle et les ralentit de % pendant 2 secondes.
  • Diana attire tous les ennemis proches vers elle et les ralentit de % pendant 2 secondes.
  • Diana crée trois sphères qui tournent autour d'elle et explosent au contact des ennemis, infligeant pts de dégâts magiques. Les sphères durent jusqu'a 5 secondes. Corps Célestes octroie aussi un bouclier qui absorbe dégâts. Si les trois sphères explosent, la valeur du bouclier augmente de et la durée est réinitialisée. *
  • Diana crée trois sphères qui tournent autour d'elle et explosent au contact des ennemis, infligeant pts de dégâts magiques. Les sphères durent jusqu'a 5 secondes. Corps Célestes octroie aussi un bouclier qui absorbe dégâts. Si les trois sphères explosent, la valeur du bouclier augmente de et la durée est réinitialisée. *
  • Gun\+4 Heal\+1 Force\-3
  • White
  • #8B0000
  • #345634; color: #EFC090
  • -
  • Galería
  • Enfrentamientos
  • Artículo Principal
  • 2012
  • None
  • Magical control over snow, ice and cold
  • Select Immortality
  • 64
  • 4
  • 1
  • --01-04
  • --11-18
  • Nicht vorhanden
  • Diana EVideo.ogv
  • Diana IVideo.ogv
  • Diana QVideo.ogv
  • Diana RVideo.ogv
  • Diana WVideo.ogv
  • 60
  • The light of the moon will awaken magic. Don't overindulge.
  • Amiibo_card_back.png
Favorite Food
  • Diet cookies
  • Diana
  • Diana
  • Attraction Lunaire
  • Attraction Lunaire
  • Corps Célestes
  • Corps Célestes
  • Croissant Lunaire
  • Croissant Lunaire
  • Rush Lunaire
  • Rush Lunaire
  • Collecting butterfly specimens
  • Unknown
  • ディアナ
  • DianaLady.jpg
  • Spaceflight Chronology starchart 2.jpg
  • Nicht vorhanden
  • Receptionist
  • Réceptionniste
  • The Loyalty of Warriors
  • 15
  • ダイアナ
  • Anne Suzuki
  • Viva
  • Blonde
  • "The Sting"
  • Student/resident at Rose Garden Orphanage
  • Advisor to Sailor Chibi Moon
  • Magicienne
  • Winter spirit
  • The Flash
  • Iconic
  • fencing
  • Mar Bordallo
  • 100
  • Ω: Episode 43
  • 131
  • 364
  • 444
  • 455
  • FFD
  • Resist
  • 12
  • 2011-08-12
Ja Name
  • ディアナ
  • Frozen Too: The Kingdom of the Sun
  • Poetry, Sleeping, Predicting Deaths
  • Diana
  • TBA
Eye Color
  • Green
  • Blue
Image File
  • Diana.png
  • Crystal Tokyo
  • Female
  • 9426
Blood Type
  • O
  • Black
  • 1
  • normal
  • 14
  • Howard Brenton
  • Julian Simpson
  • Suma inquisidora de Labyrinthia Bruja suprema de las sombras
  • Operadora de contactos de Mittelos Bioscience
  • Null
  • -
  • Repel
  • Femenino
  • Weak
  • Sprite
  • Fifi Duck
  • Diana Profil.png150px
  • DianaHomestead.png
  • PM2 Sprite Diana.png
  • Adeline Harding
  • Roxanne Beck
wikipage disambiguates
  • Laura Diana Belleduque
  • -
  • 83
  • Aurora Eva Belleduque
  • Receptionist
  • 84
  • Phys Amp Gun Amp
first anime
  • None
  • Null:Bind
MAG Summon
  • 826
  • 100
  • 136
  • Null
  • -
  • Phys x1, 1 enemy
  • Physical, one hit, one enemy
  • -
first manga
  • yes
  • -
  • 52
  • Expel
  • Sly
  • 3
  • 6
  • Gloria Nora de Victoire
recovery Time
  • 60
  • Confirme le rendez-vous de Juliet
breaking point
  • 5
  • 11
  • Venus
  • 15
Winx Club
  • Resistance
  • Bestätigte Juliets Termin
  • Oczekiwanie na test
  • Tak
Trafienie krytyczne
  • Nie
  • Diana (ディアーナ Diāna?) is one of four Kings (Queen, in her case) of celestial Mars. Diana can use the element of Wind.
