  • Asteria
  • Asteria
  • Asteria
  • Asteria
  • Asteria is a Terran Dominion world famed for its saffron-hued sunsets and large canyons. Its most famous landform is the Long Shadow canyons. It was a site of a Zerg Swarm incursion during Brood War at the Battle of Asteria. The zerg were finally pushed back into the Long Shadow canyons by a combined infantry and armored assault, and the hive was destroyed, ending the zerg threat to the planet.
  • Asteria (Greek: Ἀστερία) is the Titaness goddess of oracles, prophetic dreams, astrology and necromanc. She was the daughter of Koios and Phoebe, and the sister of Leto. Asteria flung herself into the Aegean Sea in the form of a quail in order to escape the advances of Zeus. She became the "quail island" of Ortygia. Later, the island Asteria was identified with Delos, which was the only piece of earth to give refuge to the fugitive Leto when, pregnant with Zeus's children, she was pursued by vengeful Hera. She was married to the Titan Perses and had a daughter wth him named Hekate.
  • Asteria was a minor crime lord active during the Galactic Civil War. The criminal operated from a fortified townhouse. Soon after being exiled from the planet Kashyyyk, the Wookiee Snoova worked as an indentured mercenary for Asteria. After Snoova served the length of his contract, Asteria released him from service.
  • Asteria is a subordinate and technical advisor of Darkilov.
  • Satellites Location: Milky Way / Hades Nexus / Hekate System / First planet <default>Colony</default> Asari Prerequisite: Priority: Rannoch (Mass Effect 3)
  • In Greek mythology, Asteria (Greek: αστερία, "of the stars, starry one") was a name attributed to the following eight individuals:
  • Asteria was a titan goddess and the wife of Perses. They only had one child Hecate. During the titanomachy Asteria's husband was imprisoned in Tartarus with most of the titans. After the defeat of the titans Asteria fled to the ocean and turned into a island named Delos the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis.
  • In some accounts, after the Titanomachy and Perses' imprisonment, Zeus attempted to seduce Asteria but she fled into the sea, where she turned herself into a quail and, later, the isle of Delos, where her sister gave birth.
  • Asteria, ein bewohnbarer und für seine trockenen Schwefelwüsten bekannter Planet, ist nur an den beiden Polen kolonisiert, um die ungemütlichen Temperaturen in Äquatornähe von bis zu 65 Grad Celsius zu vermeiden. In den Meeren gibt es zwar eine primitive Fauna, aber nur die wenigsten Spezies können an Land leben. Die Erde bleibt widerstandsfähigen Pflanzen überlassen, die kein Problem mit der extremen Hitze haben. Auf Asteria gibt es blühende Agrarkolonien von Menschen und Asari, aber produzierende Industrie oder Ressourcenabbau jedweder Art findet so gut wie nicht statt.
  • thumb|AsteriaHabitable malgré ses déserts arides et sulfureux, Asteria est colonisé près des pôles pour éviter des températures pouvant atteindre 65°C dans les latitudes méridionales. Alors que les eaux contiennent des formes primitives de vie animale, elles sont inadaptées à la chaleur extrême de la vie terrestre, qui se résume donc à une flore vivace. Asteria abrite deux colonies agraires prospères, l'une humaine, l'autre asari, mais compte très peu d'infrastructures minières ou industrielles.
  • Name: Asteria Real Name: Lianna Griffith, but she never gives that out as her name. She will introduce herself as Asteria only. Race: Human Age: 24 Height: 6'2 Weight: 132 IB Hair: Dark Brown/Black Skin Tone: Dark Tan Skin Texture: Rough, calloused and scarred. Eye Color: Gray-silver Accent: Silver Marches (Slight Everlund accent) Recognizable Features: Tattoos on her thighs, biceps and shins. Deep scars around her neck that resemble claw marks from a wolf. Has her nose and ears pierced. Spoken Languages: Common Left or Right Handed: Right-handed Deity: Tempus but will pay respect to Red Knight.
