  • Class
  • Class
  • Class
  • Class
  • Class
  • Class
  • Class
  • A Class, sometimes called a Job, is a specialization chosen by players when they create their Player Characters. Each class has its own advantages and disadvantages.
  • Class is a term used in Object-Oriented Programming, and in Java it refers to a term that defines how a set of objects is laid out. A class defines all of the Attributes and Methods associated with the objects in that class. Classes are essential in object-oriented programming because they form the base structure for objects and the interactions they can make with other objects.
  • There are 6 primary classes of Warrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist and Muse which go from character creation to Level 9. Each primary class has sub-classes, chosen when a character ascends and attains the ability to specialize in their chosen class. Once chosen, there is no ability to change the choice, so making the decision is a final one. Each class offers different strengths and abilities, such as healing, tanking, melee or ranged damage dealing, and a variety of buffs. To find out more about a specific class, click on the link below.
  • Classes in Phantasy Star Online combine a character's race, gender, and one of three focuses: melee weapons (hunter), ranged weapons (ranger), or elemental and support techniques (force). Your character's class cannot be changed in Phantasy Star Online except by recreating the character.
  • Class designates a specific type of . Certain enhancements will give bonuses against certain classes. Player characters are clone until they chose a specific class.
  • In Dofus, you can choose from one of seventeen different classes upon creating a new player character. Each class is endowed with their own set of unique abilities, as they grow in level, they can invest characteristic points at specific Soft Caps to diverge as different elemental builds (Fire, Air, Earth/Neutral, Water). There are further pseudo-classes in the form of Incarnations and Sidekicks.
  • A class is essentially a "job" in which attributes and skills define the character. A character's class determines what type of armor and weapons they may equip. There are currently six classes to choose from. Any of the three races can be any of the classes.
  • Class is the character's occupation. Many classes are available in Dragon's Gate but some are restricted from certain racial/alignment/religious combinations.
  • This article is a general viewing of what happens in a graduate classroom (test)
  • Εδώ παρουσιάζονται τα διάφορα class που μπορείτε να διαλέξετε στο παιχνίδι. * Πατώντας το Quest μπορείτε να δείτε τις οδηγίες για το Quest που χρείαζετε να ολοκληρώσετε για να αλλάξετε σε αντίστοιχο class * Πατώντας το Skills μπορείτε να δείτε τα skills που έχει το αντίστοιχο class * Πατώντας το το όνομα του κάθε class (π.χ. Human Knight) μπορείτε να δείτε μια γενική περιγραφή του class, τα ειδικά skills που έχει, όδηγους για αυτό το class (εάν υπάρχουν) και άλλα.
  • thumb|350pxClass est une série télévisée de science-fiction pour adolescents et jeunes adultes produit par la BBC Three depuis 2016.Elle raconte l'histoire d'un groupe d'élèves et d'une professeur dans l'école Coal Hill School, école où enseignaient Clara Oswald, Ian Chesterton, et Barbara Wright, où étudiait Susan Foreman et qui est apparue dans le première épisode de Doctor Who An Unearthly Child (TV). Clara Oswald n'apparaitra pas dans la série. Les méchants iconique du Docteurs n'apparaitront pas non plus (Anges pleureurs ...).
  • Class is a category given to every NPC in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
  • Classes are the various types of phantoms that may be recruited.
  • Class is a Character's class. This can be either a Main Character class or a Mercenary Class. There are 13 Main Character classes and over 70 Mercenary classes in Atlantica Online.
  • Class is referred to as the naming of multiple ranking systems across SS, such as Game Difficulty, Racing Machine Top Speed, Experience Levels, and, most importantly, Player Loyalty for real-life SS services. The distributions for each Class and their description for each category for which it serves is described below.
  • List of current classes in the game. You need the one above it in tree to qualify for next one. * Berserker * Raging Spirit * Desperation * Death Wish * Paladin * Faith Healing * Shield Mastery * Crusader * Assassin * Poison Mastery * Shadow Stalking * Sneak Attack * Swashbuckler * Finesse Fighting * Swordplay * Two-weapon Fighting * Necromancer * Reanimation * Dark Warrior * Soul Mastery * Elementalist * Ice Focus * Fire Focus
  • Aids in the swimming pool
  • クラスと読む。SIMハードウェア世代のこと。 Class1から始まり 2008年1月時点の最新は Class5。Class3が 2007年2月で稼動停止したため(→公式ブログ記事)、稼動しているのは Class4と Class5のみである。 Help - About Second Lifeからでる詳細情報で表示される番号を見ることで Classを特定することができると言われているが未確認。 2008年2月から Class4→Class5のアップグレードおよび、Class4と Class5の既存ホストを利用しているオーナー向けに稼動 Regionの入替サービスが始まるとのこと。(有料) 参考:クラス・アップグレード、クラス入替について
  • Class or more appropriately Character Class in Diablo III is one of several distinct races of human beings with their respective sets of advantages, disadvantages, abilities, skill-sets and attributes, available to the player to select their playing character from. The selection of character class must be done at the beginning and can not be changed. Players' choice of character class largely influences their playing strategy, inventory preferences and overall gameplay experience. Unlike previous editions (Diablo and Diablo II), classes in Diablo III are playable as a male as well as a female character, with their own distinct 3D models, voicing and animations.
  • There are 8 classes overall. Every class has pros and cons, which are listed below. A pro [+] means that the class has a certain strength. A neutral [=] fact means that the class can either be beneficial or detrimental depending on the setup and situation the player is in. A con [-] indicates a weakness that the class has.
  • The acronym CLASS may refer to: * Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System * Consular Lookout and Support System
  • There are three primary classes, each with two subclasses. It is important to choose wisely because the weapons and skills available to each class are limited.
  • There are eight classes to choose from when creating a character. Each class is allowed to learn different class spells, and has a different growth rate for their characteristics. See damage table for their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Every individual unit has a class. Their class determines their weapon proficiencies, statistics, movement range, jump height, throw range and throw height. Each class has several tiers that can be reincarnated into with higher stats.
  • Classes, chosen upon Character Creation, determine the stats that will be upgraded on level-up when the level you gain is not a multiple of 3 (if it is a multiple of 3, then you gain your Race bonus instead). Though characters are always able to use all Weapons and Combat Chips, they will generally deal more damage while using weapons or combat chips that scale with one of their class stats.
  • Class also known as Poppy is a macro virus by VicodinES. It is one of the first macro viruses to work successfully under Word 97. This virus is also polymorphic.