  • Unter Diana versteht man eine Düsterdörflerin, die zusammen mit ihren drei Söhnen im ersten Haus von Düsterdorf wohnt.
  • Diana is the Roman goddess of hunting and the literal equivalent of the Greek goddess Artemis. She also represents wildlife and the woodlands, as well as being the symbol of female fertility. Her appearance in Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers may be a reference to the Diana of Ephesus.
  • Diana is the girlfriend of Lloyd Raleigh, Boomerang. She has no powers but is a champion archer.
  • Prinzessin Diana lebt von Prinz Charles getrennt. Sie will keine Scheidung, doch die Medien drängen sie zu einer Aussage über die gescheiterte Ehe. Gegen Anraten ihres PR-Teams gibt sie dem Sender "BBC" ein kontroverses Interview. Zur allgemeinen Überraschung sind die Reaktionen in der Bevölkerung überwiegend positiv und der Medienrummel um "Lady Di" steigert sich noch mal extrem. Als Diana sich in den Chirurgen Dr. Hasnat Khan verliebt, wird das schon bald zu einem großen Problem, denn ihm ist seine Privatsphäre extrem wichtig. Die Liebesbeziehung von Diana, die bald als die berühmteste Frau der Welt gilt und einem Mann, der sein Bild am liebsten niemals in der Zeitung sehen will muss von den beiden über Jahre geheim gehalten werden - bis die Prinzessin unbedingt seine Frau werden möchte.
  • Diana is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime. She is the guardian of the western tower where Lulu Obsidian was held.
  • Diana (jap. ダイアナ Daiana) – mówiąca mała szara kotka. Jest przyszłą córką Luny i Artemisa, a także towarzyszką Chibiusy. Podobnie jak Usagi i Luna, czy też Minako i Artemis, Chibiusę i Dianę łączyła dość bliską więź. Diana często przesiadywała na głowie Chibiusy.
  • Diana(ダイアナDaiana) is Willard H. Wright's pet cat. She is known to have digestive issues and due to this she can only drink warm milk. She is also believed to be rather vicious even though she has such a calm and cute demeanor.
  • Alicia (clone sister) Barbara (clone sister) Cynthia (clone sister) Clone Diclonii (clone sisters) Kurama (genetic father) Hiromi Kurama (genetic mother) Occupation Living weapon Chapter 80 Chapter 94 No information No information Diana was one of four wholly viable clones of Mariko along with Barbara, Alicia, and Cynthia all bred by Nousou.
  • Diana has short, pale blue hair. She wears earrings. She wears a baggy white jumpsuit with draping sleeves that bare her shoulders under a silver breastplate to which a baby blue cloak is attached. A dark blue belt around her waist is attached to a duster that falls to her calves, and she wears blue and brown boots. The dominant color in her various job costumes is light blue.
  • Diana jest żoną drwala Terry'ego, pochodzi ze Szkocji.
