  • Moon
  • Moon
  • MOON
  • Moon
  • Moon
  • Moon
  • Moon
  • Moon
  • Moon
  • Moon
  • __TOC__
  • He is a CPU mii.
  • Moon is the son of Bella in Sale's Fellowship. He is a brother to Samac and Stripe. He is Sale's best friend, and they spent a lot of time together in childhood. Moon has the gift of second sight; meaning he can see things that happened right after and even BEFORE he was born. When Moon becomes a teenager, he decides to court Sale, only to be rudely dismissed by Slagar, whose strong dislike for Moon is undeniable. He continued to see her nonetheless, and they often had long conversations about intelligent subjects such as music and art. Later, when Moon proposed to Sale (He was fifteen, she was fourteen) she becomes hurt and says no, much to Moon's shock. When Sale runs away and travels to Redwall, he agrees to assist Jade in finding out what exactly Sale desires.
  • MOON is the 3rd full-length album by Gackt, released on June 19th, 2002. 1st press came with a coffin keychain.
  • The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It has been a common background object at night in Arthur series, Arthur went to the moon with his moon shoes in Arthur Bounces Back and Buster sees the Moon through a telescope in The Boy Who Cried Comet!. There were also a few episodes where they show footage of the Apollo 11 moon landing in D.W. Aims High and Buster Spaces Out.
  • The Moon is a giant celestial body, a rock-composed sphere, that orbits the world. It is often seen during the night.
  • The moon is that which underlies everything which the sun is. It is the prime cause of those sun energies. The moon is that which you hope for. It is how the world responds to you. The moon is your emotions. It is that which you want, but will never reach for except in your dreams and your hopes. It is that which makes you feel safe. The moon is your home. The Moon was invaded by St. Bill Clinton in 1999.
  • Earth's Moon (often referred to as simply The Moon or Luna) is Earth's only natural satellite, and the setting of the final sequence of Portal 2. It is also the latest known location of Wheatley.
  • The Moon is the main character in the games Cheese Dreams and New Moon.
  • The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and is the sixth largest natural satellite in the Solar System. It is featured in every third person game in the series.
  • Moon is Little Star's father. He appeared in Little Star & Dora's Big Birthday Adventure, Dora Had a Little Lamb.
  • (Intro) (Cuts to Sarge and Jacob talking to Sarge behind a jeep where a war is going on) Jacob: So, General sent a person to the moon. I- Sarge: I know, I know. I've always wanted to go to the moon. Jacob: If you smarten up a bit, you can go to the moon, like you always wanted to. Sarge: Oh my God, that is such a good idea, I just started coming up with it! Jacob: But I came up with the idea, plus that makes no sense. (Sarge pulls up a joint and smokes it) Sarge: It totally does! (Sarge pulls out a rocket launcher and fires it at an enemy tank) Sarge: Right on!
  • Moons are formed when Debris Fields formed from big battles, contract. To see which building can be built on a moon, check the page. Moons can be destroyed by big fleets of Deathstars * Moons do NOT generate resources! * You can NOT use the Material Merchant on your Mothership to convert one kind of resource into another. * You can NOT use the Scrap Merchant on your Mothership to convert ships back to resources. * Exact numbers are need for the size of the Debris Field needed to create a moon * The formula to calculate the destruction chance by a fleet of Deathstars is also needed.
  • The Moon is a natural satellite oribting the Earth. The episode Fly Me to the Moon of the 2003 TMNT cartoon is set there. In the 1987 TMNT cartoon episode The Fifth Turtle, the Moon is one of the celestial bodies in the conjunction where Krang uses Capsidium crystals to re-power the Technodrome.
  • Moon is the fifty-sixth episode of the series Weebl & Bob. Posted: 2nd February, 2004 Summary: Weebl and Bob travel to the moon. The moon? Yes, the moon! Tune: Run You Sausages and Fly Me to the Moon - Weebl Credits: Weebl and Skoo
  • The Moon is a giant block of cheese in space. He has very sensitive anger issues, and once he managed to took it too far and try to destroy Termina. Though it took a three days, as it always is a countdown for evil people dudes.
  • The Moon is a vital world and the location of many critical facilities and events. Considered by many researchers to be the epicenter of the Multiverse, the Moon is one of the easiest places to reach from any known universe.
  • Moon is a main protagonist of the Sun and Moon Arc.
  • The moon is known to Garou as Luna. She has five faces: Ragabash-New Moon or No-Moon Theurge-Crescent Moon Philodox-Half Moon Galliard-Gibbous Moon Ahroun-Full Moon Quick-Silver 01:33, January 11, 2010 (UTC)Quick-Silver
  • The Moon is the only permanent natural satellite that orbits around Earth.
  • The Moon, similarly to the Sun, illuminates blocks open to the sky with a maximum light level of 4, as opposed to the sun's 15. This allows Daylight Sensors to be rigged to a night/day clock, since they will not respond to light levels of 4.
  • A Moon was defined as a naturally occuring object that orbited a celestial body of larger size. A moon could have an atmosphere or could be a barren rock. On occasion moons are inhabited.
  • A song written for Momone Momo's Birthday 2015.
  • The moon was the natural satellite of the planet Earth. A ray of light reflects from the moon known as moonlight, an illumination made by the light from the moon.
  • It is played by User:Elidahad at private mode.
  • The Moon is located far enough in the sky above the Earth's surface that, to arrive at this satellite, fast flight is necessary, whether by vehicles such as the Demon Airship or by flight capabilities found in certain meisters, weapons, shinigami, and witches. The Moon only appears at night, but the strangest thing is that some clouds pass behind the Moon, which gives the impression that it is actually inside the atmosphere. Occasionally, the Moon also makes an appearance in peoples' minds or hallucinations.
  • In the 1960s television series, the Moon is also shown to be completely or partly made out of cheese, with a region inhabited by a race of Cheese People led by the Big Cheese. The Sea Hag's ship, the Black Barnacle (or the Sea Hag herself) seems to have some sort of influence over the Moon (or at least its appearance to those near her who are seeing the Moon), as whenever she is sailing the sea at night, the Moon turns a blood red color to signify her presence, similar to a Blood Moon lunar eclipse. Prior to the events of "Plunder Island", the Sea Hag raided countless ships for centuries, whisking away their crews on the nights of the Red Moon, making the latter a horrifying omen for sailors unfortunate enough to have experienced it or heard tales of it.
  • The moon is Earth's only natural satellite and which formed 4.6 billion years ago around some 30–50 million years after the formation of the solar system. Humans first landed there in 1969. Philip Burton referenced this when explaining how they were on the brink of great discoveries regarding the anomaly phenomenon, saying that not since man first walked on the moon has humanity been so delicatly poised on the threshold of a new dawn. (Episode 4.2)
  • The Moon (月, Tsuki?) is a central motif in a number of TYPE-MOON works. It is most prevalent in the works involving Vampires, such as Tsukihime and Melty Blood. It is not a planet, but it is still a celestial body that had an Ultimate One known as Type Moon. Within the world of Fate/Extra, it also holds the Moon Cell Automaton (ムーンセル・オートマトン, Mūnseru Ōtomaton?), a large computer-like construct created by an unknown civilization one hundred million years before the existence of the Earth or the Moon. It has recorded everything that has happened on the planet since its formation, and it keeps the records much like Akasha. It acts as the main setting of Fate/Extra.
  • Moon is a boss monster.
  • Moon è un boss di dongione
  • Natural satellite of the Earth.
  • The First Emperor of the Moon was Al Gore.
  • The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth.
  • The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth.
  • The Moon orbited the Earth.
  • The moon is in Pikmin: Masquerade of the Red Death
  • The moon represents the beyond.
  • The planet of Rathillien has a single moon.
  • The mooncalf is a creature that only comes out of its burrow during a full moon and then performs a complicated mating dance. The presence of a full moon can induce basilisk eggs to hatch early if given certain other circumstances. During the 1990s, there was a portrait of a witch flying to the moon seventh-floor level of the Grand Staircase at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  • The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. It has been mentioned and has appeared in many episodes. From Attack of the Movie Night to You Can't Breathe in a Diner in Space!, the Zombie Moon Ape lived there until he teleported himself away. According to Sqweep, the Prankinoids were responsible for the moon's current condition.
  • Moon (pol. Księżyc) – dziesiąta i ostatnia mapa występująca w Call of Duty: Black Ops (Rezurrection) w trybie Zombie.
  • Moon A.K.A. Emily Sullivan, a former member of Chaotic Impulse "CI-RS" spent her time uploading irl/pk videos.
  • ''Moon ist die elfte Karte im Überlebenskampf und noch dazu die letzte in Call of Duty: Black Ops, dort erschien sie mit dem Rezzurection-DLC. Sie wurde am 23. August für Xbox 360 und am 22. September 2011 für Playstation 3 und PC veröffentlicht. In ihr kehren die vier originalen Charaktere (Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki und Edward Richtofen) zurück und man bekämpft die Zombies zum ersten Mal nicht nur auf der Erde... Moon ist die größte Zombiekarte in Black Ops und die Drittgrößte bisher erschienene; nur noch überboten von Green Run und Mob of the Dead.
  • The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth. The moon is the only place other than Earth where humans have landed. The surface of the moon has large relatively dark “Maria” which are lava fields and numerous impact craters caused by meteor bombardment.
  • From John Farrelly's introduction, "The stories featured within reflect the comic creator's usual fixation with the three 'G's = Guns, Guys and Gore. This is taken as standard. But the tales also accentuate one more important 'g' - Giggles. There is a gallows humour that is indigenous to this country prevalent in the stories. Characters merrily get shot, punched, kicked and blown up with not so much as a haste apology. I don;t know what that says about the comics creators, but it makes damn fine comics"
  • A moon is a type of naturally-occurring satellite that's within orbit of a planetary body where the barycenter is still within the larger body. Earth itself has only one such satellite, Luna, which is typically, in English, simply called "the Moon".
  • Mostly the surface of the moon. It's a known fact that nobody has ever been on the moon. Sure you might of heard that NASA arrived on the Moon first. But the truth was that it was staged in order to give the illusion that they went to the moon, but in reality, they didn't go. Mostly because nothing is to be found on the moon, mostly all that you'll see is a rocky surface, craters and mostly space itself. Some have theorized to be life there, but those people are lunatics as mostly every lifeform that has ever tried to live on the moon have either given up or died trying to find a way to make the moon livable. No one knows why the moon still stands up in the sky, and we may never know it's purpose.
  • A Moon is a celestial body that orbits an object larger than itself (i.e. a planet). Moons are located throughout the known galaxy and have different shapes, sizes, and atmospheric conditions. One well known moon is Nar Shaddaa located in Hutt Space.
  • Moons are Celestial Objects that influence Water on planets. Based on the certain position the moon is in can affect tides, water flow, and the overall strength of water based magic. It is the opposite of a sun, and reflects the light of stars, giving it it's white color.
  • A moon (月 Tsuki?) is a celestial body that orbits a planet or smaller body, which is called its primary. In the Battle Angel Alita universe, several moons have been settled while others, in particular 13 of the 16 the Jovian moons, have been exploited as resources for terraforming.
  • The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relative to the size of its primary, having 27% the diameter and 60% the density of Earth, resulting in 1⁄81 (1.23%) its mass. Among satellites with known densities, the Moon is the second densest, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter.
  • thumb|right|335 pxMoon es un monstruo. Sube la imagen en PNG o JPG para este objeto Detalles
  • In 1993, FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder, trying to trick a bartender, into believing that he did not believe in flying saucers, remarked that he thought it was "all just a bunch of crazy people howling at the moon." (TXF: "Conduit")
  • Our Moon was transported into our solar system hundreds of millions of years ago by another race.
  • "moon" is iroha(sasaki)'s first original VOCALOID work. The lyrics are somewhat vague, but a common interpretation is that Miku is in fact the moon, and is singing about always being by mankind. The song was released as a single and is featured in the compilation albums MIKUNOPOLIS in LOS ANGELES and EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocaloconnection feat. 初音ミク. Additionally, it is the subject of a remix album, MOON.
  • The phases of the moon have caused the moon to be a more accurate timepiece for ancient civilizations. When the months of the year were first conceived it was based on the waxing and waning of the moon.
  • Azeroth has two moons: * The larger, bright and silver moon is known as The White Lady. The night elves know and worship it as Elune while the tauren refer to it as "Mu'sha" (the left eye of the Earthmother) in Sorrow of the Earthmother. * The smaller cool, blue-green moon is known as the The Blue Child. The Earthmother sent the Blue Child away to learn about the universe upon noticing the coming of the Burning Legion, explaining its disappearance prior to the events of Burning Crusade.[citation needed] It was thought to be a very long time before it returned.
  • Kategorie:MonsterMoon ist ein Boss -Kategorie:Boss-Monster Monster.Kategorie:Kreaturen der Moon-InselKategorie:Monster des Verbotenen Dschungels
  • A moon was a large, natural satellite that typically orbited a planet. Some planets were orbited by many moons, while some moons did not orbit any planets but passed through star systems in their own trajectories and were known as "rogue moons." The moon or moons of a sentient species' homeworlds was often the first celestial object that such species perceived and, later in their development, explored both remotely and in person. Some moons were garden worlds, and capable of supporting life; Yavin 4 was one such moon.
  • Moon era el apellido de un o una estudiante del Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería que comenzó su primer año en 1991.
  • The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. It can mostly be seen during the night.
  • The Moon or Der Mond is Earth's natural satellite, where the Nazi Lunar Base is built.
  • The Moon is an anthropomorphic moon and minor character from two episodes.
  • Moon is a silky, long-haired black-and-white female Border Collie with dark clear, striking, sky, ice- blue eyes, black-and-white paws, long, pointed black-and-white ears, and a white muzzle.
