  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • |}
  • E' coinvolto nella missione: * Un messaggio per il ribelle Charles
  • Charles is a supporting character who appeared in the 10th episode of Nalvana's The Care Bears Family TV series, "Birthday Bear's Blues". He is a rich boy who felt left out because no one showed up to his birthday party. A similarly dejected Birthday Bear, who also thinks everyone forgot his birthday, arrives to help cheer him up.
  • Charles is in charge of the Aquarium, located in South Pawville to the right of the waterfall. He is just behind Gertrude's Drug Store. After helping him repair the Aquarium, you can bring fish for him and he'll put it in the Aquarium. You can then go inside the Aquarium and look at the fish you've collected for him. There are two separate tanks for the fish: one for freshwater fish, and one for saltwater fish. If the tanks become full, you can release fish.
  • Charles (died 3000) was a researcher of cybernetic implants and a former member of the Justice Society of America known as Dr. Mid-Nite. He was presumably one of the meta-humans in the JSA targeted by the Dominators in 1951.
  • Charles is but a commoner, often seen wandering the streets of Hearth.
  • Charles is the mayor (and possible Zone Leader) of the Everplain Acres Zone. The cowardly man lives under the shadow of his popular late grandfather with his granny.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Charles is a recruitable Jeep Wrangler in White Mountain. He can be found going back and forth down the ridge in the central White Mountain, also knowing about the rumors of a ghost.
  • Charles is the partner and employee of Sir at the Lucky Smells Lumbermill in Paltryville. He is portrayed by Rhys Darby in the TV series.
  • Uncle Charles was Elfanar's addopted uncle after the death of his parents around the time of his birth. Elfanar only found out that his uncle was a dragon near the end of time when it was revealed to him by the Dragon Lord.
  • Charles is a boss in Kingdom Hearts: Aura Of Time.
  • Charles is a fancy man
  • Charles is a man Voiced by Fred Tatasciore
  • Charles is a short movie created by Micah Dahl.
  • Charles is voiced by Alex Fernandez.
  • Charles may refer to:
  • Charles owns a bookstore Violet went to.
  • Charles first appeared in Kami's birthday show, and his first appearance on a regular CoMutiny episode was Episode 34.
  • Charles ist der Ex-Ehemann von Glenda Montrose und der Vater von Charlotte Montrose.
  • Charles was an FBI Special Agent who was later revealed to be a double agent working for both the FBI and crime boss, Jimmy Napolitano up until his death in 2004.
  • Charles is a fictional character from the Saw franchise as well as the secondary antagonist of Saw V. He was portrayed by Carlo Rota.
  • Charles was a well-known prince. He was married to Princess Diana. (Findings at CTU)
  • Charles es un vampiro nómada danés, quien está emparejado con su creadora, Makenna. Él tiene una habilidad especial de detección de mentiras cuando alguien le está mintiendo
  • Charles (voiced by Neil Ross) is the director at the Comic Studio.
  • Emperor Charles of Frankia is the complex, troubled, and powerful leader of Frankia, who views battling the Vikings as a spiritual and earthly mission. Although Charles can at times be indecisive and is often perceived as weak by many nobles of his court (such as his rival Count Odo) he is in truth a ruthless and cunning politician who recognises his own weaknesses and works to eliminate them; he is also quick to recognise and grasp opportunities, most notably when he sought Duke Rollo's alliance as soon as King Ragnar and the bulk of the Viking army had left Frankia.
  • Charles was a servant of the vampire Marcel Saint Cloud in Paris as of 1791. Whether he was a vampire himself or another subjugate, like Henri de Polignac, a subjugate he was asked to help in accompanying Magnus Bane and a queen, is unknown.
  • Charles is a student at P.S. 38. She participated in the Math Olympiad.
  • Charles is the Network President's personal assistant. He is well dressed and silent with a stern look on his face usually. His main duty seems to be transporting the Network President's hardware in the physical world and providing that hardware with accoutrements such as a miniature table top Eames chair or a gun.
  • When Bungie decided to show Halo for the Macintosh, they decided that it was not coming out for such a computer, which led to Chuck trying to attempt suicide by jumping out of his window. He survived the incident and was completely re-modelled into the purportedly "coolest" character in the comic. His phrase at that point became "shut your pie hole", said in a variety of ways.
  • Charles Marcel Saint Cloud a Párizsi vámpírklán vezetőjének a szolgálója a francia forradalom idején. Nem tudni, hogy vámpír vagy ő is egy alattvaló, mint Henri de Polignac, de ő volt az egyik aki Magnus-t és a királynét az emeletre kísérte, hogy Magnus nyugodt körülmények között befejezhesse a munkáját.
  • Charles – postać, występująca w Gothic 3. Jest to buntownik dowodzący grupą ludzi z Nemory ukrywających się w jaskini za świątynią w Trelis. Wejścia do jego jaskini pilnuje początkujący buntownik – Steve.