  • Diana is girl with Doll and mother named Zabba appears in What Goes Around
  • La semana pasada compré un nuevo armario blanco para mi habitación, lo que me obligó a sacar el viejo armario negro que tenía pero antes de hacerlo, tendría que bajar las cajas polvorientas que estaban sobre el mueble, eso me llevó a curiosear un poco, ciertamente, no recordaba que guardaba en esas cajas de cartón; como sorpresa, en la mas grande de ellas, estaban algunas de mis muñecas. En mi infancia tuve varias muñecas, pero una vieja muñeca de trapo a la que llamaba Diana fue mi favorita. Cuando era pequeña, mis padres no tenían las posibilidades económicas para darnos gusto a todas mis hermanas y a mi, así que hay una bonita historia en como conseguí cada una de mis muñecas, más, no podría decir lo mismo de Diana. Mi querida Diana está en la caja, ella me ve fijamente, está acostada arriba de las demás, como si la hubieran puesto ahí recientemente, luce igual que siempre, pareciera que estaba esperando a que bajara esa caja y la abriera. En mi séptimo cumple años mi Padre llegó a la casa con Diana como un obsequio para mi. Al poco tiempo éramos inseparables, yo hablaba con ella, le contaba todo. Mis padres se preocuparon porque no tenía amigas ni quería estar con mis hermanas, solo quería estar con Diana; ella me protegía. Recuerdo que mi hermana Ana, que en paz descanse, peleaba mucho conmigo por Diana, incluso un día se la llevó y la tiró, unos días antes de que falleciera, lo raro es que aquí está Diana, en la caja, mirándome. Categoría:Muñecos
  • Princess Diana was the daughter of King Lias and a recurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess". She is a Xena look alike, which has gotten her into a few tough situations over the years. In both of her appearances, she was the target for assassins, which was the reason why Xena protected her. She appeared in "Warrior... Princess" and in "Warrior... Princess... Tramp". In Warrior... Princess, Diana's father asks Xena for help with his daughter's marriage etc. Xena takes over the role of Diana, and Diana takes Xena's role, and also runs into Gabrielle, whom she finally convinces, that she's Diana, not Xena. In Warrior... Princess... Tramp, Diana's royal position, as well as family are threatened by a 'tramp'--another lookalike, named Meg, (also played by Lucy Lawless), and of course Xena comes to the rescue but there are some big mix-ups......... Diana was played by Lucy Lawless.
  • Diana è la segretaria che conferma l'appuntamento a Juliet con la Mittelos Bioscience. Non è mai apparsa sullo schermo. Potrebbe essere un membro degli Altri, sebbene ciò che i collaboratori della Mittelos Bioscience e la Herarat Aviation sanno sull'Isola è a noi sconosciuto.
  • Diana confirme à Juliet l'heure de son rendez vous avec Mittelos Bioscience en l'appellant sur son téléphone mobile. Elle n'est pas vue à l'écran. Elle est peut être une des Autres, cependant, on ne sait pas ce que les employés de Mittelos Bioscience et d'Herarat Aviation connaissent de l'île.
  • Diana era a deusa romana da caça e das florestas, assimilada às deusas gregas Ártemis, Hécate e Selene. Seu culto nasceu às margens do lago Nemi, perto de Roma. Ali, seu sacerdote permanecia no posto, com o título de Rex Nemorensis, até ser morto pelo próximo pretendente, usualmente um escravo fugido, que viesse a colher um "ramo dourado" no bosque sagrado. Uma tentativa de explicar esse costume é o fio condutor de um dos mais belos e ambiciosos (mas não dos mais rigorosos) tratados de mitologia já escritos, O Ramo de Ouro, de Sir James George Frazer. Nos últimos séculos da antiguidade romana, seu culto popular entre escravos e camponeses pobres em áreas remotas, permaneceu como um dos mais resistentes à erradicação pelo cristianismo. Foi um dos últimos a morrer, se é que chegou a desaparecer de todo.
  • Diana appears in MySims Townies.
  • Diana is Claymore No. 44 of Clare's generation.
  • Diana is a friend of Barry Allen and Iris West.
