  • Artemisia
  • Artemisia
  • Artemisia
  • Artemisia
  • Artemisia is the fifth Ninja Turtle in Sophie Campbell's fan comic, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secrets of the Ooze. She is the most timid of the Turtles, and her weapon's long-range use reflects that. Her facepaint color is yellow.
  • La artemisia se trata de un género extenso de plantas (cerca de 180) correspondiente a las Asteraceae que comprende a algunas hierbas y arbustos.
  • One of Lady Linette's cats.
  • Her first appearance is as a child. She has white hair with purple highlights, cut short and with a section tied into a braid on the left side. She wears a white robe with a short purple cape over it. As an adult, her hair is longer, but her outfit remains the same. After her death, she appears without the cape, as it was cut off by the same blow that killed her.
  • Artemisia is based on Artemisia of Caria, an actual ruler from the ancient west region of Asia Minor, who served as queen after the death of her husband, Lygdamis, continuing his legacy. She became an advisor to Xerxes, the Persian Lord at the time and formed an alliance with him in a war with the Greeks. She is famous for her participation in the Battle of Salamis, where she survived being captured by sinking her own ship and therefore formed an escape route. Then she came back to Xerxes and convinced him to retreat. Nevertheless, the Persians were astonished by her battle tactic and praised her to be a valiant ally. There is also another ruler with the same name, who built the Mausoleum of Maussollos. Even though there was never any statement of which one serves as the main concept for h
  • Artemisia è l'antagonista principale di Final Fantasy VIII. Potente strega, proveniente da un futuro molti anni avanti agli eventi del gioco, brama la riduzione del tempo in un singolo istante, che vuole ottenere tramite l'incantesimo di Compressione temporale. Ha usato una macchina, chiamata "Junction Machine Ellione," per dirigere la sua mente nel passato. In questo passato, Artemisia manipola gli eventi mondiali, impossessandosi di altre streghe per i suoi piani.
  • Artemisia (jap. アルティミシア, Arutimishia; engl. Ultimecia; span. Artemisa) ist die Hauptantagonistin von Final Fantasy VIII. Sie stammt aus der Zukunft und stellt eine äußerst mächtige Hexe dar. Ihr Ziel ist es, eine Zeitkomprimierung durchzuführen, bei der Raum und Zeit miteinander verschmelzen. Dadurch will sie eine Welt schaffen, in der sie als einzig wahre Existenz und lebende Gottheit verehrt wird.
  • 37
  • 55
  • 99
  • Inherit
  • 30
  • Inherit
  • 31
  • Inherit
  • 29
  • Inherit
  • Fire
  • Empress
  • 28
  • Inherit
  • Hankyu
  • Artie
  • 40
  • Inherit
  • 41
  • 67
  • Artemisia
  • Artemisia
  • 44
  • 69
  • Mastery of Ninjutsu
  • 52
  • 78
  • 42
  • 72
  • Bufu\Innate Mabufu\Innate Dia\Innate Marin Karin\Innate Bufula\21 Diarama\25 Spirit Drain\27 Tentarafoo\32 Mabufula\42 Ice Boost\45 Mind Charge\50 Bufudyne\55 Diarahan\58 Ice Break\61 Mabufudyne\71 Ice Amp\76
  • Mabufu\Innate Marin Karin\Innate Bufula\Innate Diarama\Innate Spirit Drain\Innate Tentarafoo\Innate Mabufula\42 Ice Boost\45 Mind Charge\50 Bufudyne\55 Diarahan\58 Ice Break\61 Mabufudyne\71 Ice Amp\76
  • Punishment\Innate Bufudyne\Inherit Tentarafoo\Inherit Mind Charge\Inherit
  • Yellow
  • lightgreen
  • -
  • Ice, Light
  • 75
  • 99
  • Ice
  • -
  • Succession of Witches
  • Female
plural taxon
  • Especies
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • Artemisia is the fifth Ninja Turtle in Sophie Campbell's fan comic, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secrets of the Ooze. She is the most timid of the Turtles, and her weapon's long-range use reflects that. Her facepaint color is yellow.
  • La artemisia se trata de un género extenso de plantas (cerca de 180) correspondiente a las Asteraceae que comprende a algunas hierbas y arbustos.
  • Artemisia (jap. アルティミシア, Arutimishia; engl. Ultimecia; span. Artemisa) ist die Hauptantagonistin von Final Fantasy VIII. Sie stammt aus der Zukunft und stellt eine äußerst mächtige Hexe dar. Ihr Ziel ist es, eine Zeitkomprimierung durchzuführen, bei der Raum und Zeit miteinander verschmelzen. Dadurch will sie eine Welt schaffen, in der sie als einzig wahre Existenz und lebende Gottheit verehrt wird. Innerhalb der Handlung ergreift Artemisia Besitz von den Körpern anderer Hexen, um diese so zu manipulieren und gezielt für ihre Zwecke einzusetzen. Über ihre Motive und Ziele lässt sie den Spieler dabei jedoch die meiste Zeit im Unklaren. Einzig bei ihrer Ansprache in Deling-City und während der finalen Auseinandersetzung mit ihr kommt sie vage auf diese zu sprechen.
  • Artemisia is based on Artemisia of Caria, an actual ruler from the ancient west region of Asia Minor, who served as queen after the death of her husband, Lygdamis, continuing his legacy. She became an advisor to Xerxes, the Persian Lord at the time and formed an alliance with him in a war with the Greeks. She is famous for her participation in the Battle of Salamis, where she survived being captured by sinking her own ship and therefore formed an escape route. Then she came back to Xerxes and convinced him to retreat. Nevertheless, the Persians were astonished by her battle tactic and praised her to be a valiant ally. There is also another ruler with the same name, who built the Mausoleum of Maussollos. Even though there was never any statement of which one serves as the main concept for her creation in the game, the latter never participated in any historical battle. Unlike most Personas in the series who are based on myths and legends, Artemisia, along with Lucia and Caesar, are a few examples of those based on historical figures. Further, while Lucia is a Catholic saint and Caesar was treated as a god, Artemisia was not believed to be supernatural.
  • One of Lady Linette's cats.
  • Her first appearance is as a child. She has white hair with purple highlights, cut short and with a section tied into a braid on the left side. She wears a white robe with a short purple cape over it. As an adult, her hair is longer, but her outfit remains the same. After her death, she appears without the cape, as it was cut off by the same blow that killed her.
  • Artemisia è l'antagonista principale di Final Fantasy VIII. Potente strega, proveniente da un futuro molti anni avanti agli eventi del gioco, brama la riduzione del tempo in un singolo istante, che vuole ottenere tramite l'incantesimo di Compressione temporale. Ha usato una macchina, chiamata "Junction Machine Ellione," per dirigere la sua mente nel passato. In questo passato, Artemisia manipola gli eventi mondiali, impossessandosi di altre streghe per i suoi piani. La prima strega da lei posseduta è Edea Kramer di Centra. Artemisia risedette nel corpo di Edea per moltissimo tempo, e tramite lei tramò nell'ombra. Nel suo scontro finale con Squall Leonhart, tenta di assorbire tutto ciò che sempre è esistito al mondo, pur di raggiungere il suo scopo. I suoi obiettivi sono vanificati da Squall e i suoi compagni.
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