  • Featuring: Isobel Stocker, Jonti Siva-Jothy and Dennis Ashton
  • Se consigue en el laboratorio cosmico de la ciudad del cuarto gimnasio, como regalo. frame|moon
  • The Moon is a natural satellite that orbits Earth. The Taelons keep their Mothership in orbit of the dark side of the Moon. They also built a Moon Base on the dark side ("Horizon Zero").
  • After Yggdrasil crashed, the goddesses needed an alternative source of energy in order to function from day-to-day life. The answer? The moon has power, so for a while, the goddesses had to wear Moon Rock Bracelets. Also, Celestine was incarcerated on the moon. He's released at the beginning of the movie by Morgan. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. From MangaWiki, a Wikia wiki.
  • The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth. Satellites of other planets are called moons. For example Jupiter’s largest moons are called the Galilean moons because Galileo discovered them. The moon is the only place other than Earth where humans have landed. The surface of the moon has large relatively dark “Maria” which are lava fields and numerous impact craters caused by meteor bombardment.
  • Moon is a character in the background of Center Stage of The Rock-afire Explosion at ShowBiz Pizza behind Beach Bear and Mitzi Mozzarella. He is also a character of Munch's Make Believe Band at Chuck E. Cheese's, where he also appeared in the background of Center Stage, this time behind Jasper T. Jowls.
  • While normally the moon has no face, Majora's Mask placed a curse upon it that possibly gave it its terrifying face that symbolized the impending destruction that was soon to ensue. After travelling to four of the game's dungeons, Link managed to break the Four Giants free. The "four who are there" arrived just in time before the moon crashed into the planet and stopped it in its path. Link entered the mouth of the moon, as did Majora's Mask, and the two battled inside of it with Link becoming the inevitable winner.
  • The moon, a.k.a. Luna, is Earth's only natural moon. It has lots of craters and thin atmosphere, much like Mercury. The only difference is the heat, with Mercury's temperature ranging in 200+ that differs to the Moon's temperature (depends on what position it is around the Sun). The moon was formed 4.6 billion years ago when a tenth planet, Theia, collided with Earth and made the moon.
  • The Moon in Minecraft moves across the sky during night, and it is then replaced by the Sun in the day time.
  • The Moon (Latin: Luna) is likely Earth's only natural satellite and probably the fifth largest natural satellite in the Solar System.
  • Moon es un personaje que aparece en Silent Hill: Orphan.
  • is het vrouwelijke speelbare karakter in Pokémon Sun en Moon. Haar mannelijke tegenhanger is Sun. Categorie:Hoofdkarakters Categorie:Karakters Categorie:Karakters uit Alola Categorie:Game Karakters Categorie:Pokémon trainers
  • A moon is defined as an object that orbits a planet or other body larger than itself. Note, however, that this does not include such objects which are created by individuals for this purpose.
  • Should a gigantic battle occur in the vicinity of a planet, there is a slight chance that the debris scattered in the planet's gravity field will condense into a solid, subzero, somewhat smaller satellite, in short: a moon.
  • Moon (Japanese: ムーン, Mūn) is a Pokémon Trainer who moved to Alola from Kanto.
  • The moon first appeared in Tee Hee Tumey Tums with a real person's face.He told Flapjack where the Comb Stranger was. He also appeared in Over The Moon.This time with a cartoon face,but still the same voice.He was tricked by K'nuckels to take him to Candied Island. But after zooming here and there he got in trouble with Poseidon.The Moon is not the brightest star is what K'nuckles says.
  • Represented by Ai Ebihara, a vain female student caught up in her beauty complex.
  • Earth's moon, Luna, was colonized by human settlers prior to 2064 CE. (HH8) Blackbird, a moon of the gas giant Uriel in the Yeltsin's Star System, was used as a base of operations by the Navy of Masada. (HH2)
  • The Moon is the natural satellite of Earth. The Lunar Colony includes such locations as New Hope, the birthplace of Matthew Kane.
  • "Moon" is a song that Moon Man recorded for his album Because The MOON. Childish Gambino covered the song, using the title "Urn".
  • On July 21, 1969 astronauts of Apollo XI were the first men to set foot on its surface. In the 2050 humans founded the first colony on the moon.
  • Moon attempted suicide several times throughout her childhood. Her parents decided to leave her at the Sheppard's Orphanage because they believed she would receive better treatment there. Moon is a survivor of the massacre that occurred at the orphanage. Thirty years later, she has several dreams about the place and decides to go there to investigate.
  • Moon est la onzième carte du mode zombies, elle est incluse dans le pack Rezurrection de Call of Duty: Black Ops. Elle se déroule après les évènements de la map Shangri-La et pendant les événements de Nuketown.
  • The Moon is the timing system used on ?pedia. According to legends ancient, The Illuminati rise when the moon is new and when the moon is full, ripping to shreds the left behind in the two weeks since the last time with their bare teeth. Be afraid. Be very afraid. W, w-what was that? Oh no; run! Run, or you'll be well done! Aiee-
  • Moon, AKA The Moon, is one of the most evil things that lives in space. It is something that devil worshippers like, and it also allows monsters to come out.
  • Moon is a new Pokémon trainer and the new female protagonist in the games Pokémon Sun and Moon alongside Sun, and at the end of the games, they become the first ever Champion of the Alola region.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Moon]] mōna from Proto-Germanic *mænon- from Proto-Indo-European *mḗh₁n̥s (“‘moon, month’”) from *mē-² (“‘to measure’”)
  • The realm of Eldritch also has a moon, it is made of green cheese.
  • This is a natural satellite, possessing some degree of regular orbit around another celestial body like a planet, termed its primary. It is in some ways similar to the planet-star dynamic, but almost always of far shorter duration in its orbit. The solar system of Sol, in which Earth is to be found, contains 173 natural satellites orbiting planets.
  • The Moon is the natural satellite orbiting the Earth. Humans exploring the Moon was common in older science fiction stories until mankind finally made it there in 1969 like Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon and the Explorers of the Moon Tintin stories.
  • The Moon (月 - Tsuki) refers to the moon the orbits Planet Earth in all the ultra series. The moon, while appearing rarely in the Ultra Series, features a small variety of lifeforms as well as fight locations. Ultraman Ginga once fought Dark Lugiel on the moon, with Lugiel's remains resting there.
  • The moon is a natural satellite orbiting the Earth.
  • Moon is a 2009 British science-fiction film co-written and directed by Duncan Jones in his directorial debut. The film stars Sam Rockwell as an astronaut who begins to experience a personal crisis towards the end of his three-year mission for mining helium-3 on the moon's surface. The film was well received by critics, with Sam Rockwell's performance and the film's scientific accuracy gaining critical praise, and received a BAFTA nomination for Best British Film.
  • The Moon is the second-most prominent celestial body (next the Earth) featured in most Gundam series.
  • A moon is a bulk that swings about a wanderer or dwarf wanderer. There are many moons in the Sunnish Setup. Here are the most well-known: 1. * Earth 2. 1. * Moon 3. * Woden 4. 1. * Audhumla (Europa) 5. 2. * Frie (Ganymede) 6. 3. * Rind (Io) 7. 4. * Meili (Callisto) 8. * Frea (Saturn) 9. 1. * Einherjar (Titan) 10. * Aegir (Neptune) 11. 1. * Bara (Triton)
  • Luna, better known as the Moon, is Earth's only moon orbiting many miles above Earth.
  • Moon is a stage in Hill Climb Racing. It is the sixth stage to be unlocked. It costs 175,000 coins.
  • It's the Moon people! I know we're all MU*ers here... but you've had to have been outside at least once or twice in your life. It's the big ball that's not the Sun... and looks like it's made of kitty litter. Romantic sounding, isn't it? -- Drake Fenwick
  • The Moon (「月の國」?; Tsuki-no-kuni; lunar realm) is a location referenced in both Ōkami and Ōkamiden, origin of Nippon's many mysteries and conflicts. Little is known about the realm due to the demise of its people, the Moon Tribe in the Moon Tribe cataclysm.
  • Menë, Luna, Lunas, Sel, Selas, Selenë, Isil, Sil, Silva, Sulva, Ithil, Taia, Heka, Nûlukh
  • The Moon is a square-like object in the sky, added in Update 0.7.3. It appears at night and during sunset. The Moon cycles through a series of phases, following the behavior of the real moon.
  • Preplanis had two moons. ("His Majesty Smith"; "The Space Croppers")
  • The Moon is a natural satallite of the planet Earth.
  • The Moon is a celestial body, the only natural satellite of Earth. During the events of Katamari Damacy, the King accidently destroyed it while out on a bender. It is the last object that the Prince needs to collect items for. After a new Moon is created, it is used as a special Katamari in the Credits bonus game.
  • The Moon is a natural satellite in orbit around Remnant. Apart from being a striking visual feature of the series, it may also bear some symbolic significance.
  • A moon is a generic name for a natural satellite that orbits a planet. (TOS: "The Changeling" ; VOY: "Memorial"; DS9: "Valiant") Moons may occur in all varieties concerning their number, form and size. The two moons of Mars are tiny dead planetoids, whereas the Bajoran moon Jeraddo was a planet-sized M-class world before it was transformed into a wasteland. Some planets, such as Vulcan, do not have moons. (TOS: "The Man Trap" ) In an alternate timeline, Quark was able to fulfill his dream and bought his own moon after selling his bar to Morn. (DS9: "The Visitor")
  • The Moon is the only moon of Earth and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relative to the size of its primary, having 27% the diameter and 60% the density of Earth, resulting in 1⁄81 its mass. Among satellites with known densities, the Moon is the second densest, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter. Future manned missions to the Moon have been planned, including government as well as privately funded efforts. The Moon remains, under the Outer Space Treaty, free to all nations to explore for peaceful purposes.
  • A moon is a planetary body that is a natural satellite of a planet. Many of the moons of the various planets in the Solar System were inhabited by human populations by the 22nd century, with the Saturnian and Jovian moons proving to be particularly popular with colonists. Earth's moon, Luna, is sometimes referred to by the people of Earth as The Moon. The seventh Lunar city is the subject of Dave Lister's favourite song, which he frequently sings throughout the series, suggesting Lister had spent at least some time there.
  • The Moon to most dwellers of the Earth appears as a large, cool, glowing ball that rises in the East, passes through the sky, and sets in the west, about 1° earlier each day. Only the half of the moon lit by the Sun is visible, so that the Moon often appears as a crescent of light. In former times the Moon was often believed to be a person on some sort of craft, perhaps a boat or chariot, who passed through the sky by day and returned to the east again on a flood of water on the Earth or beneath the Earth. The Moon is considered to be male in some cultures and female in others. In many cultures the Moon was considered to be the second-lowest orbiting of the seven Planetary Gods.
  • Moon was a boxing trainer who worked closely with Metro-Dade Vice Detective Larry Zito and up-and-coming boxer Bobby Sykes. He was very protective of Sykes, to the point of threatening bodily harm if anything happened to him, including Zito. Moon was very unhappy with the promoter Oswaldo Guzman, and when Zito let Moon know he was working to bring Guzman down and wanted to train Sykes, Moon reluctantly allowed it. Later, when Guzman sent goons over to get Sykes signed to Guzman's stable of fighters (because James "Sonny" Crockett and Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs were working a satellite sports channel angle on Guzman) Moon became angry, made the goon "eat" the $50,000 check Guzman sent with him for Sykes' contract, then visited Guzman's home, tied up another goon, ransacked Guzman's study and foun
  • Should a gigantic battle occur in the vicinity of a planet, there is a slight chance that the debris scattered in the planet's gravity field will condense into a solid, subzero, somewhat smaller satellite. In short: a moon. A Moon is special because it is the only place where the Lunar Base, Sensor Phalanx, and the Jump Gate can be constructed. The lunar base must be built first to provide three fields for other buildings. Moons are important because they allow you to invisibly fleetsave where the Sensor Phalanx cannot see. The following buildings can be constructed on a moon:
  • This giant ball of rock has appeared in Sonic the Comic several times, often being a minor plot point. It was first deemed to be important in "The Revenge of Trogg"; Trogg wished to turn the Enchanter Kings into monsters like himself, but needed the power of The Dark One to achieve this. To summon him, Trogg focused the light of the moon on the Dark Orb with a powerful lens until the Dark One emerged.
  • Madara Uchiha, after awakening the Rinnegan, released the seal placed on the empty vessel of the Ten-Tails and summoned it back to earth. Madara's ultimate plan, that was later adopted by Obito Uchiha, the Eye of the Moon Plan, involved reviving the Ten-Tails through joining the other tailed beasts, becoming its jinchūriki, and then projecting his eyes onto the moon in order to cast his "Infinite Tsukuyomi": a perpetual, world-scale genjutsu cast on every living being on the planet. This would allow both Madara and Obito to control and unite them to create a world with neither war nor hatred, making themselves the rulers of the world but at the cost of eliminating free will from humanity.
  • Moon was born a princess of the desert kingdom Ym, a city-state that travels with the shifting sands of the Red Desert. She was not only trained in the dark magic arts that are traditional throughout Ym, but also brought up to be her later husband's bodyguard. For this reason, she, like all Ymian queens before her, received initiation as a Necroshade - an assassin skilled with both blade and shadow magic.
  • During Ultima III, Moon's inhabitants helped the Stranger with several clues about different topics. One of them mentioned that he had been beyond the whirlpool, and another adviced to seek the Shrines of Truth. They also mentioned that Dawn rose in the Dark Forest, and that guards could be "bribed" in order to make them leave. During Ultima III, Moon had three stores: a healer (Le Holy Healing), a grocery (Capessii Cantom), and a tavern, The Blue Boar, which would later reappear in the Britannys in Ultima V.
  • I see them watching me as I saunter past. This is a small Seaside town in Lettish, and I’m a new face, rosy-cheeked and bright-eyed, and that draws attention. The miller’s wife purses her lips as her husband’s eyes leave the road for a moment to follow my bottom. No doubt she’s wondering which boat I came in on and how soon I’ll leave. By nightfall, I am already many miles away, following the moonlit path.
