  • Town
  • Town
  • Town
  • Town
  • TOWN
  • Town
  • Town
  • Town (или центъра на града) е основната област, в Club Penguin. Градът е обикновено общество точка на много пингвини, тъй като това е първата област, че пингвините присъединят, освен ако има сто пингвини вече в града, в който случай тя ще наводнения в други места. Градът все още няма игри, но това е лесен начин за достъп до кафене нощен клуб, укреплението Snow, Dock и магазинa за подаръци. Също така е обикновено са добре декорирани за партита или поне винаги украсен.
  • Town on kaupunkien vilskeestä inspiraationsa ammentama teema. Sen settien mallit ovat usein rakennuksia tai autoja. Yhdessä Castlen ja Spacen kanssa se muodostaa SYSTEM-tuotesarjan perustan. Town-settejä on julkaistu erittäin yhtäjaksoisesti ja se onkin eräs pitkäikäisimmistä teemoista. Nykyisin Town tunnetaan nimellä City.
  • Rome, as the capital city, has certain amenities that other towns do not have.
  • A Town is a type of staging area that includes NPCs who offer a full set of services (e.g. Merchants and Henchmen). Regions rarely have more than one town and some do not have any (e.g. Ring of Fire Islands). Towns tend to supply local color, such as NPCs who don't serve a specific game function but offer history, gossip, or trivia related to the area. When the game specifies that something works while in town, it also works in outposts.
  • Town is a Survival Map for Zombie Panic: Source, being one of the original maps released with the mod.
  • Town is a basic GunZ map consisting of a small central area containing a clocktower, some wide streets, and a "back alley". It is a favorite for Team Death Matches.
  • Są zwykle dostępne z poziomu Mapy Świata i wolne od Losowych Potyczek, choć mogą tu mieć miejsce walki z bossami. Poza tym niektóre miasta znajdują się w pobliżu zamków, czasem same zamki mogą pełnić rolę miasta. W nielicznych przypadkach niektóre miasta są niedostępne (lub ich dostępność jest ograniczona) aż do pewnego etapu rozgrywki, a w innych sytuacjach są one dostępne tylko do określonego punktu w fabule. Najczęstszą muzyką odgrywaną w miastach w pierwszych odsłonach serii jest Motyw Miejski, różniący się w zależności od gry, ale będący zwykle łagodną i spokojną melodią.
  • A Town is a term used for populated locations in the Luminous Arc series of games. The term is purely informal and is not strictly used in game to refer to all populated locations as it is on this wiki for navigational purposes. The use of simply the word Town to refer to any noteworthy populated location is in fact derived from Arc Rise Fantasia where it is used in-game to designate such areas.
  • A town is not large enough to be a city, but is a gathering of several NPCs and buildings. Sometimes called a "hamlet", "village", etc. The distinction between a town and a very small settlement is fuzzy, but towns usually have more than one building, a flight path, and multiple vendors, but no bank or auction house and sometimes not even an inn. There are usually towns on the path towards cities or raids.
  • A town is not large enough to be a city, but is a gathering of several NPCs and buildings. Sometimes called a "hamlet", "village", etc. The distinction between a town and a very small settlement is fuzzy, but towns usually have more than one building, a flight path, and multiple vendors, but no bank or auction house and sometimes not even an inn. There are usually towns on the path towards cities or raids.
  • The Town is only in "Chibi Robo!: Park Patrol". It consists of the TV Store, the Flower Shop, the Alley, Monkey Burger, and a road. This is where you can get all friends. Around town, there will be boxes in the main part, and in the alley there will be boxes and garbage bags.
  • In 2015, TOWN Holdings became TOWN Media.
  • The town is one of the the main rooms in club penguin. You can often find penguins here announcing igloo parties or meetings.
  • Enemies (Dig Dug Arrangement) Boss: Robo Pooka Enemies (Dig Dug Remix) Boss: Mega Ant Minner
  • The Town is the central room of Club Penguin Rewritten and is the place where players first visit when they login. It is almost always decorated for parties. Players can access the Coffee Shop, the Dance Club, the Gift Shop, the Snow Forts and the Dock from here.
  • Town jest centrum całego Club Penguin. Zawsze jest pełen pingwinów. Town słynny jest ze swoich sklepów i zawsze dekorowany jest na Imprezach. Znajduje się tutaj Coffee Shop, Dance Club i Clothes Shop, dzięki czemu jest bardzo ruchliwy. Z Town można także dojść do Dock oraz Snow Forts.