  • In the gameplay demo, Saltonstall calls for Charles' assistance after he notices Booker DeWitt pick up a bolt-action sniper rifle. Charles unleashes a Murder of Crows on DeWitt, disorienting him long enough for Charles and Saltonstall to run to a nearby ledge. Booker then shoves Charles off the ledge, causing him to land on a freight container hanging from the Sky-Line below. As Saltonstall escapes onto the Sky-Line, Booker uses his telekinetic ability to grab the Murder of Crows Vigor from Charles' corpse.
  • Charles bezieht sich auf: * Charles Widmore, Pennys Vater * Charlie Pace, Hauptcharakter * Charles Rettinghaus, Synchronsprecher (Michael Dawson) * Charles Mesure, Darsteller (Bryan) * Cynthia Charles, Darstellerin (Nigerianische Frau) * Charles Henry Wyson, Darsteller (5-jährige John Locke)
  • Charles is in de jaren veertig de meestergast van de familie De Keyser. Zijn loyauteit ten opzichte van de familie is grenzeloos. Charles is vooral Helena zeer genegen.
  • Charles is Brother Herman's second in command it is for this reason that he usually finds himself in a leadership roles during operations. While Herman doesn't particularly care about any of his soldiers, he has placed some degree trust in Charles, as he is often tasked to collect objects that Herman specifically requires. Charles is extremely obedient, though he has questioned his loyalty on certain occasions.
  • Charles is the Alpha Dino Charge Black Ranger and Second in Command of the Alpha Dino Charge Rangers.
  • Charles ist ein Polizist, der zusammen mit Moa Hesse die alte Kirchenruine untersuchen sollte. Anfangs zögert er, da ihm die Gerüchte um die Kirche Angst machen. Nachdem er von Moa getrennt wurde, wurde er von einem Akuma getötet.
  • Charles era un sirviente del vampiro Marcel Saint Cloud por el año 1791. Si él mismo era un vampiro u otro subyugado, como Henri de Polignac, un subyugado a quien se le pidió que ayudase a acompañar a Magnus Bane, se desconoce.
  • Charles is a mixed-traffic engine. He had problems on his first day, but he did well the next day, and even made the trucks behave.
  • Charles was a NPC (Non-Playable Character) located in the Bakugan Interspace Stadium. He was a Pyrus brawler.
  • Charles was the husband of Janice and one of the residents of District One during the repatriation of London.
  • Ensign Charles was a regular conn officer serving aboard the USS Enterprise-E, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, in late 2373. Charles was bridge duty when the Enterprise engaged two Cardassian Galor-class warships in late 2373. During the assault, Charles console exploded and caused a wound on his forearm, thankfully Dr. Beverly Crusher was on the bridge, and was quickly able to tend his wounds and make him comfortable. A short time later, Charles was taken to sickbay for proper treatment. (TNG - The Dominion War novel: Behind Enemy Lines)
  • Charles was the boy whose mom was taken by the Owlman. He made his first and only appearance in The Owlman Feeds at Midnight.
  • He and Dr. Helen Magnus were able to escape Forsythe's boat after Forsythe stayed behind and sacrificed himself.
  • Charles was the Librarian scholar of Jordan College. He was an old friend and ally of the College Master.
  • Charles is an Apostle exclusive to Berserk: Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shō.
  • Charles pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento * Charles Widmore: pai de Penny; * Charles Mesure: interpreta Bryan; * Charles Dickens: autor de livros.
  • Charles (ハムジ, Hamuji en japonais, Hamphrey en anglais) est un hamster apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Charles is a recurring character in the series, The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. He is the servant of the Lord Nickelbottoms and his wife, Lady Nickelbottoms. He also served as Flapjack's mentor when Flapjack was forced to join in on K'nuckles plan to steal candy from the Nickelbottoms' mansion.
  • Charles is the Loud family's pet dog on The Loud House. Although he generally does not play a large role, Charles makes frequent cameo appearances throughout the show. Because he seems to hang in Lincolns room, and around Lincoln most of the time it is possible he is mostly Lincoln's dog.
  • Charles is a Bartender for The Keystone Saloon located in Keystone City it also has a history of having The Rogues as regular visiting members of the saloon. Charles was also the boss of Barry Allen who worked at the saloon for a short time.
  • Charles, labeled as The Rich Jerk, was a contestant in Total Drama World.
  • Se casó con Camellia después de quedarse embarazada de Hina y vino al pueblo. Su familia es lo más importante para él.
  • Charles is the husband of Hanna, the woman trapped under the rubble in Help Me. He was portrayed by actor Desean Terry. When Gregory House finds Hanna, she is more worried about the fact that she did not have a chance to pick up Charles' birthday present than with her own condition. As House tries to treat her, she asks to be able to call her husband. House lies and says his phone can't get a signal because he's afraid speaking to her husband will raise her blood pressure.
  • Charles is an annoying classmate who teases Stephanie, and then the teacher pares them up for a project. Stephanie later learns that the reason Charles is kind of a bully is because his father became abusive since his mother died and beats him. Stephanie suggests to Charles that he should tell someone, but he believes that he gets hit because everything is his fault, and makes her promise not to tell anyone.