  • En la mitología griega, Asteria (del griego αστερια, ‘estrella’) era el nombre de al menos tres personajes diferentes: * Una titánide, hija de Ceo y Febe. Perseguida por Zeus, que intentaba tomarla, se arrojó al mar para escapar de él. Así se convirtió en la isla errante llamada por unos Asteria y por otros Ortigia. Más adelante se le cambió el nombre por el de Delos. Alternativamente, se transformó en codorniz para evitar a Zeus. *Algunos autores la consideran madre de Hécate con el titán Perses. * Una ninfa que se convirtió en codorniz para escapar de Zeus.
  • 0.800000
  • 8
  • 1.300000
  • 13
  • 25
  • N/A
  • Erdstunden
  • Erdjahre
  • Out of the Picture
  • 21.400000
  • 214
  • Gartenwelt
  • 1.200000
  • 12
  • Out of the Picture
  • Terran Dominion
  • N/A
  • Large canyons
  • Asteria
  • Asteria
  • Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
  • Criminal
  • Technical Advisor
  • Planet View
  • Planetenansicht
  • First Night, Part 2
  • Hades Nexus
  • Hades-Nexus
  • white
  • 2186
  • 188000000
  • Hekate
  • Hekate
  • 5900
  • erster
  • first
  • Blackdamp
  • Blackdamp
  • 1.500000
  • 15
  • Female
  • Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
  • 2044
  • AE
  • Asteria is a Terran Dominion world famed for its saffron-hued sunsets and large canyons. Its most famous landform is the Long Shadow canyons. It was a site of a Zerg Swarm incursion during Brood War at the Battle of Asteria. The zerg were finally pushed back into the Long Shadow canyons by a combined infantry and armored assault, and the hive was destroyed, ending the zerg threat to the planet.
  • Asteria (Greek: Ἀστερία) is the Titaness goddess of oracles, prophetic dreams, astrology and necromanc. She was the daughter of Koios and Phoebe, and the sister of Leto. Asteria flung herself into the Aegean Sea in the form of a quail in order to escape the advances of Zeus. She became the "quail island" of Ortygia. Later, the island Asteria was identified with Delos, which was the only piece of earth to give refuge to the fugitive Leto when, pregnant with Zeus's children, she was pursued by vengeful Hera. She was married to the Titan Perses and had a daughter wth him named Hekate.
  • En la mitología griega, Asteria (del griego αστερια, ‘estrella’) era el nombre de al menos tres personajes diferentes: * Una titánide, hija de Ceo y Febe. Perseguida por Zeus, que intentaba tomarla, se arrojó al mar para escapar de él. Así se convirtió en la isla errante llamada por unos Asteria y por otros Ortigia. Más adelante se le cambió el nombre por el de Delos. Alternativamente, se transformó en codorniz para evitar a Zeus. *Algunos autores la consideran madre de Hécate con el titán Perses. La sexta de las Amazonas a la que Heracles mató cuando fue a buscar el cinturón de Hipólita. Las Amazonas (de las que Hipólita era la reina) sabían que Heracles era invencible pero aún así lucharon contra él. * Una ninfa que se convirtió en codorniz para escapar de Zeus.
  • Asteria was a minor crime lord active during the Galactic Civil War. The criminal operated from a fortified townhouse. Soon after being exiled from the planet Kashyyyk, the Wookiee Snoova worked as an indentured mercenary for Asteria. After Snoova served the length of his contract, Asteria released him from service.
