  • Nazi
  • Nazi
  • Nazi
  • Nazi
  • A Nazi was a follower of the ideology of Nazism or National Socialism. Nazism was a unique variety of fascism that involved both biological racism and antisemitism. They originated in Germany.
  • the NAZI party was founded in 19__, based upon the premise of ______ It was the party of The origional idea, contrary to popular belief, was not one of anti-semitism, the Anti-semetic ideas were instilled by Adolf Hitler today it is only about anti-semitism and the ideals of Hitler.
  • The Nazi ability is defined as anyone who can access special German Enemy doors to access areas. Interestingly, there are several Germans and Enemies that are not permitted by the German person admitting people who are German.
  • They were mentioned several times in the Xena: Warrior Princess episode "The Xena Scrolls".
  • Nazis are given much press coverage, especially if yo' live in the 1940s. But just how much of it is true? This article aims to dispel all myths and answer all da questions you may have about German nationalists, shamone.
  • The Nazis were one of the sides in World War II, opposing the United States Army and the Soviet Union. In 1944 they obtained a meteor from Thanagar, only to lose it in a clash with Vandal Savage and Rip Hunter's team. In a version of 1942 that appeared after the Legends destroyed the Time Masters, causing aberrations throughout the timeline, the Nazis, allied with Damien Darhk, would destroy New York City with a nuclear bomb, prolonging World War II to the year 1947. This reality was averted by the Legends.
  • De Nazi's in Duitsland, die deel uitmaakten van de Asmogendheden, waren een gevreesde macht in de 1930s en 1940s en waren de aanstichters van een wereldwijd conflict dat bekend zou worden als de Tweede wereldoorlog. Zij maakten gebruik van een niet eerder vertoonde haat jegens bevolkingsgroepen die zij als minderwaardig beschouwden en roeiden deze systematisch uit. De Nazi filosofie werd rijkelijk uitgedragen in symbolen en rituelen, zoals de swastika, het groeten en de uniformen. De groet was in in het verleden een formele groet in het Romeinse rijk. Het Nazi regime bedacht ook een grote variëteit in medailles, waarvan bijvoorbeeld het IJzeren kruis eeuwen na de nederlaag van de Duitsers in 1945 nog bekend was.
  • The Nazis are a team of killers that go around killing. They are based in Germany and their only goal is to kill and spread Nazism around the UnWorld. They are also the second most common enemy in video shames after zombies. A full list of known Nazis can be found .
  • Nazi ist ein anderes Wort für Nationalsozialist.
  • Adolf Hitler led with other early big Nazis like Dr. Gero or the Super duper super man his party, the NSDAP at WWII in Nazi Germany (see also the Age of Super duper super man). After Nazi Germany fell at 1945, the old nazis were haunted by the allied occupations (Britain, American and Soviet).
  • A Nazi is a member or soldier of the National Socialist German Workers Party (1933–1945). The Nazis were lead by Adolph Hitler (1889–1945), they started a mass genocide and World War II. Paul Kellerman mentioned that the highest honor in the French resistance was to face a Nazi firing squad. Also Debra Jean Belle mentioned that her father was a real Nazi meaning not that he was a National Socialist but he was strict and watched her every move.
  • The Nazis were Germany's rulers during World War II and are infamous for the starting of the Holocaust.
  • The Nazis, short for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, (PROSE: Just War) were a racist, fascist, and expansionist political party in Germany. They came to power under Adolf Hitler in 1933, and launched World War II later in that decade. George Wilson believed that the Nazis, along with the Allied Forces, were pawns of the Committee. (AUDIO: The Conspiracy)
  • Nazis sind braune Wesen die in Zukunft auf Dinosaurier reiten und die Welt beherrschen. In grauer Vorzeit hatten sie bereits einen Auftritt, der aber eher erfolglos verlief.