  • The moon is a major celestial body which orbits around the Earth every 30 days. The book of Genesis in the Bible calls it "the lesser light" which God had created in the beginning when He created the heavens and the earth.
  • Like many other planets and moons during Destiny, the ruins of humanity's Golden Age as well as alien structures inhabited by enemy species can be found on the surface. The Moon is classified by The City as a "Forbidden Zone," as early exploration attempts had proven too dangerous. The Hive's deployment of seeders on Earth, launched from the Moon, has forced the Vanguard to rescind their decision to principally avoid Lunar territory. Fearing further incursion, the Vanguard have begun sanctioning strikes against key Hive personnel and assets.
  • The Moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth every 27.3 days (the orbital period), and the periodic variations in the geometry of the Earth–Moon–Sun system are responsible for the lunar phases that repeat every 29.5 days (the synodic period). It is in synchronous rotation, meaning that it keeps nearly the same face turned toward the Earth at all times and so rotates on its axis every 27.3 days too. In ancient folklore, the moon was often blamed for certain forms of madness and other misfortunes, leading to terms like "lunacy" and "lunatic", and legends such as the werewolf.
  • A moon (also known as a natural satellite) was an astronomical object found in orbit around a planet. Some moons, like Voga, were planetoids brought into orbit around a planet by the planet's gravity, while others were the result of a collision between objects during the formation of a solar system. (TV: Revenge of the Cybermen) File:MoonStub.png
  • Parents taking on local school officials over building projects, academic policies and contract buyouts increasingly are rallying support online rather than over the hedges and on the phone. Relying on Web sites, blogs and e-mail, community activists are finding they can reach more people more efficiently than ever before -- posting their positions instead of repeatedly recounting them or printing them in fliers and mass mailings.
  • The astronauts of Apollo 17 discovered an ancient technology on the moon that once belonged to an unknown super civilization. The Hyper Gate when used, could transport one from the Moon to Mars. Humanity decided to use it when they colonized Mars. The first Terran to make contact with and awaken Aldnoah was Dr. Rayregalia Vers Rayvers. After their independence from Earth, the ownership of the Hyper Gate ended up in the hands of the newly created Vers Empire after its formation on Mars.
  • The Battle of the Green Cheese was one of the most important battles of the entire Videogame War, as it determined whether Sonic or Pac-man would survive. Near the beginning of the war the some of the Pac-man fans rented a base from the Cheese Lovers. The Pac-Man fans, led by Spiderman, started to renovate the base while the Cheese Lovers were sleeping. However, Squidward forgot the nails and glue, and the base collapsed, killing 8696374934 people, including Squidward, Brock, the Wendy's girl, as well as the general, Spiderman. The Cheese Lovers laughed at the Pac-Man fans, and charged them extra for the ruined base. So, the Pac-Man fans, now led by Hitario, attacked the Cheese Lovers. One Cheese Lover, Arnold, kicked the Pac-Man fans to the other side of the moon, where they met Megatron.
  • The Moon is a prominent part of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Before the events of the game, the Skull Kid used the power of Majora's Mask to direct the moon on a collision course with Termina. The Moon approaches Termina slowly before a seemingly inevitable impact on the Final Day. Some of the people of Clock Town flee in an attempt to escape the collision, some do not believe it will fall, and others are resigned to the impending cataclysm. The moon has an enraged or perhaps insane facial expression throughout the game. Interesting to note is that the Moon (in the Japanese version) seems to have a dim way of talking as hinted in its limited speech.
  • Moon is a symmetrical, multi-layer fast-paced map, perfect for close range combat. A lot of barriers and different level of elevation makes it especially good for jumping robots such as Rogatka, Griffin and Cossack. Short range weaponry like Orkan, Taran, Magnum are very effective, due to relatively no barriers\buildings suitable for holding positional warfare. Center beacon is located in a tower, and can be captured from below actual beacon, much like in Yamantau or Canyon; and also from above the beacon. Tips from Pixonic:
  • The moon appears to be a central part of the Kingkiller Chronicles. The references are probably too numerous to mention, but here are a few important discussions of the moon so far: * The story told by Hespe of the stealing of the moon by Jax. * The role the moon plays in the Fae and mortal world as told by Felurian * The stealing of the moon by the master shaper to bring it to the Fae. This is unsuccessful and the moon remained caught between the Fae and the mortal world. The name of this master shaper may be Iax who is mentioned by Bast as the person who started the creation war by visiting the Cthaeh and also in Skarpi's story of the Creation War. * The moon is mentioned many times in scenes with Auri. And perhaps more than coincidentally, Auri is seen by Kvothe only at ni
  • The Moon represents the body and the past (past lives or wisdom gained from family heritage and upbringing). The Moon is the state you attain when you act purely on instinct and feeling. It connects us to others through reflection, we can see ourselves in other people and empathize with them. It also connects us to tradition, memories, family heritage, and to the realm of the paranormal, such as the "akashic records". All of the wisdom gained from past experience resides in the archtypal Moon. It is concerned with feelings, responsibilities and present needs, and is associated with Law and Karma. Even though it is connected with premonitions, it is not particularly forward-looking even if in a progressive sign such as Aquarius. The purpose of the Moon is to reflect, and in the birth chart
  • In "Hello, Moon!", Arale ends up preventing the extinction of many prehistoric species when she pushes a falling meteorite back into space, resulting in the creation of the moon. The moon is first shown in Dr. Slump in "Here Comes Arale!" It appears again when Arale Norimaki frees a bear in the chapter "Bearly Friends!" The moon is next seen after Arale increased its size with the Big-Small Ray Gun in "The Big-Small Gun!" It is also shown in "The Time Slipper", and "Is It a Girl? Is It a Boy!?". Bubibinman bounces on the moon in "The Invader from Space", when he is attacked by Arale after he challenged her to Sumo Wrestling.
  • The status of moons could change if their primary's classification changed. For example, Miranda was a moon of the gas giant Burnham. When Burnham was helioformed, Miranda was reclassified as a planet. Miranda's moon, Caliban, remained a moon under both conditions. Most moons that underwent terraforming did so at the same time their primary was being terraformed. Some moons required further development and were still terraforming while their primaries and neighboring moons supported large populations.
  • A moon is a generic name for a natural satellite that orbits a planet. Moons may occur in all varieties concerning their number, form and size. The two moons of Mars are tiny dead planetoids, whereas the Bajoran moon Jeraddo was a planet-sized M-class world, before it was transformed into a wasteland. Gas giants may have moons that are adaptable to human colonies. An example of this is Titan, which orbits Saturn in the Sol system.
  • The Moon is perhaps the greatest hoax in the history of mankind. Sometime in the 1950s, the United States came up with an ingenious plan to trumph those damnRussians in the "space race." A secret government agency, dubbed NASA, was formed, and quickly went to work building the largest projector on earth. This projector, located somewhere in New Mexico, is so powerful that it can project an image of the "moon" in outer space bright enough to be viewed by the entire world. Sketchy government officials then began fabricating ancient documents to further support the so-called existence of the "moon." Once the projector was complete, NASA commenced the construction of a complex film studio and soundstage. It was there that they created Neil Armstrong's ground breaking "moon landing." The moon i
  • The Moon of the world of Arda was created by the Valar Aulë. He and his people made a vessel, to hold the radiance of the last flower of Telperion, the elder of the Two Trees of Valinor. The Maia Tilion, a hunter of the company of the Vala Oromë, was chosen to guide the vessel of the Moon. The moon's first rising was right at the edge of a new age, Years of the Sun, FA 1. "Isil was first wrought and made ready and first rose into the realm of the stars, and was the elder of the new lights, as was Telperion of the Trees."
  • In the old times, people used to think that The Moon was made of stone, which was obviously ridiculous and thus obsoleted in 1969 by the space mission Apollo 11. The moon can be noticed switching places irrationally throughout the month. This is called Lunar behaviour and has a weird effect on some people, making them do radical Moon-related things, such as taking part in Moon Pie-eating competitions and howling at the moon. The moon is smaller than most planets, but larger than most elephants.
  • Ruinstone sat on the top of the Heartless Ledge, he looked out to the Council, the cats moving along the areas, he sighed. "Saddie is so new, we need another council member..." Ruinstone murmured to Aquaflow. Aquaflow blushed, suprised Ruinstone talked to her. "But where, it's not like the White and Black Lands would give us a free cat." He sighed. "Saddie was abandoned there, and nobody seems to get along with her, difference." "Maybe from Earth?" Aquaflow suggested. "What?" Ruinstone looked to Aquaflow. "No....Not since Josie, we just can't have another Earth cat."
  • The exterior of the Moon is barren, covered with craters and canyons. It has a weak gravity, but is still able to maintain a breathable atmosphere. Despite its harsh conditions, the Ōtsutsuki were able to settle on the Moon due to their unique anatomy and physiology. To improve its habitability and allow their population to thrive, the Ōtsutsuki built the Tenseigan at the centre of the Moon, granting them light, powering their equipment, and allowing them to control the Moon's movements. Similar to a Dyson sphere, they created a vast environment on the Moon's interior surface, complete with oceans, mountains, forests, and various animal species, however this environment was far smaller than the full size of the Moon itself. The full size is unknown, but its at least as big as a small count
  • A moon is a natural satellite that orbits a planet. Moons vary in size across the galaxy, from asteroid size to nearly the size of a planet themselves. As a result, their gravitational fields can have differing effects on the planets they orbit. Luna's gravitational pull, for example, effects the tides of Earth.
  • M1911 , 2 grenades, armes dans la boîte et sur le mur.
  • All
  • Twenty
Main Character
  • Luna; Luna .jpg
  • Firing green bullets and bullet waves
  • Many moons had waxed and waned when on the afternoon of a lovely summer day a lusty broad-boned knight was riding through the forest of Sherwood.
  • The number their age by Moons or Winters, and say a Woman or a Man is so many Moons old, and so they do with all memorable Actions in life, accounting it to be so many Moons or Winters since such or such a thing happened. Note: in earlier modern English, many nouns were capitalized, similar to present day German.
  • Kreaturen der Moon-Insel
  • Survivre le plus longtemps possible
  • * Invocación de Darkli Moon * Martillo de Moon * Liberación
  • United States * United States Armed Forces * United States Space Administration Other unknown nations
Row 4 info
Su región
  • Cartoon
  • Quest
  • Jäger Lvl. 100 + Jagdwaffe
  • Vertrauter Nomoon angelegt
  • Vertrauter Quappler angelegt
TV Series
  • Inhumans
  • 89042
  • Moon's_blood.png
Row 1 info
  • Game Mechanic Sprite
  • Trainer for Bobby Sykes
Su Dex anterior
  • Palix
  • hide
Su Dex siguiente
  • Sun
  • Ja
  • yes
technology tier
  • Tier 2 - Integrated Technology
Row 4 title
  • Played By
  • Nein
  • --05-22
  • 579000
  • "moon"
  • Funda
  • N/A
Row 2 info
  • Night
  • Deceased, shot dead by Oswaldo Guzman's goons
original upload date
  • Oct.28.2007
  • Various
  • Monstruos de Moon
Row 1 title
  • Type
  • Affiliation
  • 565000
  • hide
  • "Home Sweet Pineapple"
  • Desconocido
  • Monster des Verbotenen Dschungels
  • 2007-10-28
Row 2 title
  • Appearance
  • Status
  • Mineral
yt id
  • 3
  • ajJfHh2eXlE
  • gAc_RNtpb2E
  • n4rtoJom-HU
  • The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water
  • 1980
Row 3 info
  • Update 0.7.3
  • "Down for the Count (Part I)"
  • Zone 51, Nevada, Etats-Unis ; Station Griffon, Face visible de la Lune
Row 3 title
  • First Appearance
  • Episode Appeared In
  • ''Call of Duty: Black Ops
nnd id
  • sm1400559
  • sm1154422
  • sm19607235
  • sm2892254
  • sm4566620
  • yes
  • x
  • Moon
  • The Crown of Kings; The Seven Serpents
  • 15
  • Remix
  • Succeeding version
  • Arrangement
  • Preceding version
  • Nicolas Gaster
arg peri
  • 2.7928476E8
  • zombie_moon
  • zombie_paris
Box Title
  • Moon
  • The Moon
  • all
  • Unnamed Mother Unnamed Father
angular size
  • 29.300000
  • 위성
Music By
  • Clint Mansell
  • Destiny
  • Ōkami
  • Silent Hill: Orphan
  • Moon
  • Duncan Jones
  • FO1, FO3, FNV, FO4, VB
  • CRCP-10032
min temp
  • 100.0
  • 70.0
conventional long name
  • Republic Of The Moon
  • Outer space
  • Oryginalne postacie
  • 363104.0
  • Tsuki
  • 27.321000
  • 2015-05-22
  • 1960.0
  • June 2009
  • Dans les années 1960
  • W tym samym czasie co Nuketown Zombies
  • left|30px Septón Moon right|30px
  • 0.500000
  • 1.500000
  • 5
  • 15
  • 100
  • Moon Island Monster
Surface area
  • 3.793000
  • 11
  • Around 35-45
  • 2
  • 238
  • 308
  • 5820.0
  • Alive
  • Unknown
  • Alive, possibly trapped in a space ship
max temp
  • 230.0
  • 390.0
  • "The Series Has Landed"
  • the Moon, a tavern in Tai-tastigon
  • La selva profunda de Moon
  • The Moon
  • Moon's Pack
Release Date
  • 2009-01-23
  • 2009-07-17
rot velocity
  • 4.627
Surface pressure
  • 2.250000
  • 10
  • Star Wars: Galactic Defense
  • "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" concept art gallery
  • "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" episode gallery
  • Nico Robin reads about Shandora's history.
