  • Mienai
  • Moto Ugai was a bushi of the Unicorn Clan. He lost his nerve before the Battle of Toshi Ranbo, and became a deserter of the Khan's army. Ugai made his way to the ronin village of Nanashi Mura, and began to run the sake house Broken Jar under the name of Mienai. He lived in constant fear that the Unicom would find him and force him to commit seppuku for his failure.
  • Moto Ugai was a bushi of the Unicorn Clan. He lost his nerve before the Battle of Toshi Ranbo, and became a deserter of the Khan's army. Ugai made his way to the ronin village of Nanashi Mura, and began to run the sake house Broken Jar under the name of Mienai. He lived in constant fear that the Unicom would find him and force him to commit seppuku for his failure.