  • The town is a place in MySims Party DS.
  • Town generally refers to one of the following:
  • Town on Luokka:club penguinin keskusta
  • The town was first designed on 10th December 2008. It has 2 rooms in it Grub and Store. The town looks alot like the CP town.
  • circle 214 69 25 Base Camp circle 159 117 29 Area 1 circle 97 191 34 Area 2 circle 84 51 43 Area 3 desc none
  • A town was a settlement larger than a village and smaller than a city. The town square was the center of community life. Captain Christopher Pike was born in Mojave. Fifty miles of parkland were around this town. (TOS: "The Cage" )
  • The Inn heals the characters and restores all LP in exchange for gold.
  • A Town or settlement is a generic term for the File:Hamlet.pngOutposts, File:Hamlet.pngHamlets, File:Village.pngVillages, File:Town.pngTowns, File:City.pngCities, and File:Capital.pngCapitals that make up your empire. You start the game with only a single settlement -- a Hamlet with a population of 4,000 (4 figures), but it is important to acquire more, as settlements provide the vast majority of the resources your empire will need.
  • The Town is unique to the player, and provides many different buffs from constructed buildings. The only resource you need to build up your Town is Wood from Logging. You you can also use Elixir to speed up the construction of buildings, but it is't mandatory to do so, provided you're patient enough.
  • The Town is an area introduced in Monster Hunter 2. It is located in and around Dundorma and is often the target of attacks from Elder Dragons and other powerful monsters. __TOC__
  • Die Town (englisch für Stadt, Innenstadt) ist eine gern besuchte Gegend Club Penguins. Da sich der Nightclub (Die Disco), der Coffee Shop (das Café) und der Gift Shop (der Geschenke- und Souvenirladen) auf diesem Grundstück befinden, ist die Stadt neben dem Plaza ein guter Ort, um neue Leute kennenzulernen und Buddys zu finden. Zudem ist er eine Art Zentrum von Club Penguin und ein sehr belebter Ort.
  • Town ist ein Ort auf der Map Green Run im Überlebenskampf von Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Der Spieler kann sich zwischen dem Modus Überlebenskampf oder dem neuen Modus Schmerz entscheiden. Die Map ist auch über den Modus TranZit zugänglich. In Town ist es möglich seine Punkte an andere Mitspieler weiterzugeben.
  • Town is one of the four sub-maps in Green Run. It also is one of the major areas in TranZit mode.
  • This is a disambiguation for all the towns in the Just Cause game series. A town is a medium sized settlement, larger than a Village but smaller than a City.
  • A town is a great gathering of buildings built by men, in which they live and work. Towns first arose thousands of years ago in Sumer (today's southern Irak). This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
  • As revealed in 27th Night, the town houses the headquarters of the Vampire Hunter Association. The majority of the population consists of hunters and others associated with them. The town also has a cemetery where Ichiru Kiryu, the Kiryu's (Zero's parents), and Yuki's childhood caretaker Momoyama are buried.
  • They are usually accessed via world map and are void of random encounters, although boss battles may occur in towns. Final Fantasy VIII is a notable exception where many town areas also serve as playable areas with monster encounters, depending on when the town is visited in the game. Some towns may be located near castles, or castles may even be towns themselves. In few cases, access into towns is restricted until a certain point in the game. The usual background music for towns in early installments of the series is each game's town theme, usually a calm and peaceful melody.
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
  • The Town is a town in the Great Blight, located not far from the valley of Thakan'dar at the foot of Shayol Ghul. It is a sprawling, ramshackle settlement that has existed for over two thousand years and was constructed by forced labor. The Town is inhabited mainly by darkfriends and the people enslaved by them. It appears to follow some of the same rules as Shayol Ghul itself; for example, channeling can be restricted to those with the Great Lord's favor.
  • Town war die erste Baureihe, die sich nur um das Stadtleben kümmerte. 1978 wurde diese Baureihe ins Leben gerufen, mir dem erscheinen der ersten Minifiguren. Davor gab es auch schon immer mal Baukästen, die zu einer Stadt gehörten, diese erschien in den Baureihen LEGOLAND oder Town Plan. Über die Jahre entwickelten sich mehrere Unterserien, wie z.B. Feuerwehr oder Rettungsteams. Dieses wurde besonders ab dem Jahr 1985 so aufgeteilt, da die Anzahl der Baukästen zunahm. Town ist heute auch die Bezeichnung für eine Themenwelt und z.B. die Baureihe City wird dieser Themenwelt zugeordnet.