  • Dawn, 'tis said, does come and go; but where, though must discover for thyself. There is a wizard who doth know, but hidden well is he. Remember, though, time spent in search of truth is time spent well, indeed. -Lady Margaret
  • Offering a haven to all who fight for right, the citizens of Moon are honored by thy presence. A Holy place of healing resideth here to cure thee of thy wounds. The food and draught is also grand, the best within a week's ride. Take pleasure in the good townfolk, but 'ware ye of the daemons. If clues ye seek, then searcheth well. Thy reward will be in the revelations of truth, for there are those here who have been to lands that lie beyond, and will share with thee a word of wisdom. If thine ears are open and minds sharp, though mayst also learn some useful clue to aid thee in passing guards.
leader titles
  • Dicktator
  • Location
  • Moon
  • Landmark
  • bug
  • dragon
  • electric
  • fairy
  • fire
  • flying
  • ghost
  • grass
  • normal
  • poison
  • psychic
  • steel
  • water
  • wowinsider
  • planet
  • Natural satellite
  • Core Planetoid
  • Divine realm
Location name
  • The Moon
Equatorial radius
  • 1738.14
  • Milky Way
mean temp
  • 130.0
  • 220.0
  • File:Artemis Goddess 02.jpg
  • Mūn
surface grav
  • 1.622000
  • 0.120000
  • Moving
  • : Siam and the Moon
leading export
  • Emotions and Feelings, unconscious and unstable habits, Past and memories
  • yes
Points of Interest
sc id
  • iroha_sasaki/moon-fullver
  • iroha_sasaki/moon-in-synth1
  • iroha_sasaki/moon-org-2007
  • iroha_sasaki/moon-pvedit-rev2
  • iroha_sasaki/moon-shortver
  • iroha_sasaki/moon_behind
  • all
Tarot Card
  • The High Priestess
Zodiacal Period
  • One Month
Sign Transit Period
  • 2.33
Medical Correspondence
  • digestive system, stomach, breasts, the ovaries and menstruation, and the pancreas
  • The Soul
House(s) Ruled
  • Seventh House, joy in Third House
  • the home
Other link
  • the Moon in Splendor
Part of
  • English
  • 384399.0
  • Chuck E. Cheese Moon Cheese Coupons
  • N/A
sidereal day
  • 2360584.6848
  • 261
  • Yin
  • Blue,Silver
  • Gary Shaw
  • 125
  • 250
  •|desc=Know Your Lore: The Warcraft cosmos, part one: The Material Plane
  • Niconico Broadcast / SoundCloud Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
  • Moon's bitterness towards the yellow longpaws who killed Fiery
  • Moon about the Fierce Dog pups
  • Moon to Alpha
  • Moon to Storm about mates
  • Moon to Sweet and Fiery
  • Twitch about Moon
  • narrator about Moon protecting her pups from the foxes
  • Sun
Image caption
  • Moon's blood and bag
  • The Moon
  • all
  • 7.347000
  • Destroyed.
  • Lunara; Tiriel; Kuran
temp name
  • 85
  • equator
official languages
  • 5.145000
  • Moon
  • In orbit around Earth
  • ムーン
  • 3000.0
  • 2.195000
  • 28
  • 250
  • Skylord
  • Moon
  • Portal 2 journey
  • moon
  • "moon"
  • Maid Marian
  • Templates related to the moon
  • The natural history of North-Carolina
  • VN02-remix
  • moon -org-
  • moon PVedit.
  • moon in synth1
  • moon*behind
  • TBA
  • Parasect is a rare sight, having two abilities without being traded: Effect Spore and Damp.
  • Magikarp is Moon's only shiny Pokémon. She obtained it when she first arrived in Alola, but never captured it in a Poké Ball. Instead, it rests at home, in its kiddie pool. Though Moon never uses it for battles, it does know the three moves all Magikarp can learn, Bounce, and a makeshift Water Gun Moon's mother taught him.
  • Parasect was the first ever Pokémon Moon captured. At the time, he was a little Paras. He's infamous for always running the same troublesome set of: Spore, Knock Off, Leech Seed, and Brick Break.
  • Moon captured twenty male Salandit to act as her Salazzle's mates. Though she doesn't use them in battle, they have been shown to know how to battle since they have to fight for Salazzle's attention.
  • Primarina has the ability Torrent.
  • Primarina is Moon's Starter Pokémon. She's modest in nature and runs several different movesets given the situation at hand.
  • Since Salazzle requires breeding, there were several eggs that Moon had no idea what to do with. Because of this, she began giving the eggs away to people she trusted to act as pets, new battling companions, and even starters.
  • Meowth technically belongs to Moon's mother. She previously belonged to Blue, she does know several moves and though never used in battle, does use her known moves when protecting Moon's mother.
  • She knows: Scratch, Bite, Slash, Cut, Screech, and Growl.
  • 0.054000
  • Glantanka and Filash
  • Unknown
  • M1911, Granat odłamkowy, każda kupiona/zdobyta broń
  • Moon's Choice, Sweet's Journey, A Hidden Enemy, Darkness Falls, The Broken Path, The Endless Lake, Storm of Dogs, A Pack Divided, ''Dead of Night
  • Selene
  • Patrol Dog: Moon Alpha: Moon/Alpha
mean radius
  • 1737.1
  • Monday
  • Lead Patrol Dog
  • Луна/Канон
Image size
  • 200
  • Roca
  • associated with the Protective Parent, maternal instincts or the urge to nurture, secure and Protect, the home, the need for security, and the reliving of past, especially early experiences and childhood.
Satellite Of
  • This version is featured in the MOON remix album.
  • This version is featured in the MOON remix album and nagimiso.SYS's compilation retimer.
  • 839
  • #b0c68a; #ffeac5
  • Marron
  • black; color:green
  • black; color:#76ca70
avg speed
  • 1.022
image map
  • 250
  • Image Gallery
  • Overview
  • CD
  • Majora's Mask
  • 9800000.0
  • 5
  • --01-01
government type
  • 25
  • Moon
  • the ability to react and adapt to those around one
  • Moon
  • 10921.0
  • Wild Pack
  • Real World; The Manhattan Projects; Invincible
native name
  • El Moonio, 73
Page Number
  • 18
  • 96
  • 115
  • 173
  • 250
  • 263
  • 衛星/正史
  • Cânon:Lua
  • gee
  • Muerto
image coat
  • 125
  • Border Collie
  • Moon Monster
  • Hangar 18
  • Unknown
  • 0
  • Unknown
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming
  • Doctor Strange
  • Iron Man
  • 226
Time Period
BG Color
  • Blue
  • Silver
  • Daughter: Thorn
  • Father: Alpha
  • Mate: Fiery
  • Mother: Beta
  • Sister: Star
  • Sons: Fuzz, Beetle
  • #dddddd
  • /games-apps/star-wars-galactic-defense
  • tv-shows/clone-wars/mystery-of-a-thousand-moons-concept-art-gallery
  • tv-shows/clone-wars/mystery-of-a-thousand-moons-episode-gallery
  • Important places on the Moon
Largest City
  • Crater Z9
  • the moon that orbits Rathillien
  • gackt
  • 6
Escape velocity
  • 2.38
  • Celestial Plain (either via Kaguya's rocket or the Ark of Yamato)
  • Crater B5
  • 250
  • Moon
  • x
  • DS game
  • Strefa 51, Nevada, USA Griffin Station, Księżyc
  • None
Image desc
  • Moon as seen in Fallout: New Vegas
Image File
  • moon.PNG
  • Female
  • Male
  • Er, it?
  • 100
  • Three hits , 100
Polar radius
  • 1735.97
  • 405696.0
  • Darkness Falls
  • Storm of Dogs
  • A Pack Divided
  • A Hidden Enemy
Japanese name
  • ムーン Muun
  • ムーン Moon
image flag
  • 125
  • Secrets of Sosaria
  • yes
  • all
  • Well since I'm here...I'm very hungry; the pups are growing fast. Someone get me some food, please.
  • "We've all done foolish things. We've all made mistakes. And we'll make many more in the days to come. Look how the world has changed! Who's to say who will make the next deadly error? We need to stick together, live together. It's hard enough for dogs to survive in the world of the Big Growl without turning on one another."
  • We weren't close enough to see them, but if those yellow longpaws have dared to come back, I'll get rid of them!
  • I think that's true. Under the Pack's influence, we can teach these puppies how to work gently and effectively together. They don't need to be violent and aggressive like their parents. It's like Lucky said—if the Leashed Dogs have been able to learn wild survival skills, why can't these pups learn to be honorable?
  • Don't plan out your life too carefully, Storm. You never know what might come along to change your path.
  • Moon was weak from nursing, but she was as fierce as Alpha ever had been, clawing and snapping at her tormentors.
  • When she's on patrol, nothing escapes her. She could be a hunter, but she's so good at tracking and scenting - the best in the Pack
  • Przetrwaj niekończące się fale nieumarłych.
  • 5000000.0
  • N/A
  • Titan - The Fighting Fantasy World
  • 3346.4
  • Nathan Parker
  • Septón
  • −12.74
  • −2.5 to −12.9
  • Lunar
asc node
  • 5.8697136E8
  • aka. "Luna" *The Moon
Axial tilt
  • 1.542000
  • 6.687000
  • 1737
  • 1822
Synodic period
  • 2551442.8895999994
  • A Hidden Enemy, page 264
Common name
  • The Moon
  • all
  • 0.001000
  • Space
  • The Forge
  • High Earth orbit, Solar System
  • Area 51, Nevada, United States of America and Griffin Station, Near side of the Moon
  • None
  • 155
wikipage disambiguates
  • Sol
  • 10
  • Criaturas de la Isla de Moon
  • 26
  • 28
  • all
Orbital Period
  • 27.5
  • Artemis,Diana
faction control
  • Shy Guys
cluster location
  • The Moon
magic classification
  • Any
  • Zombies, Chiens de l'enfer, Zombie cosmonaute
  • __TOC__
  • He is a CPU mii.
  • The exterior of the Moon is barren, covered with craters and canyons. It has a weak gravity, but is still able to maintain a breathable atmosphere. Despite its harsh conditions, the Ōtsutsuki were able to settle on the Moon due to their unique anatomy and physiology. To improve its habitability and allow their population to thrive, the Ōtsutsuki built the Tenseigan at the centre of the Moon, granting them light, powering their equipment, and allowing them to control the Moon's movements. Similar to a Dyson sphere, they created a vast environment on the Moon's interior surface, complete with oceans, mountains, forests, and various animal species, however this environment was far smaller than the full size of the Moon itself. The full size is unknown, but its at least as big as a small country. Several villages were built across the landscape, which were steadily abandoned as the Ōtsutsuki's population dwindled. The artificial sun at the centre of the Moon created by the Tenseigan is actually a barrier, within which are housed various important sites, such as Hamura's shrine, the Tenseigan itself, and a castle where Toneri lives. All are guarded by an army of puppets, controllable without chakra threads because of the Tenseigan, as well as the Statue of the Ōtsutsuki Clan. There is at least one portal that enables travel from the Earth to the Moon and back. Located underground, the portal itself takes the form of a spring of green water, though contact with the water doesn't leave one wet. By entering the portal, one travels through a dimension filled with various orbs, some of which are earthen in composition, others trap those who contact them in their own memories. At the Moon's end of the portal is the Gatekeeper, a giant crab that prevents unauthorised access. This portal collapses shortly after Toneri's defeat.
  • Moon is the son of Bella in Sale's Fellowship. He is a brother to Samac and Stripe. He is Sale's best friend, and they spent a lot of time together in childhood. Moon has the gift of second sight; meaning he can see things that happened right after and even BEFORE he was born. When Moon becomes a teenager, he decides to court Sale, only to be rudely dismissed by Slagar, whose strong dislike for Moon is undeniable. He continued to see her nonetheless, and they often had long conversations about intelligent subjects such as music and art. Later, when Moon proposed to Sale (He was fifteen, she was fourteen) she becomes hurt and says no, much to Moon's shock. When Sale runs away and travels to Redwall, he agrees to assist Jade in finding out what exactly Sale desires.
  • MOON is the 3rd full-length album by Gackt, released on June 19th, 2002. 1st press came with a coffin keychain.
  • The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It has been a common background object at night in Arthur series, Arthur went to the moon with his moon shoes in Arthur Bounces Back and Buster sees the Moon through a telescope in The Boy Who Cried Comet!. There were also a few episodes where they show footage of the Apollo 11 moon landing in D.W. Aims High and Buster Spaces Out.
  • The Moon is a giant celestial body, a rock-composed sphere, that orbits the world. It is often seen during the night.
  • The moon is that which underlies everything which the sun is. It is the prime cause of those sun energies. The moon is that which you hope for. It is how the world responds to you. The moon is your emotions. It is that which you want, but will never reach for except in your dreams and your hopes. It is that which makes you feel safe. The moon is your home. The Moon was invaded by St. Bill Clinton in 1999.
  • Earth's Moon (often referred to as simply The Moon or Luna) is Earth's only natural satellite, and the setting of the final sequence of Portal 2. It is also the latest known location of Wheatley.
  • The Moon is the main character in the games Cheese Dreams and New Moon.
  • The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and is the sixth largest natural satellite in the Solar System. It is featured in every third person game in the series.
  • Moon is Little Star's father. He appeared in Little Star & Dora's Big Birthday Adventure, Dora Had a Little Lamb.
  • (Intro) (Cuts to Sarge and Jacob talking to Sarge behind a jeep where a war is going on) Jacob: So, General sent a person to the moon. I- Sarge: I know, I know. I've always wanted to go to the moon. Jacob: If you smarten up a bit, you can go to the moon, like you always wanted to. Sarge: Oh my God, that is such a good idea, I just started coming up with it! Jacob: But I came up with the idea, plus that makes no sense. (Sarge pulls up a joint and smokes it) Sarge: It totally does! (Sarge pulls out a rocket launcher and fires it at an enemy tank) Sarge: Right on!
