  • Hermaphrodite
  • Hermaphrodites were those creatures with both a jiggly thingy AND lovely lady lumps. Except Hutts, which alternated between male and female genders during their lifetime. Which is kind of a good thing, because imagining the slug equivalent of either body part is...not inviting...
  • bonsoir a tous et a toutes
  • Fecking weirdos that have both bits and scares you in bed.
  • Hermaphrodite is an animal or plant that normally possesses both male and female reproductive systems. In some species such as the Hermat, this is a natural phenomenon in which all members of the species share, while in other species such as Humans, it is an extremely rare genetic mutation. Such individuals often identify as intersexed rather than traditional male or female identities, though it is not unheard of for some to choose a gender for others to refer to them by.
  • A Hemaphrodite is one who has both male and female reproductive organs. They are king of like Transsexuals and Transgender people. They exist so they can be another special interest group liberals can cater to.
  • In biology, a hermaphrodite was an organism that had reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes. Despite their female-sounding voices, Alpha Centaurans were hermaphrodites and properly referred to as "it". Nevertheless, the Third Doctor generally used the masculine to refer to the Federation ambassador to Peladon. (TV: The Curse of Peladon) Chelonians were hermaphrodites and all members could lay eggs. Despite this, Chelonians were referred to as males. (PROSE: The Crystal Bucephalus)
  • Hermaphrodites were a genetically-altered subspecies of humans with both male and female organs, created approximately 200 years BMVK during the rush of experimentation brought on by the invention of the uterine replicator. Beta Colony had a population of hermaphrodites, most of whom lived in the community Quartz. Hermaphrodites often preferred to be referred to by the gender-neutral "it" rather than "he", "him", "she", or "her". In polite address, the term "honorable herm" was approximately equivalent to "gentleman" or "lady".
  • Hermaphrodism refered to having two or more sexual characteristics or biological functions combined. Unlike the androgynous, hermaphrodites had the capability of being male or female during a sexual process, or undergoing a functional transformation from one gender to another. The Tholians were a hermaphroditic species, in which individuals have both male and female characteristics. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")
  • Greek mythology originally referred to Hermaphrodite as "King Of The Gods." They later decided that this didn't fit, so they called It "Queen Of The Gods." This was also later changed, and after several other names were suggested to no avail, the Greeks finally got pissed off and made Zeus the King. Hermaphrodite was then demoted to being a "waterperson" for the Mount Olympus All-Star Baseball team, and cleaning the floors of Zeus' kingdom. This made Hermaphrodite very angry, and It exacted revenge by cloning Itself several thousand times by can think about that one on your own....
  • Hermaphrodites were those creatures with both a jiggly thingy AND lovely lady lumps. Except Hutts, which alternated between male and female genders during their lifetime. Which is kind of a good thing, because imagining the slug equivalent of either body part is...not inviting...
  • Hermaphrodism refered to having two or more sexual characteristics or biological functions combined. Unlike the androgynous, hermaphrodites had the capability of being male or female during a sexual process, or undergoing a functional transformation from one gender to another. The Tholians were a hermaphroditic species, in which individuals have both male and female characteristics. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly") Some of the actors who played other Xindi Council members decided that Dolim was hermaphroditic. (Star Trek: Communicator issue 151, pp. 52) In the Star Trek: New Frontier novel series, the Hermat species is described as also having this type of sexual makeup.
  • bonsoir a tous et a toutes
  • Fecking weirdos that have both bits and scares you in bed.
  • Hermaphrodites were a genetically-altered subspecies of humans with both male and female organs, created approximately 200 years BMVK during the rush of experimentation brought on by the invention of the uterine replicator. Beta Colony had a population of hermaphrodites, most of whom lived in the community Quartz. Hermaphrodites often preferred to be referred to by the gender-neutral "it" rather than "he", "him", "she", or "her". In polite address, the term "honorable herm" was approximately equivalent to "gentleman" or "lady". Bel Thorne was probably the best-known hermaphrodite in the Vorkosigan Saga.
  • Greek mythology originally referred to Hermaphrodite as "King Of The Gods." They later decided that this didn't fit, so they called It "Queen Of The Gods." This was also later changed, and after several other names were suggested to no avail, the Greeks finally got pissed off and made Zeus the King. Hermaphrodite was then demoted to being a "waterperson" for the Mount Olympus All-Star Baseball team, and cleaning the floors of Zeus' kingdom. This made Hermaphrodite very angry, and It exacted revenge by cloning Itself several thousand times by can think about that one on your own.... The Hermaphrodite clones proved to be extremely destructive causing plague and famine throughout the land. After countless citizens had perished, Zeus finally stopped the madness. Hermaphrodite was called up in status, being made the god(ess) of love beauty and transsexuality, as a practical joke between the gods. Unfortunately for Zeus, the joke backfired with devastating results. Hermaphrodite used Its new powers to make every Greek person so hideous that they would not reproduce anymore. As a result, the entire Greek society died out. After this incident, Hermaphrodite earned the reputation of a violent, feared deity. Except by the other gods, who made fun of Hermaphrodite relentlessly.
  • Hermaphrodite is an animal or plant that normally possesses both male and female reproductive systems. In some species such as the Hermat, this is a natural phenomenon in which all members of the species share, while in other species such as Humans, it is an extremely rare genetic mutation. Such individuals often identify as intersexed rather than traditional male or female identities, though it is not unheard of for some to choose a gender for others to refer to them by.
  • A Hemaphrodite is one who has both male and female reproductive organs. They are king of like Transsexuals and Transgender people. They exist so they can be another special interest group liberals can cater to.
  • In biology, a hermaphrodite was an organism that had reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes. Despite their female-sounding voices, Alpha Centaurans were hermaphrodites and properly referred to as "it". Nevertheless, the Third Doctor generally used the masculine to refer to the Federation ambassador to Peladon. (TV: The Curse of Peladon) Chelonians were hermaphrodites and all members could lay eggs. Despite this, Chelonians were referred to as males. (PROSE: The Crystal Bucephalus) The Sloathes, (PROSE: Sky Pirates!) the Brascans (PROSE: Kursaal), and the Torcaldians (PROSE: The Ruins of Time) were also hermaphrodites. There seemed to be no visual distinction between male or female Ood, which might suggest that they were hermaphrodites; however, when Donna called an Ood "it", the Tenth Doctor corrected her, saying she should call the Ood a "he". (TV: Planet of the Ood)
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