  • Town was introduced as a theme in 1978, when the first minifigures were released. Before this time, there have already been several LEGO sets that were centred around present day town life. These, were part of the LEGOLAND and Town Plan themes. Town was brought back to life when it was renamed to World City in 2003. The new Town involved police, firefighters and Coast Guard and was, more action-oriented, with no sets featuring construction sites or airports. City trains were also packaged under the World City title. *: As verified by The LEGO Book.
  • __TOC__ File:TownMapNL.png The town or village is the setting of all Animal Crossing series games. The town is the home for a variety of villagers who live inside houses, and special characters who work within the variety of different , which act as the industrial and commercial areas of the town. Each Town is different and customizable by the player, who can cut down trees and plant flowers wherever they choose. It is further customized by where the villagers decide to move to, and where each building is placed at the start of the game.
  • A town is a place where you can go to be safe or to refill your ammunition. In this place, players nor monsters won't be able to atack you and you will find a lot of NPCs who will sell you some goods such as weapons, armors, shields, etc. There are some towns in the world of Silk Road Online such as Jangan, Donwhan or Hotan that are the chinese towns. If you see the maps, you will find everything you want to know about the location of each NPC and the names of the parts of the citys as the monsters that there are there.
  • The Townies are the "good" side or primary protagonist of Town of Salem. Their aim is to kill all "criminals and evil-doers", which are rival factions that harm the Town. These include: The Mafia, Neutral Chaos, and Neutral Killing roles (The Witch needs to be lynched if a Vigilante with bullets left is still alive). To that end, each innocent townsfolk contributes with varied abilities according to their roles, which are categorized into the Town Investigative, Town Killing, Town Protective, and Town Support alignments.
  • The regulations on hamlets, neighborhoods, villages, towns, and city sizes are described in the Public Law, Article 1 - Settlement Act, adopted in May 2011, replacing the Town and City Act of April 2008. Passages related to towns are listed below.
  • | The level of your Town Hall dictates the highest level you can upgrade your other buildings as well as the size of your Town. Once you reach the max level upgrading a certain building, you must upgrade your Town Hall to continue upgrading that particular building. You do this by accumulating and spending the minimum amount of building materials the game requests for each level-up. The advantage of having a higher level Town Hall will allow you to eventually expand your Town past its original perimeter and add even more buildings to your Town. The Town Hall houses 30 Survivors.
  • Towns are a gameplay concept in the Heroes of Might and Magic series. In towns players recruit heroes, purchase creatures. Heroes can learn spells. In Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest, towns were different only in graphics and creature dwellings. They didn't have any unique buildings. Towns in second installment weren't much different - they just got more common (available to all castles) buildings and some creatures' dwellings could be upgraded to improve their statistics.
Game Appearances
JPN Name
  • Welcome to the Town Center! This is often the first place you visit. If Club Penguin is having a party...this room is usually well decorated for it.
  • malogrod, malgrod, grod
  • grod
  • 27200
  • "town"
original upload date
  • Mar.10.2012
  • kraj
  • Brak
  • Sometime after Moon and Nuketown Zombies & sometime before TranZit
  • 2005-10-24
  • CIA Agents
  • CDC Agents
  • Wciąż otwarte
map size
  • Medium
  • Town
  • Town
  • Fire, Police, Transportation, Construction, Airports, Racing, Houses
  • 219
  • CPRewritten
Eng Name
  • Town
room id:
  • 100
  • None
Number of Areas
  • 3
Large Monsters
  • 300
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
  • Town
  • Town
  • Town
  • Yes
  • #CBEDFE; color:#143443
  • None
  • 1978
  • Town 2017 Stadium.png
  • Town Airport
  • Nautica
  • Race
  • Flight
  • Service and Repair
  • Extreme Team
  • Outback
  • Arctic
  • Rescue
  • Divers
  • Launch Command
  • Paradisa
  • City Center
  • World City
  • RSQ911
  • Res-Q
  • Town Jr.