  • A moon (also known as a natural satellite) was an astronomical object found in orbit around a planet. Some moons, like Voga, were planetoids brought into orbit around a planet by the planet's gravity, while others were the result of a collision between objects during the formation of a solar system. (TV: Revenge of the Cybermen) The Eleventh Doctor once offered to take Amy Pond and Rory Williams to a moon that was actually made of honey for their honeymoon. He later corrected himself, saying it wasn't made of actual honey, and it wasn't actually a moon. It was in fact technically alive "and a bit carnivorous, but there are some lovely views." (TV: A Christmas Carol) File:MoonStub.png
  • The status of moons could change if their primary's classification changed. For example, Miranda was a moon of the gas giant Burnham. When Burnham was helioformed, Miranda was reclassified as a planet. Miranda's moon, Caliban, remained a moon under both conditions. Most moons that underwent terraforming did so at the same time their primary was being terraformed. Some moons required further development and were still terraforming while their primaries and neighboring moons supported large populations. The Verse had approximately 122 terraformed moons, two of which (Priam and Zephyr) were technically part of double-planet systems but retained their original "moon" classifications. Approximately 25 moons were still undergoing terraforming. Twenty-two planets were once moons and later reclassified due to helioforming, and 32 moons were eligible for reclassification should their gas giant primaries ever be helioformed. The smallest known moon was Bullet (of Hera) with a diameter of 125 kilometers. The smallest inhabited moon was Ita (of Whittier, with a diameter of 965 km. Despite the massive populations of the Central Planets, it was the moon Conrad (of Three Hills) that claimed the highest population density in the Verse.
  • The Moon represents the body and the past (past lives or wisdom gained from family heritage and upbringing). The Moon is the state you attain when you act purely on instinct and feeling. It connects us to others through reflection, we can see ourselves in other people and empathize with them. It also connects us to tradition, memories, family heritage, and to the realm of the paranormal, such as the "akashic records". All of the wisdom gained from past experience resides in the archtypal Moon. It is concerned with feelings, responsibilities and present needs, and is associated with Law and Karma. Even though it is connected with premonitions, it is not particularly forward-looking even if in a progressive sign such as Aquarius. The purpose of the Moon is to reflect, and in the birth chart it indicates how we can see ourselves in others or in our own inner dialog. The Sun shines out the message of who we want to be, but the Moon reflects back who we are. According to Manilius, the Moon is melancholic, and presides over the right arm. The Moon is the ruling planet of Cancer. In astrology, the Moon is thought to be associated with a person's emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories, and moods. It is also associated with emotions in general, the mother, maternal instincts or the urge to nurture, the home, and the past. In Chinese astrology, it represents Yin.
  • Moons are formed when Debris Fields formed from big battles, contract. To see which building can be built on a moon, check the page. Moons can be destroyed by big fleets of Deathstars * Moons do NOT generate resources! * You can NOT use the Material Merchant on your Mothership to convert one kind of resource into another. * You can NOT use the Scrap Merchant on your Mothership to convert ships back to resources. * Exact numbers are need for the size of the Debris Field needed to create a moon * The formula to calculate the destruction chance by a fleet of Deathstars is also needed.
  • The Moon of the world of Arda was created by the Valar Aulë. He and his people made a vessel, to hold the radiance of the last flower of Telperion, the elder of the Two Trees of Valinor. The Maia Tilion, a hunter of the company of the Vala Oromë, was chosen to guide the vessel of the Moon. The moon's first rising was right at the edge of a new age, Years of the Sun, FA 1. "Isil was first wrought and made ready and first rose into the realm of the stars, and was the elder of the new lights, as was Telperion of the Trees." Names of the Moon amongst the Elves included Isil or The Sheen, a name given to it by the Vanyar; Ithil, the common name for the Moon in Sindarin, as seen in Minas Ithil (later Minas Morgul) and the Gondorian province of Ithilien; and Rána, or The Wayward, a name given to the Moon by the Ñoldor. A poetic name for the Moon was The Silver Flower, and Gollum referred to it as The White Face. The Moon was valued as higher than the Sun by the Elves, both because it came from the Elder Tree, and because it rose first: it was made in memory of the Elves. The Sun on the other hand was made in memory of Men.
  • The Moon to most dwellers of the Earth appears as a large, cool, glowing ball that rises in the East, passes through the sky, and sets in the west, about 1° earlier each day. Only the half of the moon lit by the Sun is visible, so that the Moon often appears as a crescent of light. In former times the Moon was often believed to be a person on some sort of craft, perhaps a boat or chariot, who passed through the sky by day and returned to the east again on a flood of water on the Earth or beneath the Earth. The Moon is considered to be male in some cultures and female in others. In many cultures the Moon was considered to be the second-lowest orbiting of the seven Planetary Gods. That the Moon’s cycle of 29½ days corresponds closely to the human female menstrual cycle means that mythologically there is often a connection made between the two. In fact this seems to only be a coincidence as in animals that have similar cycles lengths of the cycle vary widely.
  • The Moon is a natural satellite oribting the Earth. The episode Fly Me to the Moon of the 2003 TMNT cartoon is set there. In the 1987 TMNT cartoon episode The Fifth Turtle, the Moon is one of the celestial bodies in the conjunction where Krang uses Capsidium crystals to re-power the Technodrome.
  • Moon is the fifty-sixth episode of the series Weebl & Bob. Posted: 2nd February, 2004 Summary: Weebl and Bob travel to the moon. The moon? Yes, the moon! Tune: Run You Sausages and Fly Me to the Moon - Weebl Credits: Weebl and Skoo
  • The Moon is a giant block of cheese in space. He has very sensitive anger issues, and once he managed to took it too far and try to destroy Termina. Though it took a three days, as it always is a countdown for evil people dudes.
  • The Moon is a vital world and the location of many critical facilities and events. Considered by many researchers to be the epicenter of the Multiverse, the Moon is one of the easiest places to reach from any known universe.
  • Moon is a main protagonist of the Sun and Moon Arc.
  • The moon is known to Garou as Luna. She has five faces: Ragabash-New Moon or No-Moon Theurge-Crescent Moon Philodox-Half Moon Galliard-Gibbous Moon Ahroun-Full Moon Quick-Silver 01:33, January 11, 2010 (UTC)Quick-Silver
  • The Moon is the only permanent natural satellite that orbits around Earth.
  • The Moon, similarly to the Sun, illuminates blocks open to the sky with a maximum light level of 4, as opposed to the sun's 15. This allows Daylight Sensors to be rigged to a night/day clock, since they will not respond to light levels of 4.
  • The Moon is perhaps the greatest hoax in the history of mankind. Sometime in the 1950s, the United States came up with an ingenious plan to trumph those damnRussians in the "space race." A secret government agency, dubbed NASA, was formed, and quickly went to work building the largest projector on earth. This projector, located somewhere in New Mexico, is so powerful that it can project an image of the "moon" in outer space bright enough to be viewed by the entire world. Sketchy government officials then began fabricating ancient documents to further support the so-called existence of the "moon." Once the projector was complete, NASA commenced the construction of a complex film studio and soundstage. It was there that they created Neil Armstrong's ground breaking "moon landing." The moon is not real, it is simply a projection created by the conspiracy-hungry american government. This is one of the largest scandals in the history of history, and America, its time the truth was revealed.
  • This giant ball of rock has appeared in Sonic the Comic several times, often being a minor plot point. It was first deemed to be important in "The Revenge of Trogg"; Trogg wished to turn the Enchanter Kings into monsters like himself, but needed the power of The Dark One to achieve this. To summon him, Trogg focused the light of the moon on the Dark Orb with a powerful lens until the Dark One emerged. On Mobius itself, a member of the Emerald Hill folk (possibly Johnny Lightfoot) believed that the moon was causing a solar eclipse over the Emerald Hill Zone and urged his friends not to worry. His words were forgotten when red lights appeared from the underside of the Death Egg and attacked them. Later, Doctor Ivo Robotnik hired Mesmer and hypnotised the entire population of a village. With them under his spell, the goat was able to convince them all that they believed in a mythical Moon Goddess and that they should sacrifice somebody to appease her. This target later turned out to be Knuckles the Echidna. The moon finally became a real plot point in the Super Sonic story, Return of the Nightmare. Having finally unlocked his deadly power once again, Super Sonic considered different ways of destroying Mobius. He initially contemplated destroying the ozone layer and letting the people die of global warning but quickly decided that that was too slow. Upon sighting Mobius' moon, he eagerly pulled it out of orbit and sent it plummeting down to the planet. Two people on the "far side of the planet" noticed the catastrophe but were unable to stop the destruction of Mobius. Fortunately, this was all an illusion in Super's mind whilst under the effects of the Globe of Enrokk.
  • A Moon was defined as a naturally occuring object that orbited a celestial body of larger size. A moon could have an atmosphere or could be a barren rock. On occasion moons are inhabited.
  • A song written for Momone Momo's Birthday 2015.
  • The Moon is a prominent part of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Before the events of the game, the Skull Kid used the power of Majora's Mask to direct the moon on a collision course with Termina. The Moon approaches Termina slowly before a seemingly inevitable impact on the Final Day. Some of the people of Clock Town flee in an attempt to escape the collision, some do not believe it will fall, and others are resigned to the impending cataclysm. The moon has an enraged or perhaps insane facial expression throughout the game. Interesting to note is that the Moon (in the Japanese version) seems to have a dim way of talking as hinted in its limited speech. Shortly before Link's arrival in Termina, valuable stones known as Moon's Tears began falling from the Moon's "eyes". Experimental plans for a trip to the Moon using "bomb powered flight" can be located within the Bomb Shop. It is possible that this isn't the actual moon however, but rather an embodiment of Majora's magic. Alternatively, it is possible that this moon is different from a regular moon, in terms of size and appearance. It is also possible that Majora somehow changed the moon by using its dark magic. This would explain the strange features both from afar and up close. Oddly enough, a rainbow is left by the Moon after Majora's defeat.
  • Parents taking on local school officials over building projects, academic policies and contract buyouts increasingly are rallying support online rather than over the hedges and on the phone. Relying on Web sites, blogs and e-mail, community activists are finding they can reach more people more efficiently than ever before -- posting their positions instead of repeatedly recounting them or printing them in fliers and mass mailings. John Broderick didn't know how many people had clicked on to to learn about parents' battle to revive a plan to build a new high school in Moon, but he knows the Web site has been crucial to their fight. "People really do look at it," Broderick, of Moon, said Thursday. "We have a place where we can send people, and we don't have to answer the same questions over and over."
  • The moon was the natural satellite of the planet Earth. A ray of light reflects from the moon known as moonlight, an illumination made by the light from the moon.
  • It is played by User:Elidahad at private mode.
  • The Moon is located far enough in the sky above the Earth's surface that, to arrive at this satellite, fast flight is necessary, whether by vehicles such as the Demon Airship or by flight capabilities found in certain meisters, weapons, shinigami, and witches. The Moon only appears at night, but the strangest thing is that some clouds pass behind the Moon, which gives the impression that it is actually inside the atmosphere. Occasionally, the Moon also makes an appearance in peoples' minds or hallucinations.
  • In the 1960s television series, the Moon is also shown to be completely or partly made out of cheese, with a region inhabited by a race of Cheese People led by the Big Cheese. The Sea Hag's ship, the Black Barnacle (or the Sea Hag herself) seems to have some sort of influence over the Moon (or at least its appearance to those near her who are seeing the Moon), as whenever she is sailing the sea at night, the Moon turns a blood red color to signify her presence, similar to a Blood Moon lunar eclipse. Prior to the events of "Plunder Island", the Sea Hag raided countless ships for centuries, whisking away their crews on the nights of the Red Moon, making the latter a horrifying omen for sailors unfortunate enough to have experienced it or heard tales of it.
  • The moon is Earth's only natural satellite and which formed 4.6 billion years ago around some 30–50 million years after the formation of the solar system. Humans first landed there in 1969. Philip Burton referenced this when explaining how they were on the brink of great discoveries regarding the anomaly phenomenon, saying that not since man first walked on the moon has humanity been so delicatly poised on the threshold of a new dawn. (Episode 4.2)
  • The Moon (月, Tsuki?) is a central motif in a number of TYPE-MOON works. It is most prevalent in the works involving Vampires, such as Tsukihime and Melty Blood. It is not a planet, but it is still a celestial body that had an Ultimate One known as Type Moon. Within the world of Fate/Extra, it also holds the Moon Cell Automaton (ムーンセル・オートマトン, Mūnseru Ōtomaton?), a large computer-like construct created by an unknown civilization one hundred million years before the existence of the Earth or the Moon. It has recorded everything that has happened on the planet since its formation, and it keeps the records much like Akasha. It acts as the main setting of Fate/Extra.
  • Moon is a boss monster.
  • Moon è un boss di dongione
  • Natural satellite of the Earth.
  • Moon is a symmetrical, multi-layer fast-paced map, perfect for close range combat. A lot of barriers and different level of elevation makes it especially good for jumping robots such as Rogatka, Griffin and Cossack. Short range weaponry like Orkan, Taran, Magnum are very effective, due to relatively no barriers\buildings suitable for holding positional warfare. It is virtually impossible to hold any single beacon for prolonged period of time, thus making gameplay very dynamic, and battles - short. In typical a battle active player in a fast bot could easily get 10 beacon capture per game; typical shorting battles to 4-5 minutes long. Center beacon is located in a tower, and can be captured from below actual beacon, much like in Yamantau or Canyon; and also from above the beacon. Every other beacon surrounded by several pylon-like structures, providing cover from enemy plasma\bullet fire to some extent; however, splash damage can still harm player. Snipers are practically useless here, due to the cover and size of the map. Using snipers here is not recommended. Tips from Pixonic: 1. * Center beacon capture requires teamwork, as you can hold it at 3 spots: the central construction, tunnel underneath and its roof; 2. * Tunnel position allows for an easy reach of 2 beacons located at each entrance, and is thus strategically viable. It also blocks attacks from above; 3. * Map edges lack cover, so beware of damage by homing missiles; 4. * Map is well-suited for robots with jump ability; 5. * Pick fast light robots for the ease of maneuverability.