  • Charles, referred to as Charlie, is a character featured in Fable II. He is an adventurer who resides with his grandmother, Granny Miggins. The Hero of Bowerstone finds Granny Miggins inside the Gypsy Camp, extremely upset after losing her grandson, Charlie. She claims they were having a picnic for his birthday when he wandered off and she was not able to locate him. Throughout the conversation, she refers to Charlie as if he were a small child. The Hero sets out into the Bower Lake area in search of him, thus starting the Rescuing Charlie quest.
  • Charles is a servant in Castle Britannia who later ascended to head butler. The Avatar first met him in Ultima VII in the castle. During that time Charles was still a normal servant, busy with serving wine to the nobles and their guests. Charles spoke a lot about his family, including his father Benny, the head butler, his mother Boots, to kitchen chef, and his sister Nell, another servant. Charles revealed that he wasn't impressed with Nell being engaged to Carrocio and harboured not much love for the man.
  • Charles, played by Duncan Regehr, is introduced in V: The Series. Sent by The Leader to take over military operations from Diana and become the new Supreme Commander, Charles sets in motion the chain of events that lead to the death of Nathan Bates. Romantically attached to Lydia, he drops her in favor of Diana, whom he decides to marry in order to force her to return to the Homeworld.
  • "Charles" was the name tentatively adopted by a Vissian cogenitor in 2153, chosen in honor of Enterprise NX-01 Commander Charles Tucker III, after it had initially requested to be named "Trip". That year, "Charles", who was nameless at the time, was assigned to a Vissian ship's chief engineer and his wife, Calla, who were a part of a delegation visiting the Enterprise. Unfortunately, after being returned, the cogenitor could not stand returning to its previous life after what it had seen. Soon after the Vissians departed Enterprise, the cogenitor committed suicide. (ENT: "Cogenitor")
  • | style="border:none; color:#9AA5F0;font-size:30px;font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; padding: 5px 5px;" valign="top" width="10"|“ | style="border: none; padding: 4px 10px;" valign="top"|A little mischievous monkey. He will teach you tricks and help you out with your adventure. Of course, nothing is free. You may be able to find him by looking to the trees above the regular path. | style="border: none; color: #9AA5F0; font-size: 30px; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; padding: 5px 5px;" valign="bottom" width="10"|” |- | class="cquotecite" colspan="3" style="border: none; padding-right: 4%"|
  • thumb|Charles Charles ist ein vissianischer Cogenitor. Eigentlich haben vissianische Cogenitoren keinen Namen. Dieser jedoch entscheidet sich nach dem Kontakt zu Charles Tucker erst für den Namen Trip und dann für Charles. Als die Enterprise 2153 den Erstkontakt zu den Vissianern herstellt entscheidet sich Charles Tucker, der Chefingenieur der Enterprise, ihr das Lesen beizubringen. Daraufhin bittet Charles auf der Enterprise um Asyl, welches von Captain Jonathan Archer abgelehnt wird. Wenig später begeht Charles Selbstmord. (ENT: )
  • Charles is a tug that the Star Fleet meet out on the ocean (see The Lost Tug). Charles worked at a port in Australia, and got lost after returning from towing a tanker. The Star Tugs took him to Captain Star, who explained he didn't need more tugs. But when he saw Charles' tugging skills, he began to reconsider. Captain Zero and Captain Star began arguing over who should own Charles, and Charles, worried about what he had caused, left the Bigg City Port. In his haste, he crashed onto some rocks, and was stuck, until a kind gentleman took him to a repair yard, and Charles was refurbished into a houseboat. He lives in the same dock as Boomer.
  • 50
  • 885
  • Power Rangers Alpha Dino Charge
Portrayed By
  • Párizs
first tv
  • "Kali, Part I"
significant other/s
appearanceslink show
  • Y
  • Masculin
  • Mâle
  • 12
  • Humain
  • Hamster
  • Divorced
  • チャボ
  • "Dead End"
Posiadana Broń
Row 4 info
  • Thomas Caartoyuisys
  • Held back his knowledge about a case of arson in which eight people were killed
  • schwarz
  • hide
Miejsce urzędowania
  • Jaskinia za świątynią w Trelis
  • Heights
  • 7.500000
  • männlich
  • Negro
regalo horror
  • -
  • Charles
  • no
  • no
  • nee
Row 1 info
  • One of RuneScape's many citizens!
  • 2153
  • Habilidades vampíricas básicas
  • Charles
Known Aliases
  • The Skinny Guy; Bill; The Perfect One; Perfecto
  • Wealthy, Brittish-Accented Individual
regalo normal
  • -
  • Chabo
regalo fatal
  • -
  • Se prononce "Chavo"
  • Charles .png
Row 4 title
  • Voiced by:
nombre juego
  • Harvest Moon: A New Beginning
  • Estudiante de Derecho en Barcelona
regalo perfecto
  • -
  • 498
  • Unbenannte Ehefrau
  • Glenda Montrose
  • Charlotte Montrose
  • Saw V
  • 127.160000
Row 2 info
  • Male
  • Scottish Fold Papillion
  • Férfi
  • Battle of the Alpha Ages
  • La familia de Makenna.
