  • 380
  • 380
  • 380
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  • El trescientos ochenta (380) es el número natural que sigue al 379 y precede al 381. Categoría:Números
  • Jenny hat die Ansage ihrer Mutter hart getroffen. Sie will allen Zweiflern zum Trotz beweisen, dass sie es wieder ganz nach oben schaffen kann. Jenny trainiert hart, doch an die alte Form anzuknüpfen erweist sich schwieriger, als gedacht - Jenny will das Handtuch werfen. Da bietet ihr Maximilian einen Ausweg. Marian schafft es nicht, Nadja davon zu überzeugen, dass das Erotikmagazin unter seinem Bett nicht ihm gehört. Die Beiden geraten in heftigen Streit, was Nina zufrieden zur Kenntnis nimmt. Doch Marian hat Nina durchschaut und stellt sie zur Rede. Trotz der erhaltenen Abfuhr, macht Mike Annette weiter Avancen. legt Mike nahe, auszuziehen. Doch Mike ist hartnäckiger, als die Beiden gedacht hätten...
  • Andre DuPres and Countess Natalie DuPres insist on Josette DuPres marrying Barnabas Collins tonight. A marriage ceremony must take place, Natalie tells her niece, before it is too late. Angelique Bouchard is frozen with shock; she has little time left to stop the wedding.
  • 380
  • 1967-12-04
  • 375
  • 1795
  • 1967-12-08
  • 380
  • thumb|right| __TOC__
  • El trescientos ochenta (380) es el número natural que sigue al 379 y precede al 381. Categoría:Números
  • Andre DuPres and Countess Natalie DuPres insist on Josette DuPres marrying Barnabas Collins tonight. A marriage ceremony must take place, Natalie tells her niece, before it is too late. Angelique Bouchard is frozen with shock; she has little time left to stop the wedding. Josette demands an explanation, and Natalie reveals the someone within the house intends for her to marry someone other than Barnabas. This leaves Josette bewildered, but André convinces his daughter to go along with his sister's wishes. There is still the matter of the missing Joshua Collins, and André regrets not having his daughter and Barnabas marry in Paris as he wanted them to be. He suggests canceling the wedding altogether and returning to Martinique. Josette protests, and Natalie points out that her niece will be the subject of scandal is she returns home without a husband. The wedding will take place tonight, Josette agrees, but only after she speaks with Barnabas about it. André and Natalie leave Josette alone with Angelique, who privately seethes at the change of circumstances. Angelique offers to soothe Josette's troubled brow with the tainted rose-water, but Josette refuses. Josette thanks Angelique for being kind to her, unseeing the rage in the other woman's eyes. In Angelique's room, Ben Stokes approaches the cat with a hatchet and prepares to repay the transformed Joshua for all the pain and trouble he caused. But Angelique comes in and stops him. Ben begs her to have pity and allow him to dispose of Joshua, but Angelique promises that the Collins patriarch will show him more respect once he is human again. Ben will be granted his revenge only when she has had hers first. Angelique informs him of Barnabas and Josette's impending wedding, and Ben laughs at the fact all her plans to stop the marriage have failed. She plans to cast a new spell and instructs a reluctant Ben to steal something belonging to Jeremiah Collins. Meanwhile, in the parlor, Barnabas agrees to marry Josette tonight. Josette promises to make him very happy, and Barnabas assures her that she has already done so. The lovers kiss. Barnabas leaves to collect the minister from the village. Later that night, Ben has returned to Angelique with one of Jeremiah's handkerchiefs. She begins to fold the cloth into a flower amulet, and then tells Ben that she will sprinkle it with the tainted rose-water and pin it to Josette's wedding gown. Ben, astounded by the lengths Angelique will go to, reckons she cares only for herself. Angelique assures him she only hurts those who hurt her and that, after tonight, Barnabas will have good reason to stop loving Josette because she will belong to Jeremiah. In Josette's room, Natalie helps her nervous and excited niece prepare for the wedding. Angelique enters and offers Josette the amulet, which she claims will bring happiness and good fortune to the marriage. Angelique asks Josette to wear the amulet, but Josette dismisses it as a "silly superstition". Angelique breaks down in tears, and Natalie convinces Josette to wear the "good luck charm". Angelique gratefully pins the amulet to Josette's gown, and Josette falls under its spell. Downstairs, the reverend wonders why Barnabas changed the wedding plans so abruptly. Barnabas is saved from an explanation by Natalie's arrival, and the Countess informs André that Josette is not yet ready. Angelique enters with a tray of glasses and a bottle of champagne, which shocks the reverend who is unaccustomed to the French ways. André, impatient for the wedding to start, leaves to get Josette. But Josette is nowehere to be found, and André discovers all of his daughter's clothes are missing. André searches for Josette, informing those assembled downstairs that she is gone. Angelique takes a triumphant drink of champagne.
  • Jenny hat die Ansage ihrer Mutter hart getroffen. Sie will allen Zweiflern zum Trotz beweisen, dass sie es wieder ganz nach oben schaffen kann. Jenny trainiert hart, doch an die alte Form anzuknüpfen erweist sich schwieriger, als gedacht - Jenny will das Handtuch werfen. Da bietet ihr Maximilian einen Ausweg. Marian schafft es nicht, Nadja davon zu überzeugen, dass das Erotikmagazin unter seinem Bett nicht ihm gehört. Die Beiden geraten in heftigen Streit, was Nina zufrieden zur Kenntnis nimmt. Doch Marian hat Nina durchschaut und stellt sie zur Rede. Trotz der erhaltenen Abfuhr, macht Mike Annette weiter Avancen. legt Mike nahe, auszuziehen. Doch Mike ist hartnäckiger, als die Beiden gedacht hätten...
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