  • A Class (plural: classes) is a taxanomic rank in Linnaean classification, the rank above it is Phylum and the rank below it is Order. This rank further splits into Subclass.
  • A class (vocation/job) is a specific role classification given to party characters in the Dragon Quest series.
  • There are nine distinct classes in the World of Kung Fu. Each one centers around a preferred fighting Weapon, and each has a different set of Class spells to use.
  • Everybody begins the game as an adventurer, but once a players combat level has reached 15, and job level has reached 20, players are given the option to change class, to either magician, archer or swordsman. It is almost impossible to see a high levelled adventurer, as the adventurer class has many disadvantages (quite weak, no Specialist Cards). The Sorcerer specialises in ranged magical attacks which use MP. The Archer specialises in speedy ranged attacks. The Swordsmen specialises in tanking, due to their high HP and strength.
  • A starship's class describes its relative size. The term class also determines how far a ship can move. Certain Special Abilities also depend on a ship's class.
  • Only spell changes, skill and feat changes affect these classes: * Fighter * Monk * Rogue Multiclassing is described in separate article.
  • Class determines many important features for a character, including role, hit points, powers, class features, weapon, implement, and armor proficiencies, and skills. Individual classes are often prerequisites for feats, paragon paths, and so on. Some classes have more specialized subclasses.
  • Classes are a type of profession in Tales Of Pirates. Class Skills are skills that are specific for each class. More information about these can be found here. Some classes are playable by you while others are not. NPCs for example have classes, such as teleporters or traders, while players may play as explorer or sharpshooter and many others.
  • Each pin is categorized in one of six classes, which restrict deck configuration. Classes are designed to encourage deck variety. All non-noise pins of a particular psych are assigned a specific class.
  • De Class is een basiskeuze van een character in Lord of the Rings Online die je skills en andere krachten bepaald en ook je stats affecteert, deeds, en het equipment wat je kunt dragen/gebruiken. De Classes die je kunt kiezen zijn bepaald door de keuze van race. P=Primair, S=Secundair * alleen bij de uitbreiding Mines of Moria bron: handleiding LotRO, uit het engels vertaald door Bathor Sharparrow
  • In the ROBLOX object system, a class is a type of object that can be created. Each class has a class name and may have multiple members—properties, methods, events and callbacks—that can be used to manipulate instances of the class. A class can inherit members from another class if it is a subclass of that class. Classes can be instantiated with the function. To see a list of classes, click .
  • A class is one part of a title assigned to a player of Sburb, the other part being aspect. There are twelve known normal classes and two "master" classes, making 14 known classes in total. Classes describe the intended role of a particular player in Sburb, and how they can use their aspect. A few class mechanics have been explicitly explained, others only implied.
  • __TOC__ There are seventeen currently confirmed Classes for Wakfu, based on the twelve classes originally found in Dofus and five more which were added later.
  • During battle, the Class Rank gauge is displayed for each playable character. Once the gauge is full, the Class will be levelled up. All party members have a fixed class. Some playable characters have an alternative class that are a sort of combination of two classes, for example Doug's class is an Alternative Blast Fencer, noted "Blast Fencer +" in-game. Cross is the only party member who can select a class.
  • You can have up to 2 classes or/jobs such as the Secondary Class This page is a candidate for deletion. If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talk:Candidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {{delete}} tag. Remember to check what links here and the [ the page history] before deleting.
  • The detectives investigate the murder of a Hudson University student, whose body was found in a seedy alley. The search of the victim's dorm room turns up a suspiciously large amount of cash.
  • Class, known as Types in Universe, are a recurring mechanic in the Phantasy Star series. Introduced in the first Phantasy Star Online, Classes are a method of categorizing characters based on individual strengths and abilities, with exclusive traits specific to each Class.
  • Due to the flexiblity of the game, there aren't any actual classes in S4 League, but knowing what to do is very important. Classes help determine style of play. Roles are sub-catagorized under class. In S4 as a whole, there are Offensive and Defensive class.
  • The Day of Defeat series uses preset Classes for players to choose what weapons they want to use, much like the Team Fortress series.
  • FUCKING CANCELLED Class is a spin-off show aimed at a young adult audience about schoolchildren fighting aliens that nobody asked for. It is set at Coal Hill School. It will probably be shit and it's a stupid idea. Especially considering Moffat should focus on fixing the writing in the actual series. It is the most original thing since Into The Dalek.
  • Een class is de stijl van je karakter, je class bepaalt welke types wapens en pantser je kan gebruiken en tevens welke spreuken en vaardigheden je leert tijdens het spel. Pas op, niet elk ras kan elke class worden.
  • A class is a profession or vocation for a character. It determines what he or she is able to do: combat training, magical ability, skills, and more. Selection of a class for a character is typically based on the core concept for the character. The eleven basic selections can approximate almost any character concept, and often several options are available. For example, both paladins and clerics are excellent at hunting down undead monsters.
  • Atrybut <b>class</b> (z ang. class - klasa) nadaje elementowi klasę CSS.
  • 各クラスの概要です。詳しくはリンク先の各クラスページを参照してください。
  • thumb|300px thumb|300px thumb|300px Class ist ein vorläufig 8-teiliges Spin Off der Serie Doctor Who. Die Mini-Serie lief von Oktober bis Dezember 2016 auf der Online Platform der BBC. Class richtet sich besonders an Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene. Die ersten Folgen wurden im Oktober 2016 veröffentlicht. Patrick Ness hatte die Idee für die Serie und ist Drehbuchautor aller 8 Episoden. Die Episoden sind alle 45 Minuten lang. Als vergleichbare Serien/Filmreihen werden Buffy the Vampire Slayer und The Hunger Games genannt.
  • This column of the chart lists the class of any given figure. Here is a complete list of classes:
  • A class determines the abilities, styles and spells that a character uses, as well as the armor they can wear and weapons they can wield.
  • A Class or Character Class is a term used by gamers to refer to a character archetype with specific strengths and weaknesses. In Guild Wars, Classes are called Professions, other common terms include 'Job' and 'Archetype'.