  • Pálida
Row 1 title
  • Relations
  • Home:
  • The Alpha of the Dinos
Game Debut
  • 27
  • Polizist
  • *Rojo *Negro
  • hide
  • hidef
  • Masculino
  • Black
Other abilities
  • None known, as of yet.
  • Chad
Row 2 title
  • Breed
  • Gender:
  • 6
Kod na przywołanie
  • Charles
  • wahrscheinlich Engländer
Posiadana Zbroja
Japanese Voice
  • Megumi Toyoguchi
  • 1922
Only appearance
  • No
Row 3 info
  • South Pawville
  • "Birthday Bear's Blues"
Row 3 title
  • Location
  • Debut:
  • conn officer,
Miejsce zamieszkania
regalo error
  • -
  • Power Rangers Dino Ultracharge black.jpg
  • Dr. Mid-Nite
  • Charles
  • 2
  • ^^^
  • 1949
trabajo juego
  • Asesor de viajes
  • 128.180000
Box Title
  • Charles
  • Owner
  • Volunteer
  • Librarian
  • Ship Captain
  • Ship Captain
  • Ship Captain
  • Office Worker
  • Sir's partner
  • Charles
  • Crushing Explorers
  • Dominating Pioneers
  • Unknown
  • Black
Full Name
  • The Fat Guy
  • Charles
  • Alpha Dino Charge Black Ranger
  • *Luca *Makenna * Renata
  • 25
  • Unknown
  • V: The Series
  • Alive
  • Dead
  • Deceased
  • Missing
  • Nieznany
  • Deceased, committed suicide
  • Deceased- died after being shot in the forehead by an unnamed mobster.
  • 35
Previous Occupation
  • Noble
First Appearance
  • The Sweet Life
  • Antagonist
  • Supporting Character
  • Supporting character
  • Diana
  • 1
  • Charles
  • Blonde
  • Brown
  • Gray
  • Ripped up by nail bombs
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • Charles
  • fed
  • gem
  • gold
  • Image:Charles.gif
  • 250
  • 25
  • 7500
Known relatives
  • Geoffrey
  • Fat Spirit, mother; Fat Guy's Father, father; Fat Guy Jr., possible son
  • Charles from the second game
  • Charles in Petz Catz 2
  • FBI Special Agent Charles in the Season 2 episode "The Bone Yard".
  • A man who enjoys a good round of sports for all-duty stress relief.
Hair Color
  • Brown
  • Chabo
  • -
  • -
personnalité (vif, paresseux...)
  • Versatile
anniversaire (jj/mm)
  • --02-25
Known Affiliations
Special Powers
  • Weight-gain; Blocking passageways
  • None, other than great detective skills and that CHARMING brittish accent!
Current status
  • Active; Last seen to be as fat as an entire planet.
  • 1
Character Name
  • Charles
  • The Fat Guy!
  • Charles, The Detective
  • Yes
Skin Color
  • White
Created by
  • Xaq
  • Chris DeLuca
  • You don't want to know
  • Roughly 180 lbs, presumably
  • Earth
  • チャールズ
  • Zeah: Great Kourend
  • Tall
  • 310.0
  • Varies
  • No
  • Charles
  • Emperor of the West Franks
  • show
  • Charlie
  • Green/Black Jeep Wrangler
Marital Status
  • Married to Hanna
Image size
  • 300
  • -
  • Yes
Real Name
  • Charles
  • Heroic
  • Black
  • fancy
  • 183
  • 2004
  • 2153
  • Hotel Denouement fire
  • Skylight Books
  • Pyrus
  • Black Ultra Charge a.PNG
  • Charles brengt elke premium speler per schip naar: *Ankrahmun 110 gp *Darashia 180 gp *Edron 150 gp *Thais 160 gp *Venore 160 gp *Liberty Bay 50 gp De rang van Grand Postman in The Postman Quest maakt alle tochten 10 gp goedkoper.
  • Admires Ab'Dendriel very much.
  • Admires Ab'Dendriel very much.
  • Completing the Postman Quest will reduce the ship fare by 10 gp.
  • Waardeert Ab'Dendriel zeer.
  • Charles will transport any premium players by ship to: He can also sail anyone to the world transfer island, Travora.