  • Nazis are evil, seductive Germans who drink beer, eat sausage and murder millions of people. Even worse, they claim to have invented beer. Nonsense! America beat them in World War II and World War I-Cold War with the help of Indiana Jones and Captain America. They were trying to kill the Jewish people and take over the world — even England, for some reason — but we stopped them cold single-handedly! The majority of Nazis are also feminists and, according to Pat Robertson, homosexuals and Unitarians.
  • An extremist Political faction in control of Germany, Nazis plan to take over the world.
  • Messer rein, Messer raus, Messer rot, Nazi tot bitte bearbeiten Nazis sind der Abschaum bzw der Feind, sie leiden zu dem häufig unter Minderwertigkeitskomplexen und Hirnschwund.
  • Nazis got into power in 1933 and kept power until Germany lost World War II (not only at the hands of the Americans by the way, the Russians were the first ones into Berlin, the Americans played little part in the taking of Germany). Nazis managed to get elected into power through tricking the German public into believing that Jews were the cause of all the problems that developed after WWI and through 'removing' anyone who stood in their way.
  • The National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party was an infamous, racist German political party that existed from the 1920s until the early 1940s. (TXF: "Triangle"; TLG: "Eine Kleine Frohike", et al.) As Germany's government, the Nazis were one of several large-scale combatants that fought in World War II, wherein they opposed the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States of America. (TXF: "Triangle", et al.) The group was led by Adolf Hitler. (TXF: "Triangle"; MM: "Owls") The Nazis had many symbols and rituals, such as the swastika, "heiling" and distinct uniforms. (TXF: "Triangle", et al.)
  • Nazi is a 2009 American adult animated comedy action war film directed, written and produced by Ralf Hat. The film stars the voice talents of Elijah Wood, Jeff Ross, Samantha Bee, Meryl Streep, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Seth Rogen, along with various other actors. The film tells the story of a young and naive National Socialist named Wilfried Deutscher (Will) who, after after saving three Jewish children from their extermination at a concentration camp, seeks to assassinate German chancellor, Adolf Hitler. The film was released into theaters on April 20, 2009, and received a box office of $150.1 million on a budget of $30 million. a large controversy emerged from the film, mostly to do because of the World War II/political plot, graphic violence, language, and sexual activity, a large con
  • Nazism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and social Darwinism. Germanic peoples (called the Nordic race) were depicted as true "Aryans", and the "master race". Opposed to both capitalism and Marxism, it aimed to overcome social divisions, with all parts of a homogeneous society seeking national unity, and what it viewed as historically German territory as well as additional lands for expansion.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Nazi article. Take me to the [ Nazi] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Nazi link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article.
  • NAZI was the political party of Hitler. Hitler went on a mission of Jew-depopulation, and the NAZI party turned into a fascist machinery puppeteerd by Illuminati. The following quote proves it: “ I follow my path, with the complete confidence and certainty of a sleepwalker” Hitler Hitler is a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, that is, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in 1939 by a member of the Swedish parliament, E.G.C. Brandt. NAZI was also indirectly funded by Rothschild, through Union Banking Corporation of USA. It's director Prescott Bush was the father of US president George H W Bush.
  • The Nazis were members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (commonly shortened to Nazi) of Germany, which rose to political power of the country in the early 1930s. Led by Adolf Hitler, they believed in Aryan racial superiority, and rejected democracy, which prompted a desire to manifest itself through the control of other countries, and the purging of "inferior" races, which they believed had weakened Germany and whom they blamed the disastrous outcome of World War I. As the Nazi party grew in power, they set up a paramilitary group, the Schutzstaffel (SS) which was directly loyal to Hitler, unlike the regular German military. The SS was seen as part of the Master Race, even purer than regular Germans.