  • Class is an attribute of a character that determines what role, powers, and skills it will have as it progresses in the game. There are currently eight classes available for a player to choose from for their characters: * Great Weapon Fighter * Guardian Fighter * Trickster Rogue * Devoted Cleric * Control Wizard * Hunter Ranger * Scourge Warlock * Oathbound Paladin Additional classes may be added later. Each class has unique quests to be discovered during their adventures. *Note this aspect is subjective. pl:Klasy fr:Classes zh:职业 - Class
  • The class of a character determines their look, weapons, and spells. A character's class is chosen when (s)he is created. There are three different classes: the keyblader, the mage, and the knight.
  • Character classes determine a character's look, abilities, usable equipment, as well as the choice of gods to pledge allegiance to. Each class has a core "Feat Tree," as well as two specialization feat trees that allows for customized character development. At the launch of the game, there will be six classes available to choose from: * Scout * Priest * Nomad * Mystic * Soldier * Gladiator
  • Most, or perhaps all classes are Insecta. This is between Phylum and Order in the Biological Classification.
  • Class, from the Latin classis, describes relative wealth, social status, and political power in modern, industrial societies. Class or more properly social class is a concept crucial to theorizing about social stratification in the social sciences.
  • A class is the primary adventuring style of a player character which determines the type of weapons and armor it can use, as well as what abilities, powers, skills, and spells it will gain throughout its adventures. Be aware, choosing a class is usually constrained by the choice of race. As a character progresses, they can specialize their skills by assigning class talent points in one of three trees available for each class. But, always remember that it doesn't matter what class you chose as long as you are willing to stand by it and don't give up. List of classes in World of Warcraft:
  • A class is the primary adventuring style of a player character which determines the type of weapons and armor it can use, as well as what abilities, powers, skills, and spells it will gain throughout its adventures. Be aware that the choice of which class to play is constrained by the choice of race; each race has a different group of available classes to choose from. File:Class.png
  • There are 4 different classes, Warrior, Mage, Archer, and Thief. At level 20, you will be able to accept your job advancement quest line. It is reccomended that you do some research on your job advancements before choosing. First, you will have to choose from your available job advancement classes* you must go around Bearded Whale Coast and kill any enemies there until you have 20 Class Emblems. Next, you must defeat Captain Hookah on 2 Star (F2) difficulty. Finally, Defeat Hookah on 4 Star (F4) difficulty.** At Level 40, you will be able to advance your job again. * Warrior: * Magicians:
  • A Class (兵種 Heishu lit. Soldier Class) is, generally, a classification of unit recognized by identical or very similar sprites users of the class share. A class will often specialize in certain stats and/or weapons and will have certain traits that separate them from other classes. This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
  • Setting: Keine's Classroom Music: Plot: Anon visits Keine's class and the kids ask him some questions about the outside world. Kids might ask some silly things like "are you and Keine-sensei married?" for embarrassment lulz. Class ends, children clean room (remember, Japanese influence) and/or have recess. Anon leaves with Keine to discuss things over dinner, but when they see the smoke and rush back to the schoolhouse. Keine is standing in the hallway waiting for me, and she waves me into the class with a greeting. [Keine] "Class, this is [Name]. He's from outside of the Great Barrier."
  • Een class (klasse) is de primaire stijl om de avonturen van World of Warcraft te beleven. Het bepaalt wat voor armor en wapens je kunt gebruiken, ook bepaalt het wat voor vaardigheden, krachten, capaciteiten en spells je kan gebruiken. Je moet wel oppassen want als je een bepaald ras kiest beperkt dat het aantal class dat je kan kiezen. Hoe verder een karakter vordert hoe meer vaardigheden je kunt kiezen door middel van talentenpunten door in een van de drie soorten scholen vaardigheden te kiezen die elke class heeft.
  • In object-oriented programming, a class is a programming language construct that is used as a blueprint to create objects. This blueprint includes attributes and methods that the created objects all share. Usually, a class represents a person, place, or thing - it is an abstraction of a concept within a computer program. Fundamentally, it encapsulates the state and behavior of that which it conceptually represents. It encapsulates state through data placeholders called member variables; it encapsulates behavior through reusable code called methods.
  • In googology, the classes are a way of grouping positive real numbers by magnitude. Invented by Robert Munafo, the system is inspired by the way humans perceive sizes of groups of objects. Concisely speaking, the class-0 numbers are those greater than or equal to 0 and less than 6, and the class-n numbers are the numbers whose base-10 logarithms are in class n-1. Superclasses use the same concept but with a different execution.
  • A Class is the primary playstyle of a character. A player's class largely determines what abilities and Skills they will gain as they increase in Level, and helps influence the playstyles available. Class choice is constrained by Race and, in the case of the Channeler class, by Sex, with each Race having some differences in the amount of classes they can choose from. Some classes (or class/race combinations) are only available through the Remort process.
  • Class is gameplay component in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean that determines certain abilities of characters in battle. There are six Class levels; Kalas and Xelha both begin as Class 1, Gibari begins as Class 2, while Lyude, Savyna and Mizuti all begin as Class 3. A character's Class is raised (called a Class Up) by presenting a corresponding Class-Up Magnus to the Priest in the Church and Praying. Since a character's Class Up is tied to a specific Magnus, Class levels can be skipped.
  • EverQuest offers 16 distinct playable classes in 4 different archetypes : * Caster : enchanters, magicians, necromancers and wizards. * Hybrid : bards, beastlords, paladins, rangers and shadow knights * Melee : berserkers, monks, rogues and warriors. * Priest : clerics, druids and shamans Each class has :
  • Adventurers seek gold, glory, justice, fame, power, knowledge, or maybe some other goals—perhaps noble or perhaps base. Each chooses a different way to attain those goals, from brutal combat power, to mighty magic, to subtle skills. Some adventurers prevail and grow in experience,wealth, and power. Others die.
  • There are five Classes in Marvel: Avengers Alliance. All Classes are strong against one other Class, and weak against another. Every Hero and can have a Class. Any without a Class are a Generalist, with no strengths or weaknesses. You can view the info before engaging combat by hovering on the character's Class or clicking the SHOW HELP button. There are six Classes in the game.