  • Space Port ---- Renamings: City
  • 100
  • город, городок
  • Town Center
  • Always
  • Northern Hemisphere
wikipage disambiguates
  • Stadtleben
Related themes
Letztes Set
  • 1996
Erstes Set
  • 1978
  • varoš
  • варош
Area Icon
  • 50
Small Monsters
map creator
  • Pingu
recommended players
  • 8
map mode
  • Survival
  • This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the "Constructed Languages" section - "Postavjene Jezyki" - which includes "Slovio" "Novosloviensky" (NeoSlavonic) and "Slovianski". The "Slovio" project is no longer active. "Novosloviensky" and "Slovianski", on the other hand, have joined together as "INTERSLAVIC" or "MEDŽUSLOVJANSKI" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information.
  • Town (или центъра на града) е основната област, в Club Penguin. Градът е обикновено общество точка на много пингвини, тъй като това е първата област, че пингвините присъединят, освен ако има сто пингвини вече в града, в който случай тя ще наводнения в други места. Градът все още няма игри, но това е лесен начин за достъп до кафене нощен клуб, укреплението Snow, Dock и магазинa за подаръци. Също така е обикновено са добре декорирани за партита или поне винаги украсен.
  • Town on kaupunkien vilskeestä inspiraationsa ammentama teema. Sen settien mallit ovat usein rakennuksia tai autoja. Yhdessä Castlen ja Spacen kanssa se muodostaa SYSTEM-tuotesarjan perustan. Town-settejä on julkaistu erittäin yhtäjaksoisesti ja se onkin eräs pitkäikäisimmistä teemoista. Nykyisin Town tunnetaan nimellä City.
  • Rome, as the capital city, has certain amenities that other towns do not have.
  • A Town is a type of staging area that includes NPCs who offer a full set of services (e.g. Merchants and Henchmen). Regions rarely have more than one town and some do not have any (e.g. Ring of Fire Islands). Towns tend to supply local color, such as NPCs who don't serve a specific game function but offer history, gossip, or trivia related to the area. When the game specifies that something works while in town, it also works in outposts.
  • Town is a Survival Map for Zombie Panic: Source, being one of the original maps released with the mod.
  • The Town is a town in the Great Blight, located not far from the valley of Thakan'dar at the foot of Shayol Ghul. It is a sprawling, ramshackle settlement that has existed for over two thousand years and was constructed by forced labor. The Town is inhabited mainly by darkfriends and the people enslaved by them. It appears to follow some of the same rules as Shayol Ghul itself; for example, channeling can be restricted to those with the Great Lord's favor. Isam was raised in the Town from a very young age, and still uses it as a "base camp" when he is in the waking world. The Town also contains a great percentage of Samma N'Sei and their relatives.
  • Town is a basic GunZ map consisting of a small central area containing a clocktower, some wide streets, and a "back alley". It is a favorite for Team Death Matches.
  • Są zwykle dostępne z poziomu Mapy Świata i wolne od Losowych Potyczek, choć mogą tu mieć miejsce walki z bossami. Poza tym niektóre miasta znajdują się w pobliżu zamków, czasem same zamki mogą pełnić rolę miasta. W nielicznych przypadkach niektóre miasta są niedostępne (lub ich dostępność jest ograniczona) aż do pewnego etapu rozgrywki, a w innych sytuacjach są one dostępne tylko do określonego punktu w fabule. Najczęstszą muzyką odgrywaną w miastach w pierwszych odsłonach serii jest Motyw Miejski, różniący się w zależności od gry, ale będący zwykle łagodną i spokojną melodią.
  • A Town is a term used for populated locations in the Luminous Arc series of games. The term is purely informal and is not strictly used in game to refer to all populated locations as it is on this wiki for navigational purposes. The use of simply the word Town to refer to any noteworthy populated location is in fact derived from Arc Rise Fantasia where it is used in-game to designate such areas.
  • A town is not large enough to be a city, but is a gathering of several NPCs and buildings. Sometimes called a "hamlet", "village", etc. The distinction between a town and a very small settlement is fuzzy, but towns usually have more than one building, a flight path, and multiple vendors, but no bank or auction house and sometimes not even an inn. There are usually towns on the path towards cities or raids.
  • A town is not large enough to be a city, but is a gathering of several NPCs and buildings. Sometimes called a "hamlet", "village", etc. The distinction between a town and a very small settlement is fuzzy, but towns usually have more than one building, a flight path, and multiple vendors, but no bank or auction house and sometimes not even an inn. There are usually towns on the path towards cities or raids.
