  • Mon
  • MON
  • Mon
  • Mon
  • Mon
  • Mon
  • When approached by the player, they leap high and fast. Since it has no protection, just jump on it or spin on it to destroy it. They also resemble the Coconuts enemy from the classic games.
  • Chercher "mon" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Mon (モン Mon?) – robot pojawiający się w grze Sonic Advance 2.
  • Mon m. (singular) 1. * My.
  • Mon is an item from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It is a currency created by Kilton, the proprietor of the Fang and Bone shop. Kilton will buy monster parts from Link in exchange for Mon, which can only be spent at Fang and Bone. The symbol for the currency is a skull.
  • Mon is a city in Montreal of Canada. It is very run-down and partially destroyed after an air crash.
  • Mon was a term used for Rokugani family crests. They were somewhat like coats of arms in that they were either associated with a particular family, or an individual who had achieved some variety of public recognition. Crests added formality to a kimono. Also it displayed the person's affiliation to those around him/her.
  • MON es la abreviatura de "simon". Esto lo decimos cuando alguien dise algo absurdo o que simplemente no cres que sea verdadero.. por ejemplo: "Mi papá es Bill Gates" tu dices "..mon" como queriendo tomar a loco el comentario
  • A Blue played by Hannah Rothman in The Music Box. Mon (Monny) Female 17 Status: graffiti artist and colorshock junkie. Hangs out with the band The Time Raiders and their crew. Her dealer is Fry. Mon threaded her way through the crowds, her fingers tap-taping against her knees as she moved, her paint-cans clacking rhythmically in her backpack. Her eyes swept through the people, looking for neutral tones among the maelstrom of color that danced and swayed to the raucous music on the stage.
  • (Also: "-mon(s)". Short for "Monster.") Sometimes, magical powers just aren't directly available, or if they are, it's not enough to take down the Big Bad Monster threatening the world. That's when it comes in really handy to have your own servant Monster capable of massive property damage. Or several. You're The Kid with the Remote Control now. Or maybe you just like fighting in tournaments without actually putting yourself at risk. The settings in Mons series tend to vary greatly often being a bizarre mixture of Serious Business and Mundane Fantastic, but there are some common story types.
  • When Mon was a girl, she lived on Korriban, not knowing her parents. She spent most of her time with her big brother, Razor, who got him self into trouble a lot. She was brought up to be a bounty hunter and learned to fire a gun at a young age. She spent her teen years hunting on Umbara and learning to fight, she developed amazing healing skills but also became a serious killer. It was on Umbara that she met a Jedi whose name was Gunn, in need of help. He was acompanied by two clones.
image name
  • Mon.png
show alternate image tabs
  • y
Former Squad
  • The Dark Side Brotherhood
  • Raskta Midihisker
Physical description box color
  • white
  • Mon.png
show handedness
  • y
  • Mon
Battle Class box color
  • white
Planet Icon
  • Korriban
  • y
  • Pomarańczowo-szary
Battle Class font color
  • black
Show Mercenary Battle Class
  • y
  • None
Biographical information font color
  • black
Biographical information box color
  • white
Chronological and political information box color
  • white
Physical description font color
  • black
show Battle Class
  • y
Chronological and political information font color
  • black
Show Sith Battle Class
  • y
Squad Rank
  • Leader
Title box color
  • white
  • Fang and Bone shop
Box Title
  • Mon
  • Red
  • Sith
  • Black
  • Mon
Sith tab title
  • Sith Gear
Show Leader icon
  • y
sith image name
  • Mon Sith Gear.png
Title font color
  • black
  • Enemy of All
  • 132.0
  • 480.0
  • Human
  • Fang and Bone's currency
  • Sith Lord
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Korriban
  • Leqi Kelso Padme Midilander AFTERSHOCK Midilander Ben Midilander Darth Silvernight Darth Reign Razor Shadowfire
  • Pale
  • Female
  • Unknown
  • Darth Titanic
  • Unknown
border color
  • white
wikipage disambiguates
CWAC Theme
  • y
  • Wykonywanie fikołków
  • When approached by the player, they leap high and fast. Since it has no protection, just jump on it or spin on it to destroy it. They also resemble the Coconuts enemy from the classic games.