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  • by chaud 2012-06-22 05:50 AM
  • by chaud 2012-06-20 06:54 AM
  • by Ghostcrawler, 12 Aug 2013 18:00 BST
  • by Ghostcrawler, Aug 12, 2013 10:00 AM PDT
  • by chaud 2012-06-30 07:07 AM
  • by Ghostcrawler &amp; Daxxarri, Mar 5, 2013 9:00 AM PST
  • by Ghostcrawler &amp; Daxxarri, 07 Mar 2013 02:00 GMT
  • by Ghostcrawler &amp; Daxxarri, Mar 8, 2013 9:00 AM PST
  • by Blizzard Entertainment, 08 Mar 2013 10:00 GMT
  • by Ghostcrawler, 28 Dec 2010 11:30 GMT
  • by Ghostcrawler, Dec 27, 2010 7:54 PM PST
  • by Lylirra, 21 Oct 2011 23:15 BST
  • by Lylirra, Oct 21, 2011 3:14 PM PDT
  • by Zarhym, Nov 9, 2011 12:25 PM PST
  • by chaud 2012-06-23 06:35 AM
  • by Ghostcrawler &amp; Daxxarri, Mar 7, 2013 6:00 PM PST
  • by Ghostcrawler &amp; Daxxarri, Mar 6, 2013 6:00 PM PST
  • by Ghostcrawler &amp; Daxxarri, 08 Mar 2013 17:01 GMT
  • by Ghostcrawler &amp; Daxxarri, 05 Mar 2013 17:00 GMT
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  • Cynise's Warcraft Manual
  • Class
  • Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
  • Patrick Ness
  • Long Haul
  • Short Fuse
  • Primed and Ready
  • Momentary Advantage
  • Close the Gap
  • Quick Reflexes
  • bnetwowus
  • mmochampion
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  •|desc=Flippable Table, MoP Music Update, Beta Class Balance Analysis, Blue Posts
  •|desc=Heart of Fear Raid Preview, Beta Class Balance Analysis, Blue Posts, D3 Poll, TCG Art
  •|desc=Coffee with the devs: Dissecting Patch 5.4 Class Changes
  •|desc=Dev Watercooler: Dissecting Patch 5.4 Class Changes
  •|desc=On Class Distribution in Patch 5.2
  •|desc=Faction Quartermasters, Character Creation Screen, Blue Posts, GW2 Release Date
  •|desc=Patch 5.2 Class Reviews – Part 1
  •|desc=Patch 5.2 Class Reviews – Part 4
  •|desc=Upcoming Class Changes
  •|desc=World of Warcraft Class Talent System
  •|desc=Patch 5.2 Class Reviews – Part 4
  •|desc=Patch 5.2 Class Reviews – Part Two
  •|desc=Patch 5.2 Class Reviews – Part 3
  •|desc=Upcoming Class Changes
  •|desc=World of Warcraft Class Talent System
  •|desc=Patch 5.2 Class Reviews – Part 2
  •|desc=CoverItLive Q&amp;A: Class Design &amp; Balance Transcript
  •|desc=Patch 5.2 Class Reviews – Part One
  •|desc=Patch 5.2 Class Reviews – Part 3
  •|desc=Beta Key Giveaway, Tillers Quests, Beta Class Balance, TV Spot, Student Art Contest
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initial cooldown
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  • Self
  • class
  • A Class, sometimes called a Job, is a specialization chosen by players when they create their Player Characters. Each class has its own advantages and disadvantages.
  • Class is a term used in Object-Oriented Programming, and in Java it refers to a term that defines how a set of objects is laid out. A class defines all of the Attributes and Methods associated with the objects in that class. Classes are essential in object-oriented programming because they form the base structure for objects and the interactions they can make with other objects.
  • In object-oriented programming, a class is a programming language construct that is used as a blueprint to create objects. This blueprint includes attributes and methods that the created objects all share. Usually, a class represents a person, place, or thing - it is an abstraction of a concept within a computer program. Fundamentally, it encapsulates the state and behavior of that which it conceptually represents. It encapsulates state through data placeholders called member variables; it encapsulates behavior through reusable code called methods. More technically, a class is a cohesive package that consists of a particular kind of metadata. It describes the rules by which objects behave; these objects are referred to as instances of that class. A class has both an interface and a structure. The interface describes how the class and its instances can be interacted with via methods, while the structure describes how the data is partitioned into attributes within an instance. A class may also have a representation (metaobject) at runtime, which provides runtime support for manipulating the class-related metadata. In object-oriented design, a class is the most specific type of an object in relation to a specific layer. Programming languages that support classes all subtly differ in their support for various class-related features. Most support various forms of class inheritance. Many languages also support features providing encapsulation, such as access specifiers.
  • There are 6 primary classes of Warrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist and Muse which go from character creation to Level 9. Each primary class has sub-classes, chosen when a character ascends and attains the ability to specialize in their chosen class. Once chosen, there is no ability to change the choice, so making the decision is a final one. Each class offers different strengths and abilities, such as healing, tanking, melee or ranged damage dealing, and a variety of buffs. To find out more about a specific class, click on the link below.
  • Classes in Phantasy Star Online combine a character's race, gender, and one of three focuses: melee weapons (hunter), ranged weapons (ranger), or elemental and support techniques (force). Your character's class cannot be changed in Phantasy Star Online except by recreating the character.
  • Class designates a specific type of . Certain enhancements will give bonuses against certain classes. Player characters are clone until they chose a specific class.