  • Diana, Mépris de la Lune est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Name: Diana Alter: unbekannt Identität: Tochter von Luna und Artemis und Freundin von Kleine Lady/Chibiusa Familie: Mutter: Luna Vater: Artemis Frauchen: Kleine Lady/Chibiusa Aussehen: Das kleine Kätzchen Diana hat lila Augen und rosafarbendes,glänzendes und kuzhaariges Fell. Mit ihrem kleinen Gesicht und der süßen rosafarbendes Stubsnäßchen ist sie richtig zum knuddeln. Verwandlungsspruch: gibt es keinen Zaubersprüche: gibt es keine Charaktereigenschaften allgemein: Diana ist Lunas und Artemis Tochter aus der Zukunft. Dort war/ist sie Chibiusas beste (Katzen)Freundin, als sie später (in der vierten Staffel) ebenfalls in der Gegenwart auftaucht. Hier sorgt sie für Chaos (huahuahua). Außerdem hat sie die seltsame Angewohnheit Bunny und Mamoru "königliche Hoheit" zu nennen... Stärken und Schwächen: Stärken: Tapfer Süß recht intelligent Schwächen: schnell aufbrausend noch kindisch tut für ihre Freunde alles Vorlieben und Abneigungen: Vorlieben: ist gerne mit Chibiusa zusammen besucht ihre Eltern gerne mag besonders Mamoru gerne Abneigungen: Fisch wenn ihr Eltern schimpfen Gewalt
  • Le Diana était un vaisseau spatial.
  • Diana era la suma inquisidora de Labyrinthia, donde trabajó para liberar al pueblo de las brujas. También fue la única persona capaz de reunirse directamente con el "creador" de la ciudad, el misterioso Narrador. Hace su primera y única aparición en El profesor Layton vs. Ace Attorney.
  • On seaRO2, this NPC is known as Dipite.
  • Diana nacio en el Polo Norte con una madre y un hermano, su padre habia muerto en un viaje para recolectar alimento, Diana con 6 años ayudaba a su madre a cazar animales, la escaces de alimento atacaba, y no se podia hacer nada al repecto. ya han pasado 2 años y la escaces continuaba, hasta que a Diana se le ocurrio la idea de empezar a plantar, su madre no tenia ezperanzas, por que la tierra de ese lugar no es muy fertil, pero ella no perdio la esperanza, continuo cosechando, al principio no crecia nada pero una noche toda la huerta que ella habia plantado habia crecido. pero ellos no solo vivian de vegetales, nesecitaban cazar. Una noche el hermano de Diana estaba muy enfermo y nesecitaba alimento y nutrientes, asi que Diana se fue de caza. Ella se fue durante dos dias y no regresaba, la madre casi muerta de angustia no sabia que hacer con su hijo, no tenian medicina, ni comida, ni recursos. Diana en medio de una tormenta de nieve, callo en la misma grita que su padre, no podia mover las piernas, hasta que enconto el cadaber de su padre, en su espalda habia una mochila con remedio, comida y algo de agua. despues de curase intento escalar pero no lo logro, recorrio cada punta de la gireta pero nada. El frio la obligo a dormir, y cuando desperto, encontro una bolsa de verduras, ella no entendia nada pero igual tenia mucha hambre asi que devoro los vegetales, paso como 3 años en esa caberna, por una extraña razon mandaban bolsas de vegetales, ella ya tenia su casa armada con "muebles" "mesas" "sillas" etc. no tenia muchos lugares a donde ir asi que todos los dias intentaba trepar la inmenza pared de la grieta. Un dia alguienle dejo una soga. Diana se lleno de esperanza, inmediatamente se puso a ater la soga a una piedra y la lanzo al borde de la Grieta, Por un milagro la piedra se sostubo y empezo a escalar por ella. Al llegar al fin estaba su hemano con la soga en la mano. Diana no podia creer que su hermanito seguia con vida, le hizo mil preguntas y sobre todo como habia sobrevivido a tanto tiempo con su mamá, pero su hermano permanecio en silencio por unos segundos, ella inistio y le pregunto de nuevo, su hemano le conto que su madre habia muerto en un intento de irla a buscar, pero Diana todabia no entendia como habia sobrevivido y el hermano comento que un estraño alienigena habia llegado a su casa y que lo estubo ayudando desde que ellas se habian ido. Ambos fueron a su casa para presentarse con el Alienigena llamado Glaciem que era un Necrofriggian que pidio la lealtad de Diana, ella acepto con gusto la Lealtad, pero lego de eso se puso a pensar y le pregunto si su hermano podia venir con ella, pero Glaciem se nego. Desesperada, Diana trato de quedarse con el, hasta que en un momento Glaciem grito con toda su furia ¡NO PUEDE VENIR!, y a Diana no le afecto en lo minimo, ella definitivamente se queria quedar con su hermano, hasta que Glaciem decidio desistir de esa idea y vio cuanta valentia, coreje y desicion tenia Diana, en ese momento Glaciem le permitio al hermano de Diana acompañarla
  • En la primera temporada es la Jewelpet malvada contra la que Rinko y los demás deberán enfrentarse. Es sumamente orgullosa y vive en una gran mansión. Tiene al Escuadrón de las Hierbas a su servicio para complicarle la existencia a Ruby y Rinko.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__DianaKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Diana is easily the most Earth like object in the Solar system. The picture at the right shows an editing image of Diana, with the waters tinted blue.