  • Charles will transport any premium players by ship to: *Ankrahmun 110 gp *Darashia 180 gp *Edron 150 gp *Thais 160 gp *Venore 160 gp *Liberty Bay 50 gp *Yalahar 260 gp
  • Investigative Journalist
  • New Supreme Commander
  • Duchess Gisla
  • Earth
  • Common
  • Good
  • Great
  • Flawless
  • Servant
  • Member of the Justice Society of America
  • Brother Herman's second in command
  • Cybernetic implant researcher
  • The Loud House
  • DC's Legends of Tomorrow
  • North Qeynos
  • Unknown
  • no
  • Duke Rollo
  • Prince William
  • Prince Marcellus
  • Princess Celsa
  • The Louds
  • Charlemagne †
  • King of East Franks
  • Direct Line of Descent from Rhoman Diana (1983-85)-wife
  • 2016-01-07
  • Charles de Francie Occidentale
  • Light
  • Sixth
  • Unknown
  • Peter Kepler
Eye Color
  • Unknown
  • Brown
  • Dark Brown
Image File
  • Charles.png
  • charlescatz.jpg
  • Male
  • male
  • Cogenitor
  • "balivernes"
  • Human
  • Human
  • Wolf
  • Monkey
  • Alenthylian
  • -
Blood Type
  • B
  • Mostly 'lowfat' ice cream
  • Mario Power Tennis
  • The North American manual of the first game
  • 1
  • 34
  • PP: 6
  • A little mischievous monkey. He will teach you tricks and help you out with your adventure. Of course, nothing is free. You may be able to find him by looking to the trees above the regular path.
Date of Birth
  • Unknown
  • Emperor Louis I †
  • 300
Love interests
  • 100
wikipage disambiguates
  • Verseau
  • Vittorio
  • Emperor
  • -
  • Dr. Mid-Nite.png
  • ???
  • y
  • |}
  • E' coinvolto nella missione: * Un messaggio per il ribelle Charles
  • Charles is a supporting character who appeared in the 10th episode of Nalvana's The Care Bears Family TV series, "Birthday Bear's Blues". He is a rich boy who felt left out because no one showed up to his birthday party. A similarly dejected Birthday Bear, who also thinks everyone forgot his birthday, arrives to help cheer him up.
  • Charles is in charge of the Aquarium, located in South Pawville to the right of the waterfall. He is just behind Gertrude's Drug Store. After helping him repair the Aquarium, you can bring fish for him and he'll put it in the Aquarium. You can then go inside the Aquarium and look at the fish you've collected for him. There are two separate tanks for the fish: one for freshwater fish, and one for saltwater fish. If the tanks become full, you can release fish.
  • Charles is a tug that the Star Fleet meet out on the ocean (see The Lost Tug). Charles worked at a port in Australia, and got lost after returning from towing a tanker. The Star Tugs took him to Captain Star, who explained he didn't need more tugs. But when he saw Charles' tugging skills, he began to reconsider. Captain Zero and Captain Star began arguing over who should own Charles, and Charles, worried about what he had caused, left the Bigg City Port. In his haste, he crashed onto some rocks, and was stuck, until a kind gentleman took him to a repair yard, and Charles was refurbished into a houseboat. He lives in the same dock as Boomer. Page by User:TenCents.
  • Charles (died 3000) was a researcher of cybernetic implants and a former member of the Justice Society of America known as Dr. Mid-Nite. He was presumably one of the meta-humans in the JSA targeted by the Dominators in 1951.
  • Charles is but a commoner, often seen wandering the streets of Hearth.
  • "Charles" was the name tentatively adopted by a Vissian cogenitor in 2153, chosen in honor of Enterprise NX-01 Commander Charles Tucker III, after it had initially requested to be named "Trip". That year, "Charles", who was nameless at the time, was assigned to a Vissian ship's chief engineer and his wife, Calla, who were a part of a delegation visiting the Enterprise. Commander Tucker pitied the way in which the cogenitor was being treated, believing it should have the same equal rights as others. After discovering from Phlox that the cogenitor had the same learning capabilities as the other Vissian genders, Tucker took it upon himself to secretly teach the cogenitor how to read and to educate it about its rights as an individual. Tucker showed the cogenitor how to play go. The cogenitor was very proficient at the game. It went on to beat Tucker in a game, which he informed the cogenitor that he was a champion and had not lost playing the game in many years. Although initially reluctant, the cogenitor ultimately embraced these new ideas. So pleased was it to have been given the chance to learn for itself, the cogenitor decided to adapt Tucker's real name, Charles, as its own. Tucker later took "Charles" on a tour of the Enterprise and allowed it to watch a movie. However, the Vissians soon learned of this and denied Tucker of having any further access to their ship, and hence, the cogenitor. However, "Charles" was able to return to Enterprise, where it formally requested asylum. After a standoff with the cogenitor's "owners", Captain Archer was unable to grant Charles's request as it would mean interfering in Vissian culture, thereby irreparably damaging future relations between the two races. With no other options, the cogenitor was forced to return to its own ship. Unfortunately, after being returned, the cogenitor could not stand returning to its previous life after what it had seen. Soon after the Vissians departed Enterprise, the cogenitor committed suicide. (ENT: "Cogenitor") The Cogenitor was played by Becky Wahlstrom. In the final draft script of "Cogenitor", this character was commonly referred to as "Cogenitor", even after its name of "Charles" was established. Also in the script, the Cogenitor was initially described thus; "It is quiet and deferential, with a slightly androgynous appearance." However, subsequent script references to the character regarded it mostly as a male, with one reference to it as a female. The costume Becky Wahlstrom wore to portray the Cogenitor was auctioned off in the It's A Wrap! sale and auction. [1]
  • Charles is the mayor (and possible Zone Leader) of the Everplain Acres Zone. The cowardly man lives under the shadow of his popular late grandfather with his granny.