  • Chercher "mon" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • (Also: "-mon(s)". Short for "Monster.") Sometimes, magical powers just aren't directly available, or if they are, it's not enough to take down the Big Bad Monster threatening the world. That's when it comes in really handy to have your own servant Monster capable of massive property damage. Or several. You're The Kid with the Remote Control now. Or maybe you just like fighting in tournaments without actually putting yourself at risk. Mon range up and down the scale in terms of intelligence, power, and appearance. Some are almost mindless, while some are far, far smarter than their so-called "masters." Likewise, whether they're servants, partners, or just another race depends on the series. Some Mons may be controllable by The Beast Master, but it's not a requirement. Relationships and emotions tend to have heavy emphasis in Mon series. Good relations with Mon are recommended, as The Power of Friendship usually serves to make your Mon more powerful and loyal to your cause. Apathetic or cruel treatment, on the other hand, may cause them to run away, turn on you, or bring about the end of the world. The settings in Mons series tend to vary greatly often being a bizarre mixture of Serious Business and Mundane Fantastic, but there are some common story types. * Type 1: The Pokémon style method. The Mon are either analogous to real world animals except with super powers, artificial beings, or intelligent monsters that join you to become stronger. The main characters goal is to collect all species of Mon and use them to fight as proxies in a tournament in order To Be a Master. This version tends to appear most often in games. Popular examples include Pokémon, Monster Rancher, and the Dragon Quest Monsters games. * Type 2: The Mon are sapient beings who partner with humans to fight the Big Bad in order to Save the World. The Digimon and Monster Rancher anime are examples of this type. * Type 3: The main character has limited or no magic ability and must persuade hostile Mons to join their side in combat in order to accomplish their own goals. This is the version seen in the original Shin Megami Tensei games. * Type 4: Type 4 is often a deconstruction of Type 1. Often taking place in a Dystopian world where the Mon are depicted as slaves fighting in a Blood Sport, such as in Alien Dice. Or the Mon are a deadly Attack Animal/Living Weapon who's usage by humans leads inevitably to chaos, death and destruction such as in Devil Survivor. The first example of this trope is Shin Megami Tensei series, which makes it the Trope Maker. The Trope Codifier, Pokémon is the poster child for this trope, being both the most famous and the most successful example. This means that a lot of Mons Series are falsely accused of being Pokémon ripoffs (especially if they dare to use the word "Mon" in the title or creature names) because many people seem to think Pokémon is the only original Mons Series and that all others are ripoffs. Then again, you may wonder if Nintendo copied off of Atlus for their own series. Shin Megami Tensei is, after all, ten years older than Pokémon. May overlap with Our Monsters Are Weird if the roster of creatures is big enough. Also a type of Attack Animal. Occasionally, mons will get an Inconvenient Summons. Jarringly powerful Mons are Olympus Mons, while totally pathetic ones are Com Mons. Compare and Contrast Cool Pet as well as Summon Magic. See also The Beast Master and Bond Creatures. May function as a Guardian Entity. For an index of works based around this trope, see the Mons Series index. For those who want to start their own, we have a handy guide on writing one right here. Not to be confused with mon, a historical currency in Japan, or with mon, a Japanese symbol similar to a coat of arms in European heraldry, or Doraemon for that matter. Examples of Mon include:
  • When Mon was a girl, she lived on Korriban, not knowing her parents. She spent most of her time with her big brother, Razor, who got him self into trouble a lot. She was brought up to be a bounty hunter and learned to fire a gun at a young age. She spent her teen years hunting on Umbara and learning to fight, she developed amazing healing skills but also became a serious killer. It was on Umbara that she met a Jedi whose name was Gunn, in need of help. He was acompanied by two clones. She offered her assistance to guide them to the sith temple, as she knew her way around Umbara very well. The Jedi sensed that Mon has some power in the force, he offered to train her. He took her to the Jedi order, but she was rejected by Yoda. After this, she decided to train on her own, still staying in touch with the Jedi. Mon was never a Jedi, nor did she ever want to be. She continued to live life as a bounty hunter for a few more years while she was learning to use her force powers. It was a while later when she found out that her Jedi friend had turned Sith and was planning to destroy a planet on the outter rim. When she next met him he looked Jedi, she realised that he was not going to tell her of his dark secret. Mon let this slip and later fell in love with him and he soon marryed her. Every thing was going well and they had a child together who soon grew up and left to become a young Jedi Padawan.