  • After the Stargate's discovery in Giza in 1928, it remained in Egypt until 1939. Having no knowledge of what the Gate was for, it was feared to be some kind of weapon. To prevent the Nazis from getting their hands on it, the Gate was transported to the United States by the freighter Achilles. (Stargate) (SG1: "Continuum")
  • The Order of the Nazi was an order of chivalry (similar to the Order of the British Empire or the Order of Uncyclopedia) that was known for its ruthless and selective initiation processes. They were known to be relaxed toward members of the Aryan race, whereas for other denominations it was next to impossible to be admitted. They were dissolved after the Trials of Nuremburg, a particularly difficult challenge imposed by the world, who had become jealous of their ultra-chic exclusivity.
  • Nazism, officially called National Socialism(German: Nationalsozialismus), refers primarily to the ideology and practices of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party under Adolf Hitler; and the policies adopted by the government of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.[5]
  • Mouvement créé par un dénommé Adolf Hitler connu pour sa nervosité et pour son caractère très agressif. Un soir d'hiver, après la lecture d'un mythe de Platon, celui-ci péta les plomb et se mit a acheter des grill-pain pour nettoyer le monde des raéliens ainsi que des cyber-raëliens connue sous le nom de E-sraël. Eddy Malou a d'ailleurs ajouté que la congolexicomatisation des lois du marché convenait tout à fait au idées du Führer.
  • The Nazi party became a tool for governmental domination by power-mad dictator Adolf Hitler - who was named the Führer of the Nazi state. The Nazis of Germany, part of the Axis Powers gained power in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. In the late 1930s and early 1940s they began a conquest of Europe, and were the principal participants in the Second World War. The Nazis set a standard for dictatorship, hatred, and fascism that has rarely been matched in their thirst for conquest, and their oppression, brutality and intolerance towards their fellow human beings. This was evidenced by Nazi persecution and systematic extermination of elements they deemed inferior in their own society - such as those of the Jewish origin.
  • A Nazi is a very evil guy. To make that clear, he is a very, very evil guy. Nazis caused everything evil in the universe. In 2152 Captain Jonathan Archer wanted to show his crew some really evil guys after some of them complained about his way of talking to some aliens (that really wanted to enter the airlock) and asked his old (and he was really old this day) friend Daniels to transport the Enterprise to the year 1944. But disapiontingly they only met some ugly aliens, that acted as Nazis to confuse their enemys and to hide that they were in fact Remans. (ENT: "And now for something complettly different: An Alien-Nazi")
  • Een nazi is tegenwoordig een pejoratieve aanduiding voor iemand die de leer van het nationaalsocialisme aanhangt. Het nationaalsocialisme is de naam van de ideologie waarop de Duitse dictatuur van 1933 tot 1945 was gebaseerd. De grondlegger van het nationaalsocialisme was de toenmalige Duitse dictator Adolf Hitler, die ook aan het hoofd stond van de Duitse nationaalsocialistische partij, de NSDAP.
  • 2073876
  • 2007-06-12
  • 5220.0
  • United States
  • Nazis
  • Nazi Party
  • English
  • World War II combatants
  • DC's Legends of Tomorrow
  • 2009-04-20
  • Europe
  • A Nazi was a follower of the ideology of Nazism or National Socialism. Nazism was a unique variety of fascism that involved both biological racism and antisemitism. They originated in Germany.
  • the NAZI party was founded in 19__, based upon the premise of ______ It was the party of The origional idea, contrary to popular belief, was not one of anti-semitism, the Anti-semetic ideas were instilled by Adolf Hitler today it is only about anti-semitism and the ideals of Hitler.