  • Setting: Keine's Classroom Music: Plot: Anon visits Keine's class and the kids ask him some questions about the outside world. Kids might ask some silly things like "are you and Keine-sensei married?" for embarrassment lulz. Class ends, children clean room (remember, Japanese influence) and/or have recess. Anon leaves with Keine to discuss things over dinner, but when they see the smoke and rush back to the schoolhouse. I'm at the school building now. Keine wanted me to come by so I could talk to her class as a special presentation of sorts. It feels a little awkward to be treated as a sort of exhibit, but it couldn't be much different from talking in a normal school. Though instead of normal questions I would expect, there'll be questions about the outside world. Still, it's for the better of education, might as well make the most of it. Keine is standing in the hallway waiting for me, and she waves me into the class with a greeting. [Keine] "Class, this is [Name]. He's from outside of the Great Barrier." The class erupts into a chorus of 'oohs' and 'aahs' as I give a small wave of my hand. This certainly isn't the welcome you expected. [Boy] "He looks just like a normal human!" Keine laughs a little, leading me into the room a little. [Keine] "Of course he does, they're all normal humans on the outside." [Girl] "Do you have any cool powers?" Keine looks at me and gives an apologetic smile before. Seems she's delegating the answer to me after all. [Anon] "No. At least, I don't think I do." [Boy with Glasses] "Then how did you get here?" I'm a little hesitant to answer that. Not particularly because of the explosion itself, more along the lines of not wanting to have to explain not only the machine that exploded, the science behind it and the science behind that. I'm not going to risk fielding and questions that would require me to explain still theoretical science to a classroom that would be lucky to even see a TV. [Anon] "There was an accident in the outside world that sent me here." Simple enough diversion, no one else presses anymore on it. The next few minutes are spent answering general questions. My name, where I come from, various things about the outside world. I manage to circumvent more questions about myself when asked about my job. It seems the class's questions are starting to wind down. [Girl with Pigtails] "Are you and Keine-sensei married?" Feels like my heart just stopped in my chest. I subconsciously look over at Keine, whose face has turned rather red. She's looking at me too, a mix of surprise and confusion. [Keine] "N-no! I only just met him the other day!" The class laughs a little at her flustered response, and she gets a little more worked up. The class calms down soon enough, and Keine turns back to me, still a little red. [Keine] "Thank you for coming in today. I'm sure the children enjoyed it." [Anon] "Maybe a little too much." Keine turns back to her class and calls their attention again, as they've begun talking amongst themselves. [Keine] "Class dismissed. Group 2's turn to clean today." Several groans come from the students as the rest set about gathering their belongings and supplies and getting ready to leave. Keine turns back to me. [Keine] "I'm sure you still have more you want to talk about as well?" [Anon] "Ah, yes. A lot." [Keine] "Then, shall we get dinner?" [Anon] "That sounds good." Keine and I leave the building behind several of the students, all of whom scatter in different directions as they head home. Keine leading the way, I follow behind slightly. So many questions I still want to ask and things I want to know, but I don't know where to start first. It's all still so alien to me, even having been here for a few days, with Keine and Akyu, I still don't know that much. I decide a good place to start at after a little deliberation. [Anon] "Keine?" Keine stops walking and turns around, looking a bit inquisitive, but her expression soon drops. Is there something wrong with me? No, she's not looking at me, she's looking past me. I turn to see what she's looking at. There smoke pouring out of the school building. Keine runs past me, and I join her instinctively. This is bad, what could have happened to start this fire? I shouldn't be worried about that now, I need to get back there first.
  • In Dofus, you can choose from one of seventeen different classes upon creating a new player character. Each class is endowed with their own set of unique abilities, as they grow in level, they can invest characteristic points at specific Soft Caps to diverge as different elemental builds (Fire, Air, Earth/Neutral, Water). There are further pseudo-classes in the form of Incarnations and Sidekicks.
  • A class is essentially a "job" in which attributes and skills define the character. A character's class determines what type of armor and weapons they may equip. There are currently six classes to choose from. Any of the three races can be any of the classes.
  • Class is the character's occupation. Many classes are available in Dragon's Gate but some are restricted from certain racial/alignment/religious combinations.
  • Class is gameplay component in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean that determines certain abilities of characters in battle. There are six Class levels; Kalas and Xelha both begin as Class 1, Gibari begins as Class 2, while Lyude, Savyna and Mizuti all begin as Class 3. A character's Class is raised (called a Class Up) by presenting a corresponding Class-Up Magnus to the Priest in the Church and Praying. Since a character's Class Up is tied to a specific Magnus, Class levels can be skipped. The abilities effected by Class level are the maximum size of Deck, size of Hand, maximum length of Combo, length of I.T. (Initial time), and ATK of Spirit Attacks.
  • This article is a general viewing of what happens in a graduate classroom (test)
  • A class is the primary adventuring style of a player character which determines the type of weapons and armor it can use, as well as what abilities, powers, skills, and spells it will gain throughout its adventures. Be aware, choosing a class is usually constrained by the choice of race. As a character progresses, they can specialize their skills by assigning class talent points in one of three trees available for each class. Collecting class sets is a way players can improve a character when they have reached the level cap. Most dungeon and raid sets are made up of armor items designed specifically for the class; however, faction rewards sets also include trinkets and neck pieces. But, always remember that it doesn't matter what class you chose as long as you are willing to stand by it and don't give up. List of classes in World of Warcraft: * Druid * Hunter * Mage * Monk * Paladin * Priest * Rogue * Shaman * Warlock * Warrior As of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, the idea of hero classes was introduced. They currently are distinguished in-game from normal classes by requiring a player has played a normal class on their account to at least level 55. Hero classes start at level 55 so far and begin completely differently than normal classes. They share a more common back story than normal classes and have no race restriction (currently). They also begin with a full set of gear and operate for the first few levels in an instanced area separated from other players of different classes. List of hero classes in World of Warcraft: * Death knight * Demon Hunter
  • Εδώ παρουσιάζονται τα διάφορα class που μπορείτε να διαλέξετε στο παιχνίδι. * Πατώντας το Quest μπορείτε να δείτε τις οδηγίες για το Quest που χρείαζετε να ολοκληρώσετε για να αλλάξετε σε αντίστοιχο class * Πατώντας το Skills μπορείτε να δείτε τα skills που έχει το αντίστοιχο class * Πατώντας το το όνομα του κάθε class (π.χ. Human Knight) μπορείτε να δείτε μια γενική περιγραφή του class, τα ειδικά skills που έχει, όδηγους για αυτό το class (εάν υπάρχουν) και άλλα.
  • A class is the primary adventuring style of a player character which determines the type of weapons and armor it can use, as well as what abilities, powers, skills, and spells it will gain throughout its adventures. Be aware that the choice of which class to play is constrained by the choice of race; each race has a different group of available classes to choose from. Each class has three unique talent trees. As a character progresses, they can specialize their skills by assigning class talent points in any of the trees for their class. There are three talent trees for each class. For example, a druid can place their talent points in Restoration, Feral, or Balance. Collecting class sets is a way players can improve a character when they have reached the level cap. Most dungeon and raid sets are made up of armor items designed specifically for the class; however, faction rewards sets also include trinkets and neck pieces. When players collect more pieces of the set, they can receive set bonuses. Always remember that it doesn't matter what class you chose as long as you are willing to stand by it and don't give up. If your class gets nerfed (or made less powerful by Blizzard) always remember that nerfs and buffs are like a pendulum, sooner or later the pendulum is going to swing to your advantage. File:Class.png
  • thumb|350pxClass est une série télévisée de science-fiction pour adolescents et jeunes adultes produit par la BBC Three depuis 2016.Elle raconte l'histoire d'un groupe d'élèves et d'une professeur dans l'école Coal Hill School, école où enseignaient Clara Oswald, Ian Chesterton, et Barbara Wright, où étudiait Susan Foreman et qui est apparue dans le première épisode de Doctor Who An Unearthly Child (TV). Clara Oswald n'apparaitra pas dans la série. Les méchants iconique du Docteurs n'apparaitront pas non plus (Anges pleureurs ...).