  • Mon (モン Mon?) – robot pojawiający się w grze Sonic Advance 2.
  • Mon m. (singular) 1. * My.
  • Mon is an item from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It is a currency created by Kilton, the proprietor of the Fang and Bone shop. Kilton will buy monster parts from Link in exchange for Mon, which can only be spent at Fang and Bone. The symbol for the currency is a skull.
  • Mon is a city in Montreal of Canada. It is very run-down and partially destroyed after an air crash.
  • Mon was a term used for Rokugani family crests. They were somewhat like coats of arms in that they were either associated with a particular family, or an individual who had achieved some variety of public recognition. Crests added formality to a kimono. Also it displayed the person's affiliation to those around him/her.
  • MON es la abreviatura de "simon". Esto lo decimos cuando alguien dise algo absurdo o que simplemente no cres que sea verdadero.. por ejemplo: "Mi papá es Bill Gates" tu dices "..mon" como queriendo tomar a loco el comentario
  • A Blue played by Hannah Rothman in The Music Box. Mon (Monny) Female 17 Status: graffiti artist and colorshock junkie. Hangs out with the band The Time Raiders and their crew. Her dealer is Fry. Mon threaded her way through the crowds, her fingers tap-taping against her knees as she moved, her paint-cans clacking rhythmically in her backpack. Her eyes swept through the people, looking for neutral tones among the maelstrom of color that danced and swayed to the raucous music on the stage. She found Fry at the edge of the crowd. He was swaying slightly to the music, but his eyes, like her, were more on the people. She called out to get his attention, finally waving a hand at him. "Fry! Hey, Fry." He looked over at her. She cocked her head and stretched out a forearm, tapping it with paint-smeared fingers. He nodded and she ducked closer. "I want a little more than usual." She told him. "I want to try something." He raised his eyebrows at her, but when he swayed towards her again, he slipped an extra vial of 'shock into her palm. She grinned at him and closed her eyes, cueing her bitmites to transfer him the payment. Checking on her funds, she grimaced a bit. Her savings weren't lasting her long. Sighing, she slid back from the crowds and slipped the 'shock into her pocket before threading her way through the streets towards the Grey Sector. She stopped at the edge, her toes against the line where everything smeared. The street beneath her feet was chaotic, fading color against fading color staining it like a sunset, but ahead of her it turned swirling and blank, all the character and history shading into monochrome. The walls here were covered with her tags, but not in the brilliant jewel-tones she worked with - black and white and grey came from her cans, when she leaned over the edge to paint. She drew a brush from behind her ear, and a small metal bowl she'd found earlier in the week from her pack. She put the bowl on the ground and very carefully poured a dollop of 'shock into it. She dipped her brush, wiped it once, twice on the edge, and drew a line of color through the grey. Grinning, she did it again, slashes of rainbow against the wall. She added curls and dots and lines, triangles and squares, a complex knot of color forming, from the outside it, MON. When the 'shock was gone, leaving the bowl iridescent and strange, she sat back a moment. But her mind ached with need and her ego was quieter, so she packed up. She wound her way through the streets, back towards the band. Here and there a gangster leaned up against a building, staring up at the show in the sky. As she got closer and closer there were more and more people, eyes half closed as they watched the dance of the colors against the clouds and listened to the blending of voice and drum and guitar. She found a place among them, hands shaking, and slipped the second vial from her pocket. She attached the syringe and rolled up her sleeve, placing the needle against her skin, and fell into the music.