  • Charles is the husband of Hanna, the woman trapped under the rubble in Help Me. He was portrayed by actor Desean Terry. When Gregory House finds Hanna, she is more worried about the fact that she did not have a chance to pick up Charles' birthday present than with her own condition. As House tries to treat her, she asks to be able to call her husband. House lies and says his phone can't get a signal because he's afraid speaking to her husband will raise her blood pressure. However, House soon relents. As he suspected, their worrying about each other puts Hanna into a very fragile emotional state and her heart rate and blood pressure go up. He politely asks for the phone back and tells her she has to calm down. House finally has to give Hanna an amputation to free her. When they reach the surface, Charles is there waiting for her, having just arrived. House, Charles and Hanna get into the ambulance to go back to Princeton-Plainsboro. However, as they return, Hanna goes into respiratory distress. House hopes it is a clot in her lungs and administers a blood thinner in an attempt to treat it. However, when Hanna doesn't improve, House realizes that it must be a fat embolism, a common and deadly complication of amputations. Although Charles begs House to do something, House realizes it's hopeless and resigns himself by sitting quietly in the ambulance.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Charles is a recruitable Jeep Wrangler in White Mountain. He can be found going back and forth down the ridge in the central White Mountain, also knowing about the rumors of a ghost.
  • Charles is the partner and employee of Sir at the Lucky Smells Lumbermill in Paltryville. He is portrayed by Rhys Darby in the TV series.
  • Uncle Charles was Elfanar's addopted uncle after the death of his parents around the time of his birth. Elfanar only found out that his uncle was a dragon near the end of time when it was revealed to him by the Dragon Lord.
  • Charles is a servant in Castle Britannia who later ascended to head butler. The Avatar first met him in Ultima VII in the castle. During that time Charles was still a normal servant, busy with serving wine to the nobles and their guests. Charles spoke a lot about his family, including his father Benny, the head butler, his mother Boots, to kitchen chef, and his sister Nell, another servant. Charles revealed that he wasn't impressed with Nell being engaged to Carrocio and harboured not much love for the man. Charles revealed that he had a crush on Jeanette the bar maid in the Blue Boar Tavern, but she was ignoring him until the Avatar pointed out to her, that Charles was one of the servants, and not upper class. Between Ultima VII and Ultima Underworld II, Benny retired and Charles became head butler. He was surprised how much more work that position meant. Also, even after Nell married Carrocio and they had their son, he still couldn't stand the man. He also didn't talk much about his relationship to Jeanette. When he was closed into the castle like everyone else in Underworld II, he stayed calm, but hadn't much to add. However, when Nanna called out the servant strike, he followed her call until the situation was solved. Later, Charles had found an interesting key and gave it to the Avatar (it opened a door in the sewers).
  • Charles is a boss in Kingdom Hearts: Aura Of Time.
  • Charles is a fancy man
  • Charles is a man Voiced by Fred Tatasciore
  • Charles is a short movie created by Micah Dahl.
  • Charles is voiced by Alex Fernandez.
  • Charles may refer to:
  • Charles owns a bookstore Violet went to.
  • Charles first appeared in Kami's birthday show, and his first appearance on a regular CoMutiny episode was Episode 34.
  • Charles ist der Ex-Ehemann von Glenda Montrose und der Vater von Charlotte Montrose.
  • Charles was an FBI Special Agent who was later revealed to be a double agent working for both the FBI and crime boss, Jimmy Napolitano up until his death in 2004.
  • Charles is a fictional character from the Saw franchise as well as the secondary antagonist of Saw V. He was portrayed by Carlo Rota.
  • Charles was a well-known prince. He was married to Princess Diana. (Findings at CTU)
  • Charles es un vampiro nómada danés, quien está emparejado con su creadora, Makenna. Él tiene una habilidad especial de detección de mentiras cuando alguien le está mintiendo
  • Charles (voiced by Neil Ross) is the director at the Comic Studio.
  • Emperor Charles of Frankia is the complex, troubled, and powerful leader of Frankia, who views battling the Vikings as a spiritual and earthly mission. Although Charles can at times be indecisive and is often perceived as weak by many nobles of his court (such as his rival Count Odo) he is in truth a ruthless and cunning politician who recognises his own weaknesses and works to eliminate them; he is also quick to recognise and grasp opportunities, most notably when he sought Duke Rollo's alliance as soon as King Ragnar and the bulk of the Viking army had left Frankia.
  • Charles was a servant of the vampire Marcel Saint Cloud in Paris as of 1791. Whether he was a vampire himself or another subjugate, like Henri de Polignac, a subjugate he was asked to help in accompanying Magnus Bane and a queen, is unknown.
  • Charles is a student at P.S. 38. She participated in the Math Olympiad.
  • Charles is the Network President's personal assistant. He is well dressed and silent with a stern look on his face usually. His main duty seems to be transporting the Network President's hardware in the physical world and providing that hardware with accoutrements such as a miniature table top Eames chair or a gun.