  • Diana, often known simply as Di, was a well-known princess. She was the wife of Prince Charles until their divorce. When Diana's marriage began to dissolve, she reportedly leaked details of their marital struggles and shared gossip with her close friends to ensure that the world at large heard her side of the story. (Findings at CTU) Martin Belkin claimed to have met Diana once, but said he never took her picture. ("Day 1: 12:00am-1:00am")
  • The Diana is a 12pd Frigate that will at some point in time come to Naval Action
  • Diana bestätigt Juliets Termin bei Mittelos Bioscience über ein Handy. Sie ist ein (bisher) ungesehener Charakter. („“) Juliet Burke Dargestellt von Elizabeth Mitchell
  • In the manga, Tin Nyanko says they are creatures from the planet Mau. This is never mentioned in the anime. Also never mentioned in the anime is that Diana, along with her parents, Artemis and Luna, can take human form due to Sailor Moon's power. In her human form, Diana's hair and most of her body resembles Chibi Chibi.
  • Diana, also known as Artemis, is the name of the goddess worshiped in Ephesus, whom a silversmith named Demetrius, who made silver shrines for Diana, feared would have her magnificence destroyed by Paul the apostle's preaching about Jesus Christ, and also possibly causing him and his fellow craftsmen to lose their businesses.
  • Diana was an employee of Mittelos BioScience who called Juliet Burke on her cell phone to confirm her meeting with Richard Alpert.
  • Diana is the second planet in the Veneris system, home to the Garko among other species. It is a planet with a T-score of T3, making it a perfect habitat for life. Diana is home to somewhat 30 000 000 species, most prominently the Garko, the Horg-Horg, the feet-horns and the Gargantuan. The surface of the planet is covered in green, lush plains, although some forests dot the land. Blue oceans cover about 20% of the planet's surface. The planet's atmosphere is green, with some blue, pink and yellow tones. The gases within this atmosphere are not entirely defined. Diana has only one satellite: the volcanic moon of Verg (in Gark: Kidapaleg), which rotates the planet at an unusual slow speed (in the meantime of one rotation of Verg, Diana rotates around its star twice). This moon has deeply mystic meanings for the Garko, as it - by chance or not - hovered over them during many important events in their history (see Battle of Lazma). (PAGE UNDER EDITING)
  • Diana was an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Diana was an abandoned oil rig which was occupied by squatters after the Atomic Wars. In 2139 the population was about five thousand humans, mutants and a few aliens. Its economy was based on fishing and, following discovery of new oil deposits, ten to twelve barrels of crude a week. Their enforcement was roughly based on the judge structure, with Marshals enforcing the law.
  • Las Dianas (Target en las versiones inglesas) son unos objetos que aparecen en Metroid Blast.
  • Diana is an Alchemy Master residing inside the Artisans Hall of Sanctum. She regards alchemy as a solemn technology. Her brother is the Alchemy Merchant Darius.
  • Diana es una operadora de Mittelos Bioscience. Ella contactó a Juliet para que ésta diera una entrevista con Richard Alpert.
  • Diana (Japanese: ダイアナ Daiana) is the Gym Leader of Fukui Town's Gym, officially known as the Fukui Gym. She hands out the Library Badge to Trainers that defeat her. She specializes in Dragon-type Pokémon. Her Slogan in "The Woman Bookworm".