  • Class is a category given to every NPC in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.
  • Classes are the various types of phantoms that may be recruited.
  • Class is a Character's class. This can be either a Main Character class or a Mercenary Class. There are 13 Main Character classes and over 70 Mercenary classes in Atlantica Online.
  • Class is referred to as the naming of multiple ranking systems across SS, such as Game Difficulty, Racing Machine Top Speed, Experience Levels, and, most importantly, Player Loyalty for real-life SS services. The distributions for each Class and their description for each category for which it serves is described below.
  • List of current classes in the game. You need the one above it in tree to qualify for next one. * Berserker * Raging Spirit * Desperation * Death Wish * Paladin * Faith Healing * Shield Mastery * Crusader * Assassin * Poison Mastery * Shadow Stalking * Sneak Attack * Swashbuckler * Finesse Fighting * Swordplay * Two-weapon Fighting * Necromancer * Reanimation * Dark Warrior * Soul Mastery * Elementalist * Ice Focus * Fire Focus
  • Aids in the swimming pool
  • クラスと読む。SIMハードウェア世代のこと。 Class1から始まり 2008年1月時点の最新は Class5。Class3が 2007年2月で稼動停止したため(→公式ブログ記事)、稼動しているのは Class4と Class5のみである。 Help - About Second Lifeからでる詳細情報で表示される番号を見ることで Classを特定することができると言われているが未確認。 2008年2月から Class4→Class5のアップグレードおよび、Class4と Class5の既存ホストを利用しているオーナー向けに稼動 Regionの入替サービスが始まるとのこと。(有料) 参考:クラス・アップグレード、クラス入替について
  • A Class is the primary playstyle of a character. A player's class largely determines what abilities and Skills they will gain as they increase in Level, and helps influence the playstyles available. Class choice is constrained by Race and, in the case of the Channeler class, by Sex, with each Race having some differences in the amount of classes they can choose from. Some classes (or class/race combinations) are only available through the Remort process. Each class has one or more unique abilities associated with it. For instance, Hunters can Autotrack, while Channelers have the ability to channel Weaves, which function as WoTMUD's magic-like ability.
  • Class or more appropriately Character Class in Diablo III is one of several distinct races of human beings with their respective sets of advantages, disadvantages, abilities, skill-sets and attributes, available to the player to select their playing character from. The selection of character class must be done at the beginning and can not be changed. Players' choice of character class largely influences their playing strategy, inventory preferences and overall gameplay experience. Unlike previous editions (Diablo and Diablo II), classes in Diablo III are playable as a male as well as a female character, with their own distinct 3D models, voicing and animations.
  • There are 8 classes overall. Every class has pros and cons, which are listed below. A pro [+] means that the class has a certain strength. A neutral [=] fact means that the class can either be beneficial or detrimental depending on the setup and situation the player is in. A con [-] indicates a weakness that the class has.
  • The acronym CLASS may refer to: * Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System * Consular Lookout and Support System
  • Adventurers seek gold, glory, justice, fame, power, knowledge, or maybe some other goals—perhaps noble or perhaps base. Each chooses a different way to attain those goals, from brutal combat power, to mighty magic, to subtle skills. Some adventurers prevail and grow in experience,wealth, and power. Others die. A class is one of the fifteen player character types -- barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, favored soul, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, spirit shaman, swashbuckler, warlock or wizard. Class defines a character's predominant talents and general function within an adventuring party. Character class may also refer to a nonplayer character class or a prestige class. Class determines what a character is able to do: combat prowess, magical ability, skills, and more. Class is probably the first choice made about a character -— just ahead of race, or perhaps in conjunction with that decision. The class chosen determines where a character should best place ability scores and suggests which races are best to support that class choice.
  • There are three primary classes, each with two subclasses. It is important to choose wisely because the weapons and skills available to each class are limited.
  • There are eight classes to choose from when creating a character. Each class is allowed to learn different class spells, and has a different growth rate for their characteristics. See damage table for their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Every individual unit has a class. Their class determines their weapon proficiencies, statistics, movement range, jump height, throw range and throw height. Each class has several tiers that can be reincarnated into with higher stats.
  • Classes, chosen upon Character Creation, determine the stats that will be upgraded on level-up when the level you gain is not a multiple of 3 (if it is a multiple of 3, then you gain your Race bonus instead). Though characters are always able to use all Weapons and Combat Chips, they will generally deal more damage while using weapons or combat chips that scale with one of their class stats.
  • Class also known as Poppy is a macro virus by VicodinES. It is one of the first macro viruses to work successfully under Word 97. This virus is also polymorphic.
  • A Class (plural: classes) is a taxanomic rank in Linnaean classification, the rank above it is Phylum and the rank below it is Order. This rank further splits into Subclass.
  • A class (vocation/job) is a specific role classification given to party characters in the Dragon Quest series.
  • There are nine distinct classes in the World of Kung Fu. Each one centers around a preferred fighting Weapon, and each has a different set of Class spells to use.
  • Everybody begins the game as an adventurer, but once a players combat level has reached 15, and job level has reached 20, players are given the option to change class, to either magician, archer or swordsman. It is almost impossible to see a high levelled adventurer, as the adventurer class has many disadvantages (quite weak, no Specialist Cards). The Sorcerer specialises in ranged magical attacks which use MP. The Archer specialises in speedy ranged attacks. The Swordsmen specialises in tanking, due to their high HP and strength.
  • A starship's class describes its relative size. The term class also determines how far a ship can move. Certain Special Abilities also depend on a ship's class.
  • Only spell changes, skill and feat changes affect these classes: * Fighter * Monk * Rogue Multiclassing is described in separate article.
  • Class determines many important features for a character, including role, hit points, powers, class features, weapon, implement, and armor proficiencies, and skills. Individual classes are often prerequisites for feats, paragon paths, and so on. Some classes have more specialized subclasses.
  • Classes are a type of profession in Tales Of Pirates. Class Skills are skills that are specific for each class. More information about these can be found here. Some classes are playable by you while others are not. NPCs for example have classes, such as teleporters or traders, while players may play as explorer or sharpshooter and many others.
  • Each pin is categorized in one of six classes, which restrict deck configuration. Classes are designed to encourage deck variety. All non-noise pins of a particular psych are assigned a specific class.
