  • Episode 6944 (10th November 2008)
  • Ken's been up early looking after Simon. He's annoyed with Peter. Sally and Kevin fuss round Rosie who's secretly enjoying the attention. John keeps phoning Fiz from the police station where he's being held. Fiz makes it clear that she doesn't want to speak to him. Dan offers to sell the Bookmaker's Shop to Peter but Peter says he's not interested. David arrives back from London having passed his driving test. Tina's pleased to have him back. Peter nips to The Kabin for cigarettes, leaving Simon on his own. Kirk and Chesney leave for South Africa. Julie and Fiz see them off. Sally, Wiki, Kelly, Julie and Sean are furious when they discover that their wages haven't gone in. Ken's appalled when he finds Simon home alone. He and Peter have a full-scale row. Graeme arrives at the Platts house
story associates
  • 6944
  • 2008-11-07
Executive Producer
  • 2008-11-10
script editor
Production code
Story Editor
  • 2008-11-10
  • Ken's been up early looking after Simon. He's annoyed with Peter. Sally and Kevin fuss round Rosie who's secretly enjoying the attention. John keeps phoning Fiz from the police station where he's being held. Fiz makes it clear that she doesn't want to speak to him. Dan offers to sell the Bookmaker's Shop to Peter but Peter says he's not interested. David arrives back from London having passed his driving test. Tina's pleased to have him back. Peter nips to The Kabin for cigarettes, leaving Simon on his own. Kirk and Chesney leave for South Africa. Julie and Fiz see them off. Sally, Wiki, Kelly, Julie and Sean are furious when they discover that their wages haven't gone in. Ken's appalled when he finds Simon home alone. He and Peter have a full-scale row. Graeme arrives at the Platts house having been released from the Young Offenders Institute. David tells him that he can stay. Janice tells the factory girls that she's doing community service in the cafĂ© at the hospital. Blanche opens the door to a social worker. Peter's shamefaced admitting he called them whilst Ken's disappointed in his son.