  • A Nazi is a very evil guy. To make that clear, he is a very, very evil guy. Nazis caused everything evil in the universe. In 2152 Captain Jonathan Archer wanted to show his crew some really evil guys after some of them complained about his way of talking to some aliens (that really wanted to enter the airlock) and asked his old (and he was really old this day) friend Daniels to transport the Enterprise to the year 1944. But disapiontingly they only met some ugly aliens, that acted as Nazis to confuse their enemys and to hide that they were in fact Remans. (ENT: "And now for something complettly different: An Alien-Nazi") The original Nazis of this time were, in fact, pretty childish (and gay) guys, that thought that wearing black uniforms would make them cool. After people laught about them they got very upset and looked for the coolest guy in universe to be their new idol. The coolest guy obviosly was Archer, but after the story with that ugly aliens the Nazis didn't want to have to deal with him again and finaly found David Kirk: Blond hair, blue eyes, looking good and also gay he became their new idol. But having an idol not prevented the Nazis to keep beeing evil just to have fun. Some Nazis escaped to space aboard the ship of their fellows around Khan Noonien Singh, who was the result of a failed experiment to clone David Kirk and settled on different worlds in space. From there they could cause every evil happening in the galaxy. (TOS: "KHAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!! - Part I") But on Earth there were still people that, let's say, sympathized with the Nazis. John "He thought he had a good idea" Gill founded a new empire of Nazis on an small planet. First they were very kind and good people, but when their neighbours turned on the music in a too high volume they started to kill them all. James R. Kirk (who had once had the chance to prevent all this Nazi-stuff from happening but let it be because he wanted to nail that chick) came across and stopped them. (TOS: "I thought it could work...") Since this day every Captain of starrfleet has to fight the Nazis once in his career. The only two that failed in this task were Benjamin Sisko and Jean-Luc Picard (Frech people, what should I say...), even Kathryn Janeway could find some aliens on the other side of the galaxy that at least played beeing Nazis. When starfleet made first contact to the Borg they were really happy to find something evil that was not caused by the Nazis, but there was one person that thought a little furhter than them. Lily Sloane noticed: "Borg... sounds Swedish...Swedish...tall blond guys with blue eyes...NAZIS!", and so it was revealed that the Borg were Nazis. ("Movie eight, this good one, you know...")
  • The National Socialist German Workers' (Nazi) Party was an infamous, racist German political party that existed from the 1920s until the early 1940s. (TXF: "Triangle"; TLG: "Eine Kleine Frohike", et al.) As Germany's government, the Nazis were one of several large-scale combatants that fought in World War II, wherein they opposed the Soviet Union, Great Britain and the United States of America. (TXF: "Triangle", et al.) The group was led by Adolf Hitler. (TXF: "Triangle"; MM: "Owls") The Nazis had many symbols and rituals, such as the swastika, "heiling" and distinct uniforms. (TXF: "Triangle", et al.) Despite the conflict between Nazi Germany and the US, it was not entirely impossible that an atypical Nazi officer might work to defend America from within Nazi ranks. (TXF: "Triangle") At one point during the war, the Nazis had a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union. (TXF: "Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man"). (TXF: "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose") A more secretive arm of the Nazi organization was the Führer's personal party paramilitary the SchutzStaffel, or the "SS" which included the Geheimstaatspolizei. (TXF: "Triangle"; MM: "Roosters") In addition, the Nazis had a contingent of airmen, employed spies among the British and deployed submarines. (TXF: "Triangle") The Nazis thought of themselves and their offspring as "the master race" or "Aryan". (TLG: "Eine Kleine Frohike") They killed and imprisoned many victims whom they considered as being degenerates. The Nazis also had mass rallies that Hitler attended. (MM: "Roosters") At least one Nazi doctor, named Josef Mengele, believed that he could produce a super-race through genetic engineering; he was consequently nicknamed the "Nazi Angel of Death". (TXF: "Paper Clip") The Nazis were also strongly opposed to Communism. (MM: "Roosters") The Nazis were convinced of the mystical power of the Cross of the Crucifixion and consequently had the Vichy government in Damascus, looking for the cross. (MM: "Owls") The Nazis also had some involvement in controlling the media and one such Nazi-controlled newspaper was Volkischer Beobacter. (TXF: "Die Hand Die Verletzt") Following the end of the war, several other organizations, such as Odessa, continued to follow Nazi principals. (MM: "Owls", "Roosters")
  • The Nazi ability is defined as anyone who can access special German Enemy doors to access areas. Interestingly, there are several Germans and Enemies that are not permitted by the German person admitting people who are German.