  • Towns are a gameplay concept in the Heroes of Might and Magic series. In towns players recruit heroes, purchase creatures. Heroes can learn spells. In Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest, towns were different only in graphics and creature dwellings. They didn't have any unique buildings. Towns in second installment weren't much different - they just got more common (available to all castles) buildings and some creatures' dwellings could be upgraded to improve their statistics. The third game in the series brought lots of new properties for different town types: some had Artifact Merchants - an addition to the normal marketplace. Also, grail structures were introduced, which increased income and brought some bonuses to the player. Some special structures gave bonuses to hero who defended against siege. There were introduced two classes of heroes per town - one for Might and one for Magic. Also different towns could have different levels of mage guilds available - for example barbaric stronghold could build only three levels of mage guild, and tower could have all five levels with most powerful spells In Heroes of Might and Magic IV, each town had associated magic school (except for Stronghold), has mage guilds of five levels with aligned school spells and extra buildings which add extra spells from other schools. Barbarian stronghold has some attack and defence boosting town structures. Also like in previous game each town has two hero classes associated with it with exception to stronghold which has only might-based hero barbarian. Completely new concept introduced in fourth instalment is introducing alternative dwellings - each town can build one of two dwellings for second, third and fourth levels and since one is built, the other one is disabled, though building other dwelling of the same level was possible through scripting of map. Heroes of Might and Magic V largely returned to the Heroes III mechanics, but still features a number of changes. Strict building interdependencies have been downplayed, partially replaced by requiring just an overall number of buildings build so far ("town level"). Each faction retained an associated magic school, with every level of Mage Guild guaranteed to have a spell of that school — as well as the lowered overall number of spells. Finally, in campaigns, most towns have bonuses revealed in the town's description, like an increased population of certain creatures, additional income or a lowered price for a non faction-specific war machine.
  • The Town is only in "Chibi Robo!: Park Patrol". It consists of the TV Store, the Flower Shop, the Alley, Monkey Burger, and a road. This is where you can get all friends. Around town, there will be boxes in the main part, and in the alley there will be boxes and garbage bags.
  • In 2015, TOWN Holdings became TOWN Media.
  • The town is one of the the main rooms in club penguin. You can often find penguins here announcing igloo parties or meetings.
  • Enemies (Dig Dug Arrangement) Boss: Robo Pooka Enemies (Dig Dug Remix) Boss: Mega Ant Minner
  • The Town is the central room of Club Penguin Rewritten and is the place where players first visit when they login. It is almost always decorated for parties. Players can access the Coffee Shop, the Dance Club, the Gift Shop, the Snow Forts and the Dock from here.
  • | The level of your Town Hall dictates the highest level you can upgrade your other buildings as well as the size of your Town. Once you reach the max level upgrading a certain building, you must upgrade your Town Hall to continue upgrading that particular building. You do this by accumulating and spending the minimum amount of building materials the game requests for each level-up. The advantage of having a higher level Town Hall will allow you to eventually expand your Town past its original perimeter and add even more buildings to your Town. A sign post with the Arrow Up button will appear in front of a building if you have everything needed to upgrade it (Town Hall high enough level, enough food/materials). The Town Hall houses 30 Survivors.
  • Town jest centrum całego Club Penguin. Zawsze jest pełen pingwinów. Town słynny jest ze swoich sklepów i zawsze dekorowany jest na Imprezach. Znajduje się tutaj Coffee Shop, Dance Club i Clothes Shop, dzięki czemu jest bardzo ruchliwy. Z Town można także dojść do Dock oraz Snow Forts.
  • The town is a place in MySims Party DS.
  • Town generally refers to one of the following:
  • Town on Luokka:club penguinin keskusta
  • The town was first designed on 10th December 2008. It has 2 rooms in it Grub and Store. The town looks alot like the CP town.
  • Town war die erste Baureihe, die sich nur um das Stadtleben kümmerte. 1978 wurde diese Baureihe ins Leben gerufen, mir dem erscheinen der ersten Minifiguren. Davor gab es auch schon immer mal Baukästen, die zu einer Stadt gehörten, diese erschien in den Baureihen LEGOLAND oder Town Plan. Über die Jahre entwickelten sich mehrere Unterserien, wie z.B. Feuerwehr oder Rettungsteams. Dieses wurde besonders ab dem Jahr 1985 so aufgeteilt, da die Anzahl der Baukästen zunahm. 1997 wurde Town durch Town Jr. abgelöst und nach mehreren kleineren Baureihen kam World City im Jahr 2003, das im Jahr 2005 in City umbenannt wurde. Town ist heute auch die Bezeichnung für eine Themenwelt und z.B. die Baureihe City wird dieser Themenwelt zugeordnet.