  • thumb|AsteriaHabitable malgré ses déserts arides et sulfureux, Asteria est colonisé près des pôles pour éviter des températures pouvant atteindre 65°C dans les latitudes méridionales. Alors que les eaux contiennent des formes primitives de vie animale, elles sont inadaptées à la chaleur extrême de la vie terrestre, qui se résume donc à une flore vivace. Asteria abrite deux colonies agraires prospères, l'une humaine, l'autre asari, mais compte très peu d'infrastructures minières ou industrielles. RECOMMANDATIONS AUX VOYAGEURS : les concentrations de dioxyde de carbone peuvent atteindre 2 500 parties par million dans l'atmosphère d'Asteria. Les citoyens sont avisés de transporter une réserver d'oxygène pour les enfants et les personnes âgées. Consultez votre représentant gouvernemental pour de plus amples informations sur les systèmes de détection des animaux de compagnie et autres mesures préliminaires. COMMUNIQUE DE L'ALLIANCE : des Geth ont été signalés dans le système Hekate. Tout transit civil est interdit. * Date de fondation : 2044 (ère commune) * Population : 188 003 870 * Capitale : Blackdamp * Demi-grand axe : 1.3 UA * Période de révolution : 1.5 année terrestre * Rayon : 5 900 km * Période de rotation : 21.4 heures terrestres * Pression atmosphérique : 1.2 atm * Température en surface : 25°C * Pesanteur en surface : 0.8 g
  • Name: Asteria Real Name: Lianna Griffith, but she never gives that out as her name. She will introduce herself as Asteria only. Race: Human Age: 24 Height: 6'2 Weight: 132 IB Hair: Dark Brown/Black Skin Tone: Dark Tan Skin Texture: Rough, calloused and scarred. Eye Color: Gray-silver Accent: Silver Marches (Slight Everlund accent) Recognizable Features: Tattoos on her thighs, biceps and shins. Deep scars around her neck that resemble claw marks from a wolf. Has her nose and ears pierced. Spoken Languages: Common Left or Right Handed: Right-handed Deity: Tempus but will pay respect to Red Knight. Class: Barbarian (5) Alignment: True/Chaotic Neutral Weapon of Choice: Great-axe and will pick up a longbow if she needs to.
  • Asteria, ein bewohnbarer und für seine trockenen Schwefelwüsten bekannter Planet, ist nur an den beiden Polen kolonisiert, um die ungemütlichen Temperaturen in Äquatornähe von bis zu 65 Grad Celsius zu vermeiden. In den Meeren gibt es zwar eine primitive Fauna, aber nur die wenigsten Spezies können an Land leben. Die Erde bleibt widerstandsfähigen Pflanzen überlassen, die kein Problem mit der extremen Hitze haben. Auf Asteria gibt es blühende Agrarkolonien von Menschen und Asari, aber produzierende Industrie oder Ressourcenabbau jedweder Art findet so gut wie nicht statt. HINWEIS FÜR REISENDE: Die Konzentration von Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre von Asteria kann 2500 Teile pro Million erreichen. Bürger sollten daher für Kinder und Senioren stets zusätzlichen Sauerstoff mitführen. Die lokalen Behörden sind Ihnen bei Frühwarnsystemen mit Tieren und ähnlichen Schutzmaßnahmen gerne behilflich. MELDUNG DER ALLIANZ: Im Hekate-System kam es zu Zusammenstößen mit Geth. Jeder zivile Raumverkehr ist daher bis auf Weiteres untersagt.
  • Asteria is a subordinate and technical advisor of Darkilov.
  • Satellites Location: Milky Way / Hades Nexus / Hekate System / First planet <default>Colony</default> Asari Prerequisite: Priority: Rannoch (Mass Effect 3)
  • In Greek mythology, Asteria (Greek: αστερία, "of the stars, starry one") was a name attributed to the following eight individuals:
  • Asteria was a titan goddess and the wife of Perses. They only had one child Hecate. During the titanomachy Asteria's husband was imprisoned in Tartarus with most of the titans. After the defeat of the titans Asteria fled to the ocean and turned into a island named Delos the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis.
  • In some accounts, after the Titanomachy and Perses' imprisonment, Zeus attempted to seduce Asteria but she fled into the sea, where she turned herself into a quail and, later, the isle of Delos, where her sister gave birth.
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