  • After the Stargate's discovery in Giza in 1928, it remained in Egypt until 1939. Having no knowledge of what the Gate was for, it was feared to be some kind of weapon. To prevent the Nazis from getting their hands on it, the Gate was transported to the United States by the freighter Achilles. (Stargate) (SG1: "Continuum") The Giza gate was missing its Dial Home Device when first discovered as it had been discovered by a German archeologist in 1906. Following the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, the Soviet Union gained access to the DHD. It passed into the possession of the Russian Federation after the fall of the Soviet Union. (SG1: "Watergate", "The Tomb")
  • They were mentioned several times in the Xena: Warrior Princess episode "The Xena Scrolls".
  • Nazis are given much press coverage, especially if yo' live in the 1940s. But just how much of it is true? This article aims to dispel all myths and answer all da questions you may have about German nationalists, shamone.
  • The Nazis were one of the sides in World War II, opposing the United States Army and the Soviet Union. In 1944 they obtained a meteor from Thanagar, only to lose it in a clash with Vandal Savage and Rip Hunter's team. In a version of 1942 that appeared after the Legends destroyed the Time Masters, causing aberrations throughout the timeline, the Nazis, allied with Damien Darhk, would destroy New York City with a nuclear bomb, prolonging World War II to the year 1947. This reality was averted by the Legends.
  • De Nazi's in Duitsland, die deel uitmaakten van de Asmogendheden, waren een gevreesde macht in de 1930s en 1940s en waren de aanstichters van een wereldwijd conflict dat bekend zou worden als de Tweede wereldoorlog. Zij maakten gebruik van een niet eerder vertoonde haat jegens bevolkingsgroepen die zij als minderwaardig beschouwden en roeiden deze systematisch uit. De Nazi filosofie werd rijkelijk uitgedragen in symbolen en rituelen, zoals de swastika, het groeten en de uniformen. De groet was in in het verleden een formele groet in het Romeinse rijk. Het Nazi regime bedacht ook een grote variëteit in medailles, waarvan bijvoorbeeld het IJzeren kruis eeuwen na de nederlaag van de Duitsers in 1945 nog bekend was.
  • The Nazis are a team of killers that go around killing. They are based in Germany and their only goal is to kill and spread Nazism around the UnWorld. They are also the second most common enemy in video shames after zombies. A full list of known Nazis can be found .
  • Nazi ist ein anderes Wort für Nationalsozialist.
  • The Nazi party became a tool for governmental domination by power-mad dictator Adolf Hitler - who was named the Führer of the Nazi state. The Nazis of Germany, part of the Axis Powers gained power in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. In the late 1930s and early 1940s they began a conquest of Europe, and were the principal participants in the Second World War. The Nazis set a standard for dictatorship, hatred, and fascism that has rarely been matched in their thirst for conquest, and their oppression, brutality and intolerance towards their fellow human beings. This was evidenced by Nazi persecution and systematic extermination of elements they deemed inferior in their own society - such as those of the Jewish origin. The United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and a number of other nations formed an alliance to fight the Nazis, and in a destructive conflict they managed to drive the Nazis first back to Germany, then defeated them. The defeat of the Nazis came at a cost of millions of lives, and widespread destruction. (TOS episode: "Patterns of Force")
  • Adolf Hitler led with other early big Nazis like Dr. Gero or the Super duper super man his party, the NSDAP at WWII in Nazi Germany (see also the Age of Super duper super man). After Nazi Germany fell at 1945, the old nazis were haunted by the allied occupations (Britain, American and Soviet).