  • circle 214 69 25 Base Camp circle 159 117 29 Area 1 circle 97 191 34 Area 2 circle 84 51 43 Area 3 desc none
  • A town was a settlement larger than a village and smaller than a city. The town square was the center of community life. Captain Christopher Pike was born in Mojave. Fifty miles of parkland were around this town. (TOS: "The Cage" )
  • The regulations on hamlets, neighborhoods, villages, towns, and city sizes are described in the Public Law, Article 1 - Settlement Act, adopted in May 2011, replacing the Town and City Act of April 2008. Passages related to towns are listed below. * Article 1 - Settlement Act 1. * A town is a mid-sized settlement that does not border the urban areas of a more populous settlement. 2. 1. * A town must: 3. 2. 1. * Have a population of at least five thousand and at most twenty thousand. 4. 3. 2. 1. * If a town's population drops below five thousand, it is classified as a village. 5. 4. 3. 2. * If a town's population rises above twenty thousand, it is classified as a city. 6. 5. * A town may have a village or hamlet affiliate with the town if Congress recognizes this affiliation by a simple majority. 7. 6. * A town may have a new, bordering, distinct urban area become a neighborhood of the town if Congress recognizes this affiliation by a simple majority. 8. 7. * If a town borders a less populous settlement, the smaller settlement may become a neighborhood of the town if Congress recognizes this affiliation by a simple majority.
  • The Inn heals the characters and restores all LP in exchange for gold.
  • A Town or settlement is a generic term for the File:Hamlet.pngOutposts, File:Hamlet.pngHamlets, File:Village.pngVillages, File:Town.pngTowns, File:City.pngCities, and File:Capital.pngCapitals that make up your empire. You start the game with only a single settlement -- a Hamlet with a population of 4,000 (4 figures), but it is important to acquire more, as settlements provide the vast majority of the resources your empire will need.
  • Town was introduced as a theme in 1978, when the first minifigures were released. Before this time, there have already been several LEGO sets that were centred around present day town life. These, were part of the LEGOLAND and Town Plan themes. Originally, all town life-related sets that were minifigure compatible were released directly under the Town theme. Exceptions were several Enviro-Model and promotional sets, as well as Dacta sets. Floating boats were released under a different theme additionally, as were trains. Starting in 1985, an increasing number of Town sets would be released as a part of different subthemes that focused on specific aspects of town life, such as airports and planes, racing sport or sea ports. From 1993 to 1996 all police- and firefighter-related sets were a part of the subtheme Rescue. Initially, all of these town-subthemes only involved everyday town life. With the advent of Launch Command, Divers and Arctic the setting was expanded beyond the scope of a simple town or city. Town was now about everything one could find on present-day Earth. 1997 brought some major changes. Most of the sets that involved Town''s former core themes (like police and firefighters) were released as part of Town Jr. and many established subthemes, such as Rescue, Flight or Paradisa, were discontinued. The new subtheme featured especially simple building techniques and designs. Town Jr. was succeeded by City Center in 1999. After City Center's discontinuation in 2001, Town was virtually nonexistent. Only promotional sets and re-released set were released during 2001 untill 2002. Some town-related themes were introduced in that period, including Jack Stone in 2001 and Island Xtreme Stunts in 2002. Town was brought back to life when it was renamed to World City in 2003. The new Town involved police, firefighters and Coast Guard and was, more action-oriented, with no sets featuring construction sites or airports. City trains were also packaged under the World City title. In 2005 World City was renamed City. It featured the first construction vehicles released since the end of City Center. In the following years more sets that were picking up Town's classic core themes were released, including an airport, a hospital and a harbour. In 2009 the first-ever LEGO System farm was released. *: As verified by The LEGO Book.
  • __TOC__ File:TownMapNL.png The town or village is the setting of all Animal Crossing series games. The town is the home for a variety of villagers who live inside houses, and special characters who work within the variety of different , which act as the industrial and commercial areas of the town. Each Town is different and customizable by the player, who can cut down trees and plant flowers wherever they choose. It is further customized by where the villagers decide to move to, and where each building is placed at the start of the game. In all games in the series , the town has a Town Hall, Able Sisters store (not in Animal Forest), a Nook store and Museum (not in Animal Forest). Some games have unique buildings or structures, such as the Town Gate, Police Station, and Post Office.