  • In 2364, the location of the Diana was labeled in a star chart. This chart was stored in the USS Enterprise-D library computer. Later that year, the chart was scanned by Outpost 63. (TNG: "The Naked Now" , production art; TNG: "The Last Outpost" ) This starship was only mentioned in writing. The Enterprise computer's star chart was a drawing by Rick Sternbach that had originally been published, years earlier, on page 95 of the reference titled Spaceflight Chronology. This chart showed early commercial lanes and exploration routes, but no text attesting to this fact was included in the portion used on screen, just the labeled names of the ship attack locations. The Diana was a commercial transport affiliated with the Federation, attacked with its cargo stolen and crew killed by Romulans prior to the Earth-Romulan War. The Diana may have been named after the Roman goddess.
  • Diana has been identified as DC Thomson's answer to Girl. In 1976 Romeo merged into it; later that year Diana itself merged into Jackie. Strips included... * "The Avengers" (Emilio Frejo, Juan Gonzalez Alacrojo) * "The Girls from N.O.O.D.L.E.S." * "Jane: Model Miss" (Pamela Chapeau) * "Jo and Co" (Brian Delaney) * "Mary Brown's Schooldays" * "Paula with the White Mask" * "The Sea Stars" * "Topspin Terry"
  • Diana refers to the tenth and last episode of spook's fourth series which aired for the first time on 10 November 2005.
  • Diana (ダイアナ Daiana?): She is 18 years old and Spielban's partner fighting as Diana Lady (ダイアナレディ Daiana Redii?) by performing the same techniques as Spielban to activate her own white and red suit. Like Spielban, Diana is quite capable in a fight both in and out of uniform and carries with her the Lady Sniper which acts as her own personal weapon. She primarily serves as a backup for Spielban when they battle the mechanoids or when the Waller send out assault vehicles. There have been times when the Waller have turned their attention towards her once they recognized how much of a threat to them she can be. A running gag on the show was that she would use her charm and sex appeal on the Kinclons, distracting them from their duties while she made her move. Another gag is that she sometimes uses her rear end to attack the Kinclons, which apparently knocks them out cold.
  • Diana jest 15 letnią córką boga wojny Morthena i najmłodszą przedstawicielką jego rodu. Jako jedna z nielicznych nie była zainteresowana odziedziczeniem tronu Balmory i uznawała swoją siostrę Vermorę za godną następczynię Morthena. Czerwonowłosa, dość wątłej budowy potrafi po mistrzowsku władać swoją kataną i posługiwać się magią krwi. Obecnie razem z Viconią stara się dołączyć do ŁZM.
  • Diana confirmed Juliet's appointment for Mittelos Bioscience over her cell phone. She is never seen on-screen. It is possible she is a member of the Others, although which employees of Mittelos Bioscience and Herarat Aviation know about the Island is unknown.
  • Before moving to the Homestead, Diana resided with her family and Godfrey's on a small plot of land north of Champlain, New York, which she described as a "tangle of rock and bramble". After the Assassin Connor saved her husband from drowning in a nearby river, the families were invited to move to the Davenport Homestead.
  • Diana ist ein kleines graues Kätzchen und die zukünftige Tochter von Luna und Artemis.
  • Diana est une canette anthropomorphe de l'univers de Donald Duck.
  • Diana is one of the orphans at Rose Garden Orphanage and a member of the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club. Ranked Duchess, she has the highest social placement in the Aristocracy, and is also the highest ranking member of the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club, under the Princess of the Red Rose. She is usually seen with Meg and Eleanor. She is very devious and cruel, even toward the other members of the Aristocracy, and could be viewed as a developing psychopath; her first appearance in the game (apart from the opening video) is her apparently beating an animal in a bag to death with a stick. She often adopts a nonchalant attitude and is uncaring of the thoughts of others. She is the object of affection for Meg. She is the oldest member of the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club (when the events of the game actually occurred, instead of in a surreal mental memory).