  • Nazism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and social Darwinism. Germanic peoples (called the Nordic race) were depicted as true "Aryans", and the "master race". Opposed to both capitalism and Marxism, it aimed to overcome social divisions, with all parts of a homogeneous society seeking national unity, and what it viewed as historically German territory as well as additional lands for expansion. The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. This required a Volksgemeinschaft or "people's community" of all Germans. It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property. The Nazi Party was founded as the pan-German nationalist and antisemitic German Workers' Party on 5 January 1919. By the early 1920s, Adolf Hitler assumed control of the organisation, renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP) to broaden its appeal. The National Socialist Program, adopted in 1920, called for a united Greater Germany that would deny citizenship toJews or those of Jewish descent, while also supporting land reform and the nationalisation of some industries. In Mein Kampf, written in 1924, Hitler outlined his antisemitism and anti-communism at the heart of his political philosophy, as well as his disdain for parliamentary democracy and his belief in Germany’s right to territorial expansion. In 1933, with the support of more conservative elites, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and the Nazis gradually established a one-party state, under which Jews, political opponents and other "undesirables" elements were marginalised, with several millions eventually imprisoned and killed. Hitler purged the party’s more socially and economically radical factions in the mid-1934 Night of the Long Knives and, after the death of President Hindenburg, political power was concentrated in his hands, as Führer or "leader".
  • Nazi is a 2009 American adult animated comedy action war film directed, written and produced by Ralf Hat. The film stars the voice talents of Elijah Wood, Jeff Ross, Samantha Bee, Meryl Streep, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Seth Rogen, along with various other actors. The film tells the story of a young and naive National Socialist named Wilfried Deutscher (Will) who, after after saving three Jewish children from their extermination at a concentration camp, seeks to assassinate German chancellor, Adolf Hitler. The film was released into theaters on April 20, 2009, and received a box office of $150.1 million on a budget of $30 million. a large controversy emerged from the film, mostly to do because of the World War II/political plot, graphic violence, language, and sexual activity, a large controversy emerged from the film. The film was given an R rating from the Motion Picture Association of America, and was distributed by Warner Bros. and produced by Deadpan Productions and Focus Features.
  • The Order of the Nazi was an order of chivalry (similar to the Order of the British Empire or the Order of Uncyclopedia) that was known for its ruthless and selective initiation processes. They were known to be relaxed toward members of the Aryan race, whereas for other denominations it was next to impossible to be admitted. They were dissolved after the Trials of Nuremburg, a particularly difficult challenge imposed by the world, who had become jealous of their ultra-chic exclusivity. They were obsessed with innefective and costly methods of dispatching their enemies, like for example transporting (enemies had it for free, well, not like the travel industry) enemies in a happy camp (which You can infer from very few people complaining about it), where they baked cookies all the time (they had huge bills for gas), with sadistic guards (they were not well paid and saw no satisfaction with the job). Enemies were punished - refusing enemies to eat any cookie they made themselves, at least according to Nazis. Enemies were locked here until they died of natural cause - sad and bored to death they stuffed their heads into gas oven (yes, they did not even realize electricity was cheaper). After Nazis were defeated the horrible amount of documentary movies were made about them. They were full of propaganda against Nazis. The amount of propaganda in these movies heavily outweights all the Nazi propaganda so much, that it renders it quite nonexistant.
  • NAZI was the political party of Hitler. Hitler went on a mission of Jew-depopulation, and the NAZI party turned into a fascist machinery puppeteerd by Illuminati. The following quote proves it: “ I follow my path, with the complete confidence and certainty of a sleepwalker” Hitler Hitler is a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, that is, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in 1939 by a member of the Swedish parliament, E.G.C. Brandt. The rise of NAZI was directly funded by Rockefeller. IG. Farben, the company that became the German war machine's key component, was under the control of Rockefeller's Standard Oil at the time it funded 45 percent of Hitler's election campaign in 1930. NAZI was also indirectly funded by Rothschild, through Union Banking Corporation of USA. It's director Prescott Bush was the father of US president George H W Bush.