  • The Town is unique to the player, and provides many different buffs from constructed buildings. The only resource you need to build up your Town is Wood from Logging. You you can also use Elixir to speed up the construction of buildings, but it is't mandatory to do so, provided you're patient enough.
  • The Town is an area introduced in Monster Hunter 2. It is located in and around Dundorma and is often the target of attacks from Elder Dragons and other powerful monsters. __TOC__
  • The Townies are the "good" side or primary protagonist of Town of Salem. Their aim is to kill all "criminals and evil-doers", which are rival factions that harm the Town. These include: The Mafia, Neutral Chaos, and Neutral Killing roles (The Witch needs to be lynched if a Vigilante with bullets left is still alive). To that end, each innocent townsfolk contributes with varied abilities according to their roles, which are categorized into the Town Investigative, Town Killing, Town Protective, and Town Support alignments. Compared to the other factions, the Town's primary method of elimination is by lynching the evil-doers in trial, due to their relative size in membership, as well as the abundance of intelligence gathering roles. Using the correct information and using the Townies' majority, the evil-doers will be lynched after voting. This doesn't mean the Townies lack the ability to directly kill their enemies, nor does it mean they are sitting ducks waiting to be killed should the lynching not go as smoothly as planned. The Town Killing and Town Protective roles are there precisely for this reason. But these roles can't reliably win the game for any Townies. Active and accurate lynchings are still very much desired and needed to win games. It is thus crucial for the Townies to accurately parse the truths from the lies, which their enemies will no doubt spread. It is also important for them to act and not be passive at trials before they lose their majority to the evil-doers, as innocent townsfolk die every night, their doom draws ever nearer.
  • Die Town (englisch für Stadt, Innenstadt) ist eine gern besuchte Gegend Club Penguins. Da sich der Nightclub (Die Disco), der Coffee Shop (das Café) und der Gift Shop (der Geschenke- und Souvenirladen) auf diesem Grundstück befinden, ist die Stadt neben dem Plaza ein guter Ort, um neue Leute kennenzulernen und Buddys zu finden. Zudem ist er eine Art Zentrum von Club Penguin und ein sehr belebter Ort.
  • Town ist ein Ort auf der Map Green Run im Überlebenskampf von Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Der Spieler kann sich zwischen dem Modus Überlebenskampf oder dem neuen Modus Schmerz entscheiden. Die Map ist auch über den Modus TranZit zugänglich. In Town ist es möglich seine Punkte an andere Mitspieler weiterzugeben.
  • Town is one of the four sub-maps in Green Run. It also is one of the major areas in TranZit mode.
  • A town is a place where you can go to be safe or to refill your ammunition. In this place, players nor monsters won't be able to atack you and you will find a lot of NPCs who will sell you some goods such as weapons, armors, shields, etc. There are some towns in the world of Silk Road Online such as Jangan, Donwhan or Hotan that are the chinese towns. If you see the maps, you will find everything you want to know about the location of each NPC and the names of the parts of the citys as the monsters that there are there. Also, many Non-playable charectors offer quests to the player that may including hunting monsters, collecting items, and delivering items.
  • This is a disambiguation for all the towns in the Just Cause game series. A town is a medium sized settlement, larger than a Village but smaller than a City.
  • A town is a great gathering of buildings built by men, in which they live and work. Towns first arose thousands of years ago in Sumer (today's southern Irak). This leaf is a stub. You can help the Anglish Moot by swelling it.
  • As revealed in 27th Night, the town houses the headquarters of the Vampire Hunter Association. The majority of the population consists of hunters and others associated with them. The town also has a cemetery where Ichiru Kiryu, the Kiryu's (Zero's parents), and Yuki's childhood caretaker Momoyama are buried.
  • They are usually accessed via world map and are void of random encounters, although boss battles may occur in towns. Final Fantasy VIII is a notable exception where many town areas also serve as playable areas with monster encounters, depending on when the town is visited in the game. Some towns may be located near castles, or castles may even be towns themselves. In few cases, access into towns is restricted until a certain point in the game. The usual background music for towns in early installments of the series is each game's town theme, usually a calm and peaceful melody.
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