  • A moon is a planetary body that is a natural satellite of a planet. Many of the moons of the various planets in the Solar System were inhabited by human populations by the 22nd century, with the Saturnian and Jovian moons proving to be particularly popular with colonists. Earth's moon, Luna, is sometimes referred to by the people of Earth as The Moon. The seventh Lunar city is the subject of Dave Lister's favourite song, which he frequently sings throughout the series, suggesting Lister had spent at least some time there. A Psi-moon is a type of moon that reshapes itself to match the mental state of anyone who sets foot on its surface, employing terraforming capabilities to map the 'mindscape' of its inhabitant. Having acquired a 'master', it seemingly doesn't reshape again until that individual leaves its surface. (Terrorform) Holly, the computer of Red Dwarf, was proud of using his head to do a "moon impression". (Back in the Red)
  • The First Emperor of the Moon was Al Gore.
  • The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth.
  • The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth.
  • The Moon orbited the Earth.
  • The moon is in Pikmin: Masquerade of the Red Death
  • The moon represents the beyond.
  • The planet of Rathillien has a single moon.
  • The mooncalf is a creature that only comes out of its burrow during a full moon and then performs a complicated mating dance. The presence of a full moon can induce basilisk eggs to hatch early if given certain other circumstances. During the 1990s, there was a portrait of a witch flying to the moon seventh-floor level of the Grand Staircase at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  • Should a gigantic battle occur in the vicinity of a planet, there is a slight chance that the debris scattered in the planet's gravity field will condense into a solid, subzero, somewhat smaller satellite. In short: a moon. A Moon is special because it is the only place where the Lunar Base, Sensor Phalanx, and the Jump Gate can be constructed. The lunar base must be built first to provide three fields for other buildings. Moons are important because they allow you to invisibly fleetsave where the Sensor Phalanx cannot see. The following buildings can be constructed on a moon: * Robotic Factory * Shipyard * Metal Storage (useless*) * Crystal Storage (useless*) * Deuterium Tank (useless*) * Lunar Base * Sensor Phalanx * Jump Gate *Storage useful only for scrap merchant, and that is hardly enough reason to build it and waste slots. Resource mines, Research Lab, Nanite Factory, Terraformer, and Missile Silo cannot be built on a moon. As long as the required Shipyard level is constructed, any Defenses can be built on a moon. Just like on a Planet, constructed defenses do not use up fields. Since OGame 0.78a, IPMs can be used to destroy defenses on a moon and ABMs from the planet will defend the moon in those cases. It is possible to build storage tanks on the surface, but bear in mind moons cannot produce any resources. Building slots on a moon are very expensive and must be put to careful use.
  • The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. It has been mentioned and has appeared in many episodes. From Attack of the Movie Night to You Can't Breathe in a Diner in Space!, the Zombie Moon Ape lived there until he teleported himself away. According to Sqweep, the Prankinoids were responsible for the moon's current condition.
  • Moon (pol. Księżyc) – dziesiąta i ostatnia mapa występująca w Call of Duty: Black Ops (Rezurrection) w trybie Zombie.
  • Moon A.K.A. Emily Sullivan, a former member of Chaotic Impulse "CI-RS" spent her time uploading irl/pk videos.
  • ''Moon ist die elfte Karte im Überlebenskampf und noch dazu die letzte in Call of Duty: Black Ops, dort erschien sie mit dem Rezzurection-DLC. Sie wurde am 23. August für Xbox 360 und am 22. September 2011 für Playstation 3 und PC veröffentlicht. In ihr kehren die vier originalen Charaktere (Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki und Edward Richtofen) zurück und man bekämpft die Zombies zum ersten Mal nicht nur auf der Erde... Moon ist die größte Zombiekarte in Black Ops und die Drittgrößte bisher erschienene; nur noch überboten von Green Run und Mob of the Dead.
  • The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth. The moon is the only place other than Earth where humans have landed. The surface of the moon has large relatively dark “Maria” which are lava fields and numerous impact craters caused by meteor bombardment.
  • Like many other planets and moons during Destiny, the ruins of humanity's Golden Age as well as alien structures inhabited by enemy species can be found on the surface. The Moon is classified by The City as a "Forbidden Zone," as early exploration attempts had proven too dangerous. Early after the collapse of the Golden Age, the Hive invaded and took hold of great portions of the Moon. After the establishment of The City and the Vanguard, humanity made a disastrous attempt to retake their former colony. The Hive, led by Crota, inflicted tremendous losses on the Guardians present, resulting in the Vanguard's abandonment of the offensive. Any expedition to the Moon was no longer sanctioned by the Vanguard, and for centuries the Hive were left to their own devices, tunneling deep beneath the lunar surface and constructing an enormous network of catacombs. The Hive's deployment of seeders on Earth, launched from the Moon, has forced the Vanguard to rescind their decision to principally avoid Lunar territory. Fearing further incursion, the Vanguard have begun sanctioning strikes against key Hive personnel and assets.
  • The exterior of the Moon is barren, covered with craters and canyons. It has a weak gravity, but is still able to maintain a breathable atmosphere. Despite its harsh conditions, the Ōtsutsuki were able to settle on the Moon due to their unique anatomy and physiology. To improve its habitability and allow their population to thrive, the Ōtsutsuki built the Tenseigan at the centre of the Moon, granting them light, powering their equipment, and allowing them to control the Moon's movements. Similar to a Dyson sphere, they created a vast environment on the Moon's interior surface, complete with oceans, mountains, forests, and various animal species, however this environment was far smaller than the full size of the Moon itself. The full size is unknown, but its at least as big as a small country. Several villages were built across the landscape, which were steadily abandoned as the Ōtsutsuki's population dwindled. The artificial sun at the centre of the Moon created by the Tenseigan is actually a barrier, within which are housed various important sites, such as Hamura's shrine, the Tenseigan itself, and a castle where Toneri lives. All are guarded by an army of puppets, controllable without chakra threads because of the Tenseigan, as well as the golem created by Tonrei. There is at least one portal that enables travel from the Earth to the Moon and back. Located underground, the portal itself takes the form of a spring of green water, though contact with the water doesn't leave one wet. By entering the portal, one travels through a dimension filled with various orbs, some of which are earthen in composition, others trap those who contact them in their own memories. At the Moon's end of the portal is the Gatekeeper, a giant crab that prevents unauthorised access. This portal collapses shortly after Toneri's defeat.
  • Ruinstone sat on the top of the Heartless Ledge, he looked out to the Council, the cats moving along the areas, he sighed. "Saddie is so new, we need another council member..." Ruinstone murmured to Aquaflow. Aquaflow blushed, suprised Ruinstone talked to her. "But where, it's not like the White and Black Lands would give us a free cat." He sighed. "Saddie was abandoned there, and nobody seems to get along with her, difference." "Maybe from Earth?" Aquaflow suggested. "What?" Ruinstone looked to Aquaflow. "No....Not since Josie, we just can't have another Earth cat." Aquaflow grunted. "That may be the only thing we can do..." "I just hope this time, it'll be better," Ruinstone swallowed. "So you're doing it?" Aquaflow meowed. Ruinstone closed his eyes. "Maybe...."
  • Moon was born a princess of the desert kingdom Ym, a city-state that travels with the shifting sands of the Red Desert. She was not only trained in the dark magic arts that are traditional throughout Ym, but also brought up to be her later husband's bodyguard. For this reason, she, like all Ymian queens before her, received initiation as a Necroshade - an assassin skilled with both blade and shadow magic. Ym never yielded to the Giants, and when she became queen, Moon was forced to assassinate her own husband for he was on the verge of betraying his kingdom to the sons of the stone. Named queen, she concentrated her efforts on fighting the giants who grew more threatening each day, for Ym was the only free mortal kingdom left. __TOC__
  • From John Farrelly's introduction, "The stories featured within reflect the comic creator's usual fixation with the three 'G's = Guns, Guys and Gore. This is taken as standard. But the tales also accentuate one more important 'g' - Giggles. There is a gallows humour that is indigenous to this country prevalent in the stories. Characters merrily get shot, punched, kicked and blown up with not so much as a haste apology. I don;t know what that says about the comics creators, but it makes damn fine comics"
  • A moon is a type of naturally-occurring satellite that's within orbit of a planetary body where the barycenter is still within the larger body. Earth itself has only one such satellite, Luna, which is typically, in English, simply called "the Moon".
  • Mostly the surface of the moon. It's a known fact that nobody has ever been on the moon. Sure you might of heard that NASA arrived on the Moon first. But the truth was that it was staged in order to give the illusion that they went to the moon, but in reality, they didn't go. Mostly because nothing is to be found on the moon, mostly all that you'll see is a rocky surface, craters and mostly space itself. Some have theorized to be life there, but those people are lunatics as mostly every lifeform that has ever tried to live on the moon have either given up or died trying to find a way to make the moon livable. No one knows why the moon still stands up in the sky, and we may never know it's purpose.
  • A Moon is a celestial body that orbits an object larger than itself (i.e. a planet). Moons are located throughout the known galaxy and have different shapes, sizes, and atmospheric conditions. One well known moon is Nar Shaddaa located in Hutt Space.
  • Moons are Celestial Objects that influence Water on planets. Based on the certain position the moon is in can affect tides, water flow, and the overall strength of water based magic. It is the opposite of a sun, and reflects the light of stars, giving it it's white color.
  • A moon (月 Tsuki?) is a celestial body that orbits a planet or smaller body, which is called its primary. In the Battle Angel Alita universe, several moons have been settled while others, in particular 13 of the 16 the Jovian moons, have been exploited as resources for terraforming.
  • The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relative to the size of its primary, having 27% the diameter and 60% the density of Earth, resulting in 1⁄81 (1.23%) its mass. Among satellites with known densities, the Moon is the second densest, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter.
  • In the old times, people used to think that The Moon was made of stone, which was obviously ridiculous and thus obsoleted in 1969 by the space mission Apollo 11. The moon can be noticed switching places irrationally throughout the month. This is called Lunar behaviour and has a weird effect on some people, making them do radical Moon-related things, such as taking part in Moon Pie-eating competitions and howling at the moon. The Moon has distinct phases, which are known as Full Moon, Half Moon, New Moon, and Keith Moon. All of these phases occur monthly in a random manner, but since Keith Moon's death in 1978, The Moon has had only three phases. Keith Moon's death had a major effect on lunar behaviour, which caused severe flooding, unnatural changing of the tides, and an increase in the number of rats. The moon is smaller than most planets, but larger than most elephants.
  • thumb|right|335 pxMoon es un monstruo. Sube la imagen en PNG o JPG para este objeto Detalles
  • In 1993, FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder, trying to trick a bartender, into believing that he did not believe in flying saucers, remarked that he thought it was "all just a bunch of crazy people howling at the moon." (TXF: "Conduit")
  • Our Moon was transported into our solar system hundreds of millions of years ago by another race.
  • In "Hello, Moon!", Arale ends up preventing the extinction of many prehistoric species when she pushes a falling meteorite back into space, resulting in the creation of the moon. The moon is first shown in Dr. Slump in "Here Comes Arale!" It appears again when Arale Norimaki frees a bear in the chapter "Bearly Friends!" The moon is next seen after Arale increased its size with the Big-Small Ray Gun in "The Big-Small Gun!" It is also shown in "The Time Slipper", and "Is It a Girl? Is It a Boy!?". Bubibinman bounces on the moon in "The Invader from Space", when he is attacked by Arale after he challenged her to Sumo Wrestling. Arale Norimaki breaks the moon by throwing a rock at it in order to show her strength to a journalist in "Barber Shop Panic: Part 2"; the moon is shown living for the first time in this chapter. It is shown repaired in "The Story of Donbe" and "Kids Gone Wild". The moon appears as a living crescent at the end of the chapter "Earth S.O.S.!: Part 2". The moon watches Senbei Norimaki looking for Mole Cricket in the grass at the end of "Arale's Big Change. In "Bye-Bye Super Power!", Senbei is sent up on the moon when he asks Arale to attack him, thinking he succeeded in reducing her strength. The moon is shown again as it makes a face in "Affairs of the Heart!" It also appears in "Monsters' Night", talking to one of Trampire's followers and making him transform into a werewolf. The moon also appears in "A Silent Night's Dream". Caramel Man 001 breaks the moon throwing a punch a it in "Dr. Mashirito's Ambition: Part 1". It appears again as a crescent in "The Time Stoppers", "Chivil's Work", "Mr. Copy", and "Goo Ga Senbei". It is shown when the invaders approach Earth at the beginning of "The Biggest Bye'cha of All: Part One". Arale pokes the moon using a pole at the end of "Spluk Spluk Phoo Phoo". It appears again as a crescent in "Cinderella, the Musical", "The Ho-yo-yo Gang, Part 2", and "Leave It to Akiko". Aoi Kimidori takes Arale and Gatchan on a car trip during which she ends up on the moon in "Super Driver".
  • "moon" is iroha(sasaki)'s first original VOCALOID work. The lyrics are somewhat vague, but a common interpretation is that Miku is in fact the moon, and is singing about always being by mankind. The song was released as a single and is featured in the compilation albums MIKUNOPOLIS in LOS ANGELES and EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocaloconnection feat. 初音ミク. Additionally, it is the subject of a remix album, MOON.
  • The phases of the moon have caused the moon to be a more accurate timepiece for ancient civilizations. When the months of the year were first conceived it was based on the waxing and waning of the moon.