  • Nazis got into power in 1933 and kept power until Germany lost World War II (not only at the hands of the Americans by the way, the Russians were the first ones into Berlin, the Americans played little part in the taking of Germany). Nazis managed to get elected into power through tricking the German public into believing that Jews were the cause of all the problems that developed after WWI and through 'removing' anyone who stood in their way. Later in the Second World War sane people could see that Germany was losing. Even saner Nazis could see the Germans were losing. Hitler couldn't bring himself to surrender. He preferred it if more and more of his beloved German Aryans were being killed as the war carried on. In the end Hitler chickened out and killed himself. See Hitler and pretend patriotism.
  • A Nazi is a member or soldier of the National Socialist German Workers Party (1933–1945). The Nazis were lead by Adolph Hitler (1889–1945), they started a mass genocide and World War II. Paul Kellerman mentioned that the highest honor in the French resistance was to face a Nazi firing squad. Also Debra Jean Belle mentioned that her father was a real Nazi meaning not that he was a National Socialist but he was strict and watched her every move.
  • The Nazis were Germany's rulers during World War II and are infamous for the starting of the Holocaust.
  • Nazism, officially called National Socialism(German: Nationalsozialismus), refers primarily to the ideology and practices of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party under Adolf Hitler; and the policies adopted by the government of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.[5] Nazism is sometimes considered by scholars to be a form of fascism. While it incorporated elements from both political wings, it formed most of its alliances on the political right. The Nazis were one of several historical groups that used the term National Socialism to describe themselves, and in the 1920s they became the largest such group. The Nazi Party formulated its program in the 25 point National Socialist Program. Among the key elements of Nazism were anti-parliamentarism, Pan-Germanism, racism, collectivism, eugenics, antisemitism, anti-communism, totalitarianism and opposition to economic liberalism and political liberalism. Nazism was not a monolithic movement, but rather a (mainly German) combination of various ideologies and groups such as Strasserism and Black Front, sparked by anger at the Treaty of Versailles and what was considered to have been a Jewish/communist conspiracy to humiliate Germany at the end of the World War I. This Nazi party came to power in 1933 in the aftermath of the Great Depression, seeking a Third Way "managed economy". Nazi rule ended in 1945 when the Allied Powers took over Germany.
  • The Nazis were members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (commonly shortened to Nazi) of Germany, which rose to political power of the country in the early 1930s. Led by Adolf Hitler, they believed in Aryan racial superiority, and rejected democracy, which prompted a desire to manifest itself through the control of other countries, and the purging of "inferior" races, which they believed had weakened Germany and whom they blamed the disastrous outcome of World War I. As the Nazi party grew in power, they set up a paramilitary group, the Schutzstaffel (SS) which was directly loyal to Hitler, unlike the regular German military. The SS was seen as part of the Master Race, even purer than regular Germans. The Nazis ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945 as a fascist state, calling it the Third Reich. Under the leadership of Hitler, Germany rebuilt itself into a strong industrial and military power, and began to flex its muscle in the international community, trying to build a greater Germany by annexing neighboring lands with German populations. Nazi Germany started World War II by invading Poland, which caused the United Kingdom and France to declare war on Germany. During World War II, the SS carried out much of the "Final Solution", which resulted in the deaths of 12 million Jews, Serbs, Gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally or physically impaired, intellectuals, communists, dissidents and others seen as undesirable by the Third Reich. Indiana Jones recognized the growing threat of the Nazis, both to archaeology and to the United States of America. He frequently found himself in conflict with Nazi agents and archaeologists, who saw him as a threat to their goals; they wanted to use historical and mystical artifacts to support their theories of racial superiority or to gain mystical powers to use on behalf of their goals of conquest. Nazi ideology, ambitions, and finances also lured many foreigners to work on their behalf, such as Rene Belloq, a Frenchman, and Walter Donovan, an American (though it is noteworthy that both held a very low opinion of their employers, seeing them as "necessary evils" rather than genuine partners). After defeating Hitler's plans in several archaeological races, Jones would again face them in World War II, this time as a member of the American Office of Strategic Services which sent him on several missions to Europe with his friend George McHale.