  • When Bungie decided to show Halo for the Macintosh, they decided that it was not coming out for such a computer, which led to Chuck trying to attempt suicide by jumping out of his window. He survived the incident and was completely re-modelled into the purportedly "coolest" character in the comic. His phrase at that point became "shut your pie hole", said in a variety of ways.
  • Charles Marcel Saint Cloud a Párizsi vámpírklán vezetőjének a szolgálója a francia forradalom idején. Nem tudni, hogy vámpír vagy ő is egy alattvaló, mint Henri de Polignac, de ő volt az egyik aki Magnus-t és a királynét az emeletre kísérte, hogy Magnus nyugodt körülmények között befejezhesse a munkáját.
  • Charles – postać, występująca w Gothic 3. Jest to buntownik dowodzący grupą ludzi z Nemory ukrywających się w jaskini za świątynią w Trelis. Wejścia do jego jaskini pilnuje początkujący buntownik – Steve.
  • In the gameplay demo, Saltonstall calls for Charles' assistance after he notices Booker DeWitt pick up a bolt-action sniper rifle. Charles unleashes a Murder of Crows on DeWitt, disorienting him long enough for Charles and Saltonstall to run to a nearby ledge. Booker then shoves Charles off the ledge, causing him to land on a freight container hanging from the Sky-Line below. As Saltonstall escapes onto the Sky-Line, Booker uses his telekinetic ability to grab the Murder of Crows Vigor from Charles' corpse.
  • Charles bezieht sich auf: * Charles Widmore, Pennys Vater * Charlie Pace, Hauptcharakter * Charles Rettinghaus, Synchronsprecher (Michael Dawson) * Charles Mesure, Darsteller (Bryan) * Cynthia Charles, Darstellerin (Nigerianische Frau) * Charles Henry Wyson, Darsteller (5-jährige John Locke)
  • Charles is in de jaren veertig de meestergast van de familie De Keyser. Zijn loyauteit ten opzichte van de familie is grenzeloos. Charles is vooral Helena zeer genegen.
  • Charles is Brother Herman's second in command it is for this reason that he usually finds himself in a leadership roles during operations. While Herman doesn't particularly care about any of his soldiers, he has placed some degree trust in Charles, as he is often tasked to collect objects that Herman specifically requires. Charles is extremely obedient, though he has questioned his loyalty on certain occasions.
  • Charles is the Alpha Dino Charge Black Ranger and Second in Command of the Alpha Dino Charge Rangers.
  • Charles, referred to as Charlie, is a character featured in Fable II. He is an adventurer who resides with his grandmother, Granny Miggins. The Hero of Bowerstone finds Granny Miggins inside the Gypsy Camp, extremely upset after losing her grandson, Charlie. She claims they were having a picnic for his birthday when he wandered off and she was not able to locate him. Throughout the conversation, she refers to Charlie as if he were a small child. The Hero sets out into the Bower Lake area in search of him, thus starting the Rescuing Charlie quest. The Hero locates Charles within the Tomb of Heroes, which is infested with Hollow Men. Charles turns out to be a grown man, who resents being called Charlie and resents the childish treatment he receives from his grandmother. After helping Charles delve deeper into the tomb, Charles and the Hero discover a sarcophagus. While Charles attempts to open it, the Hero must defend him from waves of assaulting Hollow Men. Once it is opened, it is revealed that the sarcophagus once held the Normanomicon, but it was previously taken by Max and Sam Spade, who graciously left a note apologising to future adventurers for cursing the tomb. Afterwards, Charles and the Hero flee the tomb. If Charles is killed along the way, either by Hollow Men or the Hero, the Hero can either give Granny Miggins Charles' hat, causing her to mourn her fallen grandson, or equip the hat, causing Granny Miggins to mistake the Hero for Charles. Either way, she gives the Hero the Golden Burden augmentation. Alternatively, if Charles survives, Granny Miggins will declare that Charles is a very bad boy, and give the Golden Burden augmentation to the Hero as a reward for saving her grandson.
  • Charles ist ein Polizist, der zusammen mit Moa Hesse die alte Kirchenruine untersuchen sollte. Anfangs zögert er, da ihm die Gerüchte um die Kirche Angst machen. Nachdem er von Moa getrennt wurde, wurde er von einem Akuma getötet.
  • Charles era un sirviente del vampiro Marcel Saint Cloud por el año 1791. Si él mismo era un vampiro u otro subyugado, como Henri de Polignac, un subyugado a quien se le pidió que ayudase a acompañar a Magnus Bane, se desconoce.
  • Charles is a mixed-traffic engine. He had problems on his first day, but he did well the next day, and even made the trucks behave.
  • Charles was a NPC (Non-Playable Character) located in the Bakugan Interspace Stadium. He was a Pyrus brawler.
  • Charles was the husband of Janice and one of the residents of District One during the repatriation of London.