  • Azeroth has two moons: * The larger, bright and silver moon is known as The White Lady. The night elves know and worship it as Elune while the tauren refer to it as "Mu'sha" (the left eye of the Earthmother) in Sorrow of the Earthmother. * The smaller cool, blue-green moon is known as the The Blue Child. The Earthmother sent the Blue Child away to learn about the universe upon noticing the coming of the Burning Legion, explaining its disappearance prior to the events of Burning Crusade.[citation needed] It was thought to be a very long time before it returned.
  • Kategorie:MonsterMoon ist ein Boss -Kategorie:Boss-Monster Monster.Kategorie:Kreaturen der Moon-InselKategorie:Monster des Verbotenen Dschungels
  • A moon was a large, natural satellite that typically orbited a planet. Some planets were orbited by many moons, while some moons did not orbit any planets but passed through star systems in their own trajectories and were known as "rogue moons." The moon or moons of a sentient species' homeworlds was often the first celestial object that such species perceived and, later in their development, explored both remotely and in person. Some moons were garden worlds, and capable of supporting life; Yavin 4 was one such moon.
  • Moon era el apellido de un o una estudiante del Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería que comenzó su primer año en 1991.
  • The astronauts of Apollo 17 discovered an ancient technology on the moon that once belonged to an unknown super civilization. The Hyper Gate when used, could transport one from the Moon to Mars. Humanity decided to use it when they colonized Mars. The first Terran to make contact with and awaken Aldnoah was Dr. Rayregalia Vers Rayvers. After their independence from Earth, the ownership of the Hyper Gate ended up in the hands of the newly created Vers Empire after its formation on Mars. During the First Earth-Mars War, as a result of fierce back and forth fighting on the Moon's surface, the Hyper Gate went out of control and a part of the moon was destroyed. The destroyed parts of the Moon were pulverized into countless boulders, some of which fell down to Earth as meteors, later to be labeled Heavens Fall. The remaining boulders now continue in their orbit making up the Satellite Belt. Heavens Fall came about because of this conflict, which dramatically changed the face of the Earth. (AZ: "Princess of VERS")
  • The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. It can mostly be seen during the night.
  • The Moon or Der Mond is Earth's natural satellite, where the Nazi Lunar Base is built.
  • The Moon is an anthropomorphic moon and minor character from two episodes.
  • Moon is a silky, long-haired black-and-white female Border Collie with dark clear, striking, sky, ice- blue eyes, black-and-white paws, long, pointed black-and-white ears, and a white muzzle.
  • Featuring: Isobel Stocker, Jonti Siva-Jothy and Dennis Ashton
  • Se consigue en el laboratorio cosmico de la ciudad del cuarto gimnasio, como regalo. frame|moon
  • The Moon is a natural satellite that orbits Earth. The Taelons keep their Mothership in orbit of the dark side of the Moon. They also built a Moon Base on the dark side ("Horizon Zero").
  • After Yggdrasil crashed, the goddesses needed an alternative source of energy in order to function from day-to-day life. The answer? The moon has power, so for a while, the goddesses had to wear Moon Rock Bracelets. Also, Celestine was incarcerated on the moon. He's released at the beginning of the movie by Morgan. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. From MangaWiki, a Wikia wiki.
  • The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth. Satellites of other planets are called moons. For example Jupiter’s largest moons are called the Galilean moons because Galileo discovered them. The moon is the only place other than Earth where humans have landed. The surface of the moon has large relatively dark “Maria” which are lava fields and numerous impact craters caused by meteor bombardment.
  • Moon is a character in the background of Center Stage of The Rock-afire Explosion at ShowBiz Pizza behind Beach Bear and Mitzi Mozzarella. He is also a character of Munch's Make Believe Band at Chuck E. Cheese's, where he also appeared in the background of Center Stage, this time behind Jasper T. Jowls.
  • While normally the moon has no face, Majora's Mask placed a curse upon it that possibly gave it its terrifying face that symbolized the impending destruction that was soon to ensue. After travelling to four of the game's dungeons, Link managed to break the Four Giants free. The "four who are there" arrived just in time before the moon crashed into the planet and stopped it in its path. Link entered the mouth of the moon, as did Majora's Mask, and the two battled inside of it with Link becoming the inevitable winner.
  • The moon, a.k.a. Luna, is Earth's only natural moon. It has lots of craters and thin atmosphere, much like Mercury. The only difference is the heat, with Mercury's temperature ranging in 200+ that differs to the Moon's temperature (depends on what position it is around the Sun). The moon was formed 4.6 billion years ago when a tenth planet, Theia, collided with Earth and made the moon.
  • The Moon in Minecraft moves across the sky during night, and it is then replaced by the Sun in the day time.
  • The Moon (Latin: Luna) is likely Earth's only natural satellite and probably the fifth largest natural satellite in the Solar System.
  • Moon es un personaje que aparece en Silent Hill: Orphan.
  • is het vrouwelijke speelbare karakter in Pokémon Sun en Moon. Haar mannelijke tegenhanger is Sun. Categorie:Hoofdkarakters Categorie:Karakters Categorie:Karakters uit Alola Categorie:Game Karakters Categorie:Pokémon trainers
  • A moon is defined as an object that orbits a planet or other body larger than itself. Note, however, that this does not include such objects which are created by individuals for this purpose.
  • The Moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth every 27.3 days (the orbital period), and the periodic variations in the geometry of the Earth–Moon–Sun system are responsible for the lunar phases that repeat every 29.5 days (the synodic period). It is in synchronous rotation, meaning that it keeps nearly the same face turned toward the Earth at all times and so rotates on its axis every 27.3 days too. Geochemical mapping from orbit implies that the crust of the Moon is largely anorthositic in composition, consistent with the magma ocean hypothesis. In terms of elements, the crust is composed primarily of oxygen, silicon, magnesium, iron, calcium, and aluminum. Based on geophysical techniques, its thickness is estimated to be on average about 50 km. Most of the Moon's mare basalts erupted during the Imbrian period 3.0–3.5 billion years ago. Nevertheless, some dated samples are as old as 4.2 billion years, and the youngest eruptions, based on the method of crater counting, are believed to have occurred only 1.2 billion years ago. In ancient folklore, the moon was often blamed for certain forms of madness and other misfortunes, leading to terms like "lunacy" and "lunatic", and legends such as the werewolf.
  • Should a gigantic battle occur in the vicinity of a planet, there is a slight chance that the debris scattered in the planet's gravity field will condense into a solid, subzero, somewhat smaller satellite, in short: a moon.
  • Moon (Japanese: ムーン, Mūn) is a Pokémon Trainer who moved to Alola from Kanto.
  • The moon first appeared in Tee Hee Tumey Tums with a real person's face.He told Flapjack where the Comb Stranger was. He also appeared in Over The Moon.This time with a cartoon face,but still the same voice.He was tricked by K'nuckels to take him to Candied Island. But after zooming here and there he got in trouble with Poseidon.The Moon is not the brightest star is what K'nuckles says.
  • Represented by Ai Ebihara, a vain female student caught up in her beauty complex.
  • Earth's moon, Luna, was colonized by human settlers prior to 2064 CE. (HH8) Blackbird, a moon of the gas giant Uriel in the Yeltsin's Star System, was used as a base of operations by the Navy of Masada. (HH2)
  • The Moon is the natural satellite of Earth. The Lunar Colony includes such locations as New Hope, the birthplace of Matthew Kane.
  • The Battle of the Green Cheese was one of the most important battles of the entire Videogame War, as it determined whether Sonic or Pac-man would survive. Near the beginning of the war the some of the Pac-man fans rented a base from the Cheese Lovers. The Pac-Man fans, led by Spiderman, started to renovate the base while the Cheese Lovers were sleeping. However, Squidward forgot the nails and glue, and the base collapsed, killing 8696374934 people, including Squidward, Brock, the Wendy's girl, as well as the general, Spiderman. The Cheese Lovers laughed at the Pac-Man fans, and charged them extra for the ruined base. So, the Pac-Man fans, now led by Hitario, attacked the Cheese Lovers. One Cheese Lover, Arnold, kicked the Pac-Man fans to the other side of the moon, where they met Megatron. They used Megatron as a base. Four years later, while the battle was heating up in The Mushroom Kingdom, a squadron of Sonic fans came to the moon. Since the Cheese Lovers hated the Pac-Man fans, they pointed out the exact location of Megatron so they could watch the Pac-Man fans die. The Sonic fans attacked Megatron, but Megatron swatted them all away, and called more Pac-Man fans and Cheese Haters, for backup. The Cheese Haters attacked the Cheese Lovers to try and get their base back, and didn't focus at all on the Sonic fans. The other Pac-Man fans weren't used to the absence of air here, and about a fourth of them died. Luckily, the Pac-Man fans had a Caterpie with them, which they used to kill many Sonic fans. Finally, Hitario decided to ditch the Mushroom Kingdom and focus on the Moon, because it was tastier. So, he requested every last Pac-Man fan report to the moon. However, the commander of the Pac-man fans, Inky, refused, claiming that the Mushroom Kingdom was easier. Meanwhile, the Cheese Lovers had driven out the Cheese Haters, and now fought among the Sonic fans. Then Inky mysteriously disappeared, and Pinky took over, who fulfilled Hitario's request. Suddenly Bumblebee, a Sonic fan and Megatron's nemesis stepped on a legion of Pac-Man fans, killing them all. Then, Megatron attacked Bumblebee and the Sonic fans, but Bumblebee strapped an atomic bomb to Megatron's back, and it exploded, killing the millions on Pac-Man fans that were sleeping inside. Now, out of the half-billion Pac-Man fans there were in the beginning, only fourteen million remained, and the majority of them were injured, or being held as hostages. When Megatron died, the population of the Pac-Man fans was divided by ten. Now, as the weakest faction by far, the Pac-Man fans forfeited the war, most of them quitting, or joining the Mario fans, as they all hated the Sonic fans. Pinky and Hitario were inside Megatron, and were never seen again. (Until dinner.) Then the Sonic fans and the Cheese Lovers battled each other over the Moon, resulting in the Sonic fans being defeated as well. To this day, the Moon is neutral ground.
  • A moon is a generic name for a natural satellite that orbits a planet. (TOS: "The Changeling" ; VOY: "Memorial"; DS9: "Valiant") Moons may occur in all varieties concerning their number, form and size. The two moons of Mars are tiny dead planetoids, whereas the Bajoran moon Jeraddo was a planet-sized M-class world before it was transformed into a wasteland. More massive moons may also strongly influence their primary planet, as they exert gravitational forces that are strong enough to affect the stability of the inclination of the planet's rotation axis and thereby its seasons, as is the case with Earth's moon Luna. Some planets, such as Vulcan, do not have moons. (TOS: "The Man Trap" ) Gaila was able to buy his own moon with the income he made from selling weapons. Quark was envious of this for years. In 2373, when Quark began selling weapons with Gaila and Hagath, his cousin told him that after a year of doing so, he would be able to buy his own moon. (DS9: "Civil Defense", "The Way of the Warrior", "Business as Usual") In an alternate timeline, Quark was able to fulfill his dream and bought his own moon after selling his bar to Morn. (DS9: "The Visitor")
  • "Moon" is a song that Moon Man recorded for his album Because The MOON. Childish Gambino covered the song, using the title "Urn".
  • On July 21, 1969 astronauts of Apollo XI were the first men to set foot on its surface. In the 2050 humans founded the first colony on the moon.
  • Moon attempted suicide several times throughout her childhood. Her parents decided to leave her at the Sheppard's Orphanage because they believed she would receive better treatment there. Moon is a survivor of the massacre that occurred at the orphanage. Thirty years later, she has several dreams about the place and decides to go there to investigate.
  • Moon est la onzième carte du mode zombies, elle est incluse dans le pack Rezurrection de Call of Duty: Black Ops. Elle se déroule après les évènements de la map Shangri-La et pendant les événements de Nuketown.
  • The Moon is the timing system used on ?pedia. According to legends ancient, The Illuminati rise when the moon is new and when the moon is full, ripping to shreds the left behind in the two weeks since the last time with their bare teeth. Be afraid. Be very afraid. W, w-what was that? Oh no; run! Run, or you'll be well done! Aiee-
  • Moon, AKA The Moon, is one of the most evil things that lives in space. It is something that devil worshippers like, and it also allows monsters to come out.
  • Moon is a new Pokémon trainer and the new female protagonist in the games Pokémon Sun and Moon alongside Sun, and at the end of the games, they become the first ever Champion of the Alola region.
  • From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Moon]] mōna from Proto-Germanic *mænon- from Proto-Indo-European *mḗh₁n̥s (“‘moon, month’”) from *mē-² (“‘to measure’”)
  • The realm of Eldritch also has a moon, it is made of green cheese.
  • The moon is a major celestial body which orbits around the Earth every 30 days. The book of Genesis in the Bible calls it "the lesser light" which God had created in the beginning when He created the heavens and the earth. In the Left Behind books, the moon is an important element in some of the judgments that God had poured out on mankind during the Tribulation. In the sixth Seal Judgment, the moon turned red as blood while the sun turned black as sackcloth. In the fourth Trumpet Judgment, the moon's light is diminished by a third of its usual brightness, which coincided with that of sun's light and heat that caused temperatures to plummet. Near the time of the Glorious Appearing, both the sun and the moon stopped shining in the sky.
  • This is a natural satellite, possessing some degree of regular orbit around another celestial body like a planet, termed its primary. It is in some ways similar to the planet-star dynamic, but almost always of far shorter duration in its orbit. The solar system of Sol, in which Earth is to be found, contains 173 natural satellites orbiting planets.
  • A moon is a generic name for a natural satellite that orbits a planet. Moons may occur in all varieties concerning their number, form and size. The two moons of Mars are tiny dead planetoids, whereas the Bajoran moon Jeraddo was a planet-sized M-class world, before it was transformed into a wasteland. Gas giants may have moons that are adaptable to human colonies. An example of this is Titan, which orbits Saturn in the Sol system. More massive moons may also strongly influence their primary planet, as they exert gravitational forces, which can define a planet's orbital period as well as its seasons, like it is the case with Earth's moon, Luna.
