  • Flippy
  • Flippy
  • Weight: 1 lbs.Rarity: 180Estimated Value: Unknown
  • Flippy is the President of Toontown, but he is a bit clumsy, he is #3 on the top 4. Flippy is a dog that is Light Blue, with Red Stripes and Orange all over on his shirt. His grender is Male.
  • Flippy is the second segment of the 54th episode of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.
  • Chi è Flippy? Un orsetto verdognolo, da non confondere con quel rompicoglioni di Word, che chiunque potrebbe scambiare per la mascotte dell'esercito USA. Concepito sotto forma di cartone animato molto popolare su TuTubo, Flippy è un militare professionista con tendenze omicide che lo portano a eliminare i malcapitati che gli stanno intorno nei modi più fantasiosi. Il suo migliore amico si chiama Babby l'orsetto.
  • Flippy is a Moderator for Club Penguin Rewritten.
  • Flippy is a light green male brown bear.
  • File:Flippy zan .gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Flippy is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends, its spin-off series, Ka-Pow!, and a playable character in the False Alarm video game, along with being the final boss of Deadeye Derby.
  • Flippy is also an NPC that you may have to rescue in the Sellbot VP Battle (Therefore, he is a SOS Toon as well as a NPC) Completing the battle and rescuing him will give you his SOS Card, which is a 5-star Toon-Up SOS. Flippy is also the supposed President of Toontown. In the Toontorial of the game, he introduces Chat and Speedchat to you. This plays a VERY important part of the game, especially on Halloween. When he asks you to speak, say "Toontastic!" on Halloween if you're a cat and you'll be turned into a Black Cat!
  • Flippy Doggenbottom is a dog NPC toon who is located in Mickey Toon Hall in the Toontown Central playground. As president of the Toon Council, he governs Toontown in many ways. This includes hosting special parties, organizing grand openings, giving out prizes for Toontown contests, and revealing upcoming events and features.
  • Flippy was Hugh's dummy and later a villain in one episode. Flippy got on Judy's nerves after Hugh spent all the grocery money on him. Much to her pleasure, Jimmy was forced to use him as firewood to launch the monster strapped to the rocket in "Attack of the Twonkies" back to Twonkus-3. He is voiced by Mark DeCarlo.
  • Moderator
  • 3
  • 20
  • 21
  • Toontown Central
  • 54.0
  • Unknown
  • Flippy
  • Toonography
  • 230
  • Giggles
  • Flippy Doggenbottom, President of the Toon Council, is one of the hardest working Toons in Toontown! Says Flippy: "When Mickey asked me to become President, it was a great honor - but I never guessed there would be so many exciting things to do! I organize grand the openings of new neighborhoods and new kinds of shops, I give out prizes for our many Toontown contests, I help plan our many holiday parties - and of course, there's all those wacky names that need to be approved! It's a lot of work, but the thousands of wonderful Toons who live here make it all worthwhile! I'm sure things will calm down once we chase off those pesky Cogs. Toontown is the most toontastic town in the Tooniverse!"
  • Yes
  • 1
  • Flippy card.png
  • Books
  • Silence
  • Peace
  • Helping others
  • Tea parties
  • Flippy
  • Light Green
  • Aqua
  • #90EE90
  • 2
  • 6
  • 8
  • Playground
  • Male
  • 5
wikipage disambiguates
Site Description
  • If your pet likes to garden then it will need a Flippy. This little turtle loves to dig, and will eat any weed.
Shop Wizard Search Link
  • Weight: 1 lbs.Rarity: 180Estimated Value: Unknown
  • Flippy is the President of Toontown, but he is a bit clumsy, he is #3 on the top 4. Flippy is a dog that is Light Blue, with Red Stripes and Orange all over on his shirt. His grender is Male.
  • Flippy is the second segment of the 54th episode of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.
  • Flippy Doggenbottom is a dog NPC toon who is located in Mickey Toon Hall in the Toontown Central playground. As president of the Toon Council, he governs Toontown in many ways. This includes hosting special parties, organizing grand openings, giving out prizes for Toontown contests, and revealing upcoming events and features. First seen in the Toontorial, Flippy will introduce and instruct toons to use SpeedChat and SpeedChat Plus. Later, he will assign ToonTasks to help new toons learn the basics of the game. After toons get done with every ToonTask, they will be sent to Flippy to receive their final Bossbot cog suit part.
  • Flippy was Hugh's dummy and later a villain in one episode. Flippy got on Judy's nerves after Hugh spent all the grocery money on him. Much to her pleasure, Jimmy was forced to use him as firewood to launch the monster strapped to the rocket in "Attack of the Twonkies" back to Twonkus-3. Later, Flippy reappeared in the episode "Flippy" as Flippy 2 that looks exactly like the original. Jimmy put a funny chip into Flippy to improve Hugh's jokes. But since the chip was connected to Hugh brain, Flippy came to life by slowly starting to steal Hugh's brain, leaving him a mindless zombie. Jimmy was able to defeat Flippy and turned him back into a lifeless puppet, thus returning Hugh back to normal. But at the end of the episode it was shown he still might be alive. He is voiced by Mark DeCarlo.
  • Chi è Flippy? Un orsetto verdognolo, da non confondere con quel rompicoglioni di Word, che chiunque potrebbe scambiare per la mascotte dell'esercito USA. Concepito sotto forma di cartone animato molto popolare su TuTubo, Flippy è un militare professionista con tendenze omicide che lo portano a eliminare i malcapitati che gli stanno intorno nei modi più fantasiosi. Il suo migliore amico si chiama Babby l'orsetto.
  • Flippy is a Moderator for Club Penguin Rewritten.
  • Flippy is a light green male brown bear.
  • File:Flippy zan .gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Flippy is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends, its spin-off series, Ka-Pow!, and a playable character in the False Alarm video game, along with being the final boss of Deadeye Derby.
  • Flippy is also an NPC that you may have to rescue in the Sellbot VP Battle (Therefore, he is a SOS Toon as well as a NPC) Completing the battle and rescuing him will give you his SOS Card, which is a 5-star Toon-Up SOS. Flippy is also the supposed President of Toontown. In the Toontorial of the game, he introduces Chat and Speedchat to you. This plays a VERY important part of the game, especially on Halloween. When he asks you to speak, say "Toontastic!" on Halloween if you're a cat and you'll be turned into a Black Cat!
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