  • Ensign Charles was a regular conn officer serving aboard the USS Enterprise-E, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, in late 2373. Charles was bridge duty when the Enterprise engaged two Cardassian Galor-class warships in late 2373. During the assault, Charles console exploded and caused a wound on his forearm, thankfully Dr. Beverly Crusher was on the bridge, and was quickly able to tend his wounds and make him comfortable. A short time later, Charles was taken to sickbay for proper treatment. (TNG - The Dominion War novel: Behind Enemy Lines)
  • Charles was the boy whose mom was taken by the Owlman. He made his first and only appearance in The Owlman Feeds at Midnight.
  • He and Dr. Helen Magnus were able to escape Forsythe's boat after Forsythe stayed behind and sacrificed himself.
  • Charles, played by Duncan Regehr, is introduced in V: The Series. Sent by The Leader to take over military operations from Diana and become the new Supreme Commander, Charles sets in motion the chain of events that lead to the death of Nathan Bates. Romantically attached to Lydia, he drops her in favor of Diana, whom he decides to marry in order to force her to return to the Homeworld. When Charles decides that he would rather keep Diana around, Lydia attempts to poison her, but ends up killing Charles instead. Desperate, Lydia conspires to frame Marta for the crime. Marta is convicted, and in accordance with Visitor law is sentenced to imprisonment within Charles' casket...alongside his corpse.
  • Charles was the Librarian scholar of Jordan College. He was an old friend and ally of the College Master.
  • | style="border:none; color:#9AA5F0;font-size:30px;font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; font-weight: bold; text-align: left; padding: 5px 5px;" valign="top" width="10"|“ | style="border: none; padding: 4px 10px;" valign="top"|A little mischievous monkey. He will teach you tricks and help you out with your adventure. Of course, nothing is free. You may be able to find him by looking to the trees above the regular path. | style="border: none; color: #9AA5F0; font-size: 30px; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; font-weight: bold; text-align: right; padding: 5px 5px;" valign="bottom" width="10"|” |- | class="cquotecite" colspan="3" style="border: none; padding-right: 4%"| —The North American manual of the first game |} Charles (known as Santa in the Japanese version) is a talking monkey and Tomba's best friend. He meets Tomba in the first game and later befriends in Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return. He is voiced by Peter Kepler. He is loyal to Tomba and his friends and can sometimes be impulsive, as shown in the second game, where he runs off to help people out whenever someone needs help.
  • Charles is an Apostle exclusive to Berserk: Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shō.
  • Charles pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento * Charles Widmore: pai de Penny; * Charles Mesure: interpreta Bryan; * Charles Dickens: autor de livros.
  • Charles is an annoying classmate who teases Stephanie, and then the teacher pares them up for a project. Stephanie later learns that the reason Charles is kind of a bully is because his father became abusive since his mother died and beats him. Stephanie suggests to Charles that he should tell someone, but he believes that he gets hit because everything is his fault, and makes her promise not to tell anyone. Later when he does not show up, the teacher said that Charles "fell down the stairs" when really his father had something to do with this, but Steph is still too afraid to tell anyone. But after she scolds Michelle for saying mean things about Danny, Jesse gets suspicious and she is forced to tell him what happened to Charles. Upon learning the situation, Jesse reports the abuse. The next day, Jesse tells her that Child services had placed Charles in foster care and his father was possibly arrested for child abuse.
  • Charles (ハムジ, Hamuji en japonais, Hamphrey en anglais) est un hamster apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
  • Charles is a recurring character in the series, The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. He is the servant of the Lord Nickelbottoms and his wife, Lady Nickelbottoms. He also served as Flapjack's mentor when Flapjack was forced to join in on K'nuckles plan to steal candy from the Nickelbottoms' mansion.
  • Charles is the Loud family's pet dog on The Loud House. Although he generally does not play a large role, Charles makes frequent cameo appearances throughout the show. Because he seems to hang in Lincolns room, and around Lincoln most of the time it is possible he is mostly Lincoln's dog.
  • Charles is a Bartender for The Keystone Saloon located in Keystone City it also has a history of having The Rogues as regular visiting members of the saloon. Charles was also the boss of Barry Allen who worked at the saloon for a short time.
  • Charles, labeled as The Rich Jerk, was a contestant in Total Drama World.
  • Se casó con Camellia después de quedarse embarazada de Hina y vino al pueblo. Su familia es lo más importante para él.
  • thumb|Charles Charles ist ein vissianischer Cogenitor. Eigentlich haben vissianische Cogenitoren keinen Namen. Dieser jedoch entscheidet sich nach dem Kontakt zu Charles Tucker erst für den Namen Trip und dann für Charles. Als die Enterprise 2153 den Erstkontakt zu den Vissianern herstellt entscheidet sich Charles Tucker, der Chefingenieur der Enterprise, ihr das Lesen beizubringen. Daraufhin bittet Charles auf der Enterprise um Asyl, welches von Captain Jonathan Archer abgelehnt wird. Wenig später begeht Charles Selbstmord. (ENT: ) Charles wurde von Becky Wahlstrom gespielt und von Sandra Schwittau synchronisiert. en:Charles Kategorie:Person
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