  • The Moon is the natural satellite orbiting the Earth. Humans exploring the Moon was common in older science fiction stories until mankind finally made it there in 1969 like Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon and the Explorers of the Moon Tintin stories.
  • Madara Uchiha, after awakening the Rinnegan, released the seal placed on the empty vessel of the Ten-Tails and summoned it back to earth. Madara's ultimate plan, that was later adopted by Obito Uchiha, the Eye of the Moon Plan, involved reviving the Ten-Tails through joining the other tailed beasts, becoming its jinchūriki, and then projecting his eyes onto the moon in order to cast his "Infinite Tsukuyomi": a perpetual, world-scale genjutsu cast on every living being on the planet. This would allow both Madara and Obito to control and unite them to create a world with neither war nor hatred, making themselves the rulers of the world but at the cost of eliminating free will from humanity. Later, after the revival and subsequent battle with Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha worked together to create a very similar satellite in her core dimension in order to re-seal her. In The Last: Naruto the Movie, Toneri Ōtsutsuki dislodges the moon from orbit to collide it into the earth to punish humanity for abusing chakra. During his final battle with Naruto Uzumaki, the moon was nearly destroyed from their clashes and Toneri even cut the satellite in half. But later, thanks to Naruto's efforts, the Moon's orbit was later fixed and its shape later restored again to its original form. Sometime after Toneri's defeat, the moon later became repopulated by both the remaining Ōtsutsuki kin and the various ninja clans originating from earth.
  • The Moon (月 - Tsuki) refers to the moon the orbits Planet Earth in all the ultra series. The moon, while appearing rarely in the Ultra Series, features a small variety of lifeforms as well as fight locations. Ultraman Ginga once fought Dark Lugiel on the moon, with Lugiel's remains resting there.
  • The moon is a natural satellite orbiting the Earth.
  • The moon appears to be a central part of the Kingkiller Chronicles. The references are probably too numerous to mention, but here are a few important discussions of the moon so far: * The story told by Hespe of the stealing of the moon by Jax. * The role the moon plays in the Fae and mortal world as told by Felurian * The stealing of the moon by the master shaper to bring it to the Fae. This is unsuccessful and the moon remained caught between the Fae and the mortal world. The name of this master shaper may be Iax who is mentioned by Bast as the person who started the creation war by visiting the Cthaeh and also in Skarpi's story of the Creation War. * The moon is mentioned many times in scenes with Auri. And perhaps more than coincidentally, Auri is seen by Kvothe only at night, much like the moon. Auri gives Kvothe a key for the moon as a gift. * The moon also connects to the greystones (or waystones) as a possible portal between the Fae and the mortal world. This may also explain why the Ruh think they are good things, and Aturians think they are a bad omen. * The moon's phases appear around Haliax on the pottery found at the Mathen farm. * The lunar cycle (time between full moons) is 72 1/3 days.
  • Moon is a 2009 British science-fiction film co-written and directed by Duncan Jones in his directorial debut. The film stars Sam Rockwell as an astronaut who begins to experience a personal crisis towards the end of his three-year mission for mining helium-3 on the moon's surface. The film was well received by critics, with Sam Rockwell's performance and the film's scientific accuracy gaining critical praise, and received a BAFTA nomination for Best British Film.
  • Moon was a boxing trainer who worked closely with Metro-Dade Vice Detective Larry Zito and up-and-coming boxer Bobby Sykes. He was very protective of Sykes, to the point of threatening bodily harm if anything happened to him, including Zito. Moon was very unhappy with the promoter Oswaldo Guzman, and when Zito let Moon know he was working to bring Guzman down and wanted to train Sykes, Moon reluctantly allowed it. Later, when Guzman sent goons over to get Sykes signed to Guzman's stable of fighters (because James "Sonny" Crockett and Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs were working a satellite sports channel angle on Guzman) Moon became angry, made the goon "eat" the $50,000 check Guzman sent with him for Sykes' contract, then visited Guzman's home, tied up another goon, ransacked Guzman's study and found his gambling book. Later, Guzman and his men visited Moon in his trailer park, offered $75,000 for Sykes, and when Moon refused, Guzman's men shot Moon dead. Before this, Moon sent Guzman's gambling book to Zito to help bring Guzman down, after Zito's death, Crockett and Tubbs recovered the book and had it decoded.
  • The Moon is the second-most prominent celestial body (next the Earth) featured in most Gundam series.
  • A moon is a bulk that swings about a wanderer or dwarf wanderer. There are many moons in the Sunnish Setup. Here are the most well-known: 1. * Earth 2. 1. * Moon 3. * Woden 4. 1. * Audhumla (Europa) 5. 2. * Frie (Ganymede) 6. 3. * Rind (Io) 7. 4. * Meili (Callisto) 8. * Frea (Saturn) 9. 1. * Einherjar (Titan) 10. * Aegir (Neptune) 11. 1. * Bara (Triton)
  • Luna, better known as the Moon, is Earth's only moon orbiting many miles above Earth.
  • During Ultima III, Moon's inhabitants helped the Stranger with several clues about different topics. One of them mentioned that he had been beyond the whirlpool, and another adviced to seek the Shrines of Truth. They also mentioned that Dawn rose in the Dark Forest, and that guards could be "bribed" in order to make them leave. During Ultima III, Moon had three stores: a healer (Le Holy Healing), a grocery (Capessii Cantom), and a tavern, The Blue Boar, which would later reappear in the Britannys in Ultima V. In old Sosaria Moon already was a city full of mages; however, they were of the corrupt and dishonest sort. By the time of Ultima III, Erstam also lived in the city, conducting his experiments for immortality. When Beast British chased the corrupt mages out of town prior to Ultima IV, Erstam and the others decided to go to Serpent Isle, where no one could control them. Moon was renamed Moonglow and the city thereafter became what we know today, the city of Honesty. The corrupt mages who fled to Serpent Isle eventually founded Moonshade.
  • I see them watching me as I saunter past. This is a small Seaside town in Lettish, and I’m a new face, rosy-cheeked and bright-eyed, and that draws attention. The miller’s wife purses her lips as her husband’s eyes leave the road for a moment to follow my bottom. No doubt she’s wondering which boat I came in on and how soon I’ll leave. My nose guides me across the market green to the fish cart. I prefer fish, but usually a fisherman sends his wife to market and that makes meat often easier to get. Today it’s my lucky day, and a man is selling his own fish. I take my time, lingering at each stand as I approach, so he gets plenty of time to notice me. When there’s a lull in customers by his cart, I make my move. He sees me coming and breaks eye contact to shift a fish to another position. As soon as he removes his hand from it, it slides right back with a slight rasping of scales. When he looks back up, his eyes catch on the sight of my bosom peeking over the too-tight dress. I pretend to stumble, making them bounce, and he can’t pull his eyes up to meet my face until I’m at the cart. A few appreciative words, body language that subtly permits his ogling, and he’ll do anything I ask. Unfortunately for him, all I want today is a fish. He selects a nice monkfish with great glassy eyes, and begins to wrap it while casting about for ways of making me stay, of making himself worth more to me. He tries to tell me how to cook it, but falters when he sees my disinterest. Feeling a little sorry for him, I leave him with a woven bracelet and a kiss on the cheek. Food for the day securely tucked under my arm, I begin to head for the city gates. I let myself pale and droop as I leave the market, I don’t need or want the attention any more. As my previously so sprightly steps grow more heavy, my hair gradually loses its lustre in the bright sun and the red apron fades to a worn pink. By the time I’m a block away, I look middle-aged. I’m still a stranger, however, and merely looking worn isn’t enough to defend a lone woman from a certain class of men-folk. A bearded young man points and calls to his mates. Like a pack, they form up and call me names. They approach, leering and suggesting things to do with my fish. I try to ignore them as I hurry on, the sunlight and their attention fixing me. Suddenly, one of them grabs a hold of my elbow and drags me into the shadow of a covered walkway. Seeing the others glance around for potential interlopers, I’m free to act. The hoodlum who grabbed me screams from the shadows, blood seeping between the fingers covering his face. His mates take one look at us and stumble back into the street with cries of horror and dismay. The injured one falls to the ground, still clutching his ruined face. I take the opportunity to sneak a bite out of my fish before changing again and leaving the scene. As the open sky turns the colour of the poppies along the road and evening approaches, I reach a small farmhouse, almost a hovel, and decide to stop there for a brief rest. A knock on the door brings the farmwife to the door. She sees my aged face and greets me as “mother”, bidding me to enter. As I do, she tells me that she’ll ask her husband to sleep with the farm hands so I can have his bed. Of course I can’t stay, but I’m touched by her sincere generosity and ask for some milk. A child with scruffy hair peeks bashfully out of the kitchen as her mother passes by, and I notice that one of her eyes is an inflamed red and encrusted with mustard-yellow pus. With a grandmother’s caring smile, I crouch down and reach for the child. A small gesture and the appropriate power flows forth. The job is quickly done, and I rise and return to where I was standing. The milk is good and cow-warm. I feel invigorated by the nourishment and the kindness of simple people. I ask how long the eye had been like that and predict that it will clear up quickly if they rinse it a few times with poppy tea. Thankful for the advice, she insists I stay the night, but I put on my stern face and will not be stopped from taking my leave. By nightfall, I am already many miles away, following the moonlit path.
  • Moon is a stage in Hill Climb Racing. It is the sixth stage to be unlocked. It costs 175,000 coins.
  • The Moon is the only moon of Earth and the fifth largest moon in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relative to the size of its primary, having 27% the diameter and 60% the density of Earth, resulting in 1⁄81 its mass. Among satellites with known densities, the Moon is the second densest, after Io, a satellite of Jupiter. The Moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth, always showing the same face with its near side marked by dark volcanic maria that fill between the bright ancient crustal highlands and the prominent impact craters. It is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun, although its surface is actually dark, with a reflectance just slightly higher than that of worn asphalt. Its prominence in the sky and its regular cycle of phases have, since ancient times, made the Moon an important cultural influence on language, calendars, art and mythology. The Moon's gravitational influence produces the ocean tides and the minute lengthening of the day. The Moon's current orbital distance, about thirty times the diameter of the Earth, causes it to appear almost the same size in the sky as the Sun, allowing it to cover the Sun nearly precisely in total solar eclipses. This matching of apparent visual size is a coincidence. The Moon's linear distance from the Earth is currently increasing at a rate of 3.82±0.07 cm per year, but this rate is not constant. The Moon is thought to have formed nearly 4.5 billion years ago, not long after the Earth. Although there have been several hypotheses for its origin in the past, the current most widely accepted explanation is that the Moon formed from the debris left over after a giant impact between Earth and a Mars-sized body. The Moon is the only celestial body other than Earth on which humans have set foot. The Soviet Union's Luna programme was the first to reach the Moon with unmanned spacecraft in 1959; the United States' NASA Apollo program achieved the only manned missions to date, beginning with the first manned lunar orbiting mission by Apollo 8 in 1968, and six manned lunar landings between 1969 and 1972, with the first being Apollo 11. These missions returned over 380 kg of lunar rocks, which have been used to develop a geological understanding of the Moon's origins, the formation of its internal structure, and its subsequent history. After the Apollo 17 mission in 1972, the Moon has been visited only by unmanned spacecraft. Of these, orbital missions have dominated: Since 2004, Japan, China, India, the United States, and the European Space Agency have each sent lunar orbiters, which have contributed to confirming the discovery of lunar water ice in permanently shadowed craters at the poles and bound into the lunar regolith. The post-Apollo era has also seen two rover missions: the final Soviet Lunokhod mission in 1973, and China's ongoing Chang'e 3 mission, which deployed its Yutu rover on 14 December 2013. Future manned missions to the Moon have been planned, including government as well as privately funded efforts. The Moon remains, under the Outer Space Treaty, free to all nations to explore for peaceful purposes.
  • It's the Moon people! I know we're all MU*ers here... but you've had to have been outside at least once or twice in your life. It's the big ball that's not the Sun... and looks like it's made of kitty litter. Romantic sounding, isn't it? -- Drake Fenwick
  • The Moon (「月の國」?; Tsuki-no-kuni; lunar realm) is a location referenced in both Ōkami and Ōkamiden, origin of Nippon's many mysteries and conflicts. Little is known about the realm due to the demise of its people, the Moon Tribe in the Moon Tribe cataclysm.
  • Menë, Luna, Lunas, Sel, Selas, Selenë, Isil, Sil, Silva, Sulva, Ithil, Taia, Heka, Nûlukh
  • The Moon is a square-like object in the sky, added in Update 0.7.3. It appears at night and during sunset. The Moon cycles through a series of phases, following the behavior of the real moon.
  • Preplanis had two moons. ("His Majesty Smith"; "The Space Croppers")
  • A moon is a natural satellite that orbits a planet. Moons vary in size across the galaxy, from asteroid size to nearly the size of a planet themselves. As a result, their gravitational fields can have differing effects on the planets they orbit. Luna's gravitational pull, for example, effects the tides of Earth. Like planets, moons can vary in their appearance and make-up. Jeraddo orbiting Bajor had a Class M environment that was capable of supporting life, while Luna was a desolate rock, until colonies were established in the 21st century and humans began adapting the landscape. (DS9 episodes: "Progress", "Valiant")
  • The Moon is a natural satallite of the planet Earth.
  • The Moon is a celestial body, the only natural satellite of Earth. During the events of Katamari Damacy, the King accidently destroyed it while out on a bender. It is the last object that the Prince needs to collect items for. After a new Moon is created, it is used as a special Katamari in the Credits bonus game.
  • The Moon is a natural satellite in orbit around Remnant. Apart from being a striking visual feature of the series, it may also bear some symbolic significance.
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