  • Valera Dynez was born to Brundt the Chieftain in Relleka. Exiled from her class, she becomes a barbarian and later joins the team.
  • Diana (ディアナ, Deiana) is a fictional character and major antagonist in the popular manga and anime series MÄR. She is the Queen of the Chess Pieces, through extension the second strongest member, the former queen of the Kingdom of Lestava, and the key opening all events in the series.
  • Diana ist ein Charakter aus dem Manga Layton Kyōju to Mayoi no Mori. Sie kommt in der Geschichte „Luke und die rätselhafte Insel“ vor.
  • Diana is a powerful fairy who resides in the Amazon Rain Forest of South America and rules over it. She is the Major Fairy of Nature.
  • Diana vonakozhat: * Diana - a Kánok fegyvermestere * Diana - Óvoda Központi Számítógépe * Diana Sowle - szinkronhang
  • Diana war die Ehefrau von Terry und eine Bewohnerin der Davenport Siedlung.
  • Diana is a character from Celebi: Voice of the Forest and is the granddaughter of Towa.
  • Diana could refer to a number of things. * Hurricane Diana--a massive, penguin-made hurricane by the STINC that destroyed Old Town... OR... * Diana Family--a family of royal princesses, some of which were praised, some of which were controversial. OR... * The name Diana--its a name.
  • Diana - staroitalska bogini światła, przyrody i narodzin (Lucina). Główny jej przybytek znajdował się w gaju koło Arycji (łac. nemus, stąd Diana Nemorensis lub Arycyjska) nad jeziorem w Nemi (lacus Nemorensis, zwane „zwierciadłem Diany"). Kapłanem wyższym był zawsze zbiegły niewolnik, który musiał przedtem zabić swego poprzednika konarem pewnego określonego drzewa. W Rzymie, gdzie Diana miała świątynię na Awentynie, utożsamiono ją zupełnie z grecką Artemidą. Prócz tego była w Italii sławna świątynia Diany koło góry Tifala (teraz Sant Angelo w Formis koło Kapui). Jako boginię czarów utożsamiano Dianę z Hekatą i oddawano jej cześć jeszcze w czasach chrześcijańskich.(Encyklopeda Powszechna Gutenberga)Kategoria:Stare encyklopedie kategoria:mity greckie i rzymskie Kategoria:Religie i wierzenia Kategoria:Słownik
  • Although Diana has always fought for equal rights between men and women, she still realizes that when it comes to fighting, men are at a slight advantage. Not being a fan of heavy artillery, she's therefore invented some very special weapons that ever so gently help to even things up a bit and only work on men.
  • Diana (ダイアナ, Daiana) is a character of The King of Fighters series of fighting games developed in SNK. She was first introduced in The King of Fighters 2000 appearing in Kula Diamond's attacks, intro and winposes. According to the KOF 10th anniversary page, Diana was originally planned to be a playable character in 2001, and had most of her assets created, but was ultimately scrapped. __TOC__
  • Diana (ディアナ Diana) is a major character from the Jumi story arc of Legend of Mana. The leader of the Jumi, Diana possesses a core of diamond and functions as the Guardian of Rubens. Diana desperately attempts to keep the Jumi from extinction with a hard-headed dictatorship, one that sees her unfeelingly exploiting the Clarius Florina's ability to shed life-giving tears at the expense of the latter's life. This in turn spurs Sandra's decision to betray the Jumi by robbing them of their cores, heralding the near-extinction of the race.
  • Diana use to live on Venus where her husband and little girl resides. She joined the Earth Resistance in the first year of the neosapien war. When she found out that the neosapiens had captured her family she made a deal with the Neosapien Shiva. If she could find out where the resistance and Exo-Fleet had taken Xenobius and gave away their locations she would be given in return her family with a transport to Venus. She betrayed the resistance and Exo-Fleet giving to locations. Shiva kept to his word about the transport yet it was not going to Venus it was sent to the Sun. She was saved by Marsala who disguised as a shuttle pilot and turned the transport back away from the sun. ==Character Gallery G45ey.jpg playing a duble spie.jpg|Diana playing a double agent with Draconis. Dianaa.jpg|Diana passed out from the heat on Cargo Transporter with J.T. Marsh and Alec DeLeon pretending to be Undesirables heading towards the sun. hrtht.jpg|Diana talking to J.T. Marsh on the Cargo Transporter of Undesirables. ==
  • Diana (pronounced DEE-anna,) also known as Lady Winter, is the previous emissary of the Realm of Mist, preceding Queen Elsa.