  • The Nazis, short for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, (PROSE: Just War) were a racist, fascist, and expansionist political party in Germany. They came to power under Adolf Hitler in 1933, and launched World War II later in that decade. George Wilson believed that the Nazis, along with the Allied Forces, were pawns of the Committee. (AUDIO: The Conspiracy)
  • Nazis sind braune Wesen die in Zukunft auf Dinosaurier reiten und die Welt beherrschen. In grauer Vorzeit hatten sie bereits einen Auftritt, der aber eher erfolglos verlief.
  • Mouvement créé par un dénommé Adolf Hitler connu pour sa nervosité et pour son caractère très agressif. Un soir d'hiver, après la lecture d'un mythe de Platon, celui-ci péta les plomb et se mit a acheter des grill-pain pour nettoyer le monde des raéliens ainsi que des cyber-raëliens connue sous le nom de E-sraël. Eddy Malou a d'ailleurs ajouté que la congolexicomatisation des lois du marché convenait tout à fait au idées du Führer. Contrairement à ce que beaucoup pensent, les nazis ne sont pas les seules personnes que l'on peut décemment tuer sans réfléchir et sans l'ombre d'un remord. Les ogres, les trolls, et les bandits du Moyen-Âge sont aussi des cibles à considérer. Les nazis se reconnaissent facilement par leurs goûts des costumes noirs Hugo Boss et du grand guignol, ainsi qu'à leurs accent teuton à faire peur à une vache tyrolienne (objectivement, tout cela reste à confirmer). Leur guide, Adolf Hitler est l'auteur du plus grand massacre de l'histoire de la biologie moléculaire et de la génétique. Plusieurs centaines de bonshommes en pain d'épices auraient lamentablement souffert. D'ailleurs, le personnage "Petit Biscuit" du film Shrek est un survivant de ce massacre (pour ceux qui n'auraient pas compris la référence). On relate plusieurs écrits, notamment, "Si c'est un sucre", de Primo Lebi.
  • This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the Crossgen Comics Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's Nazi article. Take me to the [ Nazi] article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the Crossgen Comics Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a Nazi link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Nazis are evil, seductive Germans who drink beer, eat sausage and murder millions of people. Even worse, they claim to have invented beer. Nonsense! America beat them in World War II and World War I-Cold War with the help of Indiana Jones and Captain America. They were trying to kill the Jewish people and take over the world — even England, for some reason — but we stopped them cold single-handedly! The majority of Nazis are also feminists and, according to Pat Robertson, homosexuals and Unitarians.
  • Een nazi is tegenwoordig een pejoratieve aanduiding voor iemand die de leer van het nationaalsocialisme aanhangt. Het nationaalsocialisme is de naam van de ideologie waarop de Duitse dictatuur van 1933 tot 1945 was gebaseerd. Het woord 'nazi' is afkomstig van Nationalsozialist, de Duitstalige term voor een aanhanger van het nationaalsocialisme. De term 'nazi' is gebaseerd op het iets oudere 'sozi', wat in het Duitsland van het begin van de 20e eeuw de volksnaam was voor een aanhanger van het socialisme. De term 'nazisme' is van 'nazi' afgeleid en wordt tegenwoordig gebruikt als afkorting voor nationaal-socialisme. Men gebruikt het ook als pejoratief bijvoeglijk naamwoord ('dat zijn nazistische praktijken'). De grondlegger van het nationaalsocialisme was de toenmalige Duitse dictator Adolf Hitler, die ook aan het hoofd stond van de Duitse nationaalsocialistische partij, de NSDAP.
  • An extremist Political faction in control of Germany, Nazis plan to take over the world.
  • Messer rein, Messer raus, Messer rot, Nazi tot bitte bearbeiten Nazis sind der Abschaum bzw der Feind, sie leiden zu dem häufig unter Minderwertigkeitskomplexen und Hirnschwund.
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