  • EverQuest offers 16 distinct playable classes in 4 different archetypes : * Caster : enchanters, magicians, necromancers and wizards. * Hybrid : bards, beastlords, paladins, rangers and shadow knights * Melee : berserkers, monks, rogues and warriors. * Priest : clerics, druids and shamans Each class has : * a limited set of available races. * a limited set of available deities. * its own set of spells, disciplines or songs, depending on the class. * its own guildmasters who can help train various skills available to the class. * its own epic quests, each offering a class-specific reward, usually a weapon. * its own set of class-specific AAs.
  • A Class (兵種 Heishu lit. Soldier Class) is, generally, a classification of unit recognized by identical or very similar sprites users of the class share. A class will often specialize in certain stats and/or weapons and will have certain traits that separate them from other classes. There are many different classes, such as Mages, Pegasus Riders, Wyvern Riders, Lords, Archers, Bards, Dancers, and a vast many others. Each class has different abilities that the player can use to their advantage—Where one class may fail, another may succeed spectacularly. For example, the bard and dancer classes use their abilities to allow a single unit to get an extra turn after they've already moved, and Mages can use their magic on units that physical attacks are ineffective against. Pegasus riders have little limits on where they can move, and while units like Berserkers and Pirates are not quite as mobile, they can still cross water panels (like river and ocean) that can make it difficult for an enemy to escape. Then, although Archers and Snipers cannot fight adjacent units, they can be deadly at long range if the target is kept at a distance. And of course, utilizing knowledge of the Weapon Triangle and Trinity of Magic when deciding on how to use each class can make an enormous difference in battles. Another facet of classes is the Class Change, where a unit can become a stronger class, either by reaching a certain Level or by using a promotional item (Or both in concert, in many cases). It is normally advised to wait as long as possible before promoting a unit, because once they are promoted, they start over at level one and begin increasing their stats further. Thus, with patience and strategy, a seemingly weak unit can grow into a powerful, useful part of the team. In Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, there is also a system starting with the Trainees, based off the Villager class from Fire Emblem Gaiden. These are units with unique classes that are noticeably weak in comparison with most characters. However, when promoted, they can quickly become a force to be reckoned with. They are Ross' Journeyman class, Ewan's Pupil class, and Amelia's Recruit class. Certain units usually level up in certain stats that their class specializes in, for example: Knights usually specialize in Defense and HP, Fighters in HP and Strength, and Myrmidons in Speed and Skill. Some classes have certain weaknesses like Pegasus Knights who are weak to Bows and Wind Magic. Some characters will have unique statistical gains that separate them from the rest of their class (like Tauroneo who can gain more Resistance than other Generals, and Tanith, who gets more strength than most Falcon Knights). This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
  • De Class is een basiskeuze van een character in Lord of the Rings Online die je skills en andere krachten bepaald en ook je stats affecteert, deeds, en het equipment wat je kunt dragen/gebruiken. De Classes die je kunt kiezen zijn bepaald door de keuze van race. P=Primair, S=Secundair * alleen bij de uitbreiding Mines of Moria bron: handleiding LotRO, uit het engels vertaald door Bathor Sharparrow
  • In the ROBLOX object system, a class is a type of object that can be created. Each class has a class name and may have multiple members—properties, methods, events and callbacks—that can be used to manipulate instances of the class. A class can inherit members from another class if it is a subclass of that class. Classes can be instantiated with the function. To see a list of classes, click .
  • There are five Classes in Marvel: Avengers Alliance. All Classes are strong against one other Class, and weak against another. Every Hero and can have a Class. Any without a Class are a Generalist, with no strengths or weaknesses. You can view the info before engaging combat by hovering on the character's Class or clicking the SHOW HELP button. There are six Classes in the game. When a character with Class that is strong against the Class of the target, when attacking or being attacked, the character with strong Class has the advantage of attacking that Class and will gain their Class effects after attacking (i.e. Blaster attacking a Bruiser, guaranteed crits and ignore defense, and gains after attacking), it is indicated with VULNERABLE on top of enemy's Health bar when selecting a target. On the other hand, when a character that is weak against the class of the target, when attacking or being attacked, the character with strong class has advantage of being attacked and will also gain their class effects (i.e. Infiltrator attacking a Scrapper, deals reduced damage, and gains ), it is indicated with RESISTANT on top of enemy's Health bar when selecting a target. Does not work when a character is attacked by another ally that the class is weak against.
  • A class is one part of a title assigned to a player of Sburb, the other part being aspect. There are twelve known normal classes and two "master" classes, making 14 known classes in total. Classes describe the intended role of a particular player in Sburb, and how they can use their aspect. A few class mechanics have been explicitly explained, others only implied.
  • __TOC__ There are seventeen currently confirmed Classes for Wakfu, based on the twelve classes originally found in Dofus and five more which were added later.
  • During battle, the Class Rank gauge is displayed for each playable character. Once the gauge is full, the Class will be levelled up. All party members have a fixed class. Some playable characters have an alternative class that are a sort of combination of two classes, for example Doug's class is an Alternative Blast Fencer, noted "Blast Fencer +" in-game. Cross is the only party member who can select a class.
  • You can have up to 2 classes or/jobs such as the Secondary Class This page is a candidate for deletion. If you disagree with its deletion, please explain why at Category talk:Candidates for deletion or improve the page and remove the {{delete}} tag. Remember to check what links here and the [ the page history] before deleting.
  • The detectives investigate the murder of a Hudson University student, whose body was found in a seedy alley. The search of the victim's dorm room turns up a suspiciously large amount of cash.
  • Class, known as Types in Universe, are a recurring mechanic in the Phantasy Star series. Introduced in the first Phantasy Star Online, Classes are a method of categorizing characters based on individual strengths and abilities, with exclusive traits specific to each Class.
  • Due to the flexiblity of the game, there aren't any actual classes in S4 League, but knowing what to do is very important. Classes help determine style of play. Roles are sub-catagorized under class. In S4 as a whole, there are Offensive and Defensive class.
  • The Day of Defeat series uses preset Classes for players to choose what weapons they want to use, much like the Team Fortress series.
  • FUCKING CANCELLED Class is a spin-off show aimed at a young adult audience about schoolchildren fighting aliens that nobody asked for. It is set at Coal Hill School. It will probably be shit and it's a stupid idea. Especially considering Moffat should focus on fixing the writing in the actual series. It is the most original thing since Into The Dalek.