  • Diana este o zână cu părul roşu-roz închis şi lung prins în două cozi. Pe cap are o coroană mov, albastru şi verde. În ambele părţii ale capului două frunze îi ies din păr. Ochii ei sunt verzi şi pe pleoape are un fard roz deschis. Ca şi vestimentaţie, hainele au un design inspirat de către natură. Are un top mov deschis care îi lasă umeri şi abdomenul gol. Pe braţe are două brasiere dintr-un material transparent conectate cu topul, care se conectează şi cu o fustă verde deschis în partea de jos. În picioare poartă o pereche de sandale cu toc cu barete lungi care îi ajung până la genunchi.
  • Diana est une jeune Sans-Destin, qui s'occupe d'accueillir les infortunés réfugiés ayant perdu leur monde. Toujours prête à tendre une oreille compréhensive, elle explique jour après jour aux nouveaux arrivants ce que sera leur nouvelle vie. Très sensible, sa volonté de donner de l'aide à autrui l'a naturellement poussé vers ce poste.
  • Diana is one of four Red Wizards of Thay that can be found in the Spider Wood area. Along with Lasala and Brendan, she is part of Denak's group, which will attack your party if Edwin Odesseiron is not in it. Diana begins combat by casting Ghost Armor on herself, then attacking with Melf's Acid Arrow and Magic Missile.
  • Diana, labeled as The Morbid Goth, is a contestant on Total Drama Culture.
  • Diana is the Roman Goddess of the hunt. She is the Roman incarnation of Artemis. This article is a stub. You can help WikiPagan by [ expanding it].
  • Diana est une mage noire de Rang S de la guilde clandestine Silver Blissfull. Elle maîtrise une magie surpuissante, ce qui donne son surnom : 'La marionnettiste'
  • Diana was a "smart" artificial intelligence unit created by an unsanctioned Office of Naval Intelligence program under the direction of Dr. Leonard Church during the final years of the Human-Covenant War. Forged directly from brain patterns of the living test subject Adeline Harding, Diana was one of two "twin" AIs given life by Dr. Church's experiment. The unorthodox nature of her conception allowed her to break free of the standard protocols and limitations imposed on artificial intelligence and she quickly began operating outside the boundaries of the tasks imposed on her by ONI. Diana was soon assimilated into the AI collective known as "The Assembly," which aimed to guide and protect humanity as it struggled against the Covenant onslaught. Following the war, Diana abandoned the UNSC of her own volition and became involved in the secession struggle on the colony of Mamore. There she encountered the Spartan-turned-rebel Simon-G294 and took a keen interest in the conflicted young man. She goaded him into turning on his Insurrectionist allies and later aided him as he escaped from ONI's attempts on his life. Perhaps the first example of a truly rogue AI, Diana has no regard for organic life and acts purely in the pursuit of her own boundless ambition.
  • Diana or Dee Anna as she prefers to be known, is the blonde bombshell fiancee of Cousin Jimmy, who Jimmy is racing out to buy an engagement ring for in "Wedding Repercussions". Unfortunately, he leaves her in the "safe hands" of Bud, with inevitable consequences. Diana is played by former Playboy centerfold Barbara Ann Moore.
  • Diana usa permanentemente su armadura, por lo cual no es posible apreciar su rostro por la protección facial del mismo que impide ver más allá de la boca. Aún así su cabello queda a la vista, es largo y de un bello color celestino. Ella no lleva una capa como los demás reyes, pero una tela oscura adorna su cabello. Diana usa lápiz labial oscuro.
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