  • There are 4 different classes, Warrior, Mage, Archer, and Thief. At level 20, you will be able to accept your job advancement quest line. It is reccomended that you do some research on your job advancements before choosing. First, you will have to choose from your available job advancement classes* you must go around Bearded Whale Coast and kill any enemies there until you have 20 Class Emblems. Next, you must defeat Captain Hookah on 2 Star (F2) difficulty. Finally, Defeat Hookah on 4 Star (F4) difficulty.** * Warriors can become Knights or Gladiators. Knights use 1 Handed Swords and shields while Gladiators use 2 Handed Swords (Gladiators are the only class who can't equip a weapon and a shield slot type item). * Magicians can become Acolytes or Battlemages. Acolytes use Staves and Battlemages use Polearms. * Archers can become Hunters or Rangers. Hunters use Bows while Rangers use Crossbows. * Thieves can become Jesters or Assassins. Jesters use Claws and Assassins use Katars. Once you advance to the next class, you cannot return to the previous class. (i.e, A jester cannot turn back into a thief) You can however, continue to spend points on thief skills. At Level 40, you will be able to advance your job again. * Warrior: Knights become Paladins. Gladiators become Myrmidons. * Magicians: Acolytes become Oracles. Battlemages become Warmages. * Archers: Hunters become Trappers. Rangers become Snipers. * Thieves: Jesters become Harlequins. Assassins become Ninjas. In the upcoming update, Paris Strikes Back, another job advancement quest becomes availible at Level 60. The names may differ in the US version. * Warrior: Paladins become Dragoons, Myrmidons become Destroyers. * Magician: Oracles becomes Cleric, Warmages become Arcanists. * Archer: Trappers become Windrunners, Snipers become Bombardiers * Thief: Harlequins become Jokers, Ninjas become Shadows. * Choose carefully! Once you choose your class advancement, you will NOT be able to choose again without recreating your character. * * In a later patch, you will get the job advancement after completing the Hookah F2 quest.
  • Een class is de stijl van je karakter, je class bepaalt welke types wapens en pantser je kan gebruiken en tevens welke spreuken en vaardigheden je leert tijdens het spel. Pas op, niet elk ras kan elke class worden.
  • A class is a profession or vocation for a character. It determines what he or she is able to do: combat training, magical ability, skills, and more. Selection of a class for a character is typically based on the core concept for the character. The eleven basic selections can approximate almost any character concept, and often several options are available. For example, both paladins and clerics are excellent at hunting down undead monsters.
  • Atrybut <b>class</b> (z ang. class - klasa) nadaje elementowi klasę CSS.
  • 各クラスの概要です。詳しくはリンク先の各クラスページを参照してください。
  • thumb|300px thumb|300px thumb|300px Class ist ein vorläufig 8-teiliges Spin Off der Serie Doctor Who. Die Mini-Serie lief von Oktober bis Dezember 2016 auf der Online Platform der BBC. Class richtet sich besonders an Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene. Die ersten Folgen wurden im Oktober 2016 veröffentlicht. Patrick Ness hatte die Idee für die Serie und ist Drehbuchautor aller 8 Episoden. Die Episoden sind alle 45 Minuten lang. Als vergleichbare Serien/Filmreihen werden Buffy the Vampire Slayer und The Hunger Games genannt.
  • Een class (klasse) is de primaire stijl om de avonturen van World of Warcraft te beleven. Het bepaalt wat voor armor en wapens je kunt gebruiken, ook bepaalt het wat voor vaardigheden, krachten, capaciteiten en spells je kan gebruiken. Je moet wel oppassen want als je een bepaald ras kiest beperkt dat het aantal class dat je kan kiezen. Hoe verder een karakter vordert hoe meer vaardigheden je kunt kiezen door middel van talentenpunten door in een van de drie soorten scholen vaardigheden te kiezen die elke class heeft. Een manier om je karakter te verbeteren is tier/dungeon sets te verzamelen als je het maximum level hebt bereikt. De meeste Dungeons and Raid class-sets bestaan uit armor stukken ontworpen voor een specifieke class . Maar faction-beloningssets bestaan soms ook uit kettingen en trinkets. Maar onthoud, dat het niet uit maakt wat voor class je kiest, alleen maar als je jouw karakter tot het uiterste wilt spelen en niet opgeeft als het even tegen zit.
  • This column of the chart lists the class of any given figure. Here is a complete list of classes:
  • A class determines the abilities, styles and spells that a character uses, as well as the armor they can wear and weapons they can wield.
  • A Class or Character Class is a term used by gamers to refer to a character archetype with specific strengths and weaknesses. In Guild Wars, Classes are called Professions, other common terms include 'Job' and 'Archetype'.
  • Class is an attribute of a character that determines what role, powers, and skills it will have as it progresses in the game. There are currently eight classes available for a player to choose from for their characters: * Great Weapon Fighter * Guardian Fighter * Trickster Rogue * Devoted Cleric * Control Wizard * Hunter Ranger * Scourge Warlock * Oathbound Paladin Additional classes may be added later. Each class has unique quests to be discovered during their adventures. *Note this aspect is subjective. pl:Klasy fr:Classes zh:职业 - Class
  • In googology, the classes are a way of grouping positive real numbers by magnitude. Invented by Robert Munafo, the system is inspired by the way humans perceive sizes of groups of objects. Concisely speaking, the class-0 numbers are those greater than or equal to 0 and less than 6, and the class-n numbers are the numbers whose base-10 logarithms are in class n-1. Superclasses use the same concept but with a different execution. In set theory, which is closely related to some googology, a class refers to an arbitrary collection of sets, even if it's not a set itself, for example the class of all sets or the class of all ordinals.
  • The class of a character determines their look, weapons, and spells. A character's class is chosen when (s)he is created. There are three different classes: the keyblader, the mage, and the knight.
  • Character classes determine a character's look, abilities, usable equipment, as well as the choice of gods to pledge allegiance to. Each class has a core "Feat Tree," as well as two specialization feat trees that allows for customized character development. At the launch of the game, there will be six classes available to choose from: * Scout * Priest * Nomad * Mystic * Soldier * Gladiator
  • Most, or perhaps all classes are Insecta. This is between Phylum and Order in the Biological Classification.
  • Class, from the Latin classis, describes relative wealth, social status, and political power in modern, industrial societies. Class or more properly social class is a concept crucial to theorizing about social stratification in the social sciences.
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